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Activating believers to evangelism and mobilizing missionaries all over the world. What started as a dream in our hearts became a reality on February 23, 2019. Where nearly 60,000 people joined together with 250,000 people online to unite around Jesus and declare one thing – A WAR ON INACTION. First, with our voice and then with our lives.
10/40 Connections 7/11/2018
Among Urdu speakers, literacy merges with disciple-making instruction. With two motorcycles, four teachers, 11 villages, and nearly 200 students these classes reach into remote villages and lift up whole families and communities. Last year 65 people accepted Christ and in the process they also learned to read. Some read the Christmas story for the first time, another correctly read a contract and saved his family from being cheated, and older man gave a huge smile, & a young mom signed her name.
10/40 Connections 9/1/2009
At the border between Nepal and India, many young girls & women are trafficked into India. 10/40 has established a 25-bed safe home for victims of trafficking. Rescue at the borders leads to learning vocational skills & finding reputable jobs after leaving the home. When women return to their villages they often plant churches. The strategy enables us to extend both the justice & hope of Christ.
10/40 Connections 7/26/2017
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves!” says Proverbs 31:8. Our Voice for the Voiceless curriculum instructs audiences about the God-given value of females and the babies they carry. Merging science and the Gospel, audiences understand women’s health, baby development, nutrition, and the truth of abortion (from the pro-life side). Domestic violence declines, repentance increases, families heal, and lives are spared from death. $5,850 will open a new language and train teachers.
10/40 Connections 3/22/2018
"Deep hope" - that is the meaning of Ummeed, our church planting and leadership development process. The majority of these first generation Christians show hot hearts for Jesus, and God has moved powerfully through these humble sisters. Over the past 11 years we have equipped more than 1,400 women as church planters, and they labor among 53 people groups (at least!). Equipping 40 women for a whole year involves two, week-long intensive sessions and costs $2.700.
20schemes 1/11/2022
We are involved in church planting and revitalization, Ragged school of Theology, 20Schemes music, 20Schemes Women, 20Schemes retrain.
25 Project 2/6/2018
Children belong in families, not on the streets and not in institutions. The 25 Project works to see that the dream of a home and a family becomes a reality while continually pointing each child to a transforming relationship with Jesus. One small but significant way in which you can get involved with the 25 Project is “25 for 25.” Through an investment of only 25 cents a day (just $7.50/month), you can tangibly be a part of hope and healing to orphan and vulnerable children.
4word 11/14/2019
4word is the only global organization for Christian women in the workplace led by women. 4word connects women to others who are walking the same journey. Relationships are fostered locally in 4word Local Groups across the U.S., in active online communities with a global reach, and through the 4word Mentor Program, connecting one mentee to one mentor.
7 Hills Church 11/13/2019
As long as there are people in our community who are unchurched, we want to find ways to reach them. We want people who do not know Christ to come to church and experience a revolution. We do not judge people when they come, we allow them time to experience God’s life changing grace. We will let the unchurched population determine our growth. We are relentless about seeing Heaven multiplied.
70x7 Life Recovery 6/6/2019
70x7 exists to catalyze the church, commerce, and communities to turn the cycle of incarceration and its consequences into a cycle of restoration and hope. We bring hope to men and women coming home from prison or jail by providing meaningful community, employment success, and a deepening relationship with God.
A Center of Hope CPC 12/10/2020
Women’s Health and Wellness Clinic of Walton is a ministry dedicated to communicating truth to abortion-vulnerable women and families and offering compassionate care by providing life-affirming resources. Healthy Families Living Christ-Centered Lives, Practicing Purity, Pursuing and Promoting the Sanctity of Human Life.
A Door of Hope Pregnancy Center 5/2/2011
Please consider contributing to A Door of Hope Pregnancy Center as our caring staff give free services such as pregnancy tests, confidential support, community referrals, ultrasounds, and more to the women in the local community.
A Rocha USA 12/6/2018
A Rocha is an international family of Christian conservation organizations. Our mission is restoring both people and places through collaborative, community-based conservation. We believe it is vital that Christians better understand our role in God’s full creation and our responsibilities to help it flourish. Working alongside a wide range of people and organizations; engaging churches, schools, neighborhood groups, and land-owners.
A21 1/2/2013
There are more slaves in the world today than at any other point in human history, with an estimated 27 million in bondage across the globe. Men, women, and children are being exploited for manual and sexual labor against their will. Your contribution will help to rescue, restore and rebuild the lives of victims of human trafficking and will bring awareness to those who are most at risk.
AbbaCare 11/15/2011
For those facing an unplanned pregnancy, it often seems they have no "choice" at all. At AbbaCare, we have the blessing of coming alongside women and couples who need hope, healing, and empowerment in order to choose life for their baby, and life-building decisions for their future. Your donation helps us reach women in the Northern Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and in the Martinsburg, WV area as well.
ABC Women's Clinic 11/5/2010
Lives are impacted daily! Because of your generosity, babies are saved and moms are made new creatures in Christ on a regular basis. Every week, life changing decisions are being made here at ABC Women's Clinic.
Abide in the Word 12/11/2023
Abide in the Word, formerly Downtown Bible Class, has been broadcasting in the Portland area since the spring of 1993. You can listen to the Abide in the Word radio broadcast every weekday on KPDQ AM & FM, or tune in any time of the day at this website or through the Abide app. Pastor Scott Gilchrist is the Bible teacher for this non-denominational Christian ministry whose purpose is to bring clear, Christ-centered Bible teaching to the state of Oregon and beyond through its radio programs and d
Abiding Fathers 9/11/2019
Abiding Fathers is not only a ministry for Christian men, but all types of dads. Encouraging, equipping, and engaging men in developing their God-ordained leadership role as fathers in order to make disciples for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Access Justice 12/6/2019
Metro Christian Legal Aid is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) ministry devoted to helping individuals with legal issues, individuals and churches in disputes and Christian non-profit organizations. This ministry serves those in need of legal aid by providing legal consulting services on a limited engagement basis. We will meet with individuals in financial, spiritual and legal need to consult, advise and provide guidance in legal matters and on legal issues.
Action International Ministries 8/12/2020
ACTION started working alongside small Filipino churches on the streets of Manila, ministering to street kids who had run away from home. From that small beginning, we have grown into an evangelical, interdenominational missionary-sending organization with workers in 30 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America.
Acts 29 US 4/10/2023
Acts 29 exists to plant churches worldwide. We offer church leaders decades of experience-proven training, guidance, and tools for planting churches designed to grow and thrive. The call to make disciples is answered most effectively through gospel-centered churches—join us in the mission.
Administer Justice 11/6/2015
Injustice can be overwhelming. The needs seem insurmountable and the resources limited. God is bigger than our limited resources! Will you share your loaves and fishes? Will you share two days wages? Will you be part of God’s miraculous work in the lives of broken people in need of gospel justice? Thank you for doing your part!
There is Hope! 8/30/2013
Adult & Teen Challenge of Kentucky 8/30/2013
We believe there is hope for every person trapped in addiction. At Adult & Teen Challenge KY (ATC-KY), we offer a message of hope and freedom through a relationship with Jesus Christ. We are committed to making that hope available to anyone who calls us, regardless of their ability to pay program fees. You can donate toward the ATC-KY scholarship fund, so we can offer program scholarships to men and women who desperately need recovery care but cannot afford the fees.
Adult and Teen Challenge of Arkansas 6/15/2011
Street Reach is an outreach program associated with Teen Challenge of Arkansas. The staff of Teen Challenge and students work with community volunteers to bring one week of games, Bible stories, music and fun to children living in public housing and low-income areas. Please give today to support this outreach program.
Advancing Native Missions 6/30/2021
More than 3 billion people around the world have not even heard the gospel message. They don't live near a church, there is no pastor in their community, and they may not even know a single Christian. Compassionate Christians like you are changing that by giving to ANM. Every day, the gospel is reaching someone for the very first time, giving them hope and transforming their life. You can share that hope with someone today.
Support ACGC! 5/2/2011
Advent Christian General Conference of America 5/2/2011
Our vision is to love God and love others by making followers of Jesus Christ. Please prayerfully consider making a donation to ACGC today and allow us to continue to do this important kingdom work that God has put before us!
Advent Christian Village 12/5/2008
Through Camp Suwannee, Advent Christian Village provides camping opportunities for mentally handicapped children, leadership camps for juniors and seniors in high school, and camping opportunities for children with financial needs.
Adventures in Missions 1/14/2010
Church-to-Church offers American churches the opportunity to spiritually and physically support a sister church internationally (examples: Haiti, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Peru, Nicaragua, Cuba, etc). These partnerships are also offered domestically in disaster relief areas and through our Native American ministries on Indian reservations throughout the United States. Please help us as we offer partnerships and true relationship in areas of great need.
Adventures in Missions 6/10/2010
Help families strengthen their bond and develop a "Great Commission-oriented" family mindset by serving together on the mission field for a week.
Adventures in Missions 6/10/2010
Support the Ambassador Mission Trip program in which high school students participate in trips from two weeks up to a month. Whether it’s a sports camp in Romania, a prayer walk in a Guatemalan volcano, or earthquake relief in Haiti, it will be an adventure they will never forget!
Adventures in Missions 6/10/2010
This initiative is based in the Red Light Districts of India to bring hope, redemption, and love to the women and children held captive in the darkness that surrounds them. Help us provide a safe place for the victims of sex and human trafficking rings.
Adventures in Missions 6/10/2010
This initiative seeks to empower internally displaced people in Kenya, Africa who have been refugees within their own country and living in tents since 2007. We focus on five areas of need: water, land, community center, a charcoal project, and businesses for women.
Adventures in Missions 6/10/2010
Help enable participants to experience opportunities, encounter God, and experience a passionate relationship with Him. As they step out of their comfort zones, this is a great opportunity to serve, grow, plant spiritual fruit, and minister side-by-side with others.
Advocates International 6/27/2018
AI's regional leadership organizes conferences for judges, lawyers, and law students to meet in fellowship to learn about serving Christ through the legal profession in the areas of the family, community, religious freedom, justice for the poor, rule of law, peace and reconciliation, and sanctity of human life. Some lawyers or law students who face financial hardship are sponsored to attend these meetings. AI staff also travels to these locations to support the work of our advocates.
Africa Inland Mission International 3/18/2020
We are a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa’s peoples. Through God’s grace, calling, and power, AIM is overcoming obstacles to make inroads and make disciples among Africa’s remaining unreached, wherever they may live – from the center of the continent to the cities of Europe. And through leadership training and mobilization of African missionaries, we are strengthening and partnering with African churches as we together engage the unreached.
Africa Inland Mission International 5/2/2011
Pray Africa is a ministry developed by AIM to equip men and women like you with information you need to learn about and to pray for Africa’s unreached peoples. Pray Africa provides information about specific groups – where they live and what their lives and cultures are like, so you can gain a broader understanding of who they are and how you can pray.
Africa New Life Ministries International 12/15/2010
This year, your year-end gift will position Africa New Life to enter 2020 equipped to meet the most important needs across all the communities we serve in Rwanda. Additionally, your gift will help us construct a permanent sponsorship office and nurse’s station in Karangazi, our newest community, so sponsored students there can receive the fullest academic, spiritual, and medical support from our community staff.
African Bible Colleges 11/19/2008
ABC Community Clinic shares the compassion of Jesus through serving African Bible College students, staff, and the surrounding community. We serves all facets of society by operating several clinics that are tailored to the cultural norms of our patients with our modern laboratory and x-ray that provide reliable testing. Our pharmacy is well stocked with quality medications and our doctors, clinicians, and nurses provide competent and compassionate care.
African Children's Mission 6/30/2020
For over two-decades, ACM has helped care for destitute children while sharing the true gospel with them. Over the years, we have seen many ACM sponsored children grow up to care for others the same way ACM cared for them. Additionally, ACM continues to provide deep discipleship and leadership training to local pastors and community members. Please visit our site to see what God is doing in and through ACM.
African Vision of Hope 2/6/2018
African Vision of Hope is a Christian organization committed to bringing immediate and lasting solutions to impoverished children and families of Zambia. We confront the root causes of poverty by providing opportunities to be educated, grow up healthy, develop leadership, economic skills, and learn about God’s love. Your generous gift will be used to meet the most critical needs of African Vision of Hope, enabling the ministry to better serve children in extreme poverty.
Agape Children's Ministry 12/5/2011
Since 1993, Agape Children's Ministry has been rescuing boys and girls from the streets of Kisumu, Kenya. You can join us in this work by sponsoring a bed (the Swahili word for bed is kitanda), where one of these rescued children now sleeps safely. The monthly cost of caring for one of our rescued boys or girls is $200. Your support will enable us to continue our work to rescue, redeem, rehabilitate, and reintegrate these beautiful children. Please join us!
Agape House 4/17/2018
Upholding the Agape House promise to never turn away a child in need requires generosity of resources and gracious giving of time and talents. Fees for the services we offer are kept low and a sliding-fee scale is used based on family income level, but still we must rely on the support of our friends. Participation in our programs has helped girls overcome abuse, stop self-destructive behaviors, and grow in their self- esteem.
It's Your Choice! 11/23/2010
Agape House of Northwest Tennessee 11/23/2010
Oasis Medical Clinic provides complete, accurate information, free lab-quality high-sensitivity pregnancy tests with immediate results, compassionate medical consultation and pregnancy consultation, and state-of-the-art ultrasound services to women and couples who are making decisions about unintended pregnancies.
Agape House of Prescott 6/6/2022
We exist to provide long-term transitional housing for families who are without a residence. We work to rebuild and transform families’ lives and prepare them for an independent and self-sustained future.Agape House of Prescott shows families in crisis love and support and share the hope of Jesus. Through discipleship, mentoring, life skills training, and interim housing for homeless families in crisis, Agape House has achieved an 86% success rate of families living independently one year after
Agape International Children Ministries 3/23/2023
We believe that the only hope for humanity is found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Introducing someone to the transformative power of Jesus is the first step in their journey to new life. We boldly share about the love of Jesus in every project at AICM knowing that the greatest need we could ever meet is humanity's need for Jesus Christ.
Agape Network 5/3/2011
South Florida Jail Ministries comprises a network of over 20 chaplains covering every jail facility of Miami-Dade County Corrections. SFJM provides more than 500 classes every month with thousands of inmates rehabilitated and restored to their families. If you would like to contribute to this ministry please contact us at 305-235-2616.
Agape Pregnancy Resource Center 7/14/2015
Because of your support, many lives have been saved, both physically and eternally. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us financially.
Sponsor a Child! 12/20/2012
Agape Way 12/20/2012
Many Chinese children live in extreme poverty in rural China villages and cannot afford school fees and tuition for public schools. With a little over $1 a day, you can sponsor a child for school expenses and partial living expenses. The sponsors can choose to communicate with their sponsored students and make a big difference in their lives. Sponsor a child today and make a difference in his/her life for eternity!
A Company! 5/3/2011
Aglow International 5/3/2011
Joining "A" Company is a way to continue building the House of Aglow. It is an opportunity that requires a monthly financial commitment of $20 or more. It is a declaration that you have staked your claim, laid a foundation and have joined together with others around the world to see the building process continue.
Aglow International 7/31/2014
There are an estimated 27 million human trafficking victims worldwide. Aglow has a call like Nehemiah: to build the wall of protection for trafficked children and adults by supporting anti-trafficking organizations through prayer, local partnership, and through education to spread awareness about anti-trafficking efforts and how to make a difference in your own community as well as around the world.
Aglow International 7/31/2014
Young people involved in Generations Project are uniquely impacting their world for Jesus. They are using their creative gifts to touch hearts, interact with their communities, and mature in their relationships with God and one another. They conduct Bible studies, dance, worship, young moms groups, as well as creative and sharing groups and mission travel in different parts of the world.
Aglow International 7/31/2014
The Global Leader Development section of the Aglow website contains current and strategic materials for developing todays champions, warriors and global leaders. You will find transcripts for messages, links to order DVDs, and teaching materials that will boost your upgrades! In addition there is a section of free materials that contain over 120 Bible studies in many different languages plus much more. Aglow excels in leader development and makes many leader resources available free.
Islam and Israel 7/31/2014
Aglow International 7/31/2014
God has given mandates to Aglow concerning Israel and Islam, the sons of Isaac and Ishmael. Now is the season when He has placed Israel and Islam on the world center stage. It is important that we have understanding if we are to effectively pray for them and reach out in the power of God's love. We do this through seminars, newletters, training, television and internet, corporate prayer, trips and relationships.
Aglow International 7/31/2014
Aglow is one of the largest global prayer networks in human history, mobilizing millions to pray at the press of an email, Facebook, or Twitter button. Led by the Holy Spirit, Aglow's prayer network has become a heaven-to-earth lightning rod for strategic prayer targeted to significant global issues. Join a prayer group, go on a prayer tour, pray targeted prayers for current global concerns, the capital cities of the nations of the world, the peace of Jerusalem, and much more.
Alaska Christian College 9/25/2019
The mission of Alaska Christian College is to empower Alaska Natives through biblically-based education and Christian formation to pursue excellence in character, learning, and service as followers of Christ. Our vision is to be the premier college of choice for Alaska Native students so that our graduates follow and serve Christ within the Church and larger society.
Alaska Freedom Journey 7/14/2016
Our heart at Alaska Freedom Journey is to be a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to bringing about healing and freedom from sin for the people of our lands through faith in Christ Jesus by: Training and growing Native leaders in ministry, partnering with organizations and individuals with the same vision, supporting Native ownership of ministry in the villages, towns and cities of our people, and building hope for the future by supporting children’s and teen ministry.
Alaska Village Missions 12/10/2020
Reaching Alaskans with the truth of God’s word, who will then be equipped to reach and disciple others both in and beyond Alaska
Aldersgate Renewal Ministries 5/3/2011
Have a vision to see every local church proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel in the character and power of Jesus Christ? Our mission is to equip every local church to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit through a strategy of dynamic learning experiences that teach adults, youth, and children how to live in the power of the Holy Spirit. ARM Family Partners resource this life-changing ministry through prayer, participation, promotion, and in providing financial resources.
Aldersgate Renewal Ministries 11/15/2013
Ministers who are serving out of the overflow of a fresh and dynamic walk with Christ empowered by the Spirit are essential to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. ARM offers an annual Minister & Spouse Retreat and a Ministers Retreat designed to encourage, empower, and equip those in local church ministry at deeply discounted rates. Resources are needed to underwrite these three day events filled with expressions of God's love in tangible ways.
Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Distrito de Puerto Rico 10/5/2020
Una Iglesia centrada en El Evangelio, llena del amor y el poder del Espíritu; para gloria de Dios, y gozo de PR y el mundo. Translation: We are a Church centered on the Gospel, filled with the love and power of the Spirit; to the glory of God, and the joy of PR and the world.
Align Life Ministries 7/9/2020
We’ve extended life-giving pregnancy services to families within Lebanon and Lancaster Counties for more than three decades. We’ve come alongside thousands of pregnant women who were vulnerable to the pressures of abortion—some believed that abortion was their only choice. We provide first trimester ultrasounds, present pregnancy options, and meet some of the multi-faceted needs of mothers and fathers who want to parent their babies.
Alive at Last 2/6/2020
Alive at Last staff and volunteers use a trauma-informed approach to help victims stabilize and feel safe. Victims are encouraged to heal from abuse in their past, but we allow them to decide when they are ready to step into a healing journey. We encourage people to move from victim to survivor to a place where they are thriving.
Alliance for Children Everywhere 4/1/2010
Seventy-five percent of Zambian young people never get beyond the seventh grade. We provide a solid educational foundation that includes Bible study, character building and moral ethics, transforming our students into productive citizens and Christian leaders. You can provide a scholarship for $200 annually. Sponsors receive a profile and picture. An update from your child is sent at the end of each three month term and you are invited to correspond further, if you desire.
Alliance for Children Everywhere 10/9/2014
When we find a family that can be helped toward self-sustainability with the gift of a few dollars we will help them purchase what they need to start that business. These gifts are under $200 and we do not ask that they be repaid but rather that the person help somone else when they are able.
Alliance South Central 9/30/2022
At Alliance South Central Ministries, we believe that lost people matter to God, Prayer is the Primary work of the people of God, everything we have belongs to God, knowing and obeying God’s word is fundamental to all true success, and achieving God’s purposes always involve taking faith-filled risks.
Alongside 10/20/2008
Alongside is a Christian counseling and retreat ministry for pastors and missionaries, many of whom cannot afford to pay for the counseling help that they so desparately need. Since it is our ministry's policy that we do not turn people away based on their ability to pay, we offer scholarships to those with demonstrated financial need. These scholarships are funded by donations from people who love and support the Lord's servants, and we very much appreciate their generosity!
Alongside Ministries International 12/15/2009
Working together with international churches to bring strength and renewal to the Church in Europe. Recruit, train, and send leadership called to a ministry of support and encouragement, as we work alongside churches and ministries, who have invited our help.
Alpha Grand Rapids 4/17/2018
Our hope is that every client will say that Alpha Women’s Center of Grand Rapids is the best place to go for help. Our model of personalized care ensures clients’ needs are met with expert help and genuine compassion. We walk alongside women who are experiencing challenging circumstances, such as an unplanned pregnancy, by providing a safe place to make choices. AWC empowers women to thrive by offering holistic care through free and confidential services.
Alpha International Ministries 2/15/2021
We support local believers by training and sustaining a local leader and their efforts to reach hard pressed communities. We create healthy communities through providing poverty-stricken children with biblical teaching and a first-class education, we are reaching communities with the gospel and helping to break the cycle of poverty.
Alpha Ministries International 8/7/2018
Our primary purpose is to equip and mobilize Christians in North America to share their personal born again experience of knowing Christ with people from other faiths through friendly relationships. Personal and friendly relationships open doors for discussions about spiritual issues and personal beliefs. As we introduce prisoners to new life in Christ, we also nurture their spiritual growth with Bible Studies. Help us establish bridges of friendship!
Alpha Omega Institute 5/3/2011
Society is in the midst of a cultural war. The church and family are under attack and our children are victims of valueless teaching and moral decay. Evolution is presented as “scientific fact” virtually everywhere. As a result, young and old alike are questioning their values and faith. Please consider supporting Alpha Omega Institute as we help to strengthen Christians, reach unbelievers, and help you and your family stand firm and defend your faith with boldness, gentleness, and confidence!
Alpha Pregnancy Center 7/27/2010
At Alpha Pregnancy Center, we offer assistance to women needing pregnancy services, abortion education, and abortion recovery. Services include pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, materials assistance, childbirth classes, Earn While You Learn parenting program, post abortion counseling and community referrals. Please contact us at 410-833-7864 if you are interested in giving to Alpha.
Alternatives 8/19/2009
Alternatives Women's Center is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Alternatives mission is to provide medical medical and educational services that empower women and men to make life affirming choices concerning pregnancy and sexual health. Our vision is to be the first choice for those facing an unplanned pregnancy and sexual health decisions. AWC is a fully licensed medical clinic. Services are free, staffed with 11 employees and 25 vol. We are financed by gifts from individuals and churches.
Alternatives Pregnancy Center 9/24/2021
Alternatives Pregnancy Center is a non-profit women’s medical health clinic licensed by the State of California. Founded in 1983, Alternatives is dedicated to meeting the medical, emotional, material, and spiritual needs of women facing unplanned pregnancies.
Alton Bay Campmeeting Association 5/9/2011
Also doing business under Alton Bay Christian Conference Center, we have created a place where Chiristians can refuel, connect and grow together. Please consider your contributions to this ministry as we help people seek the Father and Holy Spirit's voice in a safe spiritual oasis. If you wish to give to Alton Bay please contact us at or call 603-875-6161.
Amazi Water 5/3/2024
As the only Burundi NGO providing water relief, Amazi Water is poised to provide access to safe, clean water border-to-border by 2030. Amazi Water is poised to solve the biggest problem in one of the poorest countries in the world by drilling wells in every community in Burundi by 2030. When you partner with Amazi Water, you can rest assured that your giving matters. 100% of your gift funds water projects.
Amazon Outreach 4/1/2009
There are 33,000 unreached villages on the Amazon River and our goal is to adopt one tributary at a time providing a church and school within reach of every believer in every area. After evangelizing new believers, this ministry builds a place to worship and study God’s word. For the past 10 years Amazon Outreach’s short term teams have been serving the villagers by helping plant and build new churches while at the same time ministering to the spiritual and physical needs of the villagers.
Amazon Outreach 4/1/2009
Imagine a villager on a remote tributary of the Amazon River without glasses to see. It’s been years since they threaded a needle, hooked a fish, or read their Bible. Amazon Outreach’s short term teams minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the villagers. Thousands of glasses are given for clear vision while at the same time a new vision for Christ is presented. Amazon Outreach has the opportunity to reach thousands of lives in the 33,000 unreached villages on the river.
Amazon Outreach 4/1/2009
This ministry’s focus is to provide clean drinking water for the Brazilians living along the thousands of tributaries of the Amazon River. Our goal is to drill water wells in villages while at the same time sharing the gospel with those who have never heard. Headed up by a Brazilian drilling team equipped with a water well drilling boat, Amazon Outreach has the potential opportunity to reach thousands of lives in the 33,000 unreached villages on the river.
Ambassadors Football 1/7/2014
Ambassadors Football began as Ambassadors In Sport (AIS) in Bolton, England. The ministry was founded by a group called Missionary Athletes International focused from the beginning to partner with churches and Christian organizations to develop grassroots football ministry. Ambassadors Football exists and continues to grow through the generous donations of people like yourself. Please join us in reaching the world for Christ.
Support AFC! 5/3/2011
Ambassadors for Christ - Paradise, PA 5/3/2011
We at Ambassadors for Christ are grateful for the many dedicated and faithful people who support this ministry financially. It is through God’s grace and the partnership of AFC supporters, their gifts and prayers, AFC is able to reach and disciple Chinese intellectuals in even more campuses in the US and expand the campus ministry to Europe. Please prayerfully consider giving to the ministries of AFC today.
Ambassadors for Christ International 5/3/2011
We believe that the mission of the church is truly international and that leadership for world missions should be a cooperative effort involving input from many nations, not just one nation taking their ideas to the world. As we work to train up leaders for the church all around the world, join us in praying for God to use AFCI in empowering His church to reach more people. Please consider your contributions to help sustain and expand the ministry of AFCI.
Ambassadors for Christ International-USA 5/3/2011
We are a fellowship of gospel preachers and teachers with a clear eternal perspective who have been called by God to preach Christ. Our Christ-centered, Spirit-filled evangelists are devoted to righteous living. We are committed to the body of Christ; the Church, and seek to be a catalyst for revival, evangelism and training of believers throughout the world. Please help support this ministry as we carry on the work of the Lord through His provision.
America Prays 10/6/2022
America Prays is a movement of united prayer. We are a family of believers, churches, ministries, and businesses covering America in day and night prayer. We are a multiethnic, interdenominational, Jesus-centered prayer movement.
America's Keswick 10/19/2009
Addiction Recovery Ministries at America’s KESWICK is a multifaceted, cutting-edge Christian ministry that serves men, women and children impacted by the ravages of Addiction and other life-dominating behaviors. The Colony of Mercy is a 120-day, men’s residential program serving men 18 and over. The Women of Character program is designed to serve wives and fiancée’s of the men in the Colony. The children of the men in the Colony have the opportunity to participate in Colony Kids of Promise.
Support AAC! 4/4/2014
American Anglican Council 4/4/2014
Your financial support is vital to the mission and ministry of the AAC as we STAND for faithful, orthodox Anglicanism in North America. We are thankful for the trust you place in the AAC.
American Association of Christian Schools 5/16/2012
Quality Christian education is a primary goal of AACS member schools. Outstanding educational programs are offered by AACS to help member schools enrich their academic programs. These include school accreditation, teacher certification, achievement testing, and others. The AACS is dedicated to quality, innovation, and excellence in education. Please donate today to help Christian schools enhance their academic programs.
American Heritage Girls 11/17/2008
The American Heritage Girls' message, program, deliverability and effectiveness has been proven over the past twenty years. The AHG National Growth initiative is based on creating volunteer Leadership Teams in each community to enhance membership growth, program delivery and volunteer engagement. Funds are needed to train and provide support to Leadership Team members.
American Scientific Affiliation 11/12/2012
The American Scientific Affiliation's (ASA) unique mission is to integrate, communicate, and facilitate properly researched science and theology in service to the Church and the scientific community. Additionally, the ASA is committed to advising churches and our society on how best to employ science and technology while preserving the integrity of God's creation.
Amerson Music Ministries 5/28/2024
The vision of Amerson Music Ministries is to act as an agent of Jesus Christ to reach the un-churched, change lives and influence culture with an encouraging and uplifting message of hope and joy that is found in Christ Jesus. The mission of Amerson Music Ministries is to assist Steve Amerson in utilizing his God-given gifts and talents to help build the Kingdom of God here on earth.
AMG International 8/27/2021
Christ-centered program managing thousands of cases of abuse, neglect, and trauma in the dangerous urban settlements of Guatemala City. In partnership with IJM International Justice Mission, children are being rescued and restored while violaters are brought to justice. Also doing extensive work with the justice system, advocating for children's rights and proteciton.
Disaster Relief 2/2/2010
AMG International 2/2/2010
Faced with emergencies such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and flooding, AMG International's disaster relief ministry stands ready to provide desperately needed assistance when the need arises. AMG International has a long history of disaster relief. In fact, AMG was born in the 1940’s to help provide for the needs, both physical and spiritual, of war-torn Greece during and following World War II.
AMG International 8/21/2013
AMG National Workers are the hands and feet of AMG in the countries where we work; men and women reaching out to their own people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. AMG Missionaries serve in numerous countries around the world in various capacities. Some are church planters, others help lead our ministries alongside our national leadership while others provide support roles that are vital to the effective proclamation of the Gospel in their cultural context.
Medical Care 8/21/2013
AMG International 8/21/2013
Showing the love of Christ through medical care quickly breaks down walls and opens hearts. AMG operates medical facilities ranging in scope from basic-care clinics in places like Haiti and Uganda, to leprosy clinics and an ophthalmological surgery center in India, to the state-of-the art, full-service St. Luke's hospital in Greece.
Help Offer Hope! 12/6/2024
Amnion Women's Center 12/6/2024
Amnion’s mission is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and to protect and advocate for the sanctity of all human life, born and unborn, through the provision of abortion alternative services that empower mothers to choose life.
Anabaptist Foundation 9/1/2011
The Anabaptist Foundation Charitable Gift Fund Program is a tool that enables you to support the charities of your choice while receiving a tax deduction, protecting your privacy, and simplifying giving. You may contribute cash, securities, real estate, commodities, or anything on which a fair market value can be placed. In return, you have the privilege to recommend when the gifts will be distributed and which charities will benefit.
Ancient Promise Ministries 1/7/2020
We establish the kingdom of Jesus Christ by equipping God's people to discover Him, know Him, and serve Him. We are a group of God’s people compelled to see lives transformed by God’s Spirit through His Word. We teach, train, and develop discipleship tools with an emphasis on understanding the meaning of His Word. We take time to help people discover God’s truth and walk in it.
Partner With Us! 8/11/2014
Anglican Frontier Missions 8/11/2014
At AFM we need your support to see the Good News rooted in the hearts and minds of peoples who have limited, or no, access to the Gospel. We partner with members of the Anglican Communion from around the world for this endeavor. Please join us in this important ministry opportunity.
Another Way Pregnancy Center 9/12/2019
Another Way Pregnancy Center exists to provide life-affirming choices by offering faith-based hope, support, and compassion while encouraging self-respect for those experiencing pregnancy or related concerns. We have always strived to save the lives of unborn babies at risk of abortion by serving the women and men facing unplanned or difficult pregnancies. Your donations enable us to help families in our community and supports our work of rescuing and restoring precious lives.
Creation Museum! 11/24/2009
Answers in Genesis 11/24/2009
The state-of-the-art 70,000 square foot museum brings the pages of the Bible to life, casting its characters and animals in dynamic form and placing them in familiar settings. Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden. Children play and dinosaurs roam near Eden’s Rivers. Majestic murals, great masterpieces brimming with pulsating colors and details, provide a backdrop for many of the settings. Your donation will help us continue with the upkeep and expenses for the museum.
Appleton Alliance Church 11/13/2019
You matter to Jesus and because of that, you matter to us. We are an interdenominational church with people from many different walks of life who all have two main things in common – a belief in the Bible and in having a relationship with Jesus Christ. That doesn’t mean we all have it all together all the time. Nope! We’re just God-loving people on a mission to maintain a warm and welcoming environment where everyone can feel at home.
ArborSpring Ministries 7/9/2020
ArborSpring Ministries exists to help you become more than you are so that you can do more than you imagined for the glory of God and the good of others. Our passion and vision is to see others firmly rooted in Christ, restored to their true identity, and living out their calling to the glory of God and the good of others.
Reach Out! 5/9/2011
Ariel Ministries 5/9/2011
Ariel Ministries has been committed to both Jewish evangelism and discipleship. Wherever the Church is in the world today, it has an indebted responsibility to share the Gospel with Jewish people who have yet to meet their Messiah. Your giving empowers us to teach the Scripture effectively from a proper Messianic Jewish perspective. Hand in hand we will together serve our Messiah Yeshua, Jesus the Christ.
Arise Ministries 5/13/2013
Arise Ministries helps single-parent homes rebuild lifestyle foundations. We encourage and equip through our online education center with podcasts, videos, and articles that are accessed by single moms around the world. Recently launching online Bible studies and connect groups, Arise Ministries comes alongside single moms in their journey. Your gift would allow us to continue effective outreach programs that change lives and homes. You don't give to Arise but through Arise.
Arizona Baptist Children's Services & Family Ministries 11/21/2014
Make a one-time donation, or become a monthly partner to help support critical services provided by ABCS ministries to hurting children and families across Arizona. Your contribution is tax-deductible, and qualifies for Arizona Tax Credits. You may designate your gift to any one of our seven ministries.
Arrow Leadership International Ministries 7/14/2016
Arrow seeks leaders with a Kingdom focus, where a strategic investment has a far reaching impact for God. Arrow leaders often live sacrificially and are unable to afford the full cost of the Arrow Leadership Program. To keep the Arrow Leadership Program accessible and to ensure stability for the ministry, Arrow invites ongoing monthly support from Faithful Partners who invest in Christian leaders. One-time donations to the ministry are also welcomed and appreciated.
Asbury Theological Seminary 5/9/2011
Your annual giving serves our students and helps accomplish our mission of preparing theologically educated, sanctified, Spirit-filled men and women to evangelize and to spread scriptural holiness throughout the world through the love of Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit and to the glory of God the Father. Your gift makes a difference!
Ascending Leaders 5/17/2011
Leadership is influencing people toward God's agenda by serving them through purposeful relationships of grace, truth, and love. Support Ascending Leaders in this ministry to devote building the character and quality of disciples and leaders.
Ashes to Glory Foundation 2/14/2025
Ashes to Glory helps families access Christ-centered treatment centers with highly trained Christian staff and low patient-to-therapist ratios. Our 90-day programs provide intense counseling for both individuals and families, addressing deep-rooted issues like trauma, anxiety, and depression. This comprehensive, faith-based approach is crucial for lasting recovery and healing.
Asheville Christian Academy 1/14/2009
Asheville Christian Academy (ACA) is an independent, non-denominational Christian school for students in K4 through grade 12 located outside of Asheville, NC. We seek to glorify God by helping Christian parents provide their children with an excellent education distinguished by a Biblical perspective resulting in a thoroughly Biblical world and life view. Founded in 1958, ACA is fully accredited and provides a liberal arts, college preparatory curriculum for over 580 students from 6 counties.
Asia Harvest 5/2/2017
There is a growing emergency among the house churches in China! Although a limited number of Bibles are now permitted to be printed inside China, they are not enough to meet the need. Because of the tremendous growth rate of the church in China (some say 10-15,000 new believers each day, or approximately 3 to 5 million per year), there is a serious lack of Bibles. Your donation to Asia Harvest helps bring God’s Word to new believers in China.
Aslan Youth Ministries 5/9/2011
The mission of Aslan Youth Ministries is to provide relationship-based programs that permanently impact the bodies, minds, and spirits of disadvantaged urban children. Through Christ's love, our young people overcome their negative environments and circumstances and learn to live successful and productive lives. Please consider contributing your time and resources to this mission, and help us change the world one child at a time!
ASON International 6/8/2023
Sponsorship gifts children a Christian education, summer camp experiences, and festive Christmas celebrations. Notably, a significant number of sponsored children embrace faith by high school graduation compared to their non-sponsored peers. Your sponsorship fosters deep spiritual growth!
ASON International 6/9/2023
Committed to reducing dependency on western aid, we aim to empower our Asian missions with self-supporting ministries. We have the land. Help us erect buildings for local businesses tailored to the region. Your support fosters independence, sustains our mission, and bolsters local communities.
ASON International 6/8/2023
In our blossoming mission field in Asia, churches are growing but face persecution. They urgently need land, church buildings, and pastors' apartments. Secure land with high walls shields them from prying eyes. Support their safety and spiritual growth. Your contribution fortifies faith against adversity.
Donate Now! 6/6/2023
AsOne Ministries 6/6/2023
In Uganda, we are dedicated to ending spiritual, relational, and economic poverty one community at a time.
Aspire Globally 8/22/2024
ASPIRE Globally empowers ambitious students from poverty-stricken areas with scholarships for high school and beyond. Through soccer coaching, we blend athletic development with gospel sharing. We also nurture faith with prayer, devotions, and scripture, guiding students and families towards resilience and service.
Aspire Together 5/26/2016
The goal of the Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Burlington and St. Albans (Vermont) is to help clients make informed choices – for today, for tomorrow, for life. Your one-time or recurring donation enables the dedicated staff at Care Net to offer caring, supportive, life-affirming services to clients.
Assist Church Expansion 9/21/2021
Assist Church Expansion exists to catalyze new churches, sites, mergers and adoptions, as well as the revitalization, refresh and restart of existing churches, that will expand a movement of Legacy Churches. A Legacy Church is a healthy, sustainable church that is self-supporting, self-governed, and effectively reaches its community. These churches are committed to supporting further expansion and resourcing more than themselves through funding, leadership development, networking and partnership
Assist Church Expansion 4/4/2024
Preserve the Gospel Footprint in communities by helping revitalize declining churches! In our partnerships with 50+ churches for revitalization and restart, we have developed proficiency in assisting churches in revitalization. We discovered it takes about $25,000 to walk with a church through our 5 Big Rocks partnership to re-launch the church with a good plan to reach the lost and make disciples in their community again. Help us resource these churches for a NEW DAY of ministry in their comm
Assist Pregnancy Center 5/9/2011
Assist Pregnancy Center exists to promote life through Christ to those vulnerable to abortion. Our vision is that women and men would choose physical life for their unborn child, spiritual life through a relationship with Jesus Christ, and abundant life by walking in obedience to Him. We provide pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, options counseling, pregnancy and parenting education, men's mentoring, sexual integrity outreach, and post-abortion counseling and Bible studies, all at no charge.
Association for Biblical Higher Education 5/9/2011
Association for Biblical Higher Education exists to enhance the quality and credibility of higher educational institutions that engage students in biblical, transformational, experiential, and missional higher education. Please consider your contributions to this association to help engage students in their biblical transformations.
China MInistry! 5/9/2011
Association for Christian Conferences, Teaching & Service 5/9/2011
In China, ACCTS' programs focus on building friendships, trust, cooperation, and peaceful relationships through: 1) Educational and cultural visits and exchanges, 2) Development projects in a peasant village, and 3) Medical assistance projects. Give today to help further the work of ACCTS in the China Ministry!
Association of Related Churches 9/24/2021
We are an association of relational churches working with church planters and church leaders to provide support, guidance and resources to launch and grow life-giving churches.
Assurance for Life 12/11/2013
Assurance for Life understands that you want to make an eternal difference in the lives of the clients we serve. We want to help you do that. When you give to Assurance for Life, Inc., you immediately become part of a greater purpose. Nearly 3,800 people are alive today because their parents found the help and encouragement they needed at Assurance. Please join us in saving lives today!
Atlanta Union Mission 5/5/2011
Hope begins with a meal! For $2.67 you can provide a meal for one person at Atlanta Mission! Each day, we provide over 950 men, women, and children with meals, shelter, employment support, counseling, and more!
Atlantic Gateway Communication 11/14/2019
WGTS 91.9 is a listener supported, non-commercial radio station. We believe we are here to encourage everyone we encounter to take one step closer to Christ. For 60 years, WGTS has been "Washington's Gateway To Service" and we are continually committed to serving our listeners and our community with quality, uplifting music, shows, and events that are always encouraging.
Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies 5/5/2011
Our mission is to inspire and educate people to serve, protect, and restore God's earth. Your gifts to Au Sable Institute support programs and scholarships for students, undergraduate research projects, campus-wide improvements, and much more- programs that encourage and promote future environmental scientists and leaders in caring for God’s creation. Through these programs and your gifts, you are helping us to equip the next generation of Christian leaders in creation care, giving them the kno
Audio Bibles 12/3/2010
Audio Scripture Ministries 12/3/2010
"How will they hear?" 1.2 billion across the globe do not read, and millions have no access to the Bible. We know " comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ" (Rom 10:17, ESV). Praise God that for about $40, you can give an entire family the gift of hearing the Bible in their heart language, on a solar-powered audio Bible!
Avenue of Life 8/4/2015
Central to our mission is our commitment to equip and mobilize the community. Our goal is to facilitate the journey from hand-outs (emergency relief) in crisis, to hand-ups (individual betterment) for those ready to rise above their circumstances, to hand-offs (community development) to indigenous leaders of a transformed community. Please be a part of our mission!
Avon Park Camp Association 7/1/2013
The primary event that takes place at the Avon Park Interdenominational Conference Center is the Holiness Camp Meeting. The camp starts the Thursday before the first Sunday in February and runs for ten days. Help support these life changing events by giving to Avon Park Camp Association!
Awana Clubs International 11/25/2008
Praying with our children at bedtime and teaching songs like Jesus Loves Me. For many parents in China, these are revolutionary ideas, but ideas they want to hear and learn about. That is why we are so excited about the ministry that God is opening up to Awana in China.
Bair Lake Bible Camp 12/15/2009
Help a child go to summer camp by providing the funds for a week of camp. Any amount you can give will go toward lodging, activities, and meals along with spiritual teaching so they may hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
Bair Lake Bible Camp 12/15/2009
Provide a gift to support the ministry of Christian camping - Bair Lake Bible Camp exists as a launching pad for all people to make Jesus Christ known in their community, country and world. Do you want to help youth and adults hear about Jesus? Thank you for your support and prayers!
Bakersfield Pregnancy Center 2/7/2012
Thanks to the support of our community, in 2016, over 300 precious babies and their mothers were saved from abortion. Donate now to ensure that this priceless work continues in 2017.
Bakke Graduate University 4/20/2009
Bakke Graduate University strengthens ministry leaders who steward resources with and for vulnerable people and places, by means of contextual Christian-based education innovatively delivered throughout the urban world.
Baptist Foundation of South Carolina 5/10/2011
Our passion is to see individuals and churches become faithful stewards of God's resources. The Foundation has a staff of dedicated, experienced professionals who have helped hundreds of families provide for themselves, loved ones, and their favorite ministry causes.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 1/5/2009
BMDMI founded and operates two Bible Institutes - one in Honduras and one in Nicaragua. These institutes provide theological and church training to pastors and church leaders free of charge. Full-time and part-time programs of study provide flexibility for students and are aimed at strengthening the leadership of BMDMI churches in these two countries.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 7/27/2015
In Guaimaca, Honduras, BMDMI leads multiple ministry projects under the flagship ministry of the Centro Medico de Especialidades. In this medical clinic, patients receive year-round clinical care, as well as occasional surgical treatments led by North American physicals and medical professionals. Additionally, BMDMI coordinates ministry in the areas of vocational training, clean water, food distribution, and evangelism!
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 1/5/2009
Since 1974, BMDMI has established more than 150 churches in remote villages in Honduras and Nicaragua. Many of these congregations cannot fully afford to build a place of worship and/or Sunday school rooms in which to meet. Construction efforts are led by a full-time BMDMI missionary and are completed by BMDMI short-term team volunteers.
Barnabas International 10/7/2008
Barnabas International provides encouragement to missionaries, MKs, global servants and their families! Support us as we go, listen, speak and give grace!
Barnabas International 3/15/2010
Recent high school graduates who are MKs have the opportunity to attend a transition seminar to help acclimate them to life in the United States before attending college, after having lived overseas.
Barry Wood Evangelistic Association 6/17/2014
Funds are needed to help provide buildings for new congregations to meet for worship. Up to $10,000 is needed for each new construction.
Barry Wood Evangelistic Association 6/17/2014
Portable Solar video equipment makes it possible to go into remote areas and show Jesus films and provide HIV education.
Water Wells! 5/10/2011
Barry Wood Evangelistic Association 5/10/2011
The Sukuma people live in near poverty and without clean water to drink, so many children die from sicknesses related to bad water and malaria. The village of Mwabayanda has a Christian community of 200 believers but had no place to worship and no water to drink except from small ponds that cattle and wild animals drink from. Since a well can cost $6000-$8000 to complete, every donation is helpful and needed.
Base Ministry 12/5/2011
Sixty percent of U.S. young adults who were involved in a church as teenagers are no longer spiritually active. YMI wants to change that statistic, but we need your help! Please partner with YMI today. Together we can develop the Christian leaders of tomorrow!
Basin Youth for Christ 8/4/2023
Jesus is the life in all of our stories. We’re working to bring that truth to light by building Christ-Centered communities of young people in the Klamath Basin.
BCM International 3/15/2022
BCM International is doing evacuation and relocation of women, children, and orphans out of harm’s way. We are providing medical supplies, temporary housing, food, and clothing, and coordination of transport for the movement of the displaced Ukrainian refugees from conflict areas to safe havens in western Ukraine and neighboring countries. For those unable to relocate we provide aid and support as possible.
Be Broken Ministries 4/18/2023
Be Broken provides resources and guidance (both online and in-person) for individuals, families, and churches directly impacted by sexual brokenness. Whether you are a man needing help to overcome a pornography addiction or other unwanted sexual behaviors, a wife in need of healing from betrayal trauma, parents looking for resources on God-centered sexuality, or a church wanting to minister to those in need, Be Broken is here to help! We need your financial assistance to continue this vital wor
Farm Fund! 6/24/2011
Beall Ministries/ dba Sons of Thunder Ministry 6/24/2011
In a land as rich with natural resources as Zambia, it is astonishing that there are millions in danger of starvation throughout the country. A 10,000 acre farm is designed to meet the objective of training Zambian nationals toward autonomy and freedom. National families come to our farm, including church leaders and village leaders, at our invitation, to be trained in solid agricultural practices. Your financial support will help these people acquire a sense of self-reliance.
Beautiful Feet Ministries 8/4/2016
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Rom 10:15). Beautiful Feet began in 1981 when two seminary students shared coffee, donuts, and the Gospel with homeless men in Fort Worth, Texas. Decades later, Beautiful Feet has its own facility where the ministry conducts worship services, Bible studies, discipleship and counseling, as well as providing a soup kitchen and various other resources to those in need. Please consider donating to this multi-faceted ministry.
Beautiful Feet Ministries 1/11/2021
Beautiful Feet Ministries Of Tanzania Exists To Bring Hope And Healing To The Lost And Hurting People Of Tanzania By Restoring Hope To Children & Families, Providing Healthcare, And Investing In Christian Leaders.
BEE World 5/10/2011
Along with the staggering need for Bible training, the cost of merely printing a biblical education curriculum in a new language is expensive. Establishment and maintenance of in-country warehouses and delivery networks to distribute the materials add additional cost and expose many to danger, not to mention the ever-present risk of wholesale confiscation. Please help support this mission to safely print and distribute biblical materials to the world!
Bernie Moore Ministries 9/12/2019
It is our passion to conduct open-air crusades so that no matter what your religious background, all will feel welcomed to hear a message on the saving power of the Gospel! We feel it is important to work with and through local churches in every region, city, town, and village in which we go. Evangelist Bernie will speak in churches, conferences, camp meetings, crusades, or wherever the Holy Spirit allows him to go.
Best Christian Workplaces 4/18/2023
Best Christian Workplaces is a ministry dedicated to helping Christian organizations and Christian-led businesses increase their Kingdom impact. Therefore, we are structured and operate as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We look forward to serving you.
Beta Upsilon Chi Foundation 11/19/2024
We’re a national fraternity of men who believe there’s a more meaningful way to enjoy college and fulfill God’s purpose for our lives. We exist to equip and empower college Christian men to live faithfully and lead courageously.
Bethania Foundation 9/1/2010
Sponsor a Child! Just $30 a month helps provide one child with the basic necessities for development: food, shelter, education, clothing and medical care in a safe and loving environment. We also provide scholarships and support for advanced education in both vocational schools and college, which help break the chain of poverty for future generations. Our Women’s Empowerment centers offer training in trade skills, empowering women to contribute to their families’ limited financial resource
Bethany International 12/11/2020
Bethany International is a Christian missions training and sending organization dedicated to mobilizing disciples of Jesus and the church worldwide for the increase of God’s Kingdom.
BethanyKids 9/3/2014
BethanyKids heals African children and transforms lives through pediatric surgery in Kenya, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Sierra Leone. Children can, through surgery, gain independence and a chance to succeed in life. BethanyKids has provided surgery for more than 16,000 children since we began work in 2004. Many of these children can now attend school and will have jobs someday, rather than requiring someone else to care for them for the rest of their lives.
Rehabilitation 8/16/2017
BethanyKids 8/16/2017
BethanyKids provides physical and occupational therapy to 275 primary school students at the School for the Physically Disabled in Thika, Kenya. It also obtains and custom fits wheelchairs for those students needing one.
BethanyKids 8/16/2017
BethanyKids trains Christian African general surgeons as pediatric surgeons through a 3-year training program accredited by the College of Surgeons of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA). The training takes place in Kijabe, Kenya.
Bethel Agricultural Association 1/11/2023
Bethel Agricultural Association, Inc. is a faith based non-profit organization that is working with another non-profit organization in Ethiopia whose primary purpose is to establish the Bethel Environmental and Agricultural University and Training Center (BEAUTC) in Woliso, Ethiopia.
Bethel Bible Village 4/2/2018
Bethel Christian Academy provides students who have experienced crisis with a therapeutic environment to help them get back on-track towards earning a high school degree. BCA serves teen moms and students with academic, emotional and behavioral issues. BCA is accredited and provides a small classroom environment to allow individualized attention to meet each student's needs. Social workers, counselors and therapists assist to help students achieve success.
Bethel Ministries 11/12/2008
The Bethel Orphanage in India has 200 children currently enrolled. The orphanage provides food, shelter, and education for children from kindergarten through 12th grade. Your contribution to the orphanage will help further the goals of the orphanage in developing young minds for the glory of God. Just $25 will support a child for a month. Many of our children have graduated successfully from college and are contributing to their homes and greater society.
Bethesda Mission 4/28/2009
The Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is the annual fundraising walk that benefits local health and human service agencies in Pennsylvania. The primary goal of the walk is to help participating organizations raise money for their individual missions. All funds raised by Bethesda supporters go directly to Bethesda Mission and will benefit our Medical/Dental Clinics. Join the walk in Harrisburg. Make a difference one step at a time!
Bethlehem College & Seminary 5/1/2017
Every resident student receives a Serious Joy Scholarship. God works in the hearts of individual men and women to provide two-thirds of Bethlehem College & Seminary students’ full tuition cost such that they can: receive a high-value education at an unusually affordable cost, launch immediately into ministry without student loan debt and be affordable as staff to churches and ministries that need them.
Bible Access 2/6/2014
Bible League International 2/6/2014
In most places where Bible League International serves, people have very limited access to the Scriptures because of persecution, poverty, or limited ability to read. In addition to providing other versions, Bible League translates, publishes, and provides Scriptures in everyday language, making the truth of God available to all. Many Bible League Scripture materials are available in more than 30 languages, with additional translations underway.
Bible Learning 2/6/2014
Bible League International 2/6/2014
BIble League provides materials and training to churches so they can help believers study the Scripture and share the Gospel with the unreached. Through evangelism and discipleship programs like Project Philip, churches learn to plant the Word of God so it can take root and change lives, families, and communities.
Bible League International 2/6/2014
For those who cannot read, the Bible is a closed book. Bible-based literacy programs present the life-transforming Word of God to the less-educated, poor, and marginalized, helping them meet Jesus as they work toward a better future through learning to read.
Bible League International 2/6/2014
As the Scriptures take root in the lives of believers, BIble League helps congregations learn how to establish new churches. Christian leaders called by God and sent out from the local church are equipped through hands-on training that teaches participants the five steps of church planting: evangelism, discipleship, membership, leadership, and worship.
Bible Study Fellowship 1/14/2016
The BSF Board of Directors established the BSF Global Impact Fund to provide for the long-term funding and support of Bible Study Fellowship, its strategic initiatives, major infrastructure, equipment, technology and ministry development.
Word in the City 1/23/2018
Bible Study Fellowship 1/23/2018
Word in the City was established initially in the United Kingdom to encourage the next generation to encounter God through in-depth Bible study. It provides Bible training designed to help individuals read the Bible, know God, serve the Church, and benefit their city. Word in the City helps establish a healthy, sustainable lifestyle of engaging directly with the text of God's Word.
Bible Teaching Resources 7/9/2009
We believe God calls us to equip people and serve Him effectively in local churches, Christian organizations and para-church ministries, as well as in the marketplace. Believing “Christ is all and in all,” we strive to help people live with integrity and purpose in every arena of their lives.
Bible Training Centre for Pastors 11/12/2008
Since 1990, the Bible Training Centre for Pastors is focused on a single objective — providing basic non-formal theological training for the world's untrained pastors and church leaders. Working with 200+ implementing ministry partners in 90 countries, BTCP delivers a concept and curriculum that is equivalent to a Bible college education. The equipping is life-on-life, comprehensive, economical, and easily transferable.
Bible2School 9/3/2020
Bible2School is committed to its vision for every child to have an opportunity to attend a Bible class during their school day, because we beleive every child needs to hear Biblical Truth
Bibles for China 6/20/2012
At a cost of $5.00 each, Bibles for China is currently purchasing and distributing, free of charge to rural Chinese believers, complete Bibles which are legally printed in China. The need is huge—hundreds of thousands of Bibles have been requested. To continue meeting this unprecedented opportunity, we need your help now. By making a donation to Bibles for China today, you can place God’s Word into the hands of a precious rural Chinese Christian.
Child Sponsorship 12/1/2008
Bibles for the World 12/1/2008
Take the first step today in changing a child’s life forever. For nearly 60 years, Bibles For The World has been spreading God’s Word and providing Christian education for desperate children. These are poverty-stricken children in some of the most remote areas of Northeast India who are in urgent need of your love and help.
Bibles for the World 12/1/2008
At Bibles For The World, it is our passion to ensure that everyone has the chance to read God's precious Word. Consider an existence without knowing the true and living God. What would life be like without God’s Word guiding, enlightening encouraging and comforting you? Please consider becoming a part of this ministry of bringing God's Word to the nations.
Bibles for the World 8/29/2017
Bibles For The World supports the Trinity College & Seminary, in Manipur, NE India, an internationally-accredited seminary with about 130 students up to the M.Div. level. Students from India, Burma, Nepal, and Bhutan may be sponsored at the Diploma, B.Th., and M.Div. levels. The seminary also has an ongoing expansion program to reach a capacity of 300 students (Gideon's Army), preparing the future generation of pastors, evangelists. church-planters and missionaries.
Biblical Ministries Worldwide 4/29/2024
We exist to serve local churches and their missionaries as they plant HEALTHY CHURCHES EVERYWHERE through evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development.
WE SERVE HOPE! 12/19/2022
Big Table 12/19/2022
We serve hope by building community and caring for those in crisis, transition, or falling through the cracks. We carevfor restaurant and hospitality workers in crisis through timely interventions, intentional relationships, and transformational care.
Bill Glass Ministries dba Bill Glass Behind the Walls 10/2/2013
Behind the Walls partners with churches to train Christians to share their faith in Jesus Christ. Then BGBTW takes teammates (volunteers) into prisons/jails/juvenile facilities to share the Gospel one on one with inmates. Teammates are trained and given materials to use in this outreach. This is front line evangelism and many believers who have never led anyone to Christ are ecstatic to be with other believers and share the joy of leading the "least of these" to Jesus!
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 7/8/2022
This state-of-the-art facility opened in 2022 to preserve the historical records of Billy Graham and allow researchers, seminary students, ministry leaders, and others to study these multimedia files up close, including his sermon notes, photos, video and audio files, and correspondence.
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 11/5/2008
A charter member of the ECFA since 1979, BGEA proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through a variety of outreach programs including in-person events; an evangelistic website with live chat 24/7; a 24-hour prayer line; a regular schedule of television, radio, and internet programs; online discipleship and evangelism training; partnerships with churches; and print publications including the ministry’s magazine, Decision, which is published 11 times a year.
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 6/14/2011
BGEA is sharing the Gospel 24/7 through the Search for Jesus internet evangelism ministry. Lost and hurting people turn to the Internet with the deepest cries of their heart, and through social media and online ads, these individuals find our websites in six of the world’s top languages and in American Sign Language. Trained volunteers answer questions, pray, and follow up with those making spiritual commitments—and help them find a church where they can grow in their faith.
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 3/14/2011
The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team was created after the attacks of 9/11. Since then, the ministry has grown into an international network of chaplains—in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom—trained to offer hope in the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters. Volunteer chaplains provide hope and comfort in the name of Jesus to victims of unexpected grief and trauma, many of whom come to Christ. Since 2002, BGEA has deployed chaplains to hundreds of disaster zones.
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 6/14/2011
The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove—located near Asheville, N.C.—offers year-round programs and workshops where the only textbook is the Bible. Well-known Christian pastors and Bible teachers train believers to grow in their faith. Special programs for church leaders, military and law enforcement couples, women, and seniors are also offered as well as evening concert events.
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 8/1/2016
In 2016, Franklin Graham traveled to all 50 states, holding prayer events in each state capital. Each event included a Gospel message and invited participants to make a decision for Jesus Christ. This outreach continues as Franklin travels to specific regions across America for one-day events held in partnership with local churches—including the 2024 Franklin Graham God Loves You Frontera Tour with stops in ten cities along the southern U.S. border in Texas, Arizona, and California.
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 6/14/2011
The Billy Graham Library, in Charlotte, N.C., features multimedia displays that chronicle the life and ministry of Billy Graham. The “Journey of Faith,” tour shares the same Gospel message he proclaimed across the globe during his lifetime. More than 1.8 million people from over 70 countries have visited since its opening in 2007. The Library also includes a training room to provide seminars on evangelism and discipleship, based upon the time-tested principles of Billy Graham and his team.
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 6/14/2011
Since 1950, Crusades have been a primary focus of the ministry, with the purpose of presenting the Gospel and inviting participants to make a decision for Jesus Christ. BGEA partners with local churches in a host city for months of prayer, planning, and preparation. Led by evangelists Franklin or Will Graham, these events include popular Christian music. After each event, trained counselors facilitate connecting new believers with a local Bible-believing church for training and discipleship.
Blessman International 6/20/2017
Blessman International is engaged in training students and families in agriculture methods, poultry production, and fish farming. Food raised is used to support child feeding programs, school feeding programs and sustainable food sources for communities.
Blessman International 6/20/2017
Blessman International is engaged with poor rural schools in rural South Africa to provide safe, clean, environmentally friendly toilets for children and communities.
Blood:Water Mission 7/30/2018
We strive to end the water and HIV/AIDS crises in sub-Saharan Africa through multi-year granting partnerships with African organizations, strategically leveraging funding alongside organizational strengthening initiatives. Our activities include: Hosting summits where our partners can learn from each other; Facilitating transparent, partner-driven assessments of critical areas of operation, and the accompanying improvement plan; Providing technical assistance
Blood:Water Mission 7/30/2018
We strive to end the water crisis in sub-Saharan Africa through multi-year granting partnerships with African organizations. Our funding of projects includes: Improving community care and support services for individuals and families living with HIV; Offering HIV testing and counseling to allow people to begin treatment and take steps to live positively; Allowing future generations to be born free of HIV through programs that prevent the spread of the virus from mothers to their unborn babies
Blood:Water Mission 7/30/2018
We strive to end the water crisis in sub-Saharan Africa through multi-year granting partnerships with African organizations. Our funding of partners with WaSH projects includes: Creating safe water access through wells, filtration systems, rain tanks, protected springs, and other solutions based on local conditions and expertise; Providing sanitation and hygiene training alongside water solutions to ensure maximum health benefits; Training local leaders; Formation of water committees.
Blue Letter Bible 3/6/2019
Please consider joining in BLB’s mission to exalt the name of God and His Word above all things (Psalm 138:2). As we reach out to millions of people worldwide with our free Bible study resources, you can help us water the seeds that God plants in the hearts of Blue Letter Bible users everywhere.
BlueSky Global Ministries 1/18/2022
BlueSky Global Ministries' vision is to see the multinational community of Nairobi, Kenya, spiritually transformed and equipped to influence the world for God's glory. We pursue this by building relationships through adventure, using three core platforms: BlueSky Adventures (rock climbing gym and team building), Camp BlueSky, and BlueSky Community (year-round relational ministry).
Boerne River Church dba Kingdom Building International 12/9/2024
We are a group of like-minded Christians dedicated to enlarging the Kingdom of God globally through empowering leaders and strengthening local churches.
Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center 3/3/2022
The Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center supports and empowers women facing an unplanned or unexpected pregnancy with confidential, compassionate help, professional medical care, and accurate information. We are here to help you with all your options in making a healthy informed decision.
Braveheart Ministries 1/11/2021
Braveheart Ministries ignites passion through simple resources so you can have confidence with God and courage to transform the world.
Braveheart Ministries 1/11/2021
Braveheart Ministries ignites passion through simple resources so you can have confidence with God and courage to transform the world.
Bread of Life Mission 3/17/2010
Support the Bread of Life Mission and help change lives. We have been helping the poor, homeless, and hurting in Seattle for 70 years!
Breakaway Student Ministries 10/9/2008
Breakaway is a non-denominational, weekly Bible study on the campus of Texas A&M University. We exist to introduce college students to Jesus Christ and call them to walk with Him for a lifetime. We accomplish this through worship, Bible teaching and resources. While not affiliated with any one church, we work hard to connect students to local, Bible-believing churches. By God's power and for His glory, we live to proclaim the gospel of Christ to college students.
Breakthrough 10/15/2008
Support Breakthrough as we process over a hundred thousand prayer requests annually. These requests go to a network of nearly 4,000 intercessors who pray individually and faithfully for each request. Our prayer family extends into nearly eighty countries worldwide.
Bridge 2913 8/22/2024
Bridge 2913, equips community members—students, teachers, parents, and churchgoers—to share Jesus in public schools. What began as a vision to bring the gospel into classrooms has grown into a mission, fostering student-led Bible study groups across middle and high schools.
Bridge Street Mission 11/27/2023
Bridge Street Mission provides a warm location, food, fellowship, practical help, and spiritual encouragement for those experiencing homelessness and hunger. We also serve through The Sober Living Center, which is a residential Christian discipleship program providing the support, accountability, and skills needed to live addiction-free and establish stable and productive lives.
BridgeBuilders International Leadership Network 5/17/2013
Our Arizona School Transformation Partnerships project facilitates partnerships that result in churches, business, families and individuals "adopting" schools near them. This takes place primarily through praying specific, focused, informed, and fervent prayers while developing a relationship of service with school officials. Such partnerships are already transforming schools and changing young lives. It is becoming evident that this is a key that can change a whole community!
Bridgeport Rescue Mission 10/13/2011
This long-term residential program offers men and women a safe environment in which to grow spiritually while healing from addiction and other destructive behaviors through one-on-one counseling, case management, and educational and life-skills classes. Your financial support will give our homeless residents an opportunity for success.
Bright Hope International 8/17/2021
When you purchase and redeem a Bright Hope Coin, you become part of an important mission that creates sustainable solutions for the extreme poor. The Bright Hope Coin is like a gift card. Redeem the coin on over 40 different programs featured in Bright Hope’s online catalog. You can use your Bright Hope Coin to support the projects that mean the most to you. Hope for Today programs supply urgent needs like food and water. Hope for Tomorrow programs support education, job training, an
Bright Hope International 8/17/2021
Rice is the most consumed food of the Haitian diet. However, Haiti’s rice production is insufficient to meet the need, making them highly dependent on imported rice. The best way to increase rice yield requires a consistent water supply. And an irrigation system would provide the water needed by the rice farmers in Ferrier to sustain the fields. Your gift provides a Haitian farmer with a microenterprise opportunity that would allow him to purchase a complete solar-powered irrigation system
Bright Hope International 8/17/2021
Your gift to support our Most Urgent Needs fund will be directed to where needs are most pressing. Sometimes that means feeding school children, repairing a well, or providing food for a whole community during a crisis. It’s tough to predict when an urgent need will present itself, so having a well-funded MUN account is critical for being prepared to meet the need when it arises. Through gifts from Allies like you, we can always be ready to help provide Hope for Today, Tomorrow and Eternity f
Bright Hope International 8/17/2021
According to the World Health Organization, “About 830 women die from pregnancy- or childbirth-related complications around the world every day.” In under-resourced nations, many hospitals will not admit a woman in labor if she does not bring her own delivery kit. As a result, these women must deliver their babies at home without proper tools or sanitation. When you give a Mama Kit, you can help provide a safe and hygienic birth environment for both mom and baby. Each labor and delivery
Bryan College 4/28/2015
The Bryan Opportunity Program allows academically qualified Tennessee students with a household income of $35,000 or less come to Bryan tuition free.
BsideU for Life Pregnancy and Life Skills Center 8/4/2014
BsideU For Life exists to protect the lives of unborn children and to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed to those who are facing or have experienced a crisis pregnancy. We accomplish this by encouraging and equipping them to live productive lives empowered by God.
Bushnell University 12/6/2017
At Bushnell University, education and faith are closely linked. Bushnell provides a transformational educational experience that champions wisdom, faith and service, providing graduates with superb career preparation within a Christ-centered environment. Only with gifts from friends and alumni can we ensure the excellence at Bushnell. Your gift makes a difference.
By The Hand Club For Kids 5/11/2009
By The Hand is an afterschool program that emphasizes academics and is committed to nurturing the whole child - mind, body and soul. Our goal is to literally and figuratively take kids by the hand and walk alongside them from the time they enroll in our program until they're adults walking independently. We are strategically located in four of Chicago's most impoverished neighborhoods where underfunded schools abound (Cabrini-Green, Altgeld-Gardens, Austin, and Englewood).
Byelorussian Mission 12/5/2019
To plant new churches in cities in Belarus and Ukraine where no evangelical church presently exists. To work with orphanages to head off a looming sociological disaster when an entire generation of young adults, who have known nothing but an institutional social background, will be unleashed on the Belarus/Ukraine society. To reach young adults at the University and High School level and bring them the Gospel message of Jesus’ saving grace.
C. S. Lewis Institute 3/10/2010
Our vision and call is to impact the culture for Jesus Christ through discipleship of heart and mind. Our work is to develop disciples who will articulate, defend, & live faith in Christ through personal and public life. We accomplish these objectives through a C.S. Lewis Fellows program, conferences with world class speakers open to the public, monthly & quarterly publications, and a Pastors' Fellowship program. Please consider joining us by providing financial support.
Cadence International 5/16/2011
Cadence currently reaches out to the military communities and security forces of Thailand and Cambodia with a vision of eventually expanding to the entire Southeast Asia region. We also have been expanding and working with foreign military personnel in Burundi, Africa. Please join us and support Cadence International as we reach out to the military communities of foreign nations.
Caleb Global 2/10/2014
“Loving the Lord your God with all your heart” stirs us to cultivate a lifestyle of worship and prayer where all that we do is birthed out of the presence of God. “Loving your neighbor” leads us in reaching out to all peoples in all nations with the love, power and good news of the gospel. Please support our ministry endeavors as we strive to honor Israel and empower leaders to transform nations.
Call2all 11/7/2017
Call2all aims to network, train, and focus the body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission. It is a collaborative movement that puts into action the most effective ways to go where the Church is NOT, rather than where it is. Call2all is about all nations, all spheres of society, and reaching every unreached person in the world.
Calvary Church of Santa Ana 3/30/2020
In supporting individuals and teams on GO Trips, you are helping the truth and love of Jesus be shared across cultures and generations. Thank you for being a part of building God’s kingdom and spreading the gospel around the world!
Calvary Family of Churches 7/10/2020
The Calvary Family of Churches is an organization that actively supports the infrastructure, planting, and replanting of our member churches. The Calvary Family of Churches is made up of an interdependent family of self-sustaining, self-governing, self-replicating churches that share: a common family name (Calvary Church), a common family doctrine, common core commitments, common family traits, and common family affiliations.
Calvary University 3/4/2010
Calvary Bible College and Theological Seminary is an independent, nondenominational institution of higher education. Our purpose is to provide both undergraduate and graduate education preparing Christians to live according to a biblical world view. Thank you for helping us equip our students to better serve the Lord Jesus Christ in the church and in the world.
Camino Global 12/3/2008
Journeying with Spanish speakers everywhere to transform communities, equip believers and reach the world.
Camp Alandale 12/1/2008
Send an abused child to a Christian Camp where they will hear about the life-changing and healing reality of Jesus Christ and be equipped to have meaningful and productive lives. It costs $360 a year to send an abused child to camp in the summer and to a follow-up weekend in the winter. That's only $1 per day. We serve 300 abused children each summer and winter at our camp in the mountains near Big Bear, CA. Over 4,000 abused children have heard the message of life in Jesus.
Camp Bighorn 6/15/2017
Nestled in the mountains of western Montana, Camp Bighorn partners with youth and families, groups and individuals, providing a place to rest and grow. We seek to develop godly character in participants and staff, cultivate Kingdom leaders, and share the Gospel with everyone who comes. Join us in this mission through prayer, financial donations, and volunteering with us.
Camp Id-Ra-Ha-Je Association 5/16/2011
It is our mission that everyone would learn to say the words of the song this camp is named for, "I'd rather have Jesus than anything!" Camp Id-Ra-Ha-Je is established for the sole purpose of winning souls to Jesus Christ through the spreading of the gospel, the edifying of believers through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God, and the evangelizing of campers through witnessing and missions. Please consider supporting Camp Id-Ra-Ha-Je so we can help benefit so many churches and schools
Camp Lebanon 11/16/2009
Since camper fees cover only about 75% of the cost to attend camp, it takes an army of folks who believe in the life-changing mission of Camp Lebanon to help make up the difference. Would you consider making Camp Lebanon part of your monthly charitable giving priorities? Streamlined Partnership makes it easy!
Camp Nathanael 1/18/2022
Camp Nathanael is a place for boys and young men to get away from the distractions of their daily lives. A place where boys can have strong role models, grow in maturity, deepen their spiritual life and develop new skills.
Cannon Beach Conference Center 5/16/2011
The modernizing of the dining room and kitchen fits well within CBCC’s mission statement. These areas are central to providing guests relaxation and spiritual renewal in our beautiful setting. CBCC’s vision and practice have been to carefully lay projects before the Lord, moving forward as donors pray and support the project financially.
Capitol Commission 7/30/2018
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in Oklahoma who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 6/12/2018
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in South Dakota who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 8/1/2017
Support the National Staff that provides administrative support to the state ministries by receipting all donations to Capitol Commission, providing leadership, fund raising expertise, website presence, health coverage, retirement match funding, payroll administration, and social media support and encouragement.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013 is an internet prayer blog which enables anyone from any of the 50 states to find out who their state legislators are and pray for them. On the 1st day of the month the President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House are listed with the the Governor, Lt. Gov, and Secretary of State or other official of the state. The last two days of the month the U.S. Supreme Court is featured. Tweets go to 50 State FaceBook and 50 Twitter pages. Funds are needed to maintain this prayer blog.
Capitol Commission 5/16/2012
Support our national ministry as we reach the Capitol community for Christ. Capitol Commission’s mission is to provide a pastoral presence in the capitol communities of our nation. In these communities we purpose to reach every person with the gospel of Jesus Christ, to disciple them, and prepare them for a lifetime of ministry in whatever arena God chooses to place them.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in California who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in Arkansas who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in Colorado who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in Georgia who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in Illinois.He leads Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 6/30/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Indiana who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Kansas who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Kentucky who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 6/30/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Louisiana who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Maryland who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Michigan who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Missouri who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of NC who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Ohio who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Pennsylvania who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of SC who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Tennesse who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Texas who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Virginia who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of West Virginia who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Wyoming who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Care 4 More 5/15/2011
Our mission is to help develop and/or establish Christian communities among the urban poor which will model Christlikeness in society through biblically holistic ministries in partnership with local, indigenous Christian churches. Please consider contributing to this mission to make a huge difference in the poor urban areas of the Philippines.
Care Net 10/20/2008
Help us reach pregnant, abortion-vulnerable women nationwide. Each day, 3,300 women wake up in America believing abortion is the only realistic solution to an unplanned pregnancy. In this tragic decision, not only is a human life snuffed out, but a woman’s life is changed forever. Care Net seeks the route of supporting one woman at a time, to spare her and her unborn child the anguish of abortion.
