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Union Gospel Mission

Ministry Description
In 1927 Dr. Peter McFarlane was visiting Portland. As he arrived at Union Station by train, he ran into Harley Hallgren, a man impacted by the ministry of UGM in St. Paul, MN. The two agreed that a mission should be established in Portland and arranged further meetings. More than 40 churches from a variety of denominations assembled to found the mission (an amazing feat in 1927). They identified Old Town as the place most needing a specialized church for the down and out. The first chapel service was held New Year’s Day 1928.

UGM moved into the current Mission on NW 3rd Avenue in 1938. This was the backdoor of the famous Erickson’s Saloon. The street had become Portland’s Skid Row. For a half century the Mission focused on older alcoholic men while providing a traditional soup kitchen and chapel service experience. But drugs and social issues changed the streets in the 1980s and we recognized the need to also support a deeper and more comprehensive recovery experience. By 1990 a change was needed. LifeChange was formed as a Christ-following, resident-run, long-term and goal-oriented recovery community.

In 2013 another change was needed because homelessness among women had grown an average of 11% each year for the prior three years. UGM increasingly saw women with children needing help and all existing programs full. So UGM stepped up and opened the LifeChange Center for Women and their Children in Beaverton. This program is modeled on the core ideas of LifeChange where a community of people mutually supports each other in their recovery from addictions, abuse, and trauma.

In 2017 we added our latest ministry to the homeless called Search + Rescue. We recognized that homelessness is no longer restricted to the central downtown core. For the first time we are actively going directly to the homeless camps to build relationships with those who don’t come into downtown Portland. Our highest values are to connect and coach people experiencing homelessness to abundant life in Christ through direct life essential assistance and a path to sustainable work, housing, and a God-honoring life.
Ministry Details
Location: Portland, OR
Founded: 1927
Tel: (503) 274-4483
Top Leader: Mr. Matt Stein
Donor Contact: Mr. Kevin Campbell
Member Since: October 31, 2019
Financial Data
Total Expenses
for the year
Total Change
   in Net Assets
Revenues and Expenses are rarely equal.
Net Assets
Nonprofits need operating reserves.
Revenue and Expenses Trend
This chart compares a charity's primary revenue and its program expenses over the course of its three most recent fiscal years. Generally, as a charity’s funding increases, its spending on programs and services increases as well.
Data for year ended September 30, 2023. Per the organization's financial statements
Ministry Sectors & Types
Ministry Sectors
  • Missions
  • Ministry Types
  • Rescue Missions and Homeless (primary)
  • Other Names Under Which Funds May Be Raised