10/40 Connections
Lunch Change offers a direct & powerful point of access for you to impact the slums of India. Slum revitalization in India addresses the issue of poverty with a holistic approach through starting schools. Children receive education, daily food, medical check-ups, love from their teachers, and Christian songs and stories. Of the 23 schools we have started, 20 are now sustained by local tithing (through 75 new house churches). Each school of 30 children costs $4,000 per year to run.
18ten Ministries
18ten is a faith-based charitable organization created to respond to the needs of orphans and other disadvantaged children in Central America. We enlist local churches and Christians to perform this work in the areas where they live. We want to bring glory to God by sharing the love of Jesus Christ in Central America.
25 Project
Children belong in families, not on the streets and not in institutions. The 25 Project works to see that the dream of a home and a family becomes a reality while continually pointing each child to a transforming relationship with Jesus. One small but significant way in which you can get involved with the 25 Project is “25 for 25.” Through an investment of only 25 cents a day (just $7.50/month), you can tangibly be a part of hope and healing to orphan and vulnerable children.
30 Hearts
30 Hearts is a nonprofit providing family-based care for orphaned and vulnerable children in Ethiopia. 30 Hearts partners with local nonprofits in Ethiopia to provide holistic, residential care for orphaned and vulnerable children. We build and operate Family Development Centers where children are raised by Ethiopian women in multiple homes.
4KIDS of South Florida
4KIDS brings hope to babies, kids, teens, and young adults by providing safe and secure environments for healing, equipped parents and caregivers who are trained to love kids from hard places, essential resources to meet their physical needs, nurturing counsel to help them thrive, and a renewed sense of value in their hearts.
A Center of Hope CPC
Women’s Health and Wellness Clinic of Walton is a ministry dedicated to communicating truth to abortion-vulnerable women and families and offering compassionate care by providing life-affirming resources. Healthy Families Living Christ-Centered Lives, Practicing Purity, Pursuing and Promoting the Sanctity of Human Life.
A Child's Hope International
Many orphans and vulnerable children not only lack a loving family but the basic essentials to live. Your donation will assist in places like Haiti, Ghana, India and others where we are working on bringing sustainable help to villages. You will help provide items like:
Hands Against Hunger™ high protein food,
Safe drinking water through water purifiers, fresh water wells, or other sustainable programs
Educational support (school fees, tuition, and basic school supplies)
Vocational support
A Child's Hope International
There are many children who go hungry every weekend in the Cincinnati Area. For 450 children in extreme need across 3 of the most underserved neighborhoods of Cincinnati, we are providing a solution. Every weekend these children are provided Hope Sacks, which contain nutritious, easy to prepare food (and fresh items) for the weekend. These children are in deep need and would go hungry for the weekend without support. Your help means that children receive Hunger Free weekends which go a lo
A Family for Every Orphan
A Family for Every Orphan believes that the best way to care for orphans is by placing them with loving Christian families. Currently, we have several projects that need funding. Your donations will help transform the lives of precious orphaned children and the brave families who making the move to foster/adopt.
Achungo Community Center
The Mission of Achungo Community Center in the U.S. is to partner with Achungo Children’s Centre and other leaders in Kenya to nurture and educate vulnerable children.
The Achungo Children’s Centre (ACC) provides education, care, food, clothing and medical assistance for about 700 orphans and destitute children in rural southwest Kenya. Our schools are located near Homa Bay, Nyanza Province, just a few miles from Lake Victoria.
Action International Ministries
ACTION started working alongside small Filipino churches on the streets of Manila, ministering to street kids who had run away from home. From that small beginning, we have grown into an evangelical, interdenominational missionary-sending organization with workers in 30 countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America.
Adult and Teen Challenge of Arkansas
Street Reach is an outreach program associated with Teen Challenge of Arkansas. The staff of Teen Challenge and students work with community volunteers to bring one week of games, Bible stories, music and fun to children living in public housing and low-income areas. Please give today to support this outreach program.
Advent Christian General Conference of America
Our vision is to love God and love others by making followers of Jesus Christ. Please prayerfully consider making a donation to ACGC today and allow us to continue to do this important kingdom work that God has put before us!
Advent Christian Village
Through Camp Suwannee, Advent Christian Village provides camping opportunities for mentally handicapped children, leadership camps for juniors and seniors in high school, and camping opportunities for children with financial needs.
Adventures in Missions
Orphans are close to the heart of Adventures In Missions, as we believe God cares deeply for the fatherless. Support our work in fulfilling James 1:27 by giving to the Orphan Fund.
African Children's Mission
At African Children’s Mission, we reach out to children in destitute circumstances, both physically and with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to enable them to grow and develop in a secure environment. We use Christian values and principles as the foundation of our ministry and programs, guiding these children into a responsible, productive life, and discipling them through word and example.
African Children's Mission
For over two-decades, ACM has helped care for destitute children while sharing the true gospel with them. Over the years, we have seen many ACM sponsored children grow up to care for others the same way ACM cared for them.
Additionally, ACM continues to provide deep discipleship and leadership training to local pastors and community members. Please visit our site to see what God is doing in and through ACM.
African Vision of Hope
African Vision of Hope is a Christian organization committed to bringing immediate and lasting solutions to impoverished children and families of Zambia. We confront the root causes of poverty by providing opportunities to be educated, grow up healthy, develop leadership, economic skills, and learn about God’s love. Your generous gift will be used to meet the most critical needs of African Vision of Hope, enabling the ministry to better serve children in extreme poverty.
Agape Children's Ministry
Since 1993, Agape Children's Ministry has been rescuing boys and girls from the streets of Kisumu, Kenya. You can join us in this work by sponsoring a bed (the Swahili word for bed is kitanda), where one of these rescued children now sleeps safely. The monthly cost of caring for one of our rescued boys or girls is $200. Your support will enable us to continue our work to rescue, redeem, rehabilitate, and reintegrate these beautiful children. Please join us!
Agape House
Upholding the Agape House promise to never turn away a child in need requires generosity of resources and gracious giving of time and talents. Fees for the services we offer are kept low and a sliding-fee scale is used based on family income level, but still we must rely on the support of our friends. Participation in our programs has helped girls overcome abuse, stop self-destructive behaviors, and grow in their self- esteem.
Agape International Children Ministries
We believe that the only hope for humanity is found in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Introducing someone to the transformative power of Jesus is the first step in their journey to new life. We boldly share about the love of Jesus in every project at AICM knowing that the greatest need we could ever meet is humanity's need for Jesus Christ.
Agape of Central Alabama
As a ministry of Jesus Christ, Agape’s mission is that vulnerable and orphaned children find permanency in safe, nurturing families. Since 1978, Agape has helped more than 2,000 children through foster care, and more than 250 children through the permanency of a Christian adoptive family. We have counseled hundreds of pregnant women facing unexpected pregnancies to make the best choice for their future and the baby’s future.
Agape Way
Many Chinese children live in extreme poverty in rural China villages and cannot afford school fees and tuition for public schools. With a little over $1 a day, you can sponsor a child for school expenses and partial living expenses. The sponsors can choose to communicate with their sponsored students and make a big difference in their lives. Sponsor a child today and make a difference in his/her life for eternity!
Aglow International
Young people involved in Generations Project are uniquely impacting their world for Jesus. They are using their creative gifts to touch hearts, interact with their communities, and mature in their relationships with God and one another. They conduct Bible studies, dance, worship, young moms groups, as well as creative and sharing groups and mission travel in different parts of the world.
All Kids Can Learn International
The School of Hope opened its doors to the community at the beginning of the 2012 school year. Now several years later, our goal is to expand the School of Hope to 600 students. Our rural area desperately needs more space for secondary education. Please donate today to help our school grow!
Alliance for Children Everywhere
Seventy-five percent of Zambian young people never get beyond the seventh grade. We provide a solid educational foundation that includes Bible study, character building and moral ethics, transforming our students into productive citizens and Christian leaders.
You can provide a scholarship for $200 annually. Sponsors receive a profile and picture. An update from your child is sent at the end of each three month term and you are invited to correspond further, if you desire.
Alliance for Children Everywhere
An orphaned or abandoned infant may have only hours to live. An older child faces abuse on the streets. For infants, we give 24/7 nursing care and for older children we give "intensive love" in two safe homes. Through donations and informed prayer and monthly updates, Safety Net Sponsors “adopt” a child. When your child moves into a family, you share the joy – and get to “adopt” another child who also needs extra care through a crisis time.
Alliance for Children Everywhere
Chronic hunger is epidemic in Zambia where many families can only manage to eat once a day, or even every other day. $20 provides supplemental food for a child. This critical help is given to display the Love of Jesus Christ. Please indicate "feeding" on the comments section of the donate page on our website
Alpha International Ministries
We support local believers by training and sustaining a local leader and their efforts to reach hard pressed communities. We create healthy communities through providing poverty-stricken children with biblical teaching and a first-class education, we are reaching communities with the gospel and helping to break the cycle of poverty.
Alternatives Women's Center is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Alternatives mission is to provide medical medical and educational services that empower women and men to make life affirming choices concerning pregnancy and sexual health. Our vision is to be the first choice for those facing an unplanned pregnancy and sexual health decisions. AWC is a fully licensed medical clinic. Services are free, staffed with 11 employees and 25 vol. We are financed by gifts from individuals and churches.
Alton Bay Campmeeting Association
Also doing business under Alton Bay Christian Conference Center, we have created a place where Chiristians can refuel, connect and grow together. Please consider your contributions to this ministry as we help people seek the Father and Holy Spirit's voice in a safe spiritual oasis. If you wish to give to Alton Bay please contact us at info@abccc.org or call 603-875-6161.
Ambassadors Football
Ambassadors Football began as Ambassadors In Sport (AIS) in Bolton, England. The ministry was founded by a group called Missionary Athletes International focused from the beginning to partner with churches and Christian organizations to develop grassroots football ministry. Ambassadors Football exists and continues to grow through the generous donations of people like yourself. Please join us in reaching the world for Christ.
Ambassadors for Christ - Paradise, PA
We at Ambassadors for Christ are grateful for the many dedicated and faithful people who support this ministry financially. It is through God’s grace and the partnership of AFC supporters, their gifts and prayers, AFC is able to reach and disciple Chinese intellectuals in even more campuses in the US and expand the campus ministry to Europe. Please prayerfully consider giving to the ministries of AFC today.
America World Adoption Association (AWAA)
At America World Adoption Association, we believe that every Christian is called to provide hope to orphans. Many feel this call strongly resonate with their hearts, but don't know where to begin. AWAA is here to help you bridge that gap from desire to orphan care. Whether processing identity legal paperwork for children or giving practical living supplies to orphans or providing a plane ticket home to older children, AWAA is excited to partner with you as you become an orphan advocate.
American Association of Christian Schools
Quality Christian education is a primary goal of AACS member schools. Outstanding educational programs are offered by AACS to help member schools enrich their academic programs. These include school accreditation, teacher certification, achievement testing, and others. The AACS is dedicated to quality, innovation, and excellence in education. Please donate today to help Christian schools enhance their academic programs.
American Friends of International China Concern
Our Community Outreach Project is taking huge steps to prevent abandonment in China. The project offers urgent support to parents of children with high needs by giving them the essential tools and skills they will need to provide care. We offer support groups, physical therapy, respite services, advocacy for education and vocational training opportunities.
American Heritage Girls
The American Heritage Girls' message, program, deliverability and effectiveness has been proven over the past twenty years. The AHG National Growth initiative is based on creating volunteer Leadership Teams in each community to enhance membership growth, program delivery and volunteer engagement. Funds are needed to train and provide support to Leadership Team members.
AMG International
In nearly a dozen countries, AMG International serves thousands of children through orphanages, schools, camps, and daytime childcare centers. AMG is reaching the next generation with the Gospel. We provide food and clothing, medical care, education and personal development, but our ministry to children is built around training them in God's Word and fostering spiritual maturity.
AMG International
Christ-centered program managing thousands of cases of abuse, neglect, and trauma in the dangerous urban settlements of Guatemala City. In partnership with IJM International Justice Mission, children are being rescued and restored while violaters are brought to justice. Also doing extensive work with the justice system, advocating for children's rights and proteciton.
AMG International
AMG International works through national leaders, called clearly by Christ, to reach their people. Over the last 83 years, AMG has developed an extensive network of schools, medical facilities, local churches, and relationships leveraged for the gospel.
Answers in Genesis
Answers in Genesis is a non-profit ministry sustained by God's grace through the faithful prayers and generous gifts of our supporters. Please prayerfully consider partnering with this Bible-proclaiming ministry!
As Our Own
Our dream is for each child to attend college and training well beyond high school. In India, education earns you more than a diploma-it unlocks the door to the future. And as parents, we want to plan ahead for their futures by investing in their college savings fund. We need many gifts ranging from $500-$5,000, so we can prepare now to send our daughters to college.
Asheville Christian Academy
Asheville Christian Academy (ACA) is an independent, non-denominational Christian school for students in K4 through grade 12 located outside of Asheville, NC. We seek to glorify God by helping Christian parents provide their children with an excellent education distinguished by a Biblical perspective resulting in a thoroughly Biblical world and life view. Founded in 1958, ACA is fully accredited and provides a liberal arts, college preparatory curriculum for over 580 students from 6 counties.
Aslan Youth Ministries
The mission of Aslan Youth Ministries is to provide relationship-based programs that permanently impact the bodies, minds, and spirits of disadvantaged urban children. Through Christ's love, our young people overcome their negative environments and circumstances and learn to live successful and productive lives. Please consider contributing your time and resources to this mission, and help us change the world one child at a time!
ASON International
Sponsorship gifts children a Christian education, summer camp experiences, and festive Christmas celebrations. Notably, a significant number of sponsored children embrace faith by high school graduation compared to their non-sponsored peers. Your sponsorship fosters deep spiritual growth!
AsOne Ministries
In Uganda, we are dedicated to ending spiritual, relational, and economic poverty one community at a time.
Aspire Globally
ASPIRE Globally empowers ambitious students from poverty-stricken areas with scholarships for high school and beyond. Through soccer coaching, we blend athletic development with gospel sharing. We also nurture faith with prayer, devotions, and scripture, guiding students and families towards resilience and service.
Association for Biblical Higher Education
Association for Biblical Higher Education exists to enhance the quality and credibility of higher educational institutions that engage students in biblical, transformational, experiential, and missional higher education. Please consider your contributions to this association to help engage students in their biblical transformations.
Awana Clubs International
Praying with our children at bedtime and teaching songs like Jesus Loves Me. For many parents in China, these are revolutionary ideas, but ideas they want to hear and learn about. That is why we are so excited about the ministry that God is opening up to Awana in China.
Back2Back Ministries
By supporting our India programs, you provide a way for the children to break the cycle of poverty from which they come, and you give hope of a brighter future, not only to the children, but to the world they will impact! We are currently working with hundreds of children in a children's home.
Bair Lake Bible Camp
Help a child go to summer camp by providing the funds for a week of camp. Any amount you can give will go toward lodging, activities, and meals along with spiritual teaching so they may hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
Bair Lake Bible Camp
Provide a gift to support the ministry of Christian camping - Bair Lake Bible Camp exists as a launching pad for all people to make Jesus Christ known in their community, country and world. Do you want to help youth and adults hear about Jesus? Thank you for your support and prayers!
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International
The Good Shepherd Children's Home (GSCH) in Honduras is home to more than 100 children in Honduras that have been abused or abandoned. The GSCH provides medical, dental, nutritional, educational, psychological, and spiritual care to the children.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International
The Good Shepherd Christian Academy (GSCA) is dedicated to providing a high quality, bilingual education to students. The GSCA houses 13 classrooms and serves more than 130 students, including those who are residents of BMDMI's Good Shepherd Children's Home.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International
The Mount of Olives Christian School serves more than 350 students enrolled from preschool through high school in San Gregario, Nicaragua. Students are offered the chance to move ahead with a quality, Christ-centered education as well as the tools needed to grow into productive citizens.
Basin Youth for Christ
Jesus is the life in all of our stories. We’re working to bring that truth to light by building Christ-Centered communities of young people in the Klamath Basin.
BCS Together
Our mission is to partner with the Church and community to tangibly support kids and families in the foster system while advocating to keep the biological family together. We exist to connect those we serve with caring members of our incredible BCS community: churches, businesses, agencies, nonprofits, volunteers, and donors. Our hope is to bring the light of Jesus to all those we serve and work alongside.
Bethania Foundation
Sponsor a Child! Just $30 a month helps provide one child with the basic necessities for development: food, shelter, education, clothing and medical care in a safe and loving environment.
We also provide scholarships and support for advanced education in both vocational schools and college, which help break the chain of poverty for future generations.
Our Women’s Empowerment centers offer training in trade skills, empowering women to contribute to their families’ limited financial resource
BethanyKids heals African children and transforms lives through pediatric surgery in Kenya, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Sierra Leone. Children can, through surgery, gain independence and a chance to succeed in life. BethanyKids has provided surgery for more than 16,000 children since we began work in 2004. Many of these children can now attend school and will have jobs someday, rather than requiring someone else to care for them for the rest of their lives.
BethanyKids provides physical and occupational therapy to 275 primary school students at the School for the Physically Disabled in Thika, Kenya. It also obtains and custom fits wheelchairs for those students needing one.
Bethel Bible Village
If you share the value that every innocent and neglected or abused child should have a temporary place of refuge until his or her family can again adequately protect them and if you value the added spiritual benefit of the nurturing and protection that trained and supported Christian substitute parents and counselors can provide for these children then you should consider channeling your financial resources to help these children of families in crisis through Bethel Bible Village.
Bethel Bible Village
Bethel Christian Academy provides students who have experienced crisis with a therapeutic environment to help them get back on-track towards earning a high school degree. BCA serves teen moms and students with academic, emotional and behavioral issues. BCA is accredited and provides a small classroom environment to allow individualized attention to meet each student's needs. Social workers, counselors and therapists assist to help students achieve success.
Bethel Ministries
The Bethel Orphanage in India has 200 children currently enrolled. The orphanage provides food, shelter, and education for children from kindergarten through 12th grade. Your contribution to the orphanage will help further the goals of the orphanage in developing young minds for the glory of God. Just $25 will support a child for a month. Many of our children have graduated successfully from college and are contributing to their homes and greater society.
Beyond the Bricks
Beyond the Bricks exists to build a better world and to do good, assisting those in need and the unfortunate in the world, all in the name of Jesus Christ.
Bible2School is committed to its vision for every child to have an opportunity to attend a Bible class during their school day, because we beleive every child needs to hear Biblical Truth
Bibles for the World
Take the first step today in changing a child’s life forever. For nearly 60 years, Bibles For The World has been spreading God’s Word and providing Christian education for desperate children. These are poverty-stricken children in some of the most remote areas of Northeast India who are in urgent need of your love and help.
Bibles in Schools
Bibles In Schools is a Non-Profit organization which exists to facilitate the placement of engaging Bibles in public school libraries across the United States of America!
Bill Glass Ministries dba Bill Glass Behind the Walls
Behind the Walls partners with churches to train Christians to share their faith in Jesus Christ. Then BGBTW takes teammates (volunteers) into prisons/jails/juvenile facilities to share the Gospel one on one with inmates. Teammates are trained and given materials to use in this outreach. This is front line evangelism and many believers who have never led anyone to Christ are ecstatic to be with other believers and share the joy of leading the "least of these" to Jesus!
Blessman International
Blessman International is involved in the distribution of food and providing food for 7,500 children weekly in South Africa.
