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Woman to Woman Pregnancy Resource Center

Ministry Description
Woman to Woman is a nonprofit ministry existing to empower individuals and families to make wise life choices financially, relationally, and sexually through the provision of resources, education and unconditional love.
Ministry Details
Location: Denton, TX
Founded: 1986
Tel: (940) 383-3150
Top Leader: Mrs. Ramona Davis
Donor Contact: Mr. Chris Marchbanks
Member Since: July 31, 2009
Financial Data
Total Expenses
for the year
Total Change
   in Net Assets
Revenues and Expenses are rarely equal.
Net Assets
Nonprofits need operating reserves.
Revenue and Expenses Trend
This chart compares a charity's primary revenue and its program expenses over the course of its three most recent fiscal years. Generally, as a charity’s funding increases, its spending on programs and services increases as well.
Data for year ended December 31, 2022. Per the organization's financial statements
Risk prevention education for teen-agers and their parents based upon science, built on character, and bridged through education. Donate to support speakers and presenters regarding respectful responsible living. Funds are needed for training new facilitators to take the curriculum into the community.
Needed: new and gently used items of furniture and household items which are sold to the community to raise funds for Woman to Woman Pregnancy Resource.
We endeavor to empower women to make wise life choices through education and truth. We offer childbirth classes, information about pregnancy & reproductive health, on-site R.N. to answer questions, peer counseling, pregnancy testing & verification, & STD referral. R.N.s and medical professionals are needed to assist clients with medical information.
Ministry Sectors & Types
Ministry Sectors
  • Family
  • Ministry Types
  • Pregnancy Resource Center (primary)
  • Other Names Under Which Funds May Be Raised