Care Net Center of Greater Orleans 8/18/2021
Care Net Center of Greater Orleans is a Pregnancy Medical Center, offering pregnancy testing, education and limited ultrasounds. We provide these services in a safe and comfortable environment, giving those who find themselves dealing with an unplanned pregnancy the time they need to process, obtain critical information and make decisions about their situations. We offer support during and after pregnancy, with parenting classes, a learn-to-earn program with material aid in the form of diapers,
Care Net Pregnancy & Family Services of Puget Sound 5/21/2015
You can give a life-saving gift today! Whether it be a financial gift or a material gift, your contribution will be used to make a positive impact on the lives of women and their families in your community!
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Albuquerque 5/16/2011
Please consider your contributions to Care Net as we provide a safe place for women and their families to explore their options related to pregnancy and their future. We fulfill this mission by being the most trusted faith-based provider of confidential, loving support as well as free services, including limited medical care and support services for women, men and families.
Care Net Pregnancy Services of the Treasure Coast 11/6/2008
Contribute to Care Net Pregnancy Services of the Treasure Coast as we defend life and meet the physical, social and spiritual needs of those who may be experiencing a crisis pregnancy. We bring healing and wholeness to lives traumatized by abortion, to present the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to challenge our communities to adopt a godly view of sexuality and the sanctity of human life.
Care Net Resource Pregnancy Centers 10/13/2008
ServantMatch Care Net is a nonprofit on a mission to bring practical help and hope in Jesus Christ to women facing pregnancy decisions. Will you join us and speak up for those who cannot speak (Proverbs 31:8)-- unborn children in the womb--by bringing truth and care to their mothers and families? As a LIFE DEFENDER, your faithful monthly gift of $25, $50, $100 or gift of your choosing allows Care Net to provide free evidence-based medical services, time with counselors, and the light of Christ.
Care Pregnancy Center 7/1/2013
The Care Pregnancy Center empowers individuals to make informed, life-changing decisions by providing facts, confidentiality, emotional support, and practical assistance. Our vision is to create a culture where abortion is unthinkable. Our mission is to reduce the number of abortions by offering life affirming support and education in an accepting environment. Please consider supporting us today.
CareCenter Ministries 6/28/2017
ACTS focuses on specific apartment complexes in the Pleasant Grove area. Our vision for these families is to provide them with an assortment of programs that will help transform their community through hands-on relational interaction. Outreaches help every Saturday during the Spring, Summer and Fall months. Donations will be used for equipment and supplies needed to carry out the outreaches.
CareCenter Ministries 6/28/2017
The CareCenter Community Center provides a nurturing environment for our community where youth can find faith­-based activities that seek to promote positive development through relationship, mentorship and discipleship. We seek to empower the youth through services including an After-School Program, summer and holiday camps, sports leagues and mentorship curriculum.Your donations will help build our program to make the most impact possible for these youth.
CareCenter Ministries 2/7/2013
The Basket is a food program that serves over 10,000 individuals annually, giving boxes of food that will feed a family for three to five days. Our mission is to support and strengthen the poor, so they can eventually give back to the community in both body and spirit. The bulk of the food is purchased from the North Texas Food Bank for fourteen cents per pound. Because of this, your contributions can be used to help many people. Donations are welcomed!
CareCenter Ministries 6/28/2017
The Tree of Life is a one-year residential program for battered and addicted women that provides refuge, training and a faith-based, 12-step program.  The program also includes refuge for single-mothers and their children providing shelter, support, advocacy, education, and resources needed to live independent lives free from addiction and violence. Your donations will help set these women and their children towards a path to success!
Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf 3/22/2012
Your sponsorship will provide teaching staff, food, clothing, and access to medical treatment. You will receive a letter from your child several times a year and can write to them as well. Sponsorship starts at $32.00 per month.
Caring Network, NFP 1/31/2017
For 35 years, CareNet has been on the front lines in the battle for life. Our team has the best tools in the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy - the latest in ultrasound and skilled counselors who address the issues that compel a mother to seek abortion. But despite our tremendous effectiveness, nearly 5,000 abortions take place in DuPage County and surrounding communities. Help us reach women first - by adding centers and increasing internet advertising - to save the life of their unborn child.
Caring Network, NFP 1/31/2017
Women faced with an unplanned pregnancy are often frightened and alone, cannot move beyond the difficulty of their circumstances, and don’t know where to turn for help. CareNet welcomes women with caring, non-judgmental support that empower them to choose life for their unborn, while sharing the truth in Christ. Prayerfully consider a gift to CareNet Pregnancy Services of DuPage – we rescue a child and save a mom!
Caring Network, NFP 1/31/2017
Ultrasound is a powerful tool that reveals truth, introducing a mother to her baby. Even women committed to abortion are moved by the sight of their unborn child’s heartbeat and activity in the womb. CareNet’s nurse manager spends time providing mothers with as much information as possible on the development of their babies, free of charge, so she can truly make an informed choice. Prayerfully consider a gift to CareNet Pregnancy Services of DuPage – precious lives are at stake!
Caring Network, NFP 1/31/2017
Ending a pregnancy can be devastating to both women and men. In a group or individual setting, CareNet offers the opportunity for deep healing to those who experience ongoing guilt or grief from a past abortion. Restore provides free, confidential post-abortion support to those in DuPage County and surrounding communities. Prayerfully consider a gift to CareNet Pregnancy Services of DuPage to help heal women and men.
Caring Solutions of Central Georgia 1/19/2022
Caring Solutions began in 1984 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that delivers compassionate services to women and their partners facing unplanned pregnancies in a nationally-accredited healthcare setting. We strive daily to make a difference in the lives of those experiencing unplanned pregnancies and have multiple locations to serve our patients. We have recorded over 48,000 visits and are dedicated to helping as many people as possible.
Caris Pregnancy Counseling and Resources 9/15/2010
Caris is a ProGrace pregnancy counseling agency providing free services to any woman who is facing, has faced, or is at risk of facing an unplanned pregnancy. Our vision is to see women and children thrive during and after unplanned pregnancy.
ABHE Accreditation 7/13/2017
Carver Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary 7/13/2017
Obtaining accreditation with the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) will enable the school to be evaluated and recognized for its quality of education and ensure that our college and seminary faculty, curriculum, administration, libraries, financial well-being and student services meet the standards established by this internationally recognized accrediting organization. We estimate the total cost of obtaining accreditation to be $106,000.
General Fund 7/21/2016
Carver Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary 7/21/2016
The General Fund allows our school and ministry to operate, meeting day-to-day needs. It allows us to keep tuition affordable for students who otherwise would not be able to receive a high quality, biblical education. Gifts to the general fund allow us to decide where they are most needed.
Cary Christian Center 8/22/2022
The vision of Cary Christain Center is to break the cycles of poverty through relationships; to build serious and significant relationships that are based on biblical principles, and to build relationships with individuals through the various ministries by becoming involved in their lives which ultimately leads them to make healthy choices
Catalyst Ministries 5/7/2020
Catalyst has developed partnerships with local indigenous leaders who are working with abused and exploited women to help them find freedom, to show them their worth, and to equip them with the skills needed in their new life.
CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) 8/2/2018
CBE collaborates with ministry leaders in sub-Saharan Africa to address an imbalance of resources and power between women and men, and girls and boys. Women's equality is not attainable without addressing underlying cultural and faith-based beliefs that devalue and disempower women and girls, making them vulnerable to marginalization and abuse. By providing culturally appropriate biblical resources, CBE is instrumental in partnering for change globally.
CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) 1/27/2023
In collaboration with award-winning film director, writer, and producer, Brandon Dickerson, CBE is creating a feature film on the life of an early evangelical medical missionary, Bible translator, and egalitarian activist—Dr. Katharine Bushnell. This film will demonstrate the impact of women’s leadership by showing how Katharine risked her reputation and life going undercover inside Wisconsin's lumber camps to expose the government-sanctioned trafficking of girls and women.
CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) 8/2/2018
An expert team of women and men Bible scholars from diverse backgrounds are working on a project to correct flawed translations of biblical passages that are used to demean and subjugate females to male authority and abuse. They will produce exegetically-sound, gender-accurate, and accessible English translations from the original biblical texts. CBE will publish the revised texts beside evidence for the revisions in a commentary that accompanies each revision.
CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) 1/27/2023
CBE develops online courses with topics such as “Answers to Common Questions about Women and the Church,” and “Women in pastoral ministry.” The content is rich and extremely valuable for educating and advocating that God created women and men as equal partners for the flourishing of families and communities. Content is aimed to open the eyes of those who have been misled and confused by misinterpreted Bible passages and ideas that devalue women. See courses at
CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) 8/2/2018
CBE advances the gospel by equipping Christians to use their God-given talents in leadership and service. CBE’s work addresses theological and historical errors, and flawed translations of Scripture that devalue girls and women and limit their voice, agency, and God-given gifts that communities need to flourish. CBE educates and advocates with online multimedia resources (in many languages), yearly international conferences, local chapters, publications, blog, podcast, radio, and social media.
CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) 8/2/2018
Given the challenges and inequities women face in the church and the Christian academia, the Alvera Mickelsen Memorial Scholarship (AMMS) was created to help women answer the call to ministry by providing academic scholarships. The scholarship is designed to provide financial assistance to women who are pursuing a master’s degree in a ministry field related to preaching, communications, writing, youth ministry, pastoral work, or nonprofit work.
CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) 1/27/2023
Due to the declining biblical literacy among Christians and the lack of awareness of women leaders in Scripture and history, CBE runs weekly radio spots on Christian radio (in English and Spanish) that highlight what women accomplished in Scripture and history. These spots demonstrate how women are created in God's image and gifted for service and leadership. Using radio to highlight women in Scripture and history enables CBE to tell more people how women are an integral part of God's work.
Center For Christian Growth 6/4/2013
We're excited about partnering with people who have a heart for kids and understand the life-changing impact the camping ministry can offer people of all ages. We have a big vision to grow and serve in Texas and would love for you to jump in!
Center for Christian Study 5/17/2011
Because most of our services are free and we do not receive funding from the University, 74% of our annual income comes from individual contributions. We need your support to sustain the daily work of the Center as we strategically consider new opportunities for faith and learning, as well as ways to strengthen existing programs.
Center for Church Based Training 8/22/2012
Center for Church Based Training offers programs for developing emerging leaders for pastoral ministry and church planting. Our team works closely together to reach new leaders in key regions across the globe. Our vision is to impact church leaders in such a way that the process reproduces throughout the church, developing additional leaders for key ministry roles.
Center for Global Impact 10/13/2011
Center for Global Impact (CGI) seeks to bring the Good News of Jesus to those in the grip of poverty and bondage. We do this practically by providing a pathway out of poverty through education, vocational training and business development. Primarily working in Cambodia, many of those we serve are victims of - or vulnerable to - human trafficking.
Center for Parent/Youth Understanding 4/4/2012
The mission of CTI is to provide resources for students, parents, pastors and educators to think more deeply about the transition from high school to college. This mission is accomplished through: (1) Speaking: College Transition Seminars are presented across the country to students and parents. (2) Writing: Articles, books, and expert interviews. (3) Blogging: A regularly updated blog provides commentary on trends in higher education.
Center for Pregnancy Choices Metro Area 4/18/2023
The CPC Metro area is a nonprofit with medical clinics that are here to listen, encourage and equip those facing pregnancy decisions. We have been serving the Jackson Metro area for over 30 years and have served over 23,000 women in our community.
CenterPoint Church (NY) 9/26/2019
Whether you're a seasoned church veteran or have never been in church before, we want you to grab a cup of coffee and feel at home. We exist to give EVERYONE on Long Island multiple opportunities to hear and respond to the gospel, by being a missional and attractional church that leads people into a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Central Detroit Christian Community Development Corporation 11/17/2010
Central Detroit Christian CDC provides a variety of youth and family programs including tutoring, leadership development, club programs, mentoring/discipleship, cultural enrichment, computer training, nutrition and cooking, gardening, employment training and placement, business development, housing counseling, home repair, housing rehabilitation, community outreaches and more! Our vision is to see our community made whole... donate today!
Central Indiana Youth for Christ 6/1/2009
Since beginning in 1944, Youth for Christ has been changing lives and making a difference. YFC's efforts have made a positive contribution to the social and spiritual well-being of teens in Central Indiana. Never before has the need to help young people, ages 11-19 been so great. Our structure allows for many opportunities to help young people through financial contributions combining tax advantages and Christian service.
Central Michigan Youth for Christ 5/16/2023
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Meals-A-Month! 5/24/2011
Central Union Mission 5/24/2011
Meals-A-Month donors are a very special group of friends who ensure that the Mission's ministry continues month after month, all year long. Since one complete meal costs $2.09, a donation of $22.99 will provide 11 nutritious "meals a month." Help provide food for the hungry and homeless and make a difference in Jesus' name every single month!
Changed Choices 5/16/2023
Changed Choices exists so that women who have experienced incarceration lead restored lives marked by healthy decisions, self-sufficiency, and contribution to their communities. As followers of Christ, we empower current and recently incarcerated women to achieve lasting, positive change through programming and personalized mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual support.
Chariots for Hope 2/12/2016
Chariots for Hope exists to honor God by loving, nurturing, and providing for vulnerable and orphaned children by leading and sustaining holistically healthy children's homes in Kenya. We seek to provide these children with opportunity and hope so that they develop into exemplary citizens, leaders, and followers of Jesus Christ. We invest in them through social, emotional, and spiritual care as well as education that goes far beyond just primary school.
Chariots4Hope 2/16/2022
Chariots4Hope is a faith-based, not-for-profit organization that supports low-income families and individuals to maintain self-sufficiency through reliable transportation and ride programs.
Chestnut Mountain Ranch 9/6/2011
The need is great, and we need your help. This is a crucial time for the Ranch as we seek to expand our capacity to better serve these boys and reunite them with their families. It is easy to feel as though you must give in a big way to make a difference… this simply is not the case. Donations of any kind can help make a lasting impact on a young life.
CHIEF 5/24/2011
The mission of CHIEF is to disciple and equip a strong Native American Leadership for the development of the indigenous church throughout North, Central and South America. Please support the work of CHIEF as we continue to motivate our vision to see an effective Christian witness in every Native American tribe and all related tribes in this generation!
Equipping 7/26/2018
Child Evangelism Fellowship 7/26/2018
Equipping is the second pillar in the CEF strategy to reach Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day. Equipping provides the tools needed for trained men and women to effectively evangelize and disciple the next generation. Materials provided include both resources for those trained and for the children to help them grow in their faith.
Supporting 7/26/2018
Child Evangelism Fellowship 7/26/2018
Supporting is the third and final pillar in the CEF strategy. Supporting provides resources which allow trained and equipped men and women to maintain focus on the important task of evangelizing and (SPAN) program which provides financial support to nearly 1,000 workers in 130 countries where personal support raising is difficult or impossible. SPAN recipients are national workers who know the language and culture and are best equipped to reach their communities for Christ.
Training 7/26/2018
Child Evangelism Fellowship 7/26/2018
Training is an integral part of CEF's mission. Each year we train over 350,000 people worldwide in how to effectively evangelize and disciple boys and girls.
Child Evangelism Fellowship of South Carolina 12/7/2018
CEF wants to reach the children with the Gospel so that "not one of these little ones should perish" (Matthew 18:14). Among many goals, we aim to help each area reach every public school with the Gospel through an After-School Good News Club and expand this ministry into South Carolina housing projects and community centers. Join the movement to put prayer and God's Word back in schools. Everyone can be a part - pray, give and go.
Childcare Worldwide 1/14/2010
Provide help for today, hope for tomorrow, and faith for eternity. Not only will your child have food, clean water and access to medical care as needed, they will receive an education that leads to employment, giving them the skills to provide for themselves. In addition, your child will hear about Jesus and be trained to have Christ-like character. For only $40 per month, you can radically change a child's life. Sponsor a child today!
Easter Party 3/16/2022
Childcare Worldwide 3/16/2022
Easter Parties are an incredible opportunity to tangibly demonstrate hope and joy to a child in need. Each celebration reminds a child how precious they are – both to a caring person like you and to Jesus, who loved them enough to die on the cross. At each Easter Party, children experience singing, fun games, and special refreshments that remind them of the joy that happens because of Jesus. They will each get a special devotional book that will encourage them to grow in their faith. More import
Childcare Worldwide 3/16/2022
Send a child to a Life Center to introduce them to the best gift of all: Jesus! At our Life Centers, children meet weekly for a day of fun, but more importantly, for a day of discipleship. Through Bible study, songs and games, our curriculum helps them connect Biblical principles to their day-to-day life, and helps them walk closer with Jesus every day. A gift of any amount will help a child's faith grow. You can support a child in this program for just $5 a month, or $60 for an entire yea
Sibling Support 3/16/2022
Childcare Worldwide 3/16/2022
Many of our sponsored children have large families with several siblings. It’s such a joy when a child gets sponsored and is able to attend a Life Center, but often this leaves their siblings back at home. However, we want to be sure that EVERY child gets support. For just $20/mo you can provide a sibling with access to a Life Center where they will hear the Gospel of Jesus, receive clean water, and a nutritious meal. If you are interested in a 1-to-1 writing relationship that provides education
Children Of Abraham 8/9/2019
Since 1977, the Children Of Abraham ministry has been communicating the saving message of Christ to a largely un-evangelized Arabic community in and beyond North America. The truth of God’s glorious self-revelation, in Christ and His Word has been hidden from millions of Muslims. We are committed to placing the Word of God into the hands of many Muslims.
Children of Mexico 1/29/2010
Niños de México operates a medical clinic with a professional doctor on call at all times. The doctor attends the staff and the 60 children in Niños’ care. Niños also operates a mobile medical clinic that takes teams each month to a remote mountain village (Chilapa) several hours away. While some of the team cares for the medical needs of the villagers, other staff members and Niños’ older children teach from the Bible to all who will listen.
Children's HopeChest 11/25/2009
Inspired by Christ's love, Children's HopeChest releases the potential existing within vulnerable communities, starting with the children. Through holistic programming, individual children, their households, and their community, enter into self-sustainable approaches to poverty alleviation, ending generations of donor dependency.
China Aid Association 2/7/2012
Christians in China are harassed, arrested, imprisoned, beaten, and tortured for their faith. By partnering with China Aid, you will help us to continue responding quickly to emergency situations and caring for the persecuted through the provision of legal aid, medical aid, and support for families of prisoners. More than simply physical help, your gift encourages the persecuted as they remember that they do not walk alone.
Three-Fold Vision! 4/12/2011
China Ministries International 4/12/2011
China Ministries is committed to the fulfillment of the Three-fold Vision: Evangelizing the Chinese People; Strengthening of the Chinese Church; and Christianization of the Chinese Culture, through the introduction of Christian values by means of research, training, publishing, and sending those who are called. Please support China Ministries in this endeavor!
China Outreach Ministries 3/22/2011
Adding new campuses to the 51 we are currently working on will give opportunity to reach Chinese scholars with the Gospel.
China Partner 11/10/2008
China Partner provides mini-libraries to students, faculty, pastors and lay pastors in mainland China. CP has distributed over 50,000 Bible study and reference books since 1991. These study books are cherished treasure since they provide much needed training and help equip Christian leaders to share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to more Chinese. Help us to continue this needed distribution in China!
China Partner 3/23/2010
The great news is that the church is exploding in China today. At the same time, China only has one ordained pastor for every 10,000 Christians. There is a huge need for additional training of pastors and lay pastors. China Partner exists to help meet this need by providing regular short-term Pastoral Training Seminars across China. Your donation will equip trainers to train trainers (2 Tim. 2:2).
ChinaSource 6/8/2011
Since 1997, ChinaSource has been a trusted resource, engaging the Christian community with critical knowledge needed to collaborate with and to serve the Chinese church and society. Our media resources are accessed by thousands each week. Through virtual platforms and in-person consultations, we bring together leaders to explore how they can strengthen one another through collaboration. Join us as we foster much-needed dialogue among Christians inside and outside China.
Chinese Christian Mission 11/13/2012
From its humble beginnings in 1961 as a small literature distribution ministry, Chinese Christian Mission has developed into a multi-faceted mission organization. CCM's strategy is reaching the Chinese to reach the world, by sending missionaries to the Chinese to bring them the gospel in their language, and equipping believers to reach the local ethnic groups.
Cho-Yeh Camp and Conference Center 1/7/2014
Cho-Yeh never wants lack of finances to keep kids from having the Cho-Yeh experience! This year, Cho-Yeh gave away $160,000 in camper scholarships to families who needed assistance to come to Camp! Help send kids to Cho-Yeh who wouldn't otherwise have the great Camp experience!
Choices 1/11/2023
If you’re considering abortion for your unexpected pregnancy, get the facts about procedures, side effects, and potential risks first. You deserve to know the truth. Our staff will give you the guidance you need to make an informed choice. Schedule a free, confidential consultation to confirm your pregnancy and discuss your options.
Hearts for Life! 3/29/2012
Choices of the Heart 3/29/2012
At Choices of the Heart we offer someone that you can trust and who cares. We will provide all of the facts regarding every option available.While every gift is much appreciated, the strength of monthly electronic recurring giving is a coveted blessing. In addition to single gifts, please consider partnering with us as a Hearts for Life monthly supporter.
Choices Pregnancy Centers of Greater Phoenix 7/6/2011
CPC is a non-profit, life-affirming ministry whose mission is "saving lives and protecting futures." Our goal is to impact the community by offering programs and services that boldly speak the truth in love while offering choices, support, and hope. Please call 602-508-3340 to make a donation.
Choices Pregnancy Services 10/1/2013
Help us help those who need it most. By becoming a monthly donor you will receive ministry updates and information as well as invitations to special events that promote life. Your financial support makes a difference!
Choices Women's Clinic 3/8/2011
Support True Life Choice in their efforts to provide free services to pregnant women. Please call 407-244-5527 to make a donation.
Chosen Children Ministries 4/8/2009
Chosen Children Ministries' Bible Institutes in Leon, Nicaragua, and in Masaya, Nicaragua, train local Nicaraguan pastors and church leaders. Pastors and other church leaders accompanying short-term mission teams to Nicaragua have the opportunity to join CCM staff in Nicaragua in training these local Nicaraguan pastors.
Chosen Children Ministries 4/8/2009
CCM short-term mission teams minister to the people of Nicaragua by providing labor and materials for needed construction. CCM teams build churches, class rooms, small homes, walls, wells, ramps, and more. Construction projects are assigned to teams based on the skill and number of team members. As with all avenues of CCM, sharing the Gospel is key. Local Nicaraguans often help with construction work giving mission team members the opportunity to build relationships and share the Gospel.
Chosen Children Ministries 4/8/2009
Chosen Children Ministries (CCM) partners with evangelistic churches across the United States to send nearly 1,100 short-term mission teams to Nicaragua each year. These mission teams minister to children and adults through construction, bible teaching, humanitarian aid, church planting, and other activities centered around evangelism.
Chris Mikkelson Evangelistic Ministries 9/3/2020
Chris launched this evangelistic ministry to bring the Good News to the nations of the earth. This ministry exists to preach the Gospel in the most remote and un-reached parts of the earth to those who have not heard the Gospel message.
Christ for All Nations 4/20/2011
Consider partnering with Christ for all Nations and become a monthly ministry partner by praying for this ministry and standing financially with this ministry with a monthly partnership support gift. Every dollar makes a difference.
Christ for India 8/16/2023
You can give offerings and participate in our development projects in the ministry such as purchase bibles, school supplies, evangelism tools, buy motorcycles for the pastors...
Christ for the Island World 6/20/2023
We provide clean water to remote villages as a means of opening hearts to the Gospel.
Christ for the Island World 11/13/2012
Working through Indonesian nationals, our mission is to reach Indonesians with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We minister through our Indonesian Field Director, providing financial support for evangelists and church planters in underevangelized areas of East Indonesia. Through our Living Water Program, we construct numerous life-saving clean water facilities in remote villages. To make a donation, please contact Christ for the Island World 1400 Battleground Ave., Ste 116-H, Greensboro, NC 27408.
Christ in Youth 11/25/2013
Millions of students born between 1984 and 2002 will never hear the Gospel and will never know peace. Your tax deductible gift to the ministry of Christ In Youth will amplify the call of Christ to save, prepare, and send a generation of Kingdom workers into that harvest field. Your gift will help amplify the call to 1,000,000 students to live as Kingdom workers in the next decade!
Christ Led Communities 6/21/2011
Recognizing the need for strong leadership development among Christian men, CLC is a men’s organization that is committed to training Christian leaders. Responsibilities at home, in business, in church, or in the community require men to be leaders, and CLC is dedicated to equipping men to provide leadership, based on a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and sound biblical principles applied to every area of life. Support the work of CLC by giving today!
Christ the Cornerstone 11/13/2019
At Christ the Cornerstone we exist to love God, love people, that the world might know the life changing love of Jesus. A Biblically-based message is shared weekly with relevant teaching on how the Word of God relates to the needs and struggles of our daily lives.
Christ's Body 6/25/2011
Over the years, through prayer, support, and the efforts of thousands of volunteers and partners, Christ’s Body Ministries has been the “Hands and Feet” of the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. We serve poor, homeless, and broken people 365 days a year. Support the work of Christ's Body by giving today!
Christ's Hope USA 10/29/2010
Consider a donation to Christ's Hope USA as we care for orphans and vulnerable children through ministry CarePoints and extended/foster families where they are loved and receive food, medicine, education and the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.
Mentor Youth! 4/23/2009
Christian Association of Youth Mentoring 4/23/2009
Our purpose is to assist the local church, individual and ministry by providing services, training and support so that they in turn can focus on connecting God's un-fathered children and vulnerable youth with mature Christian men and women.
Christian Bowhunters of America 11/13/2008
The Mission of Christian Bowhunters of America is to be a Ministry to the Bowhunting and Archery World, seeking to serve and exalt Jesus Christ by leading lost people to him and encouraging Christian growth. Christian Bowhunters presently has 48 chapters across the country. We need you to partner with us. Please visit our web site for details regarding memberships, chapters and giving opportunities.
Support CCCA! 6/19/2011
Christian Camp and Conference Association 6/19/2011
Christian Camp and Conference Association provides valuable resources both for those seeking a Christian camping experience and for those who are leaders at Christian camp/conference ministries. If you wish to support CCCA please contact us at (719) 260-9400.
Christian Camping International 3/21/2024
CCI is an alliance of Christian camping Associations throughout the world, helping each Association to be more effective in serving its membership of Christ-centered camps, conference and retreat ministries, to the glory of God and for the building up of His Church. Christian camping is God’s tool for churches to connect with the younger generation and to nurture them into leaders and CCI exists to create a community of like-minded individuals to encourage, enable, equip and support our Associat
Christian Community Action 9/11/2017
In the name of Jesus Christ, Christian Community Action ministers to the poor by providing comprehensive services that alleviate suffering, bring hope and change lives. CCA practices a comprehensive approach of rescuing individuals and families in crisis and walking alongside them through relief and restorative services, helping each client improve. We offer our community members and neighbors in need a hand-up instead of a hand-out.
Christian Employers Alliance 10/9/2023
At Christian Employers Alliance (CEA), we are driven by the purpose of courageously defending the freedoms of Christian business owners. The shape of our logo, a shield, demonstrates our unyielding commitment to protecting our members and Christian values in business.
Christian Encounter Ministries 6/20/2011
We work with young people who are aware of their need for help and are between the ages of 16 and 25. Our primary focus is to assist people in the development of responsible behavior patterns and to confront weaknesses which prevent adequate adjustment. Partner with Christian Encounter Ministries as we strive to provide an environment where a genuine commitment to Christ can be fostered!
Christian Endeavor USA 4/7/2011
The objective of Christian Endeavor is to challenge youth to live a Christian life and train them to be leaders IN their youth ministry. Consider how adding a contribution through your will can further the ministry of Christian Endeavor well into the future.
Christian Endeavor USA 6/9/2022
Christian Endeavor comes alongside the local church in order to equip them for effective discipleship that is tailored to their cultural setting. The CE approach helps reverse cultural trends that reveal a majority of young people walk away from church following graduation or before. By empowering youth to be IN ministry, they own their faith, feel responsibility for their church, and invest themselves in God's kingdom work. CE inspires church leaders toward this counter-cultural youth ministry.
Christian Foundation of America 3/13/2025
Christian Foundation of America is a charitable community foundation providing strategic giving solutions. We serve donors and their advisors with charitable funds, legacy and estate planning, and fund management. Additionally, we empower churches and Christian charities with planned giving and endowment services. Our goal is to equip you to maximize your charitable impact and transform communities for Christ.
Christian Freedom International 6/20/2011
Help persecuted Christians with urgently needed relief, medical, food and legal aid; Bibles, skill training, safe houses, and education. We serve Christians from Afghanistan, Burma, Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Nepal, India, Vietnam and other areas of oppression. Our school for refugee students trains youth to be Christian leaders. Find their handcrafted items on CFI's webstore. Sponsor a child in Nigeria, Egypt, Pakistan, or Bangladesh.
Christian Friends of Israel-USA 8/16/2010
Please consider blessing Israel by providing practical assistance for new immigrants, soldiers, Holocaust survivors, the community of believers, victims of terror and other under-privileged in the land.
Christian Heritage 8/9/2012
Many kids grow up without one or both parents, due to incarceration. Destination…Dad® seeks to rebuild relationships by teaching incarcerated parents how to take responsibility for their actions and have healthy relationships with their kids and the kids’ caregivers. We sponsor monthly “daddy day visits” and annual daddy-daughter dances and father-son “hangouts.” We also support children and caregivers by partnering with local churches to meet concrete needs of the families.
Christian Heritage Academy 4/19/2022
Christian Heritage Academy has been providing Christian education and training since 1972 with a vision of training American Christian leaders for every sphere of society. CHA is a fully accredited, private Christian school serving families of the Oklahoma City metropolitan area from grades Pre-K through high school. Committed to excellence in academics, athletics, and the fine arts, CHA is sending out leaders prepared to influence others for the sake of Christ and the glory of God.
Christian Holyland Foundation 6/6/2022
Working through Arabic-speaking congregations and pastors, CHLF focuses on evangelism, church planting, discipleship, reconciliation, relief, and development ministries in Israel and Palestine while promoting education and advocacy programs in the United States about the issues concerning the Holy Land.
Christian International Ministries Network 10/7/2015
The 7 Mountain Kingdom Influencers program commissions leaders within the seven established spheres of society, and equips them to transform their sphere of influence, so that the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our Lord. 7MKI provides resources in networking, leadership development, marketing and media, budgeting and accounting, business strategies, higher education, vision and goal development, and much more. This is a new and growing network!
Building Leaders! 6/21/2011
Christian Leadership Alliance 6/21/2011
Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) is an association that serves more than 10,000 members working in more than 4,500 organizations worldwide. CLA is the nation's leading resource for enhancing the organizational effectiveness of churches and parachurch ministries. Your donations help fund lifelong learning experiences for ministry leaders as well as helping fund the general administration of CLA.
Christian Legal Society 6/21/2011
Our mission is to inspire, encourage and equip lawyers and law students, both individually and in community, to proclaim, love and serve Jesus Christ through the study and practice of law, the provision of legal assistance to the poor, and the defense of religious freedom and sanctity of human life. Support the work of CLS as we "seek justice with the love of God"!
Christian Medical & Dental Associations 5/19/2009
Campus ministries reaches out to medical and dental students on 242 medical and dental school campuses across the US. Encouragement for students is provided through organized campus Bible studies, evangelism, organized mission teams, school leadership training, and outreach functions.
Christian Medical & Dental Associations 5/19/2009
CMM’s mission is to inspire, educate, and equip medical missionaries. A bimonthly e-newsletter, international rotation scholarships, and pre-field orientation sessions train medical missionaries to advance the cause of missions and international health care in their work for Christ. Medical missionaries in the field are encouraged and challenged through the monthly epistle. Effectiveness is increased through consulting services and management training.
Christian Medical & Dental Associations 5/19/2009
In partnership with Prison Fellowship International, our medical and dental teams bring healthcare and the Gospel message to prisoners in foreign countries, many of whom have never had health care. Nothing is changed unless hearts are changed and so our efforts support indigenous pastors and the Prison Fellowship of that country to get volunteers including physicians and dentists to support their important ministry.
Christian Medical & Dental Associations 5/19/2009
Pastoral Conferences are part of the medical and surgical outreach in foreign countries. This is an important investment in the spiritual leadership of countries where no seminary training has been given. Pastoral conferences cross denominational lines to encourage and exhort pastors to work together, develop pastoral prayer groups, and reach out with faith-based initiatives to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Pastoral supplies for ministry are supplied to each attendee along with lunch for the day.
Christian Medical & Dental Associations 5/19/2009
Over fifty medical/dental and surgical teams are sent out annually on 1-2 week trips into developing countries around the world to share their faith and expertise among the poor and needy. These missions are planned with national partners to open doors of opportunity for the national partners to share the Gospel message, disciple new believers, plant churches, grow national churches, and demonstrate the love and the compassion of Christ in a material way.
Christian Medical & Dental Associations 5/19/2009
CMDA’s Washington office is a liaison with Congress, the administration, and policy organizations, presenting life-honoring perspectives through the national media, and publishing resources on vital issues.
Christian Military Fellowship 5/24/2012
One of the unfortunate facts of war is that the effects of mortal combat do not stop when the warrior leaves the battlefield. We may never fully realize how war forever changes the heart! Nor will we know the pains inflicted deep by the many terrors endured. Help us lessen the pain and encourage healing. A Gift of $30 will provide a copy of the "Combat Trauma Healing Manual" to a returning Warrior.
Christian Military Fellowship 5/24/2012
Marriage has always been one of the chief casualties of military service. Anxiety mounts both for the loved one, who is far off, and for those who have remained behind. Then when the warrior returns home from the battle, it is soon discovered that they are not the same person that left in answer to the call of country. Help us lessen the pain and encourage healing. A Gift of $30 will provide a copy of "When War Comes Home" to the wife of a Warrior.
Hope Partnership! 6/21/2011
Christian Missionary Fellowship International 6/21/2011
Nearly 2.5 million people live in poverty in the slums and urban areas of Nairobi, Kenya. They lack the basic necessities of life, including adequate housing, clean water, and sanitation services. Educational opportunities are negligible. All kinds of diseases run rampant throughout the communities and the scarcity of jobs complicates every problem. Support the work of Hope Partnership as we work to bring physical, emotional, and spiritual light to break the cycle of poverty and homelessness!
Become a Partner! 3/14/2013
Christian Missions International 3/14/2013
Please partner with us! We are looking for partners to stand with us with a monthly support of $100, $50, $30, $10 or whatever the Lord leads you to do. Partners who will help with special needs and give special offerings when they can are also needed. This can be for such things as starting new churches, purchasing a new vehicle, or buying tracts or Bibles. Your monthly contributions are needed. Please give today!
Christian Outreach Ministries 3/11/2021
The Land is a gathering place for the Body of Christ to be refreshed, restored, and equipped to make disciples of Christ for His Kingdom. The Land provides space for rest, refuge, refreshment, and restoration. We have hosted hundreds of groups and many Christian events over the past 40 years. We will remain affordable to those who need to be restored and equipped through the generous partnership with the Body of Christ.
Christian Training and Missionary Fellowship 11/19/2024
The Christian Training and Missionary Fellowship (CTMF) has been in Asia for over fifty years, sharing the gospel, planting churches, building up the saints, and developing leaders. The field base for the work is at the Hilltop Christian Ministries in the Philippines. CTMF works with Filipino leadership to run the Center for Biblical Studies and its extensions.
Christian Veterinary Mission 7/7/2021
Our purpose as an organization is to walk alongside Christians in the veterinary community whose desire is to bring glory to God through the use of their professional skills. It is our honor and privilege to pray with, talk with, encourage, equip, mentor and provide resources and opportunities for men and women to follow God’s call in their life, whether serving in their own community or cross-culturally.
Christian World Outreach 5/31/2013
CWO has 7 churches in the northwestern part of Haiti and one in Port-au-Prince. Leadership training assists those working in the churches as pastors, lay leaders, and ministry leaders make a difference in the communities where they live. In a country where people do not have the answers, they often look to their pastors and church for solutions. The training sessions teach pastors how to deal with the practical and spiritual questions people are facing on a daily basis.
Christian World Outreach 5/31/2013
CWO has two Feminine Training Centers in Haiti. These centers offer the opportunity for women to learn a skill in sewing, cooking and baking, crafts, and cosmetology so they are able to obtain employment or start their own business and provide for their families. Women who graduate from the training centers are able to make wedding dresses, clothing and food that can be sold. Cosmetology graduates are able to work for a salon or start a business in their home.
Christian World Outreach 5/31/2013
CWO provides pastor and leadership training in Zimbabwe where the need for exceptional leadership is greatly needed. Dealing with AIDS, poverty, and an unstable economy pastors and leaders in the churches are constantly approached by those seeking answers. The goal is to give pastors and leaders the tools they need to understand what a Biblical lifestyle is and to demonstrate it to those they minister to.
Christian World Outreach 5/31/2013
CWO is providing vocational training at the Village of Opportunity. The goal is to provide young women with Christ-centered training to help them recognize their inherent value and learn a vocational skill that will allow them to provide for their families. Currently offered are classes in sewing, agriculture, and cosmetology with classes in cooking and event planning to be offered in the future. The students also take courses in small business to help them learn to manage their skills and work.
Christian Worship Hour 10/31/2012
The Christian Worship Hour proclaims the Word of God simply and humbly in all its truth and purity, with special concern and compassion for the lost and with hope and encouragement for all believers. Donate to the Christian Worship Hour to help them deliver their weekly services!
Christianity Today International 6/21/2011
At CT, our ministry commitment and cause is Beautiful Orthodoxy—modeling biblical conviction and love—and it remains as solid and unflinching today as it did when our late founder Billy Graham founded the ministry in 1956. Today the global media ministry reaches over five million Christian leaders a month through various digital and print resources, and your support will advance this Christian thought journalism for the next generation of leaders.
Christopher Sun Evangelistic Association 6/25/2011
We preach the Gospel in the hope that all peoples will be reconciled to God and to one another in Christ. Please continue to pray for us and support this Ministry, so we can go forward to claim the lost for the Kingdom of God, that together we would share in the rewards before the throne of God.
Church Army USA 11/27/2023
Christ-centered Evangelists, Candidates, volunteers, and donors dedicated to serving and loving broken, rejected, and hurting individuals. Our mission spans addiction centers, urban farming, jails, cafés, streets, schools, hospitals, and more, spreading a message of hope, love, and joy.
Church CO+OP 7/10/2020
For over 32 years, we have been helping churches, schools and nonprofits save time and money on products, services and education. We help our members get connected to valuable vendors and provide our members with resources for success.
Church Ministries International 12/17/2012
Church Ministries International is driven by the vision to see the effective results of the Encounter with God Movement duplicated around the world. We are convinced that Encounter with God is a solid strategy for fulfilling the Great Commission given the new paradigms of modern missions. Your financial contributions help CMI develop dynamic, evangelistic and multiplying networks of churches in the great cities of Latin America.
Church of God Ministries 5/29/2011
Your donation to the Minister's Aid Fund will help support those ministers who are facing heartbreaking circumstances and in desperate need of financial assistance. Please give today!
Church of God of Prophecy International Offices 7/24/2012
The Christian Education Department of the Church of God of Prophecy provides resources and training for discipling the ever-expanding harvest of men, women, and children who are surging into the kingdom of God around the world. Please donate today to assist us as we convey God's presence, power and purpose into the lives of teens, children, and adults so they become carbon copies of Jesus!
Circle Urban Ministries 10/14/2008
Become an Apple Seed Partner and come alongside Circle’s children and youth by sponsoring activities during the hours after school, over school holidays, and summer break. Partners also support students in the Mentoring Program which fosters positive relationships with peers and nurturing adults, equipping and challenging students toward their God-given purpose in life.
CitiVision 11/11/2009
Support CitiVision as we transform lives and empower leaders to impact their urban communities!
City For The Nations 2/19/2024
Uniting cities in the Great Commission, we empower every believer to fulfill their strategic role. Our vision: zero unreached people groups. Join our prayer movement, interceding for the spiritually darkest places. Together, let's bring His Kingdom to all nations.
City Keepers 2/14/2025
As a registered 501(c)(3), we act as a hybrid fiscal sponsor, helping organizations meet IRS requirements and manage donated funds. With competitive fees based on project size, we offer services like philanthropic advising, fund development assistance, donation processing, and strategic networking. Our goal is to help you focus on your mission while we handle the administration, maximizing your impact and growth.
Food Services! 6/27/2011
City Mission of Schenectady 6/27/2011
The mission of the Food Services Department has three parts: to support the Discipleship Program, to provide good nutrition, and to consistently deliver excellent service. Please give today to help us provide much needed food to the community!
The Relief Bus! 3/10/2016
City Relief 3/10/2016
The Relief Bus is “boots on the ground” in the poverty stricken areas of New York City and New Jersey. We converted two school buses into mobile outreach centers that go directly to those who are most vulnerable, lonely, and hurting to provide a meal, new socks, toiletries, and connections to resources that offer a way out. Week after week, rain or shine, the Relief Bus offers a very simple message: “God has not forgotten you. You are not alone. Tomorrow can be better than today.”
City Rescue Mission 6/27/2011
City Rescue Mission Inc. is a 501(c)(3) corporation that provides food, clothing, shelter, emergency services and residential recovery programs to homeless men, women and women with children. Please support City Rescue Mission and help us continue to serve the homeless and needy by rebuilding their lives through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ!
City Rescue Mission of New Castle 12/18/2008
Help the City Rescue Mission provide essential feeding and shelter services in Christian love to the hungry, hurting, and homeless in western Pennsylvania. Learn more about us at
City Union Mission 3/13/2009
City Union Mission provides food, shelter, clothing, medical care, counseling and the gospel to the homeless of the greater Kansas City area. The Mission provides a camp, in the summer, for urban children. It costs us an average of $16.31 per day to care for the multiple needs of each person.
Citygate Network 5/5/2011
An association of life-transformation ministries that equips, supports, inspires, and educates those providing focused front-line services to hungry, homeless, abused, and addicted people in our cities—moving them from a condition of human suffering to one of human flourishing, which God wants so very much for them to enjoy. Approximately 300 affiliates in North America.
Cityteam 11/6/2008
You can make a difference in the lives of people struggling with poverty, homelessness and addiction by partnering with Cityteam to offer help and hope through hot meals, shelter, addiction recovery, and more. Together, we are helping to transform a lives, heal families, and break the cycle of destructive behavior or poverty. By reaching one person at a time to help meet their immediate needs and introduce them to the hope that only God can provide, we see real changes in each person's life.
Cityteam 2/18/2022
CityTeam is a faith-based nonprofit, compassionately serving our neighbors experiencing homelessness, poverty, hunger, and addiction. Our programs have locations in San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland, Portland, and the Philadelphia area. Since 1957, CityTeam has been serving neighbors in need. CityTeam aims to restore lives and rebuild communities through innovative and holistic programs, which provide food, shelter, clothing, job training, and spiritual transformation.
Cityteam 5/20/2016
God is using Cityteam to spread the Gospel internationally. We have seen the Lord raise up over 35,000 new churches with over 1 million new believers in more than 50 countries! Will you support this movement of sharing the Gospel and making new disciples across the nations?
CJF Ministries 9/6/2011
Our workers are organizing evangelistic meetings where the Gospel is presented, with an understanding of the Jewishness of Messiah, as well as publishing and distributing Russian-language Gospel tracts, Bibles, New Testaments, and Bible study booklets. We are also helping provide other necessities such as food, clothing, shelter and medical care. Support the outreach of this ministry by giving today!
Clearway Clinic 4/27/2018
Clearway Clinic is a caring, non-judgmental clinic. We specialize in supporting women with unplanned or unwanted pregnancies. Our mission is to help during this vital decision-making process by sharing knowledge, wisdom, and resources. Every woman’s situation is unique and we are committed to serving individual needs.
Clement Arts 3/23/2023
Clement Kids provides excellent arts instruction in dance, music, drama, & art. Kids enjoy a fun and uplifting environment with instructors who love children as well as their craft. In addition to summer camps, classes run on a fall and spring semester schedule. Proceeds benefit local adoption. Children in foster care are invited to attend classes tuition-free.
Coaches Honor 11/27/2023
Challenging, encouraging, and discipling coaches and leaders to follow Christ at home, school, and at work. It is our mission. The heartbeat of COACHES HONOR is to share the Good News of the Gospel with anyone and everyone. We are excited about our continual growth outside of schools and campuses.
Coaches Outreach 3/9/2015
Passing on a healthy faith means passing it on in the context of a healthy marriage. Your support of this ministry helps make it possible for coaches and their spouses to get refreshed and renewed so that they can minister to others. Please support this valuable ministry.
Coalition for Christian Outreach 10/9/2008
Support CCO Campus Ministry as we partner with churches, colleges and other organizations to develop men and women who will live out their Christian faith in every area of life. The work of the CCO is made possible by the generous support of people who share our vision of reaching college students and transforming the world.
College Golf Fellowship 1/8/2019
College Golf Fellowship exists to meet a need that isn’t being met by any other organization. CGF is the only Christian ministry with the specific purpose of building into the lives of college golfers, sharing the hope of Christ with them, and discipling those who have placed their trust in Him. We travel to college campuses to meet one-on-one or in a group setting to support, counsel, and encourage through the Word of God.
Colorado Christian University 7/5/2011
CCU relies on committed partners who invest their time, talent, and/or treasure to advance CCU’s ability to deliver superb academic programs that challenge the heart, soul, and mind of the students while nurturing cognitive development, spiritual growth, and character formation in our students in the heart of the Rocky Mountain region. Please consider how you might partner with CCU in preparing students for a lifetime of service, leadership, and discipleship.
Columbia International University 12/3/2008
The "One Student - One Class" project impacts the life of one student attending one class at a time. The cost for one student in one class varies with each student depending on how many credit hours they have registered, whether they are attending the Undergraduate School, Graduate School or the CIU Seminary and School of Missions. On average we have determined the following giving levels to help the average student attend one class.
Columbia International University 12/3/2008
The CIU prison initiative trains incarcerated believers the Word of God at the Kirkland Correctional facility in Columbia. Fifteen prisoners are enrolled in a two year Associate of Arts Degree Program. Upon completion, inmates will be planted as chaplain’s assistants and lay missionaries in prisons around the state. Student sponsorships include $90 for one credit hour, $990 for a semester, $2,835 for one year and $5,670 for the entire program.
Commission to Every Nation 10/14/2008
Commission to Every Nation is an interdenominational mission organization which helps ordinary people partner with God to accomplish the extraordinary! We have over 700 missionaries in more than 60 countries serving in a variety of ministries.
Communitas International 6/14/2011
Christian Associates has been working in Europe since the early 80’s. We plant churches in major European centres. With currently around 30 projects across the European map, our desire is to create contemporary communities of faith that seek to bless and impact their context and demonstrate that following Jesus is a viable and positive answer to European secularism today. Support the work of CAI by giving today!
Community Bible Study 7/9/2009
Community Bible Study is an interdenominational ministry that began in 1975 with a single Bible study class in the Washington, D.C., area. Today it is a rapidly growing global ministry for all ages with hundreds of thousands engaging with God and His Word in more than 120 countries and 84 languages. Our mission is to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring, in-depth Bible studies available to all.
Community Christian School of Tallahassee 10/31/2012
There are multiple ways you can give to support CCS. Listed in the 40th Anniversary Gift Registry are some of our most pressing needs that you can donate in honor of our Anniversary. Some of these items are available on our Amazon Wishlist, and others can be purchased by making a secure online donation via PayPal.
Compass - finances God's way 5/11/2021
Compass is a worldwide nonprofit interdenominational ministry that teaches people of all ages how to handle money based on the principles of the bible. We are here to serve churches, businesses, ministries, schools and other organizations by providing biblically based solutions on handling money and possessions.
CompassCare Pregnancy Services 7/5/2011
CompassCare's mission is to erase the need for abortion by transforming women's fear into confidence. CompassCare offers free, ethical medical services to women facing unplanned pregnancies in order to give them a vision of a healthy future after having a child. Using ultrasound, STD testing and treatment, and a comprehensive community referral plan, CompassCare offers all the resources, information and support these women need in order to turn their fear into confidence.
Compassion Evangelical Hospital 2/8/2012
Please consider partnering with Compassion Evangelical Hospital by giving to finance the construction of the buildings and to support operational costs for the next few years. We expect that the revenues generated from inexpensive clinic visits, inpatient care, and surgeries will eventually offset staff salaries and other operational costs. The hospital and clinic are expected to become financially independent once fully constructed and fully functional.
Compassion International 3/1/2010
Christian leadership training for Compassion child sponsorship program graduates. Make a tax-deductible donation today.
Compassion International 11/6/2008
Share your love, prayers and support with a boy or girl who lives in poverty! Children are waiting now! Your child sponsorship support connects you with a child in a loving relationship that will change his or her life -- and yours! Learn more about sponsoring a child today through Compassion's Christian child sponsorship ministry.
Compassion Radio 4/13/2020
We are partnering with Bibles For The World to place Bibles into the hands of Chinese believers. This ministry is one of the premier Bible placement and literacy outreaches on the planet. They have vigorous and consistent evangelistic outreach in over 100 countries. They print and distribute more Bibles and gospel than any other missions agency. They evangelize and train hundreds of pastors and evangelists each year in their own seminaries and training conferences.
Compassion World Outreach 12/6/2017
In partnership with indigenous pastors, CWO provides training for church planters, pastors, and local leaders in their own country and in their own language. CWO partnership projects outside the United States need your prayers and financial support. Our ongoing goal is to establish church-based Bible institutes around the world using the BCTP curriculum. Please pray about supporting God’s work in this way.
Concerned Women for America 8/24/2021
CWA is America's largest public policy women’s organization with a rich history of over 40 years of bringing Biblical principles to all levels of public policy. There’s a cultural battle raging and CWA is on the frontline protecting those values through prayer and action. We focus on 7 core issues: family, sanctity of human life, religious liberty, education, sexual exploitation, national sovereignty, and support for Israel. CWA also has Young Women for America chapters on college campuses.
Confidential Care Mobile Ministry 3/13/2025
Our mission is to rescue preborn babies from ABORTION and love their moms into the kingdom!
Connect International 8/7/2018
Our mission is to serve the Lord by organizing summer camps for the rest and rehabilitation of widows and orphans whose husbands and fathers have been killed during the war in eastern Ukraine since 2014. These women and children often live in deep depression, disappointed with the state’s attitude toward them as well as the indifference and callousness of society. Many are in financial need. But their main need is Jesus Christ.
Conservative Congregational Christian Conference 7/5/2011
The Conservative Congregational Christian Conference has joined other Christians in our nation in making extraordinary followers of Jesus through a church planting movement that raises up new churches. We believe that by the year 2020 over one-half of the member churches in the Conference will be healthy reproducing churches started by the CCCC. A majority of these new churches will be planted in major metropolitan areas and will reach people from every generation and ethnic group.
Consulting Services Foundation 3/6/2019
Experience has shown that seasoned counsel can be of great benefit to students who are headed toward pulpit or other Christian ministries. Until now no support services outside the seminary environment have been available to aid those undergoing training. CSF counseling and assistance exposes students preparing for Christian ministries to the official requirements, which must necessarily be accomplished to equip and prepare them to be called into various ministry positions.
Cookeville Rescue Mission 6/6/2023
Our ministry is funded by giving from our generous community. We can’t help others without you!
Cookson Hills Christian School 8/17/2021
Since 1957, Cookson Hills has provided home, school, and therapy for kids who are at-risk. We are a children’s home in Northeast Oklahoma, serving kids ages 5-17 who want to write a better story for their lives and have experienced challenges with family life, homelessness, poor peer relationships, abuse, or neglect. Compelled by the love of Christ, our team works together to fulfill our vision – to raise up healthy individuals who are empowered to positively impact future generations.
CoPassion 10/5/2020
CoPassion is dedicated to making disciples of Jesus Christ by mobilizing the Church to invest in the next generation by intentionally integrating students and recent graduates back into the body of Christ through #internships.
Kennedy Classics 5/26/2017
Coral Ridge Ministries Media 5/26/2017
Kennedy Classics television programs are timeless, full-length messages from Dr. D. James Kennedy, founder of D. James Kennedy Ministries. Each program offers the viewer one of Dr. Kennedy’s signature messages, rich in biblical truths and insights that address the great questions of life and our times.
Coral Ridge Ministries Media 5/26/2017
Hosted by Dr. Frank Wright, President and CEO of D. James Kennedy Ministries, each television program provides a fast-paced analysis of current moral and cultural controversies—all from a biblical, gospel-centered perspective.
Coram Deo Academy 11/19/2024
Coram Deo Academy is a classical Christian school offering a collaborative University-Model® schedule for students in grades PreK through 12th. CDA has three North Texas campuses located in Collin County, Dallas, and Flower Mound.
Corazon Ministries 7/1/2013
Corazon Ministries works in collaboration with a variety of denominations and other missions organizations on short-term missions projects which include construction projects, evangelism, sports camps, and summer camps, throughout the year. Please consider supporting Corazon Ministries.
Cord Ministries International 11/14/2019
CORD is a uniquely formed to support ministry partners in unique circumstances. We seek out relationships with independent strategic partners that are bringing the gospel to the un-reached around the world. In order to meet the demands of these unique circumstances we allow our beliefs to inspire a process of exploration, refining, and sharing tools and solutions for the challenges of ministry.
Cornerstone Assistance Network 7/6/2011
Cornerstone Health Services offers a free Medical Clinic serving the uninsured in Tarrant County. The newly expanded clinic provides non-emergency care to families ineligible to obtain healthcare through other services. The mission is to provide quality comprehensive healthcare to our patients, diabetic and healthy heart education, cooking classes and a fitness facility. Now available is a vision clinic for cataract and other eye procedures for Tarrant Co. residents.
Cornerstone Christian Academy 12/1/2008
In a neighborhood where poverty, crime, and violence abound, Cornerstone Christian Academy in the City of Philadelphia stands as a beacon of hope for families who want a promising future for their children. Since 1988, Cornerstone has been educating children in an environment that provides the highest standards for academic achievement and spiritual development. Serving over 220 children in kindergarten through 8th grade, Cornerstone is a model of excellence for urban education.
Cornerstone Global Methodist Church of Marysville, Ohio 3/3/2022
Our vision is to love God and all people for the transformation of the world. If we are intentional about loving God and loving people, we will make disciples and it will lead to the transformation of Marysville and the world. Our hope is that everything we do as a congregation can be traced back to this simple Vision. We pray that you might catch the vision with us that love can be a powerful, attractive and transforming force. After all, “God is love” (1 John 4:16).
Cornerstone Pregnancy Services 12/1/2008
Cornerstone Pregnancy Services provides life-affirming alternatives to abortion, support services to women facing an unplanned pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment to those who are experiencing lifestyle distress. Our mission is "Share Christ, Save Lives, Transform Hearts" with over 1000 women who seek out our services yearly. Your gift of $365 or $30/month will ensure that a life-changing appointment will occur at our center or on our mobile unit.
Cornerstone Reproductive Health 9/8/2016
Not every pregnancy is filled with joy, love, and expectancy. For many, it is a time of shame, guilt, despair, and confusion. Not knowing where to turn can lead women to believe that abortion is their only option. Cornerstone educates and equips a generation to make choices that honor the life God gave, the relationships they are in, and the world around them. Your prayers and support help clear the way for God’s truth and life to be revealed and healing to take place, one life at a time.
Cornerstone TeleVision 4/20/2009
Cornerstone TeleVision is a viewer-supported ministry absolutely committed to using television as a force for good. To impact our culture and reverse society's moral downslide by broadcasting the Gospel and bringing a fresh, positive, Christ-centered outlook. The Word of God is the most powerful and lasting "agent" of change. And television is the most powerful tool to spread that message.
Council for Christian Colleges & Universities 6/20/2012
One of our off-campus study programs offered by the CCCU is known as “BestSemester.” Eleven semester programs and one summer program are designed to serve the student academic program interests of CCCU member and affiliate institutions. BestSemester programs allow member institutions to send students to programs that are reviewed by the Student Academic Programs Commission. Your donation will help us meet the needs of Christian colleges and universities.
Council for Life 8/22/2022
Council for Life is motivated by Christ-like love and responsive compassion. We are committed to raising public awareness of the complex issues that surround unplanned pregnancies and providing financial support to agencies that share our mission. We celebrate Life in all we do.
Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood 5/13/2009
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is setting forth the teachings of the Bible about the complementary differences between men and women, created equally in the image of God. These teachings are essential for obedience to Scripture and for the health of the family and the church.
Counteract International 8/4/2011
Counteract is the only faith-driven organization that takes a holistic approach to equipping incarcerated and released youth to achieve life turnarounds across El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. We send in-country staff behind bars of juvenile prisons each day to provide the youth consistent mentorship, deliver life skills training, offer biblical guidance and help them develop a life plan for success. Once the youth are released, we provide Success Coaches to walk by their side as they retur
Courage For Life 6/12/2024
Courage For Life creates resources to foster emotional health and spiritual growth for incarcerated individuals, those struggling with trauma, abuse, and addiction, and anyone who desires to grow in their relationship with God.
Covenant College 1/19/2022
We are a community committed to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God, and everything we do is grounded in our Reformed theology and worldview. At Covenant, we seek to inspire and equip our students to be faithful stewards of their God-given abilities - all of our programs are designed with this in mind.
Covenant College 1/19/2022
We are a community committed to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God, and everything we do is grounded in our Reformed theology and worldview. At Covenant, we seek to inspire and equip our students to be faithful stewards of their God-given abilities - all of our programs are designed with this in mind.
Covenant College 1/20/2022
We are a community committed to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God, and everything we do is grounded in our Reformed theology and worldview. At Covenant, we seek to inspire and equip our students to be faithful stewards of their God-given abilities - all of our programs are designed with this in mind.
Covenant College 1/20/2022
We are a community committed to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God, and everything we do is grounded in our Reformed theology and worldview. At Covenant, we seek to inspire and equip our students to be faithful stewards of their God-given abilities - all of our programs are designed with this in mind.
Covenant Theological Seminary 7/6/2011
Your participation in the mission of Covenant Seminary, both prayerful and financial, is an investment in the future of Christ’s church and is vital to ensuring that we are able to continue training pastors and ministry leaders who are faithful to the Scriptures, true to our confession, and rooted in grace for a lifetime of fruitful ministry. If you feel that the Lord is calling you to be part of our support team, contact our Development staff today at 800-264-8064.
Creation Moments 11/13/2008
The heated battle between evolution and creation is really a battle between atheism and biblical Christianity. Your gift to Creation Moments will enable us to continue broadcasting the truth of biblical creation throughout the nation and around the world on over 1,300 radio stations and outlets. Your gift will also enable us to reach the world through internet videos. See what we're all about by visiting our website and listening to the "Creation Moments" programs that are archived there.
Creation Studies Institute 9/9/2010
Producing easy to understand programs connecting God as our exciting Creator to capture the attention of those who need to hear that Jesus is also their Savior. Presenting creation as the foundation to the Gospel of Jesus. For information about our ministry visit
Radio Ministry! 11/15/2011
Creative Ministries 11/15/2011
WJTL is a radio ministry that plays contemporary Christian music. We are a commercial-free, listener supported radio station. Your support will help us continue to glorify God in the Lancaster area.
Crescent Project 4/2/2009
Specialized Training & Equipping: training ministry leaders and former Muslims to become effective leaders for Christ. Direct Muslim Outreach: producing and translating biblical materials for a Muslim audience; hosting globally-accessible media online and via satellite to reach Muslims with the Gospel. Give a Gospel: providing Christians across the world with literature and media to engage over 100,000 Muslims with the Gospel.
Crisis Aid International 11/8/2012
Crisis Aid operates a home in Missouri for victims of sex trafficking. The home has 22 beds and offers a holistic Christ centered program of rehabilitation. Crisis Aid is working with local and federal law enforcement and is the primary home where they send girls which they rescue. The home has 2 "wings", one for girls 18-24 and the second is for girls 17 and younger. Please visit the web site for more info. Crisis Aid has also operated homes for victims in Ethiopia since February 2007.
Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater 3/19/2012
The Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater (CPC) is a Christ-centered organization whose mission is to reach out to those women and families involved in crisis-related pregnancies offering them real help for the present, hope for the future, and healing for their past. Support the ministry of CPC and save lives and spare hearts from a great tragedy in our community!
CRISTA Camps 1/15/2009
CRISTA Ministries 1/15/2009
Set in the stunning forests on the west side of Puget Sound, Miracle Ranch and Island Lake are a camper’s paradise. Fun? Tons of it: boating, swimming, archery, marksmanship, paintball, horses, dirt bikes, high ropes and a skate park. But even more than adventure, when young men and women come to Miracle Ranch or Island Lake, they get a chance to grow closer to Jesus Christ than they ever have before, or, for some, to meet Him for the first time.
CRISTA Media 1/15/2009
CRISTA Ministries 1/15/2009
CRISTA Media sends this message of hope through four radio stations: SPIRIT 105.3, PRAISE 106.5, AM 630 KCIS, and SPIRIT 105.9
King's Schools 1/15/2009
CRISTA Ministries 1/15/2009
Our goal is to prepare students for college and for lives committed to excellence for Christ. Our rigorous academic curriculum, broad range of elective choices, student involvement in community-service projects and extracurricular activities are all designed to achieve that goal.
CRISTA Ministries 1/15/2009
Seattle Urban Academy (SUA) is a safe, alternative, Christian educational community. Since 1989, SUA has served at-risk teens, and is an integral part of CRISTA’s ongoing youth outreach. SUA is also part of a nationwide commitment to increase the national high school graduation rate.
World Concern 1/15/2009
CRISTA Ministries 1/15/2009
World Concern is a Christian global relief and development organization. With our supporters, our faith compels us to extend life-saving help and opportunity to people facing the most profound human challenges of extreme poverty. The solutions we offer create lasting, sustainable change. Our areas of expertise include disaster response, clean water, education, food security, child protection, microfinance and health.
Criswell College 7/12/2011
Criswell College exists to provide biblical, theological, professional, and applied education on both the undergraduate and graduate levels, based on an institutional commitment to biblical inerrancy, in order to prepare men and women to serve in Christian ministries. With your support, you can become an active participant in the global impact of Criswell faculty, students, and alumni as they travel the world with the message of Jesus Christ. Please make a donation today!
Cross Bar X Youth Ranch 1/8/2019
Cross Bar X has been providing high quality summer camps and youth activities at our 150-acre facility in Durango, CO since 1977. The primary purpose of CBX is to provide high quality, yet affordable summer camps and youth activities for socially and economically disadvantaged families. These camps give CBX a platform for year-round discipleship, outreach events, and encourage involvement in Bible-believing local churches. In everything we do, we present campers with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Cross International 11/14/2008
The 6,600 students who attend the 18 CBC schools would not be able to stay alert and learn were it not for the meal they enjoy daily; the only meal most will eat that day. Avoiding unnecessary customs costs and while helping the local economy, CBC purchases all of the food for its schools and orphanage from Haitian suppliers. Our drivers are dedicated Christians who willingly face the risk of kidnapping and robbery to transport the food to the schools.
Cross International 11/14/2008
A majority of Haiti’s poor children live with parents who can’t adequately feed or care for them. Many will never attend school because their parents are too poor to buy a uniform, and supplies. Cross is helping CBC provide a Christian education to 6,600 poor children in 18 schools. We also support New Life Center Orphanage, which is home to 82 children who are orphaned, or whose parents are too poor to care for them. We also pay the salaries of 175 teachers and one pastor.
Cross International 11/14/2008
There is a transformation taking place in impoverished areas of the Philippines! Cross asks for donations to help CCT assist 1,000 poor, but ambitious, families to build profitable, faith-based businesses with micro-loans, low interest rates and weekly fellowship groups where about 30 “partners” meet to study the Bible and encourage each other in business goals and financial discipline.
Cross International 11/14/2008
Cholera swept through an impoverished area of Zambia killing children, families, and devastating villages. A “post-mortem” of the outbreak revealed the unsafe water and unsanitary conditions that allowed the disease to run rampant. This project will educate villagers about sanitation and hygiene, and provide them with wells, latrines, rubbish pits and hygienic dish racks. Your gift can help tens of thousands of villages prevent tragic illness and untimely death for generations to come.
Cross International 11/14/2008
El Shaddai Ministries provides a Christian education for more than 500 students in impoverished Haiti. With education, these children have an chance to climb out of the poverty that permeates their lives. Many families are so poor they typically eat only one meal a day. Hunger impedes learning; so El Shaddai provides a hearty meal for students twice a week. They want to serve 5 weekly meals, but lack the funds to do so. With your gift, needy students can focus on learning unimpeded by hunger.
Espoir Water #0625 11/14/2008
Cross International 11/14/2008
Espoir “Hope” Village provides a loving home for physically and mentally challenged children. The home does not have access to the city water supply, so they have been purchasing truckloads of water, which has been a strain on their budget. Due to the country’s recent hurricane crises, costs for all goods and services have risen sharply. A well would not only provide a continuous supply of water, it would also free up funds to offset the home’s rising operational costs.
Cross International 11/13/2008
A shattered healthcare system complicated by poverty prevents many Afghans from seeking critical obstetric or surgical care. In 2005 a top-notch, Christian-based general and surgical care hospital opened in Kabul. High risk pregnancies, infections, and burn victims are commonly seen; as are the correctable birth defects and injuries. Most patients have no money to pay for the surgery they desperately need. Your gift will give them the surgery that could save their lives or make them whole again.
Cross International 11/13/2008
Instead of scavenging the garbage dump or wandering the dangerous streets, Guatemala City’s poorest children can find a safe haven at Potter’s House after-school program. With your help, fifty students will receive tutoring, clothes, school supplies, food, medical checkups, Bible-based teaching, and hope for the future. Potter’s House relies on funds from Cross to keep the program going, so that children can gain the tools they need to overcome poverty.
Cross International 11/14/2008
Casa de Vida is a safe haven for women and children who have escaped domestic violence. Started by four Christian women, Casa de Vida is more than a shelter - it's a place where families can transition to the life God wants for them. The women volunteers not only run the house but provide protection, knowledge, employment assistance, spiritual guidance, food, and anything else needed over a three-month period to help these families obtain the lives they deserve.
Crossfire Ministries 11/8/2016
We bless 2000 kids with Christmas presents. We are in desperate need of teen gifts, ages 13-16. Some ideas would be gift cards, jewelry, technology items, bikes, basketballs, makeup, nail polish, etc.
Crossing Borders Ministry 4/9/2009
Support Crossing Borders as we help North Korean refugees by providing protection, food, clothing, medicine while sharing the love of Jesus.
CrossPurpose 8/7/2019
We learned to stop asking “how do we help someone in poverty?” and we began to ask instead, “how do we help get someone out of poverty?” At CrossPurpose, we abolishing relational, economic, and spiritual poverty through career and community development. We help people in need achieve certifications and/or apprenticeships in one of many available career tracks for FREE.
Crossroads Care Center 3/3/2009
Crossroads Care Center helps women and men who are involved in an unplanned pregnancy to choose life for their unborn children. We help them make decisions based on factual, godly information that allows them to understand that their child is a gift from God, created in His image. Last year we had over 2200 appointments, doing pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STI/STD testing and treatment and peer counseling. We also teach sexual risk avoidance at the center and in 52 public and private schools.
Crossroads Prison Ministries 4/19/2023
Your donation sends hope and the love of Christ to people inside prisons across the United States and around the world. Every $100 gift provides someone living behind bars with a year of lessons and the loving support of mentors. Crossroads mentors walk with students as they study God’s Word. They offer hope, friendship, and encouragement to incarcerated men and women through letters with every lesson. The experience shows students that they are not forgotten.
CrossTalk Global 12/15/2020
The goal of CrossTalk Global is to “equip biblical communicators, so that every culture can hear God’s voice.” We provide cultures across the globe with competent practitioners who are equipped to provide the biblical communication so desperately needed. They introduce people to the God who loves them and help them to understand what God is saying to them in the Bible.
Crossworld 11/4/2021
Millions of Muslims in North Africa will go their entire life without hearing the gospel. But with your support, a generation of African leaders can be trained to take the gospel from their native Togo to North Africa. For $300, an African pastor can attend an eight-week training course and receive cross-cultural skills, vocational training, and effective tools for sharing the gospel with Muslims.
Crossworld 1/17/2014
When you give to the Global Advance Fund, you invest in sending disciple-makers from all professions to the nations. You recruit new missionaries, equip them for service, and care for them and their families. That means more Christ-followers are bringing God’s love to life, and more least-reached people hearing the gospel for the first time.
Maranatha School 11/4/2021
Crossworld 11/4/2021
College Maranatha, a pre-kindergarten through grade 13 school, has offered a Christ-centered education in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, for 65 years. It serves as a refuge for thousands of students in the troubled Haitian capital and as an inspiration to young Christian leaders in molding faith, academics, and service into lifelong patterns of serving Christ. Haiti needs Christ-centered leaders more than ever, who don’t seek their own advantage but who work together to glorify God. Join us in this rema
Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center 7/18/2011
Valuing all human life, the CCPC compassionately ministers hope to those experiencing unplanned pregnancy, healing to those who have experienced abortion, and upholds truth to our community through sexual risk avoidance education. We believe that all have intrinsic worth and are created in the image of God. All services are free of charge and all are welcome. If you wish to donate to the Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center please call 615-451-1717 or visit us at
DLF Youth 7/18/2011
Dallas Leadership Foundation 7/18/2011
Dallas Leadership Foundation's DLF Youth department reaches out to youth where they are. We serve more than 2,400 youth through our in-school program( Power Lunch) our annual summer camp( Power Camp) and through our Power Sports initiative. The time young people spend with Mentors makes a measurable difference. Students who participate in DLF Youth's Power Lunch program, for example, experience a 97% on-time graduation rate. Give today and help DLF Youth meet the needs of Youth across the city.
New Life Program! 7/18/2011
Dallas LIFE 7/18/2011
The New Life Program at Dallas LIFE offers a person a chance to completely change his or her life. Classes in Anger Management, Resume Preparation, Money Management and Men’s and Women’s Issues enable a person to clearly evaluate the past struggles, current options and future potential of an individual life. Make a donation and help the New Life Program graduate men and women who are ready to face the challenges of life as vibrant members of society.
Dallas Theological Seminary 10/3/2008
Teaching and defending the unchanging truth of God's Word has been the heart of our ministry for more than 85 years. We need the prayers and financial support of committed Christians like you to keep standing strong for the truth.
Dare 2 Share Ministries 2/2/2016
Be a part of training and equipping a youth ministry that is advancing the Gospel around the world! Prayerfully consider directing your gift towards launching a Gospel Advancing Ministry.
Dare for More Ministries 3/11/2021
Dare for more ministries helps transform women's lives by empowering them with resources to take on the challenges of life through an authentic global community. DFM builds relationships with communities around the world where women and children are vulnerable and in crisis to create lasting, sustainable change.
Daughter by Design 9/15/2023
For women caught in domestic violence, sexual abuse, betrayal trauma, and controlling relationships.
Daybreak Ministries 2/6/2020
The mission of Daybreak is to empower women, men, and families in the Midlands to choose the most positive, healthy, abundant life for themselves and the unborn by providing exceptional care, education, and medical information about sexual health and pregnancy. We extend grace, speak truth, build connections, and offer hope in a compassionate manner to ensure that everyone in our community is empowered to choose the abundant life that God intends for us all.
Daystar U.S. 3/30/2010
Our mission is to advance Daystar University so that dreams in Christ can come true for so many who could not afford a university education. Your gift to Daystar U.S. promotes special projects, recruits American faculty, and funds scholarships to needy and deserving Africans throughout the continent. By God’s grace, when you write a check to Daystar U.S., our hard-working staff has a track record of generating three dollars or more for every dollar given.
Deaf Bible Society 12/7/2018
Around the globe, 98% of Deaf people have never been introduced to the Gospel. Deaf Christians are working hard to advance sign language Bible translation and developing access to it in their communities. They are also serving to establish and grow local Deaf churches and ministries. Deaf Bible Society's mission--to provide God's Word in all sign languages-- is a big mission. We need Deaf Advocates like YOU to join us in this movement! Find out more at
Deaf Missions 5/7/2014
We would be delighted for you to partner with us as we minister for Jesus among deaf people. Pray for the souls of deaf people and for Deaf Missions. Pray that we might be effective in this exciting ministry. Your financial support is vital to our ministry as we share the Good News of Jesus with deaf people. Please consider making a one-time or recurring gift. Thank you!
Deeper Walk International 3/5/2020
In 2005 the Lord led Dr. Marcus Warner to launch a new work called Deeper Walk Ministries. The purpose of this new endeavor was to establish a clear path to a deeper walk with God that churches could use in disciplining their people. Toward this end Deeper Walk provides training in three areas: (1) Bible basics: helping people get a handle on the Scriptures as a foundation for growth (2) Heart-focused discipleship: guiding people into the perspectives and practices of Spirit-led living
Deer Run Retreat Center 5/8/2018
Our mission is to provide excellent camps and retreats that inspire a transformational relationship with Jesus Christ and strengthen relationships with family and friends. Deer Run gives back by providing scholarships for campers and families in need of financial assistance — ensuring no one is ever turned away because of an inability to pay. Help us transform as many lives as possible for Christ through the growth of staff, facilities, and programs.
Deerfoot Lodge 11/12/2008
Even with camper fees one third lower than the total cost per camper, there are many campers who would not be able to come without scholarship help. Help DL provide scholarship assistance to these campers by contributing to the Camper Scholarship Fund!
Deerfoot Lodge 11/12/2008
Deerfoot exists to build godly men in a Christ-centered community through wilderness camping. We've been committed to this purpose for 80 years, each summer serving more than 600 boys and 80 college men. In order to keep our fees low, we depend on contributions for about 30% of our operating expenses. Your gift to the operations of DL allows us to reach boys who would not otherwise be able to afford Deerfoot Lodge.