Blessman International
Donations can take on many forms. We are looking for sewn items such as tassel tied fleece blankets, clothing, rag dolls, eyeglass cases etc. Patterns for many of these items are available on our website as well as information on where to send them. If you can sew, you can bless a child in need!
Blood:Water Mission
We strive to end the water crisis in sub-Saharan Africa through multi-year granting partnerships with African organizations. Our funding of projects includes:
Improving community care and support services for individuals and families living with HIV;
Offering HIV testing and counseling to allow people to begin treatment and take steps to live positively;
Allowing future generations to be born free of HIV through programs that prevent the spread of the virus from mothers to their unborn babies
Blue Door Ministries
Blue Door funds teachers and staff, connects countless sponsors from around the world with Blue Door Christian Academy and exists to Rescue and Raise Up a generation in Kenya all while making the name of Jesus known!
BlueSky Global Ministries
BlueSky Global Ministries' vision is to see the multinational community of Nairobi, Kenya, spiritually transformed and equipped to influence the world for God's glory. We pursue this by building relationships through adventure, using three core platforms: BlueSky Adventures (rock climbing gym and team building), Camp BlueSky, and BlueSky Community (year-round relational ministry).
Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center
The Boulder Pregnancy Resource Center supports and empowers women facing an unplanned or unexpected pregnancy with confidential, compassionate help, professional medical care, and accurate information. We are here to help you with all your options in making a healthy informed decision.
Bright Hope International
According to the World Health Organization, “About 830 women die from pregnancy- or childbirth-related complications around the world every day.”
In under-resourced nations, many hospitals will not admit a woman in labor if she does not bring her own delivery kit. As a result, these women must deliver their babies at home without proper tools or sanitation.
When you give a Mama Kit, you can help provide a safe and hygienic birth environment for both mom and baby. Each labor and delivery
By The Hand Club For Kids
Individuals are needed who are willing to contribute financially to help make a difference for generations to come. When you partner with By The Hand, you are helping kids realize their full potential--academically, physically and spiritually. Don't underestimate the impact that your gift can have in the life of a child nor the influence that a transformed life can have throughout a community in need. Your support can make a difference for generations to come.
By The Hand Club For Kids
By The Hand is an afterschool program that emphasizes academics and is committed to nurturing the whole child - mind, body and soul. Our goal is to literally and figuratively take kids by the hand and walk alongside them from the time they enroll in our program until they're adults walking independently. We are strategically located in four of Chicago's most impoverished neighborhoods where underfunded schools abound (Cabrini-Green, Altgeld-Gardens, Austin, and Englewood).
Byelorussian Mission
It has been estimated by the Belarus government that 90% of children growing up in institutionalized social milieu will become institutionalized by adulthood either in prison or mental facilities. Consequently, their children will then have to be institutionalized, creating a never-ending cycle.
What we are doing is placing orphans in Christian families.
This allows the children to be exposed to a family lifestyle and, even more importantly, to be brought to church on Sunday.
Byelorussian Mission
To plant new churches in cities in Belarus and Ukraine where no evangelical church presently exists.
To work with orphanages to head off a looming sociological disaster when an entire generation of young adults, who have known nothing but an institutional social background, will be unleashed on the Belarus/Ukraine society.
To reach young adults at the University and High School level and bring them the Gospel message of Jesus’ saving grace.
Calvary Church of Santa Ana
Support families in our church who feel called to adopt, as well as aid foster and orphan care initiatives locally and globally.
Camp Alandale
Send an abused child to a Christian Camp where they will hear about the life-changing and healing reality of Jesus Christ and be equipped to have meaningful and productive lives. It costs $360 a year to send an abused child to camp in the summer and to a follow-up weekend in the winter. That's only $1 per day. We serve 300 abused children each summer and winter at our camp in the mountains near Big Bear, CA. Over 4,000 abused children have heard the message of life in Jesus.
Camp Id-Ra-Ha-Je Association
It is our mission that everyone would learn to say the words of the song this camp is named for, "I'd rather have Jesus than anything!" Camp Id-Ra-Ha-Je is established for the sole purpose of winning souls to Jesus Christ through the spreading of the gospel, the edifying of believers through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God, and the evangelizing of campers through witnessing and missions. Please consider supporting Camp Id-Ra-Ha-Je so we can help benefit so many churches and schools
Camp Lebanon
Since camper fees cover only about 75% of the cost to attend camp, it takes an army of folks who believe in the life-changing mission of Camp Lebanon to help make up the difference. Would you consider making Camp Lebanon part of your monthly charitable giving priorities? Streamlined Partnership makes it easy!
Camp Nathanael
Camp Nathanael is a place for boys and young men to get away from the distractions of their daily lives. A place where boys can have strong role models, grow in maturity, deepen their spiritual life and develop new skills.
Care Net Resource Pregnancy Centers
Care Net is a nonprofit on a mission to bring practical help and hope in Jesus Christ to women facing pregnancy decisions. Will you join us and speak up for those who cannot speak (Proverbs 31:8)-- unborn children in the womb--by bringing truth and care to their mothers and families? As a LIFE DEFENDER, your faithful monthly gift of $25, $50, $100 or gift of your choosing allows Care Net to provide free evidence-based medical services, time with counselors, and the light of Christ.
Care Pregnancy Center
The Care Pregnancy Center empowers individuals to make informed, life-changing decisions by providing facts, confidentiality, emotional support, and practical assistance. Our vision is to create a culture where abortion is unthinkable. Our mission is to reduce the number of abortions by offering life affirming support and education in an accepting environment. Please consider supporting us today.
CareCenter Ministries
ACTS focuses on specific apartment complexes in the Pleasant Grove area. Our vision for these families is to provide them with an assortment of programs that will help transform their community through hands-on relational interaction. Outreaches help every Saturday during the Spring, Summer and Fall months. Donations will be used for equipment and supplies needed to carry out the outreaches.
CareCenter Ministries
The CareCenter Community Center provides a nurturing environment for our community where youth can find faith-based activities that seek to promote positive development through relationship, mentorship and discipleship. We seek to empower the youth through services including an After-School Program, summer and holiday camps, sports leagues and mentorship curriculum.Your donations will help build our program to make the most impact possible for these youth.
Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf
Your sponsorship will provide teaching staff, food, clothing, and access to medical treatment. You will receive a letter from your child several times a year and can write to them as well. Sponsorship starts at $32.00 per month.
Caring Hearts Ministry
Children in orphanages often have nowhere to go when they begin to “age out” of the orphanage system. Many, lacking a way to make a living, turn to crime. To create a better future for teenagers in Mexico, the Oasis Boys Home was built in 2006. The Oasis Boys Home is a vocational school and residential home for boys ages 12-18. In addition to family meals, chores and school, Pedro Alvarado Olguin and his wife, Fran teach the boys various skills to equip them to be successful, productive adults.
Caring Solutions of Central Georgia
Caring Solutions began in 1984 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that delivers compassionate services to women and their partners facing unplanned pregnancies in a nationally-accredited healthcare setting. We strive daily to make a difference in the lives of those experiencing unplanned pregnancies and have multiple locations to serve our patients. We have recorded over 48,000 visits and are dedicated to helping as many people as possible.
Catalyst Ministries
Catalyst has developed partnerships with local indigenous leaders who are working with abused and exploited women to help them find freedom, to show them their worth, and to equip them with the skills needed in their new life.
CEFF (Chinese Education Freedom Fund)
At the Chinese Education Freedom Fund (CEFF), our mission is to advance God’s Kingdom by developing Christ-centered, classical curriculum and teacher training resources for K-12 education in China.
Center For Christian Growth
We're excited about partnering with people who have a heart for kids and understand the life-changing impact the camping ministry can offer people of all ages. We have a big vision to grow and serve in Texas and would love for you to jump in!
Center for Christian Study
Because most of our services are free and we do not receive funding from the University, 74% of our annual income comes from individual contributions. We need your support to sustain the daily work of the Center as we strategically consider new opportunities for faith and learning, as well as ways to strengthen existing programs.
Center for Parent/Youth Understanding
Donate and become a CPYU Ministry Partner today!
The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding is a nonprofit organization committed to building strong families by serving to bridge the cultural-generational gap between parents and teenagers.
Center for Parent/Youth Understanding
Providing information and resources for parents, youth workers and educators to help kids navigate their digital world.
Central Detroit Christian Community Development Corporation
Central Detroit Christian CDC provides a variety of youth and family programs including tutoring, leadership development, club programs, mentoring/discipleship, cultural enrichment, computer training, nutrition and cooking, gardening, employment training and placement, business development, housing counseling, home repair, housing rehabilitation, community outreaches and more!
Our vision is to see our community made whole... donate today!
Central Indiana Youth for Christ
Since beginning in 1944, Youth for Christ has been changing lives and making a difference. YFC's efforts have made a positive contribution to the social and spiritual well-being of teens in Central Indiana. Never before has the need to help young people, ages 11-19 been so great. Our structure allows for many opportunities to help young people through financial contributions combining tax advantages and Christian service.
Central Michigan Youth for Christ
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Chariots for Hope
Chariots for Hope exists to honor God by loving, nurturing, and providing for vulnerable and orphaned children by leading and sustaining holistically healthy children's homes in Kenya. We seek to provide these children with opportunity and hope so that they develop into exemplary citizens, leaders, and followers of Jesus Christ. We invest in them through social, emotional, and spiritual care as well as education that goes far beyond just primary school.
Cherish Uganda
Cherish Uganda is a faith-based nonprofit organization that focuses on creating hope and a future for children with HIV/AIDS.
Chestnut Mountain Ranch
The need is great, and we need your help. This is a crucial time for the Ranch as we seek to expand our capacity to better serve these boys and reunite them with their families. It is easy to feel as though you must give in a big way to make a difference… this simply is not the case. Donations of any kind can help make a lasting impact on a young life.
Child Bridge
The reality is that there are not enough families stepping up to care for these innocent children. We bridge the gap by finding foster families who will do the hard work of caring for the vulnerable, whether a child’s need is a few days, a few months or forever.
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Equipping is the second pillar in the CEF strategy to reach Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day. Equipping provides the tools needed for trained men and women to effectively evangelize and disciple the next generation. Materials provided include both resources for those trained and for the children to help them grow in their faith.
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Supporting is the third and final pillar in the CEF strategy. Supporting provides resources which allow trained and equipped men and women to maintain focus on the important task of evangelizing and (SPAN) program which provides financial support to nearly 1,000 workers in 130 countries where personal support raising is difficult or impossible. SPAN recipients are national workers who know the language and culture and are best equipped to reach their communities for Christ.
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Training is an integral part of CEF's mission. Each year we train over 350,000 people worldwide in how to effectively evangelize and disciple boys and girls.
Child Evangelism Fellowship of South Carolina
CEF wants to reach the children with the Gospel so that "not one of these little ones should perish" (Matthew 18:14). Among many goals, we aim to help each area reach every public school with the Gospel through an After-School Good News Club and expand this ministry into South Carolina housing projects and community centers. Join the movement to put prayer and God's Word back in schools. Everyone can be a part - pray, give and go.
Child Hope International
Research and scripture confirm that children belong in families. Sadly, of the 32,000 children who live in orphanages in Haiti, 80% of them have families. The main reason for family separation is poverty. With the proper support, most of these families could care for their children in a loving home.
Child Hope International is working to reconcile and reunify children living in orphanages with their families, by providing support and hope.
Childcare Worldwide
Provide help for today, hope for tomorrow, and faith for eternity.
Not only will your child have food, clean water and access to medical care as needed, they will receive an education that leads to employment, giving them the skills to provide for themselves. In addition, your child will hear about Jesus and be trained to have Christ-like character. For only $40 per month, you can radically change a child's life.
Sponsor a child today!
Childcare Worldwide
Bibles are a “luxury” for poor families simply trying to survive. Often multiple families must share a single Bible. But for just $16 you can give a child their very own Bible to help them grow and learn about Jesus.
Childcare Worldwide
Right now, hundreds of children are drinking dirty water. They risk pain, disease and even death with every sip, but they have no other options. Thankfully, you can help! You can help build clean water tanks and distribute water filters to families in need. Each gift will save children hours of hard labor, and transform the community’s health. Through our church partners, your gift will even help introduce children to the Living Water found in Jesus!
Childcare Worldwide
Easter Parties are an incredible opportunity to tangibly demonstrate hope and joy to a child in need. Each celebration reminds a child how precious they are – both to a caring person like you and to Jesus, who loved them enough to die on the cross. At each Easter Party, children experience singing, fun games, and special refreshments that remind them of the joy that happens because of Jesus. They will each get a special devotional book that will encourage them to grow in their faith. More import
Childcare Worldwide
Sometimes a child loses their sponsor. When that happens, we can’t bear to see their education or discipleship interrupted. Your gift will “fill in the gap,” supporting a child until a new sponsor can be found. Thanks to you, they can continue working towards a brighter future and growing in faith. $480 will ensure a child can stay in school and continue their discipleship for a full year.
Childcare Worldwide
You can share a meal with impoverished children for just $1 per meal! Each meal strengthens their health, helps them focus better in school, and improves their quality of life. Best of all, each meal opens the door to sharing the Gospel! Give a meal today to help them thrive both physically and spiritually.
Childcare Worldwide
In poor communities, many families live in make-shift shelters of corrugated metal and scrap wood. But for an average of just $5,500 you can give a family a new start in life. With a stable foundation, solid walls, and even electricity, this is a fully functional and furnished home – including bunk beds for the kids!
Childcare Worldwide
Without access to running water, there are thousands of children who are forced to gather water from muddy, contaminated ponds or purchase it from unreliable, unpurified sources. And this dirty water is destroying their lives. Water-borne diseases prevent them from attending school and their Life Centers, and can even threaten their very lives.
Thankfully, there is a simple solution!
A household water filter can clean even the dirtiest water, leaving it completely safe to drink! And YOUR G
Childcare Worldwide
Send a child to a Life Center to introduce them to the best gift of all: Jesus! At our Life Centers, children meet weekly for a day of fun, but more importantly, for a day of discipleship. Through Bible study, songs and games, our curriculum helps them connect Biblical principles to their day-to-day life, and helps them walk closer with Jesus every day.
A gift of any amount will help a child's faith grow.
You can support a child in this program for just $5 a month, or $60 for an entire yea
Childcare Worldwide
With this gift, you’re providing a healthy meal for a child at one of our Life Centers. For many, it is the best meal they have all week, full of the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy. But more importantly, each meal removes the pain and distraction of hunger! By filling their bellies you’re helping them focus and engage better in our spiritual development curriculum, and walk closer with Jesus!
Childcare Worldwide
Beat the buzz! Mosquito nets are one of our most powerful tools in fighting deadly diseases like malaria and yellow fever. These specially treated mosquito nets repel the pesky, dangerous bugs, while keeping kids safe and snug in their beds.
$16 provides one mosquito net.
Childcare Worldwide
Many of our sponsored children have large families with several siblings. It’s such a joy when a child gets sponsored and is able to attend a Life Center, but often this leaves their siblings back at home. However, we want to be sure that EVERY child gets support. For just $20/mo you can provide a sibling with access to a Life Center where they will hear the Gospel of Jesus, receive clean water, and a nutritious meal. If you are interested in a 1-to-1 writing relationship that provides education
Childcare Worldwide
Your gift to our Starfish Medical Fund provides critical medical care for children whose families can’t afford it. From casts for broken legs, to life-saving surgeries, to crucial antibiotics, the Starfish Fund restores health to children in desperate need.
$100 provides life-saving medical care.
Childcare Worldwide
Help Childcare Worldwide effectively and efficiently get food and care to children who need it most. With a donation of $50 or even $100, you can have a valuable impact on the lives of children in need.
Children of Grace
Children of Grace works primarily through child sponsorship. Sponsors commit to paying an annual or monthly amount to support an AIDS orphan living in Uganda. Sponsorship provides children with access to an education, healthcare and nutrition.
Children of Promise
Children of Promise offers food, education, health care, and spiritual nurture to over 4,500 children in 29 countries. Sponsors generously give to support their children monthly at $32, $38, or $50. COP retains 20% to "make it all happen." This covers about 50% of the funds necessary to run the ministry. We must depend upon individuals, groups, and churches to help us provide the remaining funds to operate the ministry. Please consider supporting the "Making It All Happen" Fund.
Children of Promise
Each child receives basic health care benefits as part of their sponsorship through Children of Promise. However, sometimes a child has a special medical need that cannot be met by the monthly sponsorship amount such as surgery, radiation or chemotherapy, or special optical issues. This fund allows us to offer this medical assistance when otherwise it would not be possible. It also covers such things as assistance to sponsored children in the event of natural disasters or unusual emergencies.
Children of Promise
As an international child sponsorship program in 29 countries, Children of Promise periodically faces the issue of sponsors who cannot continue to sponsor their children in need. Rather than stop the children's benefits (food, schooling, health care, and spiritual nurture), we utilize the Unsponsored Children Fund to cover their benefits until we find new sponsors. This provides stability and continuity to the children's experience. Monthly sponsorship amounts are $32, $38, and $50.
Children to Love International
Children to Love International was born out of a call to respond to the plight of orphaned and abandoned children in Romania in the early 1990’s. CTL began working with orphanage officials to facilitate international adoptions and to meet the immediate needs of children who could not exit the system. Since then, CTL’s impact has multiplied and expanded to India, Uganda, Ukraine and Thailand. Please consider partnering with us to provide hope for suffering children in the name of Jesus.
Children's Hope
Currently, Children’s Hope cares for 50 children at our children’s home, provides education to over 1,200 children, serves over 4000 people through our medical clinic, and engages and serves over 5000 community members in some way through our short-term mission teams. Your donation will help us shine the light of hope in Haiti as we care for children, strengthen families, and serve communities.
Children's HopeChest
Inspired by Christ's love, Children's HopeChest releases the potential existing within vulnerable communities, starting with the children. Through holistic programming, individual children, their households, and their community, enter into self-sustainable approaches to poverty alleviation, ending generations of donor dependency.
Children's Shelter of Cebu
From vitamins to math books to baby bottles, there are various special projects you can select to provide for our children who are in a loving home in Cebu City, Philippines. These kids were once abandoned, neglected and abused. Today they are being loved, taught and counseled in a place full of God's love!
Children's Shelter of Cebu
A gift of $350 covers all the costs to educate students for a day of school! Our licensed school has an individualize approach to meeting the educational challenges that the children face. Some of the children are coming to school for the first time! You will receive a certificate (as will an individual you choose to honor) and a spotlight on our website. More than that, you will receive the knowledge that you are giving some big love and learning to some special kids who need you!
Children's Shelter of Cebu
Foster Friends is a long-distance friendship between a sponsor and a child being ministered at Children's Shelter of Cebu. Foster Friends is a “win, win, win” situation. The children receive the security that comes from knowing that people across the world care about them. The sponsors receive the joy of knowing that they are making a difference in the life of a needy child. And CSC receives financial help for the purchase of food, medicine, and other needed items.
Cho-Yeh Camp and Conference Center
Cho-Yeh never wants lack of finances to keep kids from having the Cho-Yeh experience! This year, Cho-Yeh gave away $160,000 in camper scholarships to families who needed assistance to come to Camp! Help send kids to Cho-Yeh who wouldn't otherwise have the great Camp experience!
If you’re considering abortion for your unexpected pregnancy, get the facts about procedures, side effects, and potential risks first. You deserve to know the truth. Our staff will give you the guidance you need to make an informed choice. Schedule a free, confidential consultation to confirm your pregnancy and discuss your options.
