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Hope Center Ministries

Ministry Description
The mission of Hope Center Ministries, Inc. is to lead addicts and their families to become fully devoted followers of Christ. We are a long-term residential discipleship program, where we take men and women who are far from God and introduce them to the transforming power of knowing Jesus Christ.

Substance abuse is destroying the lives of countless individuals and their families. We at Hope Center exist to show them the way to true freedom over addiction. It is our firm belief that sobriety is a by-product of a relationship with Jesus, and we have made it our cause to not stop until every addict knows the freedom of following Christ. We offer a 12-month program consisting of 3 phases which are designed to introduce our residents into a life free from the bondage of addiction and give them purpose and independence as they become faithful followers of Jesus Christ.

At Hope Center, we could not have the same impact without our more than 1,500 recovery volunteers serving as mentors, Bible study teachers, and group facilitators along with many other volunteers serve in various other roles. Over the last year, we have added more than 200 beds, increasing our capacity to more than 1,500 beds within 48 locations across 13 states. Since 2007, we have celebrated more than 2,400 graduates, and in 2023 we celebrated the baptisms of over 1,500 residents, family members and friends of residents who made the decision to follow Christ. We are committed to adding more locations and to healthy growth as we strive to meet the rising need for recovery across our nation and world.

If someone you know is battling addiction, please call us at 1-833-697-1947.

For more information about our program, please visit Follow us on social media to stay in contact with what we are doing at Hope Center and to see the stories of lives being changed every day.
Ministry Details
Location: Bethany, OK
Founded: 2007
Tel: (405) 435-4738
Donor Contact: Ms. Teresa Thornton
Member Since: May 31, 2023
Financial Data
Total Expenses
for the year
Total Change
   in Net Assets
Revenues and Expenses are rarely equal.
Net Assets
Nonprofits need operating reserves.
Revenue and Expenses Trend
This chart compares a charity's primary revenue and its program expenses over the course of its three most recent fiscal years. Generally, as a charity’s funding increases, its spending on programs and services increases as well.
Data for year ended December 31, 2022. Per the organization's financial statements
According to the CDC*, "about 178,000 people die from excessive drinking each year. These deaths occur from both drinking alcohol over several years or drinking too much on one occasion." Additionally, "1 of every 22 deaths in the US among persons age 15-74 was attributable to unintentional overdose involving opioids in 2021. Provisional data suggests that approximately 110,000 people died of a drug overdose in 2022." That is: 288,000 deaths per year from excessive alcohol use or drug overd
Hope Center Ministries exists to lead addicts and their families to become fully devoted followers of Christ. It costs a one-time $700 admission fee for a resident to enter Hope Center. We have many men and women who apply that do not have the funding to pay for it. Unfortunately, most addicts' families have either spent all they could on previous recovery programs or treatment, or they have burned too many bridges to receive help. 100% of everything donated to HFR goes toward covering the cost
110,000 estimated drug overdose deaths occur in the U.S. annually. 59M of people 12 and over have used illegal drugs or misused prescription drugs within the last year. Like you, Hope Center Ministries finds this unacceptable. We believe that sobriety is a by-product of a relationship with Jesus. Give one day's wage to transform lives through Hope Center Ministries.
It started with a vision from God to one man. Now, over one hundred and forty employees and over fifteen hundred volunteers are on the team of Hope Center Ministries, as we snatch as many people as possible from hell and from the grips of addiction. It’s never just been about recovery; it’s about rescuing the lost from destruction. Give to help us in our mission to lead addicts and their families to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
Ministry Sectors & Types
Ministry Sectors
  • Ministry
  • Missions
  • Ministry Types
  • Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation (primary)
  • Bible Study and Engagement
  • Bible Training
  • Discipleship
  • Evangelism
  • Leadership Training
  • Missions: Domestic
  • Prison and Post-Prison Ministry
  • Other Names Under Which Funds May Be Raised