Denton Freedom House 4/4/2023
Zera is Coffee with a Cause. Every cup of coffee purchased or private event hosted sows seeds into the Denton Freedom House. Zera fulfills the DFH mission by teaching men and women to be prosperous disciples of Christ within a healthy workplace. Residents are able to activate what they are learning in the classroom at DFH. Zera is a safe and family-friendly place to fellowship, study, get together with friends, or host your next event!
Denver Institute for Faith and Work 4/7/2017
Your gift is used to fund the programming of Denver Institute, including vocational groups, public events, curriculum development, public forums, the online community, the church partnership program and the development of new programs. Thank you for helping us prepare men and women to speak and embody the gospel in workplaces across Colorado.
Denver Seminary 7/18/2011
Denver Seminary is looking for financial partners willing to help support our students. The average amount of financial aid the Seminary Fund provides each student is about $450 annually or $37 per month. Without this financial aid, our students would not be able to receive the theological education they need to serve the Church around the world. Prayerfully consider impacting one or more students by giving at this level.
Design Outreach 5/7/2019
At Design Outreach, we desire to share the love of God by developing sustainable technologies that help alleviate global poverty. The poor of the world have big dreams—what they lack is access and opportunity. By developing and providing innovative solutions for partners combating global poverty, we can help unlock the doors that lead to long-term community development and self-sufficiency. Together, we can create lasting change—join us!
Designs for Hope 4/5/2016
Designs for Hope’s strategy is simple but effective. They empower local pastors, organizations and ministries to ignite their communities for the gospel of Christ by designing products that result in sustainable energy, clean water, and other innovations, and getting those products into the hands of the disciple-makers in those communities. Your gift helps further this life-giving ministry.
Desiring God 10/21/2008
Desiring God Ministries 10/21/2008
Celebrating the truth that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him, we exist to produce and distribute resources that spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ.
Fund a Rescue 4/4/2014
Destiny Rescue USA 4/4/2014
You can fund a rescue and set the next child free! The average cost to free a child from sexual slavery and help her begin her new life of freedom is $1500. Your funds will be used for vital aspects of rescue operations including: - Reconnaissance missions to locate and verify underaged victims - Trust-building visits where covert agents and caseworkers interact with a girl in order to offer her freedom - Tactical and investigation gear used to gather evidence and perform operations
Development Associates International 2/5/2014
Transform the way Christian leaders lead in over 80 countries by providing them with a DAI workshop, mentor, or consultant. "I noticed that a major gap in leadership in my country has been character. The DAI program's main focus is restoring godly character in leadership. Without this element of character in leadership, whatever is acquired remains head knowledge without lasting impact. This is why we have many skilled but corrupt leaders." ~ Aggrey, 2016 DAI graduate from Uganda
Disciple the Nations 2/16/2022
Disciple the Nations desires to faithfully obey the Great Commission by partnering with churches to prayerfully deploy mature disciples to the nations in order to evangelize and disciple the peoples of the world through the encouragement and strengthening of local churches, the reduction of suffering through aid, education, and healthcare, the provision and enhancement of pastoral and theological education, and the multiplication of leaders for the glory of God.
DiscipleMakers 7/18/2011
DiscipleMakers' purpose is to live out Jesus' parting words, "Go and make disciples" (Matt. 28:18). We send our staff to college campuses not only because the campus needs to experience the life-changing good news of Jesus Christ, but also because college students are strategically positioned to make a big impact in the world and in the next generation for Christ. Please give today to help DiscipleMakers reach the campus...and the world!
DOOR International 1/8/2009
God is bringing His Word and reproducing Christian fellowship to the world's 35-40,000,000 Deaf. D.O.O.R. Int'l. engages Deaf Christians, trains them in sign language Bible translation, evangelism (testimony and Scripture) and church-planting (worship skills and Christian leadership concepts), and sends them out to share through story, drama, song and dialogue resulting in Deaf Christian fellowships. DOOR partners with the Wycliffe Global Alliance, IMB, Faith Comes By Hearing and others.
Church Planting! 5/9/2011
Doulos Partners 5/9/2011
We believe that the greatest way to advance the gospel is through church planting and we are committed to do that at both the international and domestic levels. The majority of our efforts are in the area of international planting. However, we are fully aware that there are more churches closing their doors in America than are being opened and that is cause for great concern. Help support Doulos Partners so we can continue to plant churches around the world!
Sponsor a Meal! 7/19/2011
Downtown Rescue Mission 7/19/2011
The Downtown Rescue Mission provides approximately 543 hot meals every day. One meal costs us $1.92. If you multiply that amount by the meals per day, we need approximately $1,042.56 daily to cover our meal expenses. That is approximately $7,297.92 a week! By sponsoring a meal, you ensure that people who do not have money to purchase groceries or daily meals have three free meals every day. Become a sponsor today!
Dugit Messianic Outreach Center 2/24/2017
In 1993, Avi Mizrachi opened Dugit as an evangelistic outreach center located in the heart of Tel Aviv. The Hebrew word “Dugit” means little fishing boat, like the ones used by the disciples on the Sea of Galilee. Functioning as a coffee shop and outreach center, Dugit provides a friendly environment where Israelis can hear about Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah and receive teaching. Your gift helps Dugit Messianic Outreach Center to reach out to Israelis with the Good News.
Durham Rescue Mission 11/12/2008
The Durham Rescue Mission is supported entirely by gifts from individuals, churches, businesses, civic groups, organizations, foundations, grants and bequests. Financial donations are used for the daily operating expenses of our Durham, NC homeless shelter, including utilities, food, clothing, vocational training, GED classes and Biblical counseling for hurting men, women and children.
Join a Movement! 7/19/2011
Dynamic Church Planting International 7/19/2011
At DCPI we train church planters in countries around the world. With a DNA of reproduction, on average our ministry launches a new church plant for every $85 invested. In fact, since 1994, we have trained more than 63,000 leaders who have planted more than 172,000 churches in 95 countries around the world. The average church has seen 46 people come to Christ—more than 8,000,000. An investment of $85 could be the greatest investment you or your church has ever made.
Dynamic Youth Ministries 7/19/2011
Each year Youth Unlimited (YU) provides scholarships for students who cannot afford to pay the full program registration fee. If you are interested in giving to this fund, please contact Jeff Kruithof at
E2 Ministries 11/18/2020
We are equipping elders for leadership in the local congregation by providing, practical training, relevant resources, and authentic relationships.
e3 Partners Ministry 7/31/2015
I Am Second will premier a 2,000 square foot state-of-the-art digital display in one of the city's busiest locations where commuters and travelers from around the world will be introduced to the message of I Am Second. In a most unexpected place, in unexpected ways! I Am Second's award winning media and Museum Of The Bible world class content will be presented 24/7/365 to upwards of 3,000,000 people each year, for decades to come. 2,000,000 more people will view the I Am Second impact exhibit
Eagle Projects International 11/12/2008
We are always conducting new projects in different countries around the world. Please check our short-term missions opportunities page to see where you can help us take the love of Christ to the world.
Eagle Projects International 9/5/2012
Eagle Projects International is a gospel-driven organization committed to bringing Christ to the nations through evangelism, education, and humanitarian projects. EPI is funded wholly by donations from individuals and churches. In order to fulfill our mission, we work in three strategic areas: The Shepherd Ministry—proclaiming the gospel, The Shelter Ministry— conducting humanitarian efforts, and The Laborer Ministry—training workers. Donate now to help us take Christ to the world!
Love Packages! 3/29/2011
Eagles Nest Ministries 3/29/2011
Love Packages currently sends 20-foot ocean going containers to port cities around the world. These locations act as distribution points and have the capability to distribute literature to thousands of churches overseas. Everywhere we have gone in America, we have found people with literature who don't know what to do with it. If you are one of these people, Love Packages is here to help you put that literature in the hands of people who are hungry for the Word of God.
East Alabama Area Youth For Christ 8/22/2022
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
East County Transitional Living Center 5/29/2012
Partner with us today to establish an Emergency Housing Fund to help families get off of the streets and into programs. If 100 businesses and individuals could provide a donation of $30.00 per month, we could house, clothe, feed, and provide case-managed counseling to 4 families for 15 days each. This would enable them to clear up court & medical issues, get I.D., establish finances, find short-term immediate housing, aid them in finding work, and give them back some self-esteem.
East-West Ministries International 1/29/2018
Every day, 591 million people in East Asia log on to the Internet. Sometimes they’re searching for the latest news stories or for answers to their homework. But a growing number of East Asians are searching for answers to deeper truths...for Jesus. Through our East Asia Digital Evangelism Project, we use pop-up ads and key search terms to direct those who’ve virtually expressed interest in religion, spirituality, or Christianity to a website that we’ve helped create to share a clear gospel.
East-West Ministries International 5/11/2022
East-West works primarily in limited access countries and among unreached people groups throughout more than 60 countries worldwide so that disciples and churches will continuously multiply. VISION: The vision of East-West is to glorify God by multiplying followers of Jesus in the spiritually darkest areas of the world. MISSION: The mission of East-West is to mobilize the Body of Christ to evangelize the lost and equip local believers to multiply disciples and churches.
East-West Ministries International 1/29/2018
The JESUS Film projectors are an innovative way to bring the Good News to distant villages. With a solar-powered projection system, our national partners are able to carry the complete contents of the projection system, along with their other belongings for a week, in a simple backpack.
Eastern European Mission 11/4/2022
We share God’s Word with the people of Eastern Europe and beyond and seek to educate and inspire God’s servants in this work.
Eastside Academy 3/3/2022
Eastside Academy is a non-profit alternative high school and treatment program located in Bellevue, WA. We serve our state’s most marginalized youth, most of whom have faced unimaginable struggles. We offer students a comprehensive range of services under one roof – their school. Eastside Academy raises the funds needed for these teens to attend our school and turn their lives around.
ECHO, Inc. 10/13/2008
Equip farming families in the developing world, missionaries and those serving the poor with training in the agricultural skills, seeds and appropriate technologies to feed their families and communities. ECHO trainings share tested knowledge and proven practices so that farmers struggling against the daily realities of hunger and poverty can restore depleted soils, manage limited water supplies, propagate higher-quality seed, and produce their own natural fertilizers.
Echoing Hills Village 12/2/2008
Echoing Hills Village is a nonprofit ministry dedicated to creating opportunities for individuals with disabilities to know and experience Jesus Christ. Echoing Hills Village believes that all people with disabilities can live purposeful lives with dignity and respect. Through residential and recreational services, they assist people with special needs to achieve their highest potential.
Education for Life 2/6/2023
Because all people have inherent value, we promise compassionate care while providing education through medically accurate, truthful information surrounding the ongoing physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of sexual health and pregnancy decisions to women, men, and families. We are a non-profit, Christ-centered ministry in Ocala, Florida.
Educational Resources & Referrals-China (ERRC) 11/20/2008
ERRC/CAC is a faith ministry that seeks to reach Chinese intellectuals, who are the future leaders of China through engaging in worldview dialogue in Chinese universities. Our strategy involves placing Christian teachers to teach various subjects in leading universities in China, providing Christian resources to Christian studies programs, sponsoring international conferences for North American and Chinese scholars to engage in worldview dialogue.
eduKenya 2/8/2019
eduKenya works to protect the vulnerable children of Mathare by providing a safe and nurturing school environment, nutritious food, medical care and spiritual nurture. We provide high quality, transformational, educational opportunities to children and families living in abject poverty in the Mathare slum of Nairobi, Kenya. We are driven by the love of Christ and a desire to glorify God.
Support Elim! 7/19/2011
Elim Christian Services 7/19/2011
Your gifts affirm the value of each person, with or without disabilities, in God’s kingdom. Through your gift, you recognize that each individual at Elim is important and priceless in the eyes of our God. Your donation will help provide important training to equip each child and adult to reach their highest God-given potential.
Elim Fellowship 7/19/2011
Elim Fellowship is about helping you fulfill your call to ministry. Our history gives us deep roots that add to our ability to help those seeking to fulfill their destiny. Our passion to intentionally raise up a new generation of spiritual leaders, keeping us connected to what God is doing today. Make a donation today if you wish to support this ministry and help continue to strengthen the leader, equip the church and to reach the world!
Embrace Grace 5/16/2023
Embrace Grace exists to help inspire and equip the church to love and encourage single and pregnant young women and their families. Women experiencing unexpected pregnancies receive practical, spiritual, and emotional support through our global support groups.
Empower Africa! 5/2/2011
EMIT USA 5/2/2011
EMIT provides wholistic development of influential leaders, increasing their effectiveness to transform every segment of society. EMIT is currently training pastors in several African nations. Even though AFMIN charges only modest tuition, church leaders, like most Africans, are simply too poor to afford the cost of the course. But you can change that. By supporting one pastor with $29 per month, you can affect the lives of thousands of African Christians. You can play an important role in the
Emmaus University 1/6/2010
Emmaus Bible College is located in Dubuque, Iowa, located on the Mississippi River, half-way between Chicago and Des Moines. The college is accredited both by ABHE and NCA. Emmaus teaches the Bible with an emphasis on New Testament principles and the integration of a biblical worldview into vocational and general studies through college-level programs. The college seeks to provide an environment where lives are changed, character is shaped, and purpose is found.
Empower One 6/4/2020
Empowerment is at the very core of our strategy. We believe our African partners are far more effective disciple makers, church planters, bible school teachers, missionaries and elementary school teachers than we would be in Africa.
Encompass World Partners 9/2/2021
In taking the gospel to the least reached, our goal is to train disciples of Jesus who can then continue to share Him in their own countries. Our Ethne Initiative in Africa allows us to partner strategically in prayer and financial support with national church planters in the C.A.R., Cameroon, Chad, Nigeria, and Sudan.
Encouragement Media Group 1/13/2012
God is truly using Encouragement FM: 89.5 KVNE & 91.3 KGLY to minister to people. When you give to KVNE & KGLY, you are joining God, with us, to minister to thousands of people in Texas. Please give today!
Engadi Ministries International 10/6/2022
We’re a non-profit organization on a mission to restore the children of Guatemala’s slums to their full potential in Christ. We want to create a brighter future for families who fight to survive in Guatemala’s violent slums. That begins by raising up boys to become men of character and influence.
Engage Hope Ministries 8/7/2020
Engage Hope works with 11 ministry partners in areas of extreme poverty in Uganda and Mexico who have been the hands and feet of Jesus during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our Emergency Relief Program has helped provide food, housing, bibles, Christian education, & vocational training during the pandemic. If you would like to help, please click on the link and choose COVID19 Response as your donation option.
Engaging Worlds 1/5/2018
We work in persecuted contexts where others have found little success. Engaging Worlds desires to bridge any otherness that hinders the Gospel from taking root among the unreached. Our vision is reproducing fellowships of Christ-followers among communities where traditional outreach is failing. We believe that a new approach to Bible translation, within the context of discipleship, will provide a path for God’s Word to take root among these communities.
Engedi Refuge Ministries 2/6/2018
What does Engedi Mean? An oasis, a sanctuary, safe haven or refuge. A place of safety and protection. We are a faith-based restoration program for adult women who are suffering from the effects of sexual exploitation. Our ministry is focused on safe housing, holistic restoration, and education. Your support is helping Heal the Past, Redeem the Present, and Change the Future for victims of sex trafficking.
Engineering Ministries International USA 10/20/2008
Engineering Ministries International (EMI) is involved in a wide variety of projects. These projects range in type from hospitals, orphanages and schools, to water lines, wastewater systems and storm water drainage projects. Each project goes through an extensive approval process to ensure that the services provided by EMI will improve the lives of the poorest of the poor.
Equip Leadership, Inc. 7/21/2011
EQUIP Leadership has a God-sized vision of seeing 1 million new souls come to know the Lord by 2022. In order to see this mandate happen, we are raising up leaders who will go on to multiply other leaders in every country of the world. We supply leadership and evangelism on a grass roots level. Once we connect and add value to those we meet, we then share Christ and each new follower is given a free Bible. $100 today will put 10 Bibles in the hands of new followers!
Equip Ministries 3/21/2024
Empowering youth for sobriety & faith encounters. In schools, we educate on substance use. In churches, we raise awareness on teen issues & provide support. Engaging communities through partnerships & events. Growing disciples through outdoor education & leadership programs.
Equipping Farmers International (EFI) 2/14/2025
Equipping Farmers International (EFI) empowers farming families in the Majority World by providing training in conservation agriculture, helping them sustainably support their households and steward their land. By collaborating with local churches, EFI fosters both agricultural development and spiritual growth. Our holistic approach aims to reduce reliance on Western aid, promoting financial independence and thriving, Kingdom-focused communities in the Global South.
Equipping Leaders for A Lifetime of Service International 12/10/2019
We seek to establish healthy ministry partnerships between churches in the West and the Majority World. The leadership of ELLS International is intentionally diverse in this regard with members from both the U.S. and the growing global church. In every place we are invited to come, ELLS International partners with a team of regional leaders to help put on our training conferences. This not only enables important mutual learning to take place during the conferences but also fosters a strong sense
Equipping Leaders International 2/7/2013
The crying need of the church worldwide is leadership development. It is estimated that 30,000 churches are started each year but 85% of those leaders have no formal Biblical training. We intentionally focus on training those nationals who have the capacity and calling to train others. By leveraging our influence in this way we are experiencing exponential results. We primarily train church leaders, educators, and entrepreneurs in developing countries. Partner with us.
Equipping Pastors International 10/15/2021
We Teach national pastors, church leaders, and their spouses in a biblical world and life view so they can build up the church through evangelism and discipleship.
Eternal Anchor 8/19/2021
We are committed to advocating for and with individuals who have been marginalized by disability. We are committed to providing a loving home to our children; a place where they live life in family; a place where they are loved unconditionally. We are committed to financial transparency, ethical fundraising, and healthy community development practices.
Eternal Anchor 8/18/2021
We are committed to advocating for and with individuals who have been marginalized by disability. We are committed to providing a loving home to our children; a place where they live life in family; a place where they are loved unconditionally. We are committed to inclusive worship, believing that church communities are not complete while some members are unwelcome or are unable to attend.
Ethiopia ACT 4/15/2021
We are a gospel-centered, multi-cultural team actively loving the “least of these" of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We work to reconcile people to God through Jesus Christ, and to reconcile them to themselves, others and creation—all resulting in the planting, growing, and maturing of churches that in turn transform lives and communities through faithful witnesses to the Gospel.
Ethnos360 2/6/2018
In 2,500 of the world’s 6,500 people groups, there is no church, nor is there any work being done to establish a church. These are the people among whom Ethnos360 helps train, coordinate, and send missionaries. We work in the cultures and languages of the people, present foundational Bible teaching, and establish mature churches. Help us equip believers across the globe for God's Great Commission team!
European Christian Mission International 7/21/2011
The primary objective of ECM International is to plant churches in Europe. We are committed to planting and developing churches and imparting to them the vision to multiply in the local community, nationally and internationally. Further the work of this ministry by giving today!
Evangel Home 9/8/2015
Our vision is for a home where the cycle of crisis ends, where lives are reconciled to Jesus Christ, where families and relationships are restored and where the future holds hope for the next generation. Our ministry is supported only through the generous gifts of individuals, businesses, churches, and other organizations. Please consider supporting our ministry.
Evangelical Christian School of Memphis 7/25/2011
Evangelical Christian School offers a Pre-K - 12 college preparatory education that includes comprehensive programs in athletics and the fine arts. A strong emphasis on Biblical worldview permeates the classroom, playing field and stage, as we seek to prepare students for college and beyond. For more information, visit our website at or call 901-754-7217. To support ECS, please mail donations to ECS Development Office, P.O. Box 1030, Cordova, TN 38088-1030.
Evangelical Greenhouse Ministries International 11/7/2012
The Jacques Lefevre Institute is a Christian Liberal Arts Extension College in French Language and Cultural Studies. The Institute provides opportunities for Christian college students to improve French language skills, to experience and appreciate French culture, and to engage with the spiritual heritage and ministry opportunities that exist in France. The Institute's mission is to develop a greater involvement of Christian young people in French ministry. To donate, call (630) 682-0308.
Evangelicals for Social Action-Fresno 10/4/2022
Evangelicals for Social Action (ESA)/Love INC of Fresno serves the community by connecting caring Christian churches, ministries, and individuals, to their neighbors in need.
Evangelism Explosion International 11/6/2008
Support Evangelism Explosion as we train people how to share their faith in Christ and how to bring people the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your gifts help us to further the work of the Great Commission. Our mission is simple: we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Hope for Kids 1/13/2010
Evangelism Explosion International 1/13/2010
Our goal is to conduct 2,000 leadership training events so that 20,000 churches can begin Kids' EE over the next three years. This will train 2,000,000 children to witness and share the Gospel with 20,000,000 children worldwide!
Evangelism Resources 1/31/2013
Great Commission Challenge Camps train youth to become tent-makers—placing a priority on fulfilling the Great Commission even while they pursue other careers. First begun in India, the movement has spread to Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, seven nations in Africa, and most recently to the Philippines. The cost for training one youth is only $16!
Evangelism Resources 8/18/2015
Evangelism Resources has adopted 29 Unreached People Groups (UPGS) for concentrated evangelism, church planting, and discipleship. Graduates of ER's Schools of Evangelism are being equipped to minister among these groups to spread the gospel, and the ultimate goal is for indigenous members of these people groups to be equipped through Portable Bible Schools and School of Evangelism training to reach their own people! Gifts to UPG ministry provide funds for training programs.
Evangelism Resources 1/9/2009
Our portable Bible schools use the text “Called to Shepherd God’s People” written by Thelma Braun. A maximum of 42 students are trained per session to be village lay pastors and evangelists. For $20, you can provide for the training of one lay pastor for a lifetime of service to Christ. A full PBS costs $840.
Evangelism Resources 1/9/2009
Evangelism Resources currently has 34 Schools of Evangelism in operation in fifteen nations. These schools train young men and women in the most effective means of evangelism. Graduates are eqipped to reach whole regions and people groups, many of which are unreached. Each student that attends an SOE costs $400 for nine months of training. Schools train 30 at a time, so an SOE operating at full capacity costs $12,000 a year. If all 34 SOEs are at full capacity, it will cost $408,000 yearly.
Evangelism Resources 8/18/2015
The Women's Impact Network (WIN), empowers women to reach their full potential as disciples of Jesus Christ, mentoring other women in small groups. Launched in India in 2013, WIN continues to expand its influence, with thousands of women in Asia and the US meeting for discipleship. This movement has also been started in the US, and is impacting women in local churches to consider their call to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples. WIN is poised to launch soon in Africa.
EvanTell 9/11/2012
In addition to providing training and resources, EvanTell is actively engaged in ministry and outreach around the world. Through involvement with churches, community outreach groups and international ministries, we lead or participate in evangelistic efforts alongside believers from just about any type of ministry model.
EvanTell 9/11/2012
EvanTell exists to encourage and equip individuals and churches to reach the world with the clear and simple good news of Jesus Christ.
Every Child Ministries 9/19/2023
Help fill the gap for children who have lost sponsors by giving to Child Sponsorship Gap Fund.
Every Child Ministries 2/15/2016
Help children living in Kamwokya, a downtown slum area in the capital city of Kampala. Sponsor a child in this Hope Center to provide schooling and support through a weekly Bible club, or support the project to benefit all the children in the Hope Center.
Every Child Ministries 12/5/2008
In Uganda, as in many African countries, children with albinism are often considered a curse. Every Child Ministries is showing them God's love in very practical ways, by providing school and public assemblies on albinism to further public understanding and acceptance, and by placing needy children with albinism in sponsorship programs where they experience friendship & acceptance. The Gospel permeates all these programs.
Every Child Ministries 4/1/2009
Haven of Hope Academy (HHA) offers quality Christian education through Junior High School (US equivalent of 8th grade). HHA aims to help the next generation in Ghana prepare for the future through academic, skills and character development. HHA helps students break generational cycles of poverty by preparing them for careers in science, technology, engineering and math, among others. With a student body of over 350 and a large staff, students are able to get the attention they need.
Every Child Ministries 4/1/2009
Thousands of Sunday schools have been established in Africa through ECM Training. Previously, these churches had nothing at all to reach children, and we have seen firsthand the excitement of the children. These Sunday schools vary in size. ECM training is responsible for hundreds of thousands of children receiving weekly Bible training in Africa. Our goal is not to start Sunday schools of our own, but to empower local Bible-believing churches to reach children through any means possible.
Every Child Ministries 1/12/2022
Child sponsorship is an incredibly effective tool for improving the lives of vulnerable children, but it does not come without limitations. One alternative that combats some of these limitations is our Family Empowerment Program. Family Empowerment provides education, guidance, spiritual mentoring, training, medical help, and employment opportunities for entire families, not just one or two children. Sponsors develop relationships with the parents as well as the children.
Every Child Ministries 3/24/2010
Child sacrifice and ritual abuse is on the rise in Uganda. ECM is working with stakeholders to discern the causes and to prepare skits for public performance that can help parents protect their children. The project also gives spiritual, emotional and material support to survivors of ritual abuse, including those in our Lwengo Sponsorship Hope Center.
Every Child Ministries 1/26/2018
The Volta Region in S.E.Ghana, like many rural areas in Africa, is full of schools willing & even anxious to allow gospel presentations. ECM's Community Evangelism program reaches out to these schools & the communities they serve with the gospel, presented via film media and personal evangelism. Our staff makes frequent visits to local schools & churches, and conducts follow up discipleship as needed. Your support of this project enables the good news to reach thousands of children every year!
Every Child Ministries 1/12/2022
The Sogakope Hope Center helps kids in a community filled with ritual servitude. Sogakope, in the Volta Region of Ghana, had and continues to have, women enslaved at local shrines. Our work helping numerous women obtain freedom from this bondage, led to our work evangelizing in the community, which led to the start of this Hope Center for child sponsorship.
Every Child Ministries 2/15/2016
Haven of Hope Children’s Home offers students a loving, homelike atmosphere for vulnerable children, especially those without a safe home environment. The Hope Center began in 2002 when ECM reached out to dozens of orphans and vulnerable children near the capital city of Accra, Ghana. As the children grew in age, a need to start a school arose (see Haven of Hope Academy). Assistance is available to children in crisis situations through child sponsorship.
HIS-Ability 11/10/2022
Every Child Ministries 11/10/2022
In Africa, most families don’t have the means to properly care for the special needs of a child with a disability. At ECM we have chosen to focus on God’s ability to restore hope in the lives of these children, and not on their disability. We work to improve quality of life by covering medical expenses, medical equipment, physical therapy, and respite care for parents. We educate families and communities regarding disabilities and how the needs of children with these special needs can be met.
Every Child Ministries 9/19/2023
The deaf in Congo are often isolated, unable to attend school, unable to understand church services. They are largely unreached with the Gospel. In 2022 ECM discovered five groups or “communities” of deaf, most of them totally unevangelized and all floundering spiritually. God helped us to find two faithful hearing Christians who had learned sign language. We are excited to engage them in an effort to bring the Gospel to these beloved deaf people who have never heard.
Medical 11/10/2022
Every Child Ministries 11/10/2022
Medical needs abound in Africa, as they do around the world. From eye exams and eyeglasses to surgeries, medical equipment, and even nutritional supplements, ECM strives to provide these needs to show the love of Jesus in practical ways. This is often done through 1 to 3 day medical camps set up in a village or community, but sometimes ECM is made aware of a need that requires care as quickly as possible. When funds are already available, we can meet these needs more quickly and efficiently.
Every Child Ministries 9/20/2023
Students who complete our General Sponsorship Program, either academically or vocationally, have the opportunity to join our Next Step program under "Business Start Up" and need additional financial assistance. We assist with capital, training, guidance and regular follow up visits throughout the first year of their business. Applications are thoroughly detailed and carefully reviewed before acceptance.
Every Child Ministries 1/12/2022
When children get to secondary level in school, we help them decide what the best option is for them. That could be vocational school, finishing high school and going on to university, starting a business, or just completing high school. Secondary costs are much higher than primary, and sometimes child sponsors cannot cover the entire cost of their sponsored child's secondary education. Help kids transition from sponsorship to independence by giving to the Next Step fund.
Every Child Ministries 9/19/2023
Students who complete General Sponsorship, either academically or vocationally, have the opportunity to join our Next Step program under "Mentorship". This category was designed to serve as a bridge (for up to 1 year) for our completed students who still need a bit more help to reach independence. While no traditional education or vocational training is provided - these students receive additional guidance from the staff and vital mentorship in the decisions they face regarding their future.
Every Child Ministries 9/20/2023
Students who complete our General Sponsorship Program after they graduate high school have the opportunity to join our Next Step program under "University" and need additional financial assistance to cover their tuition. This is why we have built our Scholarship Fund. Each student in need of tuition assistance applies annually for a scholarship. These students receive guidance and mentorship throughout their education and helps move them on towards independence and success.
Every Child Ministries 12/4/2008
Sponsoring a vulnerable child is a great way to directly impact a life! By sponsoring a child, you can help ensure that they stay in school, get medical help when needed, learn valuable life skills, receive encouragement, and hear the gospel! There is no better, more personal way for you to connect with and support the needs of a child! For a commitment of just $37 per month you can provide priceless hope for a needy child.
Every Child Ministries 3/24/2010
The Biriwa Hope Center helps stop child trafficking at the source. Biriwa is a known location for child trafficking. A sponsored child almost never gets trafficked. Provide education as well as spiritual discipleship to a child's life.
Teacher Training 9/19/2023
Every Child Ministries 9/19/2023
Many teachers in rural African schools lack the training necessary for effectiveness and longevity in their role as an educator. Training is available locally for about $370 per year, and the entire three year program leading to certification costs only about $1,110. Your gift today allows ECM to continue to bring hope to children through programs like Teacher Training.
Every Child Ministries 11/10/2022
Every Child Ministries' Hope Fund is our Where Needed Most Fund. This fund supplements all our specific funds when they are short, ensuring that all our programs and projects can meet their budgets. Giving to The Hope Fund brings the flexibility to use funds where they can best help!
Every Child Ministries 4/1/2009
ECM's survey of Kinshasa churches showed that fewer than half had any program to attract and train children's workers. ECM has a long history of providing effective training for children's workers in Africa. We need funds to provide much-needed training for children's leaders in Congo, enabling many churches to start programs to reach the children and youth of their areas. In many areas, we can train a teacher and enable a church to start a children's program for about $80.
Every Child Ministries 6/11/2019
The Gayaza Hope Center helps many children whose families are in crisis situations for various reasons. The children meet weekly for Bible teaching, fun and exercise, and help with schoolwork. The children have learned a variety of other skills too, including gardening and then cooking the food they raised, cakemaking, beadmaking, choreographed singing, and various art projects. Several children with albinism are also being helped by the project.
Every Child Ministries 11/10/2022
Kamwokya (pronounced kuh-moh-chuh) is a downtown slum area in Kampala, Uganda, and is home to many ethnic populations including refugees who moved from the north when Joseph Kony’s LRA bands were terrifying the countryside. In Kamwokya, ECM helps vulnerable children, including those with albinism, stay in school or receive vocational training through child sponsorship, seeking to reach these children and youth with the Gospel and to help provide developmental opportunities for them.
Every Child Ministries 2/15/2016
ECM's work in Tororo began in early 2015, when one of our ECM staff members visited her home community and discovered several children with albinism that were in desperate need of help! Just like children everywhere, they want to be loved, they want to have friends and they want to go to school! Unfortunately, children with albinism are mistreated, discriminated against, and at times even abused (see Albinism Outreach). With your support of this Hope Center, their simple dreams will come true!
Every Child Ministries 6/11/2019
Orphans near Gulu, Uganda are living in abject poverty. Since the end of the war (Josph Kony), the area now blooms with well-kept gardens, dug by hand with hoes. But only a small percentage of families can afford to send their children to school, even though education is free in Uganda. They cannot afford even the required cost of uniforms & school supplies. Most of the children are slowly recovering from PTSD and are gradually beginning to find glimpses of joy and find hope for the future.
Every Child Ministries 3/24/2010
The Karamoja Homeland Project is a direct result of ECM’s goal to stop trafficking where it starts. Recognizing that it is more effective to stop the flow of trafficking at the source than it is to only help the children who have already been trafficked, ECM began the Karamoja Homeland Project. As our workers address the root causes of child trafficking in the area, we hope to also show each child and family the personal love of Jesus Christ.
Every Child Ministries 6/11/2019
Karamoja is a region in the northeastern corner of Uganda, a land of pastoralists and devastating poverty. Karimojong children are sold to masters to use them to beg on the streets of Kampala, taking all their earnings and treating them as slaves. This Hope Center evangelizes and intervenes on behalf of child beggars displaced to Kampala, placing them in boarding schools during the school year to keep them off the street.
Every Child Ministries 6/11/2019
In Naigobya, we are using village schools as an avenue for reaching out to communities with the love of Jesus.  Through the school we can reach out not only to the teachers and students, but also to the church, the parents, the orphans, village leadership, and ultimately the entire community. Our vision is to develop a Christ-centered, self-sustaining community where multiple generations thrive by living life together.  Our mission is to provide spiritual development & community empowerment.
Every Child Ministries 9/19/2023
Vocational training is part of many of ECM’s programs for street youth and orphans & vulnerable youth. Skills that our youth have learned are automotive body work, baking/catering, carpentry, dressmaking, electrical, and hair dressing. The vocational option may be chosen in cases where a youth is older and has missed a lot of school, or does not pass the state exams which allow students to go on academically, or simply because vocational skills best suit a youth’s interests and God-given gifts.
Water Projects 11/10/2022
Every Child Ministries 11/10/2022
We can take clear, healthy water for granted. Africa, if a well is not near, the choice may be drinking dirty, contaminated water or walking miles to the nearest well and carrying heavy jugs of water back to your home. ECM has provided training for some of our staff to drill wells, but also hires companies that specialize in the work to drill a well in a community. Both provide needed clean water that many community members can enjoy for continued good health.
Every Child Ministries 2/15/2016
In Koforidua, Ghana, ECM has long had a ministry to teen street boys called load porters. These boys carry people's belongings from downtown shops to their vehicles or homes. They often live on the street and meet together with ECM staff on Sunday mornings to worship. ECM recently implemented a Saturday Bible Club. Here, Bible lessons are taught, as well as other things like hygiene and life skills. Spiritual guidance and counseling are also provided.
Every Generation Ministries 12/5/2008
Every Generation Ministries (EGM) is involved in 13 countries on four continents. Clearly, there are significant differences in culture and perspective regarding the issue of evaluation. While EGM has no desire to press one culture's view of evaluation onto another, we do feel the need to evaluate the ministry and its effectiveness. Our desire is to evaluate ministry in a biblical manner that reflects the rich tapestry of cultures that God has woven together through EGM.
Every Generation Ministries 3/22/2012
A study of 2 Corinthians led to a new understanding of Every Generation Ministries' (EGM) long-standing commitment to develop national ministry teams (NMT). This exciting ministry initiative will move NMTs toward increased effectiveness within their own cultures. The simple goal of the Titus Project is to make the operational costs of each national ministry team fully funded, from within the country, in three years.
Every Home for Christ/World Literature Crusade 2/1/2010
Christ’s command was to go into the entire world – “the uttermost parts of the earth.” As a believer, Jesus called you to take part in the harvest – partnering with Every Home for Christ (EHC) can help you do just that. The Great Commission is to be taken literally, seriously and accountably. At EHC, the model is simple – we plan strategically, pray mightily, and proceed systematically. We train indigenous workers to evangelize right where they live – they know the language and the culture.
Every Mother's Advocate 8/22/2022
We work with Child Welfare Agencies, Pregnancy Resource Centers, and Churches in densely populated urban communities with high volumes of poverty and maltreatment. We address the root causes of the crisis with sustainable solutions through social support, education, court advocacy, and mental health resources empowering every mother to achieve independent stability.
Church Planting 7/28/2015
Every Nation Churches & Ministries 7/28/2015
Every Nation's current church-planting strategy focuses on assessment, training, and continual support. The core elements of our training are Assessment Center, Bootcamp, Coaching, Consulting, and Clusters — otherwise known as ABC3.
Every Nation Churches & Ministries 1/23/2012
Every Nation Campus seeks to directly impact our culture by reaching young people on university campuses and by partnering with youth pastors in local churches to reach middle school and high school students.
Every Nation Churches & Ministries 1/23/2012
Real LIFE Foundation is a Philippine nongovernmental organization that exists to honor God by serving and empowering the underprivileged youth of the Philippines through educational assistance, character formation, and leadership development. To know more about Real LIFE, visit Your partnership brings hope and creates a brighter future to more students and their families across the Philippines.
Every Nation Churches & Ministries 1/23/2012
Ten Days Mission Experiences is the short-term missions program of Every Nation Ministries. Ten Days was created to help foster a culture of missions within people and within local churches. When people experience travel and service to the people of another city or nation, the experience itself is as powerful and permanent as the trip's accomplishments. Partner with Ten Days to help launch an upcoming trip or donate to the 1st Seed Scholarship Fund to send a willing participant for Ten Days!
How to help! 7/26/2011
Every Orphan's Hope 7/26/2011
Every Orphan's Hope relies on generous contributions to bring hope to families in Zambia, Africa. We build homes for a family of eight orphans and a widow whom they call "mama" who raises the children to LIFE in Christ. Your support, allows us to provide food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and an education to an orphan who has lost everything. Most importantly, an orphan is given a new family to love, be loved and be known. Your planned gift ensures a bright future for "the least of these".
Exponential 11/13/2019
We seek to come alongside and help accelerate what God is already doing through others. We are not in competition with any church planting organizations but have a posture of you can do it, how can we help?Equipping movement makers with actionable principles, ideas and solutions for the accelerated multiplication of healthy, reproducing faith communities.
Faith Broadcasting 7/26/2011
Our mission is to serve the Christian community and strengthen the family unit and the local church as we provide spiritual encouragement and personal challenge with a Christ-centered focus, through biblical teaching, relevant information and uplifting music to the glory of God. Support the work of Faith Broadcasting by giving today!
Faith Builders Educational Programs 1/7/2014
Faith Builders Educational Programs serves the conservative Anabaptist community by discipling people toward humble, joyful, Christ-centered participation in the Kingdom of God. We help develop people who love God supremely, are prepared for a lifetime of Spirit-filled service, and are humble, competent, and faithful church members. We provide resources for ministries of the church and understand the times and are prepared to engage effectively.
FAME - Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism 11/12/2008
FAME has initiated a scholarship program for nationals, called the Impact Partners Scholarship Program. There is not adequate access to quality healthcare in most developing countries and we can no longer depend on doctors and nurses from the west to help stand in the gap. There are qualified, dependable indigenous students who only lack the limited resource of funding in order to make a significant difference in their own culture and community. Please consider becoming an Impact Partner today.
FAME - Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism 1/14/2010
FAME is passionate in taking help and hope in the name of Christ to the unreached and underserved in the world through medical evangelism.
Family Empowerment Centers of Chicago 9/8/2020
It is also our conviction that real empowerment, freedom, and holistic growth have their foundation in an individual’s experience of the love of Christ through His body. the church, and the truths found in the Scriptures. Family Empowerment Centers recognizes mankind as spiritual, physical, psychological, and social beings.
Family Life Services 11/7/2022
Nestled on the west side of Colorado Springs is an intimate community of single moms and their children. It’s a secluded village—a safe place carved out for courageous women who are building new life patterns and leaving old ones behind. These are working moms who are also working hard at transformation. It’s gritty and challenging—and full of promise.
Family Research Council 12/1/2008
Established in 1983 in Washington, D.C., Family Research Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, advancing Faith, Family, and Freedom from a biblical worldview. FRC conducts research, develops policy, drafts legislation, educates policymakers, pastors and the grassroots, testifies before Congress and shapes public debate through the media and internet. FRC depends on your financial support to sustain our work. Please give today!
Favor International 10/7/2019
Favor is unique in that is trains and equips indigenous leaders to become missionaries, pastors and lay leaders. This is done in order to reach the people of every village and tribe in Northern Uganda and South Sudan with the Gospel in their own language, customs and culture, including large revivals which draw up to a million people each.
FCOP International 12/6/2016
FCOP International is a church planting movement that cares for widows, orphans, and separated children in need in the nation of Cambodia. Through church planting and services such as medical and dental care, wells and water filtration, micro-enterprise, prison ministry, food and clothing distribution, disaster relief and many more, FCOP is changing the nation of Cambodia, one life at a time.
Equip Leaders 1/14/2010
Feed the Hunger 1/14/2010
Feed the Hunger is providing biblical training for grassroots leaders, and evangelistic tools such as print and audio Bibles. Please give today to help us continue this effort to be faithful to the Great Commission by equipping leaders.
Feed the Hunger 12/11/2009
Throughout the world there are children hungry for food, education, and a relationship with their Creator. And there are people like you who have a hunger to help. Do you have that God-given hunger to make a difference for eternity? Then join Feed the Hunger for only $10 a month! Feed the Hunger helps at-risk children in three ways: we give them proper nutrition - not just food, a basic education, and the love of Christ. Please partner with Feed the Hunger! It's more than a meal.
Feeding the Orphans 3/10/2016
Many widowed Ghanaian women struggle to provide for their children. They face a gut-wrenching decision: keep children whom they cannot feed, put them in an orphanage, or allow them to enter into slave labor in exchange for food and shelter. We provide single mothers with artisan training and materials to generate income so the family can stay together. These single moms also receive training as disciples of Christ, so they can grow in their faith and raise their children in the joy of the Lord.
Water for Life 12/5/2016
Feeding the Orphans 12/5/2016
We provide water wells and a church plant in remote villages across Ghana, Africa. By offering clean drinking water to villagers we are able to bring them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Fellowship Christian School 11/16/2012
By making a gift now, you make it possible for FCS to put your contributions to work right away. Our desire is that every student has the opportunity to attend Fellowship Christian School without financial hindrance. Donations help us to provide more financial aid for the families who need it.
Fellowship International Mission 11/3/2022
Tax-deductible donations for the overall operating needs of the mission, and to fund member care trips to visit missionaries on the field.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes 10/13/2008
Accelerate The Fellowship of Christian Athletes' vision to touch millions of heart at a time! We have been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ. FCA is the largest Christian sports organization in America. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ!
Fellowship of Christian University Students (FOCUS) 6/6/2017
FOCUS is an interdenominational college campus ministry in the Dallas/FortWorth area. It is our conviction that university campuses are the crossroads of the modern world, where ideas are discussed and various peoples and cultures come together. Our prayer is that the Church would not miss this revolving mission field that is often right down the street. Our vision is to plant and mature dynamic, disciple-making Christian communities in order to train and send out passionate people of faith.
Support FOCUS! 8/1/2011
Fellowship of Christians in Universities and Schools (FOCUS) 8/1/2011
FOCUS (Fellowship of Christians in Universities and Schools) is a diverse community of students, alumni, parents, faculty, clergy, and professionals from a variety of Christian denominations drawn together by a common faith and purpose. The mission of FOCUS is to present Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, to independent school students to the end that they might come to know Him and glorify God through their Christian witness and through lives of Christian service in the Church and in the World.
Support FCCI 8/5/2011
Fellowship of Companies for Christ International 8/5/2011
FCCI is in pursuit of Christ's eternal objectives and we equip and encourage business leaders to operate their businesses and conduct their personal lives in accordance with biblical principles. Please consider supporting FCCI by giving today!
Fellowship of Evangelical Churches 7/10/2020
The Fellowship of Evangelical Churches exists to help the local church accomplish the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). Our Vision The Fellowship of Evangelical Churches will help the local church accomplish its mission by: Preserving adherence to our shared statement of faith. Providing and facilitating opportunities to birth new churches globally. Investing in and caring for present and future Church leaders.
Fields of Hope 9/15/2023
On Eagles Wings (OEW) works to prevent children and youth from falling victim to sex trafficking, offer assistance to those still trapped, and restore survivors by offering hope, healing, and a brighter future
Filter Of Hope 12/6/2017
Our goal is simple: to change the world through the distribution of these highly-effective and affordable water filters. We work to save lives, create healthy families, and offer the promise of a future. For just $40, you can provide clean water to a family in need and give them hope and life.
Financial Planning Ministry 7/11/2018
Ensuring your legacy has been the mission of Financial Planning Ministry for more than 30 successful years. We secure the careful groundwork of love and charity that you have laid for you and your family. Our purpose is to make sure that your desires are met, and you have peace of mind. We remove the doubt and confusion surrounding estate planning and charitable gift planning though professional and easy to understand seminars and materials.
Finger Lakes Pregnancy Care 11/27/2023
From pregnancy tests and options information to referrals for onsite ultrasounds, we offer no-cost and confidential care for women. Finger Lakes Pregnancy Care Centers have been working with clients in Ithaca and Surrounding areas since 1987. Our location in Cortland has been serving the area since 2013. We are a judgment-free, confidential space for you to figure out your next step and be successful. It’s always your choice and we’re here to equip you with information and resources.
Finish Well! 1/3/2017
Finishing Well Ministries 1/3/2017
While we may retire from an occupation, as disciples we never retire from growing in Christ. Jesus calls us to press on and to “Finish Well.” Our productivity for Christ keeps growing out of who we are in Him, and our impact ought to be increasingly compelling throughout the final decades of life. At every age we live, He calls us to invest continually in eternity by investing in others. Your donation helps Finishing Well Ministries to equip the older generation for maximum spiritual impact.
First Choice For Women 6/6/2022
First Choice for Women is a compassionate, faith-based organization that offers free physical, mental, and spiritual support to empower individuals facing difficult relationships, pregnancy, and parenting decisions in the East Central Indiana Region.
First Choice Women's Resource Centers 11/12/2008
With five locations in New Jersey (Morristown, Montclair, Jersey City, Newark and Plainfield), First Choice protects the unborn by empowering women. Approximately 11,000 women, babies and students are served, some in our centers and others in their public high school through our Real Talk presentation. With an estimated 12,000 abortions performed per year in our service area, we provide counseling, medical services and practical support so that abortion is not needed or desired in our area.
First Coast Women's Services 2/19/2009
First Coast Women's Services is a pregnancy resource center dedicated to preventing the tragedy of abortion by offering truthful information, emotional support and practical assistance to women facing unplanned pregnancies. We present sexual abstinence as a positive lifestyle for singles and provide opportunity for healing and restoration to those who have been hurt by abortion. Our services are free and confidential and supported solely through donations and fundraising.
First Evangelical Church Association 3/23/2009
Contribute to the First Evangelical Church Association as we mobilize our member churches to manifest the Kingdom of God in North America and around the world. The Association & the member churches are committed to incarnate the values & truth of the Kingdom of God in their mission and ministries through biblically-based, balanced, and holistic approaches.
First Image 10/13/2008
Accelerate the work of Pregnancy Resource Centers of Greater Portland by giving a donation to further empower individuals to make life-affirming decisions through education, counseling and compassionate care based on the ministry of Jesus Christ! $10 pays for printed materials for one woman to go through our HEART ministry. $45 funds one ultrasound scan. $250 covers all the costs for a woman to go through our program from pregnancy test to birth.
First Liberty Institute 10/20/2008
First Liberty is preparing for a nationwide effort to protect the First Amendment rights of high school students. Top students and valedictorians have earned the right to speak at graduation ceremonies and many will want to honor God. Some will be hindered, as our client Angela Hildenbrand was, when a judge decreed she’d be thrown in jail if she prayed. We won Angela’s right to pray and speak of Christ in her graduation speech. Your gift will help Liberty protect these rights.
First Liberty Institute 1/17/2017
First Liberty offers pro bono legal assistance to those in the military, the churches, the schools, and the public arena whose 1st Amendment religious rights are threatened. We help protect the rights of students and teachers, military and government workers, pastors and churches, and to defend our veterans memorials. Please visit us at for information on our cases.
Operation Hope! 8/8/2011
First Love International Ministries 8/8/2011
We launched a capital fund campaign that so that we can be used of God to rescue children from an otherwise hopeless situation in the slums of Kibera and Mitumba. Operation Hope gets its name from a verse found in the book of Jeremiah where God is speaking…"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. Support this campaign by making a donation today!
First Priority Global Ministries 6/7/2022
First Priority is a church-based, school-focused, student-led ministry that is all about the united body of Christ in a community using a proven strategy to raise leaders and reach the next generation with the hope of Christ.
First Priority North Carolina District 1 3/21/2024
Empowering student-led campus groups in Johnston County, we use the HOPE method to encourage growth and confidence in our students.
First Priority of Alabama 8/8/2011
Give today and support our mission of raising leaders, reaching a generation, and restoring our nation!
First Priority of America 12/5/2019
So many students do not get the opportunity to hear about Jesus in today’s culture. We are changing that by uniting the local churches in a community to encourage, equip and empower Christian students to reach their Friends at school.
Priority Partner! 8/14/2011
First Priority of South Florida 8/14/2011
Become a Priority Partner by committing to a monthly gift of $25. Your financial gift will help to train students with a strategy for evangelism, network student ministers, provide resources for First Priority clubs, sponsor events that encourage, equip and empower students.
Fishers of Men Ministries 3/19/2012
Please consider sponsoring a child today for $30 per month and provide a child in Kenya with food, health care, clothing, housing and education.
Fishhook International 9/28/2012
The Jaya Para Medical School trains destitute young people to be nurses dedicated to improving health in rural India. This school is improving life for two different groups of people. First, it trains young women and men who would otherwise be denied an education because of poverty, caste or societal barriers. Second, the school seeks to address health problems in villages that have no access to medical care by sending out well-trained professionals who have a passion to serve those in need.
Fishhook International 9/28/2012
One of Fishhook's responses to India’s poverty is our Sewing Training Program in south India. In this 6-month program women are taught to be seamstresses at no cost to them. At the end of the training each woman receives the gift of a new sewing machine. Every year about 80 women are trained in this program. With new skills and a sewing machine these women are equipped to earn a decent living for their families. Thus, these families have a pathway out of poverty. And many come to Christ also.
Fishhook International 11/19/2009
Fishhook's partners in India oversee more than 400 native evangelists who go into unreached villages to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. According to Operation World, India has more and larger people groups with no Christian church or Christian workers than any other country in the world. So these evangelists travel into villages where there are no believers talking to people, handing out tracts, sharing the Gospel in any way they can. The goal is to establish congregations of new believers.
Fishhook International 7/29/2009
The plight of widows in India is generally precarious at best. The vast majority live in poverty, poor health and illiteracy with little hope. Widows of any age are particularly vulnerable to being abused and cast aside by their families. The result is that many of these widows end up living on the streets. Fishhook International seeks to care for as many widows as we can in Christ-centered group homes. A $30 per month or one-time gift helps us provide for these women who have been cast out.
Five 18 Family Services 1/7/2020
We believe God wants to deliver help, hope and healing to every struggling child and family in South Central Virginia. Our mission is built on the foundation of connecting with other agencies, churches, and families. This makes us uniquely better for the children and families we serve.
Right Beside you! 2/19/2024
Florida Baptist Convention 2/19/2024
The Florida Baptist Convention is a network of churches that span the state, with a staff team whose sole purpose is to come right beside Florida Baptist churches and pastors. Our dedicated staff team serves in every region of the state and is committed to advancing the Gospel in our state, our nation, and our world. We are governed by a Board of Directors made up ordained and lay leaders whose main purpose is to implement decisions made by the votes of Florida Baptists at our annual State Conve
Follower of One 1/21/2022
Follower of One is a growing community of individuals who want their work life to matter for eternity. We believe because of what Jesus has done for us, we have the ability to make an eternal difference every day. We want to live more of our life working for, and cooperating with, Jesus as he works in our world.
For The Children 10/10/2017
Unlock generosity with a Royal Family Kids $100,000 Matching Gift.
For the Nations Refugee Outreach 9/11/2018
We offer a wide variety of educational programs to help refugees continue in the long process of adapting to life in the United States. We also help families adjust to life in America by advocating for them. Most importantly, we share with refugees the good news of Jesus Christ. Over the last several years we have developed high quality, effective educational programs and our vision is to bring these proven programs to more and more of the area’s large refugee population.
Forest Home 3/27/2009
Make a gift to the Forest Home Campership Fund and make camp more affordable for an individual or family with a financial need. Whether it is a struggling single parent, an inner-city child, a family touched by unemployment or various other hardships, a camp experience will have a long lasting impact on their spiritual growth.
Forest Springs Camp and Conference Center 5/16/2011
The purpose of the Leadership Training and Development (LTD) program is to help prepare participants for effective ministry in Christian camping or related fields. The program strengthens Christian leadership qualities through classroom instruction, informal discussion, and “hands-on” experiences. Please consider giving to this program to help equip leaders for ministries around the world!
Forge 3/31/2020
It’s NOW—when kingdoms and circumstances of this world are SHAKING that MORE KINGDOM LABORERS are desperately needed to bring hope, help, peace, and the message of God’s UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM and His resurrected Son, Jesus… NOW more than ever!! To this end, Forge’s Board has sacrificially committed to MATCH every new and increased gift to the “Forge Fund” (up to $100K) between now and Easter Sunday! TODAY through May 1, all gifts will be DOUBLED during this urgent time!
Fort Wayne Rescue Mission Ministries 9/8/2020
To provide, through the power of Jesus Christ, a home for the homeless, food for the hungry, and hope for their future, offering nutritious meals, referrals & other support to the public 365 days a year.
Fort Worth Pregnancy Center 5/7/2014
If you choose to make a financial investment in this ministry, our commitment to you is that all funds are used wisely and with complete accountability to our donors. Every gift is invested in reaching out and making a difference in the lives of the women who come for help, and in the lives of their unborn children. Won’t you consider being a friend of the center?
Forward Edge International 7/30/2014
Haiti is home to some of the most desperate children in the world. Many were orphaned or displaced by the Jan. 2010 earthquake, with no access to medical care, consistent food, electricity or running water. Kids Club in the province of Les Cayes serves 100 children weekly meals, medical care, funds for school, and spiritual guidance. Holistic care for the children extends to their families and the community.
Forward Edge International 7/30/2014
Kenya has an estimated 1.1 Million HIV/AIDS orphans (UNICEF, 2011). Most of these children grow up in extreme poverty, suffering from preventable water-borne illnesses, hunger and malnutrition. Mama Beth Children’s Program serves vulnerable children in Kijabe, many of which are orphans. Child sponsors help Mama Beth’s provide these children with consistent nutritious meals, school tuition fees, school supplies, medical care, clothing and shoes, safe drinking water and spiritual instruction.
Fostering Hope New England 1/11/2021
Fostering Hope empowers churches and individuals to care for children and families impacted by foster care. We serve as a trusted partner to guide churches into sustainable service to the foster care community. We encourage and empower individuals to serve the foster care community in a way that aligns with their current gifting and capacity.
Fostering the Family 8/12/2020
Fostering the Family partners with Live the Promise. Working together, our goal is to flood the foster care system with well trained, well supported foster families. We endeavor to create an environment where children and families can thrive through legislation and policy changes.
Four Corners Home for Children 6/17/2010
We offer programming that is relevant to lives today. Many have accepted Christ as a result of listening to KNMI Vertical Radio. As a non-profit, listener-supported radio station, we need your help as we continue to proclaim the name of Christ in the Four Corners and the world (through the internet).
Four Corners Ministries 3/14/2013
Abaana’s Hope follows Christ’s command by giving aid to Uganda’s poor, sick, and suffering, especially vulnerable children. Above all, we exist to proclaim the good news of salvation that comes through a relationship with Christ. The war in northern Uganda has been called the most neglected humanitarian emergency in the world. For 24 long years, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the government of Uganda waged a war that left nearly two million innocent civilians caught in the middle. The U
Four Corners Ministries 6/5/2023
"After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"”- Revelation 7:9-10 Join us as we reach every tribe with the Gospel of Jesus!
Four Corners Ministries 8/23/2021
Four Corners Ministries exists to communicate and demonstrate the gospel of Jesus to unreached and under-equipped people groups. Join us as we reach every tribe with the gospel of Jesus!
Four Corners Ministries 8/23/2021
Life Beads was created in 2013 to empower the women of the Kinene community of northern Uganda. Women were among the hardest hit by the decades-long guerilla war. The rebel militia led by Joseph Kony resorted to abducting children and indoctrinating them into their ranks. The Acholi women and girls were forced to serve the rebels in unimaginable ways. Now the fighting has ceased, but the scars of war remain. Many women were left homeless, hopeless, and without family support to provide for their
Four Corners Ministries 8/23/2021
Since its inception, FCM has had a heart to serve the people of South Sudan. The situation on the ground in this country continues to grow worse every single day. Even before the current conflict, 50.6% of South Sudan’s population lived below the poverty line. South Sudan is now in the midst of a violent civil war. As the war continues to escalate, it has become nearly impossible for humanitarian organizations to deliver the much-needed aid the country so desperately needs. South Sudan is one of
Four Corners Ministries 8/23/2021
Our missionaries began to meet women who had been displaced by the war or abandoned by their families. Some of these women were homeless and forced to live in the open bush with their children. The book of James tells us that care for widows and orphans is the type of religion that God finds faultless. God provided for us to purchase 12.8 acres of land near the Abaana’s Hope property to build a Women’s Refuge Center for these women and their children. Seven traditional homes have been built, alo
Four States Christian Missions 11/7/2012
The Hope Center at Hagerstown Rescue Mission provides up to 30 consecutive nights of overnight shelter to transient men who are homeless and would otherwise be living on the streets or in the woods. Each guest is given a personal care package containing enough personal hygiene products to last thirty days. A change of clothing is also made available if needed. A hot meal is provided following the evening chapel service. Participants are encouraged to join a program with steps to life recovery.
Francis Asbury Society 8/9/2011
The Francis Asbury Society provides funds for travel to Latin America under the direction of Jim Harriman. The team of Spanish-speaking evangelists, including Jim’s brother David Harriman, have spoken in Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, and Colombia. Give today and further their evangelistic efforts for 2013!
Free Wheelchair Mission 10/14/2008
Each wheelchair gives mobility to someone in need and a chance for a better life. Please help us transform lives by sharing the gift of mobility with the physically disabled in developing countries as motivated by Jesus Christ.
FreedomWorks Post-Prison Outreach 4/20/2009
Contribute to FreedomWorks as we provide reentry services on behalf of former prisoners and their families, leading to full integration into society as productive citizens and disciples of Jesus Christ, resulting in a reduced rate of recidivism.
Fresno/Madera Youth For Christ 1/21/2022
YFC is a non-profit organization that works within the community to bring young people closer to God and closer to each other. We do this through six different divisions, each focusing on a different aspect of the lives of today's youth. While every program or division is different, they all are rooted in our Savior Jesus Christ.
Friends in Action International 2/1/2019
Construction on the Indigenous Training Center located in the remote bush regions outside Guayaramerin, Bolivia began in 2012. Because many Bolivians lack a high school diploma, they cannot afford (and are not permitted to) attend seminary. Often those saved through FIA’s El Misionero medical riverboat or Inspiracion radio ministries have no way to attend church or receive the discipleship needed to become spiritual leaders among their own people.
Friends in Action International 5/31/2013
Thanks to generous volunteers, FIA’s headquarters building in Middletown, Pennsylvania was completed at a reduced cost in 2015. Housing all the planning, communication, and commissioning of work teams and supplies under one roof has greatly increased our efficiency and effectiveness in speeding up efforts to get the Gospel to those who haven’t heard the Good News. The building gives us room to keep growing our team—providing better support and service to our missionaries.
Friends in Action International 10/7/2010
We are working with missionaries by providing Medical First-Aid kits. These kits are five-gallon buckets that are filled to the brim with supplies for basic first-aid and even minor emergencies. Sutures, gauze and even antibiotic ointment are difficult to find in third-world countries. Each medical bucket costs about $75.00 each to purchase and ship. Our goal is to provide 100 buckets per year.
Friends in Action International 2/1/2019
Approximately 1/2 of the students at the University of Divine Grace, Moldova come from Central Asia, where being a Christian can be dangerous. Although Moldova is not considered a remote location, we know our investment into these students’ lives will take the Gospel to countries with doors closed to the rest of the world. $2,000 can cover the annual costs towards tuition, books, and study materials to equip a student to reach their homeland.
Friends in Action International 2/1/2019
The NiVan people of Vanuatu have more than an hour walk one way to fetch water from unsanitary sources during the dry season. Steeped in superstition and belief in the local witch doctor, your gift of clean water will transform more than just the NiVan’s health. Thirty chiefs are ready to open their villages to the Gospel, as FIA runs gravity-fed piping from a mountain to 3,000 people, 3 schools, and 2 medical clinics below! Be part of sharing the “Living Water” with the NiVan people.
Friends in Action International 10/7/2010
In a land dominated by Islam, striking water on ground thought to be cursed by deceased ancestors is a powerful demonstration of the power of Jesus. Every year FIA drills approximately 60 wells in West Africa, and at each drilling site, the Gospel is proclaimed. One well provides clean water and an opportunity to hear the Gospel to about 500 people. This means that conservatively more than 30,000 people receive physical and spiritual water each year!
Friends Ministries 10/5/2017
We partner with people to strengthen the community, foster friendships through a variety of free programs, and lead others to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Come alongside our Still Waters, Friendship House, and The Refinery programs as we continue to provide safety and light.
Friends of the Great Commission Foundation 4/20/2022
Friends of the Great Commission Foundation (FGC) is a team of skilled administrative and accounting personnel dedicated to using their talents and expertise to enable people to follow God’s calling to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Friends of the Great Commission Foundation is a solution for individuals, missionaries, non-profits, charities, churches, and project-based ministries. We can help those whose goals align with ours by bringing them on as an FGC Agent and projects.
Friends of West Africa Theological Seminary 9/8/2016
Friends of West Africa Theological Seminary (FWATS) exists to develop and promote Christian schools and colleges in Nigeria and West Africa, and to support the development, promotion, and maintenance of West Africa Theological Seminary (WATS) located in Lagos, Nigeria. Your donation will help greatly in our mission to train men and women for Holy living, take the Gospel to the unreached, and become a catalyst for national and global Spiritual awakening.
Friendship Center for New Beginnings 8/15/2011
Donations will be used to share the Gospel as we assist single parent families with new baby and children's clothing, diapers, baby toiletries, and minor home and car care/repairs for those enrolled in our Life Skills classes regularly - also for abstinence education and premarital and marriage strengthening outreaches in the community.
Frontier Fellowship 12/5/2019
As part of God's mission to the world, we invite believing communities to engage people groups where the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom is not yet known. As part of God’s mission to the world, we invite believing communities to engage people groups where the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom is not yet known.
Frontier Labourers for Christ 7/12/2016
The Barefoot Doctors Program is an effective and tested means to provide health care for people in rural Burma (Myanmar). Our Barefoot Doctors trainees provide life-saving health care to regions of Burma where there is no other medical care. As leaders in their communities, these men and women from the country's most neglected regions: Kachin, Shan, Rakhine, and Chin states learn from medical professionals to diagnose and treat a variety of common tropical and majority world ailments.
Frontiers USA 8/15/2011
Hundreds of millions of Muslims live where there is still no one to point them to the message of Christ in the Scripture. Frontiers exists in order that the Great Commission may be fulfilled among all Muslim peoples. Our desire is to raise up a new generation of goers with a passion to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom in the least-reached places. We mobilize, equip, and send…and then our coaches serve workers and families on the field to help them thrive in life and ministry.
Future Leadership Foundation 9/23/2013
Churches across the U.S. are heeding the call to send members to other nations to lead and serve. The Future Leadership Foundation church coaching program helps American churches develop and plan successful and effective mission trips. Please consider supporting FLF in these endeavors.
The iPad Initative 7/25/2016
Future Leadership Foundation 7/25/2016
A Christian college is financially helping FLF by investing their pre-owned second generation iPads into two global seminaries, one in Belarus, one in Ukraine. The seminaries--faculty and students--are investing $84 per machine. FLF is stepping up to raise $42 each for a goal of the requested total of 330 iPads. Can you help us by 1 September with this great ministry tool placed into the hands of committed and courageous seminary students.
Galcom International USA 9/12/2024
Touching Hearts Through Trips In addition to our technological approach, we believe in the power of personal connection. Our ministry organizes trips to engage directly with communities, share the gospel, and provide support to those in need. These trips allow us to build relationships, understand local needs, and bring the message of Jesus to life in meaningful ways.
Gate of Hope Ministries International 6/15/2021
Gate of Hope Ministries International exists to create an environment where East African individuals, families and communities are equipped and empowered to live out a more spiritually fulfilled, socially connected, and economically stable life in order to holistically transform their communities and nations.
Gate Pregnancy Resource Center 2/6/2023
Gate Pregnancy Resource Center’s mission is to minister to the needs of those facing difficult pregnancy decisions by providing hope, help, and healing. We do this by focusing on three holistic areas: Life, Eternal Life, and Quality of Life.
Gateway Rescue Mission 12/11/2012
We meet basic human needs. We feed hungry people. We shelter homeless people. We place homeless people into permanent housing when possible. We offer drug and alcohol rehabilitation at no cost. The Bible teaches us that God has a compassion for the "throw away" people of society. But most churches aren´t in a position to house and feed the homeless. That´s where Gateway steps in to provide a vital and much-needed Christian function. Support the hungry and homeless in our society. Give today!
Gateway Women's Care 8/3/2009
Help Gateway serve more women so that they find the help and hope they so desperately need. $100 will save one unborn baby through our online marketing campaigns, and $300 will save three unborn babies this summer,
GDI 12/7/2018
GDI trains, coaches, and inspires pastors and Christian leaders to establish indigenous, multiplying, disciple-making movements, both nationally and internationally. Intentional and relational MICRO GROUPS cover the foundations for a life in Christ and empower participants to disciple others. Help us accomplish our goal of multiplying transformed disciples through MICRO GROUPS in every country in the world by 2026.
Genesis Community Health 9/13/2019
Our clinic is an integrated healthcare facility providing primary medical care, basic dental, mental health, specialty referral, and medication assistance to those who are uninsured and have a lower income. When you give to support the work of Genesis, you provide fuel for improving the health and well being of people and communities. You are coming alongside a “neighbor” and helping him or her build a ladder out of their situation.
Genesis Ministries of Rockingham County 10/6/2022
Genesis Ministries exists to provide a new beginning for individuals who are bound by addictions. Through instructions, modeling, and a Christ-centered atmosphere, students will be set free to live healthy lives spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. By using biblical principles to disciple our students, we pray they will learn to find their help and value from the Lord.
Geneva Camp & Retreat Center 8/15/2011
The mission of GENEVA Camp & Retreat Center is to create an environment where the presence of God is experienced, the love of Christ is demonstrated, and a Spirit-filled life is inspired. Your support of Camp Geneva keeps camp affordable and makes it possible for ALL kids to come, regardless of financial situation. As we approach the end of the year, please consider a gift to help us connect kids with Christ.
GIFTS Men's Shelter 11/18/2020
The goal of GIFTS is to provide hope and healing through the love of Jesus Christ to men who have lost their way. At GIFTS, men are empowered by challenging their thinking and changing their attitudes. They learn to embrace the love of Jesus and move forward in their lives knowing that they are cared for and loved not only by our Heavenly Father but also by their GIFTS family.
Giving Grace 7/7/2023
Giving Grace is a 501c3 organization that serves individuals and families with children in Denton County who are currently homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless. By offering our continuum of care, we empower individuals and families with the consistent support and community they need.
Global Advance 2/14/2014
You can help thousands of needy church and marketplace leaders in many of the world's most challenging areas receive vital training and tools through financial partnership with Global Advance: $100 helps provide training and resources for two deserving leaders; $1,000 can bring training and encouragement to 20 hidden heroes on the front lines of the church's advance! $10,000 will co-sponsor a Frontline Shepherds Conference or Marketplace Missions Conference in the Majority World.
Global Advance 2/13/2014
Alpha Relief mobilizes and educates the global Body of Christ to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people living in countries where Christians are persecuted. Our primary focus is providing Christ-centered relief, evangelism, and discipleship resources to persecuted Christians. Alpha Relief is a conduit for resources from the West to meet the strategic needs of believers in places where religious freedom is limited.
Global Disciples 12/16/2008
Global Disciples' discipleship-mission trainings focus on partnering with the local, indigenous church to develop a program which produces disciples who are able to make new disciples and plant churches among least-reached peoples. A discipleship-mission program trains participants to be Christ-like in their character and live as ambassadors of Jesus who make disciples and reach the world with the Gospel.
Global Disciples 12/16/2008
Global Disciples' leadership development trainings focus on developing leaders with training in character, skill and knowledge. Effective leadership development is an essential part of equipping every church to fulfill the Great Commission. Global LEAD provides churches with a model for leadership training that has proven effective in developing thousands of Christ-like leaders at a grassroots level.
Global Leadership Network 2/19/2014
YOUR GIFT IS CRITICAL because the ability of a church to serve its community is directly related to the strength and capacity of that church's leadership. The GLS has become a life-changing event, encouraging these leaders to stay in the game, better equipped to fulfill the mission for which God has called them. The majority of the leaders the GLS will serve have not had leadership principles taught or modeled. There is a need to expand the reach of the Summit to equip leaders.
Global Media Outreach 2/29/2012
Global Media Outreach shares Jesus online, grows people in faith and connects them to Christian communities. Using technology and a team of thousands of online missionaries, we're taking the gospel into 195 countries using 26 languages. Since 2004, we've shared the gospel more than 1.7 billion times, and it all starts with a dime from someone like you. For every dollar you give, we can tell 10 people about Jesus. Visit to give today and learn more about sharing Jesus.
Global Missions Project 3/5/2018
Global Missions Project is an interdenominational mission organization committed to leading Christian musicians in sharing Jesus Christ with the world, encouraging believers, and ministering to people through music. We are facilitators of mission trips with a focus on music mission trips. Your support is vital to the success of the mission teams as we take the gospel to the world through music.
Global Mobilization Ministries 3/3/2015
We work with local churches, mission leaders, and local missionaries to identify business platforms that can be used for mission outreach and also generating resources for mission work in the region. “Business as Mission” projects to-date include a typing and photocopying business, a small grocery kiosk selling staple foods, a grain storage and commodities speculating business, a guest house, and a tree farm. We welcome your participation.
Global Outreach International 1/4/2013
We mobilize and support men and women -- sent by the Church -- at zero cost to them, passing through 100% of their donations and taking no administrative cut. Your gifts allow us to sustain and expand our missionary care, as well as grow our missions family, so that more people in more places can hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Adopt A Language 7/24/2018
Global Recordings Network 7/24/2018
Groups and individuals alike can sponsor the recording and initial distribution of an unrecorded language in one of the regions of the world in which GRN operates. For a very reasonable amount, several hours of Bible story and gospel message recordings can be produced and handed out to some of the neediest unreached people groups of our planet. You can sponsor individual minutes or take on an entire project for an investment of $9,000.
Americas Project 12/16/2008
Global Recordings Network 12/16/2008
Americas Project is a GRN outreach that God is raising up to deliver the good news to the small tribes of South America from the Amazon to the Andes. While Christianity is thriving over much of the continent, there are still many tribes who have been bypassed. The Americas Project is focused on providing the gospel for every tribe in whatever language they speak. We know that the Good Shepherd longs for fellowship with every tribe. All need to hear who Jesus is. None is to be excluded.
Project Africa 12/16/2008
Global Recordings Network 12/16/2008
The Vision of GRN is that people might hear and understand God's word in their heart language - especially those who are oral communicators and those who do not have Scriptures in a form they can access. We do this by producing culturally appropriate audio and audio-visual materials. Our centers in Africa long for each language group to have audio recordings of Bible stories and evangelistic messages in their own languages.
Global Scholars 11/26/2008
Global Scholars is the only organization solely focused on placing Christians with terminal degrees in teaching positions overseas. Future world leaders are coming to know Christ as they are taught from a Christian worldview. Currently, Global Scholars has more than 65 Christian professors teaching at secular universities in 27 nations overseas. Scores of universities are asking us for more professors in all fields. Your gift will help us recruit and place more professors.
Global Scholars 11/26/2008
More than 60 Global Scholars’ professors are teaching at secular universities in 27 nations around the world. Although most universities provide some housing and an office, most professors must raise support for living expenses just like other missionaries. These professors need your help. You can choose to support a specific professor or give regional support to specific nations. See for more details.
Global Scholars 11/26/2008
Several Global Scholars professors teach the Bible and Christian doctrine as faculty at secular universities in countries often closed to Christianity. More than 40 Chinese universities have religion and/or Christian studies programs. Universities in Vietnam, Lithuania, Central Europe and Nigeria have also asked for Christian studies professors. Will you help our professors secure positions in these countries?
Global Servants 3/5/2020
Global Servants opened House of Grace in Thailand, a rescue home for girls in danger of being bought and sold into prostitution. Through House of Grace Thailand, hundreds of little girls have found the opportunity to study and know Jesus and grow into skilled, educated women of God. In 2012, the second House of Grace was opened in Ghana. In its 40+ years of operation, the mission of House of Grace has remained the same: “Saving little girls for big destinies.”
Global Service Network 9/10/2009
Global Service Network (GSN) is a growing network of Missionaries, Churches, and Nonprofits who are expressing the Good News of Jesus Christ in diverse contexts.
Global Signet Group 9/8/2016
At Global Signet Group, our purpose is to mentor, resource, and network with people around the globe to bring hope. Together, we empower people so they can find provision for their physical, emotional and spiritual needs on their own to become a viable and valuable part of their community. Since 1999, we have been serving around the world in orphanages, camps, evangelical churches, medical and dental clinics, schools, and prisons. The result is amazing transformation in thousands of lives.