Chosen Children Ministries
CCM has been providing children to sponsor for over ten years. In 2016, we added nearly 1,000 children who are ready to sponsor. $35/month provides nutrition, education, clean water, weekly Biblical discipleship and basic medicine.
Chosen for Life Ministries
Most children who enter foster care have very little to call their own. Many times they enter a new home with literally the dirty clothes on their back and nothing else. If you would like to join us in this mission by helping purchase monogrammed pillowcases, towels, and duffle bags, please send a check to Chosen for Life Ministries with “My Name Matters” in the memo line, or donate online and call or email us to let us know your gift was intended for the My Name Matters gifts.
Christ for India
Christ For India has a sponsorship program to reach more children, widows, and to train more pastors and evangelists to reach the lost. You can provide meals, lodging, education, healthcare and/or salary.
Christ For The Nations
The Museum Of Earth History in Dallas, Texas, provides an enjoyable and educational experience, exploring the biblical perspective of Creation and Earth history. Through the use of displays, artifacts, and historical data, the Museum shows Creation as it is recorded in the Bible. It also helps to expose and confront many of the errors taught in our modern education system. Young minds are at stake, and this is one, powerful tool in presenting the message in a way they will never forget.
Christ in Youth
Millions of students born between 1984 and 2002 will never hear the Gospel and will never know peace. Your tax deductible gift to the ministry of Christ In Youth will amplify the call of Christ to save, prepare, and send a generation of Kingdom workers into that harvest field. Your gift will help amplify the call to 1,000,000 students to live as Kingdom workers in the next decade!
Christ Reaching Asia Mission Worldwide (CRAM)
To take the love of Jesus Christ to the people of Asia by meeting their physical needs, we gain the opportunity to meet their spiritual need. Until all have heard… Pray. Your faithful and earnest prayers provide the foundational spiritual resource needed in places where the enemy has a stronghold. Give. Your financial investment provides... The startup costs for planting churches, feeding programs, child sponsorships and so much more. Launches the spread of the Gospel to a forgotten people
Christ's Hope USA
Consider a donation to Christ's Hope USA as we care for orphans and vulnerable children through ministry CarePoints and extended/foster families where they are loved and receive food, medicine, education and the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.
Christian Association of Youth Mentoring
Our purpose is to assist the local church, individual and ministry by providing services, training and support so that they in turn can focus on connecting God's un-fathered children and vulnerable youth with mature Christian men and women.
Christian City
The Children’s Village at Christian City offers life services and a safe haven for children in crisis, ages 5-17. Often, our children are victims of abuse, neglect and/or abandonment. Our commitment is to minister to the needs of the children and their families by bringing about a healthy reunification. In circumstances where reunification is not possible, our goal is to provide a safe and loving home environment where they can feel nurtured.
Christian Educators Outreach
At Christian Educators Outreach, we are helping abandoned kids in Hungary, Croatia, Ukraine, South Africa, Serbia, and the USA. Your donation will help us bring these children food and share the Gospel.
Christian Encounter Ministries
We work with young people who are aware of their need for help and are between the ages of 16 and 25. Our primary focus is to assist people in the development of responsible behavior patterns and to confront weaknesses which prevent adequate adjustment. Partner with Christian Encounter Ministries as we strive to provide an environment where a genuine commitment to Christ can be fostered!
Christian Endeavor USA
The objective of Christian Endeavor is to challenge youth to live a Christian life and train them to be leaders IN their youth ministry. Consider how adding a contribution through your will can further the ministry of Christian Endeavor well into the future.
Christian Endeavor USA
Christian Endeavor comes alongside the local church in order to equip them for effective discipleship that is tailored to their cultural setting. The CE approach helps reverse cultural trends that reveal a majority of young people walk away from church following graduation or before. By empowering youth to be IN ministry, they own their faith, feel responsibility for their church, and invest themselves in God's kingdom work. CE inspires church leaders toward this counter-cultural youth ministry.
Christian Family Care Agency
Christian Family Care's foster care program, licensed through the state of Arizona, provides short and long term care for children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. CFC's role in serving these children is to recruit, train, license and support foster families who have the qualifications and expertise to help children with a variety of special needs as a result of their circumstances. On any given night, there are approximately 400 children in CFC homes.
Christian Family Care Agency
Christian Family Care has joined forces with Safe Families for Children to bring a successful national compassionate model of service that gives hope to families in crisis. SFFC is reducing the rate of child abuse and neglect, and keeping families intact by providing safe and loving homes for children while their parents deal with temporary crisis.
Christian Freedom International
Help persecuted Christians with urgently needed relief, medical, food and legal aid; Bibles, skill training, safe houses, and education. We serve Christians from Afghanistan, Burma, Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Nepal, India, Vietnam and other areas of oppression.
Our school for refugee students trains youth to be Christian leaders. Find their handcrafted items on CFI's webstore.
Sponsor a child in Nigeria, Egypt, Pakistan, or Bangladesh.
Christian Friends of Israel-USA
Emergency relief campaign to assist arriving Jewish refugees to Israel with bedding, blankets, sleeping bags, First Aid kits, solar lanterns, hygiene/sanitary kits, water, and food coupons.
Christian Health Service Corps
The Christian Health Service Corps missionary providers serve the poor of the world, often in places where there is no access to healthcare services. Nine million children around the world die each year because they lack access to healthcare and disease prevention services. Your partnership makes the lifesaving services they provide possible. Please pray about partnering with us.
Christian Heritage
In FY 2017-2018, 7,967 children were involved in the foster care system in Nebraska. Most of these children were taken out of their homes and placed in foster homes. Christian Heritage began working with HHS in 1987 to provide foster homes for some of these children. What began in one family home has now become a multi-city outreach with an average of 205 children cared for in Christian Heritage foster care across Nebraska on any one day. Touch the life of a child!
Christian Heritage
Families Together is an opportunity for the local Church to step up and begin caring for families in crisis like never before. By providing safe, loving, temporary housing for kids at risk, Families Together provides the time and support bio parents sometimes need to get back on their feet and begin a new chapter in their life. There are are a number of amazing ways and impactful roles through which people in the local church can serve and support these families; but the biggest thing Families
Christian Heritage
Many kids grow up without one or both parents, due to incarceration. Destination…Dad® seeks to rebuild relationships by teaching incarcerated parents how to take responsibility for their actions and have healthy relationships with their kids and the kids’ caregivers. We sponsor monthly “daddy day visits” and annual daddy-daughter dances and father-son “hangouts.” We also support children and caregivers by partnering with local churches to meet concrete needs of the families.
Christian Heritage Academy
Christian Heritage Academy has been providing Christian education and training since 1972 with a vision of training American Christian leaders for every sphere of society. CHA is a fully accredited, private Christian school serving families of the Oklahoma City metropolitan area from grades Pre-K through high school. Committed to excellence in academics, athletics, and the fine arts, CHA is sending out leaders prepared to influence others for the sake of Christ and the glory of God.
Christian Missionary Fellowship International
Nearly 2.5 million people live in poverty in the slums and urban areas of Nairobi, Kenya. They lack the basic necessities of life, including adequate housing, clean water, and sanitation services. Educational opportunities are negligible. All kinds of diseases run rampant throughout the communities and the scarcity of jobs complicates every problem. Support the work of Hope Partnership as we work to bring physical, emotional, and spiritual light to break the cycle of poverty and homelessness!
Christian World Outreach
CWO has developed a program to work with the AIDS orphans in Zimbabwe. The "Okay Kids" program uses volunteers in communities to work with children with the highest need. Working with the community and families caring for these children CWO provides education, food, clothing and other physical needs. Weekend camps are also held for the children sharing God's love for them, group and individual counseling, and time to just have fun.
Church of God of Prophecy International Offices
The Christian Education Department of the Church of God of Prophecy provides resources and training for discipling the ever-expanding harvest of men, women, and children who are surging into the kingdom of God around the world. Please donate today to assist us as we convey God's presence, power and purpose into the lives of teens, children, and adults so they become carbon copies of Jesus!
Circle Urban Ministries
Become an Apple Seed Partner and come alongside Circle’s children and youth by sponsoring activities during the hours after school, over school holidays, and summer break. Partners also support students in the Mentoring Program which fosters positive relationships with peers and nurturing adults, equipping and challenging students toward their God-given purpose in life.
City Mission of Schenectady
The mission of the Food Services Department has three parts: to support the Discipleship Program, to provide good nutrition, and to consistently deliver excellent service. Please give today to help us provide much needed food to the community!
City Rescue Mission
City Rescue Mission Inc. is a 501(c)(3) corporation that provides food, clothing, shelter, emergency services and residential recovery programs to homeless men, women and women with children. Please support City Rescue Mission and help us continue to serve the homeless and needy by rebuilding their lives through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ!
Clement Arts
Clement Kids provides excellent arts instruction in dance, music, drama, & art. Kids enjoy a fun and uplifting environment with instructors who love children as well as their craft. In addition to summer camps, classes run on a fall and spring semester schedule. Proceeds benefit local adoption. Children in foster care are invited to attend classes tuition-free.
Coalition of Care
Coalition of Care is a nonprofit bridge ministry focused on mobilizing churches to respond to God’s call to care for orphans & vulnerable children. We partner with churches to establish a sustainable ministry that serves vulnerable children.
College Golf Fellowship
College Golf Fellowship exists to meet a need that isn’t being met by any other organization. CGF is the only Christian ministry with the specific purpose of building into the lives of college golfers, sharing the hope of Christ with them, and discipling those who have placed their trust in Him. We travel to college campuses to meet one-on-one or in a group setting to support, counsel, and encourage through the Word of God.
Colorado Christian University
CCU relies on committed partners who invest their time, talent, and/or treasure to advance CCU’s ability to deliver superb academic programs that challenge the heart, soul, and mind of the students while nurturing cognitive development, spiritual growth, and character formation in our students in the heart of the Rocky Mountain region. Please consider how you might partner with CCU in preparing students for a lifetime of service, leadership, and discipleship.
Columbus Christian Academy
Columbus Christian Academy is an esteemed biblical worldview PreK-12th grade school located in the heart of Mississippi. CCA is proud to partner with Christian families seeking to educate their children with the assurance of biblical worldview standards.
Commission 127
We strengthen and support foster, adoptive and biological families in crisis by creating community and equipping churches to launch and lead Family Advocacy Ministries.
Community Bible Study
Community Bible Study is an interdenominational ministry that began in 1975 with a single Bible study class in the Washington, D.C., area. Today it is a rapidly growing global ministry for all ages with hundreds of thousands engaging with God and His Word in more than 120 countries and 84 languages.
Our mission is to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring, in-depth Bible studies available to all.
Community Christian School of Tallahassee
The Charger Annual Fund is Community Christian School's annual fund program. Like most independent private schools, CCS depends on unrestricted gifts to the Chargers Annual Fund to offset the cost of operations. Tuition only covers approximately 80% of what it costs to educate a child at CCS. The remainder of the funds must be raised through various voluntary gifts to the school.
Compass recognizes that foster care is the mission field right next door, in our community, and all around us. Compass provides training, 24-hour support, financial assistance and ongoing parental education to foster families, as well as ministering directly to foster youth through educational support, school assistance, 24-hour support, adult and independent living skills and other individual assistance. Consider giving to this valuable ministry to youth and families.
Compassion International
When natural disasters strike, Compassion's Disaster Relief Fund provides sponsored children and their families with food, clothing and basic supplies to help them cope and begin to rebuild their lives.
Compassion International
Christian leadership training for Compassion child sponsorship program graduates. Make a tax-deductible donation today.
Compassion International
Share your love, prayers and support with a boy or girl who lives in poverty! Children are waiting now! Your child sponsorship support connects you with a child in a loving relationship that will change his or her life -- and yours! Learn more about sponsoring a child today through Compassion's Christian child sponsorship ministry.
Connie Maxwell Children's Ministries
Connie Maxwell has a long history of caring for children and their families, and has continued to develop new programs with individualized services that provide stability and Christ-centered support during their time of need. We offer support in four different ways: Residential care, family care, crisis care, and foster care.
Convoy of Hope
Convoy of Hope mobilizes resources and trains churches and other groups to conduct community outreaches, respond to disasters, and direct other compassion initiatives in the United States and around the world. Convoy of Hope, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, serves in the United States and around the world providing disaster relief, building supply lines, and sponsoring outreaches to the poor and hurting in communities.
Convoy of Hope
With millions of children going hungry and lacking access to clean drinking water each day, we focus heavily on providing the basic necessities of life to those in need. Currently, Convoy of Hope is expanding its feeding initiatives to more than 100,000 children in seven nations. We also provide clean and safe water, teach community leaders agricultural techniques, and help provide healthy living environments and education.
Cookson Hills Christian School
Since 1957, Cookson Hills has provided home, school, and therapy for kids who are at-risk. We are a children’s home in Northeast Oklahoma, serving kids ages 5-17 who want to write a better story for their lives and have experienced challenges with family life, homelessness, poor peer relationships, abuse, or neglect. Compelled by the love of Christ, our team works together to fulfill our vision – to raise up healthy individuals who are empowered to positively impact future generations.
Coram Deo Academy
Coram Deo Academy is a classical Christian school offering a collaborative University-Model® schedule for students in grades PreK through 12th. CDA has three North Texas campuses located in Collin County, Dallas, and Flower Mound.
Corazón de Esperanza
Corazón de Esperanza, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing hope to orphaned children, at-risk teens and impoverished women of Northern Perú through the support of youth transitional homes, orphanages, schools, youth development, women’s sustainability projects, short term mission trips and volunteer programs.
Corazón de Esperanza
Corazón de Esperanza, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing hope to orphaned children, at-risk teens and impoverished women of Northern Perú through the support of youth transitional homes, orphanages, schools, youth development, women’s sustainability projects, short term mission trips and volunteer programs.
Cornerstone Pregnancy Services
Cornerstone Pregnancy Services provides life-affirming alternatives to abortion, support services to women facing an unplanned pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment to those who are experiencing lifestyle distress. Our mission is "Share Christ, Save Lives, Transform Hearts" with over 1000 women who seek out our services yearly. Your gift of $365 or $30/month will ensure that a life-changing appointment will occur at our center or on our mobile unit.
Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is setting forth the teachings of the Bible about the complementary differences between men and women, created equally in the image of God. These teachings are essential for obedience to Scripture and for the health of the family and the church.
Counteract International
Counteract is the only faith-driven organization that takes a holistic approach to equipping incarcerated and released youth to achieve life turnarounds across El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. We send in-country staff behind bars of juvenile prisons each day to provide the youth consistent mentorship, deliver life skills training, offer biblical guidance and help them develop a life plan for success. Once the youth are released, we provide Success Coaches to walk by their side as they retur
Covenant Mercies
Help break the cycle of poverty and restore children to everything God created them to be as His image-bearers. Your support provides orphans in Uganda, Zambia, and Ethiopia with education, clothing, hygienic supplies, nutritional support, Christian teaching, vocational training, and healthcare. Partner with Covenant Mercies and local indigenous churches through one-time gifts or child sponsorship, and join in the Lord’s calling on His people – the privilege and duty of caring for orphans.
Crisis Aid International
Crisis Aid operates a home in Missouri for victims of sex trafficking. The home has 22 beds and offers a holistic Christ centered program of rehabilitation. Crisis Aid is working with local and federal law enforcement and is the primary home where they send girls which they rescue. The home has 2 "wings", one for girls 18-24 and the second is for girls 17 and younger. Please visit the web site for more info. Crisis Aid has also operated homes for victims in Ethiopia since February 2007.
CRISTA Ministries
Set in the stunning forests on the west side of Puget Sound, Miracle Ranch and Island Lake are a camper’s paradise. Fun? Tons of it: boating, swimming, archery, marksmanship, paintball, horses, dirt bikes, high ropes and a skate park.
But even more than adventure, when young men and women come to Miracle Ranch or Island Lake, they get a chance to grow closer to Jesus Christ than they ever have before, or, for some, to meet Him for the first time.
CRISTA Ministries
Our goal is to prepare students for college and for lives committed to excellence for Christ. Our rigorous academic curriculum, broad range of elective choices, student involvement in community-service projects and extracurricular activities are all designed to achieve that goal.
CRISTA Ministries
Seattle Urban Academy (SUA) is a safe, alternative, Christian educational community. Since 1989, SUA has served at-risk teens, and is an integral part of CRISTA’s ongoing youth outreach. SUA is also part of a nationwide commitment to increase the national high school graduation rate.
Cross Bar X Youth Ranch
Cross Bar X has been providing high quality summer camps and youth activities at our 150-acre facility in Durango, CO since 1977. The primary purpose of CBX is to provide high quality, yet affordable summer camps and youth activities for socially and economically disadvantaged families. These camps give CBX a platform for year-round discipleship, outreach events, and encourage involvement in Bible-believing local churches. In everything we do, we present campers with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Cross International
A majority of Haiti’s poor children live with parents who can’t adequately feed or care for them. Many will never attend school because their parents are too poor to buy a uniform, and supplies. Cross is helping CBC provide a Christian education to 6,600 poor children in 18 schools. We also support New Life Center Orphanage, which is home to 82 children who are orphaned, or whose parents are too poor to care for them. We also pay the salaries of 175 teachers and one pastor.
Cross International
When the Haiti earthquake struck several years ago, Cross mobilized donors and trusted Haitian mission partners to rush immediate aid to traumatized refugees. We shipped food, water and medical supplies to survivors as quickly as possible. More than two years later, the healing process continues. Cross is still working hard to meet the needs of our Haitian partners and the communities they serve—communities that need food, housing, medical care, education and the hope of Jesus Christ.
Cross International
Thousands of Haitians cross the border into the Dominican Republic, hoping to find work and a better life. Often, they find themselves practically enslaved as they live in conditions worse than what was left behind. Since their children have no documentation to show they have legal residence, they cannot attend state schools and are left to run the streets. A Christian development group, MEBSH, started 6 schools for these cane-cutter children, which allow 1,100 students to receive an education.
Cross International
Education is the key to escaping poverty. But when poor children are malnourished and hungry, they can't learn. Elohim Christian Elementary School in Peru is solving the problem by providing a daily breakfast, lunch, and snack to more than 100 malnourished students. With Cross' help, Elohim is saving these children from having to work on the streets just to buy their next meal, while also introducing the Gospel of Christ. A gift of $102 will help nourish a hungry child for an entire school year.
Cross International
Espoir “Hope” Village provides a loving home for physically and mentally challenged children. The home does not have access to the city water supply, so they have been purchasing truckloads of water, which has been a strain on their budget. Due to the country’s recent hurricane crises, costs for all goods and services have risen sharply. A well would not only provide a continuous supply of water, it would also free up funds to offset the home’s rising operational costs.
Cross International
An important role in a successful surgery is food; especially for growing children. Without the strength from nutritious meals children’s bodies are more at risk to problems during surgery and recovery is difficult. Cross supports a feeding program at a Christian hospital in the Dominican Republic that provides life-changing surgeries to poor children suffering from birth defects and spine and bone disorders. Three meals are given each day to the children, their parents, and the hospital staff.
Cross International
When 11 hungry children orphaned by a hurricane were found huddled in an abandoned building, a group of Christian women (with help from Cross) clothed, fed them, and they found families to take them in. The women continued to cook meals for the orphans and their new families, keeping them nourished and monitoring their care. That was in 2004. Today these women still cook the food that Cross ships in. They now feed nearly 170 orphans, plus the many homeless from the impoverished neighborhood.