Global Teams International 11/16/2012
Support us in our work with the people groups who have not yet been reached with the Gospel. Your donations, along with helping us to match a generous grant, have the potential to send new missionaries into the gap, strengthen young movements to Christ, expand Bible translation projects, and establish "business as mission" opportunities. We thank you in advance for helping us to reach this goal!
Global Training Network 3/20/2009
Support Global Training Network as we train church planters, pastors and Christian leaders around the world. Our goal is to equip the indigenous church planters, pastors and leaders to effectively evangelize the lost and to go on to plant and develop healthy new churches among their own people!
Go To Nations 8/22/2011
Become a faithful partner of Go To Nations and continue the work of our missionaries who are taking the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a hurting, lost and dying world!
Give to GoCorps! 5/21/2015
GoCorps 5/21/2015
Invest in GoCorps and help us address and overcome the most significant barriers in mobilizing recent grads of all majors to serve globally for two years helping them find their long term role in the Great Commission. Contributions can be made to the GoCorps general fund, loan forgiveness fund or to the ministry of one of our staff members.
God Cares Ministry 7/14/2016
God Cares Ministry seeks to connect Christ-centered churches and individuals with senior care facilities by providing the training and resources needed for this unique mission field, and by supporting Christians and ministries as they make an enormous difference in the lives of seniors. Please consider donating to this valuable ministry or adopting a care facility with your church or family!
God Centered Life Ministries 9/24/2021
At God-Centered Life, our passion is the Gospel. Our vision is all generations living for God. Our mission is to preach the Bible in such a way that people will encounter Christ, grow in their passion for the Gospel, and be equipped to live in effective, God-centered ways.
God's Bible School & College 7/14/2010
God's Bible School and College is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and is accredited by both ABHE and HLC. The mission of the institution is to provide higher education centered in the Bible and shaped by Wesleyan conviction, preparing faithful servants to proclaim Jesus Christ and spread scriptural holiness throughout the world.
God's Garage 10/9/2024
God’s Garage is a Christ-centered, 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry that provides reliable transportation to single mothers, widows and wives of deployed military in need. We also provide life skills training in the areas of budgeting, meal planning, single-parenting, job interviewing and basic vehicle maintenance.
Good Life Ministries 6/6/2023
Good Life Ministries shares the love of Jesus Christ through educational ministries, evangelistic outreach, and humanitarian efforts; enabling and encouraging individuals to give back to their communities through transformed lives.
Good News at Noon 12/15/2020
We want to see homelessness changed to growth and restoration. Our goal is a reciprocal flow of resources and to enrich the lives of both givers and receiver. Our primary focus is the Melrose community and adjoining neighborhoods in Gainesville/ Hall County. In cooperation with individuals, churches, businesses and others we work to bring hope, dignity and spiritual growth to our neighbors.
Barnabas Fund 11/19/2009
Good News Global 11/19/2009
The Barnabas Fund was created to encourage struggling chaplains by providing a financial bridge for those who are experiencing difficulty reaching their financial goals. This is usually due either to lost funding or slower than anticipated development of additional funding. Please give today!
Good Samaritan Health Center of Cobb 1/24/2011
We would like to thank all of our donors in advance. Because of your support, Good Samaritan is able to be a place that points people to the one thing that will really get us through the hard times in life, the love and strength of Jesus. We urge you to pray about either giving for the first time or increasing your giving in such a critical time for our community.
Bible Schools! 8/24/2011
Gospel Missions of India 8/24/2011
There are several good assembly Bible Schools in India that are engaged in training and equipping missionary workers in Doctrines and Evangelism. Consider sponsoring a Bible School student, or contributing to cover the expenses of operating any of the schools.
Gospel Rescue Mission 1/3/2017
Remodeling a former daycare to be able to serve those in poverty with shelter, life skills classes, meals, food bank and so much more!
Open Doors! 1/3/2017
Gospel Rescue Mission 1/3/2017
GRM’s ministry is based on Jesus’ instruction to us in Matthew 25:35-36. By providing shelter and two meals a day, it’s our prayer that this temporary assistance might open doors to get our guests back on their feet. We have a food pantry to provide food assistance and help with utilities for individuals and families who need some extra help with the basic necessities. We also partner with several agencies in order to ensure that we can meet the needs in our community.
Gospel Revival Ministries 9/19/2011
Our strategy is to reach, save, and disciple an entire unreached village, enabling them to become self-supporting in 2 to 4 years. $200-$500 per month will fully fund "Reach A Village" for one unreached village. Please give today and become part of this wonderful opportunity to get involved in the Great Commission!
Gospel Volunteers 9/20/2011
We support 18 missionaries and fund many important projects that will bring the good news of Jesus Christ around the world. We are committed to supporting our missionaries throughout the year. While most of our missions funds come in during the summer months, our missionaries' needs continue year-round. Consider contributing to the Missions Program today and help to expand His Kingdom around the world!
Got Questions Ministries 12/6/2017
Got Questions Ministries seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing answers to spiritually related questions through an internet presence. We are a ministry of dedicated and trained servants who have a desire to assist others in their understanding of God, Scripture, salvation, and other spiritual topics. Please prayerfully consider making a donation.
Here I am, send me! 12/20/2022
GoTEN 12/20/2022
GoTEN provides training in cross-cultural ministry among immigrants living in the United States. We Send. GoTEN sends disciples to areas in the world with the greatest need for a Christian community. We believe that peace, hope, and love are best demonstrated and received by living among hurting people.
Grace Based Families 7/26/2011
Would you like to be part of equipping families for every age and stage of life? You can by making a tax deductible donation to Family Matters, a ministry committed to equipping couples, parents, and grandparents to keep their commitments and bring the best out of those they love the most. Your donations will be used to develop additional tools to encourage and strengthen families all over the country.
Partner with GES! 9/20/2011
Grace Evangelical Society 9/20/2011
The aim of GES is to promote the clear proclamation of God's free salvation through faith alone in Christ alone, which is properly correlated with and yet distinguished from issues related to discipleship. Partner with Grace Evangelical Society and help us to grow and reach more people with the timeless message of the Gospel of Grace.
Grace Evangelistic Ministries 1/14/2010
Grace Evangelistic Ministries is dedicated to evangelism and sound Bible teaching. Our main focus is evangelism and all our activities support this goal. We are a non-denominational, Christian, missionary oriented ministry, incorporated in the State of Tennessee as a nonprofit organization. Our mission, in obedience to the command of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is to: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19).
Grace Mission 4/12/2009
The book of Proverbs is loaded with truth stating that a wise person will be successful at life! A fool is brought down by foolish behavior. We have developed a course that includes classroom instruction on 42 Biblical principles to promote Godly character. By distributing these books by motorcycle all over northern Haiti, over 500,000 students have taken this course which includes the gospel.
Sister Churches 4/12/2009
Grace Mission 4/12/2009
A "Sister Church" relationship develops when a North American church relates to a specific church in a Haitian village to provide prayer, family life teaching, health instruction, evangelism opportunities, and construction help. Information is shared monthly so that this relationship can prosper. Your ministry can be designed to fit your situation.
Grace School of Theology 5/7/2009
Grace School of Theology used cloud-based, interactive teaching methods to fulfill its vision to develop spiritual leaders in every nation who can teach others about the love of Christ, a love that cannot be earned and cannot be lost. Our students and faculty sharpen each other for full-time ministry, lay ministry, and for service to Jesus Christ at home, in our communities, and around the world.
Grace to You 4/23/2009
In 2013, Grace to You began translating more than 500 of John MacArthur’s most crucial messages into four additional languages: Arabic, French, Chinese, and Portuguese. Once the translation is completed, both the audio files and transcripts of the sermons will be made available across various digital platforms, free of charge.
Grace to You 4/23/2009
Grace to You teaches biblical truth with clarity, using mass media to expand the sphere of John MacArthur’s Bible-teaching ministry. Grace to You supports the local church by helping God’s people grow in biblical knowledge and spiritual maturity.
Great Lakes Outreach 10/7/2019
Our purpose is to empower and equip strategic leaders and ministries to transform Burundi and beyond. GLO works with visionary local leaders to transform Burundi through education, sport, business, healthcare, and more, bringing hope to thousands of the most vulnerable.We identify, equip, and empower the best local leaders of passion, integrity, gifting and vision for the transformation of the nation.
Support CPC! 9/21/2011
Greater Baltimore Center for Pregnancy Concerns 9/21/2011
The Center for Pregnancy Concerns was founded in 1980 for the purpose of providing women facing an unplanned pregnancy with a place to explore their options in a non-threatening, comfortable environment. We offer a variety of services, all of which are entirely free. Our mission is to protect the physical, emotional and spiritual lives of women and their unborn children. As we continue to come to the aid of women and their families, our need for your financial support continues to grow.
Greater Europe Mission 3/1/2010
GEM wants to mobilize and activate disciples of Jesus who want to leverage their time and talents to make disciples among the peoples of Europe. The work of discipling all peoples of Europe by GEM missionaries is only possible through partnership with people like you. By giving to a person or project, you're serving alongside them in God's work of reaching Europe to change the world!
Greater Miami Youth for Christ 9/21/2011
Partner with Youth for Christ Miami and Broward and bring hope and wholeness through the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to EVERY young person in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.
Greater Tuscaloosa Youth For Christ 7/13/2021
Our vision is to create fruitful and sustainable ministry sites through the following ministry essentials: Widespread Prayer. We deliberately engage lots of Christians to intercede on behalf of the ministry site. Loving Relationships We consistently pursue lost kids & engage them in life-long relationships with Jesus. Faithful Bible Teaching. We accurately handle Biblical truth, regularly coaching kids to apply it in their lives.
Greenwood Pathway House 11/6/2018
Pathway works with each client as an individual, based on his or her own “story”, and we tailor a case plan according to what works best for that client. By forming strong, trusting relationships with those in our care, we can usually isolate what has caused the brokenness; then God does the mending using our hands—and yours. We are so grateful for Pathway’s phenomenal growth since 2014, and we’re excited about how God will expand the reach & effectiveness of this ministry in the coming years.
GRIP Outreach For Youth 8/4/2023
GRIP Outreach For Youth is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization created to connect youth with caring, Christian mentors to build Life-on-Life relationships. GRIP provides programs and resources to develop young people spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Ground Zero Ministries 11/15/2019
Ground Zero provides a Monday night outreach (GZi - Ground Zero Impact) to middle and high school teenagers. Every Monday night the doors are open for students to come in and enjoy a refuge from their crazy lives, most of which are from bad home environments. Games, Free Food, Music, Message, Small Groups and more allow the leadership team to deepen relationships with each teenager and winning their trust to help them navigate their journey with Christ at the center.
Groundwire! 9/6/2011
Groundwire 9/6/2011
Groundwire offers you the opportunity to leverage the world's technology to connect thousands of un-churched young people with the Gospel of Jesus. Support this ministry and see the gospel preached to a hurting generation!
HA Beasley & Company, PC 11/3/2021
Habitat for Missions Creates a non-traditional revenue stream that produces more money for missions support. We promote volunteerism and enhance unity for our partners. We provide a quality, high-value home for our buyers; and benefit the communities in which our projects are located.
Haggai International Institute for Advanced Leadership Training 7/8/2014
The global community of Haggai Institute is made up of alumni, donors, faculty, volunteers, and our small but efficient worldwide staff. If you feel that God is moving you to join our global community by supporting us financially please do so. In a divided world we represent a unique opportunity for Christians to work together for the Gospel. Our goal is to make sure everyone on the planet can meet Jesus Christ in terms they can understand.
Haiti Hope Alliance 12/10/2019
OUR MISSIONHaiti?s Hope Alliance is dedicated to long-term presence and commitment to the people of Haiti. Our mission is committed to the spreading of the Gospel and meeting the needs of the Haitian people through economic development and empowerment. HHA recognizes that a successful mission must involve building and developing reciprocal relationships with the Haitian community through bonds of mutual trust and accountability.
Haiti Teen Challenge 9/13/2019
Haiti Teen Challenge is asset based community development ministry, because we are convinced that Haitians must lead any significant change in their nation. It is not about how we are going to "fix" Haiti, but how we are going to walk with our Haitian brothers and sisters, establishing trust, supporting their leadership, and helping them to recognize their resources, build leadership capacity and develop strategy to achieve deep and lasting change.
Handi*Vangelism Ministries International 10/20/2015
H*VMI exists to share the compassion of Christ by walking alongside individuals facing life's challenges and equipping others to do the same.
Discipleship 10/20/2015
Handi*Vangelism Ministries International 10/20/2015
Through one-on-one visitation, email devotionals and group Bible study/Bible club programs, the Discipleship team teaches Truth from God's Word on a variety of levels appropriate to individuals with physical or intellectual disabilities. Twilight Senior Ministries especially focuses on meeting the needs of Seniors living alone or in nursing homes.
REST Ministries 10/7/2015
Handi*Vangelism Ministries International 10/7/2015
REST Ministries makes God real by facilitating restoration to the hurting, abused and addicted, whether in the church or on the street. Help us provide support for the community and equip the church through workshops and resources designed to facilitate help to hurting people. Your donations make a difference.
Hands of The Carpenter 3/10/2016
Hands of The Carpenter (Hands) is a faith-based nonprofit community that uniquely serves low/fixed income single mothers and widows by addressing the often overlooked issue of transportation. Hands provides automobile donation/placement, repair, maintenance, and related education to keep women on the road towards economic self-sufficiency. Hands welcomes volunteers with some car repair experience to help with minor repairs and maintenance on clients’ vehicles and to prepare donated cars for use.
Happy Hands Education Center 1/23/2023
We provide children full access to language through visual and auditory methods in a uniquely enriched environment. We have the specialized teachers and therapists to ensure your child will learn as much as their hearing peers.
Harmony Women's Care 2/18/2021
CareNet-RI has been serving the women and men of RI for 30 years. Our goal is to offer women facing unplanned pregnancies the support and information they need to change their fear into confidence. We believe that strong, confident women make healthy choices for themselves and their families.
Harvest Field Corners 12/31/2014
In today's challenging economic times, every ministry dollar needs to work hard and travel far. By combining qualified loans with biblical principles of stewardship and tithing, your ministry investment will benefit and bless the Pakistani Christian entrepreneurs and their families. It also educates their children, strengthens their churches and Christian communities, while promoting a Gospel outreach within their sphere of influence.
Harvest USA 12/6/2011
Consider becoming a donor of Harvest USA and help equip the church in bringing the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform the lives of those affected by sexual sin.
Harvest Vineyard Church 11/13/2019
In a world of despair, fear, and anxiety, God has called us as Harvest Vineyard Church to build and be a community of HOPE. We want to do this in a way that avoids hype and manipulation and yet still has enthusiasm, joy, and reverence. We have attempted to make our community a place where people can come as they are and still experience love and mercy. At the same time, we desire to learn and apply the truth of God to our lives and learn how to speak truth to one another.
Harvesters International Ministries 9/20/2010
Pokot Outreach Ministry operates medical clinics at most of the mission stations. In Kapenguria, POM has operated its own clinic since 1997 and on an average day treats about 100 patients. POM has also experimented with mobile medical units that go into the most remote areas of the bush. As Harvesters International Missions (HIM) continues to build mission stations with clinics, the need for these mobile units is decreasing. Will you help support native medical staff?
Harvesters International Ministries 2/4/2009
The Pokot live in a remote area of Kenya where little or no medical facilities are available. Pokot Outreach Ministries has established clinics to help meet the needs of the people, but medicine is difficult to find and costly - many of the hospitals do not even have medicines. When the people come for treatment it is imperative that the necessary medicines are available to be able to treat their illnesses and save lives.
Harvesters International Ministries 2/4/2009
The Union of Baptist Churches of the Congo serves a large Christian community, yet the pastors and evangelists are living on virtually nothing. They often go without food while meeting the needs of those in refugee camps ahead of their own needs. It is essential that the laborer is paid his wage if these men are to continue to bring hope to the hopeless in The Democratic Republic of Congo.
Harvesters International Ministries 2/4/2009
In a good year, the Pokot tribe receives an annual rainfall of 3.5", however, only one of the past five years has produced even that much rain. This semi-nomadic tribe settles into communities where there is water present. Harvester's goal is to dig no less than 10 water wells per year to help bring clean, fresh water to the people and their animals. With a water source they can also improve their agriculture thus adding variety to their diet.
Harvesters Reaching the Nations 8/27/2021
Built on Harvesters’ foundational mission to provide discipleship, education and health care to orphans as well as vulnerable women and children, our mission at HHH is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through a ministry of health care to women and children.
Haven of Rest Ministries - Anderson 1/7/2014
The goal of the ministry is that every participant will desire to give his or her life to Christ and turn to Him for freedom from addictions and hope for the future. Our Rescue Mission, Men's Training Center, Women's Ministries, and Thrift Stores help us carry out this mission. Please donate to help us help others!
HBI Global Partners USA 12/14/2011
Today, we are standing on the shoulders of those who made sacrifice to see us come up in life, and it is our responsibility to lend our shoulders to the next generation so that we see a better and healthier generation. Please consider partnership with HBI and invest in something that will outlive you and last for eternity!
Healing Hands International 8/18/2021
Our mission is to aid, equip, and empower those in need around the world in the name of Jesus Christ so they might experience God’s healing grace. Our vision is a world that is full of hope where physical needs are met and hearts are surrendered to Jesus Christ. At the core of Healing Hands International reside our mission, vision, and values. Everything we do as an organization is driven by these principles.
Heart for Lebanon 6/17/2011
Heart for Lebanon provides bi-annual leadership training to top level ministry leaders and pastors in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the United Arab Emirates. Leaders are mentored through a holistic process of leadership development. Impact the Christian influencers in the Middle East with your support!
Heart for Lebanon 6/17/2011
The New Horizons Community Center is an initiative in the South of Lebanon to reach out to Muslim Bedouin and Gypsy communities that have been shunned by society. The center opened with a school for children who have never attended school in their lives. Now dental and medical care are provided to these communities and sewing classes have begun for the women to earn a sustainable income rather than sending their children to the streets to beg. Change a whole community for Christ!
Heart for Lebanon 6/17/2011
The New Horizons Community Center is an initiative in the South of Lebanon to reach out to Muslim Bedouin and Gypsy communities that have been shunned by society. The center opened with a school for children whom have never attended school in their lives. Now dental and medical care are provided to these communities and sewing classes have begun for the women to earn a sustainable income rather than sending their children to the streets to beg. Change a whole community for Christ!
Heart for Lebanon 9/20/2010
We believe that a healthy Christian environment that is aimed at serving children and youth is the hope and future of Lebanon. We provide partial financial assistance to needy students at Christian schools and with that, character formation with the goal to educate, empower, and inspire a student to develop in the image of Christ; emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and socially. Our focus is to serve children and their families regardless of their ethnic or religious background.
Heartlight Ministries Foundation 1/7/2020
We provide a safe haven for struggling teens at our residential counseling center. Our atmosphere of relationships creates an arena of change for teens and parents lost in a broken world. We then offer help and direction for parents of all teens through our materials, parenting resources, seminars, and conferences all dedicated to offering effective and practical ways for parents to counter the influence today’s culture is having on their child.
Heavenly Treasures 6/6/2017
The mission of Heavenly Treasures is to assist people in developing countries to break the cycle of poverty through their handiwork and creativity. We focus on projects that allow the development of a micro enterprise, leading them down the path to self-sufficiency. Your donations support our operations, mission team and merchandising efforts so we can continue to work together to change lives around the world! Whether large or small, every donation represents a changed life!
Hellenic Ministries 12/15/2009
Hellenic Ministries serves over 350 meals per week to minister to the over 1,000,000 refugees who live on the streets of Athens, Greece. At Christmas time, over 600 refugees are fed and given gifts to help them through the winter, as they are, for the most part, homeless. We also help with laundry, showers, medical needs and hold Bible studies for the refugees.
Hellenic Ministries 12/15/2009
With no shelter of its kind in Athens, a sprawling city of 5 million people with one of the highest abortion rates in the world, there is great need for a crisis pregnancy center/home. Our desire is to provide counseling and encouragement for girls to give life to their unborn children and not to seek an abortion. We want to offer ‘Hope’ and a safe refuge for girls to stay in during their pregnancy. We plan to help girls get set up in their new life with their baby after they leave our Center, o
Helping Up Mission 10/13/2008
Together we can make a difference in the lives of people in our community who most need our help! When homeless and chemically dependent men get the right kind of help, they can get well. No one person or organization can do this alone. We need to work together. Please partner with us in changing lives today!
Helps Ministries 10/1/2013
Helps Ministries provides facility planning & architectural design services to like-minded Christian missions and ministries in the U.S. and overseas. We are committed to helping evangelical ministries spread the Good News of Jesus by providing professional design services not only at lower costs, but with a clear understanding of the challenges that such organizations encounter when creating or expanding existing ministries. Help us continue providing this important service by donating today.
His Feet International 12/16/2022
'The Forgotten Community' Is a neglected shantytown-like village in the Philippines. His Feet International is the only ministry currently working in the 'forgotten community' The extreme neglect during covid-19 that this community faced, even while other villages received help is what caused the community to name itself The Forgotten Community. The community has no electricity. Will you help remind the community of over 100 families that although the government has forgotten about them, God ha
His Feet International 12/16/2022
Giving to this cause helps us to train national missionaries and house church leaders to reach unreached people groups! Through your financial support and prayer, we are able to host discipleship and leadership trainings for new believers to be equipped as church leaders! This, along with resources such as Bibles and discipleship training materials disciples are able to make disciples!
His Feet International 12/16/2022
Stand with us in prayer and financial support for our persecuted brothers and sisters! There are nearly 300 million Christians who are suffering intense persecution. In Asia, it is estimated that 2 out of every 5 countries persecute believers. Many face confiscation of property, destruction and closure of churches, loss of jobs, house arrest, imprisonment and more. Help us to provide care for the persecuted through Biblical trainings, Pastoral care retreats, and financial support for those in a
His Feet International 12/16/2022
There are about 7,000 unreached people groups around the world that have never been reached by the Gospel. Many of these have no Bible in their language and no churches. Most have never even heard the name of Jesus! Help us go into the 10/40 window to equip and mobilize indigenous workers to reach the unreached! Giving to this cause serves as an opportunity for the gospel to be shared, disciples to be raised through pastoral training, and churches to be planted! Will you help us reach the unreac
His Feet International 12/16/2022
His Feet International has been part of the distribution of tens of thousands of Bibles, evangelism, and Christian training materials. Some even in ethnic tribal languages! There is a great need for Bibles and materials to be distributed. Join us financially and through prayer to provide the Word in rural areas and cities that are difficult to get Bibles in! We also provide MP3 tracks with the Bible, Christian life teaching, and worship music!
His Feet International 12/16/2022
Provide a Bible for tribal People living in war zones or gospel-restricted nations. His Feet International regularly supplies Bibles for those in need. In war zones, Bibles can be destroyed when people flee. In persecuted nations, Bibles are contraband and can be impossible to buy. They can also get confiscated by hostile governments. Our teams and partners have unique relationships to get Bibles to those in need. The average cost for a Bible in a tribal language is $15.00. It is our goal to sup
His Feet International 12/16/2022
Leprosy is a cruel disease that affects the nervous system and causes nerve damage. The dead nerves no longer feel wound and injuries, so the area becomes damaged and infected. This disease has taken the hands, feet, and even eyelids of its victims. The most devastating part however is the rejection they face. We have the unique opportunity to teach them about Jesus as well as provide medical care, supplies, water, and shower and development projects to reduce wound infection rate! Will you supp
His Heart Foundation 3/6/2019
His Heart Foundation is confident that as we draw closer to God we will draw closer to one another. That is why we are passionate about our work in mental health, mentoring, and restoration. We are committed to breaking the stigma of mental illness by serving local churches and individuals - so that they will know that there is hope and healing for their minds, bodies, souls, and relationships.
His Helping Hands 3/18/2009
His Helping Hands is a benevolence and evangelistic ministry to help those living in the Wichita, KS area who have need of household items. With donations of items from members of the community and with the help of volunteers, HHH is able to provide a wide variety of services including giving away clothing, food, furniture, and household items to those who have need. At the time of distribution, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is shared with the clients.
His High Places 12/20/2012
HHP's first calling is to those in full time ministry. Over 50% of HHP's clients are referred by pastors, counselors and former clients. HHP in effect becomes a counseling arm to the larger Body of Christ. Folks have come from 43 states and from at least 16 denominations, as well as various parachurch and independent organizations. Please give to support the ministry of HHP!
His Little Feet 12/5/2011
His Little Feet partners with Compassion International, providing opportunities for people like you to sponsor a child in need, providing them with the opportunity to receive an education, to be healthy, to develop life skills and to hear the Gospel. if you would like to sponsor a child in need, we invite you to make a tax-deductible contribution of just $38 a month to connect a child with a loving, church-based child sponsorship program.
His Mansion Ministries 12/14/2011
His Mansion Ministries is a Christ-centered healing and discipleship community serving young men and women who are entrapped in addictions. We offer the only hope we have: that of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do not charge anyone for our services, but have chosen to trust God to provide all our needs. He has faithfully done so for over 40 years. Donations to support this ministry are tax-deductible, and deeply appreciated.
His Voice Global 9/10/2018
Since 2003, His Voice Global has been partnering with communities and their leaders to raise up vulnerable women and children to see relationships restored and communities renewed. You can join us in the joyful work of being “His voice” to so many in need while expecting both personal and public transformation of those we serve because of the power of the gospel.
Hmong District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance 3/10/2016
The Christian and Missionary Alliance family celebrates Jesus. As one of our own says, “There is no heart He cannot reach, no wound He cannot heal, no bondage He cannot break...” Jesus said He came for the sick, not the well (Mark 2:17), and we’ve experienced His divine restoration. Your support to the Hmong District of the C & MA will help minister to the Vietnamese community in the US and abroad through men’s, women’s, and youth ministries as well as radio outreach and short-term missions.
Hope 1312 Collective 1/7/2020
Our efforts were launched in 2014 by a small group of community members, social workers, foster parents, youth pastors, business executives, who were tired of seeing kids linger in the foster care system and kids from hard places continue to struggle to find hope. We wanted to see resources leveraged for meaningful impact, see the church truly be the church, and lives changed through an encounter with Hope.
Hope and Help International 6/20/2019
Pastors/church planters in rural South Asia are faithfully serving their churches and they are making in-roads to the unreached and unengaged people groups around them. They need financial support to carry out their mission, to go farther, and to reach more people with the gospel.
Hope and Help International 6/20/2019
The men who are pastoring churches in South Asia are serving in the hard places. They are willing and eager, but need help with their ministry and leadership skills as well as solid teaching in Bible doctrines to make sure they can stand firm when all of culture comes against them. These skills will enable them to lead their churches to grow and multiply.
Hope Center Indy 3/21/2024
We're on a mission to impart the hope and healing of Jesus to every heart by providing resources and programs that address both physical and spiritual needs. We believe the past does not define you, and that through Christ, a new life is always within reach.
Hope Center Ministries 9/13/2023
According to the CDC*, "about 178,000 people die from excessive drinking each year. These deaths occur from both drinking alcohol over several years or drinking too much on one occasion." Additionally, "1 of every 22 deaths in the US among persons age 15-74 was attributable to unintentional overdose involving opioids in 2021. Provisional data suggests that approximately 110,000 people died of a drug overdose in 2022." That is: 288,000 deaths per year from excessive alcohol use or drug overd
Hope Center Ministries 6/6/2023
Hope Center Ministries exists to lead addicts and their families to become fully devoted followers of Christ. It costs a one-time $700 admission fee for a resident to enter Hope Center. We have many men and women who apply that do not have the funding to pay for it. Unfortunately, most addicts' families have either spent all they could on previous recovery programs or treatment, or they have burned too many bridges to receive help. 100% of everything donated to HFR goes toward covering the cost
Hope Center Ministries 9/13/2023
110,000 estimated drug overdose deaths occur in the U.S. annually. 59M of people 12 and over have used illegal drugs or misused prescription drugs within the last year. Like you, Hope Center Ministries finds this unacceptable. We believe that sobriety is a by-product of a relationship with Jesus. Give one day's wage to transform lives through Hope Center Ministries.
Hope Center Ministries 9/13/2023
It started with a vision from God to one man. Now, over one hundred and forty employees and over fifteen hundred volunteers are on the team of Hope Center Ministries, as we snatch as many people as possible from hell and from the grips of addiction. It’s never just been about recovery; it’s about rescuing the lost from destruction. Give to help us in our mission to lead addicts and their families to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
Hope Christian Services 7/19/2011
The ECCR recognizes that each individual, regardless of disability, was created in God's image with the purpose to serve Him in all aspects of their lives. The Spiritual Development Department provides opportunities for residents, staff and families of residents to encounter and receive God's grace through worship services, pastoral care and providing other opportunities for spiritual growth and development. Please give today to continue the work of this ministry!
Hope Family Ministries 6/20/2014
We are publishing a book about forgiveness. It includes personal testimony, easily understood biblical principles regarding forgiveness, and practical tools. We are praying and believing God will use it to help people find forgiveness with Him, themselves and others.
Academics 11/14/2008
HOPE Farm 11/14/2008
Our academic program emphasizes collaborations between HOPE Farm staff, parents and school personnel. The program reinforces reading, language arts, mathematics and science. Our teaching staff also discern learning differences in some students and recommend testing and placement in appropriate learning environments (e.g. school that only takes students with learning differences). Your support will help prepare and equip these children for higher learning after graduation from high school.
HOPE Farm 11/14/2008
Our Leadership Development umbrella is inclusive of all other programs. The program helps boys become responsible citizens and prepares them to lead today’s society. This includes the musical arts (piano, choir), leadership opportunities, character development, social skills development, vocational and college preparatory assistance. Your financial support will help equip these students to advance to higher learning and serve the community through various avenues of service.
S.T.E.M. Program 1/14/2013
HOPE Farm 1/14/2013
Stimulate interest in science, technology, engineering and math by providing unique opportunities for our students to have hands on experiences in each of these academic venues. This includes projects done in collaboration with the local Museum of Science & History as well as field trips designed to broaden their capacity to learn and enjoy S.T.E.M. subjects.
Hope for the Heart 12/5/2019
We want to encourage and equip you with God’s truth so that you can find hope and overcome life’s challenges. Check out our resources and take a step toward hope today. Hope For The Heart is a ministry providing biblical hope and practical help for everyday problems. Our desire at Hope For The Heart is to equip you with the help and hope you need so that you can then equip and encourage others. God desires to give you hope as you face life problems and difficult trials. By using our biblical
Hope for the Hungry 3/20/2012
Help us break the cycle of generational poverty and give the gift of education to a child in Haiti. The literacy rate in Haiti of people over the age of 15 who can read and write is 52.9% and only 65% of school-aged children are enrolled in school in Haiti. Hope for the Hungry provides a Christ-centered education to over 800 children in Haiti. Your gift of $12 per month helps provide a hot meal daily, an education to a child in Haiti as well as a sustainable income for Haitian teachers.
Refuge of Hope! 3/14/2011
Hope Force International 3/14/2011
The Refuge of Hope will provide housing and support services to disaster workers so they can continue to serve those affected by crisis. HFI envisions a mobile air dome that can be used by Hope Force Reservists and volunteers from a variety of organizations. The unit will provide housing and a base of operation to expedite immediate and long-term disaster response efforts.
Hope Gospel Mission 12/8/2011
The Solomon Learning Center offers career enhancement classes and a work readiness program. We also offer leadership training and will soon add a certificate program in Practical Management. As we operate under the management of Hope Gospel Mission, your donation will help residents develop academic and work skills.
Hope Haven 10/14/2008
Partner with us as we serve people with disabilities. Almost 300 adults celebrate living independently thanks to Hope Haven's housing options developed in response to requests from individuals with disabilities and their families. More than a thousand people continue to be served in life-changing ways through Hope Haven services across the region. Thousands more have been impacted by Hope Haven International Ministries through the delivery of wheelchairs to those in developing countries.
A Gateway of Hope 1/18/2024
Hope Haven of East Texas 1/18/2024
Hope Haven, a faith-based nonprofit, supports girls in Texas foster care through three programs: Gateway of Hope (ages 13-17), Oak Haven (ages 18-21), and Danielle's Home of Hope (ages 5-17). They aim to provide a loving environment addressing emotional and behavioral issues, helping girls cope, heal, and transition into adulthood. Staff and volunteers follow a rigorous training model from Pressley Ridge for excellence in foster care services.
HOPE International 12/8/2011
Since 1997, HOPE International has invested in dreams through Christ-centered microenterprise development, empowering families to put their God-given resources to work and inviting them into deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. HOPE is passionate about seeing men and women equipped to provide for their families, meet needs in their churches and communities, and build a thriving marketplace.
Hope is Alive Ministries 7/7/2023
We are radically changing the lives of drug addicts, alcoholics, and those that love them.
Hope Matters Marriage Ministries 11/21/2011
Jeff and Cheryl Scruggs offer several services when it comes to ministering to individuals and couples concerning Marriage and Leadership in the home, their family, and their relationships. On the local level, Jeff & Cheryl offer on-site counseling in Plano, TX; and available for conferences and retreats, they are available for travel anywhere you need them to be. Thank you for considering a donation to Hope Matters Marriage Ministries. Every dollar helps fuel our ministry. God Bless You!
Hope Pregnancy Center of Brazos Valley 8/22/2012
Hope Pregnancy Center helps those struggling with the consequences of poor choices and difficult circumstances. Their vision is to encourage, educate, and build relationships throughout the community concerning Hope’s message of hope and sanctity of life. They want to share with them the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ.
Hope Pregnancy Centers 12/8/2011
Hope Pregnancy Centers, Inc., dba Hope Women's Centers exists to encourage and equip women to make informed choices regarding unplanned pregnancies. All of our services are free and confidential. To donate, call (954) 724-0005.
Support Life! 8/5/2015
Hope Pregnancy Centers 8/5/2015
Hope Pregnancy Centers relies on the generous financial support of individual donors, local churches and businesses to fund the daily operation costs of our ministry. To partner with us, please consider joining us by making a financial donation.
Hope Reins 10/7/2019
We serve kids in life crisis through our 33-acre ranch, rescued horses, and restoration in Christ. Most of our ‘angels in horsehair’ are rescued with heartbreaking stories of abuse and neglect. This shared story of pain opens hearts and helps foster a significant bond between our hurting kids and horses. Services are free of charge and made possible by you and other generous donors.
Give Hope! 2/10/2015
Hope Resource Center 2/10/2015
Every $1 is significant at Hope Resource Center! Donate a one-time gift or partner with Hope Resource Center with regular, monthly giving. Your gift provides life-changing hope to men and women in the greater Knoxville community. Your support is vital to making Hope Resource Center's ministry possible. For only $1, your donation provides a free pregnancy test, encouragement, support, and prayer to a woman in need. Imagine the impact of $20, $50 or even more!
Hope Unlimited for Children 12/8/2011
In the poverty stricken areas of Brazil, it is common to see children running barefoot around sewage or wearing only a dirty t-shirt. Your donation of only $10 dresses a child in what may be the first set of decent clothes they have ever worn in their lives. Please give today!
Hope Unlimited for Children 7/11/2018
Every day, the buses of Hope transport 500 to 700 high risk youth to our campus for up to 18 months of certified vocational training and job placement opportunities. Carefully chosen courses that mirror the market's vacancies are selected.
Hope Walks 2/6/2020
Clubfoot is characterized by one or both feet twisted inward and downward at birth, making walking difficult or impossible. With early treatment, using simple casts followed by braces, their feet can be corrected before they take their first steps freeing these children to walk, run, get an education and achieve their God-given abilities. As in John 9, clubfoot care is an opportunity to introduce families to Christ and bring glory to God. Join us in offering hope and freedom from disability.
Hope Within Ministries 11/19/2024
Our Mission is to share God’s love with people in need through the provision of health care services, dental care, sound counsel and related education.
Horizon Pregnancy Clinic 9/24/2021
Our mission is to encourage anyone impacted by a crisis pregnancy to choose life. We are a free, safe and confidential Christ-centered pregnancy medical clinic, providing hope and healing through counseling, education, abstinence training, and recovery.
Hospitality House Youth Development 12/1/2011
The Choir consists of about 25 kids who work together as a team while exercising their love and talent for singing. The message of Christ is shared through song and prayer. This program gives kids the opportunity to perform and teaches them about discipline, responsibility, teamwork, and the value of community involvement.
Houston Pregnancy Help Center 8/29/2012
Would you prayerfully consider a gift to help Fifth Ward and Downtown Pregnancy Help Centers serve women, men and children who are at risk for abortion? Thank you for your support. We anticipate miracles daily.
HowToLife Movement 2/6/2018
We are #HowToLife — a fast-growing movement of Christian teenagers. "Life” for most of our friends happens in and around public school. School (not church) is the center of our relationships, activities, and passions. Events include a clear presentation of the Gospel, and provide an opportunity for students to respond publicly to stand for Jesus. We don’t need to be entertained — we need to be challenged. Your gift enables this mission!
Human Coalition 7/28/2011
Pregnancy Resource Center of the South Hills offers P.A.C.E. Lead by a counselor experienced in post-abortion issues, P.A.C.E. helps women through the grieving process so their pain and guilt can be replaced with the truth of God’s love and forgiveness. Your financial support will help women find hope and peace and discover a new freedom.
Human Coalition 10/28/2013
Donate to Online for Life today and save children and families from the destruction of abortion. We are revolutionizing how children and families are rescued from abortion. We have already saved 1,274 children. Together, we can save more. Please join us!
Hume Lake Christian Camps 3/29/2011
As a parachurch organization, Hume seeks to serve the local church. Hume’s programs offer a Christian response to today’s culture through recreation, video, music, onstage speakers and presentations, which all work to introduce people to the Lord Jesus Christ in a way that is unexpectedly refreshing. The Hume environment is designed to minister to new believers while also encouraging those who are saved to pursue God in a new and deeper way.
Radio Program! 7/6/2011
Hutchcraft Ministries 7/6/2011
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries' daily radio program is ministering to Christians everywhere. Your financial support will help this important program continue equipping believers to become spiritual rescuers.
Icthus International 6/22/2020
During this time of covid-19 quarantine many of the Icthus children of impoverished families in Latin America are suffering. Their parents have lost the means to provide for basic needs such as food. Your gift will help provide emergency aid and food to poor Icthus kids and their families as well as help more children have the Icthus ministry.
iHOPE Ministries 12/9/2024
IHope Ministries empowers everyday Christians to be authentic witnesses to people of other faiths by equipping them with 5 simple, effective essentials. No prior experience or knowledge is needed—just a heart to share the gospel with love in daily life, making a meaningful impact on least-reached communities.
IHOPE Ministries 1/18/2024
At IHOPE Ministries we cultivate God's presence, unify believers, prioritize prayer, engage in outreach, passionately seek God, and position for healing. Actively listen to God through scripture, counsel, dreams, and prophetic words.
IHS Global 8/27/2014
Healthcare Witness Training process through partnerships, is occurring on global, regional, and local levels utilizing indigenous trainers who have been equipped and discipled for the task. Newly trained witnesses return to their healthcare workplace with tools and a vision to capture moments with their patients for Jesus. Beyond healthcare, partnerships are forming to deepen the movement. From South Africa to Siberia, from East Asia to Peru, IHS Global – trained witnesses are touching patients
IMD International 9/8/2020
IMD International (see IMD International history) has a specific calling to provide Heart Training to leaders in the Body of Christ around the world. We see leaders fall from the ministry that God called them to all around the world. They do not fall because of a lack of knowledge or skill. They fall because of a heart problem. We are a network of Master Teachers that provide training in this critical area.
Immanuel Christian School 1/6/2009
Immanuel Christian School is a kindergarten through high school private Christian school in Fairfax County, Virginia, serving families throughout Northern Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Maryland. Our recently expanded high school program will extend to eleventh grade in fall 2020 and twelfth grade will be added in 2021. Our program is a college preparatory comprehensive K-12th grade program with two campuses offering challenging and engaging academics with a distinctively biblical worldview. As
Impact the World! 9/17/2012
Impact Campus Ministries 9/17/2012
"Impact the World" is an initiative by ICM to mobilize college students in the USA for a special kind of service in the kingdom of God: Challenging them to “champion” young children throughout the world who are living in extreme poverty. Education for these children unleashes initiative and potential, inspires dreams, and produces hope. But these children need more than an education–they need a champion: someone who will take on their cause and encourage them.
Impact Latin America 8/18/2021
Impact Latin America engages partners to multiply disciples and leaders, and to plant new churches in homes and communities throughout Latin America. As a pro-church, non-profit organization, IMPACT develops and delivers educational and financial resources so that women and men who are influencing others for Christ are trained and mentored as they serve. Based on 2 Timothy 2:2, we promote integrity and accountability.
Impact Middle East 11/7/2016
IME sees firsthand how God is at work in the Middle East. Through house churches and ministries to refugees, Impact Middle East empowers Arab Christ-followers to share the grace and truth of Jesus among the least reached. Your partnership in giving assists IME in multiplying house churches, serving the flood of refugees, and in the training and equipping of emerging leaders in the Middle East and Northern Africa.
In His Image International 2/17/2025
In His Image International (IHII) envisions transforming nations through family medicine education and healthcare. For over 30 years, IHII physicians have brought hope through medical care. Since its founding in 2005, IHII has conducted over 85 overseas trips, providing family medicine education, clinics, and crisis relief. More than 6,000 professionals have been trained, and over 16,000 individuals served.
In Touch Ministries 12/1/2011
At In Touch Ministries, we are sharing the gospel and discipling fellow Christians around the world via radio, television, satellite, cable TV, short wave, books, our magazine, and the internet. We are working to lead people worldwide into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to strengthen the local church. Your support, both prayerful and financial, will continue to make this possible.
India Gospel League - North America 7/17/2015
After planting a church in a village, we work specifically with the local pastor regarding the physical and economic needs faced by the people in his region. Many villagers are extremely poor and most have little or no opportunity for advancement. As a result, villages remain in a cycle of poverty. With the compassion of Christ, we help church leaders reach out with care; from clean water wells to nutritious food to literacy and skills training, and more.
India Gospel Outreach 5/11/2009
IGO sponsors full-time Indian evangelists who plant dynamic churches among India's unreached peoples. Our evangelists plant churches in new areas with no previous church. There is no congregation to support them. When you support an evangelist, you receive a brief bio about the evangelist and his ministry, along with prayer suggestions.
Student Sponsorship 11/25/2009
India Gospel Outreach 11/25/2009
Sponsor dedicated Indian men and women preparing for church-planting ministries. IBC trains Indian evangelists to reach India’s unreached peoples. About 60% come from non-Christian backgrounds. Without family help, they depend upon people like you to meet costs. Every year, more than 200 new places are reached by IBC graduates, 95% of them continuing in ministry 20 years after graduation. When you support a student, you receive a brief bio, with prayer suggestions.
Chicken Farm 7/12/2012
India Partners 7/12/2012
You can help establish a chicken farm that will support pastors' families and orphaned children. After the first batch of chickens, the farm will be self-sustainable. $10 will purchase five chicks and provide their feed.
India Partners 2/17/2010
Share the hope of Christmas with homeless children in India! Help thousands of children from the streets to hear the Christmas story, receive a food packet, a snack and a gift of clothing. $30 for 5 children
India Partners 2/17/2010
40 - 80 million people in India are disabled, and 52 percent of them cannot read or write. You can provide computer and handicraft training to high school and college-age students who are physically disabled. They also learn how to apply for and secure jobs. $75 for one month of tuition; $900 for one year of tuition per student
India Partners 2/17/2010
You can provide hostel housing and meals for young disabled adults who are learning computer skills and how to get jobs. The 40-80 million disabled people in India face discrimination on a daily basis, but this loving hostel provides a supportive atmosphere where students can study and succeed. $100 for one month of healthy hostel living for one student
Prison Ministry 2/17/2010
India Partners 2/17/2010
Prisons in India are over-crowded. A cell designed for only 50 inmates often holds nearly 180. In this dark and cramped environment, you can help bring literacy, Bible classes, vocational training and the hope of Christ to those awaiting trial or even death. $125 to reach 5 prisoners for one year
India Partners 11/12/2008
618 million women over the age of 15 in India are illiterate, which greatly restricts their opportunities to earn an income. With your help, India Partners runs five tailoring schools where young women can take free sewing classes and acquire practical job skills. Upon graduation, each woman receives a treadle sewing machine to help start her own home tailoring business. Over 500 women have graduated since the schools began in 1993. $105 provides a sewing machine for one graduate
Water Wells 2/17/2010
India Partners 2/17/2010
128 million people in India lack safe water, and 21 percent of all communicable diseases in India are related to unsafe drinking water. You can provide water wells and clean drinking water for families in rural villages, helping to prevent waterborne illnesses like typhoid and stomach worms. $165 provides one water well for at least 100 people
India Rural Evangelical Fellowship 11/30/2011
We are currently raising funds for many capital projects, including building and operating schools and churches in the rural villages of Andhra Pradesh, India. These buildings provide a meeting place for local congregations as well as safety during storms (cyclones) and fires. Educating Children/Training Pastors/Building Village Churches in India!
Indian Bible College 3/3/2009
Indian Bible College is a non-denominational school committed to the training of Native American Christian leaders for indigenous Native churches. IBC's goal is that, through the grace of God, the teaching design of the courses, and the required and suggested practical experience in ministry, students will be academically, spiritually, and practically prepared for vocational Christian ministry in local churches and para-church ministries.
Indiana Wesleyan University 3/13/2025
Indiana Wesleyan University is a Christ-centered academic community committed to changing the world by developing students in character, scholarship, and leadership.
Indopartners Agency 11/7/2016
In 2003, three men with deep roots in Indonesia launched Indopartners. The goal was to add value to what Indonesian teams were already doing by helping financially, sending US teams to bolster their efforts, and training Indonesian ministry leaders. Indopartners continues to serve the Indonesian church through mentoring, training, and sharing resources. We also link U.S. churches and agencies in ministry partnerships. We are expanding our electronic outreach ministries as well.
Informed Choices 1/7/2014
HEALTHY CHOICES is a program offered by Informed Choices which presents middle school students with tools to avoid negative peer pressure and bullying and how to build healthy relationships based on friendship and character. Just $10 covers the cost for 1 student to receive 5 days of instruction and quality hand-outs that encourages conversations with their parents. For more information about the Healthy Choices program visit or call 847-231-4652.
Insight for Living 8/17/2011
Insight for Living is committed to excellence in communicating the truths of Scripture and the person of Jesus Christ in an accurate, clear, and practical manner so that people will come to an understanding of God’s plan for their lives, as well as their significant role as authentic Christians in a needy, hostile, and desperate world. Continue the work of this ministry by giving today!
Inspiracom 10/26/2010
WRN's Spanish Bible correspondence school, Christian Academy of the Air, has a tremendous outreach to nearly 1,000 prisoners in Mexico and the United States. Most of these unique students have barely enough money to afford the postage to mail their lessons back and forth. Your donation of $300 will help provide a scholarship for 1 of these prisoners.
InStep International 8/17/2011
Since the beginning of InStep, our vision has been to link resources that matter. In doing so, we believe we can make a distinct difference in people’s lives immediately and ultimately in the Kingdom of God. Further the work of InStep International by contributing to one of our primary giving opportunities: Leadership Development, Humanitarian/Charitable Relief and Education and Leadership Preparation.
Institute for Global Engagement 3/11/2021
IGE creates the space where faith can be freely and safely discussed. These spaces also create opportunities to engage key leaders who determine laws and policies that discriminate against people of faith. As the mindsets of these leaders change, they, in turn, influence laws, policies, and social attitudes such that people of faith gain greater freedom to live what they believe. The Church gains greater freedom to be salt and light in their communities.
Institute for Shelter Care 5/12/2015
Rescued victims of human trafficking are treasures. These young women have so much spirit and resilience, and through your generosity they are healing, growing, and building new futures. Thank you for your support of our ministry.
Intentional Life Media 7/26/2011
Family Life Communications delivers inspirational, Christ-centered Christian music with relevant, Bible-based programs such as Insight for Living, Focus on the Family, and In Touch. These are all focused on communicating Christ's love and hope.The flagship Family Life Radio program of Intentional Living, while it's own ministry, also bolsters the outreach to those in need of Christ, with a popular, nationally syndicated call-in opportunity. Support the work of this ministry by giving today!
Pray for America 10/5/2011
Intercessors for America 10/5/2011
For 50 years, IFA has been praying for our government and its leaders. Our mission has not changed, but the hour grows ever more urgent to stand up for religious freedom, to speak truth into the culture, to call for godly government, to offer hope to our fellow citizens, and to glorify God.
InterFACE Ministries 9/30/2011
InterFACE Ministries (iFace) provide practical help and friendship to international students and scholars studying at US universities. As iPhones and Facebook connect people, so iFace staff connect international students and scholars with local church volunteers. Together they show God's love with airport pickups, furniture giveaways, English conversation groups, dinners, spouse and family programs, sightseeing, conferences, and Bible studies.
Hand of Hope Fund! 9/30/2011
International Christian Concern 9/30/2011
Our Hand of Hope fund is the vehicle we use to deliver that broad assistance to the church in specific countries. Your gift to a country via the Hand of Hope designation can help provide: Monthly financial assistance for in-country evangelists and pastors in persecuted countries; Training of pastors and Church leaders in persecuted countries; Providing teaching materials to persecuted churches, and many other ways.
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem - USA 12/31/2014
Support the extensive ongoing work and witness of the ICEJ by helping us fund our core activities in fulfilling our mandate to support Israel, educate the Church and promote justice. Donations allow us to maintain funding for emergency projects, and embark on new initiatives to support Israel in these critical days.
International Christian Ministries 2/27/2009
Pastors are the key to the foundations that are being built for Christ in Africa. Through our Business as Mission program Pastors and their congregations are taught to maximize their businesses by linking them to the Great Commission. Those who complete the program are eligible for loans to enhance their businesses.
International Christian Ministries 2/27/2009
Help expand the fruitful ministry of Internatiional Christian Ministries and multiply the discipling of church leaders. Africa does not have a poverty problem, it has a leadership problem. Africa Theological Seminary, the formal training arm of ICM, has the opportunity to train hundreds of key leaders across Africa. Our in-service programs permit full time ministry and part time study. The scholarships are used to provide financial aid assistance to permit more leaders to study.
International Cooperating Ministries 12/9/2019
ICM works with in-country Church-growth partners to advance the Kingdom of God by applying strategies built upon two core competencies: 1. The distribution of powerful Bible-teaching materials in multiple languages to make disciples for His Church; and 2. The financial and procedural support to construct church buildings for congregations seeking to impact their communities for Christ. These two points of focus, working together to carry the Word throughout nations, have matured into a proven st
Legacy Churches 8/27/2024
International Disaster Emergency Service (IDES) 8/27/2024
Planting New Churches! Throughout the years that IDES has been a mission, thousands of people have been helped and given hope. We have seen on several occasions that churches have started as a result of that help. In 2023, IDES cast a vision to celebrate our 50 years of service by starting a campaign to plant 50 new churches. Now called the Legacy Church Campaign we desire to come alongside our current mission partners to intentionally plant new churches as a way of sharing Hope.
International Fellowship of Evangelical Students - USA 12/8/2011
Through our Leadership Development Program, the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students is at work on college campuses in over 170 countries, sharing the Gospel and strengthening leadership among students as they come to faith and grow in their Christian faith. Through leaders of integrity, our goal as IFES is to impact the church, the university, and all of society, training a new generation of global Christian leaders.
International Fellowship of Evangelical Students - USA 12/8/2011
Student movements are only as strong as the governance structure that directs and inspires them. The International Fellowship of Evangelical Students provides growth planning, evangelism training and modeling, alumni engagement, and collaboration with other student movements. On college campuses in over 170 countries, IFES has launched a governance training initiative to foster good governance which will impact hundreds of thousands of students and enhance their effectiveness as Christian leader
International Friendship Ministries 11/22/2008
Our organization has been ministering to international students and scholars in the USA since 1981. There are over 700,000 foreign students and scholars currently pursuing their academic and research interests at institutions of higher learning and research centers across the United States of America. To donate to this important ministry, call (803) 799-3452.
International Friendships, Inc. 11/21/2008
God has allowed IFI to serve and train some of the finest students from all over the world to bring the gospel back to their homeland. It's a strategic way of blessing the nations. Check out our website for more details!
International Messengers 9/29/2011
DTC is a ministry of International Messengers that was established to provide the training, personal character development, and missionary experience for those from the Middle East and N Africa planning to serve in missions. Your financial support will help offset the cost for the program: minimal housing and food during the 3 month training plus a one year stipend during internship of $250 dollars per month. Each individual raises $50 per month locally to give them a stake in the training proc
International Outreach Ministries 10/7/2019
International Outreach Ministries (IOM) is a diverse group of Jesus followers who desire to see people of every nation become His disciples in the Kingdom of God. IOM operates relationally—like a family. This enables its Associate Missionaries to pursue their call and vision where and how they sense God directs while the IOM service and support team helps them to be fruitful.
International Partnerships 1/25/2010
International Partnerships' missionaries have camping outreach programs each summer. These are especially effective in reaching the lost adult men of Ukraine for Christ. Camping equipment is needed to implement these programs; items include tents, sleeping bags, backpacks and cooking gear.
International Partnerships 1/25/2010
International Partnerships trains up lay leaders to help with the ministry. These servants learn what it means to be an active disciple of Christ. They help to teach Bible classes, develop and participate in outreach opportunities (e.g. camps), and be actively involved in church leadership. The program costs $11,000 (USD), lasts four days, trains up 100 leaders, averaging $110 per person.
Missionary Support 1/25/2010
International Partnerships 1/25/2010
Ukrainians have difficulty raising funds in their own country for support, as most in their country are atheistic or Orthodox. For approximately $500 USD per month, you can provide enough support for one Ukrainian missionary to work daily to help lead people to Christ.
International Partnerships 1/25/2010
International Partnerships gathers its staff from all of the oblasts where IP ministers live throughout Ukraine twice per year for this vital staff training conference. The staff receives training and guidance on Biblical principles used in reaching the lost for Christ; they are encouraged and grow in their faith. They depart equipped to work in the rocky-soil environment of Ukraine. The cost for 35 staff, six days of training, is $5,100 (USD).
International Project 2/12/2016
Everything that we do flows out of our vision of planting reproducible churches among the 52 unreached people groups in New York City and the 6,500 unreached people groups in the world. Our 10-month EQUIP missionary training teaches the principles that will lead to reproducible church planting and gives future missionaries plenty of experience putting these principles into practice while doing ministry in New York City.
International Students 5/10/2013
M28 (Matthew 28) is an organic, evangelistic discipleship paradigm to grass roots the Great Commission through the efforts of international students after they return home. Since its inception, over 5,177 key leaders and participants have been trained to guide students through this truth discovery process. We project that over 129,425 people have been impacted by M28 efforts worldwide! To learn more about M28 and other strategic initiatives, check out the new website at www.internationalstudent
International Students 5/10/2013
It is estimated that by the year 2025, 50% of all world leaders will have been international students. Currently, there are over 1.3 million international students studying in the US and over 4.5 million studying worldwide today. We believe if we can share Christ’s love with even more of these future leaders, we can positively impact the world and strategically advance the calling of the Great Commission. By partnering with ISI, you can spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to international students
International Technical Electric & Construction (I-TEC) 8/9/2016
Conversion of a shipping container to provide electricity and a water treatment unit through the use of Solar Panels. Approximate costs $150,000.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA 11/6/2008
Donate to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA as we reach out to more than 38,000 students and faculty on more than 576 college and university campuses nationwide. We have a rich tradition of campus witness, thoughtful discipleship, and a concern for world missions!
Into-Africa 11/25/2011
This project will build a new church building large enough to facilitate room for the church, medical teams to come to the area, and a primary school from K-12th grade.
Into-Africa 11/25/2011
This project will build a new church building large enough to facilitate room for the church, medical teams to come to the area and house a primary school from K-6th grade.
Into-Africa 11/23/2011
Into-Africa is building churches in Sierra Leone, West Africa. By funding these projects you are helping to strengthen communities, change lives and impact nations. With your support, Into-Africa can continue its mission to build projects helping the African people.
Iranian Christians International 4/24/2009
Partner with us today to minister and evangelize to the approximately 8 million Iranians and Afghans living outside their countries. We also nurture, equip, and train Iranian and Afghan believers in their Christian walk.
Iranian Christians International 4/30/2009
Many Muslims in Iran and Afghanistan are turning to Christ. However, under the Islamic law (Shari'a) this is considered to be apostasy. Some persecution is carried out by the apostate’s family, but many of these Christian believers are arrested, interrogated, threatened, beaten, tortured, and even martyred by their government. ICI has helped over 1,000 persecuted families over the past 25 years by documenting their cases for immigration to a safe country and advocating on their behalf.
Bless Israel! 9/8/2015
Israel Media Ministries 9/8/2015
Today there are just as many Jewish people in the US as there are in Israel and approximately 4.5 million are unsaved. There can’t be a better way to Bless Israel than by sharing the Gospel with the people of Israel. Please bless Israel today with your donation to the ongoing evangelistic work of Israel Media Ministries.
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 3/4/2010
Developing new tools, technology, and training can give indigenous believers new ways to meet needs and share the Gospel in their communities. Engineers and outside-the-box thinkers at ITEC have a history of developing tools designed for frontier areas with the hope of seeing physical needs met.
ITEC - Equipping 5/3/2010
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 5/3/2010
The Great Commission is a call to all [Matthew 28:18-20]. ITEC desires to inspire, equip, and guide churches and people, both in the US and abroad, interested in having a long term impact on a short term training trip. While ITEC does not have all the answers, our goal is to encourage and grow Great Commission participation while focusing on sustainability and cultural sensitivity. Imagine seeing churches and organization partnering all over the world, interdependent on each other (1 Corinthians
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 5/20/2020
Transportation can be a challenge in the majority world. ITEC desires to come alongside mission-minded individuals interested in serving in remote areas through aviation, ground transportation, and waterways. By partnering, consulting, and even training, we aim to support those God is calling into this field.
ITEC - Training 5/3/2010
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 5/3/2010
‘Training’ instead of ‘doing’ on short-term trips is a critical part of our model. ITEC work with trusted partners and mature believers, teaching them new skills that meet needs in their communities as a door opener to share the Gospel. We train indigenous believers with dental, medical, eyesight, film, mechanical, and farming skills so they can meet needs in their community, opening doors to the Gospel.
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 7/12/2017
Stories of people suffering without Christ and in tremendous tooth pain are hard to hear. Our dental training focuses primarily on equipping mature believers in extracting teeth in a short six day training. Equipping the locals allows both the physical and spiritual ministry to continue after our team returns.
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 5/3/2010
ITEC's Eyesight training is easy to learn and equips indigenous Christ-followers with the skills they need to identify and treat common eyesight problems. Glasses are packaged into ministry-ready kits that are equipped with 200 pairs of glasses. This opens doors for the indigenous church to meet eyesight needs locally and share the Gospel.
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 5/20/2020
Agriculture represents the livelihood of billions of people around the globe. Our team focuses on teaching conservation agriculture principles to Christ-followers in a short training that can help increase yields. In agriculture-centered communities around the globe, greater yields represent substantial opportunity for indigenous believers to share Christ and meeting needs around them.
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 5/20/2020
The whole world has been transformed by the smartphone and technology revolution. Even in rural areas in developing nations, people are browsing social media and watching videos on YouTube. Our film training was developed to train and equip indigenous Gospel Storytellers to capture stories of redemption that are all around them in their local language.
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 5/20/2020
It’s not uncommon to see thousands of motorcycles or a handful of generators as we travel. We all know that maintaining engines is hard work regardless of your culture, country, or context. By equipping the local Christ-followers with skills and knowledge to help maintain and repair small engines, they can help others in their community with their engine issues and have an opportunity to share their faith.
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 5/3/2010
I-MED is a highly-focused medical training program designed to make it possible for indigenous non-health care workers to learn to offer safe and effective health care services to those who otherwise would not have access to medical care. When medical services are not available, anyone who can bring life-saving skills to a community has an instant platform for sharing their motivation for providing that health care. Equipping the local church to provide these services to the community makes Chri
ITL-USA Jesus to Muslims 6/6/2019
As followers of Jesus, we see Muslims not as an enemy but as a ministry. Jesus loves them and died on the cross to save them. At Jesus to Muslims, we feel obligated to reveal the truth about Islam and at the same time encourage the church to love Muslims and be equipped to share with them the good news of assurance that Jesus gives. We provide help and resources to Christians committed to sharing Christ's love and purpose with the Muslims around them.
Iwa 7/8/2011
Iwa is using new Gospel presentations to effectively reach out to Japanese Americans and Asian Americans. These presentations are written for specific ethnicities. Your support will help these new resources to be used effectively to disciple those who do not yet know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society, JEMS 6/2/2009
Support JEMS Ministry as we enable Japanese and those of Asian descent to be authentic disciples of Jesus Christ by creatively developing and providing ministry opportunities in partnership with churches.
Jericho Partnership 6/18/2009
Jericho is dependent on the financial generosity of individuals and groups who want to help transform the lives of those who are most vulnerable – our youth, homeless, and other at-risk populations.
Jericho Road Ministries 5/26/2011
Jericho Road Ministries seeks to lovingly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the economically, emotionally and spiritually impoverished by responding to their basic physical and emotional needs and by promoting Christian growth. Opportunities for service include work in our food bank, thrift stores and shelters.
Jerusalem University College 3/14/2025
Jerusalem University College, an independent, degree-granting academic institution in Jerusalem, is also an extension campus for over 70 accredited Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries around the world.
Jesus House 2/28/2013
Jesus House offers programs that are specifically tailored to meet the needs of men and women who are homeless, near homeless, mentally ill and addicted. We spread the love of Jesus Christ by providing nutritious meals, safe shelter, drug and alcohol recovery support activities, clothing and community assistance programs to those in need. Please give today!
JesusOnline Ministries 7/24/2014
JesusOnline Ministries uses Internet technologies to help people throughout the world discover who Jesus is, trust Him as Lord and Savior, follow Him wholeheartedly and share Him with others. Help us to: convince skeptics (present pre-evangelism apologetics), evangelize seekers (proclaim the comprehensive gospel message), strengthen believers (provide compelling evidence to support and build faith), and equip followers (furnish Christians with free, downloadable discipleship resources).
Jewish Jewels 7/7/2011
In our Jewels TV program, we are teaching and interviewing Messianic Jewish believers. We are teaching God's love through cooking, dance, congregational worship, and interviews in Israel pertaining to the topic of the program. Your financial support will help us continue to teach the Word and minister the love of God in a Jewish way.
Jewish Voice Ministries International 4/20/2009
We are dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) to the Jew first and also to the Nations throughout the world. Support us as we proclaim the Good News through television, media, international festival outreaches and medical clinics/humanitarian aid.
Jobs for Life 3/3/2022
At JfL, we believe God has called us to love our neighbors through work. By helping people not only find and keep meaningful work but to also thrive in their work, we can help restore work back to God’s original design. The Gospel of Jesus Christ and Biblical principles motivate JfL’s vision, mission, values, and practices. We believe in relational community and transformation, and hold firm to the belief that change can truly happen when we all work together.
John 3:16 Mission 6/28/2011
Just $1.92 provides a meal, shelter and hope. Support the work of John 3:16 Mission and help provide food, shelter and life changing care for our community's hungry, homeless and at-risk people!
John Ed Mathison Leadership Ministries 3/4/2010
Financial support for the John Ed Mathison Leadership Ministries will be used to fund the cost of developing and implementing seminars and training events, to give scholarships to younger pastors who might not be able to afford some of the seminars in the United States, and to help fund other seminar/conference opportunities for pastors. It will help cover expenses when participating in training opportunities for pastors in other nations, and to cover salary, administrative, and other expenses.
John M. Perkins Foundation for Reconciliation and Development 6/28/2011
The John M. Perkins Foundation for Reconciliation and Development is dedicated to seeing the gospel of Jesus Christ restore entire communities across America. Our work in racial reconciliation and community development demonstrates God’s power to bring true unity and hope to areas across the country. Help us develop young leaders and rebuild our communities across America by giving today!
Joni and Friends 10/2/2008
Our mission is to communicate the Gospel and equip Christ-honoring churches worldwide to evangelize and disciple people affected by disability. A nonprofit organization, Joni and Friends shows God's love in a practical way through programs such as: Wheels for the World, Family Retreats, the Christian Institute on Disability and more. Joni and Friends gives practical help, strengthens families and offers education and training in disability ministry all while presenting the Gospel of Christ.
Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary 7/14/2016
The mission statement of Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary is: “Equipping spiritual leaders for planting and strengthening churches in the Arab World.” JETS has a vision to provide both formal accredited bachelor, master and doctoral programs, as well as non-formal training programs, through a variety of delivery methods with field training. Your gift helps raise up leaders to plant and develop Christian churches in the Arab world.
Joshua Nations 1/18/2024
Joshua Nations trains church leaders globally, irrespective of denomination. Our mission is to equip leaders with a solid biblical foundation, enabling them to impact their nations. Through Bible Training Centers and Church Multiplication training, we've witnessed transformative change. Partners worldwide, through prayer and support, make our free two-year curriculum possible. God's faithfulness, coupled with the generosity of supporters, sustains our mission.
Josiah Venture 7/23/2013
Reaching youth through rock/gospel choirs and performing arts groups based in local churches. Youth hear the gospel and see Christ at work in the leaders and other members. This ministry is expanding through Eastern Europe, including both year-round groups and music/performing arts camps and workshops.
Josiah Venture 7/23/2013
Purchase river rafting equipment for evangelistic camps to reach more young people in Ukraine.
Exit Tour 7/23/2013
Josiah Venture 7/23/2013
Using the momentum from Exit 316 TV broadcast, the Exit Tour will targets major cities across the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland. An American Christian band headlines this tour and leads the lectures and discussion groups, penetrating the schools during the week and hosting evangelistic rallies on the weekend.
Josiah Venture 7/23/2013
Develop citywide outreaches around key national holidays in Estonia. This model has been prototyped in Tartu with great success and could easily be expanded to other locations.
Josiah Venture 7/23/2013
Provide year-long internships that combine intensive coaching with theological and Biblical training, ministry skills, and character development for 75 promising young leaders.
Josiah Venture 7/29/2016
Plans are ready for the construction of a 600 person event center that will allow the movement of God among this region to continue to take place. This will also allow us to shepherd and care for young leaders who are currently impacting over 400 churches and expand that impact to include many others.
Josiah Venture 7/23/2013
Expand the impact of the year-long “School of Leaders” by training another 500 emerging leaders in the ministry priorities of Christ.
Joy in the Harvest 9/23/2011
At Joy in the Harvest, we play a supporting role for the work of churches, pastors, and evangelists in Africa. Our assistance includes helping with church construction, training seminars, and practical help. We also interface and assist other missionaries and mission organizations. Your financial support will help us continue this important evangelizing work in Africa!
Pro-Vision Partner! 12/15/2010
Joy Ministries Evangelistic Association 12/15/2010
Joy Ministries' outreach programs are made possible through the prayers and the financial support of people just like you. For just $15.00 or more you can become a Pro-Vision Partner with Joy Ministries as we bring hope to the broken hearted and healing to the hurting. As a Pro-Vision Partner, you will receive a monthly partner letter giving you a ministry up-date and a word of encouragement to help build you up. We couldn’t do what we do without you.
Joyce Meyer Ministries 7/2/2019
Worldwide, thousands of women and children every day are forced into human trafficking by being lied to, deceived and ultimately, become trapped. They're promised a better life, a good-paying job…maybe even freedom from poverty. We are working to rescue women and children in fourteen countries. We offer love, housing (in six countries), schooling, job skill training, and biblical counseling to help rebuild and restore their lives.
Medical Missions 5/26/2011
Joyce Meyer Ministries 5/26/2011
In some cases, there is not health care available and in others it is just too expensive. Through medical missions we seek to reach those who are in need with medical care and the love of Christ. Each year, we reach thousands with free medical care through our hospitals in Ethiopia and Cambodia. We also provide care through our medical clinics in El Salvador and India, as well as Dental Clinics in Kosovo and Israel. We conduct 10-12 short term medical/dental outreaches every year.
Water Relief 7/2/2019
Joyce Meyer Ministries 7/2/2019
We desperately want to bring relief to as many people as we can by providing this basic necessity through our water relief programs. Water brings the community together, improves health, and deters young girls and women from being subjected to human trafficking. Our Well of Life Projects, consists of a church and a bore well. The project will service an entire community both physically and spirituality. The bore well will draw the people to the area to receive clean, safe drinking water.
Jubal Band Ministries 8/18/2021
Our vision is expanding God’s kingdom in Iran and all Farsi speakers in the Middle East by transforming their lives. Our heart is helping Iranian and Farsi speakers to grow in the knowledge of the Bible and Christian lifestyle and disciple and equip them to serve one another faithfully face to face and through media and taking believers from the milk of the word to the meet, and from religion to reality.
Jubilee Ministries 10/28/2013
Jubilee ministers to individuals experiencing incarceration, those recently released from prison, or those facing homelessness. Our prison ministry program includes 15 chaplains in 8 correctional facilities, our in-house aftercare program provides education to help those who have been previously been incarcerated transition back into society successfully, and our homeless families program helps families facing homelessness gain the knowledge and resources necessary to get back on their feet.
Jumonville 10/7/2014
Every year, due to some wonderfully generous donors, Jumonville awards financial aid grants for individual participants as well as block grants for retreat groups who need some assistance in order for their group to be able to afford a Jumonville retreat. Your donation will continue to make these grants possible. Please consider supporting us in this way.
Jungle Kids for Christ 9/12/2024
We are an organization who is passionate about empowering children in the jungle of Ecuador so that they can break the cycle of poverty and abuse and share a message of transformation with their family, community, country, and world.
Justice and Mercy International 9/8/2015
Annual flooding in the Amazon region is continuing to worsen. More than 167 million people have been affected by recent rainfall, and parts of the area have been declared in a state of emergency. JMI can offer immediate assistance through distributing food bags to families that have been displaced by flooding.
Justice and Mercy International 2/2/2016
Medical care in the Amazon is sometimes simply non-existent. JMA strives to make medical care and aid available to those we serve. When a need arises for medical attention, we partner with local doctors to make access available for these vital services. Your gift provides access to often life-saving care that many families and communities could not afford otherwise.
Justice and Mercy International 2/2/2016
JMI serves in Moldova to care for the orphaned and vulnerable. Moldova is the hub for all of human trafficking in eastern Europe. In efforts to proactively combat this, we offer a Transitional Living program for young men and women who have aged out of orphanage care. Our Transitional Living homes provide a safe place to live, a gospel community, educational and financial support, life-skills training and more. We have dreams of purchasing a new home to expand care to north Moldova.
Justice and Mercy International 2/2/2016
Each year, Justice & Mercy International hosts the Annual Jungle Pastors' Conference on the Amazon River in Brazil. We invite pastors from all along the river to come for a week of training and equipping so that they can better serve the churches they lead and more effectively reach the ends of the earth with the Gospel. For most that participate, this is the only type of biblical and leadership training they receive all year. It is a week of encouragement, rejuvenation, and learning.
Justice Ventures International 10/7/2014
A Justice Ventures Ally is an individual or organization who wishes to invest financially in JVI’s work of promoting freedom for victims of injustice. Consider participating financially with JVI’s work on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis to promote justice and strengthen our ventures.
Kairos University 6/22/2017
At Sioux Falls Seminary, we offer a Bible-focused curriculum, emphasis on spiritual formation, a deep sense of community and commitment to serving together, and hands-on ministry experiences for all students. Your gift will be multiplied many times over, and there is no telling how many lives will be impacted by your generosity.
Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries 9/23/2011
At Kalamazoo Gospel Mission, we provide the homeless with healthy, nutritious meals. In addition to feeding the body, souls are fed as well by the loving attention of the staff and the Christian environment. Our guests can receive shelter, hygiene products, a hot shower, and much more. Homeless men, women, and children can start on the road to a new, healthy life, and your act of kindness could be the spark that makes this happen.
Kalamazoo Youth for Christ 4/15/2021
Every day at community centers, high schools, middle schools, juvenile institutions, coffee shops, and local hangouts, our staff and volunteers meet with young people who need Jesus. There are 31,000 young people between the ages of 11 to 19 in the Kalamazoo area, and studies show that 20,000 of those teens are not in a church, or in a personal relationship with Jesus. ?Sharing Jesus with those 20,000 teens is our heartbeat.
KC Underground 1/21/2022
A network of reproducing disciples and micro churches that seeks to saturate Kansas City with the beauty, justice, and good news of Jesus.
Keep Believing Ministries 9/20/2010
We believe that in Jesus Christ there is something worth believing in eternally. Our call is to keep believing in Jesus and to encourage others to do the same. We do this through serving local churches and the body of Christ worldwide by offering practical tools and relevant resources for effective ministry. We minister to church leaders, Christians in the marketplace, students, the hurting, new believers, and those seeking to know God.
Kentucky Mountain Bible College 12/20/2022
Kentucky Mountain Bible College is a Bible-centered, undergraduate, higher education institution whose mission is to equip men and women to serve with: a passion to know God, a passion to prepare for His ministry, a passion to live and teach the message of biblical holiness, and a passion to evangelize and disciple the world for Christ.
Key Life Network 9/23/2011
Key Life is committed to the teaching of Biblical life principles--the whole counsel of God--to those who want to live an authentic, relevant and balanced Christian life. Featuring the Bible teaching of Steve Brown--through radio broadcasts, seminars, CDs and publications--Key Life and Key Life of Canada seek to encourage Christians in their walk with Christ.