Cross International
"Restavek" is another word for child servant. Over 250,000 restavek children – most of them girls – live with other families far from home. Though the "host" family may promise education in exchange for servitude, the child is more often abused – growing up illiterate and lacking self-esteem. Cross is helping the Evangelical Baptist Mission of Southern Haiti to provide an education to more than 50 children in 19 restavek centers where they discover what it means to be loved and cared for by God.
Cross International
HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death among adults in Guyana and one of the top killers of children under 5. AIDS orphans and children living with the disease have nowhere to turn for help. Ruimveldt Children’s Home & Care Center offers a safe haven to these children, providing them with the love and care they need. The 16 children living at RCHCC receive three nutritious meals a day, specialized medical care, and education. They are also shown the love of Christ through daily Bible study.
Cross International
The Salvation Army operates several social outreach programs through a network of its own churches and in cooperation with other local organizations. They serve the poorest and marginalized people in underserved areas, which are plagued by criminality and gang activity. One of the biggest needs in these areas is food as many people, especially children, suffer from malnutrition. With support from Cross, the Salvation Army runs a feeding program for 180 people, who receive food once a month.
Cross International
Casa de Vida is a safe haven for women and children who have escaped domestic violence. Started by four Christian women, Casa de Vida is more than a shelter - it's a place where families can transition to the life God wants for them. The women volunteers not only run the house but provide protection, knowledge, employment assistance, spiritual guidance, food, and anything else needed over a three-month period to help these families obtain the lives they deserve.
Cross International
In the poorest countries, chronic malnutrition causes birth defects and makes children vulnerable to spine and bone disorders. Tragically, many of these conditions go untreated because local hospitals are understaffed and the families cannot afford surgery. Christian orthopedic hospitals, supported by Cross, provide top-notch surgery, rehabilitative care, and pastoral counseling for disabled children around the world.
Cross International
More than 90 orphans are lovingly cared for at the orphanage. They come to TIC thin, malnourished and with deeply wounded spirits, but the love of Christ transforms these orphans into healthy, happy children! TIC also has a primary school and a clinic. Providing meals to the orphans and lunch to 120 children (including 30 poor neighbor children) is very costly. Other basic operational expenses are also a burden. Cross seeks the help of U.S. Christians to support TIC's important work.
Cross International
New Life Children's Home, a ministry of World Harvest Missions, began in 1977 as an outreach program for starving and sick children living in Haiti's mountain villages. It is now home to 80 orphaned, abandoned, and handicapped children from Port-au-Prince. In addition to a safe home, meals, and education, the children are showered with the love of Christ through the care of the dedicated staff. The home also nurses sick children back to health - especially those suffering from malnutrition.
Founded in 2002 by Jim and Lynne Jackson, "Cross-Generation" with Connected Families, is dedicated to providing content and support to empower thoughtful and confident parenting. Our focus is on fostering Christ-centered transformation through a global community of parents, coaches, and partners with a biblical parenting framework.
Crossfire Ministries
We bless 2000 kids with Christmas presents. We are in desperate need of teen gifts, ages 13-16. Some ideas would be gift cards, jewelry, technology items, bikes, basketballs, makeup, nail polish, etc.
Crossfire Ministries
The need for coats is greater than ever and the cold weather is quickly approaching. Partner with us in providing warmth for families. Consider partnering with us in this coat drive!
CrossNet Ministries
The Youth Center provides open door nights, afterschool programs, free meals and fun activities for youth in grades 5–12 in the ELANCO School District.
Youth Center Schedule
Youth Center times exist to offer a safe place for youth to connect with caring adults. A free meal is offered on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Snacks are available during 56 After school on Tuesdays.
Tuesdays, 56 Afterschool, from 4:00-5:00 PM: Youth Center Open (5th-6th grade)
Wednesdays, from 6:30-
Crossroads NOLA’s mission is “to connect children in crisis to the families, individuals, and opportunities they need to thrive.” Your support to this ministry enables Crossroads NOLA to recruit, train, and support foster parents, and to change the lives of children in the New Orleans foster care system. Please consider a one-time or monthly donation to this valuable ministry.
Crossroads Care Center
The SHARE program is an enhanced Sexual Risk Avoidance Program now taught in twelve school districts and 52 schools. For more information, please visit our web site at http://www.shareforyou.org.
Crossroads Kids Club
Mobilizing God’s people to share the Good News in public schools through church-led clubs and connecting children and families to the life of a local church in their community so that they might experience the abundant life that Jesus promised.
Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center
Valuing all human life, the CCPC compassionately ministers hope to those experiencing unplanned pregnancy, healing to those who have experienced abortion, and upholds truth to our community through sexual risk avoidance education. We believe that all have intrinsic worth and are created in the image of God. All services are free of charge and all are welcome.
If you wish to donate to the Cumberland Crisis Pregnancy Center please call 615-451-1717 or visit us at www.ccpcfriends.org.
CURE International
Our goal is to bring hope and healing to children with treatable physical disabilities. In the developing world, many untreated conditions seriously limit a child's ability to play, go to school and become a productive member of the community. By correcting their disabilities, we are able to bring hope and joy back to their lives and enable them to led fully functioning lives.
Dallas Leadership Foundation
Dallas Leadership Foundation's DLF Youth department reaches out to youth where they are. We serve more than 2,400 youth through our in-school program( Power Lunch) our annual summer camp( Power Camp) and through our Power Sports initiative. The time young people spend with Mentors makes a measurable difference. Students who participate in DLF Youth's Power Lunch program, for example, experience a 97% on-time graduation rate. Give today and help DLF Youth meet the needs of Youth across the city.
Dare 2 Share Ministries
Be a part of training and equipping a youth ministry that is advancing the Gospel around the world! Prayerfully consider directing your gift towards launching a Gospel Advancing Ministry.
Daybreak Ministries
The mission of Daybreak is to empower women, men, and families in the Midlands to choose the most positive, healthy, abundant life for themselves and the unborn by providing exceptional care, education, and medical information about sexual health and pregnancy. We extend grace, speak truth, build connections, and offer hope in a compassionate manner to ensure that everyone in our community is empowered to choose the abundant life that God intends for us all.
Deerfoot Lodge
Deerfoot exists to build godly men in a Christ-centered community through wilderness camping. We've been committed to this purpose for 80 years, each summer serving more than 600 boys and 80 college men. In order to keep our fees low, we depend on contributions for about 30% of our operating expenses. Your gift to the operations of DL allows us to reach boys who would not otherwise be able to afford Deerfoot Lodge.
Del Rey Missions – el Rancho Del Rey
Challenged by a mission that continues to burn in our hearts and inspired by faith in a God who knows no limits, we envision a place where children who have been traumatized will grow in safety. We will provide an environment that has the resources to meet a full range of physical, spiritual, social, emotional and intellectual needs, and where the boys’ parents receive training, safe haven as needed, and support to become healthy families.
Delaware County Christian School
When you give to DC, you invest in students to become transformational leaders and impact the world in their workplace, home, church and community. DC gives over $1 million in financial aid funded partly through gifts and endowment. Currently 30% of our children receive financial aid. Invest in students by giving today!
Denver Seminary
Denver Seminary is looking for financial partners willing to help support our students. The average amount of financial aid the Seminary Fund provides each student is about $450 annually or $37 per month. Without this financial aid, our students would not be able to receive the theological education they need to serve the Church around the world. Prayerfully consider impacting one or more students by giving at this level.
Destiny Rescue USA
You can fund a rescue and set the next child free!
The average cost to free a child from sexual slavery and help her begin her new life of freedom is $1500.
Your funds will be used for vital aspects of rescue operations including:
- Reconnaissance missions to locate and verify underaged victims
- Trust-building visits where covert agents and caseworkers interact with a girl in order to offer her freedom
- Tactical and investigation gear used to gather evidence and perform operations
Direction 61:3
DIRECTION61:3 will walk alongside older foster and aged-out youth to provide a network of support as they transition to become vibrantly independent young adults. The goal is for youth (ages 14-24) to discover God’s specific purpose and direction for their lives while being fully supported in our resident and non-resident programs.
DOVE Uganda Children's Fund
Sponsors make it possible for a child to receive healthcare, supplemental nutrition, an education, school uniform, and the tools and hope to break the cycle of poverty in their village. Not only does the child benefit, but the entire community is impacted from clean water projects, stronger schools, health and hygiene training, and family training. Your partnership and participation will profoundly impact their life and empower them, and enable them to get an education.
Downtown Rescue Mission
The Downtown Rescue Mission provides approximately 543 hot meals every day. One meal costs us $1.92. If you multiply that amount by the meals per day, we need approximately $1,042.56 daily to cover our meal expenses. That is approximately $7,297.92 a week! By sponsoring a meal, you ensure that people who do not have money to purchase groceries or daily meals have three free meals every day. Become a sponsor today!
Dynamic Youth Ministries
Each year Youth Unlimited (YU) provides scholarships for students who cannot afford to pay the full program registration fee. If you are interested in giving to this fund, please contact Jeff Kruithof at jeff@youthunlimited.org.
East Alabama Area Youth For Christ
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Eastside Academy
Eastside Academy is a non-profit alternative high school and treatment program located in Bellevue, WA. We serve our state’s most marginalized youth, most of whom have faced unimaginable struggles. We offer students a comprehensive range of services under one roof – their school. Eastside Academy raises the funds needed for these teens to attend our school and turn their lives around.
Eden Ministries
To raise productive citizens of the Kingdom of God and of the nation of Zimbabwe to the glory of God the Father, exalting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior through replicating His life and ministry while He was on the earth.
Edify comes alongside entrepreneurs who offer quality Christ-centered education to children in their underserved communities. Hundreds of thousands of low-fee, independent schools have been started by local entrepreneurs. We come alongside these entrepreneurs to help improve and expand their schools and impact.
eduKenya works to protect the vulnerable children of Mathare by providing a safe and nurturing school environment, nutritious food, medical care and spiritual nurture. We provide high quality, transformational, educational opportunities to children and families living in abject poverty in the Mathare slum of Nairobi, Kenya. We are driven by the love of Christ and a desire to glorify God.
Elim Fellowship
Elim Fellowship is about helping you fulfill your call to ministry. Our history gives us deep roots that add to our ability to help those seeking to fulfill their destiny. Our passion to intentionally raise up a new generation of spiritual leaders, keeping us connected to what God is doing today. Make a donation today if you wish to support this ministry and help continue to strengthen the leader, equip the church and to reach the world!
Embrace has provided life changing programs and resources to vulnerable children and their caregivers. Our services are provided at no cost to the families we serve thanks to the generosity of our community, partner churches, and the many volunteers who give their time and talent to improve the lives of children. By partnering with Embrace you’re helping children lingering in the foster care system find the love and stability of a forever family.
Embrace has provided life-changing programs and resources to vulnerable children and their caregivers. Our services are provided at no cost to the families we serve thanks to the generosity of our community, partner churches, and the many volunteers who give their time and talent to improve the lives of children.
Embrace has provided life changing programs and resources to vulnerable children and their caregivers. Our services are provided at no cost to the families we serve thanks to the generosity of our community, partner churches, and the many volunteers who give their time and talent to improve the lives of children. By partnering with Embrace you’re helping children lingering in the foster care system find the love and stability of a forever family
Embrace provides life-changing programs and resources to vulnerable children and their caregivers. Our services are provided at no cost to the families we serve thanks to the generosity of our community, partner churches, and the many volunteers who give their time and talent to improve the lives of children.
Embrace Waiting Children
Embrace has provided life-changing programs and resources to vulnerable children and their caregivers. Our services are provided at no cost to the families we serve thanks to the generosity of our community, partner churches, and the many volunteers who give their time and talent to improve the lives of children.
Engage Hope Ministries
Sponsoring a child can make an eternal difference in the life of a child who otherwise would have no hope for the future. Our program connects impoverished & abandoned children with sponsors who help provide a Christian education, daily meal, minor medical care, & life skills training. Since 2012, thousands of children and their families have been given the hope of a future without poverty through this program. If you would like to help or want more information, please click on the link.
Eternal Anchor
We are committed to advocating for and with individuals who have been marginalized by disability. We are committed to providing a loving home to our children; a place where they live life in family; a place where they are loved unconditionally. We are committed to financial transparency, ethical fundraising, and healthy community development practices.
Eternal Anchor
We are committed to advocating for and with individuals who have been marginalized by disability. We are committed to providing a loving home to our children; a place where they live life in family; a place where they are loved unconditionally. We are committed to inclusive worship, believing that church communities are not complete while some members are unwelcome or are unable to attend.
Evangel Home
Our vision is for a home where the cycle of crisis ends, where lives are reconciled to Jesus Christ, where families and relationships are restored and where the future holds hope for the next generation. Our ministry is supported only through the generous gifts of individuals, businesses, churches, and other organizations. Please consider supporting our ministry.
Evangelical Christian School of Memphis
Evangelical Christian School offers a Pre-K - 12 college preparatory education that includes comprehensive programs in athletics and the fine arts. A strong emphasis on Biblical worldview permeates the classroom, playing field and stage, as we seek to prepare students for college and beyond. For more information, visit our website at www.ecseagles.com or call 901-754-7217. To support ECS, please mail donations to ECS Development Office, P.O. Box 1030, Cordova, TN 38088-1030.
Evangelism Explosion International
Our goal is to conduct 2,000 leadership training events so that 20,000 churches can begin Kids' EE over the next three years. This will train 2,000,000 children to witness and share the Gospel with 20,000,000 children worldwide!
Evangelism Resources
Great Commission Challenge Camps train youth to become tent-makers—placing a priority on fulfilling the Great Commission even while they pursue other careers. First begun in India, the movement has spread to Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, seven nations in Africa, and most recently to the Philippines. The cost for training one youth is only $16!
Every Child Ministries
Children found in vulnerable situations are rescued before being placed in one of our projects for ongoing help,evangelism, and discipleship. Our staff in both Uganda and Ghana are trained to spot abandoned & vulnerable children that may need help. Give to the Rescue Fund so we have funds on hand when a rescue is needed.
Every Child Ministries
Help fill the gap for children who have lost sponsors by giving to Child Sponsorship Gap Fund.
Every Child Ministries
Help children living in Kamwokya, a downtown slum area in the capital city of Kampala. Sponsor a child in this Hope Center to provide schooling and support through a weekly Bible club, or support the project to benefit all the children in the Hope Center.
Every Child Ministries
In Uganda, as in many African countries, children with albinism are often considered a curse. Every Child Ministries is showing them God's love in very practical ways, by providing school and public assemblies on albinism to further public understanding and acceptance, and by placing needy children with albinism in sponsorship programs where they experience friendship & acceptance. The Gospel permeates all these programs.
Every Child Ministries
Haven of Hope Academy (HHA) offers quality Christian education through Junior High School (US equivalent of 8th grade). HHA aims to help the next generation in Ghana prepare for the future through academic, skills and character development. HHA helps students break generational cycles of poverty by preparing them for careers in science, technology, engineering and math, among others. With a student body of over 350 and a large staff, students are able to get the attention they need.
Every Child Ministries
Child sacrifice and ritual abuse is on the rise in Uganda. ECM is working with stakeholders to discern the causes and to prepare skits for public performance that can help parents protect their children. The project also gives spiritual, emotional and material support to survivors of ritual abuse, including those in our Lwengo Sponsorship Hope Center.
Every Child Ministries
The Volta Region in S.E.Ghana, like many rural areas in Africa, is full of schools willing & even anxious to allow gospel presentations. ECM's Community Evangelism program reaches out to these schools & the communities they serve with the gospel, presented via film media and personal evangelism. Our staff makes frequent visits to local schools & churches, and conducts follow up discipleship as needed. Your support of this project enables the good news to reach thousands of children every year!
Every Child Ministries
The Sogakope Hope Center helps kids in a community filled with ritual servitude. Sogakope, in the Volta Region of Ghana, had and continues to have, women enslaved at local shrines. Our work helping numerous women obtain freedom from this bondage, led to our work evangelizing in the community, which led to the start of this Hope Center for child sponsorship.
Every Child Ministries
Haven of Hope Children’s Home offers students a loving, homelike atmosphere for vulnerable children, especially those without a safe home environment. The Hope Center began in 2002 when ECM reached out to dozens of orphans and vulnerable children near the capital city of Accra, Ghana. As the children grew in age, a need to start a school arose (see Haven of Hope Academy). Assistance is available to children in crisis situations through child sponsorship.
Every Child Ministries
The deaf in Congo are often isolated, unable to attend school, unable to understand church services. They are largely unreached with the Gospel. In 2022 ECM discovered five groups or “communities” of deaf, most of them totally unevangelized and all floundering spiritually. God helped us to find two faithful hearing Christians who had learned sign language. We are excited to engage them in an effort to bring the Gospel to these beloved deaf people who have never heard.
Every Child Ministries
Students who complete our General Sponsorship Program, either academically or vocationally, have the opportunity to join our Next Step program under "Business Start Up" and need additional financial assistance. We assist with capital, training, guidance and regular follow up visits throughout the first year of their business. Applications are thoroughly detailed and carefully reviewed before acceptance.
Every Child Ministries
When children get to secondary level in school, we help them decide what the best option is for them. That could be vocational school, finishing high school and going on to university, starting a business, or just completing high school. Secondary costs are much higher than primary, and sometimes child sponsors cannot cover the entire cost of their sponsored child's secondary education. Help kids transition from sponsorship to independence by giving to the Next Step fund.
Every Child Ministries
Students who complete General Sponsorship, either academically or vocationally, have the opportunity to join our Next Step program under "Mentorship". This category was designed to serve as a bridge (for up to 1 year) for our completed students who still need a bit more help to reach independence. While no traditional education or vocational training is provided - these students receive additional guidance from the staff and vital mentorship in the decisions they face regarding their future.
Every Child Ministries
Students who complete our General Sponsorship Program after they graduate high school have the opportunity to join our Next Step program under "University" and need additional financial assistance to cover their tuition. This is why we have built our Scholarship Fund. Each student in need of tuition assistance applies annually for a scholarship. These students receive guidance and mentorship throughout their education and helps move them on towards independence and success.
Every Child Ministries
Sponsoring a vulnerable child is a great way to directly impact a life! By sponsoring a child, you can help ensure that they stay in school, get medical help when needed, learn valuable life skills, receive encouragement, and hear the gospel! There is no better, more personal way for you to connect with and support the needs of a child! For a commitment of just $37 per month you can provide priceless hope for a needy child.
Every Child Ministries
The Biriwa Hope Center helps stop child trafficking at the source. Biriwa is a known location for child trafficking. A sponsored child almost never gets trafficked. Provide education as well as spiritual discipleship to a child's life.
Every Child Ministries
Every Child Ministries' Hope Fund is our Where Needed Most Fund. This fund supplements all our specific funds when they are short, ensuring that all our programs and projects can meet their budgets. Giving to The Hope Fund brings the flexibility to use funds where they can best help!
Every Child Ministries
ECM's survey of Kinshasa churches showed that fewer than half had any program to attract and train children's workers. ECM has a long history of providing effective training for children's workers in Africa. We need funds to provide much-needed training for children's leaders in Congo, enabling many churches to start programs to reach the children and youth of their areas. In many areas, we can train a teacher and enable a church to start a children's program for about $80.
Every Child Ministries
The Gayaza Hope Center helps many children whose families are in crisis situations for various reasons. The children meet weekly for Bible teaching, fun and exercise, and help with schoolwork. The children have learned a variety of other skills too, including gardening and then cooking the food they raised, cakemaking, beadmaking, choreographed singing, and various art projects. Several children with albinism are also being helped by the project.