Keys Connections 10/15/2021
Keys Ministries raises prayer and financial support for the student program that is impacting many from throughout Eurasia. These students are able to enroll in Theology, Missions, Social Work, or Business as Mission (BAM) programs. Over the years, the student body has more than 35 different nationalities from more than a dozen different countries.
Keys for Kids Ministries 10/9/2008
When you support Keys for Kids Ministries you help us share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with kids. We are touching tens of thousands of kids with God's Word through radio, our printed quarterly devotional and our website. Thank you for partnering with us in prayer and financial support!
Keystone Mission 1/21/2022
We provide an opportunity for homeless men and women to build long-term sustainability and independence in their lives through relationships. Keystone Mission has two locations, Scranton and Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania, but our reach doesn’t stop in those cities. Our services are available to men and women across Northeastern Pennsylvania. Transformation is possible through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Kids Alive International 2/17/2025
Kids Alive empowers abused, neglected, and vulnerable children in some of the hardest places. Join us in creating thriving families and communities by giving hope to children through restorative education, family strengthening, protective care, and justice advocacy.
Kids for the Kingdom 12/5/2009
At Kids for the Kingdom our mission statement is to transform the living conditions and spiritual lives of children, widows, and families - especially in third world, politically sensitive, disaster sites, and war-torn countries - so that they can transform their nation for Christ. We are currently reaching 168,652 children, widows and families in fourteen different countries through feeding programs, Bible clubs, and Micro-Enterprise loan programs.
KidWorks 11/3/2021
KidWorks ushers hope into Orange County’s most challenging neighborhoods through life-changing leadership development and academic enrichment programs while also fortifying families by engaging and supporting parents.
King of Kings Ministries 11/19/2024
Advancing God’s Kingdom in Israel and the nations by planting congregations, establishing training centers, creating business initiatives, fostering unity in the Body, and birthing local serving ministries that share the Messiah’s love in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Kingdom Causes Bellflower 1/7/2020
KCB has developed partnerships with individual donors and volunteers, churches, non-profit organizations, and government officials in order to create long-term solutions for community development, including housing, job creation, and neighborhood development. While programs and services have evolved over the years, KCB has maintained a focus on being a catalyst for change within the community by building coalitions that are focused on the personal and economic development of area residents.
Kingdom Growth Foundation 6/12/2024
The purpose of this foundation is to raise, receive and manage endowment funds to be used for grants, awards, support, and capital expenditures, as appropriate, for the revitalization, facilitation, and support and/or the establishment of Southern Baptist Churches.
Kingdom Pathways 5/7/2014
It is our belief that when the church unites in real-life, systematic, and continuous outreach to the poor, lasting change can happen. What if 10-15 churches united in many housing outreaches to the poor all over a given metro area, then connected together in Christian fellowship and prayer throughout a year? The rates of homelessness in that metropolitan area would surely be reduced, and lasting community change would occur. Your generosity is needed to make our vision a reality!
Kingdom Rain 5/9/2022
Kingdom Rain equips leaders to build disciple-making movements in the least reached regions of the world. We work in regions where there is little or no indigenous Christian church. We train, coach & release leaders, to own, lead, and sustain disciple-making movements the way Jesus modeled.
Knox Area Rescue Ministries 12/10/2008
Knox Area Rescue Ministries (KARM) provides rescue, recovery and restoration services in Jesus' name. Each day KARM's rescue services provides safe shelter for nearly 400 men, women and children and as many as 1,400 nourishing meals for the poor and hopeless in our area. But KARM is so much more than emergency shelter or a community kitchen. Our dedicated outreach staff and volunteers demonstrate the love and grace of Jesus to the hurting people who come in our doors each day.
Koinonia House Ministries 7/20/2016
Koinonia House of Wheaton facilitates the integration of former inmates into the local church, workplace, and society through biblical discipleship in a residential, family-like setting.
Koinonia House Ministries 9/21/2011
Koinonia House National Ministries seeks to fulfill the Lord's call to minister to Christians coming out of prison through our Meet Me at the Gate® (MMATG) church program. Through MMATG, we equip churches to execute a selection process, which effectively allows a local congregation to embrace at least one released inmate, our "Christian neighbor."
Radical Time Out 7/20/2016
Koinonia House Ministries 7/20/2016
Radical Time Out (RTO) is a community that welcomes everyone to experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ, regardless of color, class, culture, crisis, or crime. Attendees include former inmates, families of incarcerated loved ones, those involved in the criminal justice system, and Christians who want to experience firsthand God at work in individual lives. RTO meets weekly for a meal, prayer, and worship at local churches.
Kokomo Rescue Mission 1/19/2010
The Mission provides free meals twice daily, free clothing, and household goods for the under-resourced. Emergency shelter is available for men, women and children. Long-term shelter programs are also available for both men and women. We address the underlying causes of homelessness through biblical counseling, education, vocational training and mentoring, and refer to other services as needed.
Kuda Vana Partnership 7/7/2023
Kuda Vana Partnership exists to empower the most vulnerable children of Zimbabwe to not just survive, but thrive.
Kupenda for the Children 9/13/2019
Our world is home to more than half a billion children with disabilities. The great majority of these children live in developing nations and do not have access to education or medical care and are excluded from community life. Since 1999, Kupenda has been working with local leaders to help these children access the care and loving inclusion they deserve.
Lake Ann Camp 11/14/2008
Contribute to Lake Ann Camp as we challenge individuals in a group setting to make biblical, life-changing decisions through unique learning experiences.
Lake Geneva Foundation 12/16/2011
Conference Center within a rustic setting on beautiful Lake Geneva Wisconsin for a chance to spend time with God for spiritual renewal
Lake Geneva Foundation 12/16/2009
Provide a great camp experience for a child whose family cannot pay by sponsoring a camper for one week.
Lakeshore Pregnancy Center 11/19/2024
Positive Options’ vision is to create a vibrant community where every life is valued, loved, protected, and transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. For over 50 years, Positive Options has served West Michigan schools, churches, and our four centers in Holland, Allegan, Grand Haven, and Allendale. With over 5 out of 10 pregnancies in Michigan being unplanned, the need for vital, compassionate services for men, women, and youth—offered entirely free of charge—is significant. Your gift provides
Lakeshore Rescue Missions 2/16/2010
Help provide food, clothing, shelter, rehabilitative services and long-term programs for homeless men, women and children in West Michigan. Our ministry strives to meet the basic physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the homeless and hurting. We invite you to join us in our cause to offer hope and help to the hurting.
Lakeside Christian Church 9/26/2019
Our mission is simple, it is repeatable, but more importantly it's Biblical. Jesus was once asked, "Of all the important commandments, which is the most important?" Jesus answered this way, " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." Matthew 22:35-40.
Lamb & Lion Ministries 11/26/2008
General donations to help proclaim Jesus is coming soon through Internet, Magazine and Television outreach. Resources available at
Lamb & Lion Ministries 11/26/2008
Would you like to learn Bible prophecy, find out how to share it with others, and partner with Lamb & Lion Ministries in proclaiming the Good News? Every month we can give you a special resource that will help enable you to learn and share. We call this our Prophecy Partner Program. For a tax-deductible donation of $30 or more per month, you too can be a member of the Prophecy Partner Program.
Langham Partnership USA 6/28/2011
Help bring the Scriptures to a new generation of Ethiopians. We want to give them a background that is biblically sound and culturally relevant. We need $1,075 for this project.
LATCOM 9/21/2011
Since 2005, Monteblanco has become known as the best Christian camp in Bolivia and one of the top in Latin America. At least 6,000 campers attend each year. Monteblanco provides retreats, seminars, and conferences for youth, students, and today's leaders, with original programs lead by a dedicated and excellent staff.
LATCOM 1/4/2013
In any nation, twenty percent of its population makes the decisions for the rest of society, and true power resides in the hands of less than five percent of the leadership. In a sense, this secular "minority" is an un-reached people group. Since 2000, LATCOM has been targeting military, police, and public officials throughout Latin America for evangelism and leadership training.
LATCOM 1/4/2013
There are approximately 400 tribal groups in the Amazon basin. In some countries, access has been restricted, and secular anthropologists have undermined many evangelized groups. In cooperation with other missions, LATCOM has launched a project to re-equip tribal leaders with skills and knowledge to lead their peoples.
Lausanne Movement 5/12/2015
We are committed to the ministry of connecting evangelical influencers from across the world to provide the global church with the best strategic thinking and coordinated, global action regarding these issues.Your partnership is essential to Lausanne’s calling to connect influencers and ideas for global mission. Thank you for your prayerful consideration to make a financial commitment to our work.
LDi Foundation, Inc. 12/16/2013
Help us to continue to provide leadership development services including teaching, experiential learning, and family services in East Asia and the Middle East. These offerings lay the groundwork for the relationships at the heart of our calling. Help people discover the transformation only Christ can make--from the inside out!
Leadership Catalyst dba Trueface 9/16/2011
At Leadership Catalyst, we are teaching readers, leaders, and organizations the benefits of living authentic and humble lives. We teach this message through mentoring, speaking, and through print and online resources. Your donation will help us provide training on how to apply this message to the way they do their work, manage their teams and advance the cause of Christ to an ever increasing and diverse audience.
Leadership Edge 11/3/2021
We equip and inspire Christians for life-on-life mentoring and God-honoring leadership. We seek to bless and redirect culture toward God-honoring leadership. We do this by engaging students, young professionals, and other leaders at an age and stage in life in which their most important views on life, leadership, and values are still being formed.
Leadership Ministries 2/5/2019
Leadership Ministries equips men to be faithful leaders in their marriages, families, businesses, churches, and communities and teaches them to equip others to do the same. We offer encouragement to men, and we value biblical fellowship that “connects” and makes a practical and righteous impact on life’s institutions. Our vision is to see men all over the country and the world rising proactively in exponentially growing numbers to the challenge of Biblical leadership.
Leadership Ministries Worldwide 7/30/2009
Leadership Ministries Worldwide has developed a Facilitator in Training (FiT) program to provide the necessary training and Outline Bible Resource materials which have been translated into the native language of national church leaders around the world. The FiT program will enable pastors and church leaders to clearly communicate the Word of God and reach their own countries with the Gospel. The FiT program is a catalytic reproducible model for evangelism and discipleship.
LeaderSource SGA 5/7/2020
The mission of LeaderSource SGA (our official organization name is Strategic Global Assistance) is to catalyze and strengthen indigenous movements of healthy leader development and care, and thereby accelerate church planting and disciple-making, especially in areas of the world where Christianity is growing rapidly. In short, we equip churches to build healthy leaders.
Legacy Coalition 6/7/2022
Legacy Coalition is led by Christian grandparents who understand the joys and struggles that come with intentional Christian grandparenting. Our staff of veteran ministry leaders is deeply devoted to helping you pass on your faith so multiple generations of your family follow Christ.
Lemonade International 12/9/2024
Lemonade International partners with Guatemalan organizations to prevent gang involvement, rescue at-risk youth, and provide community care in Guatemala City through the Rescue Bridge Model. By targeting vulnerable children ages 3-7 and supporting them through education, outreach, and care, they help transform lives and guide youth to become future leaders in Christ.
LeTourneau University 11/18/2008
Claiming every workplace in every nation as our mission field, our graduates are professionals of ingenuity and Christ-like character who see life's work as a holy calling with eternal impact. Your gift to student scholarships, an endowment or a building, shapes lives. Help make an impact--we need your support! An interdenominational Christian university with degree programs for traditional students and working adults, we enroll nearly 4000 students from almost all states and nearly 20 nations.
Levant Ministries 2/5/2019
The heartbeat of our ministry is to see the Middle East healed and restored by the love and hope of Jesus Christ. We are passionate about seeing the Gospel reach the Levant, and we do this through mobilizing the next generation, planting life-giving churches, and creating dynamic media content. Levant literally means “rising” and was used to imply the rising of the sun in the east. We believe it is a powerful symbol and foreshadowing of how the Lord will use us to transform the Levant.
Levanta Ministries 2/17/2025
Levanta Ministries is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, founded in 2018, dedicated to combating domestic violence in Costa Rica through Protection and Prevention. We provide safe havens for women and children in danger, offering hope through Christ. We also lead community programs to break cycles of violence, reaching men with biblical guidance. Partnering with local leaders, we pursue healing through the power of the Gospel.
Liebenzell Mission USA 11/7/2008
Liebenzell USA is a Christian organization that exists to help people worldwide come to know Jesus Christ through evangelism, discipleship, education, and humanitarian aid. We accomplish this by partnering with churches to recruit, send, and support missionaries, facilitating Christian retreats, conferences and projects for the benefit of our ministry partners, and motivating Christians to greater mission awareness.
Take Action! 4/25/2011
Life Action Ministries 4/25/2011
Life Action has been igniting Christ-centered movements of revival for more than 40 years. But we cannot engage this mission alone. We need friends who connect with this revival message to invest in our outreaches, and your investment will provide the resources needed to continue taking God’s solution—real revival—to individuals, families, churches, and communities.
Choosing Life! 10/5/2009
Life Centers 10/5/2009
Helping women in unexpected pregnancy situations is a special way of sharing Christ's compassion, love, and hope. Life Centers affirms the value of life in this way by providing a network of care that includes counseling, healing support, and resources that explain the truth about life.
Positive Choices! 3/29/2011
Life Choices Center 3/29/2011
Our Positive Choices program educates and empower teens to make good decisions about their relationships and sexuality. We provide the space and the opportunity for them to talk and hopefully learn about some options they may have never considered. We equip youth groups with tools to talk with teens about healthy relationships, and we offer small groups and one-on-one mentoring at Life Choices Center.
Life Choices of Central Michigan 11/18/2020
We serve teens, women, men and families. We offer our services free of charge and make our services confidential. Our medical services include pregnancy testing, STD testing and treatment (when available) for females, STD testing and treatment (when available) for males through the age of 21, and limited obstetrical ultrasound.
Giving for Life! 3/8/2011
Life Choices of Memphis 3/8/2011
Financial integrity and godly stewardship has always been a top priority at Life Choices. The value we place on the gifts committed to the ministry can never be understated. By your gift, you become an extension of our compassionate care of women and babies. It costs approximately $300.00 per potential mother to be served by Life Choices.
Life Choices Pregnancy & Family Resource Center 1/7/2020
Our mission is to expand the kingdom of God on earth by preserving the sanctity and dignity of human life and ministering to all family members needing pregnancy support – by promoting sexual purity, deterring the abortion-minded, and providing pregnancy care services.
Life Choices Pregnancy Care Center 10/9/2024
Our mission at Life Choices Pregnancy Care Center is to EMPOWER individuals facing unplanned pregnancies with informed choices, ENCOURAGE them through unwavering support and compassionate guidance, and SHARE the hope and love of Jesus Christ throughout every aspect of their pregnancy journey.
Life Choices Pregnancy Center 9/30/2022
We know it’s scary when being faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Over 25,000 women have trusted Life Choices to provide understanding and expert care. Let us guide you through your unplanned pregnancy.
Life in Messiah International 6/3/2010
Have a desire to share God's heart for the Jewish people? Your financial gift can help fund a special evangelism or work project, field worker or short-term ministry efforts (e.g., in Israel, Argentina, or Brooklyn). See Life in Messiah donations for giving options.
LIFE International 11/5/2008
LIFE International's partners are often the only evangelistic life-giving ministries in their country, and they have limited access to training. Our Life-Giving Travel Fund enables LIFE International to send teams overseas to: speak to indigenous pastors and leaders to cultivate vision for life-giving work, train nationals for life-giving ministry, and mentor existing ministry partners in boardmanship, development, strategic planning, income-generating activities, and post-abortion ministry.
LIFE International 11/5/2008
Hundreds of individuals and groups from scores of nations have asked LIFE International for help in getting started with life-giving ministry. Through our Life-Giving Impact Fund, we empower and equip nationals by sowing seed grants into new or developing ministries overseas. Gifts to the Life-Giving Impact Fund provide for materials and equipment, vision/training events, projects, microenterprises, etc.
LIFE International 10/20/2008
Your partnership with LIFE International reaches men, women, and children around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth about abortion. Lives are being saved physically and transformed spiritually, thanks to those who have teamed up with LIFE in our mission to multiply healthy, Christ-centered, life-giving ministries wherever abortion exists around the world. Every prayer, talent, and gift sown into LIFE helps multiply life-giving ministry and impact lives for Christ.
Life Matters Worldwide 7/30/2015
Life Matters Worldwide is providing consulting for the ongoing development of PCC's in Chili, Ecuador, & Peru. Funds Needed: $4,000
Life Matters Worldwide 6/29/2016
Full-time position - 32 hours/week. Funds Needed: $30,000
Life Matters Worldwide 7/18/2012
This two day conference for Pregnancy Care Centers (PCC staff, volunteers, and board members) focuses on spiritual growth and effective ministry. It includes challenging and encouraging plenary sessions, educational workshops, and purposeful interaction. 150 or more PCC leaders from across the U.S. join us the 2nd or 3rd Thursday & Friday of May each year. We need individual, business or foundation underwriters to assist us in caring for all the actual costs of the Summit. Funds Needed: $10,000
Life Matters Worldwide 7/25/2017
A trip is planned to Honduras to meet with missionaries & nationals. Funds needed: $2,000
Life Network 6/24/2010
Life Network 6/24/2010
Since 1983, through the ministry of the Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center, we have served the community in making a difference in the lives of women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy by providing life-affirming alternatives to abortion. Providing vital support and mentorship through our Parenting Program, which empowers and equips female and male clients as they build their families.
Evangelism 12/3/2008
LIFE Outreach International Association of Churches 12/3/2008
At the heart of LIFE’S mission is Jesus’ command, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel…” (Mark 16:15 NKJV). In every outreach, be it Mission Feeding, LIFE Centers, Water for LIFE or Homes for LIFE, we cultivate every opportunity to share the Gospel.
LIFE Centers 12/3/2008
LIFE Outreach International Association of Churches 12/3/2008
"Centers of LIFE"' are built to meet economic, social and spiritual needs and create a lasting legacy of hope and life. These LIFE centers can be a medical clinic, an orphanage, a training center, a food factory, a church, a school, or a retreat center. Whatever their function, these centers bring life and hope to hurting people all over the world. There are now 12 LIFE Centers on four continents, with the newest ones in India and Thailand.
LIFE Outreach International Association of Churches 3/5/2010
Mission: Rescue LIFE is a new area of emphasis for LIFE with a goal to reach, rescue and restore women and children who are targeted by human traffickers and the global sex trade industry. It began in Thailand in 2008 with the "House of Destiny", and now expands to India, Romania and Cambodia. With your help, we can reach an initial 2,000 women and children impacted by the horrors of human trafficking by taking spiritual truth and practical help into the darkest areas of abuse.
Life Relaunch 10/15/2021
We provide restoration for those affected by wounds to the heart and soul in Jesus name. We desire to see men and women affected by wounds to the heart and soul restored, reconciled to god, and commissioned as warriors to advance god’s kingdom
LIFE Turning Point of Philadelphia 1/18/2024
Founded in 2019, Life Turning Point of Philadelphia offers shelter, Bible-based life skills, and training for up to 18 months. The program focuses on securing employment and permanent housing, aiming for robust self-sufficiency.
LifeBUILDERS 12/5/2019
Our strategy is to empower the youth, make strategic investments to reduce the blight and abandonment and its effects on the lives of families and to build a strong community through resident engagement and shared values. We further believe that this can only be made possible through the extension of God's love and grace that is found in Jesus Christ.
Lifechangers 4/18/2011
The Father’s House Ministry takes in orphans in Ukraine and Uganda and raises them as their own sons and daughters. As we establish creative ministries to the poor, prisoners and orphans worldwide, consider your contribution to Lifechangers!
LifeClinic Community Resources 12/6/2016
Pregnancy Resource Center of Mid-Michigan is funded by donations from individuals, churches, community foundations, and other organizations. Consider supporting this valuable ministry which provides crucial services to women and families such as education, counseling, ultrasounds, STI testing and treatment, medical referrals and ongoing mentoring throughout and after pregnancy. When you donate to PRC, not a penny of your donation is wasted as we empower individuals to make choices for Life!
Lifehouse Maternity Home 1/3/2017
Lifehouse is an inter-denominational residential ministry that offers a holistic, Christ-centered program for women and families facing an unexpected pregnancy. Our focus is on teaching young women to become self-sufficient. Beginning with basic issues (food and housing), Lifehouse expands into life-skills training including personal financial training, educational assistance, job placement, and counseling. Our goal is to form the woman as a whole — emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.
Be the Spark! 1/20/2021
Lifeline Christian Mission 1/20/2021
Through Lifeline's ministry, you can create a spark of hope for the hurting and struggling around the world. You can help them realize that they are loved and valued by an amazing God! By committing just 12 dollars each month, you can be a spark that God uses to ignite His church and His people around the world!
Lifeline Christian Mission 1/20/2021
We all need someone to walk alongside us in life, especially when life gets rough. That's where Together partners come in! They invest in a group of children to let them know how much Jesus loves them! The prayers and donations enable the kids to tangibly experience Jesus' love. You can become a partner today to influence the next generation!
Churches 7/19/2017
Lifeline Christian Mission 7/19/2017
Multiply the local church! Regional Bible institutes develop new leaders through 2 or 4-year programs. Students attend classes and receive hands-on experience by working with local pastors. Vibrant churches are planted to expand God’s Kingdom around the world! These churches reflect their local community to be more effective in outreach and sharing God’s Word. Discipleship training is imperative to multiply churches! Church staff and leaders learn how to disciple others in their communi
Lifeline Christian Mission 1/20/2021
We want to create possibilities, inspire passion, and equip local churches to impact their community for the Kingdom of Christ! -Befriend a community -Start a container outfitting -Go on a mission trip
Lifeline Christian Mission 7/19/2017
A Lifeline mission trip is more than a destination or stamp in your passport; it is an opportunity to serve and experience God moving in another language, culture, and people! And you never know: on this journey, God may ignite a spark in your life to create possibilities to serve Him in unimaginable ways!
Lifeline Global Ministries 2/6/2020
As a ministry that works with the incarcerated, we believe that true rehabilitation, at its core, is a transformation of the heart and spirit, as well as the body and mind. From the first seed planted at that one prison, Lifeline Global Ministries has grown to include more and more prisons and jails. And from those prisons and jails our programs have now expanded to impact local churches and community-based groups. Why? Because lives are being changed through Jesus Christ.
Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center 11/7/2022
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, we can help you by providing a free pregnancy test, ultrasound confirmation, and answers to your questions about abortion, parenting, and adoption.Our trained staff is ready to provide you with confidential help at no cost, thanks to our generous community support.
Lifeline Pregnancy Help Clinic 1/13/2012
At Lifeline Pregnancy Help Clinic, we provide services free of charge to women with unplanned pregnancies. Some of our services include, but are not limited to: pregnancy tests, limited obstetrical ultrasounds, childbirth education classes, prenatal and parenting education, baby supplies and clothing, and maternity clothing. Please call 660-665-5688 to donate today!
LifePath Christian Ministries 3/6/2019
Out of gratitude for the grace extended to us by Christ, our mission is to love, honor and serve our struggling neighbors at their point of need and holistically equip them to flourish in the community. For more than five decades, homeless and hurting neighbors have turned to York Rescue Mission to meet their desperate needs. With your help, they’ll continue to do so for decades to come.
Lifesong for Orphans 4/16/2009
Lifesong schools are some of the best in their cities - as they embrace all areas of the children's need: academic achievement, increased use/understanding of English, nutritious food, health care for children, and Bible based curriculum and spiritual growth. A gift of $37 funds one child's education for a month. A gift of $444 funds one child's education for a year.
Lift Up the Vulnerable 4/15/2021
Invest in vulnerable children and women at-risk to human trafficking by empowering them to be changemakers in Sudan and South Sudan.
Men's Program 12/15/2011
Light of Life Rescue Mission 12/15/2011
In our Men's Program, counselors equip men to stabilize their lives through addiction recovery, cognitive, coping and other essential life skills. In addition, case managers ensure their connection to medical, housing, and other services. The program also provides education and training essential for career advancement. Your donation will help these men recover and develop self-awareness.
Light of Messiah Ministries 4/18/2011
Partner with Light of the Messiah Ministries as we bridge the misunderstanding that people have about Jesus and the Jewish roots of our faith. Ultimately we hope that all will hear and receive the message of the One who came to bring us into a relationship with God.
Cross in the Hood! 11/21/2011
Light of the Village 11/21/2011
We launched a workforce development and job placement component to our ministry. Consultants from Homeboy Industries travel to Alabama four times a year to share and encourage. If you would like to help us provide small stipends for our job trainees who are volunteering at our after-school program as well as with Habitat for Humanity and the City of Prichard, please donate today!
Light of Zion 8/4/2016
Light of Zion is the ministry of Messianic Jewish American Israelis Sandra and Kerry Teplinsky. The ministry seeks to teach, equip and release believers to reach the Jewish people with the love and truth of Messiah. Other aspects include prophetic intercessory prayer, international reconciliation gatherings, widely published books and articles, and medical and humanitarian outreach. Donations may be designated to a humanitarian aid fund for needy Israelis and Arab Christians.
General Fund 7/7/2011
Lightbearers Ministries International 7/7/2011
"Use Where Needed Most." For Lightbearers to continue in its mission these funds are vital. They provide infrastructure, support services, materials, etc. in support of both our 'On Campus' and 'In Missions' work.
Real Estate Fund 7/7/2011
Lightbearers Ministries International 7/7/2011
Help us expand to new campuses, improve our properties, and make our rent monies more efficient as they fund missions.
Lighthouse Ministries 4/29/2011
Your gift will help Lighthouse Ministries reduce debt faster, enabling the ministry to meet more needs for poor and at-risk families and individuals in West Central Florida. Lighthouse Ministries provides a holistic innovative, all-inclusive 14/24 month Success Sheltering Life Learning residential program for men, women, and women with children to discover a pathway of success in a safe living environment. Homeless Shelter 365 days a year and Two Community Outreach Programs.
Lighthouse Ministries 11/19/2008
Lighthouse Ministries provides a holistic innovative, all-inclusive 14/24 month Success Sheltering Life Learning residential program that serves West Central Florida and offers educational and vocational development for men, women, and women with children to discover a pathway of success in a safe living environment. Everyone who lives on the campus is given an opportunity to experience God's peace, life purpose and fulfillment of potential.
Lighthouse Ministries 11/19/2008
Lighthouse Ministries Inc continues to address the food insecurity needs in communities through our See the Need Help us Feed program in Polk and Hillsborough Counties. Through the gateway of the food boxes provided to the poor and at risk families and individuals, goals are established to engage families and individuals being served to effective programs at the Success Sheltering and to other local agencies. The other community outreach is our (5) H.O.P.E. Centers located in our thrift stores
Lighthouse Outreach Center 2/6/2018
The Lighthouse Outreach Center is a Christian organization that provides food, shelter and clothing for homeless people that exhibit feelings of hopelessness. We provide this with a family atmosphere of love and peace; teaching them of our Lord Jesus Christ and providing the resources it takes to guide and direct them to be self-sufficient citizens in our community. We are the only 24-hour homeless shelter within a 50-mile radius. No donation is too small, it all adds up.
Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center 8/26/2011
Because Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center believes every life matters, we provide free, confidential support to make the choice of life possible for women, men and teens facing unplanned pregnancies and related concerns. Our services include ultrasound confirmation of pregnancy, parenting preparation with material aid, STD testing, relationship education, and post-abortion support. Donate today to provide young adults with compassionate life support! Call (973) 238-9047 to partner.
LINC Ministries Int'l 4/6/2020
LINC empowers local leaders to impact their communities through the Gospel. We love doing everything we can to equip front-line ministry leaders and are working hard to put as many high-quality resources into your hands as we can.
Link Care Foundation 6/7/2022
Link Care exists to serve God by helping people grow in emotional health, personal integrity, and spiritual wholeness. We provide professional, emotional, mental & spiritual care through our team of licensed Psychologists, Marriage & Family Therapists, Pastoral Counselors, and Social Workers; ministering to the whole person- mind-body, and soul.
Little Light Ministries 3/5/2020
Little Light Christian school exists to break the cycle of incarceration by educating, empowering and encouraging children with incarcerated parents and their families. We offer a full academic program as well as enrichment through fine arts, drama, and dance for grades K-6. The school is tuition-free, paid for by donations and grants.
Live the Word 5/9/2011
Live the Word began with a fifteen minute radio broadcast on a handful of stations across the country. We have now extended the ministry into video production desiring to further equip believers in effective living for the Savior. Please consider your contributions to this ministry.
Living Free 5/24/2011
At Living Free (Formerly Turning Point Ministries), we are helping people learn to face life's struggles and move toward freedom and wholeness in Christ. We help with problems such as depression, anxiety, anger, broken relationships, addictions, and eating disorders. Support us as we help those who are hurting. To donate, contact: Living Free, PO Box 22127, Chattanooga, TN 37422-2127 USA or call (800) 879-4770.
Living Hope Global Ministries 8/25/2011
MCM, International is working to provide educational and medical programs to Chinese nationals. Your financial support will help us to provide training and support for teachers, translators, and medical staff. To donate, call (215) 542-0777.
Living Hope International - USA 4/14/2015
Help us build our school! Maximum capacity, efficiency and relevance are at the core of this structure on our Puebla Campus. We intend to accommodate not only the children & youth from Esperanza Viva Youth Home, but also to open our school doors to a community hungry for a quality, faith-based education. We've designed an attractive & practical school building, with a goal to empower and impact generations to come and provide them with the life skills & training they need to be world changers.
Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram 10/5/2009
When you give to Living on the Edge, we are able to help Christians live like Christians here and around the world through discipleship and teaching tools via the radio, TV, online, and small group studies. Thank you for playing a strategic role in life transformation - we couldn't do this without you!
Living Stones Ministries 11/23/2010
Support Living Stones Ministries as we provide spiritual counseling, support groups, educational and spiritual resources, seminars and special events for families with issues of homosexuality.
Living Water International 10/13/2008
Give the gift of water! A child dies every 15 seconds because of the lack of clean water. It costs Living Water International an average of $0.98 to provide clean, safe water to one person for one year. Every dollar makes a difference!
Living Waters Bible Camp 1/14/2016
Living Waters Bible Camp is a year-round Christian camp nestled in a beautiful valley in southwestern Wisconsin. Living Waters Bible Camp is committed to salvation through Jesus Christ, God's Son, and making everyone complete in Christ from children to adults. The Camp Excellence Fund is used by Living Waters Bible Camp to ensure that the camp is well maintained for the enjoyment of campers. There are also opportunities to donate to LWBC’s annual short-term Mexico Mission Trip.
Partner with Us! 4/22/2015
Living Waters Publications 4/22/2015
Thank you for your interest in becoming a partner with Living Waters as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission through the many outreach opportunities at the ministry. From our Way of the Master programs, gospel tracts, and our films like "EXIT" - the gospel and teaching of biblical evangelism is going out in force. We believe God supplies our needs, and part of that provision is met through each person the Lord leads to partner with us through prayer and financial support.
Living Word Missions 5/9/2022
We work in two realms of ministry. As “missionaries to missionaries,” providing support, training, and resources for affiliated missionaries and majority world ministers. Our second emphasis is projected among unreached people groups in Muslim-dominated regions.
Liz's Legacy Foundation 8/7/2019
Liz’s Legacy works to ensure that struggling children and teens in the Central Florida area receive professional mental health counseling in order to heal and thrive. We help provide these services by working with and providing funding grants to local licensed mental health counselors that are pre-approved by our board. Services are provided to those who could not otherwise afford this life-changing counseling.
Assisting Pastors! 12/2/2008
LOGOI 12/2/2008
For pastors, LOGOI provides the help, advice and encouragement of a support network in the form of pastoral training, educational resources and other ministry assistance. Your financial support will ultimately help to spread the gospel.
Lone Tree 2/10/2012
Lone Tree's Mission Program takes the mystery out of Missions Trips. We are currently serving in the Alamo Navajo Reservation, one hour west of Socorro, New Mexico. Youth groups from around the country are coming together to repair homes for local Navajo families. Even though this reservation is in the US, there is still much poverty. Please support us today as we help these families in need. Please call (575) 354-3322 to donate.
Lone Tree 8/4/2016
We need to update our present software and custom fit one for our needs. We are a small camp and have budgeted $10,000 but the cost is around $40,000.
Annual Campaign 2/18/2010
Long Beach Rescue Mission 2/18/2010
Since 1972, the Long Beach Rescue Mission has opened its doors to thousands of men, women and children. The mission provides food, clothing, shelter and spiritual guidance to the homeless and less fortunate people of the community. The Long Beach Rescue Mission stands dedicated to helping individuals overcome the homeless cycle. We achieve long term goals and make a world of difference in today's society.
Long Island Youth for Christ 8/23/2022
Every day at thousands of community centers, high schools, middle schools, juvenile institutions, coffee shops, and local hangouts, YFC staff and volunteers meet with young people who need Jesus. We are rural and urban and we are always about the message of Jesus.
Longview 1/23/2023
Longview is a unique piece of the Smoky Mountains. We exist to share the love of Jesus through fun, friendships, and adventure! Guests come from all over to experience the breathtaking view, warm staff, and the many activities the Ranch provides.
Los Angeles Mission 8/25/2011
We are providing residential and non-residential Christian discipleship programs designed to address addictions and abuse by offering spiritual and physical tools to overcome addiction. We also give tangible help including food, clothing, and shelter to those who are homeless or in jeopardy of becoming homeless. We provide and partner to offer emergency, transitional, and permanent supportive housing.
Louisiana Baptist Foundation 8/25/2011
At Louisiana Baptist Foundation, we are assisting individuals who wish to sustain Baptist ministries into the future through gifts of financial assets. These ministries reach the full spectrum of needs from children to retired adults, from the local church to missions efforts around the world. Your financial support will help these ministries to reach their full potential. To donate, call (318) 445-4495.
Love Worth Finding Ministries 8/25/2011
Love Worth Finding is bringing people to Christ and helping them to mature in the faith. This happens primarily through efforts in publishing and radio broadcasting. Your support will help us bring biblical truth to people all over the United States and the world.
Support LEAH! 3/15/2013
Loving Education At Home 3/15/2013
LEAH encourages established homeschoolers, reaches out to prospective families, and maintains a presence statewide. Your financial support can make a difference for homeschooling across New York. Please support LEAH and our fellow homeschoolers.
Help Save Lives! 12/3/2012
Lowcountry Pregnancy Center 12/3/2012
The LPC is committed to creating awareness within the local community of the needs of pregnant women. Many teen girls and women find themselves in difficult pregnancy situations. These are our sisters, daughters, neighbors and friends. LPC offers free services to teens and women. Please donate to support women and children. The gift you give today, will benefit the children of tomorrow.
Luis Palau Evangelistic Association 11/7/2008
Give to Luis Palau Association and help proclaim the Good News of Jesus around the world! When you support the work of evangelism, you introduce souls to salvation.
Lydia's Mission 7/7/2023
Lydia’s Mission is a non-profit organization that empowers women in generational poverty and children in chronic food insecurity by addressing their physical needs while embracing their hearts for Christ.
Made to Flourish 12/15/2020
Made to Flourish empowers pastors and their churches to integrate faith, work, and economic wisdom for the flourishing of their communities. We gather pastors in 23 city networks across America and serve congregations through resources like books, conferences, and the Common Good Magazine. Your support helps pastors unleash the potential of their congregants to be integrated disciples in their Monday to Friday work, and helps churches love their communities through economic opportunity.
Make Jesus Known! 11/6/2018
Making Jesus Known 11/6/2018
Making Jesus Known Evangelistic Ministries (MJK) has been established with the purpose of presenting the Gospel message of salvation through Jesus Christ. These Gospel crusades are the coordinated efforts of MJK along with the local churches which will train and disciple the new believers in Christ after the crusade is over. Additionally, efforts will be made to establish and/or strengthen local, perpetual, corporate prayer.
Manhattan Christian College 11/13/2008
Manhattan Christian College provides students with unique educational opportunities as well as a combination of evangelistic, cultural, and recreational activities. The college is firmly committed to the mission of educating, equipping, and enriching men and women for leadership and service in the name of Christ through the various degrees and certificates offered.
Manhattan Christian College 11/13/2008
This funding plays a key role in allowing students to attend a Christian College. 93% of MCC students receive some form of institutional scholarship or aid. Without this tuition assistance, many young people who desire a Biblically-based, Christian education would be unable to attend MCC.
Arab Ministries 7/5/2018
MAOZ Israel Ministries 7/5/2018
We actively support Arab ministries and leaders in Israel. We have completed two music projects in the Arab language, and also sponsored a concert in Nazareth, where 600 muslims attended, and heard for themselves the beautiful hymns in their Arabic language. We are reaching the Arabs with the gospel!
MAOZ Israel Ministries 7/5/2018
We regularly support Israeli, Russian-speaking, Ethiopian, and Arab congregations and their leadership.
MAOZ Israel Ministries 3/24/2020
Our studio in Jerusalem continues to record new and fresh music from the Land. We continue to provide professional-level training and publishing opportunities to believing Israeli musicians, singers, songwriters and engineers in our world-class studio. Fellowship of Artists, a collaboration where dozens of Israeli worship leaders and artists are gathering together from all over Israel for times of mentoring and refreshing, is continuing to grow and flourish.
Hebrew Publishing 12/29/2008
MAOZ Israel Ministries 12/29/2008
If an Israeli does not read another language, this limits his or her opportunity to partake of the wisdom God has given to His worldwide Body. In an effort to change that, we have translated and published a catalog of over 120 books, which have been distributed in 25 congregations and Bible bookstores throughout Israel. We continue to publish 5 - 10 books a year into Hebrew. We are now completing a Hebrew translation of The Chronological Bible--a bible Hebrew speakers will be able to read and
MAOZ Israel Ministries 12/29/2008
We are providing music lessons and instruments to help develop musical talent so our children can become the worship leaders in Israel for tomorrow's generation.
MAP Global 8/12/2020
MAP Global exists as a "supporting agency" to both Pioneering Missionaries and Ministry Leaders. MAP Global is designed to "come alongside" those on their own unique journey with the Father.
MAP International 4/25/2011
MAP International is a global Christian health organization that partners with people living in conditions of poverty to save lives and develop healthier families and communities. Recognized for our 99% efficiency rating, we respond to the needs of those we serve by providing medicines, preventing disease, and promoting health to create real hope and lasting change. Visit to learn more, or go to to learn how you can get involved.
Mapping Center for Evangelism 6/7/2022
God planted your church to help your neighbors be vibrant, reproducing disciples of Jesus. We can help. Know your neighbors and mobilize your mission team like never before.
Hilltop Kids! 8/24/2011
Mars Hill Broadcasting Co. 8/24/2011
Our Children's Radio Program, Hilltop Kids, is dedicated to bringing our listeners the best children's programming and spiritually nourishing children's events. The cornerstone of Hilltop Kids is the daily "Hilltop Kids Corner" with Valerie. Your support will help us continue to bring a clear expression of the message, mission and character of Jesus Christ.
Mars Hill Productions 3/20/2009
Give to Mars Hill Productions and help us to continue to produce award-winning films and videos that introduce thousands of people to Jesus Christ! The HOPE, an 80 minute dramatic presentation of God’s redemptive story from creation through Christ, has been so well received among missionaries worldwide that it has become a primary focus of Mars Hill’s current season of ministry.
Mastermedia International 6/28/2016
Since 1985, Mastermedia has been a marketplace ministry; a Christian presence in the entertainment industry. We believe media is the world's most powerful cultural influencer. We connect with, serve, and promote prayer for top and emerging media influencers, a people group with little authentic Christian presence and limited exposure to a sound biblical worldview. As their hearts are changed by the love of Christ, there will be a transformative impact on the media they present and produce.
Media Evangelism 6/28/2016
Mastermedia International 6/28/2016
Mastermedia connects with and builds trust relationships with the top media leaders and emerging media voices for the purpose of sharing the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. We serve as Christian ambassadors by being a physical and virtual Christian presence to the world's media. To this end, we pray for media leaders, media centers, and media-makers throughout the world and mobilize the body of Christ to pray along with us.
Mastermedia International 8/24/2011
Mastermedia provides consultation and one-to-one counsel to top and emerging media executives to help them experience/understand the heart of God personally, and to help them see the media they produce/present as the Christian community sees it. We encourage and support Christ-followers working in media to help them see the biblical and missional importance of the media position in which God has placed them. We also promote prayer for media leaders through the Media Leader Prayer Calendar.
Media Associates International 2/7/2014
MAI is expanding our global publisher training with the launch of free monthly webinars led by international trainers. Christian publishers and writers in many countries feel isolated, and many lack opportunities for professional development. Webinars offer them a platform to connect them with the world's best trainers. No other such webinars exist for global Christian publishers.
Media Associates International 2/7/2014
We will equip leaders of two important Christian publishing houses in French-speaking Africa during training visits to CPE publishing house in Cote d'Ivoire and Press Bibliques Africaines (PBA) in Benin. Our goal is to help these publishers become financially self-sustaining and to publish more local authors who will build up the church and impact society in the 21 French-speaking countries of Africa.
Media Dream 10/18/2014
How can we reach Millions for Christ? Alkarma TV (the Vine) is 24/7 Arabic Christian Satellite TV that broadcasts the powerful Direct uncompromised salvation message of the Gospel with Christ's love to Arabic speaking and Islamic people in all the nations of the world, so that their eyes might be opened to accept the salvation of our Lord Jesus and to win millions for Christ. Alkarma TV programming focused on evangelism, discipleship, prayer, and praise. We broadcast the gospel on 10 Satellites
Support Alkarma TV! 12/16/2013
Media Dream 12/16/2013
As we strive to serve the Lord on a scale that keeps expanding, our financial obligations continue to greatly increase. AIkarma is in great need of your financial support to strengthen the ministry. We are confident that with your prayers, encouragement, and financial support, God will continue His work and fulfill the ministry needs.
A Proven Strategy! 10/13/2008
Medical Ambassadors International 10/13/2008
LifeWind, Medical Ambassadors International's development program, is known throughout the world as CHE (Community Health Evangelism). CHE empowers communities to overcome poverty, disease and hopelessness by mobilizing their God-given potential and available resources. The CHE strategy is used by people serving with over 250 organizations in more than 80 countries worldwide. It is a simple yet comprehensive approach, adaptable to a wide range of urban and rural cultural contexts.
Mentoring Men for the Master International 12/23/2009
Support Mentoring Men for the Master as we train, encourage, restore, and equip young servants of Jesus in the Christian ministry. We believe that "Ministry is more caught than taught."
Mercy Ships 10/7/2008
Through your support of Mercy Ships, you can help bring hope and healing to the forgotten poor around the world! Your donation impacts the lives of people in developing nations as we follow the example of Jesus in serving people with little or no access to health care, and little or no hope.
Mesa Global 10/2/2008
Assist Latin America Mission in encouraging and assisting the Latin American Church in evangelizing, educating, training, and disciplining.
Mesa Global 5/24/2011
United World Mission is partnering with African church leaders. We have tremendous vision for their nations and beyond, and we are privileged to serve with them as they equip leaders and bring the Good News of Christ and His Kingdom to needy people of Africa. Support United World Mission as they pursue this project.
Messenger International 6/10/2011
We are raising money to provide 2,000 "Driven by Eternity" books in Tajikistan. These books will equip leaders in a country rebuilding from civil war with the eternity message. The total cost for these books is $4,500. Please donate today!
Messenger International 3/29/2011
Be a part of building community. Provide education, church, day care, and much more to the people of Saang, Cambodia. Right now, we are constructing a two-story multipurpose building which will stand as a light to the community.
Messianic Vision 11/15/2010
Now is the time for Jewish revival in America! That's why Sid Roth's Messianic Vision has launched its most important Jewish evangelistic project in history, Project 77. We have acquired the names and addresses of 2 million Jewish people in North America and we need your help to distribute Sid Roth's evangelistic book to these 2 million homes.
Metro Christian Academy 1/31/2023
Future The Road to the Future Campaign seeks to develop a new entryway and vehicular drive into the Metro Christian Academy campus. Employing universal design components, this project provides upgraded infrastructure creating a sophisticated, collegiate-style campus environment where pathways are secure and convenient and vehicular circulation is well-defined. In addition, a new and inviting outdoor playground will be installed with easy access from the school, creating a safe and playful enviro
Metro Christian Academy 2/5/2019
Metro Christian Academy cultivates innovators, artists, leaders, and lifelong learners so they are prepared for the path ahead of them. Metro's continued success depends on the support of those that embrace the mission and values we strive to instill through an academically challenging, Christ-based education that develops strong Christian men and women who will be the future leaders, employers, parents, and citizens of our future.
Metro Relief 7/14/2016
Metro Relief has a simple goal: Go to the people, meet the people, and serve the people. Our core mission includes: traveling to those on the streets, feeding individuals who are hungry, building relationships of trust with those in need, and offering resources including prayer and encouragement. We currently operate from two locations: Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas and Columbus, Ohio. Donors like you help us to fund our mission and provide hope for the hopeless.
Surgery Fund! 8/19/2011
Mexican Medical Ministries 8/19/2011
Many times, as we are doing community outreaches, we come across people in desperate need of surgery. When we ask, "Why haven't you had this done?" they reply that they don't have enough money. We work with the patients to encourage them to pay what they can, then this fund is accessed to make up the difference.
Mexico and Central America Missions 1/21/2022
The Mexico and Central American Missions Society is a non-profit organization that is committed to the mission to bring glory to God and Jesus Christ through the spread of the gospel in our family of churches in Mexico and Central America.
Miami International Seminary 5/25/2012
MINTSOnline - English is a Christian virtual learning environment and part of MINTS International Seminary's global solution to affordable and accessible theological education. Anyone, anywhere, at any time can take MINTS seminary courses (in English language) from a secure dynamic website. Designed with challenging activities, online forums, data bases, and wikis, MINTSOnline - English is a rich collaborative community of God centered, Biblical online learning.
Miami Rescue Mission 3/16/2009
Contribute to the Miami Rescue Mission as we serve the homeless and needy of South Florida! We are empowering men, women, and children to become successful in life! We are reuniting families, restoring lives, and building new futures!
Micah's Promise 10/15/2021
Micah’s Promise exists to restore stolen childhoods. We work with and in our local community to educate on the risks and prevention of domestic minor sex trafficking. Our goal is to provide an environment for transformational life-change to survivors of DMST and to build a supportive community for reintegration.
MidAmerica District of The Christian and Missionary Alliance 6/11/2015
You can help build Christ’s Church around the world by donating online to the Great Commission Fund. This central funding vehicle allows our international workers to focus on ministry rather than raising financial support.
Middle East Ministries 3/11/2021
God is at work in the hearts of the people of Israel. The Gospel of Jesus is radically changing lives and bringing God's people together across all boundaries. Middle East Ministries aims to reach the lost, strengthen those who believe, and passionately serve God and his creation.
Church Planting! 8/18/2011
Middle East Reformed Fellowship 8/18/2011
In MERF's church planting ministry, we are assisting national churches already active in the countries of Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, the Arabian Gulf and Indonesia. Please contribute today as we minister to isolated underground churches in several Muslim countries that are closed to open gospel ministry.
Midland's Open Door 7/10/2020
Every day at Midland’s Open Door you will see weary men and women. Some are struggling with addictions and some with loneliness. But, you will also see responsible adults forced to choose between paying rent and buying food. You will see men and women whose lives were shattered when their jobs disappeared or their car broke down. But in all these things, you will also see an opportunity for the grace of Jesus Christ to restore hope and transform a life hanging in the balance.
Midwest Evangelistic Association 1/8/2019
We are here to serve the community and surrounding areas with biblically-based youth and children's camps, vacation Bible school, free movie nights, camping experiences. family reunions, retreats, weddings, and other gatherings. Immediate needs include funding for our 2019 Kids and Family Camp, dormitory bunk bed mattresses, auditorium bathrooms remodel, and grounds landscaping. Your support makes this outreach possible!
Mighty in the Land Ministry 10/13/2008
Support Mighty in the Land as we change the way people live their Godly and family relationships through a compelling message of hope, encouragement and priorities. Robert Rogers shares God's Good News through his family's story of how he experienced a tragedy of Biblical proportions in 2003. After 8 years as a father, nearly 12 years as a husband, and 13 years as an electrical engineer, Robert's life completely changed one night on his family's way home from a wedding in Wichita, Kansas. Throug
Mighty Oaks Foundation 6/6/2023
The Mighty Oaks Warrior journey begins with intensive peer-based programs that utilize instructional sessions, camaraderie, and team building activities that are designed to challenge our Warriors to overcome their past experiences and move forward into a life of purpose. Our programs take place all across America on Military Bases, at our Outposts, and on rural ranch lodges. Each facility allows the Warriors to appreciate the peace of nature, and have an “un-plugged” experience while they focus
Mike Silva Evangelism International 8/18/2011
The sole purpose of the Rescate Project is to reach young people and their families with the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Rescate Project gives pastors and churches an opportunity, a plan, and a tool to reach the families and children in the neighborhoods that surround their church. The idea behind the Rescate Project is to provide a child with a solid, sturdy backpack for school, filled with the supplies they will need, and also includes a Gospel message booklet in the backpack.
Military Community Youth Ministries 11/18/2008
Military Community Youth Ministries (MCYM) is the worlds only global Christian organization exclusively focused on Americas Military Teenagers. Staff and volunteers reach out to the teen-aged children of families stationed through the world. MCYM partners with one of the worlds largest youth organizations Young Life, and has been a collaborating member of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry since 2002.Our methodology is incarnational and our perspective is ecumenical.
Ministries of Jesus 9/3/2015
TCC, MOJ's counseling center, offers one-on-one professional counseling from a Christian perspective. We are able to provide these services to our clinic patients for free via donations from givers like you!
Ministries of Jesus 9/3/2015
Transformation Recovery (TR) - MOJ's recovery ministry - touches thousands of lives each year through big & small groups, Step Studies, leadership ministry, one-on-one recovery counseling, treatment referrals, and more. Donations to TR help offset the costs of changing lives through these individual touches!
Ministry Developers Network 12/15/2011
Ministry Developers Network assists Christian nonprofit organizations to perform at their maximum potential in today’s changing and demanding culture. Your support will help us continue to offer expertise in areas such as vision casting, fund-raising, marketing, administrative issues, board governance, leadership, and staffing.
Ministry Essentials International 12/15/2020
We are passionate about two things: Growing in intimacy with the Trinity and inviting others to the same. We long for an extravagant devotion that embraces intimacy with God as the foundation for all things vibrant, joyful, and enduring.
Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge 3/16/2009
General operating funding supports our comprehensive programs at Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge, creating positive community impact as we work towards our mission of rescuing teens and adults from a life of addiction through faith-based application.
Minnesota Christian Broadcasters 8/18/2011
MCBI is a listener supported, noncommercial radio ministry made possible by your financial contributions. You can donate today to one of our 3 radio stations: KTIG 102.7, KCFB 91.5, and The Pulse 100.1. Your financial support will help us continue our radio ministry in the Minnesota area.
Minorities For Christ International 3/9/2009
Support Minorities for Christ International as we lead various minorities to become disciples of Jesus Christ and to send them to other tribes and countries to share the Gospel, even to the point of bringing the Gospel to all tribes and all nations.
Miracle Hill Ministries 5/4/2009
Located in Greenville, Spartanburg, Pickens and Cherokee counties in South Carolina, Miracle Hill operates four adult shelters, two children's shelters, two addiction recovery programs, transitional housing, a foster care program, an emergency food outreach and thrift operations. Please consider partnering with us in our mission to ensure that those most in need receive food, shelter, and compassion while hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ and becoming productive members of society.
Missio International 1/18/2011
Raising funds, coordinating prayer, strategizing leadership, cultivating relationships! That is what Missio International does in Romania! Support us as spread the Gospel of Jesus in Eastern Europe.
Mission Eurasia 1/13/2016
Mission Eurasia's iCare program provides physical, emotional, and spiritual assistance for people in the countries of Eurasia who are suffering from war, political unrest, economic upheaval, natural disasters and other life-threatening situations. Currently, we are focused on providing holistic relief for Ukrainians suffering from the war in their homeland.
Mission Eurasia 12/9/2009
Through Gift of Hope, orphans and other needy children in Eurasia, including refugee children in Ukraine, can experience the joy of Christmas and learn about the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ, by receiving a Gift of Hope that is filled with toys, sweets, warm mittens, and other needed items, and a copy of a children's Bible or other appropriate Christian literature.
Mission Eurasia 12/9/2009
There are an estimated 300 unreached people groups in the countries of Eurasia where Mission Eurasia serves. Our Unreached People Group Initiative (UPGI) is designed to train indigenous leaders who then return to their ethnic groups and share the Gospel in culturally relevant ways through strategic ministry outreaches.
Mission Eurasia 1/13/2016
A new component of our School Without Walls program, our Next Generation Professional Leaders Initiative, is designed to train at least 1,000 young professionals annually to share the gospel with their peers and professional spheres of influence. Through special forums and seminars, we are preparing Christian professional leaders in Eurasia and Israel for effective ministry.
Mission Eurasia 6/19/2013
We are using our Religious Freedom Initiative to work with government leaders in Eurasia to advocate for religious freedom reform, while also providing support for Christians who are being persecuted, and even imprisoned, for their faith. We are also promoting reconciliation between Christian leaders from Russia and Ukraine by organizing and hosting reconciliation forums and consultations.
Summer Bible Camps 1/13/2016
Mission Eurasia 1/13/2016
Summer Bible camps are one of our most effective evangelistic outreaches to children. Each year, thousands of needy and hurting children attend a summer Bible camp where they take part in games, crafts, sports, and Bible-centered activities. This year, special camps will be held again for refugee/displaced children from Ukraine.
Mission India 12/8/2009
Children aren't just the leaders of tomorrow; they're the leaders of today. Our Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs introduce children to Jesus through games, songs, and prayer, while also providing free tutoring and a safe place to just be a kid. When they share what they've learned at home, their parents are intrigued—and entire families come to know Christ. Your gift of $24 enrolls a child in a Year-Long Bible Club. You can sponsor an entire club of 40 children with your gift of $960.
Mission India 12/8/2009
India' Christians are motivated like never before to reach their nation for Christ. 500,000 villages and communities in India haven’t heard the Gospel. But when you introduce a community to Jesus, amazing things happen! The name of Jesus brings hope and change to places saturated in spiritual bondage. You can provide a full year of training for a Church Planter with a gift of $2,400, launching them on a lifetime of mission work.
Mission India 12/8/2009
With nearly 300 million illiterate adults, India is the most illiterate nation on earth. Adult Literacy Classes open doors into closed communities and have the power to change lives in radical ways. In addition to learning reading, writing, and math, holistic transformation unfolds as students learn how to increase income, take better care of their families, and are introduced to Jesus. Your gift of $40 will sponsor a student in an Adult Literacy Class for a full year.
Get Involved! 1/7/2014
Mission Lazarus 1/7/2014
Francis Assisi once said, "Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words." Are you looking for a way to put your faith into action? Get involved by joining or leading a group, interning with us for a summer or volunteering long term. Finances are necessary to support our ministry. Please partner with us!
Easter 6/25/2010
Mission Metroplex 6/25/2010
Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex hosts the "World's Largest Easter Egg Hunt" for low-income children in Arlington, Texas. Every person who comes hears the Easter story of the resurrection of Jesus, eats a great meal, plays games and on inflatables, and the big event, hunting Easter eggs! Over 100,000 eggs and candy are needed , as well as resources for food and supplies. All of this is provided free of charge to the children and youth. Many have made decisions for Christ through this event.
Fall Festival 6/25/2010
Mission Metroplex 6/25/2010
Each October, Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex hosts a fall festival for low-income children in Arlington, TX. This is provided free of charge to the children and their families. Food, games and many fun and safe activities are offered. This provides another opportunity to develop relationships with the people and show them God's love while enjoying fun activities.
Mission Metroplex 11/20/2008
The Christmas Store is open the two weeks before Christmas (Call for dates). Parents are allowed to shop for free gifts for their children. Every family that comes for help hears the Christmas Story from Luke Chapter 2 while they wait in line. Volunteers are needed to be personal shoppers, wrappers, carolers, and more. Childcare is also provided while parents shop and childcare workers are needed. Come as a group or on your own. We also need donations for supplies and Christmas gifts.
Summer Camps 6/25/2010
Mission Metroplex 6/25/2010
Each summer, Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex provides a summer camp experience for low-income children in Arlington, Texas. There is no cost to the children and youth. Monetary donations will help us to offset the cost of providing the camp as well as a new t-shirt for each child and food for each child.
Thanksgiving 10/1/2009
Mission Metroplex 10/1/2009
In the weeks before Thanksgiving, we will collect and prepare turkey dinners for delivery throughout the Arlington community. Volunteers are needed to sort and box canned goods and prepare meals throughout November. On Thanksgiving Day, all meals will be delivered before noon. We need your help! Come as an individual or a group. We are also accepting donations to purchase turkeys and other Thanksgiving food.
Mission Mississippi 11/10/2008
Assist Mission Mississippi to encourage and demonstrate unity in the Body of Christ across racial and denominational lines so that communities throughout Mississippi can better understand the Gospel message.
Mission Mutual 2/17/2025
Mission Mutual empowers Kingdom-minded organizations to maximize their global impact through strategic partnerships—bringing more people to know Christ. By fostering Collective Impact, we unite organizations to overcome shared challenges and drive real transformation. Guided by six core principles—including prayer, shared vision, and collaboration—we help ministries achieve more together than they ever could alone.
Mission Next 11/12/2008
MissionNext uses a proprietary web matching service to match individuals with the needs of 90+ mission sending agencies and schools. Baby Boomers, GenXers, Teachers and Business people - we help them all find their place of service in Kingdom harvest work! Along with our web matching, we also provide weekend conferences and retreats to challenge, motivate and encourage those sensing God's call to missions!
Mission of Hope Haiti 8/17/2012
As an organization following Jesus Christ, Mission of Hope exists to bring life transformation to every man, woman, and child. Mission of Hope works in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We believe nations can be transformed one life at a time by focusing on nutrition, education, medical care, and church advancement. Connecting People to Jesus: Repeatedly sharing the Gospel message in targeted geographies. Empowering Local Leaders: Strategically developing national leaders to carry the vision
Mission Quest 9/10/2018
As a missionary service agency, we always try to offer cutting-edge technology and tools to facilitate raising support for missionaries worldwide and keeping them in touch with their support base without compromising their safety or ministry. All our ministry is built on a biblical basis driven by our obedience to God’s Word. We serve our missionaries with the partnership and the leadership of their local churches. Missionary donation processing is a crucial aspect of any mission effort.
Travel Fund 12/4/2009
Mission Safety International 12/4/2009
Help fund the travel costs of MSI staff and highly qualified volunteers as we travel to remote areas of the globe conducting safety seminars and consultations to promote safety and encourage God's servants working in missionary aviation.
Mission To Children 12/22/2010
By June 2026: Mission to Children wants to be feeding and evangelizing 36,000 at-risk children annually in Africa through gospel outreaches; and connecting 6,300 of those children each year to discipleship opportunities. To do this, we will launch our F-E-E-D strategy. Learn more at: What we learn in various African countries, we want to apply in other countries of interest. Our BIG vision is to feed, evangelize, and disclple at-risk children around
Mission Training International 11/4/2024
As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of individuals like you to continue our important work. This year, we are aiming to raise $25,000 to enhance our children's programing, which plays a vital role in supporting children who are transitioning either to a new culture and country or returning to their passport country after serving abroad with their families. These funds will be used to update our playground structures and classroom resources, creating a safe and stimulating env
Mission Triangle 9/8/2020
We believe healthy nonprofits transform communities. We help Christian-led nonprofits of the Triangle expand their Kingdom Impact. Our vision is to shine the light of the Gospel throughout the Triangle, resulting in peace and prosperity for all our neighbors.
Camp Scholarships 1/16/2009
Missionary Athletes International 1/16/2009
Each summer, MAI conducts biblically-based soccer camps at locations around the USA. On average 10% of those youth attending make first-time decisions for Christ. Scholarships are provided on a financial need basis. The cost of a full scholarship for one week of camp is $215.
Missionary Aviation Repair Center (MARC) 2/2/2012
82% of the communities in Alaska are off the road system and dependent upon air transportation to meet their needs. MARC provides transportation for ministry teams, church events and Bible camps throughout the last frontier. Help reach these isolated villages with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Missionary Aviation Repair Center (MARC) 11/15/2011
Across the vast roadless wilderness of Alaska are hundreds of isolated villages where Americans live in third-world conditions. The rich native culture has been overwhelmed by rampant alcoholism, teen suicide, joblessness, and spiritual darkness. By providing life-changing access to the Good News of Jesus Christ, Missionary Aviation Repair Center (MARC) provides a lifeline of hope to these remote villages. Explore ways you can help this Christmas through their gift catalog!
Missionary Church 9/15/2023
We are committed to the Great Commission: multiplying disciples who multiply disciples who multiply disciples. That is the command that Jesus gave us, and we will not be distracted by buildings, programs, or anything else.
Missionary Gospel Fellowship 9/1/2015
Juanito Tay is a presently bi-vocational missionary with Missionary Gospel Fellowship who recently lost his wife Minda to cancer. He has experience as an accountant; he was actually a CPA in the Philippines. We need to raise support for this individual so that he can devote work hours to financial oversight and compliance with regulations for this evangelical Christian mission agency. Most people in American churches are not attracted to supporting administrative staff. Do you see the value?
Missionary Gospel Fellowship 11/23/2010
Your gifts make an eternal difference enabling MGF Missionaries to share the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout North America, making disciples and equipping others to do the work of the service.
Christian Schools 11/14/2008
Missionary Ventures International 11/14/2008
Did you know that some children are not able to go to school because they cannot afford the tuition or appropriate clothes? In many areas, schools don't even exist. Some of the schools are running on double sessions, maximizing the facilities. Many classes are without books in one or more subjects. Missionary Ventures builds and supports Christian schools in Central America. We invite you to consider giving a one time gift or begin monthly sponsorship for schools.
Missions Door 9/15/2023
Missions Door was birthed for the purpose of preaching the Gospel and planting churches across the United States and the North American continent. Much has changed in our world since then, but the need for forgiveness and new life in Jesus Christ is greater than ever.
Missouri Baptist Foundation 3/26/2009
Our mission is to strengthen the mission and ministry efforts through personal estate stewardship planning, fund and cash management services, estate stewardship speakers and seminars, charitable trustee services, charitable gift and endowment arrangements. Representing more than 200 ministries, we also offer a list of attorneys in our state that specialize in estate plans with charitable intent, gift catalog and much more for those interested in contributing to ministry.
Modern Day Missions 6/20/2012
Currently, one of our humanitarian projects is serving the prostitutes and homeless in Brazil. Some of our field workers have opened a rescue home for young girls caught in sex-trafficking. They are also in the process of opening Graça Casa de Oração (Grace House of Prayer), a house of 24-hour intercession, worship, and the arts in the poorest section of Recife.
Modesto Pregnancy Center 11/12/2009
STI testing began early 2010. This service is offered free of charge to all of our clients with a negative pregnancy test. Their partners will also be encouraged to be tested. Cost of each test is $15.00.
MomCo Global 11/10/2008
The New Moms Gift Project is all about helping moms become the best moms they can be - from the beginning. Hospitals and pregnancy resource centers around the nation give MOPS International's resources to moms who need practical help, spiritual hope, and an invitation to join a MOPS group. This great packet of mothering resources includes a complimentary one-year subscription to MOMSense magazine and an invitation to connect with a local MOPS group.
Moms in Prayer International 10/15/2008
Partner with Moms In Prayer as we impact children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers to pray! Your support can make an eternal impact on children, schools and entire communities. Your donation will be used to outreach to new moms, train and equip new and existing leaders, and to ignite the passion to pray in mothers around the world.
Moms in Prayer International 1/30/2015
Moms in Prayer International is currently in over 160 countries. With 67 translations of the Moms in Prayer booklet, there is a huge need to translate the booklet into more languages. Every year between 5-10 translations or updates are completed. Each new translation costs about $1500 to translate and produce.
Montgomery Christian School 11/7/2017
The mission of Montgomery Christian School is to glorify God by providing an academically challenging Christian education in a Christian environment to families with limited options. The goal of this education is to bring every student to spiritual maturity in Christ along with academic, social, and emotional maturity where they can effectively pursue God’s purpose in their personal life, family, church, and city.
Montrose Broadcasting Corporation 8/18/2011
WPEL-FM 96.5 and AM 800 are non-commercial listener-supported radio stations owned and operated by the Montrose Broadcasting Corporation. The stations depend on the monthly support of listeners like you. Your gift designated for current expenses and the equipment needs of the stations will be used exclusively for the expenses of broadcasting the programs.
Morning Star Development 12/18/2020
A woman's influence is the glue that binds the family together. The Literacy and Basic Business Skills (LaBBs) is the training that equips her with skills that unleash her hidden potential to create and sustain a meaningful income to prosper her family emotionally and economically. When women engage in income generation with dignity and courage dreams are unlocked, children receive education and the life-giving transformation of communities flows. The empowerment of Afghan women means giving hop
Morning Star Development 12/18/2020
Morning Star Development, through our Leadership Development program, equips Afghan post-graduates with the leadership skills they will need to be catalysts for transformation of their nation, communities and families. The Institute for Leadership Development (ILD) brings best practices of servant-leadership principals from around the world in a one-year program taught by seasoned international instructors who themselves are noted leaders. We challenge young Afghan men and women to consider thei
Morning Star Development 12/18/2020
In a country torn by decades of war, millions of Afghans are easing their suffering through the use of opium and heroin. Children will often become addicted to these harmful drugs through their parents. New Life Drug Addition Center is a one-year drug rehabilitation program that seeks to redeem men from their destructive lifestyles and empower them by teaching job skills so they can be restored to their families and society.
Mosaic Health 1/7/2010
We provide free services to women in the St. Louis area which include pregnancy and STI testing, godly and moral counseling, childbirth and parenting classes with free baby supplies, first-trimester ultrasounds, post-abortion counseling and education, male mentoring and abstinence-centered education (ReL8).
Mountain T.O.P. 12/10/2009
Mountain T.O.P. (Tennessee Outreach Project) is an interdenominational, non-profit Christian mission dedicated to rural life ministry in the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee. We are not a charity, rather, an organization that seeks to empower communities and inspire hope. We offer a number of mission opportunities for youth, adults and college students, including: Youth Summer Ministry, Adults In Ministry, and Spring Breakout. We also offer a Family Weekend in April.
mPower Approach 12/15/2010
mPower partners with local indigenous churches to equip their leaders with the training and the operational skills for them to provide dental and medical care for their communities. These new skills break down barriers to the Gospel and allow the local Christians to carry out their calling to proclaim the name of Christ in a self-sustaining manner. The impact left behind is life-changing for generations to come. Your donation would help make another training possible!
Mukti Mission 6/26/2017
The English Medium School at Mukti Mission Empowers Through Education. Wing One construction is complete, occupied, and paid off! When all three wings are completed 2,500 students will have opportunities for higher education. Wing Two - Level One is projected to cost US$285,000. Wing Two - Level One will add 6 additional classrooms, a lab, and admin offices to accommodate the increasing enrollment. As of January 20th, 2021 $130,000 is in hand toward Level One costs. Groundbreaking was held on D
More Together! 7/23/2024
Multiplication Network 7/23/2024
Multiplication Network equips local leaders who already understand their culture, language, and social networks, enabling them to share the Gospel more effectively. We often "train the trainers" for entire denominations and associations so these workers can, in turn, train the church planters. This approach allows us to reach many more people with our training and to multiply strategically.
Hope & Healing! 4/15/2021
Music for the Soul 4/15/2021
Music for the Soul is a community of professional musicians, therapists, pastors, and ministry leaders committed to offering life-giving resources to those whose hearts are hungry for understanding, self-worth, wholeness, and peace. Using songs, we tackle life’s toughest issues in ways that can be heard, remembered, and revisited. Each song is crafted with input from those who’ve suffered through the hurt, as well as professional counselors and clergy. The results are honest and real, offerin
Music in World Cultures 12/11/2023
We support the global church by equipping musicians, music leaders, and pastors to strengthen the worship life of their local congregations and reach their communities with the good news that Jesus changes lives.
Men's Shelter! 8/17/2011
Muskegon Rescue Mission 8/17/2011
At our Men's Shelter, we are providing clothes and other necessities, along with counseling, to men in the Michigan area. Your financial support will help us proclaim God’s love to the less fortunate and homeless people of West Michigan.
Mustard Seed International 12/6/2019
Our vision is to see the cities of Japan saturated with and impacted by gospel-centered churches that further the global cause of Jesus Christ.
Mustard Seed Network 12/9/2019
We want to see the cities of Japan saturated with and impacted by gospel-centered churches that further the global cause of Jesus Christ. We Recruit and train church planters, catalyze church plants, support church planters and church plants.
Mwana Villages 10/10/2018
The Mwana Refuge Project will allow us to expand our capacity for caring full-time for babies and children, with a goal toward family reunification or, when not possible, toward adoption. The project will also include the opening of a preschool to serve Mwana children and local non-needy families (full tuition paying) as a revenue-generating stream. Support this project, which will operate a “Families First” community outreach program that serves vulnerable families in the community.
My Sister's Place of Gainesville 12/20/2022
My Sister’s Place is a nonprofit homeless shelter located in Northeast Georgia. In 2000, we opened our doors in love – our love and God’s love – to women and children in need.
myLIFEspeaks 1/5/2018
myLIFEspeaks is passionate about creating a Christ-centered commUNITY through education programs, orphan care and prevention programs, campus family housing, public health, and much more. Our work in Neply is an enormous step in helping create a more successful Haiti. Partner with us to transform their future and their generation!
myLIFEspeaks 3/27/2020
We are working to educate our local community regarding the seriousness of COVID-19. In a country with near-zero Public Health infrastructure, myLIFEspeaks is working to bring the message of the importance of prevention to areas in Haiti. We do this through audio recordings and pictures for many who can't read. We also have medical staff who are working to make sure the most fragile of our community (special needs, elderly, and respiratory issues) are safe and protected. This giving opportunity
Narrow Gate EFL 1/21/2022
We disciple with the message of freedom: freedom to live the abundant life; freedom to be all we are designed to be! Therefore, we invest our time, talents, and treasures in others, year after year, to consistently mentor, train, and coach disciples, and disciple-makers.
Nashville Anti-Human Trafficking Coalition 7/7/2023
Nashville Anti-Human Trafficking is a Christ centered team of intervention specialists who rescue and restore women from the bondage of human trafficking.
National Association of Evangelicals 5/12/2009
The NAE Chaplains Commission is dedicated to supporting and defending evangelical chaplains and their ministry. As an ecclesiastical endorser for the Dept. of Defense, Veterans Affairs, and many civilian agencies, the Commission recommends chaplains for service, and champions free expression of faith. It strives to support and train evangelical chaplains via retreats for chaplains and families, training for chaplain candidates, and resources for churches interested in the chaplaincy.
National Christian Forensics and Communications Association 12/6/2016
NCFCA is an organization committed to training Christian, high-school students to address life issues in a manner that glorifies God, and ultimately preparing our students to shape our culture and impact people for Christ. Using competitive opportunities and communication training such as speech and debate, NCFCA equips students to think critically and effectively articulate those thoughts. Your gift enables us to provide further opportunities and resources for students.
National Day of Prayer Task Force 10/20/2008
The National Day of Prayer Task Force's mission is to communicate with every individual the need for personal and corporate repentance and prayer - interceding for the seven centers of influence: Government, Military, Church, Family, Education, Business and Media & Entertainment. Help us mobilize the Christian community to solemn assembly for America and its leadership in communities from coast to coast.
National Institute for Learning Development 10/14/2008
We invite you to partner with NILD today to deploy its critical initiatives and leave a momentous legacy to help both children and adults who struggle to learn. For every day without development and employment of NILD’s programs, thousands of at-risk students of all ages are failing to become independent learners and are being marginalized by society.
National School Chaplain Association 6/19/2014
The strategy is simple: leverage one of the largest networks on the earth - the existing school system - and utilize government funding along with your donation to teach Jesus in the classroom. This allows the program to multiply the effectiveness of your gift and maximize impact! In the simplest terms, 15 students can be reached for only $15/month. Please get involved!
NationsUniversity 8/7/2019
We are "a school without walls" that provides an affordable, high-quality Christian education for everyone. Our mission is to build authentic faith and train Christian leaders around the world.
Ndoto: For Africa's Future 1/8/2019
Our mission is to educate, disciple, and develop at-risk youth to pursue their dreams, glorify God, and transform their communities. We encourage our students to dream not only about what job they want to have, and who they want to become, but also what kind of community they want to live in. We invest in people as a whole, and empower them to reach their potential, so they will be equipped to become the community leaders of tomorrow.
Need Him National Media Outreach 1/24/2010
Developing people, processes, technologies and partnerships to advance His kingdom. We intentionally share those resources with others that focus on proclaiming Jesus.
Need Him National Media Outreach 1/24/2010
Need Him "intentionally presents the gospel of Jesus Christ" in places where it is least expected such as MTV and online. Once the message is shared we provide an opportunity to respond via phone, online chat, text messaging and social media. Help us spread the message and announce God's Word in more places such as in movie theaters or through subscription media services such as Pandora and Hulu.
Need Him National Media Outreach 5/23/2013
Need Him intentionally presents the Gospel to all people using media and offers an opportunity to respond. People respond through the technology they are most comfortable with so we offer live conversation through online chat, text messaging, voice and social media. We need your help in upgrading those systems into a single platform so our volunteers can talk to more people about Christ and be more efficient.
Need Him National Media Outreach 12/5/2024
We are a digital evangelism ministry that shares biblical truth and hope through live conversations. Our Resident Leadership Program is a one-year internship for seminary students with a commitment to becoming pastors and missionaries. The program offers a high volume of authentic conversations with people from different beliefs and cultures covering a diverse spectrum of difficult topics. We uniquely train and prepare the next generation of church and ministry leaders.
Neema Village Tanzania 12/6/2017
More than a hundred babies have been rescued and found a new family at Neema. We offer programs designed to help women better care for their babies, survive childbirth, find ways to supplement the family income, have better nutrition, lift widows from lives of neglect and abuse and impact the surrounding Maasai villages through water wells and medical care. Join us to make real and lasting change in Africa!
Support NICS! 2/11/2013
Network of International Christian Schools 2/11/2013
NICS impacts the world through the influence and mentorship provided by Christian teachers in an international school setting. God continues to open doors of opportunity to us, and we must pursue those opportunities with passion and urgency. NICS continues to lean heavily on God’s hand of provision; our needs are great; our challenges many. We must not rest until all the world is reached with the Good News! Your donation will make an immediate impact today and ultimately for eternity!
Never Alone Widows 6/12/2024
Never Alone Widows exists to love the widow well through weekend encounters, national gatherings, local chapters, and online resources.
New Beginnings Center of Hope 4/15/2021
An Empowered decision is an Informed decision.
New Day for Children 5/2/2017
New Day for Children seeks to recover children from the despair of child sex trafficking and to restore their stolen childhoods. In addition to personalized schooling, the girls go on fun outings, learn to cook together, do crafts and other group experiences. They meet frequently with licensed therapists specializing in treating trauma and abuse. Additionally, we provide access to a highly regarded horse therapy program that demonstrably impacts the girls’ mental and physical well-being.
New England Bible College 6/3/2010
Help provide tuition assistance to students who can't afford to pay for their Bible education. You will help to provide small tuition grants to students in need.
New England Urban Church Planting 2/17/2025
New England Urban (NEU) Church Planting equips church planters to build sustainable, diverse, and gospel-centered churches in New England’s urban neighborhoods—communities marked by poverty, injustice, and deep relationships. Driven by compassion and biblical conviction, we partner with Acts 29 and others to support planters with training, coaching, and resources, helping them plant lasting churches in hard places.
Partner with NHMI! 6/11/2015
New Harvest Missions International 6/11/2015
NHMI relies on God’s people to help us meet all our needs. God has faithfully provided for us over the past 15 years through the generous gifts of individuals, churches, ministries, and foundations. We have seen tremendous growth and impact with ripple effects of our ministry in Muslim West Africa. We continue to rely on your gifts to meet our ministry needs. Through supporters like you, we can reach more and extend God’s kingdom in West Africa.
New Hope Chapel of Plymouth 11/13/2019
Love God, love people, change the world. We want to help people take their next steps with Jesus, no matter where they are in their faith. So there’s no need to dress up, pretend to be perfect, or worry about your past. We just want you to experience Jesus.
New Hope Christian College 8/11/2011
New Hope Christian College is working to disciple emerging Christian leaders by developing their theology, ministry skills, and character. This will give them the ability to win souls, plant fruitful churches, and lead as exemplary ambassadors for Christ in the ministry and marketplace. Your financial support will help us to equip students for spirit-empowered leadership and ministry.
New Hope Family Services 7/14/2021
New Hope Family Services is a pregnancy resource center and a New York State authorized adoption agency. By offering free medical services, education, and practical help, we help women and men facing pregnancy decisions learn their options and empower them to be the best parents they can be. We've been able to help thousands of families in Syracuse and Onondaga County because of the support of our local community.
New Hope Uganda Ministries 9/11/2017
New Hope Uganda forms a multi-cultural team focused on shared service and the equipping of indigenous peoples to carry the message of Jesus. We seek to bring the Fatherhood of God to the fatherless through family structures, Christian education, and biblical self-sustainability.
New Horizons of Southwest Florida 9/30/2022
We empower at-risk youth to reach their full potential through tutoring, mentoring, and faith-building. Our vision is to help all at-risk youth complete high school with a plan for the future to become contributing members of society.
New Life Advance International 3/18/2009
Support (NLAI) as we evangelize the least reached peoples of the earth. We value innovation and we seek to develop gifted, creative leaders, both American and foreign national, who will pioneer new approaches to church planting, business as mission and children's ministry.
New Life Center 1/24/2023
We seek to foster meaningful relationships in a healthy Christ-centered community based on Respect, Encouragement, Accountability, and Love. We provide a path forward for people who are homeless and hurting that will help them discover value, find hope, and move from a life of merely surviving to truly thrive.
New Life Global Ministries 11/18/2020
New Life Global Ministries exists to help followers of Christ, follow Christ - here, there, and everywhere until there is no place left without the gospel.
New Life Ranch 3/30/2023
The ministry has set a long term vision to impact 500,000 lives by 2033. This will require expansion of existing and a newly acquired facility in Central Arkansas. The first phase of the campaign is a 4 year capital campaign that adds 304 beds to two of the three sites. It allows the ministry to make space for churches and organizations that are requesting use of our facilities. The need is 18.5 Million for the complete campaign. There is already a $1M pledge in place. The benefit is the exp
New Life Solutions 7/31/2009
We minister to women who have unplanned pregnancies, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and educating on all pregnancy options, encouraging women to choose life. All services are free and include pregnancy tests, sonograms, sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing, well-woman exams, individual life coaching, along with our Essentials for Parenting program classes. Women can earn diapers, layettes, cribs with mattresses, car seats and other material resources.
New Life Solutions 8/8/2012
Passages of Hope groups provide a confidential and safe place where women who have experienced the pain of an abortion can be honest about their experiences and the emotional turmoil it has caused in their lives. In this non-judgmental, compassionate, loving environment, the healing process begins. Men's groups are also provided.
New Mexico Baptist Foundation 8/11/2011
New Mexico Baptist Foundation is working to generate funds for Kingdom causes throughout the world. Some of our services include estate planning, charitable giving, stewardship, gift annuities, trust services, and scholarships and endowments. To contribute to this important work call (505) 332-3777.
New Mexico Boys & Girls Ranches 8/11/2011
Through our family counseling program, our licensed therapists help family members learn how to solve problems together and build on one another's strengths. Your financial support will help keep these children and families from being separated.
NEXT Worldwide 4/20/2009
NEXT is committed to serving pastors and churches worldwide to help them realize their vision of reaching their communities and countries by planting new churches where a witness for Christ formerly did not exist; churches that are committed to "being a church-planting church that plants church-planting churches."
Nicolas Fund for Education 8/18/2021
Our scholarship program helps communities in the Guatemalan Highlands lift vulnerable children – and their communities – out of poverty. By providing marginalized children in these villages with educational opportunities, we help them achieve their God-given abilities. According to USAID, average schooling in Guatemala is a short four years and only three in ten children graduate from sixth grade.
Nicolas Fund for Education 8/18/2021
Our scholarship program helps communities in the Guatemalan Highlands lift vulnerable children – and their communities – out of poverty. By providing marginalized children in these villages with educational opportunities, we help them achieve their God-given abilities. According to USAID, average schooling in Guatemala is a short four years and only three in ten children graduate from sixth grade.
No Longer Bound 7/10/2020
No Longer Bound provides broken and willing individuals with a place of escape from the enslavement of addiction. We do this by creating a residential refuge for addicted individuals to detoxify from the chemicals, chaos, and catastrophe caused by their dependency. No Longer Bound believes that true freedom comes through the deep and difficult process of regeneration. This process involves resolving wounds of the past, repairing damaged belief systems, and restoring relational health.
North America Indigenous Ministries 11/18/2008
NAIM is a multicultural team that exists to glorify God through building the Church by making disciples among North American Indigenous peoples, to reach the world for Christ. NAIM is committed to a covenant relationship with the First Nations Church, resulting in vibrant ministry to its community and beyond.
Chosen Children! 12/5/2011
North American Baptist Conference 12/5/2011
Chosen Children is a ministry of the Cameroon Baptist Convention in which HIV/AIDS orphans are identified and placed with trained caregivers, most often extended family, who receive vital assistance and training in caring for the children. Give now to the Chosen Children fund and help children at risk!
North American Mission Board 8/25/2016
The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® changes lives forever by empowering North American missionaries to bring the gospel to the lost. With over 269 million lost people, North America and its major cities are some of the most spiritually dark places in the world. Join us on the mission to equip every missionary and reach every lost person in the United States and Canada.
North Star Initiative 6/12/2024
We provide one of the few 24x7 restoration homes for domestic sex-trafficking survivors in the entire region and one of the only with a Christ-centered focus. Through our holistic, trauma-informed program, our goal is for every survivor we serve to be fully restored so she can return to the community and enjoy a life of sustained independence.
Northeast of the Well 5/8/2018
The name NorthEast of the Well comes from scripture, in John chapter 4, where a woman has a life-changing encounter with Christ. We go to places of desperate need, with a focus on those in recovery and restoration. NorthEast of the Well is all about finding people in their brokenness. We serve a diverse body of women, men and children committed to rebuilding their lives as followers of Christ.
Northeast Pennsylvania Youth For Christ 1/21/2022
YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Northridge Christian Church 11/14/2019
We all have a God-given gift to share with others. We can use our talent to move others closer to Christ. We desire to know God, walk with God, connect with others and make a difference.
Northrise University Initiative 5/9/2012
Join us in empowering the people of Zambia by donating $50/$100/$200 a month toward educating Northrise students. For a little over a dollar a day--that's less than your morning coffee run--you can change the course of a student's future. Your gift assists students with tuition, books, fees, health care, and a meal every day. Become an Scholarship Partner and help Northrise educate Zambia!
Northwest Baptist Foundation 8/11/2011
The Foundation provides financial services for individuals, churches and institutions, and provides personal services for individuals. We promote Christian estate stewardship through wills, trusts, and endowments. Your financial support will help us provide perpetual support for Christian causes within our region and around the world. To donate, call (360) 882-2250.
Northwest Haiti Christian Mission 2/28/2013
In Haiti, children with special needs and the elderly are often cast aside. The Miriam Center is a facility that provides care for dozens of children with special needs. The Gran Moun facility takes in elders in need of care, and helps to restore in them their sense of great value and worth. By "adopting" these beautiful people, you can provide them with a life they would otherwise not have. Your donations will help support the children and elders in Haiti!
Northwest University 4/12/2012
The renovation of a signature building on campus will support a technical arts teaching program, Creatio Institute, in which students are prepared for the field of film/video, stage and music/voice recording production and other artistic applications. For more information, contact us directly at 425.889.5203.
Northwest University 12/7/2010
Over 1,400 future leaders attend Northwest University in Kirkland, WA each year. They come with a passion to Carry the Call into their chosen vocational and professional fields. These future servant leaders will some day be those who will pastor your church, teach your children, provide medical care to you or those you love, manage your 401(k), and will bring hope to places where there is none. Your gift to The Northwest Fund supports scholarships for spirit-led students.
Support Novo! 12/17/2012
Novo Mission 12/17/2012
Invest in leaders around the world. Join us in seeing the good news of Jesus transform the nations. Our ministry is dependent upon the gifts of individuals, churches, and foundations—of people just like you. Thank you for your partnership! We could not do this without you.
Camp Oak Hills 5/31/2012
Oak Hills Fellowship 5/31/2012
Christian camping has proven to be one of the most powerful tools for bringing young people to Christ. Adventures in God’s creation, removal of everyday distractions, and time with caring staff members are key components in the camping experience.
Oak Hills Fellowship 5/31/2012
The purpose of Center for Indian Ministries is to strengthen the Native Church. Mokahum Ministry Center equips Native believers in a culturally relevant setting through biblical education, ministry training, and character formation.
Oak Hills Fellowship 12/15/2009
In addition to preparing students for ministry and marketplace careers, Oak Hills Christian College equips them to be salt and light in a hurting world. Oak Hills graduates are making a difference in their homes, careers, churches, and communities.
Oakseed Ministries International 8/11/2011
Oakseed Ministries International supports indigenous ministries that share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and minister to the needs of the world’s poorest and most neglected urban communities. Oakseed employs strategic partnerships with indigenous ministries to accomplish its mission, identifying opportunities for ministry growth and long-term relationships. Oakseed provides prayer, counseling, training, technology, and financial support, allowing our Ministry Partners to focus on the work
Oasis Medical Center 11/21/2014
Oasis Medical Center continues to see increase in the number of services provided at no cost to our clients. We need to add a new staff person to better serve our clients. Your gift will help us to hire a Client Services Director. Donate on our secure website
Oasis Pregnancy Care Centers 8/22/2024
OASIS is a Christian non-profit offering support to women and families facing planned or unplanned pregnancies. With centers in Pasco and Hillsborough Counties, we provide free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, education, and practical assistance, always extending unconditional love and confidentiality.
Oasis Rest International 8/18/2016
Life Impact offers an “Oasis” for international workers and Christian leaders. Our locations are designed for rest and personal retreat. Qualified hosts and coaches help missionaries, pastors, and other Christian leaders process crucial issues they are facing. Sometimes gaining a different perspective on an issue allows one to move forward in a new way with more hope and vigor. We provide coaching, spiritual direction, pastoral care, Biblical-pastoral guidance, mentoring, and encouragement.
Oasis World Ministries 3/31/2020
Oasis World Ministries provides water wells in India where most life-threatening diseases stem from impure drinking water from ponds, canals, and rice paddies– same water used for bathing, laundry, and cattle. Each time a villager draws clean drinking water, they encounter these words, "Touching the world with the love of Jesus." The gift of a fresh-water well is truly a gift that keeps on giving. Oasis needs your help to drill 90 additional water wells in 2020. Each well costs $1700.
Oasis World Ministries 3/31/2020
During the COVID-19 quarantine, Oasis World Ministries works to continue evangelism training through internet resources or small meetings according to quarantine guidelines. We have a passion to reach 40 million people for Jesus, and we’re accomplishing this as we train denominations around the world in evangelism and church growth using the ONE MINUTE WITNESS tool. You can sponsor evangelism training and resources for pastors and leaders who will train their churches.
OC International 12/21/2011
The Movement for African National Initiatives" (MANI)... The purpose of MANI is to bring key pastors and church leaders together from all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa with the goal of seeing whole nation movements of evangelism, church-planting, prayer and holistic transformation either launched or facilitated in each of these nations.
Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association of the United Methodist Church 4/6/2018
The vision of Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association of the United Methodist Church is to be the seaside community where all generations can know and grow in Jesus. Rooted in Methodist Heritage, we provide opportunities for spiritual birth, growth, and renewal through worship and education, music and entertainment, youth programs, and beach and community events.
Officers' Christian Fellowship of the United States of America (OCF) 11/11/2008
OCF is a fellowship of 18,000+ members of the U.S. Armed Forces, their families, & friends. OCF’s Vision is to see the military community positively impacted through Christ-like leaders. OCF’s Mission is to engage military leaders in biblical fellowship & growth to equip them for Christ-like service at the intersection of faith, family, & profession. OCF provides opportunities through two conference centers; a free subscription to Command magazine; Crosspoint podcasts; & staff-led ministries.
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children 10/19/2012
The Madill campus of the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children is located between Kingston and Madill. The campus is a full service facility which provides basic residential services, educational opportunities, and appropriate lifestyle experiences for girls of all ages. Your financial support will make an impact in these children's lives.
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children 10/19/2012
The Boys Ranch Town campus of the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children is located on the east side of Edmond. The campus is a full service, facility which provides basic residential services, educational opportunities, and appropriate lifestyle experiences for boys from 9 through high school age. Your financial support will make an impact in these children's lives.
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children 10/19/2012
There are five Hope Pregnancy Centers that are a part of Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children. Two are located in Oklahoma City (one north and one south), one in Tulsa, one in Edmond and one in Ardmore. These facilities provide counseling for women who are or might be pregnant. Your financial support will help provide services to these ladies.
Oklahoma Jail & Prison Ministries 4/29/2024
Oklahoma Jail & Prison Ministries is a nonprofit, non-denominational, evangelical Christian outreach organization providing chaplains, personnel, and resources to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to first responders, those incarcerated, so we can equip them for life and service.
Oliver Gospel Mission 12/10/2008
Not only does the Oliver Gospel Mission provide food, chapel, clothing, and shelter to the broken and homeless, they also have a Christian Leadership Development Recovery Program. This long term program provides employment skills, counseling, Bible studies, physical fitness, and financial accountability. This transforms men's lives and results in them gaining full time employment and radically enhancing their families and their communities.
Omega Graduate School 2/10/2012
At Oxford Graduate School, we are equipping Christian scholars to integrate religion and society in order to transform the family, church, and community worldwide. Oxford Graduate School is not a seminary; instead its mission is to prepare the kind of cultural leaders that are needed in the home, the church, government, business, and education. Your tax deductible contribution makes it possible for students to gain skills needed to change the world.
One by One Ministries 5/15/2024
Many moms in the Hispanic community face language barriers in accessing resources to help them parent well. One by One has translated all of our mentoring materials into Spanish and trains Spanish-speaking moms to serve Hispanic moms who prefer to communicate in Spanish. Although One by One en Espanol is based out of Dallas, we can serve Spanish-speaking moms in any part of the U.S. One by One provides trained mentors from the Christian community to walk alongside pregnant and new moms provid
One by One Ministries 5/15/2024
One by One provides trained mentors from the Christian community to walk alongside pregnant and new moms providing friendship, support, and parent education to moms who may be alone, experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, or just unsure how to parent well. Each mentor serves her mom throughout her pregnancy and at least until her baby turns one with the option to continue until the baby turns two and/or with a discipleship program. Our mission is to mentor and educate pregnant and new moms, and ou
One by One Ministries 5/15/2024
One by One provides trained mentors from the Christian community to walk alongside pregnant and new moms providing friendship, support, and parent education to moms who may be alone, experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, or just unsure how to parent well. Each mentor serves her mom throughout her pregnancy and at least until her baby turns one with the option to continue until the baby turns two and/or with a discipleship program. Our mission is to mentor and educate pregnant and new moms, and ou
One by One Ministries 5/15/2024
One by One provides trained mentors from the Christian community to walk alongside pregnant and new moms providing friendship, support, and parent education to moms who may be alone, experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, or just unsure how to parent well. Each mentor serves her mom throughout her pregnancy and at least until her baby turns one with the option to continue until the baby turns two and/or with a discipleship program. Our mission is to mentor and educate pregnant and new moms, and ou
One Connection Media Group 6/21/2011
104.9 The River is a licensed radio station serving Columbus and all of Central Ohio. 104.9 The River is owned and operated by Christian Voice of Central Ohio, Inc., a local not for profit corporation (CVCO, Inc.) with the mission to positively impact lives for Jesus Christ and to make the communities we serve a better place to live by providing music that is safe, uplifting and encouraging. Support 104.9 the River as we continue to change lives together!
One Hundred Years 9/15/2023
The mission of One Hundred Years is to help every generation reach the next generation with the greatness of God by serving the church through equipping leaders, fostering inter-generational relationships, and providing effective resources.
One Mission Society USA 11/20/2009
This ministry utilizes four programs to help meet its goals: a proactive ministry, street-outreach ministry, a drop-in center and a rehab and integration program. All four of these ministries work together to help children and young people get off and stay off the streets, and each child is also given a Gospel presentation, which is the only true hope they have.
One Mission Society USA 11/20/2009
With almost 100 students studying for the various degrees offered, MECS is looking to make an impact in Moscow and other parts of Russia. As is the case with many of OMS’ seminaries around the world, the students attending MECS cannot afford to pay the entire amount needed to cover their costs. Sponsors in the United States help offset some of these costs.
Radio 4VEH budget 11/20/2009
One Mission Society USA 11/20/2009
Help OMS support the ministry of radio 4VEH, bringing the gospel to northern Haiti. Thanks for helping to keep Radio 4VEH on the air as a voice of hope in Haiti.
OneChild 11/19/2009
Happy Horizons Children’s Ranch, a OneChild partner, is a refuge for girls in the Philippines who have survived sex trafficking or online sexual exploitation. At the ranch, children receive medical care, schooling, vocational skills, counseling and the encouragement they need to overcome their abuse. And as girls learn how valuable they are in God’s eyes, they find healing and restoration.
OneHope 7/5/2012
OneHope’s Decide/Inside program provides a comprehensive, multi-media approach to help churches, ministries, and organizations connect, engage, mentor, provide community, and minister to juvenile offenders throughout North America so that they come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. With every dollar you give today, you can provide the Decide/Inside edition of the Book of Hope for three juvenile offenders.
OneHope 3/26/2009
OneHope is an international ministry that presents a biblical message of purpose and hope to children and youth around the world. In collaboration with churches and ministries – and working with local governments, schools and non-governmental organizations – OneHope has reached over one billion young people in over 125 countries with the Gospel message. Through research, the ministry has designed innovative models to help local churches and ministries engage young people with Scripture.
OneHope 7/5/2012
The Hosanna Plan’s “One Year for Jesus” program is distributing OneHope materials as local believers share the Gospel and plant new churches in unreached areas. Support for the program will provide OneHope resources including the Book of Hope in various editions and The GodMan film showings for children and youth in Russia. Every dollar given in support provides the Gospel for three young people.
OneHope 7/5/2012
OneHope’s ‘Form One’ program reaches Kenya’s young people in their first year of high school. With the Form One Book of Hope, a Christian teacher leads students through fundamentals of Christian faith. Support for Form One in Kenya will help provide a 32-page full-color Book of Hope designed to encourage young people to stay connected with God’s Word throughout their high school experience. A single dollar will reach three young people.
OnRamp 1/21/2022
We work with advocates from local charitable, government, and religious organizations to identify people in need who are already taking significant steps towards self-sufficiency, but who need a vehicle to continue that journey. OnRamp finds reliable vehicles through purchase or donation and gifts these vehicles to our clients so they can get back on the road without having to turn to predatory lenders.
Open Air Campaigners, U.S. 8/10/2011
We seek to share the gospel with folks who will not or cannot attend a local church. As Jesus did, we go to where the people are to bring them the Word of Life. We hold Bible clubs as well as open air meetings where our staff go to neighborhoods, projects, shopping districts, fairs, community events, boardwalk, college campuses, and other locations. Your financial support will help us bring God's Word by conducting effective open-air evangelism done decently and in order.
Open Door Health Services 1/7/2020
Open Door is a nonprofit dedicated to meeting the needs of men and women in difficult life situations. All of our services are free and confidential. We do not discriminate based on age, sex, race or religion. We offer compassionate, nonjudgmental care and the love of Jesus to each one who comes through our doors. We care and we will listen.
Open Door Mission! 8/10/2011
Open Door Mission 8/10/2011
Open Door Mission is a Gospel Rescue Mission founded in 1954 committed to breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty. Each day, Open Door Mission's campus offers 816 safe, shelter beds to homeless men, women and children, serves over 2,000 nutritious meals and provides preventive measures to more than 275 people living in poverty.
Open Doors International 12/6/2019
We send Bibles and provide training to believers who are in the most dangerous areas in the world. With Open Doors, you can reach out to those in prison, help defend those without an advocate, and protect defenseless Christian families.
Open Doors U.S. 1/8/2025
Open Doors works in more than 70 countries, supplying Bibles, training church leaders, providing practical support and emergency relief, and supporting Christians who suffer persecution and discrimination for their faith. Our national bases in 25 countries work to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilizing prayer, support, and action among Christians.
Open Hands 5/16/2023
Open Hands is an Anabaptist non-profit organization combating poverty by forming, teaching and mentoring savings and credit groups. Our vision is to see the financially vulnerable stabilized and growing, standing together in Christian community.
Operation Care International 11/12/2008
Operation Care International is working to provide for the physical and the spiritual needs of homeless men, women, and children of Dallas and beyond. Your financial support will help us continue facilitating services and sharing the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Operation Exodus USA 12/14/2009
Ebenezer Operation Exodus International (EOEI) was founded during the 1991 Gulf War by Gustav Scheller, who felt God called him to help Jewish people from the land of the north (fSU) return to their homeland. Today, EOEI operates in over 60 nations, including its U.S. affiliate, Operation Exodus USA. Together they provide humanitarian and financial aid to Jewish people from the fSU and globally, and educate Christian churches about God’s prophetic purposes for the Jewish people.
Operation Mobilization 6/17/2009
In 1970, OM launched an innovative, international ship ministry. Since then, the ships, Logos, Logos II, Doulos and now Logos Hope, have welcomed over 39 million people in more than 497 cities in 155 nations. Since 1970: 50 million scripture portions have been distributed; 4.8 million people have attended conferences and other events on board; hundreds of tons of books donated; tens of thousands have come to faith in Christ.
Operation Mobilization 6/17/2009
All over the world, we meet children who lack food, medicine, and educational opportunities. Above all, they lack the hope of the good news of Jesus Christ. OM’s Children in Need Fund exists to care for these young lives, reaching out to thousands needy children in many countries with the love of Jesus. Your financial partnership with this project will be used to fund OM's ministries to children around the world.
Operation Mobilization 6/17/2009
OM is truly an international mission, with work in over 110 nations. OM’s strategy has always been to train and equip national Christians for leadership. Today, OM is led and staffed by capable and godly national believers in many of these countries. Currently over 100 nationalities are counted among our staff members. Though there are many benefits of national missionaries, one of the challenges they face is raising their personal financial support.
Operation Mobilization 6/17/2009
OM is working in over 110 countries where our teams are sharing the Gospel and bring God’s love through hundreds of ministry projects. Sometimes, due to a relatively small shortfall of funding, a strategic need is not met or a program will be cancelled. Your support will fund small-scale strategic projects, vital projects that are nearly but not quite fully funded by other means, and urgent technical and support needs.
Operation Mobilization 6/17/2009
According to Operation World, Operation Mobilization (OM) has the largest missions presence in the Muslim world. Among Muslim peoples, exciting things are happening spiritually. In spite of oppression and persecution Muslims are coming to faith. The OM teams working among Muslims for the last half century have a vision to reach out with the Gospel to all who have yet to receive Christ.
Oral Roberts University 3/19/2009
Invest in Oral Roberts University and help train thousands of men and women who are daily answering God's call on their lives to spread His Gospel!
Orchard Hill Church 8/17/2021
Our mission - It is to give hope, to give care, to show love, and impact lives. It is to help the whole person - mind, body, and soul - and, most importantly, to help people find and follow Jesus Christ. Today, we do this primarily through our partnership with Hope Baptist Church in Cap Haitien, helping to plant churches in Northern Haiti, changing individuals, families, and communities.
Orphan Voice Ministries 7/7/2014
Orphan Voice supports 3500 children who live in orphanages or boarding schools. Ministries include the provision of food, clothes, caregiver salaries, facility repair, and clean water. Orphan Voice operates human trafficking prevention programs and a rescue/recovery facility for the trafficking. Child sponsorship opportunities are available.
OurCalling 11/15/2011
There are less than 2000 shelter beds in Dallas. There are many more thousands of homeless individuals who won’t get into a shelter. With your faithful giving, prayer, and volunteer service, we can continue to reach the streets with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! To facilitate our calling, we need your time, talent, and treasure. Your donation will enable the distribution of blankets to the cold, food to the hungry, and the love of God to the hurting.
Advocacy Programs 6/29/2018
Outreach Aid to the Americas 6/29/2018
Human Rights; Promote Religious Liberty and Conscience in the Americas; Identify and Denounce Persecution on the Basis of Religious Belief; and Educate Individuals on Religious Freedom Issues Affecting the Region. As an organization we feel compelled to help others monitor religious persecution and discrimination in our region, recommend policies, and develop programs to promote religious freedom.
Outreach Aid to the Americas 6/29/2018
Empower Vulnerable Communities; Educate and Develop Youth & the Disabled; Civil Society Strengthening; and Self Employment Development. OAA has 24 years of experience and good results in the areas of civil society building, supporting human rights, leadership development, organizational capacity building, food security, and youth programs. We are motivated by our faith.
Mission Travel 12/9/2009
Outreach Aid to the Americas 12/9/2009
Travel to Cuba can be a life-changing experience. You can join our mission trips and bring humanitarian aid to churches and to Cubans in need. Learn first-hand about the Cuban Church and culture. Observe ongoing missions projects and interact with Christians working with local churches. Meet individuals benefiting from these ministries such as children, elderly, and the handicapped, as well as see the beauty of the island.
Partnerships 6/29/2018
Outreach Aid to the Americas 6/29/2018
Through the implementation of Relief, Advocacy and Development key programs & interventions, OAA partners with local faith-based organizations. Faith-Based Organizations represent the most viable civil society platform for citizens to engage in dialogue, advocacy, and social and political mobilization.
Outreach Aid to the Americas 12/9/2009
ECHOcuba’s network of over 800 churches and ministries in Cuba are independent from the government controlled Cuban Council of Churches. However, Cuba continues to be won for Christ, with over 3,000 house churches and seminaries dedicated to spreading the Good News. The politically independent churches conduct a range of social projects, from elderly and child care, educational and pastoral support, to micro-enterprise, business, and community leadership development.
Outreach To Asia Nationals 9/26/2021
Our mission is to provide opportunities for American believers to reach out through accepted means to touch lives within host nations for eternity. We work in limited access, restricted access, and closed countries, primarily in Asia. We will provide resources where they are lacking, including education and literature.
Overseas Council International 8/4/2011
Overseas Council partners with seminaries, Bible institutes and other strategic ministries by leveraging people, expertise and resources to advance quality Christian leadership training, thus empowering churches around the world to fulfill the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ.
P. Vann Phillips 10/5/2020
We provide services for: Free Pregnancy Testing, Information on abortion procedures, risks, and alternatives ,Baby and maternity clothes, Prenatal vitamins, Abstinence information, Post-loss healing (post-adoption, post-abortion, post-miscarriage), Prenatal, Parenting, Life Skills, and Men’s Classes (Classes are Earn While You Learn. Students earn items such as diapers, car seats, and strollers for their babies.)
Pacific Island Ministries 11/14/2008
The discipling and training mission aids rural and urban communities by sponsoring Christian elementary schools, Sunday schools, Bible schools, leadership training, community development, the installation of rain catchment water systems, health services, and the supply of Christian literature.
Pacific Rim Christian University 4/17/2018
Pacific Rim Christian University, an institution of higher education, exists to disciple emerging Christian leaders by developing their theology, ministry skills, and character in order to win souls, plant fruitful churches, and lead as exemplary ambassadors for Christ in the ministry and marketplace. We prepare academically and spiritually integrated servant leaders to become independent thinkers who are passionate innovators for Christ and His world.
PAK7 US 6/4/2020
Our Mission is to serve Pakistani Christians in their witness to Jesus Christ and the gospel through exceptional television programming.
Palm Missionary Ministries 7/29/2011
Some of the poorest people on the planet are found in Latin America. Palm Missionary Ministries, Inc. is helping ministries that work with the illiterate population in Ecuador. Your financial support will help us evangelize while we educate the people in Ecuador.
Palmetto Women's Center 3/23/2023
We empower women and families facing unexpected pregnancies in Rock Hill, South Carolina. We provide accurate information, free services, and practical support with a holistic and compassionate approach. ?We give each of our clients the care and attention they need, empowering them to make an informed decision for themselves and their future.
Paraclete Mission Group 11/21/2008
Paraclete Mission Fund Partner with Paraclete to expand the Kingdom of God in the following ways: 1. Consulting and training in organizational development, church planting strategies, and leadership development. 2. Using technology to create effectiveness and fellowship within the Christian community. 3. Training and member care of kingdom workers in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America. Support the ministry of a particular Paraclete Associate.
Paradise Bound Ministries 11/21/2011
We proclaim the Gospel of Christ: beginning with medical clinics, then constructing homes, providing clean water, growing into village Discipleship groups; and ultimately becoming churches under our care and support. Training locals to be pastors-providing theological education in a 2.5 year seminary program. As of 2018 we have 32 churches under our care and 151 pastors have graduated the seminary. Your gifts will enable our ministry to continue to grow and advance HIS kingdom!
Parakaleo Ministry 4/20/2023
We know what it’s like to struggle in your role because you feel unprepared to face the challenges in ministry. Sadly, many women in ministry do not have access to training and support. Parakaleo training and support provide a grid for living and viewing life through the lens of the gospel with practical, tangible tools. Born out of research and the belief that women’s contributions to church planting are vital to the advancement of the gospel, Parakaleo has been equipping women in church planti
Parent Compass 9/13/2019
Families cope with the stress of modern life through the grace of God in award-winning television series. In Parent Compass, real families and real parents, committed to following Christ, have opened up their hearts and homes to share in their struggles and joy. So whether you are swimming in diapers or surrounded with attitude join us for this empowering and inspiring show.
Parkgate Health Services 9/8/2020
We are the only non-profit in our community using ultrasound to provide information about abortion alternatives. We support youth in their goals and educate them in sexual risk avoidance. We aid first-time Moms and their partners with parenting skills, newborn care, marriage commitment, and financial guidance. We help women & men heal from the trauma of abortion and accept forgiveness. We promote life-affirming choices, free of charge to anyone, without judgement.
Partners in Compassionate Care 11/15/2010
PCC started in 2004 as a small group of volunteers who were invited by the local church in South Sudan to "Come and See". After doing so, and witnessing the hardships and devastation of our sisters and brothers in Christ, we felt that we had to do something. It was a life changing event for each one of us. Last year, MCH provided care for nearly 10,000 patients. "The role of the sower is to sow as much seed as possible and trust God to make it grow." I Corinthians 3:6-7.
Partners International 4/26/2012
Since 1943, Partners International has been working alongside national believers to bring Christ’s love to the least Christian regions of the world. We believe in holistic witness, which means caring for a person’s physical and spiritual needs. Our Harvest of Hope Gift Catalog is a sampling of our partners’ projects around the world. From goats to help families start small businesses to bicycles for church planters, you can give life-changing gifts and build God's Kingdom at the same time.
Partners International 12/1/2008
Today, the majority of frontline Christian ministry in the hard places of the world is being done by local, indigenous believers. They know the language and culture. They are seen as insiders, not as outsiders bringing foreign ideas. They live simply—on the same level as the locals. They have a passion and God-given vision to reach their people for Christ. But they can’t do it alone. Combine your passion, talents, and resources in service to your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Partners International 4/26/2012
Our partners have planted hundreds of churches in some of the world's hardest places for ministry. Join with God in building His Church by supporting a local church planter who is serving as Jesus' hands and feet overseas. Your support will be a great encouragement, allowing a church planter to focus full-time on ministry work. $150 supports a church planter for one month.
Partners Relief and Development 7/15/2009
For more than 20 years, Partners Relief and Development has actively engaged Burma's displaced people and refugees due to the civil war there. Now we are also providing the same interventions for the people displaced by war and oppression in the middle east. We provide emergency relief, economic opportunities and community support for those groups of people who are victims of war.
Partners With Haiti 1/14/2010
Serving hand-in-hand with the Evangelical Church in Haiti since 1971. Primary ministries include, BETHANY PROJECT--Child sponsorship, feeding program, medical assistance; AFCA VILLAGE--Multi-faceted ministry community in the heart of Port au Prince providing educational, medical, spiritual services; SISTER CHURCH PROGRAM--U.S. and Canadian churches partnering with local Haiti congregations for mutual strengthening. PWH donors impact the lives of thousands of Haitians every year for Jesus Christ.
Pastors to Prisoners 7/27/2010
Provide monthly support to an individual Yard Pastor who assists the prison's chaplain by conducting Sunday worship services, prayer meetings, Bible studies as well as ministering to the prisoner individually.
Patch Our Planet 11/25/2013
We believe the church is the best remedy to the orphan crisis. Our solution is simple. Equip church leaders to confidently lead their people to care for orphans long term. We do this by using best practices and step by step solutions in order to create a custom road map for each church under their own vision. Custom orphan care strategies for one church often leads to church networks of care in a community. We are working towards the day when every church in every community is caring for every
Pathway Learning 8/20/2011
The ongoing needs of Global Church Advancement at home and abroad are met through the generous gifts of those individuals and organizations who believe in our vision. We invite you to become a Kingdom Partner with GCA in equipping leaders to start, grow and multiply gospel-centered churches among all nations.
Pathway Ministries 7/29/2011
Peoria Rescue Ministries established the Barnabas Center to fulfill the need for biblical counseling. Clients who are mentally, emotionally and spiritually discouraged can openly share their fears, hurts and difficulties. Your financial support will help our clients here at Peoria Rescue Mission receive discerning biblical wisdom.
Pathway Ministries 10/1/2012
The Empower Life Center provides information and care in an effort to empower women and men to thrive in their pregnancy and parenting decisions. Empower Life Center is a ministry of Peoria Rescue Ministries. Peoria Rescue Ministries opened the Empower Life Center (formerly known as the Women's Pregnancy Center) in 1987 to minister to women experiencing unplanned pregnancy. Since its opening, Empower Life Center has expanded its services to better assist women and men from pregnancy to par
Patterns of Evidence Foundation 5/16/2023
It is our mission to learn more about biblical history through investigative filmmaking. Patterns of Evidence films have helped many build confidence in the Bible and will continue to educate and preserve the work of God so it can be shared with the next generation and beyond.
Paul Anderson Youth Home 11/14/2008
Since 1961, the PAYH has worked with young men who need a second chance. Through our commitment to these young men's spiritual, emotional, mental, social, and physical needs, we have been able to minister not only into their lives but their families as well. With over 285 years of staff experience, we actively seek to take what we learn on a daily basis and disseminate that knowledge to parents about the challenges facing the family today by providing practical tools and resources.
Pause 8/12/2020
Pause provides environments and experiences where lives are healed. Pause does not focus on behaviors or addictions. Instead, Pause looks to find underlying brokenness that is causing the behaviors and works to heal that.
Pause 8/12/2020
Pause provides environments and experiences where lives are healed. Pause does not focus on behaviors or addictions. Instead, Pause looks to find underlying brokenness that is causing the behaviors and works to heal that.
Peacemaker Ministries 7/29/2011
Through our international ministry, we are helping Christians and their churches around the world live at peace and positively impact their communities through their passion for peacemaking. Our strategy is to identify and work closely with individuals, churches and Christian organizations for the work of peacemaking. We share from our experiences and from our resources by providing licenses to translate, reprint, or otherwise make use of materials originally developed by Peacemaker Ministries.
Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America 12/6/2017
The purpose of the Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America is to provide a framework for fellowship, dialogue, and cooperation between the various Pentecostal and Charismatic denominations, churches, and ministries in North America that agree with the purposes and goals of the organization. We are committed to the message of reconciliation through the cross and unity in the power of the Holy Spirit.
People International USA 9/11/2012
People International is an interdenominational Christian organization that desires to see churches established that proclaim the Good News among the Muslim people of Central Asia. We seek to develop new teams in both new and existing locations to reach more Muslim people with the Gospel. Your donations will help us to continue to reach the Muslims in Central Asia.
People Link 11/7/2012
People Link is an evangelical, interdenominational, Christian movement with a worldwide ministry focus and an initial emphasis on the most unevangelized areas of East and Central Asia. Project Blue is a program that allows Asian nationals to be involved in reaching and discipling other Asian nationals. To donate, call (816) 431-9042.
Persecution Project Foundation 5/13/2014
South Sudan (SS) became a nation on July 9, 2011. Building a nation first requires developing leaders. Most people in SS grew up during war with little educational opportunities. The Jebel Lopit Training Center (JLTC) in Imatong State, SS, provides a platform for training ministry leaders - one heart at a time. The JLTC supports long-term teachers and is the primary ministry platform to facilitate projects in the two Sudans. Please designate your gift for "Discipleship & Evangelism".
Persecution Project Foundation 6/15/2016
In East Africa, 80% of women lack access to sanitary pads and 43% are under 15 years old. One in 10 adolescent girls misses school during menses. PPF distributes Dignity Kits (2 pair of underwear, 2 waterproof shields, 6 reusable pads, a bucket and soap) to Nuba women of child-bearing age. Instruction on use & care of the product accompanies each distribution. Join PPF's Dignity Drive to clothe more Nuba women in Dignity! Please designate your gift for Relief & Shelter.
Persecution Project Foundation 9/23/2010
PPF provides Sudanese pastors with English & Arabic Bibles & audio Bibles, as well as New Testaments in local tribal languages. We host regional conferences to encourage pastors & evangelists and equip pastors with ministry tools (motorbikes, Backpack Projectors, etc.) to enable them to evangelize other villages & visit & encourage churches. A donation to PPF's "Discipleship & Evangelism" fund supports pastors who have been persecuted for their commitment to Christ and desire to share the Gospel
Persecution Project Foundation 11/12/2008
PPF ministers to the persecuted church in Sudan by supporting pastors, delivering life-saving emergency relief, repairing wells, supplying medicines to clinics & hospitals, & through many other projects and activities. Through our Advocacy efforts, PPF informs its supporters how they can be involved in helping the persecuted in one of the most under-developed, war-torn areas of the world.
Peru Mission USA 6/17/2013
When completed, the Arévalo Missional Hospital will be the third facility in the Bethesda Healthcare System, Peru Mission’s medical ministry network, to minister to impoverished communities in northern Peru. You can donate directly to the building fund by sponsoring a room or purchasing a paver, commit to a recurring gift toward the operation of the hospital, or give toward the purchase of necessary equipment and supplies.
Peter & John Radio Fellowship 6/6/2019
River Valley Ranch in Carroll County, Maryland now serves over 20,000 youth and adults annually as a summer youth camp, retreat facility, outdoor education center. RVR is a destination for exciting seasonal events in a distinctly Christian and wholesome family atmosphere. When you give, you become a vital part of RVR. Help us keep registration fees as low as possible to make programs available to as many as possible.
Peter & John Radio Fellowship 6/6/2019
PJM's ministries are united in their mission to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to bear on today’s culture through camp and media ministries, including two local radio stations and the River Valley Ranch camp. We desire to engage and motivate as many people as possible in the greater Baltimore metro area to become mature followers of Christ who are motivated to love and serve others.
Phokos NFP 10/7/2019
Phokos meets two needs simultaneously by providing housing to godly men who need it, so they can share the message of the cross to a World that needs it. We provide housing for missionaries, Christian refugees, Bible students, and graduates from Bible-based recovery ministries. In exchange, they let their light shine through good works, evangelism, and partnership with Bible-believing local churches.
Piedmont Women's Center 10/13/2008
Support Piedmont Women's Center as we care for women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. We offer a variety of free services and programs to meet our client needs including pregnancy tests, limited OB ultrasound and post abortion Bible study!
Pine Cove Christian Camps 8/15/2011
Pine Cove Christian Camps hosts several weekend conferences for you to choose. Our conference facilities are beautiful, our meals delicious, our activities fun, and our staff friendly…but that is only a small part of who we are. Our desire behind every conference is that people’s lives will be transformed through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Pine Cove Christian Camps 8/15/2011
Pine Cove’s Outdoor Education program is known as the Institute of Wilderness Studies (IWS). We have worked with districts from around the state to create a curriculum for grades 4-6 that is TEKS based and reinforces what teachers teach in the classroom. When you attend Pine Cove IWS, our trained staff teach all of the classes and activities so teachers and parents are able to build relationships with their students while they are on site.
Verse by Verse 8/7/2014
Pioneer Bible Translators 8/7/2014
God’s Word is priceless. Yet today, 1,576 languages have no Scripture—not a paragraph, not a sentence, not even a word. One verse of Scripture is just $38. How many verses of Scripture could you provide?
Pioneer Bible Translators 8/7/2014
Within Our Reach is a $3.5 million campaign to supply translation teams with equipment, facilities, and other resources to fulfill a vision—the New Testament translated into every language on earth with a network of churches using these Scriptures to grow and multiply, all by the year 2050. More than one billion people still wait for God’s Word in the language that touches their heart—and God has placed finishing this task Within Our Reach!
Pioneers 6/18/2015
Pioneers mobilizes teams to glorify God among unreached people by planting churches in partnership with the local church.
PIR Ministries 11/18/2020
Pastor-in-Residence (PIR) Ministries helps exited pastors navigate vocational transition by providing a proven process of restoration within a caring and restorative environment. The PIR process provides an environment where a healthier understanding of the ministry role can emerge. A new and stable foundation is built upon an honest look at one’s strengths, weaknesses, and competencies related to ministry.
Plant with Purpose 8/9/2011
Approximately 85 percent of the global poor live in rural areas (OPHI Global MPI Report, 2014) where environmental degradation is a primary driver of their poverty. Plant With Purpose partners with farmers in eight countries to transform lives. Agriculture training and reforestation improve crop productivity for food security and higher incomes; savings-led microfinance empowers farmers to maximize resources; and church mobilization equips congregations to grow in faith and serve the community.
Giving to Point! 11/23/2011
Point University 11/23/2011
Point University prepares students to influence culture for Christ in all spheres of life – through business, church, government, arts and entertainment, education, media and family. Your financial support will help Point University provide a quality Christian higher education and expand our reach to more students, ultimately creating a greater impact for Christ around the world.
Portland Christian Schools 3/31/2011
Needs for charitable gifts include support of the general fund, financial aid for needy families, endowments, capital needs, equipment, athletics, libraries, and continuing education for faculty.
Possibilities Africa 4/3/2019
Possibilities Africa was established to work with people in the rural communities of Africa to inspire and empower them to create a holistic vision for transformation. Our 5 core programs address the cultural, spiritual, social, and economic challenges facing their communities. Our leadership development, advocacy, church growth, and child mentorship programs greatly benefit from your generosity.
Potter's House Association International 6/26/2012
Thousands of children lack a personal relationship with Jesus. They need to know that in Him there is love and hope that will replace pain, desperation and misery. Your gift will allow one child to receive the good news of salvation.
Potter's House Association International 3/24/2010
Help us change bad self-images and lack of confidence by reinforcing teaching and improving study skills so children can stay in school and have a chance to dream and hope for a better future.
PRC Medical of Douglas County 11/13/2008
We provide the following services to 400-450 clients each month wrapped in the love of Jesus: pregnancy testing, peer counseling, pre-natal/parenting lessons, ultrasounds, STD testing. Our monthly costs for each service range from $38 to $160 .Gifts in any amount are greatly appreciated as we receive no government funds, but operate solely from donations and grants from like-minded organizations.
Predisan 5/3/2012
Predisan has one of the few drug rehabilitation facilities in Central America (CEREPA). Join us in helping men and women overcome addiction and again become productive and valued members of their communities. Your gift will help provide men and women with financial need the essential therapies to overcome addiction.
Predisan 5/3/2012
Predisan is committed to proclaiming Jesus and changing lives. With the heart and compassion of Christ, we provide the only healthcare available to 120,000 people in a 2,500 square mile are with essential services such as immunizations, women, infant, and child health promotion. We confront the causes of disease, improve sanitation, and provide clean water. We promote and supply healthy nutrition, facilitate educational opportunities and develop programs that propel economic development.
Predisan 4/7/2011
The Good Samaritan Medical Center is the leading facility for community- based specialty healthcare and training center for healthcare workers in Honduras. The Good Samaritan Medical Center provides specialty healthcare to the municipality's more than 90,000 residents. In a region marked by oppressive poverty and limited opportunities, Predisan’s mission is to provide access to physical and spiritual healing for the glory of God.
Pregnancy Care Center 11/15/2019
Our goal is to help young women and men throughout southwest Missouri who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. We offer free pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound and information on pregnancy options.
Become the Voice! 11/7/2016
Pregnancy Care Center of Wayne County 11/7/2016
Every year, millions of women and men contemplate abortion, believing it to be their only option in the event of an unplanned pregnancy. This typically occurs because they lack the emotional, medical or financial support they need to care for their unborn baby and plan for the future. Our Medical Clinic Staff provides life-affirming information, assistance and guidance to those facing pregnancy decisions. By donating, you become the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Pregnancy Center of the Coastal Bend 5/26/2016
Pregnancy Center of the Coastal Bend understands that unexpected pregnancy comes with a rush of thoughts and feelings. Clients are encouraged to become empowered with knowledge so that they can make the best decision. Donor support ensures the center’s ability to meet the needs of women and families.
Pregnancy Help 4 U 8/23/2022
Every day, we help women find real answers to the questions surrounding their pregnancies. Our team of medical experts are here to help you navigate through your pregnancy and health concerns with personalized, compassionate, and confidential care.
Pregnancy Resource Center 11/18/2008
The PRC challenges youth to embrace a Biblical view of sex and relationships by teaching abstinence education in local schools. We share the message of Christ's salvation and defend pre-born children by counseling those in crisis pregnancy situations and providing free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and STD/STI testing and treatment. We also meet the material, emotional and spiritual needs of those unprepared for pregnancy and help heal lives traumatized by abortion.
Pregnancy Resources 8/4/2016
The mission of Pregnancy Resources is to provide life-affirming, Biblically based resources to encourage informed decisions. We offer women acceptance, compassion, accurate information and assistance. By focusing on helping each woman right where she is, we enable her to reject the ideology that frames the abortion issue in terms of mother versus child. When we place our focus on loving the woman and her partner, God can touch them with hope and empower them to choose life.
Presbyterian - Reformed Ministries International 7/28/2011
The Community of the Cross: A Place of Encounter with Jesus Christ for Prayer Equipping and Sending is a ministry of PRMI and is staffed by the members of the Dunamis Fellowship. It is located on 24 acres of land in the mountains of Western North Carolina and it provides the spiritual support base for our involvement in the worldwide advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Presence 8/4/2016
Presence is an organization that reaches out to families and youth, helping them to live in accordance with God’s values in their daily lives. We work to protect faith in families and seek to strengthen family relationships to equip them to serve others in their community. We want to encourage others to live God-centered lives. We also seek to inform Christians about how current cultural issues affect our faith and to equip them to respond in truth and love.
Presence Point 6/5/2020
At Presence Point®, we believe you were called to lead — whether you're an entrepreneur, pastor, parent, partner, Board member, or friend. Presence Point develops and supports shepherd leaders in every walk of life, all over the world, by helping them live into their calling as shepherds in the lives of those they lead.
Presence Point 5/23/2022
Believing that biblically-based leadership goes beyond service to include sacrifice, Presence Point equips leaders to intentionally live into their calling as shepherds in the lives of those they lead, in every walk of life. Join us as we partner with multipliers to do the same within their sphere of influence all over the world. Shepherding well changes everything!
Prestige Learning Institute 1/24/2023
Prestige Learning Institute exists to glorify God by educating, equipping, & ministering to immigrant and refugee families, empowering them to thrive in the U.S.
Prestonwood Christian Academy 3/5/2018
At Prestonwood Christian Academy, faith is not separated from learning, but rather integrated intentionally, resulting in a distinctive environment and community. We cultivate intelligent Christ followers who can articulate their worldview in a marketplace full of opposing ideas and ideology! At PCA we develop a child according to his or her specific abilities given to them by God, so they feel empowered to live a life characterized by love, trust and obedience to Him.
Prison Fellowship Ministries 10/9/2008
People behind bars hunger for God’s grace to change their lives and their prisons. Prison Fellowship offers intensive in-prison programs, led by dedicated volunteers and staff, that immerse prisoners in the biblical truths and practical skills they need for a new beginning. Transformed from the inside out, they are prepared to help restore the culture of their prisons and the future of their families and communities.
Prison Seminaries Foundation 3/3/2022
PSF exists to create transformational opportunities in cooperation with state departments of corrections (DOCs) and higher-education institutions that support the moral rehabilitation of every inmate:Step-by-step assistance and ongoing support of Prison Seminary Model program implementations. Education and consulting services. Accountability and continued research in the areas of moral rehabilitation and the Prison Seminary Model.
Prisoners for Christ Outreach Ministries 7/27/2011
Our Juvenile Ministry Teams share God’s love and biblical truths to youth who are incarcerated. PFC is dedicated to providing spiritual guidance in the form of Bible study, worship services, small groups, special concerts, mentoring and personal discipleship. Please give today!
Probe Ministries International 7/27/2011
The Probe Radio Program, heard on over 600 stations daily, reaches 1 million people every week. Probe also trains leaders through its summer Mind Games camp, a ten week Contemporary Apologetics course and various speaking series in churches. Probe's website contains thousands of essays and answers to hard questions regarding theology, philosophy, history and worldview issues.
Proclaim! International 1/16/2012
Proclaim! International helps build local churches through public evangelism using music and the arts. We send a team for a two-week campaign to work with local churches and ministries. They then carry the ongoing burden and responsibility of reaching out to their own communities. We not only build up existing churches, but also have been instrumental in helping numerous local churches and ministries launch new church planting projects.
ProGrace 10/5/2020
We believe that God’s solution to abortion will come through His people creating a safe place where women can receive grace and support, so that will they and their children can thrive - during and after an unintended pregnancy.
Project Bridges 6/12/2019
Join with us in building bridges that connect us to one another and to those we seek to serve. Our mission is to strengthen and expand the capacity of churches and community organizations through strategic alliances and partnerships that provide relevant training, services, programs, and resources. We firmly believe that together we can accomplish so much more than we could ever do individually.
Project MedSend 3/24/2020
MedSend healthcare professionals serve long-term in healthcare missions around the world. Today they are choosing to stay and bring hope for those battling COVID-19. And the urgency is greater than ever. They are committed to remain in the countries where they are serving, in order to be a light to their communities. The are on the front lines, fighting diseases like COVID-19, and bringing the hope of Jesus Christ, funding is needed even more in this critical time.
Promise Keepers 10/13/2008
Your support helps men to understand how to apply God's principles and live a life of integrity by putting their faith into action with their spouses, children, church, community and workplace!
Promised Land Living 6/7/2022
PLL is a unique, Scripture-based group coaching process. The small groups of 5-8 participants create an optimal environment for you to learn and grow! Participants are equipped to take the scriptures they already know and apply them in areas they feel stuck. The result is newfound freedom and joy!
Providence Christian Academy 5/8/2018
At Providence Christian Academy, we teach a Biblical, Christ-centered, accredited curriculum that prepares each student for the challenges of higher education and life-long learning within the sphere of God’s unique calling on their life. We are a place where vulnerable children find education for today, shelter for tonight, and hope for eternity. We rely completely on the providence of God in stirring the generosity of our supporters to provide for our financial needs. Change lives with us!
Providence Home 12/6/2019
The mission of the Providence Home is to help stabilize the living conditions of dislocated men and to encourage progress in realizing their full personal potential in self-sufficient living through the power of Jesus Christ. Providence Home provides a progressive, spiritually dynamic ministry which is transformational in the lives of men. It is our goal to be respected as an effective transformational ministry by local churches, social and governmental agencies and the general public.
Pure Desire Ministries International 5/28/2024
Pure Desire Ministries International's mission is to provide hope, freedom, and healing from sexual brokenness through Jesus Christ.
Purpose Founder 1/24/2023
Purpose Founder’s mission is to make disciples of Jesus by connecting them with Jesus and with one another. We do that by building community among those who want to grow in their religious convictions and relationship with Jesus.
Purpose Founder 10/3/2023
Your support helps Purpose Founder's global mission to spread the Gospel through social media, connecting with people worldwide, sharing testimonies and resources, and offering one-on-one phone support. We aim to connect people to God, each other, and their local church. Purpose Founder's reach extends globally, with 20% living in regions where sharing the Gospel is strictly forbidden. With your help, we can share the love of Jesus, the ultimate FOUNDER and perfecter of our faith.
Partner with Us! 2/29/2012
Q Place 2/29/2012
Most Christians don't know how to stir up meaningful conversations about God with people who believe differently. Q Place empowers Christians to incorporate simple practices into the pattern of their lives, so that they can engage people around them in discussions that are respectful, significant, and filled with discovery. Your financial gift will enable people to discover for themselves what is true about God and the Bible, and to come into a living relationship with Jesus.
Queen City PRC 7/7/2023
The QC PRC is a ministry to women facing unplanned pregnancies that partners with the local church to serve her family, save her child, and share the Gospel.
Quenched 6/7/2022
At Quenched, we know you want to change the world. You can give the people of Nepal and India hope by partnering with us to bring them clean water and the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.
Radical 7/7/2023
Radical trains and equips churches and followers of Christ to spread gospel hope on the front lines of urgent need among the nations.
Radical Mentoring 3/5/2020
The Radical Mentoring process is designed to engage the older, wiser men in your church and leverage their life experience to activate the untapped potential of the young, hungry men sitting in your pews. While part of the process involves curated and intentional content, what sets Radical Mentoring apart is the focus on story. On fostering a safe space where men can be completely vulnerable and transparent . . . working through their issues in community, with the guidance of someone who’s been
Rafiki Foundation 8/3/2015
Student sponsorship helps provide a needy child from the surrounding community with a Christian classical education at a Rafiki School. For a minimum of $25 per month, you can significantly impact the future of an African child who would otherwise receive little or no education.
Rafiki Foundation 11/22/2008
Rafiki Villages are designed to care for children from infancy to age eighteen. Raising children in a family atmosphere in Christian cottages and teaching teenagers vocational skills requires many ordinary necessities, as well as a few loving extras. Our most important job is to teach the children about Jesus Christ and living for Him. However, we also desire to give these children a quality education, skill training, and an appreciation of music, art, and athletics.
Rafiki Foundation 8/3/2015
The Rafiki Advanced Learning Institute (RALI) trains high school graduates to become educators. RALI includes in-depth music and art instruction. Graduates will be qualified to teach in Rafiki Schools, in our partner church schools, or open their own Rafiki Classical School franchises. Funding a RALI building or a Rafiki Classical School franchise will bring quality Christian classical education to thousands of Africans.
Rafiki Foundation 8/3/2015
Rafiki is developing a Pre-K through grade 12 Christian classical education curriculum, written for Africa, for use in our Rafiki schools, partner church schools, and eventually in Rafiki Classical School franchises. For $100 per student per year, Rafiki can supply a complete set of Christian classical school materials, raising the quality of education in Africa and changing the lives of thousands of African children.
Get the Word Out! 11/15/2011
Rahab's Rope 11/15/2011
Every day approximately 200 girls and women are forced into prostitution in India. On average, these girls begin as early as 11 yrs old. By their late teens, many of these girls are considered "used up" and find themselves on the streets with nowhere to go. Rahab's Rope exists to rescue girls and women out of Human Trafficking in India. Join us in restoring hope and life to some of the world's most used and hurting. Help us get the word out. Help us fight Human Trafficking in India.
Media Outreach 2/25/2009
Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health 2/25/2009
RREACH prepares an annual evangelistic message of hope to the globe, pointing people to our Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. Thousands respond and many ask follow-up questions on our media website. For pennies we can reach a person with the Gospel message, many located in restricted areas.
Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health 1/4/2013
The vision of a national GPA is to help shape the future of Christ’s Church by connecting, uniting and strengthening pastors especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The program provides influential young pastors a life-defining, ideally ten-day-long, modular program in a non-formal training and relationship-building environment. The content of the training revolves around the primary ministry need for effective preaching undergirded by biblical spirituality.
Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Health 2/25/2009
95% of the world's pastors have no formal training. Without trained pastors, the worldwide church suffers. RREACH strengthens pastoral leaders around the world by hosting Pastors Conferences based on the "Scripture Sculpture" method created by Dr. Ramesh Richard. We equip, train, strengthen and encourage pastors for around $100 per participant.
Rapha International 8/4/2016
Rapha's mission is to end the trafficking and sexual exploitation of children- one child at a time- through aftercare for survivors, prevention for the vulnerable, and engagement for you. Rescue from brothels and abusers is only the beginning: survivors need long-term healing from profound trauma to walk into the horizons God wants for them. Partnering with Rapha International provides survivors in Cambodia, Thailand and Haiti with a safe place to live, sleep, heal and grow.
Reach Beyond 12/28/2011
You can be part of growing the global church by joining with local believers around the world to launch a radio ministry that reaches people who need to hear the Good News. Reach Beyond partners with local believers who recognize the great impact that radio can have for sharing the Gospel in their communities. We've collaborated with over 215 groups in over 110 countries and over 400 community radio stations have been planted. Opportunities abound in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.
Reach Beyond 12/28/2011
You can join local African believers to bring God’s Love to Africa through healthcare outreaches to unreached people groups like the Sahel refugees in Burkina Faso and those recovering from decades of war in Sierra Leone. Reach Beyond helps Christians throughout the continent develop rural medical caravans, train village healthcare educators and complete clean-water well installations that transforms communities and open doors for believers to share the Gospel.
Reach Initiative International 11/16/2012
Your support enables us to bring the good news of Messiah Yeshua's salvation to the Jews first and also to the Gentiles in a number of different nations. Acts 1:8; Romans 1:16. Your donations help us to make talmidim (disciples), and to equip and release believers for effective ministry. Ephesians 4:12 Please partner with us. Give today!
Reach One - Touch One Ministries 3/10/2020
Help us cover the costs of operating our ministry in the USA so that we can provide the most significant impact on the Senior Citizens in our programs. A donation to our Partnership Fund allows us to keep our administrative fees low on the donations from our friendship and special impact funds.
Reach One - Touch One Ministries 5/30/2012
For only $38 a month a senior can hear a clear presentation of the Gospel, participate in bi-weekly Bible study and fellowship meetings that include a hot, nutritious meal, obtain regular home visits from Christian counselors, and receive free medical screening and treatment. They can also improve income and food security and access secure housing through additional grants. Reach One -Touch One Ministries currently works in Uganda and Ethiopia.
Reach Out Youth Solutions 1/11/2021
Reach Out Youth Solutions can help you equip and multiply your youth leaders, parents, volunteers and students to reach the younger generation with a life-changing relationship to Jesus Christ.
Reach the Forgotten Jail Ministry 8/11/2014
Since 1966, Forgotten Man Ministries has provided evangelistic and discipleship outreach to jails in Michigan. We believe every departing inmate can start a new life in Jesus Christ, becoming a productive citizen and never returning to jail. We believe in solid stewardship to bring Christ-centered, multi-denominational Biblical studies and mentorship to those in need. Funding sources come from private contributors, churches, and businesses. Please join us in this powerful and important work.
ReachAcross 6/3/2014
Providing educational materials (library) including books and Bibles to elementary school classes among an unreached Muslim people group, sports outreach, and other ministries.
ReachAcross 6/3/2014
Providing Muslim street children with basic skills in woodworking, and training local Christians to teach these skills.
ReachAcross 6/17/2015
Beginning in 2011, ReachAcross began offering internships of various lengths (one month up to one year) in different locations. Many have taken advantage of the tremendous opportunity we have through our field leadership in the UK to participate in interaction with Muslims in that country. Other locations are the Middle East, Africa, and Indonesia. The REACH program is specifically a summer program. Donations help with project development, or one can support individual interns.
Reaching and Teaching International Ministries 2/10/2015
One of our greatest needs for ministry partnership is in the area of resource development such as curriculum, books, and training materials for pastors and church leaders around the world. Through your gifts we will be able to develop, publish, and distribute materials for indigenous pastors who lack essential biblical ministry tools. Your gift of any amount is greatly needed as we continue to develop resources while also mobilizing the American church to go and teach.
Compassion 12/8/2015
Reaching Indians Ministries International (RIMI) 12/8/2015
RIMI provides grants to help over 500 children through Mercy Home, Helping Hand, and Child Development Center programs. Grants also cover various compassion services such as clean water, benevolence, and out-patient care at the hospital on the Mission India Theological Seminary campus in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Reaching Souls International 12/2/2010
We support a group of faithful national missionaries on a full-time basis, empowering them be His messengers to their own people. Our mission field has become our mission force! Donate today to help Reaching Souls International bring as many as possible to the saving knowledge of Christ through the most efficient means available.
Reasonable Faith 9/8/2015
Thank you for your interest in supporting our work. Reasonable Faith depends on the generosity of faithful friends and partners to continue. Our ability to provide resources to people who are asking tough questions is essential. Please consider a donation to make our ministry possible.
Reconciled World 9/8/2016
In India, disabled children are often believed to be worthless and cursed, leading to neglect. But one mom knew the truth: her autistic son is made in the image of God and his life has purpose. God led her to open a center for children with autism. Ashish (Blessing) Center provides needed services, regardless of the family’s finances. God has also opened doors to teach truth-based practices in mainstream schools. Help us transform India with this truth: ALL children are precious in God’s sight.
Redeemed Ministries 3/11/2021
We offer restoration services to adult survivors of domestic sex trafficking with a trauma-informed holistic healing program and the support of our community partners. Since 2010, we have led the effort to provide safe and sustainable long-term residential trauma-informed care for those women who were exploited in sex trafficking.
Redeemer City to City 11/6/2018
City to City prayerfully recruits, trains, coaches and resources leaders who start new churches and church networks in global cities. Your gift helps develop leaders through training, resources, and grants for new church plant projects that bring life to the city. You make this happen by giving, praying, and sharing about the fastest growing missions frontier: global cities.
Reel Life International 7/14/2016
Reel Life helps mobilize churches and individuals for short-term missions. As we serve those in need, our desire is to encourage and strengthen the local church within the targeted community. Join us as we engage in sustainable, gospel-centered projects in areas such as education, medical assistance, clean water initiatives, adequate housing and orphan care. You can help make a lasting difference in the lives of those in extreme need. Get involved today, and live a life that leaves a legacy!
Donate to RUF Now! 5/21/2015
Reformed University Fellowship 5/21/2015
Your money goes to further the mission of RUF. Whether you give to an individual campus or intern, to open a new work, or to our general fund, your gift will help us demonstrate to the world the work of Jesus as well as provide the basis for the transformation of the world and the “healing of the nations.”
Reformed Youth Ministries 6/23/2010
RYM provides conferences for youth that are Word driven, God centered, and Gospel focused. We have a growing burden that the youth culture of our cities and nation be transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have a growing burden that the disintegrating family be restored by the gospel of Jesus Christ. How can we serve Christ’s church in extending His kingdom in these ways? Our plan of action will focus on three primary areas: conferences, training and resources.
ReFrame Ministries 5/10/2011
Our world is becoming increasingly connected through media. You have the opportunity to use this tool to share the Gospel with seekers and believers using smartphone apps, radio, television, and many more programs available in ten of our world’s major languages.
Refuge 12/20/2022
Restoring hope is a Christian Ministry Helping Men & Women Break Free from Drug Addiction and restoring families.
Refuge for Women 4/5/2016
We believe that every woman matters - each woman should have the means and the resources to pursue their dreams. We believe trafficked women need honest hope and honest love to be restored and redeemed. We believe that women can walk free, stepping out of the chains that have bound them for so long. Refuge for Women is financially supported by the generous giving of individuals like you. Your support helps women heal from the trauma of trafficking and begin their new life in Christ.
Refugee Hope Partners 4/20/2023
We believe that every human being is created in God’s image. All people are created with inherent dignity, and have been blessed with unique gifts, talents, and resources for the service of God and others. In light of that fact, we commit to respecting the dignity and competence of everyone, and to supporting families as they continue to grow and flourish in a new environment. Our programs, activities, and relationships consciously avoid imposing our cultural standards on their lives, fosteri
Regeneration 3/21/2024
WHAT WE DO Regeneration is a nonprofit organization that produces videos, podcasts, articles, events, and programs to equip men, women, and families to learn and live God’s good, holy, and beautiful design for sexuality. We also walk many clients through our One-to-One Spiritual Coaching for men and women. Our coaching approach helps you uncover the things that are keeping you stuck, so you can walk into the future with greater freedom, joy, and courage. We help people deepen their union with J
Regent College Foundation 7/8/2011
Regent College Foundations' student scholarship program helps to further theological education both in the United States and internationally. Your financial support will promote the development of educational opportunities for these students.
Rehema Ministries 9/18/2012
Here at Rehema In Steps office located in Anacortes, WA, we run a very lean operation. We brought our bookkeeper on as staff in January 2013. She has graciously contracted with us for $400 a month the last 2 years. We have outgrown the small office attached to our home and would like to rent something with 2 offices. We are looking for funding for 2 part-time staff personnel at $15 dollars an hour plus costs to run the yearly expenses. We are looking for $60,000.
Reid Saunders Evangelistic Association 7/8/2011
For international teams, RSA selects individuals and church groups, provides training and meetings, and coordinates logistics. Our missions teams have traveled in Central and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa to share the Good News through medical clinics, drama, music, puppets, media, personal testimonies, teaching and preaching. Please support us as we continue this work in event-driven evangelism.
Reigning Grace Ranch 9/12/2024
Reigning Grace Ranch is a ministry that exists to discover; the restoration of rescued horses, redemption of the family, and bringing hope into the community by creating a sustainable future in an authentic Christian ranch environment.
Children's Homes! 10/7/2014
Remember Nhu 10/7/2014
Remember Nhu currently has over 60 children's homes in 12 countries with more than 1,200 children in our care. It is our desire to open more children's homes around the world in order to keep as many children as possible out of the sex trade.
Remember the Children 4/17/2018
Remember the Children exists to show faith, hope, and love to Romania and Tanzania's forgotten ones. Our mission is to provide holistic faith-based ministry, meeting the core needs of children, their families, and their communities. Our three ministry areas are orphan homes, village transformation, and churches. We desire to communicate the need for global evangelism, equip servant leaders, and inspire vision for impacting Romania & Tanzania.
Rescue Mission Alliance 4/23/2010
“Turning Hunger into Hope” Meals Outreach program prepares and serves hot, nutritious meals to serve over 65 individuals and families weekly. Volunteers assist with every outreach and provide valuable support and encouragement. Please consider contributing to this "Turning Hunger into Hope" Meals Outreach program as it establishes a great ministry giving hope to so many people.
Resourcing Christian Education International 7/7/2011
Resourcing Christian Education International is serving missionaries that are working through our Partner Ministries. We are serving as an employment and sending agency for American staff serving on the mission field. We also offer unique services and outstanding benefits to our missionaries that meet their distinctive needs. Your support will help us provide the necessary support and care that enables our staff for overseas service.
Rest Haven Homes 6/15/2021
Rest Haven Homes is a Christ-centered home. We strive to create an atmosphere where the Lord Jesus Christ will be honored and where those we serve will feel at home and find support for both physical and spiritual needs. Then we strive to be a true home. We firmly believe that our residents do not live in a facility, but rather we work in their home.
Restored Hope Network 4/5/2016
In this time of history, when gender and sexual confusion are reaching new heights in all aspects of life, our network of ministries stands on the beauty of God’s life-giving Word. We are not afraid to discuss with empathy and understanding issues central to the human soul--sexual and relational issues. We hold up the power of God to redeem people from sin’s control, even in the area of homosexuality. Your support helps the Restored Hope Network serve individuals and families.
Revelation Wellness Foundation 3/23/2023
Revelation Wellness is a non-profit ministry dedicated to educating and inspiring you to live healthy and whole in Christ so you can love others well. We believe that as the body of Christ gets healthy and whole by the power of the love of God, they will be fit for their purpose—to proclaim and share the love of Jesus across the world.
Revival Prayer Institute 9/7/2016
The College of Prayer International continues to be invited to serve the church in some of the most persecuted nations on earth. In fact, the leaders of roughly 90 million persecuted believers have asked us to provide mentoring, training and equipping resources for them. This includes countries like India, Ethiopia, Cuba and many more, some of which cannot be listed. But we cannot do it without you ... we need you. Help us reach a lost world through a revived church.
Richmont Graduate University 7/7/2011
Richmont's network of Hope Counseling Centers offers counseling services from a Christian perspective to individuals, families and groups. Your financial support will help us to enable others to confront life's challenges from a Biblical perspective.
Rick Bonfim Ministries 7/7/2011
Rick Bonfim Ministries operates the Mission Rev. Daniel Soares Bonfim in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This mission has fed the poor, attended to the needy, and built homes in the hills of St. Barbara. Your financial support will help us to continue supplying meals to families with children and the elderly.
Riding High Ministries 4/4/2012
Help RHM bring the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and the good news of His kingdom to the world by making a donation today!
Right From the Heart Ministries 11/12/2008
Each month, Right From The Heart messages are heard and seen by literally millions (over 40 million per month!) of people, currently airing in 3 languages: English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Because of the tremendous efficiency of modern media, every $1000 donated to Right From The Heart enables us to present the gospel message over 450,000 times via radio, TV, and the internet! Will you partner with us to plant more seeds?
Rio Grande Bible Institute 7/7/2011
Rio Grande Bible Institute is a faith-based mission. We are serving the Hispanic church by equipping leaders, edifying believers, and evangelizing the lost. We are grateful for your obedience to God's call and will be honored by your desire to partner with us through your financial gift.
Ripe for Harvest World Outreach 5/31/2011
Ripe for Harvest World Outreach is one of a limited number of mission and church organizations that extend to an individual missionary the opportunity to participate in his or her mission placement. Support the work of Ripe for Harvest as we help prepare our missionaries for their "work of service."
Riverside Christian Ministries 7/6/2011
Our Community-Based Reentry Program assists men and women in making a successful transition from prison to the community. During their involvement in the program, each resident is required to live at Riverside House, and be employed, unless restricted by the courts. They participate in additional support services such as educational programming, GED preparation, individual and group counseling, and job search and placement. Your support will help ex-inmates become productive citizens.
Riverwoods Christian Center 7/6/2011
Riverwoods Family Campus is a relaxed and caring 85-acre setting along the Fox River in St. Charles, Illinois. Here, Riverworks Life Skills Outreach helps young men, women, children and families from under-resourced neighborhoods learn wisdom. It’s a place designed to help them achieve and thrive. Your financial support will help us provide a space for these families to grow in faith.
Roads of Success 1/7/2020
ROS is devoted to serving women, refugees (IDPs) and persecuted minorities throughout the Middle East by empowering them through media and education, advocating for equal rights and freedoms and supporting their needs to maximize their future potential.