Every Child Ministries
Kamwokya (pronounced kuh-moh-chuh) is a downtown slum area in Kampala, Uganda, and is home to many ethnic populations including refugees who moved from the north when Joseph Kony’s LRA bands were terrifying the countryside. In Kamwokya, ECM helps vulnerable children, including those with albinism, stay in school or receive vocational training through child sponsorship, seeking to reach these children and youth with the Gospel and to help provide developmental opportunities for them.
Every Child Ministries
ECM's work in Tororo began in early 2015, when one of our ECM staff members visited her home community and discovered several children with albinism that were in desperate need of help! Just like children everywhere, they want to be loved, they want to have friends and they want to go to school! Unfortunately, children with albinism are mistreated, discriminated against, and at times even abused (see Albinism Outreach). With your support of this Hope Center, their simple dreams will come true!
Every Child Ministries
Orphans near Gulu, Uganda are living in abject poverty. Since the end of the war (Josph Kony), the area now blooms with well-kept gardens, dug by hand with hoes. But only a small percentage of families can afford to send their children to school, even though education is free in Uganda. They cannot afford even the required cost of uniforms & school supplies. Most of the children are slowly recovering from PTSD and are gradually beginning to find glimpses of joy and find hope for the future.
Every Child Ministries
The Karamoja Homeland Project is a direct result of ECM’s goal to stop trafficking where it starts. Recognizing that it is more effective to stop the flow of trafficking at the source than it is to only help the children who have already been trafficked, ECM began the Karamoja Homeland Project. As our workers address the root causes of child trafficking in the area, we hope to also show each child and family the personal love of Jesus Christ.
Every Child Ministries
Karamoja is a region in the northeastern corner of Uganda, a land of pastoralists and devastating poverty. Karimojong children are sold to masters to use them to beg on the streets of Kampala, taking all their earnings and treating them as slaves. This Hope Center evangelizes and intervenes on behalf of child beggars displaced to Kampala, placing them in boarding schools during the school year to keep them off the street.
Every Child Ministries
In Naigobya, we are using village schools as an avenue for reaching out to communities with the love of Jesus. Through the school we can reach out not only to the teachers and students, but also to the church, the parents, the orphans, village leadership, and ultimately the entire community. Our vision is to develop a Christ-centered, self-sustaining community where multiple generations thrive by living life together. Our mission is to provide spiritual development & community empowerment.
Every Child Ministries
Vocational training is part of many of ECM’s programs for street youth and orphans & vulnerable youth. Skills that our youth have learned are automotive body work, baking/catering, carpentry, dressmaking, electrical, and hair dressing. The vocational option may be chosen in cases where a youth is older and has missed a lot of school, or does not pass the state exams which allow students to go on academically, or simply because vocational skills best suit a youth’s interests and God-given gifts.
Every Child Ministries
In Koforidua, Ghana, ECM has long had a ministry to teen street boys called load porters. These boys carry people's belongings from downtown shops to their vehicles or homes. They often live on the street and meet together with ECM staff on Sunday mornings to worship. ECM recently implemented a Saturday Bible Club. Here, Bible lessons are taught, as well as other things like hygiene and life skills. Spiritual guidance and counseling are also provided.
Every Generation Ministries
Every Generation Ministries (EGM) is involved in 13 countries on four continents. Clearly, there are significant differences in culture and perspective regarding the issue of evaluation. While EGM has no desire to press one culture's view of evaluation onto another, we do feel the need to evaluate the ministry and its effectiveness. Our desire is to evaluate ministry in a biblical manner that reflects the rich tapestry of cultures that God has woven together through EGM.
Every Generation Ministries
Every Generation Ministries (EGM) hopes to cast a wider net of impact to help churches. The Internet Curriculum Initiative will take existing ministry programs and Bible teaching materials and make them available to churches and children's workers via multi-language websites. The overall goal of the Internet Curriculum Initiative project is to increase EGM's impact by a factor of ten in three years, serving over 100,000 children's workers and 34,000 local churches.
Every Generation Ministries
A study of 2 Corinthians led to a new understanding of Every Generation Ministries' (EGM) long-standing commitment to develop national ministry teams (NMT). This exciting ministry initiative will move NMTs toward increased effectiveness within their own cultures. The simple goal of the Titus Project is to make the operational costs of each national ministry team fully funded, from within the country, in three years.
Every Mother's Advocate
We work with Child Welfare Agencies, Pregnancy Resource Centers, and Churches in densely populated urban communities with high volumes of poverty and maltreatment. We address the root causes of the crisis with sustainable solutions through social support, education, court advocacy, and mental health resources empowering every mother to achieve independent stability.
Every Nation Churches & Ministries
Real LIFE Foundation is a Philippine nongovernmental organization that exists to honor God by serving and empowering the underprivileged youth of the Philippines through educational assistance, character formation, and leadership development.
To know more about Real LIFE, visit www.reallife.ph. Your partnership brings hope and creates a brighter future to more students and their families across the Philippines.
Every Orphan's Hope
Every Orphan's Hope relies on generous contributions to bring hope to families in Zambia, Africa. We build homes for a family of eight orphans and a widow whom they call "mama" who raises the children to LIFE in Christ. Your support, allows us to provide food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and an education to an orphan who has lost everything. Most importantly, an orphan is given a new family to love, be loved and be known. Your planned gift ensures a bright future for "the least of these".
Exile International
Join Exile International and take an active role in helping war-affected children become leaders for peace. Exile International provides physical, emotional, and spiritual care to thousands of children healing from trauma. Hundreds of young people serve as “Young Peacemakers” in their communities, and dozens of national leaders and caregivers are being trained to facilitate trauma care programs. Become a Restore Partner to support the ongoing efforts to change the lives of war-affected children.
Faith 2 Faith Ministries
A recent poll found that New England has become one of the least-reached places in our nation. In a 2017 study, Hartford, CT ranked #6 in the most post-Christian cities in the nation. Based in Southeastern Connecticut, Faith 2 Faith Ministries, Inc. is attempting to change these statistics and make Jesus famous again.
FaithBridge Foster Care
FaithBridge exists for one reason: to change the way America does foster care. And we do that by partnering with local churches and supporting families who provide a loving, safe place for foster children. You can help. By sponsoring a foster child or getting involved, you can make an eternal difference.
Family Connections Christian Adoptions
Throughout California, the US, and the world, more than 145 million children need permanent, loving families. FCCA is a full-service adoption agency licensed by the State of California to provide domestic and international adoption services, including adoption from foster care, overseas orphanages, and from birth mothers placing newborns. We do our work as a service to Jesus Christ and in response to His command to care for the orphans of this world (James 1:27).
Family Empowerment Centers of Chicago
It is also our conviction that real empowerment, freedom, and holistic growth have their foundation in an individual’s experience of the love of Christ through His body. the church, and the truths found in the Scriptures. Family Empowerment Centers recognizes mankind as spiritual, physical, psychological, and social beings.
Family Heritage Foundation
Family Heritage Foundation (FHF) is a Christian Ministry focused on serving refugee families and at-risk children in Clarkston, Georgia. FHF offers after-school programs, summer camp, adult computer classes and youth development program. Clarkston, Georgia is home to many refugees in the Atlanta area because of the low cost of housing and its access to Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA).
Family Life Services
Nestled on the west side of Colorado Springs is an intimate community of single moms and their children. It’s a secluded village—a safe place carved out for courageous women who are building new life patterns and leaving old ones behind. These are working moms who are also working hard at transformation. It’s gritty and challenging—and full of promise.
Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center
Donations and contributions, no matter how big or small, are vital to our ministry. Help guarantee the existence and effectiveness of this ministry by giving today!
Feed the Hunger
Throughout the world there are children hungry for food, education, and a relationship with their Creator. And there are people like you who have a hunger to help. Do you have that God-given hunger to make a difference for eternity? Then join Feed the Hunger for only $10 a month! Feed the Hunger helps at-risk children in three ways: we give them proper nutrition - not just food, a basic education, and the love of Christ.
Please partner with Feed the Hunger! It's more than a meal.
Feeding the Orphans
Many widowed Ghanaian women struggle to provide for their children. They face a gut-wrenching decision: keep children whom they cannot feed, put them in an orphanage, or allow them to enter into slave labor in exchange for food and shelter. We provide single mothers with artisan training and materials to generate income so the family can stay together. These single moms also receive training as disciples of Christ, so they can grow in their faith and raise their children in the joy of the Lord.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Accelerate The Fellowship of Christian Athletes' vision to touch millions of lives...one heart at a time! We have been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ. FCA is the largest Christian sports organization in America. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ!
Fellowship of Christians in Universities and Schools (FOCUS)
FOCUS (Fellowship of Christians in Universities and Schools) is a diverse community of students, alumni, parents, faculty, clergy, and professionals from a variety of Christian denominations drawn together by a common faith and purpose.
The mission of FOCUS is to present Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, to independent school students to the end that they might come to know Him and glorify God through their Christian witness and through lives of Christian service in the Church and in the World.
First Choice For Women
First Choice for Women is a compassionate, faith-based organization that offers free physical, mental, and spiritual support to empower individuals facing difficult relationships, pregnancy, and parenting decisions in the East Central Indiana Region.
First Love International Ministries
We launched a capital fund campaign that so that we can be used of God to rescue children from an otherwise hopeless situation in the slums of Kibera and Mitumba. Operation Hope gets its name from a verse found in the book of Jeremiah where God is speaking…"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. Support this campaign by making a donation today!
First Priority of Alabama
Give today and support our mission of raising leaders, reaching a generation, and restoring our nation!
First Priority of South Florida
Become a Priority Partner by committing to a monthly gift of $25. Your financial gift will help to train students with a strategy for evangelism, network student ministers, provide resources for First Priority clubs, sponsor events that encourage, equip and empower students.
Fishers of Men Ministries
Please consider sponsoring a child today for $30 per month and provide a child in Kenya with food, health care, clothing, housing and education.
Fishhook International
This program assists the children of AIDS patients in south India who are in dire need of financial support due to their parents' loss of health and in most cases employment. If parents are deceased or unable to care for their children, Fishhook identifies able family members to take them in. All funds are managed by the AIDS clinic social workers, who take each child for school enrollment and hand out supplies to the families during regular house visits. You can sponsor one of these children.
Fishhook International
You can join with us in caring for orphans and other forsaken children in India by committing to pray and to give $35 a month to care for their needs. In Fishhook's homes for children, each child receives nutritious food, an education and basic medical care. In addition they are nurtured and loved in an environment where Jesus is honored and worshiped daily. Their eyes shine and their smiles are frequent. Quite a contrast to the life they have been rescued from.
Food for the Hungry
Our vision is to see all forms of human poverty ended worldwide--which is why we work holistically with an "exit strategy" in mind to graduate communities from extreme poverty to thriving places. When you sponsor a child in one of the 20 countries where FH works, your monthly gift will bring hope and change to a sponsored child's life and community. Through your sponsorship, you'll help Food for the Hungry assist your child's entire community to provide food, a better education, clean water and
For The Children
Unlock generosity with a Royal Family Kids $100,000 Matching Gift.
For the Nations Refugee Outreach
We offer a wide variety of educational programs to help refugees continue in the long process of adapting to life in the United States. We also help families adjust to life in America by advocating for them. Most importantly, we share with refugees the good news of Jesus Christ. Over the last several years we have developed high quality, effective educational programs and our vision is to bring these proven programs to more and more of the area’s large refugee population.
Forest Home
Make a gift to the Forest Home Campership Fund and make camp more affordable for an individual or family with a financial need. Whether it is a struggling single parent, an inner-city child, a family touched by unemployment or various other hardships, a camp experience will have a long lasting impact on their spiritual growth.
Fort Worth Pregnancy Center
If you choose to make a financial investment in this ministry, our commitment to you is that all funds are used wisely and with complete accountability to our donors. Every gift is invested in reaching out and making a difference in the lives of the women who come for help, and in the lives of their unborn children. Won’t you consider being a friend of the center?
Forward Edge International
Haiti is home to some of the most desperate children in the world. Many were orphaned or displaced by the Jan. 2010 earthquake, with no access to medical care, consistent food, electricity or running water. Kids Club in the province of Les Cayes serves 100 children weekly meals, medical care, funds for school, and spiritual guidance. Holistic care for the children extends to their families and the community.
Forward Edge International
Kenya has an estimated 1.1 Million HIV/AIDS orphans (UNICEF, 2011). Most of these children grow up in extreme poverty, suffering from preventable water-borne illnesses, hunger and malnutrition. Mama Beth Children’s Program serves vulnerable children in Kijabe, many of which are orphans. Child sponsors help Mama Beth’s provide these children with consistent nutritious meals, school tuition fees, school supplies, medical care, clothing and shoes, safe drinking water and spiritual instruction.
Fostering Hope New England
Fostering Hope empowers churches and individuals to care for children and families impacted by foster care. We serve as a trusted partner to guide churches into sustainable service to the foster care community. We encourage and empower individuals to serve the foster care community in a way that aligns with their current gifting and capacity.
Fostering the Family
Fostering the Family partners with Live the Promise. Working together, our goal is to flood the foster care system with well trained, well supported foster families.
We endeavor to create an environment where children and families can thrive through legislation and policy changes.
Four Corners Ministries
The Child Development Program at Abaana’s Hope is designed to assist vulnerable children in realizing their full potential in Christ, in the home, and in the community. “A tree is easier bent when it is young,” so we believe now is the time to invest in these children from a comprehensive approach. The program is designed to give them a solid Biblical foundation to make a positive change in their homes and to lead the next generation. By sponsoring a child, you are providing a scholarship into t
Four Corners Ministries
Living Stones Christian School at Abaana’s Hope is a groundbreaking experiment in African education. A quality education is simply an impossible dream to poor, rural Ugandans. LSCS is making that impossible dream a reality. Using an integrated Christian curriculum designed especially for Ugandan children, LSCS is providing a top-quality education for its students. The typical Ugandan student is taught using rote memory techniques that fail to equip students to think for themselves and solve comp
Free Wheelchair Mission
Each wheelchair gives mobility to someone in need and a chance for a better life. Please help us transform lives by sharing the gift of mobility with the physically disabled in developing countries as motivated by Jesus Christ.
Freedom International Ministries
You will provide a bilingual Christian education for children in a safe, loving environment. 100% of your support goes directly to the education of children to cover things like curriculum, national teacher’s salaries, transportation, etc. You have the opportunity to develop a life-long relationship with your sponsor child through letters and visits. Our children need you!
French Camp Academy
French Camp Academy is a Christ-centered home and school. We provide a safe, stable, healing place for young people. The twelve student homes are places of belonging. House parents welcome the students, care for, and guide them. Their focus is on providing a Christ-centered home that encourages growth in a safe setting. If you wish to support French Camp Academy please mail your donation to:
French Camp Academy Development Office
One Fine Place
French Camp, MS 39745
Fresno/Madera Youth For Christ
YFC is a non-profit organization that works within the community to bring young people closer to God and closer to each other. We do this through six different divisions, each focusing on a different aspect of the lives of today's youth. While every program or division is different, they all are rooted in our Savior Jesus Christ.
Friends in Action International
With no guaranteed free, public schooling available in remote areas of Papua New Guinea, national workers struggle to pay even the bus transports that can cost up to 1/3 of their yearly wages! Give the gift of education and ensure all these children can reach their God-given potential! $1,100 will pay the transportation fees for approximately 15 of FIA’s workers’ children. For as little as $75, one more Wewak child will have access to schooling next year!
Friends of Children Everywhere
The sponsorship program provides support for the children of Casa Bernabe, including food, clothing, medical, housing and general care. The cost to provide for all of the children and staff is not met entirely through the sponsorship program, therefore we are presenting other designations for giving, in order to adequately meet all of the present needs at Casa Bernabe. Immediate needs are communicated in our newsletters as well.
Friends of Sky Ranch
For 60 years, Sky Ranch has been a Christian organization that has provided nationally recognized summer camps, Champions Rodeo camps, school programs, retreats and conferences in Texas, Oklahoma and Colorado. These programs enable youth and families to enjoy a positive and exciting camping experience combined with the truths of God’s Word, making a lasting impact on future generations.
Friends of Tenwek
Tenwek’s Community Health & Development programs provide community-based health care and appropriate development within needy communities. This holistic ministry focuses on taking God’s hope to the individuals, families and communities that need it the most.
Front Range Christian School
Front Range Christian School is thankful for the generosity of our families and friends. Help us keep education affordable so that we can continue to fulfill our mission. If you would like to make a tax-deductible, charitable contribution to Front Range Christian School, please send checks to:
Front Range Christian School
Development Office,
6657 W Ottawa Ave, Ste A-17,
Littleton, CO 80128
Gateways to Better Education
Gateways to Better Education's goal is to help public school students learn about the Bible and Christianity as they relate to history, culture, and values. We help public school educators do this appropriately and lawfully using existing laws and state academic standards. Gateways does this by equipping parents, teachers, administrators, and school board members involved in America's 99,000 public schools through seminars and materials.
Generation to Generation Network
Our vision is to lift up children from dehumanizing circumstances with the grace of Jesus, redefining and fighting poverty alongside the younger generation.
Global Hope
By becoming a Global Hope child sponsor, you commit to $39/month that provides a child with many benefits. Your donations help pay for in-country staff who care for your child every day, as well as the basic necessities of life, including food, shelter, medical care, and education. You can also write letters to your child to let them know you are thinking of and praying for them. You may also visit your child by going on a Global Hope mission trip. Sponsor a child in need today!
Global Impact International
Global Impact International is partnering with the City of Rome to re-purpose of the former Southeast Elementary School building as The Restoration Rome Center for Foster Care Services (Restoration Rome).
Global Servants
Global Servants opened House of Grace in Thailand, a rescue home for girls in danger of being bought and sold into prostitution. Through House of Grace Thailand, hundreds of little girls have found the opportunity to study and know Jesus and grow into skilled, educated women of God. In 2012, the second House of Grace was opened in Ghana. In its 40+ years of operation, the mission of House of Grace has remained the same: “Saving little girls for big destinies.”
God's Littlest Angels
Sponsor an orphan at the God's Littlest Angels Orphanage in Haiti. Sponsorship fee will provide food, clothing, and medicine for one of the orphans. Will receive monthly updates through email for your sponsored child.
God's Littlest Angels
School Sponsorship allows sponsors to assist in giving a Haitian student, who may not otherwise have the opportunity, a chance to attend school through sponsoring their tuition costs. Sponsors also have the option to assist a student in purchasing their books, uniform, and supplies for a school year.
God's Littlest Angels
The GLA NICU is what stands between life and death for many of these babies. Partnering with us means offering Haitian families the chance to see their tiny baby live and thrive even when born too little and too early. Your donation helps to provide IV therapy, oxygen, special medication, and other life-saving therapy. Once the babies are well, most return to their birth families. Sponsors receive monthly updates that include a current photo and a little story about the NICU.
Good Life Ministries
Good Life Ministries shares the love of Jesus Christ through educational ministries, evangelistic outreach, and humanitarian efforts; enabling and encouraging individuals to give back to their communities through transformed lives.
GoServ Global
GoServ Global shares God’s love by responding to disaster, empowering sustainable community development and creating world change through hands-on involvement.
Responding to Disaster –GoServ Global brings expertise in equipment operation, safety and volunteer management to serve as the hands and feet of Christ in helping local churches and communities respond to disaster.
Empowering Community Development – GoServ Global transforms the lives of the impoverished by providing for basic human
Grace International
Our beautiful 2-story "Love of Jesus Girls' Home" building was severely damaged by the Easter Sunday, 2010 earthquake and cannot be repaired to be safe enough for the orphaned girls to live in it. They have been living outside, under tents and plastic tarps since the earthquake. We need your help now to build a safe earthquake proof building where the children can live with peace of mind.
Grace International
The Lord's Kitchen program was established on Easter Sunday in 2010 with the intent of feeding over 5,000 2010 earthquake survivors, including children that live as refugees under tents and tarps on our mission compound. Your financial support is greatly needed in order to continue the feeding. Pastors with their churches and all who care are welcome to come and host a week of this outreach thus feeding their Haitian brothers and sisters both physically and spiritually.
Grace International Children's Foundation
For only $40/month, you can give hope for a brighter future to an orphaned child at Lulwanda Children's Home in Uganda. Your sponsorship will help cover the costs of caring for the child, including medical care, an excellent education, Christian discipleship, and a loving family environment. You will receive a photo and biography, plus semi-annual updates on the progress of your sponsored child. You can send letters, photos and birthday cards to Lulwanda for delivery to your child.
Grace Mission
The book of Proverbs is loaded with truth stating that a wise person will be successful at life! A fool is brought down by foolish behavior. We have developed a course that includes classroom instruction on 42 Biblical principles to promote Godly character. By distributing these books by motorcycle all over northern Haiti, over 500,000 students have taken this course which includes the gospel.
Grace Mission
Beginning in 2006, we have 30 children in our orphanage in Limbe, Haiti. The work is a challenge as the kids bring much baggage with them from their early years of life. Thankfully, we are seeing good progress in many of the kids' lives as they grow in the Lord. We are using the ABEKA school program to give them an education and a great Biblical basis.
We support education and other relief services for children and adolescents who live in poverty near Antigua, Guatemala. In Guatemala, the minimum wage is $350 per month. However, 70 percent of the workforce in Guatemala is informal, and, therefore, does not receive minimum wage. Adequate education for many is a gift, not a right.
Greater Miami Youth for Christ
Partner with Youth for Christ Miami and Broward and bring hope and wholeness through the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to EVERY young person in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.
Greater Tuscaloosa Youth For Christ
Our vision is to create fruitful and sustainable ministry sites through the following ministry essentials: Widespread Prayer. We deliberately engage lots of Christians to intercede on behalf of the ministry site. Loving Relationships We consistently pursue lost kids & engage them in life-long relationships with Jesus. Faithful Bible Teaching. We accurately handle Biblical truth, regularly coaching kids to apply it in their lives.
GRIP Outreach For Youth
GRIP Outreach For Youth is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization created to connect youth with caring, Christian mentors to build Life-on-Life relationships. GRIP provides programs and resources to develop young people spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Ground Zero Ministries
Ground Zero provides a Monday night outreach (GZi - Ground Zero Impact) to middle and high school teenagers. Every Monday night the doors are open for students to come in and enjoy a refuge from their crazy lives, most of which are from bad home environments. Games, Free Food, Music, Message, Small Groups and more allow the leadership team to deepen relationships with each teenager and winning their trust to help them navigate their journey with Christ at the center.
Groundwire offers you the opportunity to leverage the world's technology to connect thousands of un-churched young people with the Gospel of Jesus. Support this ministry and see the gospel preached to a hurting generation!
Haiti Teen Challenge
Haiti Teen Challenge is asset based community development ministry, because we are convinced that Haitians must lead any significant change in their nation. It is not about how we are going to "fix" Haiti, but how we are going to walk with our Haitian brothers and sisters, establishing trust, supporting their leadership, and helping them to recognize their resources, build leadership capacity and develop strategy to achieve deep and lasting change.
Hand2Hand delivers nutritious food to students over the weekends and on extended school breaks by mobilizing churches, schools, individuals, and businesses to join together, providing hope and opportunity to thrive.
Hands of Hope Tucson
Further the work of Hands of Hope as we continue our work to protect the unborn, promote Biblical sexuality, and minister to those in a crisis pregnancy or seeking healing from post-abortion trauma or sexual abuse.
Happy Hands Education Center
We provide children full access to language through visual and auditory methods in a uniquely enriched environment. We have the specialized teachers and therapists to ensure your child will learn as much as their hearing peers.
Harvest USA
Consider becoming a donor of Harvest USA and help equip the church in bringing the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform the lives of those affected by sexual sin.
Harvesters International Ministries
The Lomut secondary school will change the lives of many children of the Pokot tribe. This school will equip future leaders of Kenya to change a nation for Christ. Please consider financially supporting this project so that the future alumni of this school can be given the opportunity to reach their God-given potential.
Harvesters Reaching the Nations
A campaign benefiting all of the children at Harvesters Reaching the Nations: Funds raised through this campaign represent a contribution to the entire mission of Harvesters. Donations will be used where needed most to help meet Harvesters' mission to disciple, educate and care for orphans worldwide.
Harvesters Reaching the Nations
This campaign is a call to invest in the lives of those we serve in Sudan by serving as a sponsor for an orphan, widow, teacher or classroom of students. As the Lord declares in Jeremiah 29:11, He plans to prosper us…and plans to give us hope and a future. That is OUR promise to those children we serve - a hope and a future filled with the blessings of God’s kingdom. Our sponsorship program has many opportunities to enrich the lives of those in need.
Haven of Hope International
Strengthen and empower orphanages by helping them implement proven programs and strategies that rescue, love, restore and equip the abused and abandoned children they serve.
Heart for Lebanon
The New Horizons Community Center is an initiative in the South of Lebanon to reach out to Muslim Bedouin and Gypsy communities that have been shunned by society. The center opened with a school for children whom have never attended school in their lives. Now dental and medical care are provided to these communities and sewing classes have begun for the women to earn a sustainable income rather than sending their children to the streets to beg. Change a whole community for Christ!
Heart of Hope Ministries
No young lady is ever turned away for a lack of funds! It is a life event being a pregnant teen. It is quite another life event being a parenting teen. As a maternity home, we can only serve through pregnancy, and we know that our young minors need a home where they can continue to reach their milestones and be the parent their child deserves and needs. Our Home sits on 23 acres of land, and there is room to grow. When you partner with us, you are impacting generations! Visit our website!
Heart of the Bride
Our Hope for Haiti sponsorship of $40 provides help to orphaned/abandoned children. These young people live with a family so they don't require 24/7 care giving. This helps reduce the cost of the program while meeting similar needs. These young men are enrolled as full-time students at Human Care School in Maure Rouge, Haiti. As a Hope for Haiti sponsor you will help provide for their physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
Hearts In Action International
The Jungle School (TJS) is run by Hearts in Action. It offers a quality education, nutrition and healthcare in one of the poorest areas of Guatemala, the Peten Jungle. TJS is currently building its first computer lab and desiring to add classrooms for art, music and vocational occupations. We are truly transforming generations. Immediate Funds are needed to build these facilities and to feed and educate over 250 students. TJS is 100% funded through donations. Please visit us at pieskids.org.
HEED Uganda
Addressing poverty begins with addressing the vital needs a community needs to thrive. HEED is focused on bringing fullness of life to one, remote community and its children. Through our primary and high school, local church, a community clinic, and community trainings HEED serves the body, mind, and spirit of children and their community.
Hellenic Ministries
With no shelter of its kind in Athens, a sprawling city of 5 million people with one of the highest abortion rates in the world, there is great need for a crisis pregnancy center/home. Our desire is to provide counseling and encouragement for girls to give life to their unborn children and not to seek an abortion. We want to offer ‘Hope’ and a safe refuge for girls to stay in during their pregnancy. We plan to help girls get set up in their new life with their baby after they leave our Center, o
Helping Hands Unlimited
Where do girls go when they have no home or family? Many leave school, end up on the streets, and get involved with drugs and other crimes. The Bethesda Home for Girls is a place where girls can seek shelter, love, care, food, education and God. Join Helping Hands in supporting this valuable ministry to girls in the Dominican Republic. Please prayerfully consider donating to the Girls’ Home food or uniform fund, or to another of Helping Hands Unlimited’s ongoing projects.
Here I Am Orphan Ministries
Here I Am Orphan Ministries is dedicated to reaching out to orphaned children domestically and abroad. Your gift makes an ongoing impact on our current programs like Journey of Hope Summer Host Programs, Adoption Grants and Loans, and Forever Family training and events. You are blessing children with the opportunity to learn about their Heavenly Father and helping families bring their children home!
His Feet International
Inside Burma near the Thai/Burma border live hundreds of refugee children. There are multiple children's homes housing anywhere from 40-70 children each. These children have been displaced from their families due to the Myanmar military coup. The children have fled to safety leaving their families and villages behind. Many of them have traveled long distances by foot to reach the safety and refuge of the children's homes. When you give to this need, you are helping a child find safety. If you gi
His Little Feet
His Little Feet partners with Compassion International, providing opportunities for people like you to sponsor a child in need, providing them with the opportunity to receive an education, to be healthy, to develop life skills and to hear the Gospel. if you would like to sponsor a child in need, we invite you to make a tax-deductible contribution of just $38 a month to connect a child with a loving, church-based child sponsorship program.
Holston Home for Children
Our Mission is to see that Children are raised by healthier families that prepare them to live the fullfilling Adult lives that God intended for them. We believe that Every child should be taught about Jesus. All things are possible in Christ. Every child should have a warm and secure place to live.
Holt International Children's Services
Grants from Holt’s Special Needs Adoption Fund offset the cost to adopt children with special needs, and also help families pay for any medical care the child may need once home. Your gift to Holt’s SNAF fund will help children join loving, permanent families of their own.
Holt International Children's Services
Orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children around the world need love; they need belonging and security. Established on a Christian foundation over 50 years ago, Holt International continues to be a world leader in international adoption, domestic adoption and programs that enable children to have families of their own. Through Holt you can bring a child into your life by adopting or by sponsoring the care of a child in our program.
Holt International Children's Services
Honor someone special with a gift of hope to children and families in need. Visit our website to view items in Holt’s Gifts of Hope catalog.
Holt International Children's Services
Help where it’s needed most. Your gift will help us immediately address the specific, vital needs of children and families – needs that might otherwise go unmet.
Holt International Children's Services
By providing livestock, vocational training or start-up funds for a small retail business, Holt helps struggling families work toward a place of self-reliance and lasting stability. Your support for Holt’s income-generating programs can help give families the tools and resources they need to care for their children.
Holt International Children's Services
Older children, children with special needs, and boys are the children now most in need of families through international adoption. Visit our website to learn more about adopting through Holt International.
Holt International Children's Services
A more nurturing alternative to institutional care, foster care provides the loving, personal attention children need to grow and thrive. Holt strives to place as many orphaned and abandoned children in foster care as possible while they wait to rejoin their birth families or join loving adoptive families. Typically, $85 – less than $3 a day – will cover one month of care for one child.
Holt International Children's Services
Holt’s sponsorship program supports vulnerable children who have lost their parents or are at risk of losing their families due to illness, poverty or other hardships. Depending on your sponsored child’s needs, your monthly donation can go toward everything from nutritious food, warm clothing and educational materials to safe shelter and attentive, nurturing care.
Holt International Children's Services
In many of the impoverished regions Holt serves, education is a child's best hope of escaping a life of poverty and despair. But many families can't afford the fees, textbooks and supplies children need to attend school. Your gift will help a child attain an education, and a brighter future!
Home School Legal Defense Association
Since 2000, the Home School Foundation has been assisting financially struggling homeschooling families by providing grants for the cost of curriculum and other emergency needs. This enables them to continue teaching their children at home. Your gift gives hope and help to widows, single parents, families with children with special needs, military families, and those affected by natural disaster. Thank you for helping them press on!
Homes of Love
Homes of Love is committed to the long-term care of our children in a loving family atmosphere. It is our desire is to provide for their day-to-day needs, as well as a few “special” extras. Your generous charitable gifts enable us to give generously to the children who the Lord has entrusted to us. "They will not hunger or thirst, nor will the scorching heat or sun strike them down; For He who has compassion on them will lead them and will guide them to springs of water.” Isaiah 49:10
Hope 1312 Collective
Our efforts were launched in 2014 by a small group of community members, social workers, foster parents, youth pastors, business executives, who were tired of seeing kids linger in the foster care system and kids from hard places continue to struggle to find hope. We wanted to see resources leveraged for meaningful impact, see the church truly be the church, and lives changed through an encounter with Hope.
Hope and Help International
For many children growing up in rural South Asia, poverty, hunger, lack of medical care, threat of being trafficked, and little access to education are daily realities. But thru Hope and Help, you can make a life-saving difference. Sponsor a child and she/he will have access to all that's been lacking, and more importantly, hear the gospel of Jesus Christ which will make an eternal difference. Sponsor one child or sponsor a whole school and change the culture of a village!
HOPE Family Services, A Ministry of Sav-A-Life Calhoun County
Sav-A-Life Calhoun County is a life-affirming ministry that offers emotional and spiritual help to men and women affected by unplanned pregnancies. Our mission is to help mothers and fathers “choose life” for their babies and eternal life for themselves.
Our academic program emphasizes collaborations between HOPE Farm staff, parents and school personnel. The program reinforces reading, language arts, mathematics and science. Our teaching staff also discern learning differences in some students and recommend testing and placement in appropriate learning environments (e.g. school that only takes students with learning differences). Your support will help prepare and equip these children for higher learning after graduation from high school.
Our Leadership Development umbrella is inclusive of all other programs. The program helps boys become responsible citizens and prepares them to lead today’s society. This includes the musical arts (piano, choir), leadership opportunities, character development, social skills development, vocational and college preparatory assistance. Your financial support will help equip these students to advance to higher learning and serve the community through various avenues of service.
Boys are taught to perform as a choir, practicing weekly during the school year and performing at local athletic events, recitals and other venues. They are a part of the Bass Hall's Beethoven Buddies that provides opportunities to attend concerts at Bass Hall.
Hope For Families Worldwide
Hope For Families helps start programs, organizes and runs camps, and supports the work of existing ministries through practical and financial support, connecting people and organizations in the communities in which we work. Our goal is to expand our efforts into other nations as well as other parts of the US. Your gifts, both large and small, will help us to achieve our mission of helping to share HOPE. Your generous support allows us to make a difference in the lives of hundreds of children.
Hope for the Fatherless
Transforming the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children in Ethiopia in and through the local community.
Hope for the Hungry
To fully provide for a child in our orphanages, it costs $88 per month. Giving to our kids' homes will give them food, shelter and water every day. Please give today! To donate, call (254) 939-0124.
Hope for the Hungry
Help us break the cycle of generational poverty and give the gift of education to a child in Haiti.
The literacy rate in Haiti of people over the age of 15 who can read and write is 52.9% and only 65% of school-aged children are enrolled in school in Haiti. Hope for the Hungry provides a Christ-centered education to over 800 children in Haiti. Your gift of $12 per month helps provide a hot meal daily, an education to a child in Haiti as well as a sustainable income for Haitian teachers.
Hope Force International
Hope Force is interfacing with various partners, as well as domestic groups desiring to engage in Haiti in the aftermath of the destruction. Hope Force International is committed to response, relief and recovery.
Hope Ranch of Montana
Hope Ranch International seeks to follow God in Ethiopia by defending the cause of the fatherless and poor. We help provide hope through love, nutrition, education, shelter, clothing, and health care to needy and orphaned children through child/family support. A vital component is self-generating income and training to sponsor children's parents and guardians. Hope Ranch International comes along side local indigenous NGO's coordinating all sponsorship, sponsor travel, and project development.
Hope Reins
We serve kids in life crisis through our 33-acre ranch, rescued horses, and restoration in Christ. Most of our ‘angels in horsehair’ are rescued with heartbreaking stories of abuse and neglect. This shared story of pain opens hearts and helps foster a significant bond between our hurting kids and horses. Services are free of charge and made possible by you and other generous donors.
Hope Unlimited for Children
In the poverty stricken areas of Brazil, it is common to see children running barefoot around sewage or wearing only a dirty t-shirt. Your donation of only $10 dresses a child in what may be the first set of decent clothes they have ever worn in their lives. Please give today!
Hope Walks
Clubfoot is characterized by one or both feet twisted inward and downward at birth, making walking difficult or impossible. With early treatment, using simple casts followed by braces, their feet can be corrected before they take their first steps freeing these children to walk, run, get an education and achieve their God-given abilities. As in John 9, clubfoot care is an opportunity to introduce families to Christ and bring glory to God. Join us in offering hope and freedom from disability.
Hope's Path
Hope's Path serves to provide a place of healing within a Christ-centered environment, where former foster youth are supported, equipped, and empowered to grow in their potential to lead successful independent lives.
Hospitality House Youth Development
The Choir consists of about 25 kids who work together as a team while exercising their love and talent for singing. The message of Christ is shared through song and prayer. This program gives kids the opportunity to perform and teaches them about discipline, responsibility, teamwork, and the value of community involvement.
HowToLife Movement
We are #HowToLife — a fast-growing movement of Christian teenagers. "Life” for most of our friends happens in and around public school. School (not church) is the center of our relationships, activities, and passions. Events include a clear presentation of the Gospel, and provide an opportunity for students to respond publicly to stand for Jesus. We don’t need to be entertained — we need to be challenged. Your gift enables this mission!
Hume Lake Christian Camps
As a parachurch organization, Hume seeks to serve the local church. Hume’s programs offer a Christian response to today’s culture through recreation, video, music, onstage speakers and presentations, which all work to introduce people to the Lord Jesus Christ in a way that is unexpectedly refreshing. The Hume environment is designed to minister to new believers while also encouraging those who are saved to pursue God in a new and deeper way.
Icthus International
During this time of covid-19 quarantine many of the Icthus children of impoverished families in Latin America are suffering. Their parents have lost the means to provide for basic needs such as food.
Your gift will help provide emergency aid and food to poor Icthus kids and their families as well as help more children have the Icthus ministry.
Immanuel Christian School
Immanuel Christian School is a kindergarten through high school private Christian school in Fairfax County, Virginia, serving families throughout Northern Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Maryland. Our recently expanded high school program will extend to eleventh grade in fall 2020 and twelfth grade will be added in 2021. Our program is a college preparatory comprehensive K-12th grade program with two campuses offering challenging and engaging academics with a distinctively biblical worldview. As
Impact Campus Ministries
"Impact the World" is an initiative by ICM to mobilize college students in the USA for a special kind of service in the kingdom of God: Challenging them to “champion” young children throughout the world who are living in extreme poverty. Education for these children unleashes initiative and potential, inspires dreams, and produces hope. But these children need more than an education–they need a champion: someone who will take on their cause and encourage them.
Inca Link International
Inca Link’s mission is to reach the 300 million youth of Latin America with Christ’s irresistible love. To complete this goal we seek to identify, connect, facilitate and mentor high capacity youth leaders to multiply their impact in Latin America to reach the next generation.
India Gospel League - North America
As a child sponsor you have the unique opportunity to change the life of a child forever by providing housing, nutritious meals, medical care, education, and more. You will be personally connected to a child who will write to you and pray for you by name. Your sponsored child will join the ranks of more than 25,000 that we have served in the recent years, through more than 125 day cares, study centers, schools, and children’s homes scattered across South Asia.
India Partners
Your gift will help provide soft blankets, giving warmth and protection to those in need during the winter. This is a simple yet profound way to serve those in India.
$10.50 per blanket
India Partners
You can help establish a chicken farm that will support pastors' families and orphaned children. After the first batch of chickens, the farm will be self-sustainable.