Rock the World Youth Mission Alliance 7/6/2011
The Josiah Project gives college students an opportunity to step out of the classroom and get experience in the mission field at home and abroad. This 11-week intensive program equips college students to impact the world for the Kingdom of God. Support the work of Rock the World Youth Mission Alliance as we provide hands-on experience in missions, youth ministry, and church planting.
Rockford Rescue Mission Ministries 4/4/2017
Rockford Rescue Mission shares hope and help in Jesus' name to move people from homelessness and despair toward personal and spiritual wholeness. Their major programs include life recovery, crisis shelter, and meals. They also provide education, career, and vocational training and medical and dental care.
Rocky Mountain Foundation 3/21/2024
The Rocky Mountain Foundation (RMF) is called to carry out the Great Commission by developing, managing, and providing practical financial resources for Southern Baptists and other Christian ministries. Banks will loan money…Investment companies will invest funds…The Rocky Mountain Foundation will loan and invest funds for ministry opportunities.
Roever Evangelistic Association 12/8/2008
In December 2004, REA secured property in the beautiful Wet Mountains facing the Sangre de Cristo Mountains near Westcliffe, Colorado and built a training center, Eagles Summit Ranch, for military leaders and those who have been seriously wounded in the war on terror and are in need of emotional reconstruction. The goal is to train these young heroes to turn their tragedy to triumph and show a hurting world the difference Christ can make in life.
Roever Evangelistic Association 12/8/2008
Beginning in 1976 and through the present, DAVE ROEVER has conducted school assemblies throughout the United States. Because of his appropriate use of humor, dynamic and personal presentation style, honest examples from his past, and pertinent and realistic ideas, teenagers listen and learn. He offers relevant solutions and hope related to substance abuse, drinking and driving, teen pregnancy, suicide, unhealthy self-esteem, and broken relationships.
Romanian American Mission 11/28/2012
The medical missions teams take medicines into Romania. RAM sends a medical team to each mission site to work along with the evangelistic team members. Medicines are collected in the United States, carefully sorted and packed, and transported to Romania by the mission team members. Touched by the love of the medical teams, the Romanian people open their hearts to the Gospel message as the evangelistic team members witness to them. Your donations will help with purchasing the medical supplies!
Romanian American Mission 11/28/2012
You can help support RAM Missionaries. RAM is currently sponsoring 40 missionaries in Austria, Serbia, Romania, and Moldova. It costs $450 monthly to support a missionary or $5,400 annually. RAM’s vision is to support additional missionaries on the field. Individuals, Sunday School classes, and churches can adopt a missionary and support the missionary through RAM. Join us as we join God to spread a passion for Christ in secularized Europe!
Romans Project 12/11/2023
Our mission is to equip pastors to abide in and feed their congregations from God's word. We do this by challenging pastors to read the book of Romans twenty times and write it out once; upon completion, they are awarded the graduation gift of a device filled with exegetical preaching.
Rooted Ministries 1/21/2022
Rooted Ministries exist to equip and empower churches and parents to faithfully disciple students toward lifelong faith in Jesus Christ, and to transform youth ministry so that every student receives a grace-filled, gospel-centered and Bible-saturated discipleship in the church and the home.
Stronger Together!! 11/27/2023
ROSE Women's Foundation 11/27/2023
The ROSE Women's Foundation is a beacon of empowerment, fostering resilience and support for women. Committed to holistic well-being, we offer resources, mentorship, and advocacy. Our programs span education, healthcare, and entrepreneurship, creating a community where women thrive. Together, we cultivate strength, elevate voices, and sow the seeds of lasting change.
Rural Home Missionary Association (RHMA) 11/26/2008
Rural Home Missionary Association (RHMA) has been used of God to establish more than 200 churches through the years. The RHMA church planter prepares the spiritual soil, plants the seed, oversees the first signs of growth, and then turns the church over to a permanent pastor. Your gift will help plant and strengthen churches in small towns and rural places
Rural Home Missionary Association (RHMA) 11/26/2008
As part of our strengthening churches mission, RHMA hosts Small-Town Pastors' Conferences and One-Day Seminars. Pastors from small towns and rural communities are invited to attend as our emphasis is on small town and rural ministry. Your gifts will help us keep the registration fee low enough that it does not hinder them from attending.
Rural Home Missionary Association (RHMA) 11/26/2008
The Town and Country Training (TACT) Program emphasizes contextualized training for small town and rural ministry. It also emphasizes the need for culturally-sensitive, tactful ministry. It is available for students and their spouses preparing for a pastorate or other small-town ministry and for experienced pastoral couples and others in town and country ministries who desire greater effectiveness. Your gift will help us keep offering this training to equip men and women for ministry.
Safari Mission 9/13/2019
Our focus is to train leaders and transform people in East Africa through the teaching of God’s Word, leadership skills, and practical subjects. We currently have multiple Bible schools across Kenya and our students are a mix of church leaders, doctors, government officials, teachers, and businessmen. Our school places a strong emphasis on ethics, leadership development, and a balanced teaching of Biblical subjects.
Safe Harbor 9/20/2010
•Whole Woman Recovery is a one-year residential program that focuses on life transformation for women. •Greenleaf Transitional Housing provides apartments for women preparing for independent living. •The Community Center connects women to resources for housing, employment, and recovery. •The Passage provides temporary housing for women who are unable to obtain housing without assistance.
SafeHouse Outreach 9/26/2019
Breaking the cycle of poverty by giving a hand-up and not just a hand-out, SafeHouse Outreach aims to transition people from homelessness to a point of stability and independent living. SHO provides practical, emotional, and physical assistance and support for the in-need and at-risk, and helps integrate them back into society through time-tested programs.
Salina Rescue Mission 2/18/2021
To provide through Christian ministry: food, clothing, shelter and other basic needs and offer the rehabilitation teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Salt Ventures NFP 11/6/2015
Salt Ventures works through local churches to promote evangelism and disciple-making in the community, the workplace, and among the poor. Our ministry survives on your support. Thank you for your donation!
Samaritan Village 6/12/2024
Samaritan Village exists to provide a safe place for women who have been sexually trafficked to heal from trauma, recover from addiction, and take back their lives to become catalysts in their communities.
Samaritan's Purse 11/10/2008
Our Operation Christmas Child project sends gift-filled shoeboxes to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way. For many of these children, the shoebox is the first gift they have ever received. Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has collected and delivered more than 178 million shoebox gifts to children in more than 160 countries and territories.
Samaritan's Purse 2/18/2009
As the medical arm of Samaritan's Purse, World Medical Mission places volunteer Christian physicians, dentists, and other medical personnel in mission hospitals and clinics around the world. We also staff a biomedical department and warehouse that provides critically needed medical equipment and supplies to medical mission facilities.
San Diego Rescue Mission 7/27/2016
The Aftercare Program has been created as an extension of SDRM, for those clients who are being re-integrated back into society after successfully completing and graduating a year-long program. The purpose and goal is to provide resources, encouragement, and support while promoting self-sufficiency and self-worth. Alumni receive assistance with job searches, resume writing, interviewing skills, emergency food, case management, spiritual guidance, etc.
San Diego Rescue Mission 7/20/2016
The Men's Center seeks to model a restoration and recovery approach for the whole man. The program offers residents: a state licensed substance abuse program for those who are addicted and homeless; Biblical foundation; Recovery groups; case management; therapy; a work therapy program; and access to healthcare through our partnership with a local community health clinic. Classes include: Anger management, conflict resolution, relapse prevention, computer basics, and life skills.
San Diego Rescue Mission 7/20/2016
This program provides shelter and services to as many as 60 women and children each night. Many of these women and children are homeless and/or survivors of domestic violence. We are the only shelter in San Diego that has no wait-list and accepts people after hours. In addition to shelter, each family receives a warm meal, hot shower, clothing, and toiletries. Case management and therapy are also provided when needed.
San Diego Rescue Mission 7/20/2016
The therapy clinic is comprised of graduate school, Marriage and Family therapy students and Social Workers. Supervision is provided by state licensed therapists. Our ability to provide residents with therapy services alongside their program enables us to address the unique underlying needs of each person. Therapists provide individual, group, and family therapy. This provides support for the clients on their journey out of addiction and homelessness.
San Diego Rescue Mission 7/20/2016
This 12-month recovery program offers rooms to single women and women with children. It comfortably houses up to 70 women and children (0 - 12). Many of the women and children enter the program seeking assistance with issues such as poverty, domestic violence, and drug and alcohol addiction. Classes offered include: parenting, life skills, recovery, basic education, anger management, Bible basics, etc. Parents are also offered assistance with child reunification.
Santa Barbara Rescue Mission 7/1/2011
The Santa Barbara Rescue Mission has been recognized nationally for its Residential Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program. Our holistic approach to treatment is now available on an outpatient basis. Some of our services include alcohol and drug screenings, addiction assessments, addiction education, process groups, and Christian recovery groups. Your financial support will help us provide a complete spectrum of individual and group counseling options.
Santa Fe Christian Schools 5/9/2022
This is an extraordinary school with incredible teachers, a challenging curriculum, outstanding athletics, and exciting mission opportunities. Our rigorous academic curriculum is taught through a Biblical worldview within a rich, nurturing community of teachers, coaches, mentors, and peers — all passionate about serving Christ.
SAT-7 North America 12/2/2024
Iranian and Afghan Christians are some of the world’s most persecuted believers. But God is growing the Persian Church – more than one million Iranians are now thought to follow Jesus. Through the Discipleship Across Borders project from media ministry SAT-7, you can reach them with satellite and digital video content, one-to-one support, and group discipleship that encourages them in their faith and shares the Gospel with non-Christians watching. SAT-7's Persian team held 50,000 one-to-one conv
Help Save Lives! 3/15/2013
Sav-A-Life 3/15/2013
Each year, 9000 women in the state of Alabama find themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy, many without the emotional, medical, or financial support needed to carry their babies to term. As a result, these women will choose to undergo an abortion. We offer free and confidential services, counseling, education, and support to empower women to carry their babies to term. Your gift to Sav-A-Life helps these women choose life. Your donation makes our ministry possible.
Sav-a-Life Shelby 10/9/2024
Sav-A-Life Shelby's Mission is to develop a culture of life where abortion is unnecessary and undesirable in Shelby County while offering the hope of the gospel.
Savannah Care Center 5/9/2022
At Savannah Care Center, we’re committed to providing you and your loved ones with exceptional services in a compassionate and friendly atmosphere. We believe that you deserve the best, and we make an effort to make sure you always feel welcome and at ease, and safe.
Save Our Youth 9/13/2019
Save Our Youth is a youth development organization providing at-risk youth with educational, emotional, and spiritual skills for success through long-term mentoring relationships. We collaborate with individuals and groups in the community to increase awareness of kids' resilience and to support their success. Save Our Youth mentors bring experience, compassion, and time to provide kids a caring advocate by their side.
Become a Hero! 11/24/2014
Saving Moses 11/24/2014
For only $38 a month, you will be a true hero in a baby's life. A monthly donation of just $38 will a baby in Afghanistan, Cambodia, or Angola a chance to experience their future.
Saving Susan Ministry 4/20/2022
We partner each child with a loving Christian family, enrich their education, and support them holistically on their path to fulfilling God’s will for their lives.
Scarlet Hope 12/7/2018
Scarlet Hope exists to share the hope and love of Jesus Christ with women in the adult entertainment industry. We want to see women engaged with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching them they are loved by the Creator of the universe and were made in His image while equipping and empowering them to change their lives through gospel-centered community and resources. Your gift today goes to further this mission and offers hope and a future to women looking for a new life.
Score International 1/24/2023
SCORE International is a full-service mission organization that is impacting lives all around the world. SCORE’s current Executive Director, Scott Cannon, has been serving in that role since July 2022. Scott has helped SCORE to grow its efforts in long-term, sustainable ministries such as church planting, discipleship, anti-human trafficking, medical outreaches, orphan care, clean water initiatives, and much more.
LEARN to Live! 2/19/2024
Scottsdale Christian Academy 2/19/2024
At Scottsdale Christian Academy, we nurture students to think critically through a biblical lens, fostering holistic growth. With rigorous curricular experiences, integrated with biblical truths, and led by dedicated teachers, we empower students to fulfill their God-given potential from preschool to 12th grade.
Scripture Union, USA 2/25/2015
The Digital/Social Media Project is reinventing Bible engagement for a digital environment in order to engage a new generation with God’s Word, with a special emphasis on social media.
Scriptures In Use 5/8/2012
Scriptures In Use (SIU) exists to provide church planters in-country training opportunities to reach the unreached in oral cultures! We guide and mentor each church planter to develop a grass roots church planting ministry through Bible storytelling, dialog and other traditional oral communication methods to develop Disciple Making Movements among the least reached peoples of the world. If you wish to contribute to the work of SIU please contact us at 520-648-6400.
Search Ministries 6/30/2011
The Open Forum is a gathering of friends for the purpose of interacting on significant life and God issues. Normally, it takes place in a home or convenient daytime location for business and professional people and lasts for four weeks. The guests enjoy eating, meeting each other, laughing and sharing their thoughts. Your donation will help Search Ministries reach men and women searching for meaningful answers to life's tough questions. To donate, call (817) 968-3440.
Seattle Christian School 12/13/2018
Our purpose is to proclaim Jesus Christ in all aspects of our programs, emphasize academic excellence and biblical Christian values, and partner with parents and the church to prepare godly young men and women to impact their world for Christ. Help ensure that the ministry of evangelism and discipleship continues at Seattle Christian for the next 70 years by giving to Seattle Christian School.
Second Chance Global 5/16/2023
Our mission is to end generational poverty through empowerment. We do this through various programs and initiatives partnering with children, young adults, and families in the countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We believe that generational poverty crosses the areas of mental, social, emotional, spiritual, and physical health.
Second Mile Mission Center 1/7/2020
Second Mile Mission Center helps Fort Bend County residents in poverty and crisis by providing basic needs and opportunities to take next steps in their lives. While people are drawn to Second Mile for immediate needs such as food or health care, many begin to shift their focus to long-term goals of self-sufficiency for themselves and their family.
Seed Company 2/17/2025
Seed Company accelerates Bible translation by connecting local field partners with investors, resources, and training. Through global partnerships, we equip God’s people to bring Scripture to communities still waiting to hear His Word in their heart languages—transforming lives and advancing the Gospel worldwide.
seeJesus 6/30/2011
We are creating quality interactive Bible studies. Currently we offer the Person of Jesus Study and A Praying Life. Each study has a companion book and seminar. Your financial support will help us continue to train people and lead group studies and seminars to show people Jesus.
Seek Partners International 11/11/2009
Support Seek Partners International as we train national leaders with formal and non-formal higher theological education in South Asia.
Seminario Reformado Latinoamericano 5/7/2019
We seek to equip indigenous servants in their native language to proclaim the doctrines of grace. Our specific objective is to flood Latin America and the USA with an army of thousands of pastors who have been biblically, theologically, academically and spiritually equipped in their own language to proclaim the Biblical Gospel with wisdom and knowledge.
SEND International 1/7/2009
To build relationships to win Spaniards for Christ, SEND missionaries created METAS. METAS is a nonprofit organization that exists to provide services in several areas such as marriage and life, tutoring, vocational training, and social help, as well as provide a place for the youth to hang out and hold group gatherings.
SEND International 1/7/2009
One of the most effective modes of evangelism in Japan is camping ministry. Okutama Bible Chalet (OBC) has 47 years of camping experience in Japan. Through this ministry, over 3,500 campers hear the Gospel each year! Some of those who hear have the potential to become the future pastors and lay leaders of the Japanese church. The camp ministry of OBC plays an essential role in our church planting work.
SEND International 3/18/2009
SEND International respectfully asks that you prayerfully consider a contribution for mobilizing God's people. SEND's desire and commitment is to mobilize a massive movement of missionaries around the world to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ with those who have little or no opportunity to hear. We need your help to Mobilize and sustain those missionaries for years of service. That is the purpose of the Mobilization Fund.
Send Relief 1/21/2022
Sharing the love of Jesus is central to everything we do at Send Relief. Whether it’s responding to natural disasters, caring for refugees and displaced families, fighting human trafficking at home and abroad, supporting adoption and foster care efforts, and strengthening communities facing economic and physical crises, our goal is the same.
Seneca Hills 12/6/2017
Camping has long been considered one of Christianity’s most effective mediums for impacting lives and strengthening the Church. Seneca Hills exists to lead people, especially youth, to a vital personal relationship with, and a life of dedicated service to, Jesus Christ through inspiring year-round camps, conferences, retreats and events. Your gift allows us the opportunity to continue the ministry.
Serge 4/11/2024
Serge deploys missionaries around the world to build Gospel Communities — to become deeply involved in the lives of people who have never met a Christian, to see them and their communities restored. Your gift will help to come alongside missionaries with Gospel Renewal for themselves and their team - keeping them refreshed to continue reaching out and recruit and send more missionaries - so that missionaries have thriving, functional teams for long-term impact.
Missionary Care 4/11/2024
Serge 4/11/2024
Serge missionaries are planting churches, training indigenous church leaders, staffing teaching hospitals in rural areas, opening businesses in secure countries, and discipling the next generation of missionaries. Your gift to Missionary Care will provide a foundation to flourish, support for missionary kids, and holistic care. You will help equip a missionary to navigate difficult situations. And you help them stay on the field longer, resulting in a long-lasting Kingdom impact.
Serge 4/11/2024
Serge's Renewal initiatives serve pastors, church planters, and other Christian leaders all over the world. Our focus is to help these leaders hear and apply the gospel anew, even as they share the gospel with others. These leaders have spiritual influence that multiplies over time and can transform communities, yet they must be ministered to so they can minister to others. Your gift will help expand the impact of Serge's Renewal work and answer the growing requests from those who reach ou
Servant Partners 6/30/2011
Servant Partners, through the power of the Holy Spirit, seeks the transformation of communities with the urban poor through church planting, community organizing, and leadership development. Our sites have projects in evangelism and discipleship, civic engagement, education, economic empowerment and business initiatives, arts, child and youth development, strengthening marriage and family wholeness, community health, and advocacy for policy change.
ServeNow 9/13/2017
There are many pastors in some of the most remote villages/jungles in India & Uganda who walk 30-150 miles every week just share the Good News of the Gospel! These faithful servants cannot afford their own means of transportation. Your gift ensures the speeding up of the spreading of the Good News!
Containers of Hope 9/13/2017
ServeNow 9/13/2017
Whether refugees/the poor in need of clothes or furniture, disabled people in need of wheelchairs that they otherwise can’t afford, or hospitals in third world countries lacking proper medical equipment, we are able to fill 40-foot containers through a partner organization and get these types of supplies where most needed!
ServeNow 9/13/2017
ServeNow is working with over 1,000 churches, in 13 languages, to provide a series of 30 booklets called “The Basic Things You Need to Know.” These are believers in parts of the world with no access or ability to afford any material or where the pastor himself has little to no training. It costs just $1 per book (or $375 to equip an average church for one year with the first four books!) to get the materials into the hands of those hungry to know God and the basics of the Christian faith.
ServeNow 9/13/2017
Human trafficking is a growing evil and booming industry. Your gift provides awareness and sponsors skill training for those most at risk, giving them value and protection! Or for $200 your gift can be used to bless a graduate of our tailoring programs with a sewing machine to start their own business! Our work takes place in three major hubs for trafficking/prostitution: Ukraine, Nepal, and India. Be a part of providing a future, hope, self-value, and confidence to those at risk!
ServeNow 9/13/2017
ServeNow hosts several summer camps each year in Ukraine for children who otherwise would never experience this life changing opportunity. Many of these kids have seen war, or have never been outside their orphanage/village and know tremendous sorrow, fear and loneliness. Your gift makes their dream become a reality!
ServeNow 9/13/2017
Many of the pastors we serve have received little or no biblical training. ServeNow provides conferences and training sessions for these pastors. Also, our staff works closely with pastors to encourage them, pray for them and help them reach the needs of their congregation and communities.
ServeNow 9/13/2017
Each Christmas (January 7th in Ukraine) ServeNow through a partner organization in Scotland, distributes around 7,000 Christmas gifts! Orphans, refugees, the elderly, the disabled, and lonely people are the main recipients of the gifts. For some, it is their first and only Christmas gift! For many, it is the first time hearing of a God who loves them and gave the greatest gift of all: the gift of His Son!
Water for Life 9/13/2017
ServeNow 9/13/2017
Many areas across the globe suffer major medical problems due to inadequate water supplies or the cleanliness of the water. During the summer months, some states in India can reach 125 degrees F each week. People die due to the lack of water every year. ServeNow provides clean water in India, saving lives and changing entire villages.
S.O.A.R. with us! 7/31/2017
Service Oriented Aviation Readiness (S.O.A.R.) 7/31/2017
S.O.A.R. was started by following a desire to seek God's direction to combine a public-facing business as the FBO at the Bolivar Airport with the ministry-side of mission aviation training to serve the public in a way that can provide the needed experience for our students, yet help offset the high cost of training. Through its curriculum, programs, and supervised-experience training, students are prepared and qualified for the progression of testing and certifications.
ServingHIM - Healthcare International Ministries 2/13/2018
Our mission teams minister to both physical and spiritual needs of people living in impoverished areas in Romania, Guatemala, and Moldova. Your gift helps provide quality care to those in need both through our Dental and Medical Clinics, and Community Health Fairs, as well as helping our Evangelism and Community Outreach teams minister to each person that comes through our clinics, distribute Goats/Pigs/Chickens, and Food Baskets/Bibles to families living in very poor villages. Please Give Now!
ServLife International 2/25/2010
Help us to train over 100 leaders and plant over 20 churches this year in India and Nepal.
SHARE Education Services 8/7/2019
SHARE Education Services was established to assist parents in the daunting task of providing for their children’s education in Europe, Russia, the Middle East, and Central Asia. With a caring, compassionate staff of educators and years of international experience, we understand the joys and challenges of educating children in a cross-cultural environment and offer help in a variety of areas.
Shared Hope International 2/16/2010
Shared Hope International exists to intervene for the purpose of rescue and restoration of women and children in crisis. We are leaders in a worldwide effort to prevent and eradicate sex trafficking and slavery through education and building restoration services.
Shelter KC 1/7/2014
Your donation will be used to help provide food, shelter and compassionate care to the poor, hurting and homeless in our community. Thank you for standing with KCRM to reach out to our neighbors in need!
Enabling Men! 6/30/2011
Shepherd's Fold 6/30/2011
The Shepherd's Fold is providing a thoughtful, helpful transition for men from prison to the free world. The men complete a 4 month program which takes place in a main house with 24 beds. We provide breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday through Thursday and have groups in the evening from 7:00PM to 8:00PM dealing with subjects such as the Bible, fatherhood, budget, and finance. Your financial support will help enable these men to transition to the free world.
Shepherd's Fold Ranch 5/27/2016
We hear many testimonies of how God encounters kids and their lives are changed. It’s our ambition for every kid to be able to come to camp and learn about God’s love, regardless of their financial situation. We can only do this with your help. The Don Staires Scholarship Fund provides assistance to camper families in difficult financial situations. This is an opportunity for you to invest in the transformation of a young child desiring a deeper relationship with God.
Shepherd's Gate 6/29/2011
Shepherd's Gate is providing shelter and resources for women and children, and helping them lead self-sufficient, productive lives. By donating, you will be helping to ensure the future of Shepherd’s Gate and our mission to support women. Help us break the destructive cycle of abuse, addiction, and homelessness.
Shepherd's House Ministries 8/7/2019
We strive to feed the hungry and to shelter the homeless, but our deeper aim is to walk alongside the hurting and the needy to effectively address the life-controlling issues that perpetuate the long-term cycles of pain and homelessness. In an environment of grace, our goal is not to modify behavior, but to see hearts healed and lives changed from the inside out.
Shepherd's Refuge - Selah Ministries 1/7/2014
The focus of our ministry is to provide our guests a relaxing environment, free from the demands of everyday life. Not only do our guests benefit from a visit to Shepherds Refuge, but their renewed strength carries over into the congregation and community they serve. Your donation helps revive God's servants.
Give Now! 9/8/2015
Shepherds Theological Seminary 9/8/2015
At Shepherds, we want to impact the world for Christ by equipping servant leaders for life and ministry. Your generous gift, no matter the size is an investment in these servant leaders.
Shiloh Christian Schools 6/29/2011
Shiloh Christian Schools is working to develop Godly leaders who engage their culture and change it. Your financial support will help us nurture the growth of students, not only in academic, social, and physical parameters, but in the spiritual realm as well. To donate, call (479) 756-1140.
Shine in the World Ministries 6/7/2022
Our ultimate desire is to see the nations reached by any means possible! Whether it is through humanitarian projects, media, or ministering at conferences- we are passionate about bringing God’s love in any and every way we can.
Shining Hope International 6/5/2018
We are compelled by the love of Christ to make Him known to all the people of the world, including Muslims. We offer a variety of materials and DVDs centered on the truth of God’s Word, communicated with a spirit of love and truth. Your support will enable you to be part of what God is doing among Muslims.
Shirley's House of Hope 2/6/2023
Our mission is to rebuild, renew and restore the lives of women and children hurting from domestic violence along with alcohol and drug addictions.
Send More Workers 11/17/2022
SIM USA 11/17/2022
Right now, billions of people are still out of reach of the gospel. Many are soul-searching and uniquely spiritually open, yet most do not know anyone who can tell them about Jesus. Will you prayerfully consider making a financial gift to help send more workers into God’s global harvest? Whatever you give today will equip SIM USA to partner with American churches to recruit, prepare, and journey with men and women willing to go to the ends of the earth to share Jesus.
SIM USA 2/27/2025
SIM’s Banda Health team dreams of a day when good healthcare and gospel-shaped hope are available within walking distance of the world’s most vulnerable patients. We build scalable innovative health technology (already used by 120 clinics in slums and villages caring for 650,000 patients annually in Kenya, Uganda, Niger and South Sudan). We build ministry partnerships that equip local believers to address the complex social and spiritual realities in these communities.
Skylark 5/26/2016
Skylark is committed to providing caring and compassionate services to clients. Without the support of our wonderful donors, we couldn’t have done anything for the thousands of clients that have come to one of our centers in the past twenty-six years. We would love to have your financial support to continue our ministry in Coastal Georgia.
Slavic Gospel Association 4/21/2010
Slavic Gospel Association (SGA) is a non-denominational, evangelical, Christian mission organization that assists local churches in the former Soviet Union as they reach their countrymen with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. SGA focuses on four primary areas of ministry - church planting, Bible training of nationals, orphans, children's and youth ministries, Bibles and theological literature. Our partners also help make a limited amount of humanitarian aid possible as needed.
Snowbird Outfitters 4/7/2011
Give to Snowbird Outfitters as we disciple students through summer camps and non-summer retreats. The students are transformed by the saving work of the Gospel of Jesus and mentored to be future leaders in the ministry.
Sola Media 9/8/2015
For over twenty years, we've been dedicated to a single mission: to help Christians know what they believe and why they believe it. Today, we're seeing the explosion of new media that are used to network people and organizations around events and ideas: this is the moment when our efforts to start a conversation about God, this world, and our lives in it can be most fruitful. Will you join the conversation? Support us and spread the word.
Solus Christus 12/11/2013
You can support the important work of Solus Christus by making a financial gift. We acknowledge God in all our work, and our program is built and nurtured on biblical principles. We envision each woman that comes through our doors finding and reaching her full potential as a disciple of Jesus Christ as well as breaking free from the grip of drug addiction and/or alcoholism. We rely on your financial support!
Solutions Health and Pregnancy Center 3/21/2024
Solutions is committed to demonstrating the love of Christ by proclaiming the Gospel in word and deed to women that are at risk for abortion and/or sexual transmitted disease by offering them support and a variety of free services.
Somebody Cares America 5/16/2017
The challenges leaders face are multiplying as culture rapidly shifts away from Biblical foundations. It is critical that Christians gather to be encouraged, equipped, & empowered to discover the mind, heart, & strategies of God for this hour.  SCA hosts Leadership gatherings to build relationships & impart principles that help men & women Christian influencers persevere in the call of God. Help provide opportunities for frontline leaders to be awakened in their leadership for the days ahead!
SonSet Solutions 4/22/2015
The next step in the development of the SonSet® radio is to incorporate several new strategies for reducing power consumption and increasing our in-house design and software programming capabilities. These revisions will increase the battery life of the radio, reduce manufacturing costs, and make the radio easier to use. We welcome your participation in this much needed project.
The Fallout! 5/11/2009
Source MN 5/11/2009
The Fallout Urban Art Center is an outreach of Source. We are ideally positioned to reach area artists, internationals, urban activists, and the poor and homelesss. It's a huge facility with a community kitchen, art gallery, music-venue space, interactive art lounge, back garage skate ramp, and outreach office. We are impacting the world by interacting with subcultures and youth cultures.
South America Mission 6/24/2011
The local church has long been the primary focus of South America Mission. We help to found new churches, offer biblical education, pastoral training, and relational mentoring to church leaders. Please support us as we work along side church associations to reach out to the people of South America.
South Bay Teen Challenge 7/14/2021
The mission of Teen Challenge NorWestCal Nevada is to provide successful recovery for men, women, teens, children, and families with destructive, abusive, and addictive lifestyles through mentoring, education, training, and spiritual direction.
South Carolina Christian Foundation 9/8/2016
Significance in life is embraced when one realizes he has the opportunity to meet another’s need and acts on it. When needs are met, lives are changed, and to better the life of another is truly significant. South Carolina Christian Foundation helps people in their journey toward significance. They specialize in connecting donors’ compassion to the needs of charitable organizations locally, nationally, and internationally.
South East Asia Prayer Center 11/7/2016
SEAPC is a global Christian community of friends that believe lives and nations are changed through prayer. We want to see a world connected through prayer that brings Christ-based change to those in need.
South Mountain Baptist Camp 9/8/2016
The mission of South Mountain Baptist Camp is to assist the Church to reach people for Christ and to develop young disciples that will be effective in impacting our culture and carrying the gospel throughout the world. While the original dream for South Mountain Baptist Camp was for a summer camp for boys and girls, God's vision was much larger, and now South Mountain is a year-round facility that ministers to nearly four thousand children, youth, and adults each year.
South Pacific District of The C&MA 4/6/2016
The South Pacific District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance is a family of churches throughout Arizona, New Mexico and Southern California. Their mission is to invest in healthy and effective leaders in order to reduce lostness in their communities and make disciples resulting in strong, multiplying churches. Your gift can be designated to a specific ministry as you feel led by the Lord.
Southern Baptist Foundation 11/13/2008
The Southern Baptist Foundation helps support the North American Mission Board with their disaster relief efforts, evangelism, and church planting efforts in the United States and Canada. Your financial support will help us continue our evangelizing efforts around North America.
Southern Evangelical Seminary 11/13/2008
Support us as we train men and women to engage in the ideological diversity of today’s anti-Christian worldviews, equipping a new generation of pastors, teachers, lay leaders and missionaries to work both here in the U.S. and around the world. While traditional seminaries are training people to minister to a Christian-believing culture alone, SES is also training the kind of people who are engaging today’s intellectual challenges to the historic Christian faith. To donate, call (704) 847-5600.
Southern Florida District Church Of The Nazarene 11/15/2019
As members of the Church Universal, we join with all true believers in proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ and in embracing the historic Trinitarian creedal statements of Christian faith. We value our Wesleyan-Holiness heritage and believe it to be a way of understanding the faith that is true to Scripture, reason, tradition, and experience.
Southern Hills Youth for Christ 10/6/2022
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Southside Pregnancy Center 5/28/2024
Southside Pregnancy Center spreads God’s grace to those most vulnerable to abortion, offering Hope and Help by ministering to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our community. Our dba, Southside Women’s Services, supports women experiencing unplanned pregnancy by providing medical diagnostic services, options information and the hope of Christ through a ministry team and credentialed, medical professionals.
Southside Pregnancy Center 12/15/2009
Sharing TRUTH...Proclaiming LIFE...Restoring HOPE...SPC offers help and hope to those affected by unplanned pregnancy and promotes sexual purity in an effort to preserve LIFE in the SW Chicago and suburban communities. Our ultrasound ministry has seen 93% of women choose life for their child after seeing their baby through ultrasound technology. We offer practical help, education, baby supplies, men's programs, post-abortion ministry care, and the Hope of Jesus Christ for both men and women.
Sozo Children 9/8/2016
The Village Project, a capital project to develop the campus of Sozo Children, consists of three phases to provide 30 family-based homes for 300 children, a worship facility, a primary and secondary school, a medical clinic, and water wells for the community. The Village Project allows supporters to take an active role in the work of God to fulfill the vision of Sozo Children to see All Children Thriving, All Communities Transformed.
Sports Outreach Institute 3/23/2009
Support Sports Outreach as we identify and train committed Christian leadership in the effective use and understanding of sports ministry to spread the Gospel and alleviate human suffering in Uganda, Kenya, El Salvador, Mexico and the USA.
Sports Quest 4/20/2023
Sports Quest is committed to reaching kids for Christ of all ages, experiences and backgrounds. We believe that social status and demographics should not be barriers against using the game of soccer as an evangelistic and discipleship tool. It is our aim to develop next generation leaders in the inner city and overseas as much as it is in middle class, suburban communities. To that end, we have developed “Outreach” programs for underserved, disadvantaged and at risk children.
The Story Maker! 5/2/2017
Spread Truth Ministries 5/2/2017
The Story Maker is a children’s film that tells the whole gospel story. When we know God’s story, it changes everything: who we are, what we want, and how we live. The film will be distributed globally, penetrating places where the gospel may not be readily available. Children and parents will have the opportunity, maybe for the first time, to hear in their own language about the good news of Jesus. Would you prayerfully consider helping us launch the Story Maker?
Emergency Shelter! 12/10/2008
Springfield Rescue Mission 12/10/2008
The goal of our Emergency Shelter is to meet the immediate and basic life needs of homeless men living in crisis by providing a safe, clean, warm and healthy environment. While meeting these immediate needs, each guest is encouraged to enter a local or regional rehabilitation program to deal with the issues that led them to homelessness.
Benevolence Fund 3/18/2009
St. Luke's Healthcare Foundation 3/18/2009
A thin, pregnant woman with HIV recently traveled 75 KM to Soddo Christian Hospital seeking help with the delivery of her twins. She arrived with no money. We were able to help her and the babies because of the Benevolence Fund that is supported by generous donors. Almost one third of our patients receive discounted treatment via this fund. 96% of your gift will be used for patients at Soddo Christian Hospital in Ethiopia.
Hospital expansion 5/15/2012
St. Luke's Healthcare Foundation 5/15/2012
We desperately need to upgrade our operating rooms. We have wonderful plans for an eight suite center.
Outpatient Clinic 5/15/2012
St. Luke's Healthcare Foundation 5/15/2012
Last year we served over 23,000 patients and over 2500,000 visitor/patients since 2005. Regionally there is a population over 2,500,000. Community Health Evangelism is also a growing opportunity. We have plans for a $900,000 Outpatient Building.
St. Matthew's House 5/7/2019
Our homeless shelter and feeding ministry have opened their doors to countless lives without taking a day off in more than a quarter century. Through our numerous programs, our ministry is able to initiate a second chance at life for many facing their toughest times. With established faith-based principles and dedication we’ve been able to see hundreds of individuals and families regain their independence.
Stadia: New Church Strategies 6/5/2020
Stadia's Mission is to plant churches that intentionally care for Children - and we wont stop until every child has a church.
Standing Stone Ministries 6/7/2023
All of the individuals below are committed to helping fulfill the Standing Stone mission to Shepherd the Shepherds. Each one believes that God will supply their financial needs enabling them to accomplish this task. Please select the donate button under the individual that you would like to financially support.
Star of Hope Mission 6/15/2016
This Fund was established to focus on immediate basic needs care, as well as the long-term requirements of the youngest and most vulnerable clients residing in our family centers. Essential services include food, clothing, shelter, counseling, health care, and educational support. The Fund supports immunizations, child care, after-school and enrichment programs, homework help, and mentoring. The supportive programs improve health and well-being as well as self-esteem and confidence.
Star of Hope Mission 6/13/2018
In 08/17, we opened the Women and Family Development Center at Cornerstone Community®. We implemented a Case Management-based program called New Pathways, where each client is assigned a Case Manager upon entrance, who then guides them through the needed services and classes to enable self-sufficiency and independent living. The longer our clients are here, the greater chance they have to transition to independence!
Reaching the lost! 6/22/2011
Steiger International, Ltd. 6/22/2011
Steiger International is working to train, equip, and send out evangelistic teams into clubs, festival, and urban areas around the world. We are helping new believers become followers of Jesus and fulfill God's calling for their lives through the ministries of local bases and through discipleship schools. Support Steiger International as we impact the fields of art and media with the message of the Cross.
Stewards Ministries 6/16/2011
Stewards Ministries is investing in programs aimed at establishing and rejuvenating Brethren Assemblies nationally and internationally. Your financial support will help us give financial assistance to the evangelistic and missionary efforts of Brethren commended workers, assemblies and Brethren related ministries. To donate, call 847-842-0227 or 800-551-6505.
Stillwater Christian School 11/19/2024
We see the God-given potential in each child who joins our school community. Partnering with parents and caregivers, we equip our students with tools for learning through a Christ-centered education. We aim to help them discover the gifts God has established in them, and effectively lead and serve where God calls them to be.
Stonecroft Ministries 10/13/2008
Support Stonecroft Ministries as we equip and encourage women to impact their communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Help us provide global leadership in reaching women.
Stoneybrooke Christian Schools 6/5/2018
Stoneybrooke Christian Schools exists to provide a distinctive, biblically-based education in a nurturing environment through which students are instilled with godly character, inspired to excel, and prepared for a life of enduring commitment to Christ. It is our vision that our graduates have a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, are intellectually prepared for higher learning, and demonstrate godly character and thinking in their daily lives.
Straight Ahead Ministries 12/21/2009
Straight Ahead Ministries provides Bible studies through staff and affiliates in more than 350 juvenile facilities in 17 states and four countries, as well as a myriad of aftercare programs. The re-arrest rate of youth involved in community-based re-entry programs is 15% compared with 70% for those not involved. Straight Ahead also provides training and materials for other organizations and churches working with high-risk youth.
Straight Ahead Ministries 10/9/2008
Assist Straight Ahead Ministries as we train and equip Christians to lead Bible studies in juvenile facilities as well as provide aftercare through our strength-based resources, curriculums, training modules and direct ministry models.
Strategic Renewal International 6/16/2011
The 6:4 Fellowship exists to equip, encourage, and connect pastors toward the priorities of prayer and the ministry of the Word. The 6:4 Fellowship connects pastors, and provides them with practical equipping and regular encouragement in maintaining the heart of Scriptural and supernatural ministry. Your gift will enable us to renew hearts with vital spiritual resources.
Street Grace 5/7/2020
We are a faith-driven organization collaborating with faith, business and community leaders providing a comprehensive path to end the sexual exploitation of minors. CSEC involves the recruitment, harboring, transportation, and/or the obtaining of a child under the age of 18 for the purpose of a commercial sex act.
Street Hope TN 9/8/2020
We are a nonprofit organization on a mission to eliminate the sexual exploitation and trafficking of children in Tennessee and provide safe environments to foster hope and healing through Jesus Christ.
Strong Marriages 12/5/2011
Strong Marriages builds Godly, strong marriages through biblical principles and meaningful relationships. We provide churches tools, training, and processes for equipping couples to thrive. Marriage Mentors trains couples to disciple other couples. I Promise helps couples prepare for marriage. Each program engages couples with biblical truth and instruction, insight into their unique personalities, and wisdom to implement God's instruction into life experiences.
Stronghold Ministry 9/22/2011
At Stronghold Ministry, we provide the spiritual support, the love and salvation of Jesus Christ, that is so crucial when battling cancer. To accomplish this, we provide coaching and host cancer support groups. We speak in hospital support groups, home groups, youth groups, and churches. We also host retreats and conferences. We have sent our free gift basket to 14,100 patients in our 10 years! Your financial support will help many hurting people with their daily fight against cancer!
Student Mobilization 6/16/2011
Student Mobilization is building laborers for Christ from the college campuses of the world. We are evangelizing through Bible studies and involvement, including evangelism training. Your financial support will help students as they grow in faith, knowledge, and intimacy with God.
Suncoast YFC 7/14/2021
YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to prayer and the Word of God, passion for sharing the love of Christ and commitment to social involvement.
T Bar M Camps & Retreats 11/22/2021
T Bar M is Camps & Retreats is a non-denominational Christian camp, and retreat center with locations in New Braunfels, Texas and on Lake Travis near Austin. Over 20,000 people experience T Bar M every year with their group, company, school or though our kids summer camp. We have over 40 years of experience in the kids summer camp and retreat ministry. Our focus is on Loving God and Loving Others by serving everyone who walks through our gates. The mission of T Bar M is to present Christ, teach
T Bar M Camps & Retreats 11/22/2021
T Bar M is Camps & Retreats is a non-denominational Christian camp, and retreat center with locations in New Braunfels, Texas and on Lake Travis near Austin. Over 20,000 people experience T Bar M every year with their group, company, school or though our kids summer camp. We have over 40 years of experience in the kids summer camp and retreat ministry. Our focus is on Loving God and Loving Others by serving everyone who walks through our gates. The mission of T Bar M is to present Christ, teach
T-Net International 5/7/2020
T-NET’s unique approach to training – through a rapidly growing multiplication effect means that pastors train other pastors who in turn train others, and so on. Practically, it means that people who enter T-NET Training Centres will be trained themselves and will be trained to train others.Training Centres are usually established in a local church, where 25-30 pastors and potential church planters gather together to be taught and coached. Each pastor will be fully equipped, while agreeing to re
Take Heart 1/11/2021
Motivated by the love of Christ, we exist to spiritually encourage, technically equip, and financially support local leaders serving persecuted Christians around the globe.
Talking Bibles 4/20/2023
Our mission stems from a strong conviction that everyone in the world needs access to the Bible. The purpose of Talking Bibles is to give non-readers and the blind access to the Bible in their native language. Our mission is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by producing audio recordings of translated Scriptures in hundreds of languages and making these recordings accessible in the form of Talking Bibles for millions of people around the world who cannot read.
Audio Bibles 2/9/2024
Talking Bibles 2/9/2024
Free Online Audio Bible - Talking Bibles offers a free audio Bible listening section online. Anyone can listen to the Bible in over 50 different languages. Please donate to support adding more languages to the site as there are 100's available; we need help making that happen. With the listening site, people around the globe can listen to the Bible in their language for free, including you! Hear God's Word in Hebrew, Mien, Anuak, Greek, and many more!
Talking Bibles 5/12/2020
Our mission stems from a strong conviction that everyone in the world needs access to the Bible. The purpose of Talking Bibles is to give non-readers and the blind access to the Bible in their native language. Our mission is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by producing audio recordings of translated Scriptures in hundreds of languages and making these recordings accessible in the form of Talking Bibles for millions of people around the world who cannot read.
Talking Bibles 4/20/2023
Millions of non-reading Christians in India live without personal access to the Bible, while others live in complete darkness and have never heard the Gospel. The Solution: Talking Bibles! If they cannot read, they can listen to God's Word on an audio "Talking" Bible. They can study, learn and grow in their faith! The Goal: Reaching a Nation! Talking Bibles International is on a mission to place a Talking Bible in every village in India by 2033. God is showing up mighty for people all ove
Taylor University 11/25/2008
Taylor University 11/25/2008
Taylor University is a Christ-centered educational institution, and an evangelical, interdenominational covenant community committed to advancing life-long learning and ministering the redemptive love of Jesus Christ to a world in need. It is a liberal arts college known for its distinctive community of scholarship and faith which cherishes an atmosphere of uncommon quality inspiring personal participation and spiritual growth as well as intellectual development.
TCM International Institute 1/6/2010
TCM’s vision is “That every nation will have effective leaders of disciple making movements impacting their churches, countries, and cultures for Christ.” To carry out this vision, TCM continually seeks for God’s leading in identifying new areas of global expansion. With God’s leading TCM’s goal is to equip more disciple makers in geographical regions where TCM already has a presence. TCM also seeks to expand into regions of the world where there are few Christians or disciple makers. TCM needs
Teach The Story 5/7/2020
Teach The Story® trains impoverished church leaders around the world. By harnessing the universal power of story to train church leaders, we are best able to spread saving faith and empower Christians to treasure Christ above all things. Our Missionaries Effectively Teach Impoverished Church Leaders To Follow And Ex posit Christ Through The Bible.
Teach to Transform 5/28/2024
Teach To Transform currently provides training to its international partners in four areas: Basic Medical, Discipleship Through Economic Empowerment, Emotional Trauma Healing, and Farming God's Way. Nationals use these skills to serve their communities and as a gateway to sharing the Gospel of Christ.
Support a Member 4/4/2012
TeachBeyond 4/4/2012
Our TeachBeyond members serving around the world are dependent on the financial partnership of thousands of donors who help make this ministry possible.
Support a Project 12/17/2020
TeachBeyond 12/17/2020
Our TeachBeyond schools and educational programs around the world are able to more effectively impact their learners and communities through those giving generously to fund scholarships, capital campaigns, and other ongoing or special needs.
Support TeachBeyond 12/17/2020
TeachBeyond 12/17/2020
Our TeachBeyond Global Impact Fund fuels the strategic growth of the mission through providing catalytic funding to TeachBeyond ministries around the world. Your financial partnership with the Global Impact Fund can help TeachBeyond start new schools, grow existing projects, mobilize missional educators, and develop dynamic leaders – so that more lives may be transformed by the Gospel through education.
Teaching Truth International 10/9/2023
Teaching Truth International partners with local pastors and regional associations to provide rigorous Biblical training to strengthen local churches. Teaching Truth International offers a variety of different courses and in a variety of different contexts from the following fields: Bible, Theology, Church History and Apologetics.
Tearfund USA 9/13/2019
We follow Jesus where the need is greatest and work alongside the local church to overcome poverty and injustice. 800 Million people live in extreme poverty—this will not be so in God's Kingdom. Our vision is to see all people freed from poverty, living transformed lives and reaching their God-given potential.
TechMission 9/13/2019
TechMission's mission is to empower others to transform at-risk communities in Jesus' name through technology. TechMission operates several programs that either help build capacity for those serving under-resourced communities or else address needs often faced in these communities. We do this by providing online volunteer matching which makes it easier for them to find volunteer service opportunities.
Teen Challenge North Carolina Adolescent Program 10/6/2020
Our goal is to help students make positive decisions, not based on mandatory compliance, but rather being the result of a genuine change of heart. Community service, special projects, outings and mission trips also help our students change their focus from self to serving others.
Teen Challenge of Southern California 6/15/2011
At Teen Challenge of Southern California, we are providing thousands of children, youth and adults an effective, faith-based solution to drug and alcohol addiction at no cost to them. Your financial support will help those caught in the nightmare of substance abuse. Please give today!
Teen Challenge of St. Louis 5/28/2024
Adult & Teen Challenge of St. Louis is dedicated to a transformative 12 month residential program based on Christian principles to help restore broken lives of men and women overcome by addictions.
Teen Challenge, Inc. 11/4/2008
Support Teen Challenge as we provide separate 12-18 month residential programs for men and women 18 years old and up.
TeenPact Leadership Schools 9/12/2024
TeenPact is designed to help students understand the political process, value their liberty, and engage the culture. Through our hands-on and practical teaching, TeenPact Students learn how to embrace their call as the next generation of leaders, find encouragement among like-minded peers, and develop the skills to engage the culture.
Teleo University 1/18/2024
Teleo University provides global distance education for pastors and church leaders. World-class training within churches worldwide, in partnership with T-Net International. Serving 40 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
Tennessee Baptist Foundation 6/15/2011
The Tennessee Baptist Foundation is working to help people conserve all God has given them. In this way, they are able to bless the lives of others, as well as their own families. The message of salvation has been taken to the very ends of the earth because of caring Christians - just like you. Help us as we continue to support needy children, deserving young people, as well as home and foreign missionaries.
Tennessee Baptist Mission Board 12/9/2024
The Tennessee Baptist Mission Board is a Christ-centered, Great Commission organization serving Tennessee Baptist churches. Focused on relationships, innovation, stewardship, and excellence, it empowers churches to fulfill their mission and spread the gospel in Tennessee and beyond.
Terebinth Refuge 9/30/2022
We are a Christ-centered shelter and safe home that brings hope, healing services, and freedom to sexually exploited and trafficked women.
The Alliance South District Christian & Missionary Alliance 9/8/2015
In The Alliance, we are all about Jesus. Motivated by our love for Him, we are compelled to serve Him. We believe that God’s instrument to complete His mission is His church. Your financial gifts will help us focus our efforts and resources into developing dynamic, healthy local churches and the U.S. and across the world.
The Bridge Haiti 3/14/2025
The Bridge Haiti addresses Haiti's needs with Christ-centered solutions. We empower local leaders through spiritual development, education, mental health, & emergency services. We believe in dignified lives, building communities through discipleship and action.
The Center for Faithwalk Leadership 2/6/2018
Broken families. Corrupt governments. Impoverished nations. Acts of terror. These are just the symptoms of a much deeper issue. Our world is in desperate need of good leaders. Lead Like Jesus brings leaders face to face with Jesus for transformation that impacts individuals, organizations, and nations. Through your generosity, and by His power, our world is being transformed one leader – one life – at a time!
The Chara Project 4/29/2024
The Chara Project helps build your confidence in studying the Bible on your own and with your neighbor, regardless of faith background. We offer resources and teaching that help you learn how to explore and study the Bible on your own and with your neighbor, regardless of faith background.
Internet Ministry 1/13/2009
The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) 1/13/2009
Since its inception in 1995, has been at the forefront of online ministry. With an average of 3.1 million monthly visitors, consistently ranks among the world's top Christian websites. utilizes streaming video technology, enabling users to email inspiring and life-changing stories to friends in need. includes internet-based television and radio, podcasts, a mobile site, a social network site, 45 social network pages, and 73 international ministry websites.
Micro-Enterprise 1/7/2009
The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) 1/7/2009
CBN promotes life skills training in conjunction with teaching trade skills and, in some cases, providing micro-enterprise grants or loans. These enable those in need to learn job skills they need to earn a living and have the money to buy simple tools and supplies to open their own small business. The goal is to move families, villages, and small communities to self-sufficiency.
The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) 12/16/2008
The Christian Broadcasting Network airs television programming in 147 countries and territories and in 31 different languages. The program content is often evangelistic magazine programs produced in the style of The 700 Club, plus youth music programs, animated children's Bible stories, and other high-quality entertainment programs. CBN uses indigenous hosts and language to communicate the gospel message in a culturally relevant way.
Memorial Gifts 4/7/2009
The Christian Relief Fund 4/7/2009
Memorial Gifts can be made in lieu of flowers or sympathy cards to commemorate someone's passing. The deceased's name is printed in our monthly newsletter and a card is sent to the family. "Thank you" cards are also sent for the convenience of the bereaved. A brochure containing scripture and messages of comfort is sent a few weeks later.
Planned Giving! 4/7/2009
The Christian Relief Fund 4/7/2009
Planned giving can consist of will bequeaths, gift annuities & other options. Many are interested in gift annuities because they are one of the best ways to receive a guaranteed income & reduce estate taxes.These annuities also limit risk as they are not subject to market fluctuation.Planned giving will allow you to leave a spiritual and financial legacy of caring for orphans and children enslaved to poverty.For more information please call 1-800-858-4038 or email
The City Mission (OH) 5/7/2019
To someone experiencing homelessness, breaking the cycle of poverty seems like a hopeless endeavor. Our ministries offer broken men, women, and children a chance to begin rebuilding their lives, repairing relationships, and restoring hearts. We invite you to visit our website to learn more about how lives are being transformed through our holistic ministries.
The City School 2/9/2011
You can have an impact on urban Christian education today by donating to The City School. Your financial support will help make our financial aid assistance possible. It will also keep tuition at an accessible rate for our families, support faculty and staff salary and benefits, fund additional equipment and supplies for our classrooms, and help maintain facilities.
The Colson Center for Christian Worldview 11/7/2016
Through the proclamation of Truth, leadership training, and collaboration with like-minded organizations, The Colson Center seeks to build and resource a movement of Christians committed to living and defending the Christian worldview. In a culture of despair, the most powerful agent of change is a life filled with the hope of God that shines His loving truth on a world lost in darkness. Your gift helps mobilize Christians to share the Christian worldview in their communities and beyond.
The Crucible Project 3/23/2023
The Crucible Project is a not-for-profit organization committed to create a world of men and women who live with integrity, grace and courage, fulfilling their God-given purpose.
The Dwelling Place 9/11/2012
The Dwelling Place provides transitional housing and supportive services to women and their children who are fleeing from a violent partner. Many residents come to us after a brief stay in a crisis shelter. The transitional housing program fulfills the need for more healing time & personal development. We are supported primarily by individuals and churches, and we endeavor to help all grow spiritually as they heal from the trauma of domestic abuse. Your donations are essential and appreciated!
Camp EPIC 9/27/2016
The EPICENTER 9/27/2016
6 week summer camp offers academic enrichment in the areas of reading, math and science. Campers are encouraged to learn teamwork and good sportsmanship while taking part in six different sport activities that teach basic skills and competition. Creativity is encouraged through arts, drama and dance. Camp EPIC also offers weekly trips and other fun activities for campers to enjoy.
The EPICENTER 9/19/2017
The EPICENTER's Showers in Transition program provides free showers for men and women in need most Monday and Friday mornings. Help us offer more supplies to those who come!
The Zone 8/5/2015
The EPICENTER 8/5/2015
The Zone features a safe, welcoming, fun, educational environment for students in grades k-8. The whole building is open to students with space to play, get help with homework, and experience a variety of enrichment experiences. Caring adults are available to welcome students and invest in their education, self-esteem, and all around spiritual, emotional, and physical growth. Help us help at risk kids!
APEX Missions 6/20/2018
The Evangelical Free Church of America 6/20/2018
APEX is an authentic and immersive missions experience, for youth and college age, to develop leaders who seek to live with Jesus, and for Jesus, in all aspects of life.
Crisis Response 10/13/2016
The Evangelical Free Church of America 10/13/2016
Crises offer unique opportunities for compassionate outreach, evangelism and disciplemaking. Our Crisis Response teams help EFCA churches and ReachGlobal partners prepare for and respond to disasters in their communities and around the world, responding to crises such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and large scale fires.
The Evangelical Free Church of America 6/20/2018
EFCA GATEWAY is a unique, language-specific theological course of study for pastors and leaders, including ethnic, urban and other non-traditional students. GATEWAY is designed for leaders who need theological and pastoral training, but lack the time and resources to access traditional seminary education.
Student Ministries 6/20/2018
The Evangelical Free Church of America 6/20/2018
Held every other year, the EFCA's Challenge youth conference challenges students to live on mission with Jesus everyday, everywhere and with everyone. Please check our website for further information.
The Family Radio Network 7/26/2016
The Family’s ‘Help for the Homeless’ hygiene drive works with area homeless coalitions to stock the shelves of 83 homeless and crisis programs in 15 Wisconsin communities in our listening areas serving over 70,000 people. The goal of Help for the Homeless is to supply a year’s worth of product to each agency (In many cases, this is happening!).
The Finishing Fund 7/23/2024
The Finishing Fund is accelerating the effort to complete Jesus Great Commission so that there are “disciples in every nation” by 2024. Join us and be part of the sprint to the finish.
The Finishing Fund 8/12/2020
We do only one thing: provide funding for missionaries to take the gospel to people groups who have never heard it. We work through trusted, proven partner organizations who train and mobilize missionaries to evangelize and plant churches among the unengaged. A typical engagement projects cost $30,000 and lasts 3 years.
The Firs Bible & Missionary Conference 8/8/2011
Since its inception, the ministries of The Firs have been supported and grown by the generous gifts of friends whose lives have been touched at one or more of our facilities and programs. Help support The Firs by giving to one of our programs today.
The Fostering Collective 9/8/2020
Creating healthy, thriving, Christ-centered foster families is all about getting what you need without the confusion and without wasting your time. Whether you desire to adopt, foster, or support, The Fostering Collective has the resources, guidance, and answers you need to change the lives of children from hard places.
The Foundry Ministries 11/8/2022
The Foundry Ministries is a haven where the addict and destitute experience the love of Christ, find freedom and discover purpose. Permanently transformed lives through Christ-centered ministries is the vision behind our story and our process.
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry 8/15/2011
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry outreach ministries include helping with personal needs, Bible studies, "Thank God for Israel" programs, Hebrew-Christian fellowships, seminars, teaching tours and volunteer work projects to Israel, relief programs, literature distribution, and an audio/video ministry. The Institute of Jewish Studies is an online program and daily broadcasts are on nearly 500 outlets. Our bi-monthly magazine, ISRAEL MY GLORY, has 200,000 subscribers in 151 countries.
The Gideons International 2/28/2013
People need the hope that only God’s Word can provide. God guarantees that His Word will touch lives. By providing Bibles through The Gideons, lives will be changed. There are more than nine million people in prisons around the world. A gift of God's Word may be the only way many of these prisoners will learn that God loves them and that they can be forgiven. Your donations will help give the hope of God’s Word!
The Glory Project 5/16/2023
The Glory Project is an international missionary organization geographically focused on missions in Asia. We are a network of churches and missionaries who strive to reach the unreached with the gospel of Jesus Christ by filling the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14).
The Good Samaritan Society of America 11/23/2010
The Good Samaritan Society of America healthcare clinic is serving the people rural Nigeria with affordable quality medical and health care services with donated medicines and funds. This clinic is located in The Good Samaritan Society Mission Village in the rural southwest part of Nigeria. We provide services to all humanity regardless of their religion, gender, creed, ethnic origin or nationality.
The Good Samaritan Society of America 7/27/2012
We pray that God will lead you to support one or two children with $50.00 each to participate in this one week long Bible Camp. Your sponsorship will be used for kids that their parents could not pay for the feeding cost of the program. Many families in this rural community earn less than $281.25 ( N45,000.00) per year ( $1=N160). We also encourage volunteers for short term Mission Trip for this program. Your involvements in the spiritual lives of these children is Christ's again.
The Grace Message 8/22/2024
The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley is a non-profit media ministry founded in 2015. We exist to proclaim the finished work of Jesus Christ with boldness and clarity.
The Hope Center 10/8/2010
Numerous organizations occupy the Plano campus and work together to expand their life-changing impact around the world. Every dollar contributed to the Hope Center translates into a dollar dedicated to Global ministry outreach. Ministries housed in the Hope Center are able to leverage the benefits of synergy and economies of scale to direct funds into ministry programs that would otherwise be spent on operational expenses.
The HOPE Center 12/14/2011
Earn While You Learn (EWYL) is a one-on-one educational program between client and mentor that complements our Childbirth Preparation classes. Clients learn how to prepare for childbirth, and earn “Mommy Money and Daddy Dollars” to spend in the Baby & More Thrift Store.
The Impact Movement 7/8/2014
Each year, Impact hosts a collection of mission trips across the United States and the world. These trips allow participants to share the truth of Jesus Christ as well as grow spiritually. You can give to these opportunities and help thousands hear the gospel of Jesus Christ! Our Impact Summer Internship Program (SIP), where college students use their talents in media, marketing, videography, etc. to help propel the message and vision of Impact, is just one of our many opportunities.
The Jackson Institute 2/6/2018
We are committed to the vigorous pursuit of truth and offer many venues and resources for those who are seeking satisfying answers to life’s most challenging questions. Through engaging discussions, mentoring relationships, strategic training, lectures, and recommended readings, we seek to foster life transformation in Christ as a passionate response to the Great Commandment, the Great Commission, and the Cultural Mandate. Partner with us to engage all we are for the glory of God!
The Joshua Fund 9/10/2009
One of the primary ways we help people to be "warm and well fed" is through The Joshua Fund's warehouse in Israel. In partnership with local congregations and other allies, we use a significant portion of our funding to order, stock, and distribute food monthly to several storefronts throughout the land. The food is then distributed through home deliveries or a centralized location to assist the poor and needy in the name of Jesus. Partner with The Joshua Fund today!
The Keystone Project 3/15/2013
The Keystone Project discipleship training courses are designed to identify, train, and send a new generation of leaders to launch movements of disciple-making-disciples in every nation on earth. New churches, cells, teams, and networks emerge out of these movements with the potential to expand the kingdom of God into the most unreached regions. KP provides its training and resources free-of-charge to majority world leaders. The generous support of U.S.-based donors makes this work possible.
The King's Academy 4/20/2022
The King’s Academy partners with families to provide children an exemplary Kingdom education by investing in the whole child: spiritually, academically, and emotionally. We believe in transformation. Transforming the lives of children by transforming the traditional approach to education.
Phone-A-Thon! 12/2/2008
The King's Christian Academy 12/2/2008
Each fall KCA hosts its annual Phone-A-Thon. A postcard mailing is sent to our family, friends and donors announcing the week of Phone-A-Thon and alerting everyone to expect a call from our students and/or Board members. This is an opportunity to support KCA and our students by investing in our school. We thank each parent, grandparent, friend, family member and business associate that supports the ministry and mission of KCA.
The King's University 9/22/2011
The King's University is raising up a new generation of Spirit-filled leaders for the 21st Century. We are helping the worldwide Spirit-filled movement to prosper and grow by providing new and vibrant leadership. Your financial support will help students pursue a theological education.
The Legacy Imperative 9/12/2024
At The Legacy Imperative, we believe Jesus came to bring life to spiritually dead hearts. Facing a crisis with 152 million Millennials and Gen Zs largely unreached, we empower grandparents to be catalysts for change. Your unique influence and intentional conversations can profoundly impact future generations and ensure the survival of faith and values.
Releasing Hope! 2/19/2024
The Lovelady Center 2/19/2024
It is our mission to help women rebuild their lives and walk forward with faith-driven hope for the future. The Lovelady Center ensures that each woman is taught how to overcome barriers to success by providing not only much-needed services, but also life skills and spiritual guidance. We can give a woman shelter, food, and clothing, but if she cannot support herself and parent her children, the cycle of poverty and incarceration will not be broken.
The Mailbox Club 8/7/2018
Most of the 1.9 billion children in the world are without Jesus. The Mailbox Club is on a mission to change that. Our passion and our focus are the children of the world. Our mission is to win children and young people of the world to Christ, helping to nurture them into spiritual maturity through bible study courses and into local churches. Your generous gift will be put to use immediately to transform young lives – and eternities – in communities around the world.
The Master's Academy of Central Florida 6/3/2010
Master's Academy assists parents in training their children to be Christ-like. Christian education is developed from the Bible and stands against the godless philosophies of humanism, materialism, secularism, and New Age. You may contribute to The Master's Academy by visiting our website.
The Medical Strategic Network 4/1/2010
The Medical Strategic Network is dedicated to equipping, networking and mobilizing health care professionals and students to better serve the Lord in their respective realms of influence. Our Medical Evangelism Training & Strategies (METS) Conferences provide practical, hands-on training to more effectively treat patients - both physically and spiritually thus treating the whole person.
The Men of Nehemiah 5/8/2018
The Men of Nehemiah is designed to rebuild the lives of families that have been torn apart by the vicious onslaught of poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, and violence. Our primary ministry is a comprehensive discipleship and addiction recovery program for men, particularly men who are homeless and/or formerly incarcerated. The Men of Nehemiah envisions a world where all mankind will recognize and experience the Love and Presence of God in their lives and thereby praise Him for who He is.
The Mentoring Alliance 3/10/2016
Boys & Girls Clubs of East Texas is the after-school program of The Mentoring Alliance. The BGCET meets daily in 14 different locations all throughout the community. Great, godly staff mentors work with kids to help them develop emotionally, academically and spiritually. Giving opportunities through the Mentoring Alliance also include supporting their Gospel Village mentorship programs and Rose City summer camp programs.
The Micah Project 5/7/2020
The Micah Project is a non-profit Christian organization in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, dedicated to providing young men in social risk situations with the spiritual, emotional, academic and physical resources to transform them into servant-leaders in their family, society, profession and faith community.
The Micah Project 5/7/2020
The Micah Project is a non-profit Christian organization in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, dedicated to providing young men in social risk situations with the spiritual, emotional, academic and physical resources to transform them into servant-leaders in their family, society, profession and faith community.
The Micah Project 5/7/2020
he Micah Project is a non-profit Christian organization in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, dedicated to providing young men in social risk situations with the spiritual, emotional, academic and physical resources to transform them into servant-leaders in their family, society, profession and faith community.
The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago 11/11/2008
Your gift to Moody Bible Institute helps to train nearly 3,000 undergraduate, graduate and independent studies students for ministry - as well as preach the Gospel of Christ over the airwaves on a network. We have 35 owned and operated radio stations and more than 400 affiliates.
The Neighborhood Christian Clinic 3/5/2009
The Neighborhood Christian Clinic provides medical and dental services to the uninsured, underserved community while sharing the gospel and love of Christ in the context of a patient/provider setting. The Clinic prays with virtually every patient. Because 50+% of the patient visits are facilitated by a volunteer medical provider, we are able to disciple and mentor the volunteers so they can include Christ in their private practices. Currently, 125 patients are turned away each month.
The NETS Center for Church Planting and Revitalization 5/16/2012
The NETS Residency Program is a unique life-on-life mentorship. Residents spend two years as apprentices in a thriving Gospel-driven church. Couples are enfolded into the church body where they not only gain practical ministry experience, but experience up close the transforming power of the Gospel. Your support will help us equip servant leaders to plant churches in New England and abroad.
Elders Ministry! 8/11/2011
The Northwest Ministry Network 8/11/2011
In the Elders Ministry, elders provide pastoral care for pastors. They also serve as interim pastors or guest speakers for churches that are between pastors. Elders represent the Network leadership team at many meaningful events such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals, pastoral installations, hospital visits, building dedications, and baby dedications. To support this ministry, call (425) 888-4800.
The Power Company Kids Club 6/12/2024
Our mission has always been to guide inner-city youth toward healthy, successful, sustainable independence. We help at-risk kids discover and develop their own strengths and talents because we focus on “building champions,” thousands of marginalized families are seeing their kids graduate from high school, attend college, and become godly leaders. It takes years of weekly training and in-home visits, but it’s worth it to impact countless generations to come.
The Presidential Prayer Team 1/7/2014
Thank you for your willingness to help support this Prayer Team. You are a vital part in this ministry. You can trust that 100% of your gift will be used for our purpose of informing and encouraging Americans to pray for our nation, its leaders and the military.
The Providence Forum 1/7/2020
The mission of the Providence Forum is to preserve, defend and advance the Judeo-Christian values of our nation's founding.We seek to engage the curious seeker as well as the committed citizen in America’s foundational values and the exciting stories of God’s providence in America’s history.
Kingdom Kars 11/12/2008
The Saints Prison Ministry 11/12/2008
The Saints Prison Ministry uses the proceeds from donated vehicles to reach inmates with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Vehicles are accepted in any condition, and every dollar received is used to share the gospel with inmates. Knowing that 80% of the inmate population will not go to the chapel, the Saints use athletics to draw them to an event in the prison recreation yard where the Gospel is preached boldly. Evangelism, discipleship and aftercare are all part of the Saints mission.
The Saints Prison Ministry 11/14/2008
The Saints Prison Ministry uses basketball, soccer, softball, and volleyball to reach inmates across the country with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 80% of those behind bars will not go to the chapel or a formal religious program, but they will attend a sporting event - particularly one pitting their inmate all-stars against outside competition! Your donations allow the Saints to reach men and women who desperately need to experience the love of Jesus Christ.
The Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association 1/22/2009
The Scott Dawson Evangelistic Association is continuing to go where people are in an effort to spread the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Each year SDEA hosts events, conferences, participates in numerous evangelistic opportunities in order for thousands to hear the Gospel from Scott Dawson. By partnering with us financially, you become part of a team that is committed to take the Gospel to places where people need to hear the word of Jesus Christ.
The Signatry 6/30/2011
The Signatry is one of the largest Christian grant-making foundations in the world. In the last 18 years we have facilitated over $2.7 Billion of charitable giving through thousands of families, individuals, businesses and charities. Our innovative, tax-smart solutions help donors maximize their giving each year. Your financial support will help us to continue assisting churches, ministries, and non-profits. To donate, call (913) 310-0279.
The Solomon Foundation 7/23/2024
The Solomon Foundation was created with you in mind; whether you are an investor looking for a fixed rate investment opportunity, or you are just starting to save money with our low-minimum investment. Perhaps you are the pastor looking for a partner in ministry, or the church planter needing funding for a facility where your ministry can grow. We are here to work with you!
The Table Coalition 6/19/2018
Our unified goal is simple but strategic: to PRAY for, CARE for, and SHARE the Good News of Jesus Christ with every man, woman, and young person in the United States while expressing a John 17 unity. Any gift you make is tax-deductible as provided by law. We are committed to being good stewards of your generous contribution towards our mission.
The Trinity Forum 5/24/2011
The Trinity Forum Evening Conversation Series provides established and emerging leaders with regular opportunities to engage with great ideas within a relaxed and lecture setting. Through lecture and conversation, attendees are able to engage with their peers as well as thought leaders on timeless topics. Your support will help renew and transform the leaders of today, as well as the future leaders of tomorrow.
The Urban Alternative 4/20/2009
The Kingdom Agenda Fellowship of Churches is an outreach ministry of The Urban Alternative. The purpose of the Kingdom Agenda Fellowship of Churches is to provide an alliance for likeminded pastors that embrace the Kingdom Agenda philosophy; which is the visible manifestation of the comprehensive rule of God over every area of life as reflected in the individual, family, church and society. KAFOC’s objective is to provide its members with spiritual covering and practical biblical education.
The Urban Alternative 4/20/2009
The concept of National Church Adopt-A-School Initiative is comprehensive….to implement a national faith-based strategy to address the spiritual and social needs of urban youth and families through a church and public school partnership. The NCAASI builds the capacity of churches and faith-based organizations to provide “a hand-up, not a hand-out” by seeking holistic, long-term solutions of meeting needs in a way that changes how people think, which ultimately determines how they live.
The Urban Alternative 4/20/2009
Serving as the pastor’s wife for over 30 years, Mrs. Evans recognized how impossible it is for women to grow if they are not encouraged and equipped with tools and training for their role. This ministry provides instruction, encouragement, networking opportunities, strengthens fellowship, motivates, rekindles the flame of marriage, and reignites the joy in the journey. We also encourage women to develop chapters across the nation where pastors' wives can find refuge.
The Urban Alternative 4/22/2009
The Urban Alternative is a Christian ministry that seeks to equip, empower and unite the church to impact individuals, families and communities for the rebuilding of their lives from the inside out by means of Radio, Television, Internet, Rallies/Conferences and Resources.
The Urban Alternative 7/26/2016
The Tony Evans Training Center (TETC) will facilitate educational programming that embodies the ministry philosophy of Dr. Tony Evans as expressed through the kingdom agenda's five core subjects: Theology, Individual, Family, Church and Society. Completing these courses will equip and prepare students to serve through the church or non-profit setting in a spirit of excellence and accuracy. A course resource index and course development plan has been completed. Courses are being developed.
Bibles 7/17/2014
The Voice of the Martyrs 7/17/2014
Christians residing in restricted nations are often denied access to Bibles. They are considered illegal or can be extremely difficult to obtain. VOM prints Bibles in the languages of the countries where we work and smuggles them to believers who would otherwise never have an opportunity to read God's Word. VOM also provides New Testaments, children's Bibles, study Bibles and digital Bibles. Audio Bibles are distributed to those who cannot read.
The Voice of the Martyrs 7/17/2014
VOM directly assists pastors, evangelists and Christian workers who carry out their ministry in the face of hostility and persecution. Assistance includes supplies that allow them to minister in remote villages, evangelistic materials, and training. In addition, VOM may provide support to workers and their families, helping them meet daily needs such as food, clothing and housing.
The Walter Hoving Home 10/16/2008
Assist Walter Hoving Home as we rebuild lives shattered by drugs and alcohol. We are a nonprofit, faith-based rehabilitation center serving women 18 years and older who have been involved in drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, and other life-controlling problems.
The Woodlands Christian Academy 7/11/2018
The Woodlands Christian Academy is an independent, Christ-centered college preparatory day school serving students in Pre-K through 12th grade. With a strong history of over 20 years and a clear vision for the future, we are leading the way for Christian education in the north Houston area. Raising funds at Woodlands Christian is not simply about accumulating dollars to meet the needs of the school. It is also about being good stewards of the resources provided to Woodlands Christian.
The Word for the World 2/7/2013
The Word for the World affords those who are called to Bible translation the opportunity to obtain practice-oriented training. The program provides training for all the different participants involved in the translation process. It is designed in such a way that it allows for early involvement in the Bible translation process. Your financial support will further the work of God's Kingdom! Give today!
Third Lens 11/19/2024
Third Lens Ministries is changing how construction projects are built in the non-profit world. The Third Lens platform connects our network of architects, engineers, real estate and construction professionals with strategic partners and organizations in need of facilities.
Third Millennium Ministries 6/5/2009
Third Millennium Ministries' primary objective is to provide Biblical Education. For the World. For Free. By designing, creating, and globally distributing a free, multimedia seminary curriculum in multiple languages, Third Millennium is equipping church leaders in their own lands at no cost to them. Our purpose is to provide Christian leaders with the biblical and theological resources they require to lead their congregations effectively in accordance with the Word of God.
Thrive Metro East 6/5/2020
ThriVe is a non-profit organization that empowers people to make life-affirming and healthy decisions about sex, pregnancy and relationships.