$10 will purchase five chicks and provide their feed.
India Partners
1/3 of India's children cannot attend elementary school, usually because there is no local school to attend. Over the years, people like you have helped to build schools that now serve children in poor villages. Today, you can help keep them open and running.
$65 provides one week of education for 50 students;
India Partners
Share the hope of Christmas with homeless children in India! Help thousands of children from the streets to hear the Christmas story, receive a food packet, a snack and a gift of clothing.
$30 for 5 children
India Partners
70% of all recorded cases of leprosy in the world occur in India. However, it’s often a simple eye or urinary tract infection that leads to severe illness or even death in India. You can help provide medicines to families who cannot afford them, and prevent minor ailments from turning into severe medical issues.
$50 will provide medicines for 70 people;
$150 will provide medicines for 210 people
India Partners
8 out of the 9 malaria-transmitting mosquitoes are prevalent where India Partners works in India. You can help provide insecticide-treated mosquito nets, which are a cost-effective method of preventing malaria.
$10 provides one malaria-preventing mosquito net
India Partners
India has more malnourished children than any other country in the world. Widows in India are neglected and left to fend for themselves in the Indian culture. For $35/month, you can give the hope of God to a child or widow in need. Your sponsorship will provide food, clothing, medical care, and education or vocational training, if appropriate. Your friend will also learn about Jesus.
India Rural Evangelical Fellowship
We are currently raising funds for many capital projects, including building and operating schools and churches in the rural villages of Andhra Pradesh, India.
These buildings provide a meeting place for local congregations as well as safety during storms (cyclones) and fires.
Educating Children/Training Pastors/Building Village Churches in India!
Informed Choices
HEALTHY CHOICES is a program offered by Informed Choices which presents middle school students with tools to avoid negative peer pressure and bullying and how to build healthy relationships based on friendship and character. Just $10 covers the cost for 1 student to receive 5 days of instruction and quality hand-outs that encourages conversations with their parents. For more information about the Healthy Choices program visit www.ihavevalue.net or call 847-231-4652.
Interlocking Ministries
There is a momentum of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the Kenyan people. Interlocking Ministries strives together with the Kenyan believers, training them in evangelism and discipleship in schools, the marketplace, church plants and summer camp programs. We also believe that we need to assist physically with the widows and orphans in the community. We meet regularly with them to pray and discover how to help them meet their needs. We invite you to join us in supporting this valuable ministry.
International Christian Adoptions
Help International Christian Adoptions as we offer children hope in the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. We offer hope for basic needs, hope for an education and a bright future, and hope for a home in a family they can call their own. We provide adoption, foster care, humanitarian aid, counseling and support.
Jericho Partnership
Jericho is dependent on the financial generosity of individuals and groups who want to help transform the lives of those who are most vulnerable – our youth, homeless, and other at-risk populations.
Jewish Voice Ministries International
We are dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) to the Jew first and also to the Nations throughout the world. Support us as we proclaim the Good News through television, media, international festival outreaches and medical clinics/humanitarian aid.
John 3:16 Mission
Just $1.92 provides a meal, shelter and hope. Support the work of John 3:16 Mission and help provide food, shelter and life changing care for our community's hungry, homeless and at-risk people!
Josiah Venture
Purchase river rafting equipment for evangelistic camps to reach more young people in Ukraine.
Joy El Ministries
The Released Time Bible Program ministers to public school students, offering biblical instruction for one hour a week during the school day. During the program, we have singing, a Bible lesson, and a small group time where we recite selected scripture passages. Donate today to help support this important ministry!
Joy Meadows
Joy Meadows is a foster care community just outside of the Kansas City metro serving foster and adoptive children and families in Kansas and beyond. Joy Meadows's mission is to provide families with community support, housing, and resources so that children impacted by foster care can find stability, healing, and joy.
Joyce Meyer Ministries
Millions of children die every year due to poor nutrition. Their families cannot provide them with the basic necessities to survive. It is our hope to save as many lives as we can and also share the love of Christ and give them hope for the future.
Children receive a nutritious meal and receive a Bible lesson at our feeding sites. In many cases, this is the child’s only meal they will receive for the day.
Our distribution sites supply enough food for families of five to seven people
Justice and Mercy International
Annual flooding in the Amazon region is continuing to worsen. More than 167 million people have been affected by recent rainfall, and parts of the area have been declared in a state of emergency. JMI can offer immediate assistance through distributing food bags to families that have been displaced by flooding.
Justice and Mercy International
JMI serves in Moldova to care for the orphaned and vulnerable. Moldova is the hub for all of human trafficking in eastern Europe. In efforts to proactively combat this, we offer a Transitional Living program for young men and women who have aged out of orphanage care. Our Transitional Living homes provide a safe place to live, a gospel community, educational and financial support, life-skills training and more. We have dreams of purchasing a new home to expand care to north Moldova.
Kalamazoo Youth for Christ
Every day at community centers, high schools, middle schools, juvenile institutions, coffee shops, and local hangouts, our staff and volunteers meet with young people who need Jesus. There are 31,000 young people between the ages of 11 to 19 in the Kalamazoo area, and studies show that 20,000 of those teens are not in a church, or in a personal relationship with Jesus.
?Sharing Jesus with those 20,000 teens is our heartbeat.
Kansas City Christian School
When you support KCC, you demonstrate your commitment to biblically sound education that is helping to develop free thinking, free standing students who impact their world through biblical thought and action. Support us today as we continue to educate and train, on average, over 500 students a year.
Kenya Hope
For $35.00 a month you can sponsor a child and invest in a life! Your help will put a child in school, provide a healthy meal every day, and pay for clothes and medical help.
Keys for Kids Ministries
When you support Keys for Kids Ministries you help us share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with kids. We are touching tens of thousands of kids with God's Word through radio, our printed quarterly devotional and our website. Thank you for partnering with us in prayer and financial support!
KIDs Beach Club
Beach Clubs are high energy, fun filled "kid centered" clubs that meet after school in public elementary schools. Beach Clubs incorporate the truth of scripture every time they meet. This allows the character words taught in school to be reinforced through the teaching of scripture. Beach Clubs are "connectors" that link a partnering church with an approved elementary school. KiDs Beach Club is the over-arching organizational umbrella allowing churches to have equal access to elementary schools.
Kids for the Kingdom
At Kids for the Kingdom our mission statement is to transform the living conditions and spiritual lives of children, widows, and families - especially in third world, politically sensitive, disaster sites, and war-torn countries - so that they can transform their nation for Christ. We are currently reaching 168,652 children, widows and families in fourteen different countries through feeding programs, Bible clubs, and Micro-Enterprise loan programs.
KidWorks ushers hope into Orange County’s most challenging neighborhoods through life-changing leadership development and academic enrichment programs while also fortifying families by engaging and supporting parents.
Kinship United
Our objective is to provide you with the benefits of our worldwide mission network, the expertise of our technical team, and the underlying administrative structure that will give you and your group an unparalleled spiritual experience as you restore childhoods and change communities in Christ. Live the whole Gospel in brotherhood.
Kinship United
Warm Blankets Orphan Care is a non-profit Christian mission, dedicated to the rescue of orphans and widows through third world church planting and orphanage outreach. Orphans are raised in Christian Church Homes where they are loved and nurtured. Church Homes provide for the physical needs of the children, but more importantly, their educational, emotional and spiritual needs. James 1:27
Kuda Vana Partnership
Kuda Vana Partnership exists to empower the most vulnerable children of Zimbabwe to not just survive, but thrive.
Kupenda for the Children
Our world is home to more than half a billion children with disabilities. The great majority of these children live in developing nations and do not have access to education or medical care and are excluded from community life. Since 1999, Kupenda has been working with local leaders to help these children access the care and loving inclusion they deserve.
Lake Ann Camp
Contribute to Lake Ann Camp as we challenge individuals in a group setting to make biblical, life-changing decisions through unique learning experiences.
Lake Geneva Foundation
Provide a great camp experience for a child whose family cannot pay by sponsoring a camper for one week.
Since 2005, Monteblanco has become known as the best Christian camp in Bolivia and one of the top in Latin America. At least 6,000 campers attend each year.
Monteblanco provides retreats, seminars, and conferences for youth, students, and today's leaders, with original programs lead by a dedicated and excellent staff.
LaVie Pregnancy Care Center
At LaVie Pregnancy Care Center we care deeply for women who are in the depths of making hard decisions about their pregnancy. We use the love of God to educate and support every woman and man who comes in for Guidance.
LeTourneau University
Claiming every workplace in every nation as our mission field, our graduates are professionals of ingenuity and Christ-like character who see life's work as a holy calling with eternal impact.
Your gift to student scholarships, an endowment or a building, shapes lives. Help make an impact--we need your support! An interdenominational Christian university with degree programs for traditional students and working adults, we enroll nearly 4000 students from almost all states and nearly 20 nations.
Life Action Ministries
Life Action has been igniting Christ-centered movements of revival for more than 40 years. But we cannot engage this mission alone. We need friends who connect with this revival message to invest in our outreaches, and your investment will provide the resources needed to continue taking God’s solution—real revival—to individuals, families, churches, and communities.
Life Centers
Helping women in unexpected pregnancy situations is a special way of sharing Christ's compassion, love, and hope. Life Centers affirms the value of life in this way by providing a network of care that includes counseling, healing support, and resources that explain the truth about life.
Life Choices of Central Michigan
We serve teens, women, men and families. We offer our services free of charge and make our services confidential. Our medical services include pregnancy testing, STD testing and treatment (when available) for females, STD testing and treatment (when available) for males through the age of 21, and limited obstetrical ultrasound.
Life Choices of Memphis
Financial integrity and godly stewardship has always been a top priority at Life Choices. The value we place on the gifts committed to the ministry can never be understated. By your gift, you become an extension of our compassionate care of women and babies. It costs approximately $300.00 per potential mother to be served by Life Choices.
Life Collective
Stand For Life connects, unifies, and mobilizes the Church to affirm and protect the dignity of all human life. We strategically engage, educate, and equip others to build a culture that believes everyone is made in the image of God, has inherent value and should be treated with respect.
LIFE International
Your partnership with LIFE International reaches men, women, and children around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth about abortion. Lives are being saved physically and transformed spiritually, thanks to those who have teamed up with LIFE in our mission to multiply healthy, Christ-centered, life-giving ministries wherever abortion exists around the world. Every prayer, talent, and gift sown into LIFE helps multiply life-giving ministry and impact lives for Christ.
LIFE Outreach International Association of Churches
"Centers of LIFE"' are built to meet economic, social and spiritual needs and create a lasting legacy of hope and life. These LIFE centers can be a medical clinic, an orphanage, a training center, a food factory, a church, a school, or a retreat center. Whatever their function, these centers bring life and hope to hurting people all over the world. There are now 12 LIFE Centers on four continents, with the newest ones in India and Thailand.
LIFE Outreach International Association of Churches
With the help of our friends, Mission Feeding provides food for 500,000 hungry children in Africa every day. God has used this outreach to save the lives of more than 7 million children, and that's why we say: "There's a miracle of life and love in every bowl!"
LIFE Outreach International Association of Churches
Mission: Rescue LIFE is a new area of emphasis for LIFE with a goal to reach, rescue and restore women and children who are targeted by human traffickers and the global sex trade industry. It began in Thailand in 2008 with the "House of Destiny", and now expands to India, Romania and Cambodia. With your help, we can reach an initial 2,000 women and children impacted by the horrors of human trafficking by taking spiritual truth and practical help into the darkest areas of abuse.
LIFE Outreach International Association of Churches
Water for LIFE not only delivers safe, clear water with every well, but the wells become an ongoing witness of the love of God in the community. Every well is a wonderful gift of life, made possible with the help of our friends.
The Father’s House Ministry takes in orphans in Ukraine and Uganda and raises them as their own sons and daughters. As we establish creative ministries to the poor, prisoners and orphans worldwide, consider your contribution to Lifechangers!
Lifeline Children's Services
Support Lifeline as we seek to equip the body of Christ to manifest the Gospel to vulnerable children. We are a non-denominational, Christian ministry who assists young women experiencing a crisis pregnancy, assists missional Christian adoptive parents to adopt domestically or internationally, and seeks to care for those who won't be adopted by partnering with indigenous churches.We want to see vulnerable children and their communities transformed by the gospel and making disciples.
Lifeline Christian Mission
We all need someone to walk alongside us in life, especially when life gets rough. That's where Together partners come in! They invest in a group of children to let them know how much Jesus loves them! The prayers and donations enable the kids to tangibly experience Jesus' love. You can become a partner today to influence the next generation!
Lifesong for Orphans
Lifesong schools are some of the best in their cities - as they embrace all areas of the children's need: academic achievement, increased use/understanding of English, nutritious food, health care for children, and Bible based curriculum and spiritual growth.
A gift of $37 funds one child's education for a month.
A gift of $444 funds one child's education for a year.
Lighthouse for Christ Mission
Each year 30,000+ patients seeking visual help come to Lighthouse Eye Centre in Mombasa, Kenya. Your gift of $100 will provide world-class eye care and restore sight to 2 blind adults. $200 will give sight to a blind baby or child, many who will see their parents faces for the first time! Each year tens of thousands respond the the simple Gospel message using the critically acclaimed Jesus Film. Medical services open the door and hearts of Kenyans to hear about Jesus.
Lighthouse Ministries
Your gift will help Lighthouse Ministries reduce debt faster, enabling the ministry to meet more needs for poor and at-risk families and individuals in West Central Florida.
Lighthouse Ministries provides a holistic innovative, all-inclusive 14/24 month Success Sheltering Life Learning residential program for men, women, and women with children to discover a pathway of success in a safe living environment. Homeless Shelter 365 days a year and Two Community Outreach Programs.
Lighthouse Ministries
Lighthouse Ministries provides a holistic innovative, all-inclusive 14/24 month Success Sheltering Life Learning residential program that serves West Central Florida and offers educational and vocational development for men, women, and women with children to discover a pathway of success in a safe living environment. Everyone who lives on the campus is given an opportunity to experience God's peace, life purpose and fulfillment of potential.
Lima Rescue Mission
The Mission is able to provide food, shelter and clothing. In addition, we offer a rehabilitation program that deals with the root causes of homelessness. We have a “coupon for care” that can be given to homeless men which can be exchanged at the Mission for a nutritious meal and safe overnight lodging. Please consider supporting the Mission and sharing your resources with the less fortunate.
Little Lambs International
We serve and empower orphaned children worldwide, with the love of Jesus Christ. We will do that by encouraging, enabling, and teaching them to reach their full potential, giving them knowledge, skills, and confidence to become contributing members of society and leaders of the next generation.
Little Lambs Ministry
Summer Camps: Join us in Ukraine for 2 weeks and minster to the orphaned children who are living there. We partner with Ukrainians and provide Christ-centered camp programs for children living in orphanages. Relief Program: We collect shoes, clothes & basic hygiene items for these children at our warehouse in Illinois. We sort and pack the items and then ship them to Ukraine where they are distributed to the children during the camps. Consider helping these children by donating these items!
Little Light Ministries
Little Light Christian school exists to break the cycle of incarceration by educating, empowering and encouraging children with incarcerated parents and their families. We offer a full academic program as well as enrichment through fine arts, drama, and dance for grades K-6. The school is tuition-free, paid for by donations and grants.
Livada Orphan Care
The current cost to sponsor a child is $550 per child per month to live in one of our group homes. We need individuals and groups to join what we call "sponsorship teams" to give towards these monthly sustenance costs. Our director of sponsorship will send you an information packet on how you can personally get to know and correspond with your child. To join a sponsorship team click on the link to learn more.
Living Hope International - USA
Help us build our school! Maximum capacity, efficiency and relevance are at the core of this structure on our Puebla Campus. We intend to accommodate not only the children & youth from Esperanza Viva Youth Home, but also to open our school doors to a community hungry for a quality, faith-based education. We've designed an attractive & practical school building, with a goal to empower and impact generations to come and provide them with the life skills & training they need to be world changers.
Lone Tree
Lone Tree's Mission Program takes the mystery out of Missions Trips. We are currently serving in the Alamo Navajo Reservation, one hour west of Socorro, New Mexico. Youth groups from around the country are coming together to repair homes for local Navajo families. Even though this reservation is in the US, there is still much poverty. Please support us today as we help these families in need. Please call (575) 354-3322 to donate.
Long Island Youth for Christ
Every day at thousands of community centers, high schools, middle schools, juvenile institutions, coffee shops, and local hangouts, YFC staff and volunteers meet with young people who need Jesus. We are rural and urban and we are always about the message of Jesus.
Love A Child
We respond to the many crisis in Haiti such as the wide-spread poverty and starvation and natural disasters such as hurricanes, droughts, floods, high winds, etc.
We have an orphanage that houses more than 80 children; 18 schools for the poor children in remote and rural parts of Haiti; medical clinics; feeding programs to stop malnutrition; child sponsorship programs; and development for sustainability projects, including agricultural training and reforestation.
Love In Action International Ministries
In response to the Gospel, Love In Action International Ministries rescues orphaned, abandoned, abused, and extremely poor children in Latin America, introduces them to Jesus Christ, nurtures them in a loving family home environment, and equips them through education and discipleship to impact their world for God's Kingdom.
Love Justice International
The most recent estimates hold that there are nearly 36 million slaves in the world today. Over half of these are in South Asia. Much of our work is based here for this reason. Most trafficking victims are subjected to the worst conditions some of the most horrific crimes including deception, kidnapping, rape, torture, and enslavement. Since 2009 Tiny Hands border and transit monitoring stations have intercepted over 8000 women and children from trafficking. The cost per interception: $100.
Loving Shepherd Ministries
Homes of Hope are not group homes. They are not orphanages. They are families. Plain and simple.
We have established the Hands of the Shepherd (HOS) program to provide opportunities for you to support a Home of Hope. Through the HOS program you become a part of the family.
As an HOS, you do not sponsor one individual child. Rather, you sponsor an entire family! By supporting the family, you are helping 12 children and their house parents succeed as a family.
Lowcountry Pregnancy Center
The LPC is committed to creating awareness within the local community of the needs of pregnant women. Many teen girls and women find themselves in difficult pregnancy situations. These are our sisters, daughters, neighbors and friends. LPC offers free services to teens and women. Please donate to support women and children. The gift you give today, will benefit the children of tomorrow.
MANNA Worldwide
MANNA Worldwide is diligently working to break the cycle of poverty for needy children around the globe. With 172 individual projects in 40 different countries, we are able to serve thousands of children daily through our Nutrition Centers, Orphanages, Schools, Medical Clinics, Clean Water Projects and Micro Finance Ventures. By partnering with us, you are helping to bring change to those who need it most.
MAOZ Israel Ministries
We regularly support Israeli, Russian-speaking, Ethiopian, and Arab congregations and their leadership.
MAOZ Israel Ministries
istandwithisrael.com provides aid to Israelis- both Jew and Arab. We are committed to helping our community during this Coronavirus pandemic! We are distributing food vouchers to bless many economically hurting families, especially during this season of Passover. We also help immigrants study Hebrew, provide job training, erase debt, start new businesses, meet medical needs, and help with down payments to purchase homes. We provide food, counseling, and assistance to widows and orphans.
MAOZ Israel Ministries
We are providing music lessons and instruments to help develop musical talent so our children can become the worship leaders in Israel for tomorrow's generation.