Thrive Ministry 11/6/2015
Empower missionary women to stay and thrive on the mission field. A donation of $780 will provide retreat attendance for one woman. Invest in them, so they can invest in others.
Help Save Lives! 7/18/2011
Thrive Women's Clinic 7/18/2011
$500 client literature for one clinic $2,500 supports Uganda and Chile partnerships $5,000 provides partial salary for part time nurse $10,000 partial salary for Irving counselor/receptionist $25,000 full salary for part time Men's Program Coordinator
Tiger Pause Youth Ministry 4/20/2009
Tiger Pause is a Christ-centered, community based organization that serves Beaver County's young people and their families through after-school, summer camp, sports, mentoring, and work programs. Our desire is to provide individuals from all walks of life with opportunities to participate in quality programs that help them reach their God given potential. We preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are blessed as God uses us to redeem lives, build leaders, and transform communities.
Tikkun International 4/7/2011
Contribute to Tikkun International as we equip, educate and send out leaders to fulfill the Great Commission by extending the kingdom of God in America, Israel, and throughout the world.
Tilikum Center for Retreats and Outdoor Ministries 7/26/2018
By offering overnight summer camps, weekend retreat groups, family camps and outdoor schools, Lakeside Village will create the opportunity for 2,000 more campers to experience Tilikum each year, expanding the mission and ministry of Tilikum, and dramatically increasing Tilikum’s outreach opportunities. Constructing eight new cabins and a multi-use pavilion will meet the current need for more sleeping, eating and meeting space, and ensure Tilikum is prepared to best serve the next generation.
Tilikum Center for Retreats and Outdoor Ministries 6/11/2015
Your donation will help kids who can’t afford camp! $300 pays for one camper. 100% of your donation will go directly to our scholarship fund. Thank you for helping under-resourced kids, youth and adults get to camp!
Tim Tebow Foundation 8/20/2018
The Christian faith is about loving Jesus and loving people, and that is what we are trying to do with this foundation and all of our outreaches. Our goal is to let people know that God loves them and that they are worthy. Donate today to help us bring Faith, Hope and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need. 100% of your gift will go directly toward outreach initiatives!
Timothy Christian Schools 11/19/2020
Timothy International 4/29/2024
Timothy International is a nonprofit organization with the purpose of serving missionaries, pastors, and the Church around the world.
Timothy Two Project International 9/8/2015
The central task of TTPI is to train pastors. This is done through week-long workshops, where the TTPI missionary and the local pastors work together to develop workbooks that are doctrinally sound yet culturally accessible. You can be a ministry partner and support this vital ministry in many nations around the world!
Tin Man Ministries 10/6/2022
Tin Man provides coaching, mentoring, and consulting, and offers guidance to those who want to recover the life they've lost and discover the life they desire, by learning to live from the heart.
TMS Global 4/21/2010
TMS Global 4/21/2010
Since 1984, The Mission Society has been involved in recruiting, training and sending missionaries both overseas and within the United States. We currently support more than 200 missionaries who minister in more than 35 nations worldwide. We also partner with churches in an effort to help them realize and grasp their potential to have an impact locally, nationally, and internationally. We invite you to learn more about who we are and how God may be calling you to become a part of our team.
Today's Choice 6/9/2011
Those in an unplanned pregnancy need all the support they can get. At Today's Choice we come alongside both the woman and man with an unplanned pregnancy. We offer free pregnancy testing and ultrasound exams. Support in the way of parenting preparation, life skills education,baby clothing and equipment are all provided free of charge as well. Won't you help?
Tomorrow Clubs International 12/6/2019
The Tomorrow Clubs partner with the local church to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ and long term discipleship to children in underserved communities through weekly Bible clubs.
Total Living International 10/16/2008
Support Total Living International as we provide Christian faith-based television programs through our broadcast and cable network. We also provide Christian faith-based DVDs, CDs, books, and instructional guides through our network and other outlets, and global opportunities for ministry and life enrichment through travel, conferences, membership, and mission projects.
Total Living International 11/7/2008
Marriage: For Better For Worse Since January 2005 the phone lines have been packed with people calling to ask for advice. The host, Pastor Bob Moeller, has a heart for couples to enrich and refresh their relationship. Pastor Bob begins the show with practical teaching advice for your marriage, and then he answers questions from the viewers. Whether you call or learn from other's questions, you are sure to be impacted by this television ministry.
Touching Lives 6/9/2011
Touching Lives is the international television broadcast ministry of Dr. James Merritt. We currently broadcast in all 50 states and in over 190 countries and territories around the world, reaching multiplied millions of souls with the hope and encouragement of Jesus Christ. What better investment could you make than to have a part in someone’s eternal security? Please give today!
Town and Country 6/9/2011
The Town and Country Manor is a retirement center dedicated to providing carefree living for those with changing needs. We are providing independent living, assisted living, and skilled nursing care. Our warm and friendly staff is striving to care for the whole person in mind, body, and spirit. Your support helps us provide for the needs of our residents. Call (714) 547-7581 to donate.
Training Leaders International 2/22/2011
Christianity is exploding across the globe but there’s a vacuum of theologically trained leaders. Training Leaders International provides those church leaders with the solid theological education they need. You can help the church across the world by supporting our work.
Training Pastors International 11/8/2022
Pastors trained by us bring the gospel to people that only they can reach. They gain biblical knowledge as well as practical knowledge in how to study god’s word and execute the great commission. They then bring it back to their indigenous communities as trusted, respected missionaries to their local communities.
Transform Iran 7/1/2013
222 Ministries USA needs financial support in: training house church leaders for church planting expansion, reaching the Iranians through media which includes TV programming and internet, providing Christian publications translated into Farsi, humanitarian support to Iranian and Afghan refugees in Europe, and humanitarian support for Syria's Christian Refugees.
Transform Minnesota 3/26/2009
Transform Minnesota unites evangelicals so we can engage the greatest challenges facing our communities and impact every life in Minnesota with the love of Jesus. Support us as we connect churches and Christian leaders together to network to transform lives in our community through the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Transformation Ministries 5/24/2011
Transformation Ministries is building a movement of mission-empowering relationships. We are accomplishing this in 3 main ways: deepening and developing pastors as spiritual leaders, coaching and networking churches toward greater health and missional vitality, and supporting and initiating viable church planting partnerships. Your financial support will help transform today's churches.
Transforming Center 8/18/2021
We exist to create space for God to strengthen leaders and transform communities. We serve leaders and influences of purposeful communities – churches, non-profits, and businesses – who long for new rhythms that allow them to flourish in their life and leadership.
Tri-State Bible College 5/24/2011
The curriculum of Tri-State Bible College is designed to promote a biblical worldview and to help students become theologically skillful. Your financial support will help students acquire a college education who would not be able to afford it otherwise. Contact (740) 377-2520 to donate.
Trinity Academy 3/21/2024
The mission of Trinity Academy is to equip students to live with wisdom, excellence, and purpose in the modern world through an education grounded in the Christian faith and the classical tradition. Serving over 600 students in grades Transitional Kindergarten through 12th grade, Trinity Academy serves students by providing a full-academic program rooted in the classical tradition with faith woven throughout all aspects of the school.
Trinity Anglican Seminary 5/24/2011
At Trinity Anglican Seminary we are forming Christian leaders for mission. Our goal is to provide a high-quality theological education to the future leaders of the church without the burden of debt, freeing them to go wherever God might call them after graduation. You can help us by contributing to either our annual Trinity Fund or to one of our spendable scholarship funds.
Trinity College of Florida 5/24/2011
At Trinity College of Florida, your financial gift is being used to supply quality education and services to our diverse student body. Without your financial partnership, the impact of this institution could not be fully realized. Your support is paying the price and your assistance is generating the anticipation that something new is about to spring forth!
Trinity Western University Foundation US 6/13/2017
Scholarship assistance for needy students.
Defense of Freedom 6/13/2017
Trinity Western University Foundation US 6/13/2017
At issue is TWU's Community Covenant, which all TWU students sign before joining us. The Covenant exists to define this community as distinctly Christian. One section of the Community Covenant honors the sacredness of traditional Christian marriage by asking students to reserve sexual intimacy for marriage between a man and a woman. This is the part of the Covenant to which the law societies object. They allege that the Covenant discriminates against LGBTQ students.
Trinity Western University Foundation US 5/24/2011
An education at Trinity Western University changes students’ lives and empowers them to bring joy and hope to the lives of others. For many students, a scholarship or bursary is the difference between experiencing transformational education at TWU and not having the means to attend. You can make this difference in a student’s life by supporting the Trinity Western Fund.
TruCare Network 11/7/2016
The TruCare Network consists of the TruCare Pregnancy Center and the TruCare Testing Clinic. TruCare Pregnancy Center exists to empower clients facing unplanned pregnancy. TruCare Testing Clinic offers confidential sexual health services for men and women from medical professionals. Both entities offer referrals for medical services, adoption agencies, counseling and many other opportunities to help women prepare physically, emotionally and spiritually for the birth or adoption of their child.
True Care Women's Resource Center 3/25/2010
The Future Care Fellowship is designed to recognize and continue to honor those who have made provisions for a future gift to our endowment fund through a bequest, life insurance, annuity, trust agreement or an outright gift to the endowment fund. If you have already arranged for a future gift, we would like to know about it. If not, we invite you to consider a bequest or other future gift provision.
True Care Women's Resource Center 3/19/2009
True Care Women's Resource Center (The Caring Center, Inc) is open during the COVID-19 pandemic. We serve women facing unplanned pregnancies. The professionals at True Care recognize that a decision about the outcome of a pregnancy is one of the most difficult a woman will ever make. The Patient Advocates and Nursing Staff at True Care are dedicated to providing timely, relevant education and information needed to make an informed choice about pregnancy and empowering women to carry to term.
Truth At Work 7/14/2016
An annual leadership event designed to equip a generation of godly leaders in the marketplace. The event features a line-up of high impact and high profile speakers from a wide variety of backgrounds (business,church,education,sports, etc.). This event will draw leaders from a variety of fields to come together and be challenged, catalyzed, and equipped toward spiritual, personal and professional growth.
Truth For Life 5/24/2011
Truth for Life is broadcasting the truth on radio stations all over the United States and around other parts of the world. Your financial support will help us reach our final goal: for unbelievers to be converted, believers to be established, and local churches to be strengthened.
Tupelo Christian Preparatory School 11/18/2008
TCPS students must have the baton of Faith passed on to them. TCPS leads students, in partnership with Christian families, to know Christ and make Him known through rigorous academics, challenging athletics, stimulating arts, and servant-hood activities. We are constantly providing opportunities to develop students to become effective servants. We pray that you will invest in their futures by making a gift to TCPS today.
Turlock Pregnancy and Health Center 4/7/2014
Turlock Pregnancy Center services are free and confidential to our clients. We do, however, have expenses. We are dependent on our donors to meet those expenses. Please consider supporting our ministry!
Twelve 12 Ministries 6/12/2024
Twelve 12 Ministries helps transform pain into purpose. Inspired by Romans 12:12, we help equip the local church to provide resources for their community. Our approach intertwines spiritual, emotional, and physical elements to offer comprehensive care and community. We remind women that they are not alone by helping them love God, love others, make disciples, and equip churches to create infertility awareness.
Twelve21 Global 9/8/2020
Twelve21 Global believes every child deserves a better future. Working through the local church and our schools, we find child sponsorship an effective means to alleviate the chronic cycle of poverty and provide children HOPE for a better future through a Christ centered education.
TWR 1/24/2025
Much of the media world is going digital, including some of TWR’s ministries, but there are still strategic places for shortwave radio, and one of them is China. TWR is beaming gospel programs into individual homes as we have been doing for decades with shortwave.
TWR 1/24/2025
The ongoing war continues to challenge our Ukrainian staff to minister to fellow Ukrainians while dealing with their own fears of living in a war zone and, for the young men, of possibly being called up. The harvest is plentiful as people respond to TWR’s Russian and Ukrainian programming in record numbers.
Tyndale Bible Translators 1/11/2021
TBT is a small, non-denominational, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit missions organization. We exist to help Translate the Bible in any language possible.
UFM Worldwide USA 10/5/2017
Our Lord’s command to “Go and make disciples of all nations” is as urgent today as it was when he first gave it to the apostles. There are more unevangelised people in the world in the 21st century than there were in the 1st century. Countries in which Gospel churches were established in past centuries are now more or less devoid of Christian witness. We are committed to bringing the Gospel to unevangelised people wherever they are to be found.
Unabridged Truth 3/11/2021
We engage in strategic initiatives with Bible societies, translators, churches, Bible schools, seminaries, and other ministries designed to get the Bible to those who don’t yet have it. And for those who do, we provide engaging materials and interactive Bible experiences in which the Scriptures are memorably illuminated. At Unabridged we are driven by the desire to ignite a lifelong passion for the Bible among all people.
Unbound Now 12/11/2023
Unbound Now is committed to eradicating human trafficking globally, addressing the distinct needs of communities through three key lanes of action. Founded in 2012, the nonprofit has expanded to 11 service areas, mobilizing faith-driven efforts to protect the vulnerable, identify exploitation, and advocate for survivors. With a refusal to stand idly by, Unbound Now actively engages communities, including law enforcement, churches, and professionals, in the fight against human trafficking.
Uncharted Ministries 8/7/2019
Help us continue to take the Gospel to the least reached among Jews and Muslims, and those off the beaten path who have no access to the Gospel. We are telling the real stories behind the headlines of our God’s amazing transforming work around the world.
Unconventional Business Network 5/8/2012
Invest in changing lives through Integrity Resource Center: Your tax-deductible gift of: •$25---supports 16 leaders as they learn and apply God’s principles •$50---provides 32 people biblical insight into their God given purpose •$100---enables 64 leaders to experience our FIRE Assessment •$1000---provides crisis counseling for 8 leaders
unfoldingWord 7/20/2011
Open Bible Stories is our first step in making unrestricted Biblical content available for free to the church. Comprising 50 carefully chosen stories from Creation to Revelation, it is an excellent mini-Bible for churches where Biblical content is scarce. Can be translated in six weeks or less. Open licensed so any Christian may translate it into his own mother tongue without jumping through permission hoops or waiting for another organization to do it for him.
Union Foundation US 4/20/2023
Union exists to raise leaders, grow healthy churches and help everyday believers delight in God. We primarily do this through publishing resources, our scholars program, church planting grants, and our School of Theology.
Union Gospel Mission 11/15/2019
Our mission is feeding the hungry, restoring the addict and loving our neighbor. Union Gospel Mission provides more than 250,000 meals a year to the homeless and people in need. Union Gospel Mission is also home to the LifeChange program, a Christ-centered recovery community. Your gift will help men, women, and children find healing and hope allowing them to escape homelessness, addiction and poverty.
Union Gospel Mission of Missoula 10/15/2021
We assist those trying to get back on their feet, we provide women and children with hope and resources in their time of need, and we work together with the community and donors to restore hope and effect real change in the lives of those we help.
Union Gospel Mission of Salem 11/15/2011
Restore hope and restore lives by supporting UGM of Salem. Your gift not only provides free nourishing meals and safe shelter to homeless and hurting men, women and children, but also programs and services that truly transform lives.
Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities 1/28/2011
Provide help and hope to those in need. Give today. Union Gospel Mission is a Christian ministry dedicated to serving the homeless, poor, and addicted in our community. By meeting physical, spiritual, emotional, and educational needs, our Mission is changing lives!
Heroes for Hope! 4/28/2009
Union Rescue Mission 4/28/2009
For 125 years, Union Rescue Mission (URM) has been committed to serve those experiencing homelessness in Southern California. We are the largest comprehensive rescue mission in the nation sheltering up to 1,300 every night. We provide emergency services for men, women, and children experiencing homelessness on Skid Row in Los Angeles. URM greets families living at the poverty line who are directly affected by job loss, domestic violence, alcohol/drug abuse, and mental illness.
Union Rescue Mission of Wichita 3/20/2009
Through your monthly gift to the Union Rescue Mission of Wichita, we can help the homeless and needy discover an abundant life through living faith in Jesus Christ! Your unrestricted gift goes to work right away to help provide the necessary needs for serving the homeless and poor each and every month, either through our Emergency Homeless Shelter or our 12-month Christian-based Life-Change Program. Expenses of the Mission never take “time off”—they continue each and every month of the year.
Union University 5/24/2011
Union University is an academic community, affiliated with the Tennessee Baptist Convention, equipping students to think Christianly and serve faithfully. Support Union University as we help students become excellence-driven, Christ-centered, people-focused, and future-directed.
United for Life to His Glory 10/15/2021
Our mission is to provide life affirming alternatives to women in our community who are the most vulnerable to poverty, predators and exploitation. Informing those in the Body of Christ of the current tragedy in our city regarding abortion, sexual exploitation of women & children, and how our children are being misinformed by the world.
University Bible Fellowship 5/24/2011
University Bible Fellowship is an evangelistic campus organization. They are focusing on raising disciples of Jesus who can live sacrificial lives for the Gospel and contribute to society and their nation by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to college students and young people. Support U.B.F. as they serve world Evangelism by raising lay missionaries and sending them throughout the world. To donate, contact: UBF Chicago Center, 6558 N. Artesian Ave, Chicago, IL 60645
Cambodia Team! 5/23/2011
University of the Nations Kona 5/23/2011
Nate and the team from the Call2All DTS have started a Bible discovery group in Cambodia, and quickly handed over leadership to a great young guy called Behab. Behab began inviting his friends, then leading them in simple Bible studies where they focused on how to obey the teachings of Jesus. Support this missions team from the University of the Nations as they disciple in Cambodia.
Upward Unlimited 5/23/2011
Upward Sports is the only youth sports experience that offers “The 360 Progression”, a uniquely designed total sports experience that adapts and expands as players develop and grow in their personal athletic journey, creating individuals with strong character, confidence, and spirit. It is our desire to provide a place to play for every skill level player.
Urban Impact Ministries 10/14/2008
Help transform the Central City of New Orleans through spiritual development, Christian community development and strategic partnerships!
Urban Youth Impact 4/20/2009
Urban Youth Impact exists to love, equip and empower inner-city youth and their parents to fulfill their God-given purpose. Founded in 1997, UYI serves the inner city of West Palm Beach. 32% of youth living in the community are not expected to graduate from high school and two-thirds live below the poverty level. UYI seeks to reverse troubling trends and fulfill its mission by offering programs designed to develop critical life-skills that result in better life choices.
Urban Youth Impact 7/18/2012
Urban Youth Impact's ReFrame Program gives students the opportunity to acquire real work experience in professional settings through paid internships. Since the start of this program in 2000, over 200 six-week internships opportunities have been provided. In 2012, UYI launched its year-round Work Program for in-school and out-of-school youth ages 15 to 24.
Urban Youth Impact 6/10/2009
The primary goal of The Leadership Academy (TLA) is to prepare the students it serves to succeed in life by providing academic assistance, character development and spiritual enrichment through the students’ formative years. TLA serves up to 170 students in grades K-9 daily during the school year through tutoring, computer-based literacy learning, faith-based instruction, life-skills and character building lessons, mentoring relationships, performing arts, field trips, and recreation.
Uttermost International 1/7/2020
While empowering churches and educating children are the primary ways we impact communities, sometimes we just want to love and serve a group of people by meeting an immediate need.
Venezuela Now 2/17/2025
Venezuela Now, Inc. empowers the Church in Venezuela to create self-sustaining ministries. Founded in 1996, VNI launched the Seminario Wesleyano de Venezuela to train leaders and spread the Gospel. Over 900 students have enrolled, leading to new congregations and outreach ministries. With nearly 20 years of ministry, VNI continues to transform lives through theological education and faithful stewardship.
Venture 6/6/2017
Venture’s mission to is to help the least reached, least resourced of the world become future Christian leaders. We partner with local churches and national leaders in Southeast Asia to implement a Care Point strategy which focuses on food, education, and discipleship. Your donation can be designated for a particular project or program, or where most needed.
Via Nations 10/10/2018
Since 2001, the Center for Mission Mobilization has been working to engage, equip, and connect believers worldwide to their most strategic role in completing the Great Commission. Our mission is to point those who know and follow Jesus to those with no access to the gospel. We aim to rally the global church to work together in spreading God’s glory to the ends of the earth.
Victory Ministries of Alaska 10/6/2020
We exist to connect people of all ages with God through the ministry of Christian camping and conference retreats.
Village Ministries International 12/4/2008
Village Ministries International (VMI) is a non-denominational Christian organization designed to take the Gospel and the teaching of God’s Word to the “forgotten people” in villages and remote cities ordinarily not exposed to missionary activity or Bible teaching. Utilizing short-term mission teams and materials translated into native languages, we evangelize and then train Christians for the ministry so they can reach their own people.
Vineyard USA 4/15/2021
Committed to worship with passion, serve with devotion, and equip people of every age, ethnicity, language, and background to do the works that Jesus did, the Vineyard is a church planting movement that is growing daily.
Vision Beyond Borders 11/17/2008
Vision Beyond Borders is a testament to God’s faithfulness and provision, His perfect love reaching down to those in need. In the midst of the oppression, violence and persecution of this dark world, we deliver the light and truth of the Word of God. Our travels lead us into Muslim, Communist and other nations closed to the Gospel. We seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the oppressed, in obedience to the Great Commission.
VisionTrust International 12/15/2009
Help VisionTrust spread the Gospel throughout India by donating for the expansion of evangelistic programs for orphans and children in need in India. Your gift will be doubled through our India Matching Gift Fund!
VisionTrust International 11/25/2009
Help create needed and purposed change in the developing world while building relationships that benefit the lives of the children. VisionTrust serves by being God's love in action. Most teams cost $990 plus airfare per person. Please visit for more information.
Voice of China and Asia Missionary Society 12/3/2012
There is no legal Bible distribution system among the forgotten millions of Christians in rural China. In the hands of a rural Chinese believer, a Bible will touch up to four people, who in turn, will lead two more to Christ. For each gift of $5, your donation purchases, transports, and provides on-site verification of a Bible. We invite qualifying sponsors to travel with us on short-term mission distribution trips to witness the miracle of the arrival of God's Word in rural China.
Voice of China and Asia Missionary Society 6/28/2016
Over 90% of China's rural preachers work in a lay capacity having no form of training or study materials. The Voice of China and Asia purchases legally printed 2,000 page Study Bibles and trains rural preachers to use cross-references, Bible notes, timelines, maps, and concordance. Pastors are then taught to assemble sermons in a four-step process using their newly gained skills. At a cost of $25 each, Chinese Pastor's Study Bibles contain material equivalent to one year of Bible school.
Voice of China and Asia Missionary Society 6/28/2016
Voice of China and Asia is empowering rural Chinese Preachers and Evangelists to expand their influence beyond their present limitations. Circuit-walking Chinese Preacher's ministries are hindered by unreliable transportation, walking distance, terrain, and inclement weather. By providing reliable motorcycle transportation we have expanded development of isolated preaching points into full-fledged operating churches, evangelized new counties, and reached distant mountain villages for Christ.
Voice of China and Asia Missionary Society 6/28/2016
Since 1990, over 1300 graduates from 60 denominations have graduated from the Peniel Seminary of the Voice of China and Asia in Busan, Korea who now serve in virtually all of the nations of Asia. In an ultra-conservative tradition dedicated to the priority and inerrancy of the scriptures the Peniel Seminary is producing a second-generation of Pastors and Missionaries to the nations of Asia where western influence is not tolerated. Current projects underway include new campus construction.
Voice of Christ Media Ministries 10/9/2008
Millions of Iranians are open to the Gospel, and many have been coming to personal faith in Jesus Christ. Have a part in what God is doing by helping Voice of Christ Media Ministries serve Iranians, especially in Iran, by bringing them into a life-changing encounter with the living Christ and discipling Christians through satellite radio broadcasts and the internet.
Voice of Judah Israel 7/14/2021
Voice of Judah Israel is a vibrant and dynamic ministry focused on preaching the Gospel to the people of Israel; raising and equipping leaders and pastors through effective and dynamic discipleship and leadership training; and planting and cultivating new congregations in Israel.
W.A. Criswell Foundation 2/10/2014
Your donations will help keep our collection of sermon audio, video, and transcripts that span more than sixty years of Dr. Criswell’s preaching ministry available for listeners. Our ministry depends on donations! Please help keep our radio and podcast ministry alive! We are committed to spreading the Gospel of Christ!
Walking The Text 2/17/2025
Walking the Text (WTT) leads people into a transformational relationship with Jesus by helping them understand the Bible in its original context. Through powerful media resources, study trips, and the The Sacred Thread series, WTT brings Scripture to life—exploring its historical, cultural, and geographical background. By engaging the Text in context, people experience life-changing encounters with Jesus and live out His teachings more intentionally.
Warm Beach Christian Camps and Conference Center 12/7/2018
Camp is a place where a kid can leave behind the cares, distractions, and problems of everyday life and embrace a new beginning. The Kids 2 Camp scholarship fund strengthens youth ministry and helps more than 1600 needy children a year come to Camp who would otherwise be left out. Generous donors make Camp experience possible – and life changes here. Giving kids the time of their lives can change their futures.
Washington University of Virginia 5/13/2011
Washington University of Virginia is helping men and women develop skills to reach people effectively for Christ by promoting life-long learning, Christian leadership, and service in all aspects of life and ministry, so that they may make meaningful contributions to tomorrow’s world. Your donation will help Washington Baptist University continue to provide this education to students. To donate, call 703-333-5904 or email us at
Water at Work Ministry 9/11/2017
By following the example of our Savior, who healed people physically and spiritually, Water@Work strives to spread access to life-saving clean water and to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to transform the lives of over one million of the poorest people in the Dominican Republic through clean water distribution plants, business incubation and access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Water for Good 11/19/2024
Transforming lives through sustainable access to safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene in the places that need it most. As of Jan. 1, 2024, Water for Good and Lifewater International have become one entity and will function under the name Water for Good.
Water Mission 1/14/2010
Water Mission is a Christian engineering nonprofit that builds sustainable safe water solutions for people in developing countries, refugee camps, and disaster areas. Since 2001, Water Mission has served more than 8 million people in 60 countries, sharing safe water and the message of God’s love. Water Mission’s global headquarters is in North Charleston, SC, and the organization has more than 400 staff members based in Africa; Asia; North, South, and Central America; and the Caribbean. Charity
Water4 8/18/2021
We build enterprises that are professionally run and can stand on their own two feet. They put sustain in sustainable development by living and working in the communities they serve. We are obsessed with developing teams and individuals so they are empowered to solve their own local water crisis.
Watered Gardens 8/30/2013
We lack $40,000 to finish our building and begin providing emergency shelter for homeless women in our region. Many homeless women have been separated from their children and family due to addiction, sexual/physical/verbal abuse and brokenness. Help us minister the Gospel and love of Jesus to these hurting women, help them understand who they are in Christ and regain their lives!
Waterfront Rescue Mission 5/12/2011
Waterfront Rescue Mission ministers to addicted/homeless men and women along the Gulf Coast of FL and AL. At our mission locations, we offer Hope through Jesus Christ, as well as food, clothing, and overnight shelter. Those who enter our recovery program receive discipleship, Bible study, individual counseling, education and employment, enabling them to break the cycle of addiction and homelessness.
WatersEdge Ministry Services 5/10/2011
The Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma was created by The Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and since 1946 has helped Oklahoma Baptists give back to the ministries they love. The Foundation acquires, manages, invests and distributes gifts that strengthen Southern Baptist ministries. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that serves as an organization through which donors can give to charitable causes in the state, across the nation, and around the world.
WaterStone 5/12/2011
WaterStone is encouraging and facilitating donors to achieve Christ-centered objectives by providing excellence in personalized charitable giving services and educational resources. Your donation will help us enable personal commitment of time, talent and treasure to the expansion of the Kingdom of God.
Way Cool Angels 3/9/2023
Our repeating 7-week Changed Lives program gathers, helps, and feeds families while gifting groceries, clothing, necessities and toys. We train on receiving with appreciation and giving to those less fortunate than ourselves. We build family relationships that transform lives for the better. We replace fear, devastation, loss and crime with a future and a hope. We give Mexican locals hope and direction for the hurricanes and storms - both physical and others that come against us. We in effect,
Way Cool Angels 3/9/2023
Music has the unique ability to go beyond what we hear and even what our mind can comprehend. In these days, not a day goes by when the cry of conflict and war in the world are not heard. Music has a way of softening even the hardest of hearts to bring peace, love, and joy to those who hear it. Music is medicinal to people who are hurting from the pain of life. We evangelize to the world through music. We also celebrate various cultural and inspirational speaking events. Whether inspirational
Way Cool Angels 3/10/2023
Holocaust survivors are rapidly passing away. We have precious little time left to reach out to them through music. Music has an amazing ability to soften even the hardest, most damaged, hearts. We travel throughout Israel and other locations with survivors to love each one personally through music. Our songs hearken back even to the days before the holocaust, when they would hear lullabies from their mothers or popular tunes they will remember. It enables them to remember happier times, be
Way Cool Angels 3/9/2023
“Tourism with a Cause” opens the door for tourists to have more than a vacation with a chance to “give back” and serve the community of Cabo. While most tourists are being served by the local people, Tourism with a Cause flips the coin and brings tourists to meet and develop relationships with the local community. Tourists find that as they are serving the local community, everyone involved is richly blessed including them! It enables the tourists to deliver groceries, construct and improve hou
Way Cool Health 3/9/2023
Way Cool Angels 3/9/2023
A warm friendly smile will positively affect the people around us. Way Cool Health is an outreach program that serves those who are sad, lonely, desperate, hurting and in need of help. These past years were difficult for everyone as the world was adversely affected by Covid-19. Through our targeted rescue missions, community chiropractic and eye glass outreaches, children’s fun dental parties and more, we bring love, healing, joy and a lot of smiles back to the people!
Way Cool Angels 3/9/2023
Way Cool Learning was birthed out of an unfortunate local education system that does not properly prepare children for a promising career and rewarding future. Every child deserves to have a bright future and hope for their lives. Built upon a foundation of life and learning, Way Cool Learning homeschool program brings enjoyment to learning together with functional family training while receiving the skills necessary to ensure a successful future. English/Spanish, reading, translation,
Way Cool Angels 3/9/2023
Over the past several years, we’ve been focusing on investing in individual and family businesses. You may recall us sharing a story with you of starting a store for Jessy’s family. Their store has grown so much that they’re now known as the “Costco” of their Caribe neighborhood. They are a light to so many!? We have continued that direction into the Impact Investing Venture Capital space. We have been coaching, consulting and assisting entrepreneurs and investors to come together, collabora
Wonerful World 3/9/2023
Way Cool Angels 3/9/2023
It’s amazing to travel throughout this wonderful world and discover new places and meet people from all different backgrounds. Wonderful World includes other WayCool Programs within each place helping to develop meaningful international relationships, experience diverse cultures and specific historical training. We offer the opportunity to be part of a worldwide community. Tucked inside many countries are interesting and charming places that many of us typically do not have the opportunity to e
WAY Media, Inc. 5/12/2011
WAY-FM is impacting communities in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and in many other states in the country. We are using media in a culturally relevant way to influence this generation to love and follow Jesus. Your donation will help us continue to reach out to the community.
We Carry Kevan 3/3/2022
We help those with disabilities achieve more freedom, access, and joy in life. We believe redefining accessibility is a cooperative effort, something we can achieve when we work together.
Wears Valley Ranch 5/12/2011
The Residential program provides year-round homes for up to thirty-two children. Each home is staffed with a happily married couple who serve as houseparents, along with one or two college-age mentors who help manage the home during the houseparents time off. The homes are specifically designed to be unique and not institutional with a family life atmosphere.
Support WEC! 9/9/2015
WEC International 9/9/2015
WEC values reaching people, planting churches, and mobilizing missionaries. We want to help fill the world with people who know the triune God, worship Him, obey, Him, honor Him, and please Him with the totality of their lives. Your support is vital to our ministry. Thank you for supporting us!
Wellspring Life Ministry 7/10/2017
The Pregnancy Clinic Ministry is a refuge where the truth is spoken in love, the Gospel is shared, and where a drink from a “cup of cold water” is offered. Within our doors, clients receive help and healing, and see life as God sees it: precious and full of hope. It is your gift that strengthens us and makes the Pregnancy Clinic ministry much more effective. Thank you for partnering with us!
Wellspring Living 12/4/2008
Wellspring Living 12/4/2008
describes your business, its value, what it does and who it serves. Since 2001, Wellspring Living has provided domestic sex trafficking victims and those at risk (ages 12+) with comprehensive, trauma-informed, victim-centered recovery services through residential programs, community-based programs, and graduate services. Each program utilizes a multi-disciplinary service model to provide transformative care through five service pillars: therapy, education, life skills, career readiness, and cas
Wesley Biblical Seminary 5/7/2020
Wesley Biblical Seminary exists to educate and train men and women who, in fulfillment of the Church’s mission, will live and proclaim Trinitarian faith, promote the Spirit-filled life, and in full commitment to the absolute authority of the Bible, actively make disciples of Jesus Christ.
West Michigan Youth for Christ 4/20/2022
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
West Sound Youth For Christ 9/27/2021
West Sound Youth For Christ seeks to make a positive difference in the lives of kids and families of all backgrounds and beliefs through holistic and relational outreach. Each month, throughout our area, West Sound YFC engages with kids in schools, juvenile institutions, coffee shops, and local hangouts.
Rescue! 3/29/2011
Western Carolina Rescue Ministries 3/29/2011
We believe the one product that we truly have to offer is LOVE. We help people with many basic needs, like food, clothing and shelter, but if we can’t offer it in Love we have failed to show Christ. We invite people to help us Love like Jesus to a hurting population. We need clothing, bath soap, shampoo, shoes, books, financial resources and Love to make a difference. We also need people to volunteer in every area of Ministry.
Western Pennsylvania District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance 11/6/2015
The WPA District seeks help to provide tuition assistance to financially needy families to allow them the choice of private Christian education. Part of our mission and vision to disciple the whole person---mind, body and soul. This fund gives families the means to bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Please consider giving!
Seminary Fund! 5/12/2011
Western Seminary 5/12/2011
Western Seminary's lean budget results from our efforts to keep tuition affordable in a time when the typical student brings $23,000 of undergraduate loan debt to graduate school and will pay an average of $31,000 to complete a master's degree. Your donation will go toward scholarships for students who normally would not be able to afford the tuition.
Westminster Seminary California 7/13/2010
Westminster Seminary California (WSC) is a Christian institution seeking to glorify God through graduate theological study. Its primary responsibility is to educate future pastors for Christian churches, especially for Presbyterian and Reformed denominations. It also provides theological education for others who will serve in the Christian community and the larger society.
Westminster Theological Seminary 7/2/2012
Our goal is to raise support for Westminster-funded scholarships so that we can continue to provide assistance to students preparing for future ministry who might not otherwise be able to afford to come to Westminster.
Westminster Theological Seminary 7/2/2012
The general fund is our largest need of funding and is probably the least understood. It is, in a sense, a 'catch-all' category and includes everything from salaries for our faculty and staff to heating, cooling, and lighting our classrooms. We try to run a lean operation so that your gifts are used as wisely as possible to help us operate the seminary.
Wheeler Mission 8/13/2012
The Mission provides temporary emergency shelter to homeless and/or disadvantaged men. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, showers, clothing, chapel services, case management (with referrals to onsite and offsite social service agencies) are provided. Medical, dental, podiatric and vision services are also available.
Wheeler Mission 6/22/2011
The Hebron Addiction Recovery Program is a long-term, residential recovery program for men which is dedicated to the spiritual rehabilitation of addicted men and their families.
Wheeler Mission 6/22/2011
The Higher Ground Addiction Recovery Program is a long-term, residential recovery program for women which is dedicated to the spiritual rehabilitation of addicted women and their families.
Wheeler Mission 6/22/2011
The Men's Residential Center provides shelter, meals, and case management for men in non-addiction programs.
Save a Baby! 5/27/2016
Whispering Hope Women's Resource & Pregnancy Center 5/27/2016
Through compassionate care and Bible based education, Whispering Hope provides support services to anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy. They also offer hope and healing to those suffering from the heartbreak of a past abortion. Whispering Hope’s “Save a Baby” program is an opportunity to support a baby from one week to the length of the entire program. Your sustaining gift helps to provide the resources a woman needs to choose life for her baby.
Whosoever Gospel Mission & Rescue Home 5/11/2009
Whosoever Gospel Mission offers its residential New Life Rehabilitation & Job Readiness Program to homeless men without charge. The New Life Program is comprised of three phases: Foundations, Careers & Aftercare. These programs consist of counseling, Bible study, drug & alcohol support groups, educational teaching, and daily work details.
Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp 6/5/2020
Its our mission to provide all who visit our campgrounds to experience the love of God! We offer opportunities for RV's, house rentals and Camping for people of all ages!
Wichita Falls Faith Mission 2/6/2018
Our mission is to provide Christ-centered programs and services that lead the homeless toward self-sufficiency. We serve the homeless through a variety of programs at two shelters, Faith Mission and Faith Refuge. Your gift provides the basic essentials for survival. Every donation helps support Christ-centered programs and services for the homeless.
Wild Ops 9/15/2023
Veteran Nonprofit Organization dedicated to helping fellow combat veterans find support, hope & healing in the battle of transitioning back into civilian life, through faith based programs. Donate today and help honor our military veterans.
William Jessup University 2/28/2013
Your contribution to the William Jessup University Fund matters a great deal to the students of WJU and to the world around us. Ninety-eight percent of William Jessup University students need some form of financial aid each year. Your University Fund gift will ensure that these qualified, desiring young men and woman will experience a season of learning that delivers them into a lifetime of earning. Please give today!
Williamson College 10/28/2013
We strive to keep tuition charges as low as possible to help make WC accessible for everyone. As part of the vision of WC, we open our doors to the poor, oppressed, marginalized and disenfranchised student—with great joy. Please help make this possible!
WIN Life 7/26/2010
TellAsia Ministries is making a difference in Northern India. Since 2010 there have been more than 700,000 new believers and 23,000 village churches planted. 40,000 needy children have learned to read and write in nearly 100 education centers and our anti-trafficking project rescues girls and prevents others from being enslaved. When you contribute to TellAsia you aren’t making a donation you are making an investment. Your funds will reap 30-fold, 60-fold and 100-fold results. Invest today
Winchester Rescue Mission 9/8/2020
The purpose of Winchester Rescue Mission is to maintain a non-sectarian organization for the advancement of the Kingdom of God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to do missionary, relief and rescue work of all kinds in Winchester and the surrounding area, and such other places that the Board of Directors deem advisable.
Training students! 5/11/2011
Winebrenner Theological Seminary 5/11/2011
Winebrenner is a fully accredited institution devoted to training those who have been called to serve in the ministry. Currently, WTS’ student body is comprised of students representing over 30 different denominations and faith communities. Your donation will help us train students and assist them as they grow spiritually.
Wingfield Ministries 5/11/2011
Wingfield Ministries is working to assist the local community of faith by coming alongside what they are already doing and mobilizing them for the work of evangelism. This ministry is wholly financed through tax-deductible contributions from individuals and organizations that share the vision of the ministry and wish to be active participants in the Great Commission.
Wings of Refuge 10/15/2021
We are a Christ-centered organization providing opportunities to survivors of sex trafficking. Our vision is that every survivor will know she is valued, has hope, and is loved by Jesus.
Winter Haven Christian School 3/11/2021
The mission of Winter Haven Christian School is to assist parents in developing their children to be strong in mind, spirit, and body, using Christ as their example and teaching the principles found in God's Holy Word, the Bible.
Wisconsin Family Council 1/18/2024
Wisconsin Family Council preserves God’s plan for marriage, family, life, and religious freedom in Wisconsin. We educate Christians and leaders, supported by citizens and churches. Since 1988, as a Family Policy Council, we analyze policy, promote citizenship, and influence public opinion independently, affiliated with Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, and Alliance Defending Freedom.
With 10/6/2020
With, Inc. focus on customizing retreats for people as they experience burnout, conflict, and unhealthy teams. We encourage those who feel disconnected from God as well as those who struggle relating poorly to those they are trying to serve. However, we also provide opportunities to just check-in before you get to a place of burn-out.
With God All Things Are Possible 1/23/2012
Many of our nation's youth have come from broken homes and abusive situations, creating hardness within and driving them to destructive behavior. By giving today you can help With God All Things Are Possible ministries as we reach our nation's incarcerated youth with the life changing hope of Jesus Christ!
With God All Things Are Possible 6/22/2017
We wish to help rescue at-risk people with the Gospel of God and resources to recover.
With Love From Jesus Ministries 4/22/2010
We are an evangelical outreach to the needy community in Raleigh, N. C. and surrounding areas. Our goal is to minister to the spiritual needs as well as physical needs of those individuals we serve each week.
With Ministries 11/19/2024
We seek to build church communities where congregations are truly with people experiencing disability, where all are known, have opportunities to serve and lead, and worship alongside fellow believers.
Woman to Woman Pregnancy Resource Center 5/21/2013
Risk prevention education for teen-agers and their parents based upon science, built on character, and bridged through education. Donate to support speakers and presenters regarding respectful responsible living. Funds are needed for training new facilitators to take the curriculum into the community.
Woman to Woman Pregnancy Resource Center 5/21/2013
Needed: new and gently used items of furniture and household items which are sold to the community to raise funds for Woman to Woman Pregnancy Resource.
Woman to Woman 9/4/2009
Woman to Woman Pregnancy Resource Center 9/4/2009
We endeavor to empower women to make wise life choices through education and truth. We offer childbirth classes, information about pregnancy & reproductive health, on-site R.N. to answer questions, peer counseling, pregnancy testing & verification, & STD referral. R.N.s and medical professionals are needed to assist clients with medical information.
Disability 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. enriches the lives of those struggling with disability by providing medical care, shelter, and job skills training. This not only allows them to work with dignity, but also enables them to become important economic contributors with their societies.
Education 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. understands education to be one of the greatest ways we can help at-risk men, women, and children live lives of freedom. Through our various educational endeavors, we help raise individuals from lives of poverty and risk to those of dignity, influence, and opportunity.
Women at Risk International 4/7/2011
Consider giving to WAR International as we establish circles of protection around women at risk, wrap arms of love around women and children, and reinforce the message that they were created for purpose and dignity.
Human Trafficking 9/13/2011
Women at Risk International 9/13/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. provides both curative support for victims of human trafficking as well as preventative support that enables at-risk women and children to avoid falling prey to sexual exploitation. This is done through the provision of medical care, counseling, housing, job training, micro-loans, scholarships, educational training and much more! Our goal is to empower these individuals in their journey of recovery and restoration.
Job Training 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. offers culturally sensitive job training to at-risk or victimized men and women. This enables them to escape or avoid the sex-trade as they learn to support themselves through dignified work. Job training includes jewelry making, sewing, metal work, card making, culinary training, and much more!
Micro-loans 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. understands the importance of empowering at-risk or victimized women to work with dignity. Our Micro-loan program enables individuals to leave a life of sexual exploitation or avoid it all together as they start up their own businesses and work with new-found dignity.
Missions 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, not only passionate about proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to individuals around the world, but also living it out before them as we demonstrate what it means to be Christ with skin on!
Poverty 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. works to both provide for the poor and more importantly, find ways to empower them to become self-sustainable.
Prayer 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. has an extensive prayer ministry comprised of hundreds of individuals committed to praying not only for us as an organization, but the countless individuals we work with around the world.
Scholarships 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. provides a number of different scholarships that help empower men, women, and children to rise above their crippling circumstances. Whether their needs are medical, educational, occupational, or simply consist of unmet daily needs, WAR, Int’l, Inc. helps provide them with the funding they need to move forward in life with dignity.
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. provides both curative support for victims of exploitation as well as preventative support that enables at-risk women and children to avoid falling prey to exploitation. This is done through the provision of medical care, counseling, housing, job training, micro-loans, scholarships, educational training and much more! Our goal is to empower these individuals in their recovery and journey of restoration.
Substance Abuse 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. understands the difficult road to recovery that individuals struggling with substance abuse must walk. To assist them, we partner with various facilities and professionals around the world to come along side of them, help them find healing and reach restoration.
Widows 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. understands that being widowed in patriarchal cultures leaves women unsupported, left to fend for themselves and in a place of critical risk. By providing scholarships, job training, and employment for these women, they are empowered to live lives of dignity!
Women Doing Well 8/22/2024
The greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever known is happening right now, in our lifetime. Women Doing Well exists to see women discover their own God-designed Purpose, Passion and Plan to impact the world with their unique generosity.
Women in the Window International 3/10/2016
Women in the Window International provides comprehensive training for women in their unique context and culture so that local women leaders are equipped to train other women to fulfill their God-given potential. Our training is categorized in 5 distinct capacity-building strategies: Heart (spiritual formation and discipleship), Hands (vocational and economic development), Head (education and leadership development), Health (hygiene, nutrition), and Advocacy (human rights awareness and activity).
Women's Care Medical Center 1/7/2020
Women's Care Medical Center was founded in 1990, offering a safe, compassionate, and non-judgemental place for women and men who are making decisions about unintended pregnancies. All our services are confidential and free! Our licensed medical team, staff and volunteers are trained and experienced, providing lab-quality pregnancy tests, pregnancy consultation, and ultrasound services.
Women's Hope Medical Clinic 3/29/2011
Consider giving to Women's Hope Medical Clinic as we serve the community, providing free pregnancy services to women. Please contact us at 334-502-7000.
Leaders Retreats! 11/23/2011
Women's Nonprofit Alliance 11/23/2011
At ProvenWay Ministries, we hold Leaders Retreats to help women develop their God-given potential to make a positive impact for God’s kingdom. Your financial gift will help us walk beside more women in leadership, releasing them to do the work God has called them to.
Women's Resource Medical Centers of Southern Nevada 12/15/2020
Women’s Resource Medical Centers mission is to help save the lives of unborn children by sharing the love of Jesus Christ through spiritual, physical, emotional and educational support to our clients.
Won By One To Jamaica 11/6/2018
Our ministry is about building relationships - with fellow team members, with Jamaicans, and with the Lord - and we strive to offer opportunities that allow each of those relationships to be fostered. Our goal is to show the love of Jesus Christ by providing opportunities through education, empowerment, discipleship, and economic development for Jamaican and American lives to be transformed.
Word of Life Fellowship 8/30/2012
Word of Life is focused on reaching young people around the world with the Gospel of Christ and teaching them how to walk with the Lord. The ministry’s commitment to the evangelism and discipleship of youth continues on stronger than ever. They believe they have a responsibility that is best summarized by this statement from Jack Wyrtzen . . . “I believe it is the responsibility of every generation to reach their generation with the Gospel of Christ.”
WordPartners 11/29/2022
Through a series of highly relational, interactive, and transferable workshops, we invest in small groups of pastors twice a year over several years. The primary source of transformation is God’s Word, so each workshop involves a deep immersion into a single book of the Bible. This interactive and relational method gives pastors the tools to discover the message of the book themselves. Throughout, the pastor is equipped to train others, multiplying the impact of God’s Word around the world.
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries 7/8/2011
In 2010 World Compassion Terry Law Ministries began distributing Farsi Bibles and "The Story of Jesus" booklets in Iran. For $7.20 we can print and distribute a Farsi Bible to believers in Iran who have not had access to much needed Bible resources. "The Story of Jesus" 16-page, full color 'printed preacher' salvation message costs only 18 cents each to print and distribute to those in need in Iran. We have placed over 60,000 Farsi Bibles into Iran as of January 2016.
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries 7/8/2011
In Myanmar World Compassion Terry Law Ministries has indigenous pastors who are reaching the Burmese people with the Gospel, evangelizing in villages and planting churches throughout the country. We assist these pastors to become self-sufficient so they can build more churches as well as living and educational facilities for the many homeless children abandoned in the streets and subject to child trafficking.
Living Sound 9/1/2015
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries 9/1/2015
Living Sound is a fresh new outreach of World Compassion that draws upon the legacy of our original organization - Living Sound International. Our desire is to ignite a young generation to take the world by storm with the Gospel of Jesus Christ - using music, entertainment, and youth activities as a relevant and dynamic platform globally.
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries 9/4/2013
World Compassion has humanitarian outreach to Syrian and Internally Displaced Iraqi refugees located in northern Iraq as well as those travelling across Europe, displaced by the civil war in Syria and terrorism of ISIS. World Compassion provides regular distributions of food, Bibles, Christian literature and discipleship materials through indigenous pastors who present the Gospel as part of this compassion evangelism. We also provide medical outreach and other ministry opportunities.
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries 9/4/2013
For nearly 25 years World Compassion has printed and distributed The Story of Jesus booklets in more than 70 languages or dialects. This 16 page colorfully illustrated booklet presents the Gospel in a very simple yet compelling way. Over 27 million copies have been printed and distributed. At an average cost of just 18 cents each, The Story of Jesus booklet is one of the most powerful and cost effective evangelism tools available. We use these booklets in the Middle East and Asia.
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries 7/7/2011
Through our ABC Bible Curriculum and China Mission School programs, we are helping bring new levels of training/discipleship to believers in China and Burma. These extensive programs provide foundational teaching from the Bible including leadership, marriage, and evangelism. Over 300 hours of in-depth teaching through ABC help ground new believers so they can be empowered to reach others with the Gospel. Our Ministry Training Center in Burma is raising up young Christian leaders to reach Burma.
Unite My City 9/1/2015
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries 9/1/2015
Unite My City is an outreach of World Compassion designed to work with local churches and Christian organizations to build strong and defined unity in the Body of Christ. This is done through collaborative outreach in cities as well as training in leadership, mission and ministry areas - helping to better establish the local church, create unity and develop more effective and efficient ministry.
World Gospel Mission 11/30/2008
It is a challenge to be a woman of Christian faith—no matter which country you call home. Biblically-based conferences equip virtuous women to raise their children, relate to their husbands, and become holy women of God. Provide this opportunity for Ugandan women with $36 to fund one woman’s conference costs or $900 to underwrite an entire conference. Project #21345 $36 per attendee $900 per conference
Impact Missions! 11/7/2008
World Gospel Mission 11/7/2008
Today is your day to make an impact for missions. Some people are called to go while others can share in the honor by financially supporting them. Take your passion for missions and put it into action. Join WGM’s support team and become part of something big. Your gift today will help change the world for Christ.
World Gospel Mission 11/30/2008
Radio Lumière must relinquish some of its broadcasting frequencies, making it necessary to replace existing mountaintop repeater stations with satellite downloads. Ensure that Radio Lumière continues to broadcast the message of hope in Christ in Haiti. Project #24680 $120/month link-up fee $6,000/site download preparation.
World Gospel Mission 11/30/2008
Have you ever seen a soccer game save a soul? The people at the Taylor Community Center have. Set in the heart of a high-risk community, the center provides kids and their families a safe place to play and learn, and most importantly, to hear about the saving love of Jesus. Project #21561 Foosball Table: $360 Ping-Pong Table: $360 Sports Ball: $18 Hanging Basketball Basket: $3,000 Soccer Goal: $300
World Gospel Outreach 3/14/2011
Help World Gospel Outreach as we continue to support and serve the poor of Honduras and Belize. By God's grace and power, you can be part of bringing physical and spiritual hope and care to children, families and even entire communities. We will use your gift to help where it is needed most to bring about the greatest impact.
General Program 2/16/2010
World Harvest 2/16/2010
Your gift enables communities we serve to be able to access clean water, healthcare, nutrition, as well as empower youths and leaders in the communities with skills and knowledge to reach their full potential.
World Harvest 11/12/2008
In so many poor or third world countries, the pandemic affected the livelihoods of a huge number of people who found themselves without work, earning very little to sustain themselves and their families on a day to day basis. This reality calls for urgent interventions in the most innovative ways to sustain food supplies while still conforming to government directives to curb the highly infectious virus, thus the idea of sack farming was introduced.
World Help 5/19/2012
The Bible is a precious gift. It reveals God’s plan for salvation to rescue and renew a lost world filled with darkness. But many people live in Bible deserts, places where Bibles are scarce or illegal. Often, these people have never seen a Bible, much less owned one themselves. Your $30 gift will provide three people with their very first Bible. And since these Bibles are often shared among family and friends, each one you give is likely to reach around five people — multiplying your impact!
World Help 5/19/2012
In the Banchara community of India and the red-light districts of Thailand, many girls don’t get the chance to dream about what they want to be when they grow up. Their future has already been decided. Traditionally, women in these cultures are expected to provide for their families. Since most are too poor to get an education, they believe they are left with only one choice — working in the sex industry. But you can help. All it takes is $50 to help one girl experience freedom from the sex indu
World Help 5/20/2012
Equip a church planter to establish thriving faith communities in some of the most unreached countries on earth. Your gift will help provide a pastor with training, Bibles, study materials, and essentials like food for his family and transportation costs so he can continue to reach more people with the Gospel.
World Help 5/20/2012
Today, a mother in Uganda will have to spend hours collecting water instead of working to provide for her family. A boy in Honduras will miss another day of school because he is sick from drinking dirty water. And a little girl in India will lose her fight with a life-threatening disease caused by waterborne bacteria. Clean water is one of our most basic needs — yet many families around the world don’t have access to it. But for just $15, you can give one person clean water for an entire year.
Agriculture 12/13/2016
World Hope International 12/13/2016
By introducing the world’s most impoverished communities to supply chain best practices, sustainable farming, and livestock development techniques, farmers are able to better their production and preserve their land for future use. World Hope International’s agricultural programs help farmers grow more food for themselves or the market, combat hunger and provide long lasting food security.
World Hope International 1/14/2010
World Hope International is committed to fighting human trafficking and gender-based violence both in the US and abroad. This includes our work managing multiple recovery centers for survivors of trafficking, trafficking hotlines to help report on and prevent trafficking and education campaigns. (To learn more, read the 2015 Trafficking in Persons Annual Report at:
World Hope International 7/26/2016
The majority of vulnerable communities WHI serves face dire situations in the areas of health and nutrition. To help provide a solution, WHI offers a wide range of health and nutrition programs. This includes programs that focus on children living with disabilities, maternal and infant health, breastfeeding, mothers support groups and more. (To learn more, read the 2015 Health and Nutrition Annual Report at
World Horizons USA 12/15/2020
We recruit, train, send, and support workers for mission in ministries that include church planting, business as mission, art as mission, schools and education, refugee outreach, and internships. Currently, World Horizons has more than 400 people from over 30 countries serving in nearly 40 nations. We are non-denominational and have members of many different churches serving with us.
General Fund 7/11/2015
World Ministries 7/11/2015
This fund helps support the entire work of World Ministries and includes, but is not limited to, funds for staff, expansion, operations, and quick response to international emergencies.
World Ministries 6/1/2009
World Ministries equips national Indian pastors and leaders for outreach, disciple making, and church multiplication.
World Ministries 7/11/2013
World Ministries equips national Nepali pastors and leaders for outreach, disciple-making and church multiplication.
World Ministries 7/11/2013
World Ministries equips national West African pastors and leaders for outreach, disciple-making and church multiplication.
World Mission Prayer League 5/6/2011
World Mission Prayer League not only organizes prayer meetings all over the country; we serve the sick with healing, and the spiritually lost with the good news of God's grace through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. We are sending missionaries into dozens of countries around the world to do medical work, undertake development ministries, and serve churches. Your donation will help us acheive this and make a lasting difference all over the world.
World Missionary Evangelism 5/6/2011
We can help Christians working in Sri Lanka to raise high the standard of Jesus Christ. One thing that is desperately needed is tube wells for re-settlement villages. They are also requesting Bibles and children's VBS materials, school supplies, shoes and other basic supplies. There is a great opportunity opened to us to reach these precious souls for Christ. We pray you will help us in this endeavor for the kingdom of God in Sri Lanka.
World Reach 9/3/2021
World Reach's mission is to reach the world with the Gospel of Christ through partnering with local, indigenous churches. We carry out our mission through evangelism, discipleship training, church planting, leadership development, and physical relief efforts. Invest in the lives of missionaries bringing the Gospel to the nations. Provide training to local pastors who are striving to reach their communities with the Gospel. Contribute to children in need so they can have a bright future. There
World Reach 6/6/2014
La Roca Christian School began in 2005 with 20 children attending preschool. It has added a grade each year and now has over 265 students enrolled in preschool through 12th grade. The school started with the purpose of meeting the educational and spiritual needs of Peruvian children, where no bilingual Christian school existed. The school also serves as an important evangelistic outreach for the families.
World Reach 6/6/2014
La Roca Prenatal Center opened its doors in November 2007. Trained volunteer staff members counsel, disciple and encourage pregnant teenage girls and women in choosing life for their unborn children. The rate of abortion in Peru is extremely high, and World Reach uses La Roca Prenatal Center as a vessel to the choice of life and to spreading God’s love and hope to young women throughout the process of pregnancy. Medical and dental services are offered as well as a baby shower for each woman.
World Reach 9/3/2021
Andrew & Luba Bulyhin of Ukraine have been part of World Reach since 2000. In 2012, Andrew began the role of church planter to help establish a church for the growing number of international students coming to study at local universities in Sumy, Ukraine. Over 1,000 students that represent over 40 countries converge in Sumy. Andrew's focus is on developing relationships with university students, sharing the Gospel, and getting students connected to the Church family.
World Reach 6/6/2014
Our Mobile Bible Institutes train national pastors, aspiring pastors and other church leaders in the Word of God, that they in turn may further the kingdom of God among their own people. We work in close cooperation with the local indigenous church using Biblical curriculum to train and equip the pastoral students, most of whom are bivocational.
World Refugee Care 8/7/2018
Help show God's love and care to refugees in need of hope! Millions around the world have been displaced from their homes due to war, famine, poverty, and persecution. With nowhere to go, these men, women, and children have no choice but to flee in order to save their lives and the lives of their family members. Our goal is to emulate His heart for these broken and hurting families by demonstrating His love and sharing His grace to those who are desperate for it.
World Relief 12/13/2011
As the world’s second largest and fastest growing criminal industry, human trafficking has led to the enslavement of nearly 27 million people around the world. To meet the demand in the United States, a person is trafficked over US borders every 10 minutes. In response to this stark reality, World Relief helped launch the Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAAST), a group of Christian organizations which collaborate to design programs and training to prevent trafficking.
World Relief 6/28/2011
We stand for the displaced by specializing in Immigrant Services and Refugee Resettlement in the United States. Every year, World Relief and its partner churches resettle approximately 10% of all refugees entering the United States, providing language skills, job training and spiritual services. Through Peace and Reconciliation workshops, we teach local churches in conflict areas around the world to embrace Christ's call to forgive and reconcile so safe communities can begin to flourish.
Stand for Women 6/28/2011
World Relief 6/28/2011
Through our Gender–Based Violence, Anti–Trafficking and HIV/AIDS programs, women are mobilized by their churches and trained to sensitize their communities. By organizing workshops, conducting seminars, running youth events and counseling victims, these women promote healing, health and peace in their families and communities. We stand for women because empowered women transform the world.
World Renew 1/13/2010
In poor communities around the world and in North America, World Renew works with local churches and organizations to bring about change. Our goal is complete community transformation to build up the Kingdom of God on earth.
World Team USA 2/3/2012
In cooperation with the Association of Ifugao Bible Churches, we are building a training center to train national evangelists to reach into the Abra province in the Philippines. The training center will enable local believers to be trained in-province in their own language. The amount needed is $85,000.
World Team USA 2/3/2012
Muslims who come to faith are finding their place in the Great Commission. African missionaries receive training and seed money to launch micro-businesses to support their families and establish a presence where they serve. Annually, each family needs approximately $1,200 for training, $1,500 toward daily living, and $2,000 for micro-business set-up and relocation expenses.
World Team USA 11/17/2008
“More workers!” That’s the cry heard from missionaries and national believers around the world. More men and women of God are needed to expand the boundaries of the Church, share the Gospel, and make disciples. A gift to Mission: Mobilization will provide World Team with the necessary resources to explore new fields and mobilize more workers for cross-cultural ministry among unreached peoples throughout the world.
Missionary Care 2/3/2012
World Team USA 2/3/2012
Missionary life is a high yet demanding calling. World Team is committed to caring for the spiritual, physical, and emotional health of each of our members. The Missionary Care Project increases accessibility to good resources so missionaries can not only survive, but thrive in the ministries to which they’re called. Suggested donation: $100.
World Team USA 2/23/2010
What would you pay to have one verse of Scripture in your own language? $10? That’s roughly the cost to prepare one verse for publication. The Gospel of Luke and the book of Genesis are complete and printed. Acts needs a few checks before typesetting. Translation of Matthew and Mark are underway. Encourage 10 friends to each support one verse, or set a group goal to raise $850 and support the work of nine translators for an entire month!
Radio Lumière 2/23/2010
World Team USA 2/23/2010
Radio Lumière is an indispensable link between isolated churches, pastors and the larger Evangelical community throughout Haiti. It has contributed significantly to the remarkable theological unity of the church and is a tool, not only for evangelism, but also as a means to train teachers and disciple new believers. Estimates show that more than half of all believers in Haiti had their first contact with the Gospel through the ministry of Radio Lumière.
World Team USA 11/17/2008
RFIS, the school most World Team Cameroon MK’s attend for Sr. High, recently relocated and expanded to better serve missionary families in Cameroon. Because of the relocation, World Team, along with partner missions, has begun construction for a new home for our MK’s. The critical need to complete construction on the new hostel for World Team MK’s is $48,000.
Technology 2/3/2012
World Team USA 2/3/2012
In the past 30 years, accessibility and affordability of technology has been changing at a blinding pace. At World Team, it is our desire to be flexible and innovative in our approach as we seek to fulfill our purpose of establishing reproducing churches among the unreached peoples of the world. Upgraded technology will allow us to bring a new level of efficiency and productivity so we can focus on the work of evangelism and discipleship.
World Team USA 2/3/2012
The Gospel is spreading among the Vietnamese in Cambodia but there aren’t enough workers to disciple the new believers. Vietnamese workers from Vietnam are needed to assist with establishing reproducing churches among the Vietnamese in Cambodia.
World Team USA 2/3/2012
50 years ago, the Trio and Wayana tribes were unevangelized. Today nearly 100% of both tribes have come to faith in Jesus. Now they send missionaries to reach other tribes within the Amazon region. Tribal leaders are requesting ongoing mentoring and development. A portable Bible school is helping meet these needs.
Worldlink International Ministries 3/8/2011
Worldlink exists to unleash and support trained local evangelists and church planters in the world’s most challenging areas to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Native missionaries are often more effective than their western counterparts because they have no language, culture, travel or lifestyle barriers to overcome. They can reach countries that cannot be reached by western missionaries. Please give today!
WorldVenture 4/23/2009
This project will fund the expansion of WorldVenture into new ministries of partnership with the rapidly growing church in China. Funds are needed for video production, promotional materials, web expansion, travel, conferences and partnership agreements.
WorldVenture 4/23/2009
Why does devastation reign over Congo? Natural disasters, war atrocities, civil unrest, deadly diseases, pandemics, grieving and orphaned children, years and years of repression. How can we help? What should we do? “Bring Jesus!” says Catharine Coon, a WorldVenture missionary in Uganda. She says the only lasting change that will happen in Africa will happen through lives transformed by Jesus Christ. Missionaries are so critical to representing Christ on the frontline.
WorldVenture 4/23/2009
The ongoing fund supports the needs of the entire mission family. It provides for the growth of the mission as well as the care of workers in more than 60 areas around the world. Your financial support will help us make sure that our missionaries have everything they need to be effective at what God has called them to do.
WorldVenture 4/23/2009
The Good Samaritan Fund has been established to enable WorldVenture to respond with Christian compassion to the physical and material needs of people, especially in disaster or crisis situations. In some instances, Good Samaritan funds may also be allocated for longer term development projects designed to meet the needs of people recovering from disaster circumstances. In recent years, the Good Samaritan Fund has been used to help meet the initial needs of war refugees in Lebanon.
WorldVenture 4/23/2009
In the past year, micro-financing projects have popped up across the Philippines. A rubber tree plantation is providing work and income for dozens of mountain farmers in Mindanao; a fishing boat was built and now 10 families in the village of San Vincenti, Samar, in central Philippines, are running their own fishing business and a small church planter is teaching groups of farmers agribusiness, animal husbandry, agriculture and horticulture.
WorldVenture 4/23/2009
A large percentage of Arab believers do not have a high school diploma. PTEE is developing an affordable, 12-course secondary equivalent diploma program that will initially be made available to church members in Sudan, Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Algeria. Evangelicals have always been on the leading edge of educational reform, championing access to Christian education. Your support of this ministry will potentially help hundreds of adults develop ministry skills for leadership.
WorldVenture 4/23/2009
Donations to this project will support the growing Restoration Ministries, and future expansion of outreach in neighboring slums.
Worldwide Lab Improvement 5/5/2011
Worldwide Lab Improvement, Inc. (WWLAB) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. We are serving the laboratories in Christian mission hospitals and clinics in developing countries by providing affordable and durable equipment, supplies, training, and consulting. See our website for a list of equipment needed, or call (269)323-8407 to donate. Your donation will make a lasting difference!
Worldwide Proclamation 7/13/2010
Each of our branches has a ministry vehicle which is vital for their frontline ministry of evangelism. Our national evangelists use these vehicles to carry film equipment, sound systems, generators, literature, etc. for their evangelistic meetings in the open air and in public schools. Presently there is an urgent need for another ministry vehicle in Kenya and the Congo.
Worldwide Proclamation 7/13/2010
Up to 100 poor women attend our 4 sewing schools in India free of charge. Upon graduation, their certificate enables them to find employment or to start a small business. They also attend devotionals each day, and without pressure, some put their trust in Christ as Savior. The cost is only $15 per student per month, and the course lasts one year. This is an investment for time and eternity.
XL Ministries 9/12/2024
XL Ministries exists to provide leadership training materials, structure, and support to the local church as it endeavours to train elders, pastors, and missionaries.
FORWARD 11/7/2008
Young Life 11/7/2008
As a mission, we’re uniting around these four mission strategies to get us to the next kid in the coming five years (2017-2022). Deeper in Christ—Seeking the Lord first and helping kids grow in their faith. Together—Building and equipping teams that reflect the worldwide body of Christ. Innovation—Creating new ways today to reach kids tomorrow. Growth—Impacting all kids within sight and just out of reach.
Youth Commission International 12/6/2019
All Youth Commission clubs are student-led and adult supported. Students organize, plan, lead and execute club meetings & activities. Parents, administrators, teachers, local pastors & adult mentors support students & help provide an organizational framework for each school club. Youth Commission clubs have a strategic focus of taking Christ’s love to the community through outreach and service projects.
Youth for Christ Central Valley 6/7/2022
Youth for Christ Central Valley has been faithfully serving 11-19-year-olds since the mid-1940s. We authentically pursue local teens with a holistic care approach through ongoing relationships and creative experiences. We give young people opportunities to experience abundant life now and forever - through the love, grace, and hope of Jesus Christ.
Youth for Christ International Ministries 5/31/2011
Worldchangers are a growing community of followers of Jesus. Through our collective investment of just $25 per month, we can minister in new nations and equip and deploy dynamic young leaders to reach millions more young people for Christ.
Youth for Christ of Kern County 8/23/2022
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Youth For Christ of Northern Indiana 12/20/2022
Youth for Christ reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other likeminded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Youth For Christ of Northwest Ohio 10/6/2022
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Youth for Christ of Polk County 6/7/2022
?YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Youth For Christ Southwest Michigan 4/15/2021
The YFC Campus Life ministry combines healthy relationships with creative programing to help young people make good choices, establish a solid foundation for life, and positively impact their peers. Like every ministry of YFC, Campus Life seeks to engage these young people wherever they are found as life-long followers of Jesus Christ.
Youth for Christ/Tacoma Area 7/14/2021
Reaching young people everywhere. Hope is why we exist. Because Jesus Christ brings hope. Pierce County is filled with thousands of hurting kids and families who are voiceless, overlooked, and in need of hope for a brighter future. Our mission is to bring God’s story into the lives of these young people and serve them in tangible ways.
Youth for Christ/USA 11/7/2008
Contribute to Youth For Christ/USA so we can see every young person in every people group in every nation have the opportunity to make an informed decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ and become a part of a local church!
Youth Haven 5/5/2011
Help Youth Haven in a Bible Distribution program! Distribution of Trailbooks (New Testaments) is one of the most important aspects of the children's program at Youth Haven, as it helps us achieve our primary goal of reaching disadvantaged youth for Christ. Since many of the boys and girls who come to visit Youth Haven do not have Bibles of their own, the Trailbook is an important method for teaching them while they are here, as well as after they leave.
Youth Haven 11/13/2017
There are children right here in America going to bed hungry, cold, lonely, and afraid. They don't know the hope God sent to us in the form of a baby in a manger so long ago. Because of you, we have an opportunity to meet their needs and make them feel special with a fancy Christmas dinner, fun activities, and yes, even toys. Most importantly, we can share Jesus with them, and the promise that He will never leave them! Thank you for showing these boys and girls they are loved!
Youth Haven 11/13/2017
Our free Christmas retreats for underprivileged youth begin the Friday after Thanksgiving and run through the entire month of December. We believe every child deserves a Merry Christmas, and we want to make that a reality for these precious kids! A new group of excited kids will join us each weekend for all of our fun weekend activities, plus a few extra-special Christmas surprises. Your generosity makes this possible!
Youth Reach Gulf Coast 1/21/2022
Facilitated by experienced and respected counselors, Youth-Reach Gulf Coast is a faith-based, long-term home intended to heal past wounds, break generational curses, and restore families. Young men ages 18-22 receive intensive counseling and support for developing character, responsibility, and a strong work ethic on our 81-acre campus in rural Summerdale, Alabama.
Youth With A Mission San Diego/Baja 7/10/2020
Youth With A Mission is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Also known as YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”), we unite in a common purpose to know God and to make Him known. Back when we began in 1960, our main focus was to get youth involved in missions. Today, we still focus on youth, and we also involve people aged 9 to 90.
Youth With A Mission San Francisco 7/3/2018
In 2014, God called us to walk forward in faith and purchase our 27,000 square foot buildings in the heart of San Francisco for $4 million in the face of a speculating developer. It seemed impossible, but God was faithful. Since then, we have paid off $3.1M of the mortgage. As of January 2024 we are owing just over $900k. Join us in a special gift or a monthly recurring gift to eliminate our mortgage.
Youth-Reach Houston 5/4/2011
Facilitated by experienced and respected counselors, Youth-Reach Houston is a long-term program intended to heal past wounds and restore families. Youth-Reach Houston operates a series of Christian foster group homes in northeast Houston designed to remold the values and turn around the lives of at-risk youth, ages 12 to 21. Youth-Reach Houston is licensed in the State of Texas to operate Foster Group Homes for juveniles and was granted permission to house adults as well.
YouthFront 5/20/2012
Your donation goes toward investing in our mission to bring youth into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Your general fund donation may be used for things such as: fixing a leaky roof in a cabin, air conditioning for classrooms at Imagine: Argentine, storing costs for Something to Eat meals, or buying sports equipment for our summer camps. General fund donations are crucial to our existence.
YUGO Ministries 5/4/2011
In Mexico, our resident missionaries are working to evangelize Mexican people, plant churches and train Mexican pastors. Our outreach ministry programs are structured and designed to reach the full spectrum of ages in the Mexican community.
YWAM Colorado Springs 4/23/2009
We are a YWAM community located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We work around the world in the nations of the 10/40 Window. Our ministry focuses on the 2.1 billion people who have no access to the gospel.
YWAM Tyler 12/9/2009
For 40+ years, YWAM Tyler has been training and sending hundreds of missionaries annually through a host of training programs including the signature Discipleship Training School. YWAM Tyler works to spread the Gospel through evangelism (bringing the Good News), training (preparing workers to reach others), and mercy ministry (showing God’s love through practical assistance). These methods utilize everything from health care and English courses to church planting in order to make God known.
YWAM Tyler 5/19/2011
We have outgrown our facilities and currently need to expand! In the past several years, there has been an increase in the number of students, especially from Asia, seeking missions training. We are seeking to complete phase II of our master plan. This includes the completion of a multi-purpose building that will house a kitchen, dining hall and two classrooms. $3 million is needed to complete the project. For more info, please contact Debbie Lascelles at 903.520.0454 or
ZimZam Global 9/8/2020
ZimZam Global is igniting church planting movements committed to making the hope of the gospel and long-term discipleship available to every child, everywhere. And, through their influence and enthusiasm for Christ, to impact — and transform — entire communities!
Building Project 1/21/2013
ZOE International 1/21/2013
Contribute to the ongoing building needs of ZOE Children's Homes. New facilities allow our Child Rescue Department to work closely with our government and law enforcement partners. Additionally, they will enable ZOE to provide the special attention needed when caring for children who have been deeply wounded.
Educating a Child 11/13/2008
ZOE International 11/13/2008
ZOE cares for orphans and rescues children from human trafficking. Many of the children we rescue have never been to school or are very behind in their studies due to the trauma they have experienced from being trafficked. They require special attention and often times special schooling. Investing in the education of these children will not only benefit the child, it will also benefit society by raising up well adjusted citizens who contribute to the world around them.
ZOE International 11/13/2008
The vision of ZOE is to fulfill God's dream that every person will know Him and experience abundant life through Jesus Christ and that in lands where Christ is unknown; His love will be felt, His kingdom will reign, His Church will flourish, His disciples will multiply, and He will be glorified for who He is. This will be accomplished as more people are equipped to share the gospel. You can help by giving towards our 2 year Ministry School.
Zola Levitt Ministries 1/16/2012
Support the national television program, Zola Levitt Presents, as we teach the Bible with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy, and the Jewish roots of Christianity.