Mercy Community Healthcare
Chronically ill children often have 3,5,8,10 or more specialist providing care along with the primary care pediatrician. Mercy Children's Clinic Chronic Care Medical Home is the first in the United States to provide comprehensive, holistic management of this care including autism diagnostics.
Like a "general contractor" for a building, Mercy's pediatric MD's will manage all the "sub contractors" - actually sub-specialist in this case to see that all aspects of the care are coordinated.
Mercy Projects
For the past few years Mercy Projects has been sending teams to work with special needs children at the “Hearts of Love” center in Konotop, Ukraine. We have seen drastic changes in the children as well as the quality of the center’s building as Mercy Projects teams and supports worldwide have given time and finances to invest in these often overlooked children.
Mescal's Children's Center of Hope
Mescal's Children's Center of Hope is changing lives in an orphanage in Luanda, Kenya. Ruth Owuor, who sacrificially provided financially for these children for ten years while in America, is now the administrator of MCCH in Kenya. As you can imagine and expect, she and the MCCH board are diligent in seeing that every penny given goes directly to meet the needs of the children. If you feel God leading you to help with the financial support of MCCH, we would be deeply and humbly grateful.
Metro Christian Academy
Metro Christian Academy cultivates innovators, artists, leaders, and lifelong learners so they are prepared for the path ahead of them. Metro's continued success depends on the support of those that embrace the mission and values we strive to instill through an academically challenging, Christ-based education that develops strong Christian men and women who will be the future leaders, employers, parents, and citizens of our future.
Micah's Promise
Micah’s Promise exists to restore stolen childhoods. We work with and in our local community to educate on the risks and prevention of domestic minor sex trafficking. Our goal is to provide an environment for transformational life-change to survivors of DMST and to build a supportive community for reintegration.
Midwest Evangelistic Association
We are here to serve the community and surrounding areas with biblically-based youth and children's camps, vacation Bible school, free movie nights, camping experiences. family reunions, retreats, weddings, and other gatherings. Immediate needs include funding for our 2019 Kids and Family Camp, dormitory bunk bed mattresses, auditorium bathrooms remodel, and grounds landscaping. Your support makes this outreach possible!
Mighty in the Land Ministry
We have a goal to sponsor 5 existing orphanages in 5 areas of the world - Russia, Africa, Asia, India, and America. Each orphanage provides for the physical, educational, and spiritual needs of 30 - 50 orphans. The cost to sponsor one orphanage for one month is about $1,500. Please consider giving today.
Military Community Youth Ministries
Military Community Youth Ministries (MCYM) is the worlds only global Christian organization exclusively focused on Americas Military Teenagers. Staff and volunteers reach out to the teen-aged children of families stationed through the world. MCYM partners with one of the worlds largest youth organizations Young Life, and has been a collaborating member of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry since 2002.Our methodology is incarnational and our perspective is ecumenical.
Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge
General operating funding supports our comprehensive programs at Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge, creating positive community impact as we work towards our mission of rescuing teens and adults from a life of addiction through faith-based application.
Mission Discovery
On the border that separates South Africa from Swaziland is the community of Bulembu. Once a thriving mining town, Bulembu was abandoned in 2000 along with its hospital and 1200 homes. Kevin Ward, director of Teen Challenge Swaziland, purchased the town and has a grand vision: To renovate as many homes as necessary to house 2,000 children orphaned by the AIDS pandemic, teach AIDS awareness, and have a self-sustaining community through the start-up of various cottage industry initiatives.
Mission Discovery
Help provide a home for abandoned, vulnerable or enslaved children. Hold The Children is a division of Mission Discovery and operates a children's home in Port de Paix, Haiti. Over 40 children are cared for at our home. Sponsor a child for a month or year today!
Mission Discovery
Mission Discovery's child sponsorship division called HOLD the Children today enables over 500 children the opportunity to have an education in impoverished parts of Haiti, Jamaica, and Guatemala. Our schools offer a quality education through established school ministries in these countries. Sponsor a child today.
Mission Eurasia
Through Gift of Hope, orphans and other needy children in Eurasia, including refugee children in Ukraine, can experience the joy of Christmas and learn about the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ, by receiving a Gift of Hope that is filled with toys, sweets, warm mittens, and other needed items, and a copy of a children's Bible or other appropriate Christian literature.
Mission Eurasia
A new component of our School Without Walls program, our Next Generation Professional Leaders Initiative, is designed to train at least 1,000 young professionals annually to share the gospel with their peers and professional spheres of influence. Through special forums and seminars, we are preparing Christian professional leaders in Eurasia and Israel for effective ministry.
Mission Eurasia
Summer Bible camps are one of our most effective evangelistic outreaches to children. Each year, thousands of needy and hurting children attend a summer Bible camp where they take part in games, crafts, sports, and Bible-centered activities. This year, special camps will be held again for refugee/displaced children from Ukraine.
Mission India
Children aren't just the leaders of tomorrow; they're the leaders of today. Our Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs introduce children to Jesus through games, songs, and prayer, while also providing free tutoring and a safe place to just be a kid. When they share what they've learned at home, their parents are intrigued—and entire families come to know Christ. Your gift of $24 enrolls a child in a Year-Long Bible Club. You can sponsor an entire club of 40 children with your gift of $960.
Mission Metroplex
Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex hosts the "World's Largest Easter Egg Hunt" for low-income children in Arlington, Texas. Every person who comes hears the Easter story of the resurrection of Jesus, eats a great meal, plays games and on inflatables, and the big event, hunting Easter eggs! Over 100,000 eggs and candy are needed , as well as resources for food and supplies. All of this is provided free of charge to the children and youth. Many have made decisions for Christ through this event.
Mission Metroplex
Each October, Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex hosts a fall festival for low-income children in Arlington, TX. This is provided free of charge to the children and their families. Food, games and many fun and safe activities are offered. This provides another opportunity to develop relationships with the people and show them God's love while enjoying fun activities.
Mission Metroplex
The Christmas Store is open the two weeks before Christmas (Call for dates). Parents are allowed to shop for free gifts for their children. Every family that comes for help hears the Christmas Story from Luke Chapter 2 while they wait in line. Volunteers are needed to be personal shoppers, wrappers, carolers, and more. Childcare is also provided while parents shop and childcare workers are needed. Come as a group or on your own. We also need donations for supplies and Christmas gifts.
Mission Metroplex
Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex provides school supplies for low-income children in Arlington, Texas. This provides these children with the supplies they need to be successful and to be prepared for learning. We have seen through the years that if a child has his/her supplies, they feel confident and eager to learn, but if they are unprepared, they are inhibited and reluctant to engage in learning. Click the link below to see the kinds of school supplies we are collecting this year.
Mission Metroplex
Each summer, Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex provides a summer camp experience for low-income children in Arlington, Texas. There is no cost to the children and youth. Monetary donations will help us to offset the cost of providing the camp as well as a new t-shirt for each child and food for each child.
Mission of Hope Haiti
As an organization following Jesus Christ, Mission of Hope exists to bring life transformation to every man, woman, and child. Mission of Hope works in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. We believe nations can be transformed one life at a time by focusing on nutrition, education, medical care, and church advancement.
Connecting People to Jesus: Repeatedly sharing the Gospel message in targeted geographies.
Empowering Local Leaders: Strategically developing national leaders to carry the vision
Mission Possible
Mission Possible owns and operates eight schools in Haiti and the Dominican Republic which allow approximately 2,500 pre-school through high school students to receive a Christian education and a nutritious school lunch. Our schools provide an excellent learning environment, high academic standards, and Biblical instruction. Through our student sponsorship program, children are offered a life-changing opportunity to discover their God-given possibilities.
Mission To Children
By June 2026: Mission to Children wants to be feeding and evangelizing 36,000 at-risk children annually in Africa through gospel outreaches; and connecting 6,300 of those children each year to discipleship opportunities. To do this, we will launch our F-E-E-D strategy. Learn more at: https://missiontochildren.org/how-we-help/
What we learn in various African countries, we want to apply in other countries of interest. Our BIG vision is to feed, evangelize, and disclple at-risk children around
Mission Training International
As a non-profit organization, we rely on the generosity of individuals like you to continue our important work. This year, we are aiming to raise $25,000 to enhance our children's programing, which plays a vital role in supporting children who are transitioning either to a new culture and country or returning to their passport country after serving abroad with their families. These funds will be used to update our playground structures and classroom resources, creating a safe and stimulating env
Missionary Athletes International
Each summer, MAI conducts biblically-based soccer camps at locations around the USA. On average 10% of those youth attending make first-time decisions for Christ. Scholarships are provided on a financial need basis. The cost of a full scholarship for one week of camp is $215.
Missionary Ventures International
Did you know that some children are not able to go to school because they cannot afford the tuition or appropriate clothes? In many areas, schools don't even exist. Some of the schools are running on double sessions, maximizing the facilities. Many classes are without books in one or more subjects. Missionary Ventures builds and supports Christian schools in Central America. We invite you to consider giving a one time gift or begin monthly sponsorship for schools.
Missionary Ventures International
Children are the future of their communities. Feeding Centers are set up in local churches, administered by the pastor, run by church members and supported through your sponsorship. Three hundred dollars a month enables the church to feed three hot, nutritious meals a week to fifty or more starving children in their community. After the meal, the children hear about Jesus. Returning to their tin and cardboard homes, they have learned the good news of Jesus.
Modern Day Missions
Currently, one of our humanitarian projects is serving the prostitutes and homeless in Brazil. Some of our field workers have opened a rescue home for young girls caught in sex-trafficking. They are also in the process of opening Graça Casa de Oração (Grace House of Prayer), a house of 24-hour intercession, worship, and the arts in the poorest section of Recife.
Modesto Pregnancy Center
STI testing began early 2010. This service is offered free of charge to all of our clients with a negative pregnancy test. Their partners will also be encouraged to be tested. Cost of each test is $15.00.
MomCo Global
The New Moms Gift Project is all about helping moms become the best moms they can be - from the beginning. Hospitals and pregnancy resource centers around the nation give MOPS International's resources to moms who need practical help, spiritual hope, and an invitation to join a MOPS group. This great packet of mothering resources includes a complimentary one-year subscription to MOMSense magazine and an invitation to connect with a local MOPS group.
Moms in Prayer International
Partner with Moms In Prayer as we impact children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers to pray! Your support can make an eternal impact on children, schools and entire communities. Your donation will be used to outreach to new moms, train and equip new and existing leaders, and to ignite the passion to pray in mothers around the world.
Morning Star Development
Afghanistan has the highest rate of infant mortality in the world. Morning Star is committed to saving mothers and babies and promoting life that brings health, joy, and a future for all.
The Birth Life Saving Skills (BLiSS) program is saving babies daily in the battle to end preventable, maternal, newborn and child mortality in Afghanistan. Where BLiSS is implemented we experience an 80% improvement in mother and baby health.
Mountain T.O.P.
Mountain T.O.P. is a mission program with over 30 years experience, designed to meet the needs of every age group in a Christian community. Mountain T.O.P. is an interdenominational Christian mission, affiliated with the Tennessee Conference of the United Methodist Church, dedicated to rural life ministry in the Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee.
Moyo Missions
When you sponsor a child through Helping Hands, you choose to make a difference in the life of one child, while at the same time, giving hope to many other children. Your sponsorship gift is combined with other gifts and is used to make the greatest impact. Your gift is used wisely and appropriately, and it will make a difference in the lives of the neediest children!
Mukti Mission
The English Medium School at Mukti Mission Empowers Through Education. Wing One construction is complete, occupied, and paid off! When all three wings are completed 2,500 students will have opportunities for higher education. Wing Two - Level One is projected to cost US$285,000. Wing Two - Level One will add 6 additional classrooms, a lab, and admin offices to accommodate the increasing enrollment. As of January 20th, 2021 $130,000 is in hand toward Level One costs. Groundbreaking was held on D
Mustard Seed International
In MSI sponsored schools, orphanages and homes for abandoned children, as well as through Bible College and Seminary training, medical services and meeting basic needs, MSI seeks to put hands and feet to the words of Jesus. It is our prayer that many like-minded believers will partner with us through their prayers and financial support as we labor to sow seeds of hope in a world of need.
Mwana Villages
The Mwana Refuge Project will allow us to expand our capacity for caring full-time for babies and children, with a goal toward family reunification or, when not possible, toward adoption. The project will also include the opening of a preschool to serve Mwana children and local non-needy families (full tuition paying) as a revenue-generating stream. Support this project, which will operate a “Families First” community outreach program that serves vulnerable families in the community.
We are working to educate our local community regarding the seriousness of COVID-19. In a country with near-zero Public Health infrastructure, myLIFEspeaks is working to bring the message of the importance of prevention to areas in Haiti. We do this through audio recordings and pictures for many who can't read. We also have medical staff who are working to make sure the most fragile of our community (special needs, elderly, and respiratory issues) are safe and protected. This giving opportunity
Naomi's Village
Naomi’s Village is a fully registered children’s home providing complete care for total orphans, located near the truck stop town of Maai Mahiu, Kenya. Founded in 2011, we have since rescued over 90 children, including abandoned babies and those left parentless by terrorist attacks, AIDS, disasters, and domestic violence. The plans we have for these children and their futures are part of a remarkable undertaking, a call of God, to one day see the comforting of a vast wound on the heart of Africa
National Christian Forensics and Communications Association
NCFCA is an organization committed to training Christian, high-school students to address life issues in a manner that glorifies God, and ultimately preparing our students to shape our culture and impact people for Christ. Using competitive opportunities and communication training such as speech and debate, NCFCA equips students to think critically and effectively articulate those thoughts. Your gift enables us to provide further opportunities and resources for students.
National Embryo Donation Center
The life-affirming National Embryo Donation Center saves the tiniest lives and helps couples (mostly those who are infertile) have the children they've always dreamed of. When you support us, you're giving the gifts of life and hope! Embryo adoption is the only way for a mother to become pregnant with her adopted child, and we are devoted to the belief that life begins at conception.
National School Chaplain Association
The strategy is simple: leverage one of the largest networks on the earth - the existing school system - and utilize government funding along with your donation to teach Jesus in the classroom. This allows the program to multiply the effectiveness of your gift and maximize impact! In the simplest terms, 15 students can be reached for only $15/month. Please get involved!
Ndoto: For Africa's Future
Our mission is to educate, disciple, and develop at-risk youth to pursue their dreams, glorify God, and transform their communities. We encourage our students to dream not only about what job they want to have, and who they want to become, but also what kind of community they want to live in. We invest in people as a whole, and empower them to reach their potential, so they will be equipped to become the community leaders of tomorrow.
Network of International Christian Schools
NICS impacts the world through the influence and mentorship provided by Christian teachers in an international school setting. God continues to open doors of opportunity to us, and we must pursue those opportunities with passion and urgency. NICS continues to lean heavily on God’s hand of provision; our needs are great; our challenges many. We must not rest until all the world is reached with the Good News! Your donation will make an immediate impact today and ultimately for eternity!
New Beginnings Center of Hope
We live in a day when women and their unborn children are pitted against each other, and one life seems more important than the other. By partnering with us, you can turn the tide and restore the divine bond between a mother and her unborn child.
Your gift today will:
-Help women in your community find New Beginnings Center of Hope online when they need us the most.
-Give women 24/7 access to a Registered Nurse to answer questions and provide guidance when New Beginnings is closed.
-Gift w
New Dawn Communities
We empower orphaned youth, within a loving, Christ-centered community, to Become Positive Influencers in Their World
New Dawn Communities
African orphans are at a crossroads early in life. They have been fed and raised but they can rarely go beyond survival and on to a meaningful life. New Dawn bridges that gap by providing orphans with a high-quality Christ-centered secondary education. New Dawn is transforming society's castaways into engineers, doctors, accountants, and more.
New Day for Children
New Day for Children seeks to recover children from the despair of child sex trafficking and to restore their stolen childhoods. In addition to personalized schooling, the girls go on fun outings, learn to cook together, do crafts and other group experiences. They meet frequently with licensed therapists specializing in treating trauma and abuse. Additionally, we provide access to a highly regarded horse therapy program that demonstrably impacts the girls’ mental and physical well-being.
New Hope Uganda Ministries
New Hope Uganda forms a multi-cultural team focused on shared service and the equipping of indigenous peoples to carry the message of Jesus. We seek to bring the Fatherhood of God to the fatherless through family structures, Christian education, and biblical self-sustainability.
New Horizons for Children
We like to offer scholarships for specific children who are being overlooked, special needs children, or towards large sibling sets. To do so, we invite our financial supporters to invest in the life of an orphan you may never meet by placing a scholarship for an orphan. Any amount is appreciated and does make a difference in whether or not some children are hosted.
New Horizons of Southwest Florida
We empower at-risk youth to reach their full potential through tutoring, mentoring, and faith-building. Our vision is to help all at-risk youth complete high school with a plan for the future to become contributing members of society.
New Life Advance International
Support (NLAI) as we evangelize the least reached peoples of the earth. We value innovation and we seek to develop gifted, creative leaders, both American and foreign national, who will pioneer new approaches to church planting, business as mission and children's ministry.
New Life Solutions
A positive prevention message is presented by More2Life, our youth development program. The message helps teens understand that their choices impact their future and empowers them to set goals, build healthy relationships and avoid the risky behaviors of drug, alcohol and sex before marriage. We partner with parents and the community to help communicate this culturally relevant message through In-school, After-school, Youth Group, Parent Presentation and Community Partnership Programs.
New Mexico Boys & Girls Ranches
Through our family counseling program, our licensed therapists help family members learn how to solve problems together and build on one another's strengths. Your financial support will help keep these children and families from being separated.
Nicolas Fund for Education
Our scholarship program helps communities in the Guatemalan Highlands lift vulnerable children – and their communities – out of poverty. By providing marginalized children in these villages with educational opportunities, we help them achieve their God-given abilities. According to USAID, average schooling in Guatemala is a short four years and only three in ten children graduate from sixth grade.
Nicolas Fund for Education
Our scholarship program helps communities in the Guatemalan Highlands lift vulnerable children – and their communities – out of poverty. By providing marginalized children in these villages with educational opportunities, we help them achieve their God-given abilities. According to USAID, average schooling in Guatemala is a short four years and only three in ten children graduate from sixth grade.
Northeast Pennsylvania Youth For Christ
YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Northern Pines of Minnesota
Northern Pines is the premier, Christ-centered, non-denominational family conference in the upper Midwest. We are committed to strengthening families by providing a meaningful "Vacation with a Purpose" for every member of every family that attends each summer. Christ-centered speakers, worship leaders, and full children, youth, and young adult programming and complete child-care for families both in the morning and the evenings make for an unforgettable time the entire family can experience.
Northwest Haiti Christian Mission
In Haiti, children with special needs and the elderly are often cast aside. The Miriam Center is a facility that provides care for dozens of children with special needs. The Gran Moun facility takes in elders in need of care, and helps to restore in them their sense of great value and worth. By "adopting" these beautiful people, you can provide them with a life they would otherwise not have. Your donations will help support the children and elders in Haiti!
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
The Oklahoma City Campus of the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children is located on the south side of Oklahoma City. The campus is a full service, co-educational facility which provides basic residential services, educational opportunities, and appropriate lifestyle experiences for adolescents and women over the age of eighteen with children. Your financial support will make an impact in these children's lives.
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
The Madill campus of the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children is located between Kingston and Madill. The campus is a full service facility which provides basic residential services, educational opportunities, and appropriate lifestyle experiences for girls of all ages. Your financial support will make an impact in these children's lives.
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
The Boys Ranch Town campus of the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children is located on the east side of Edmond. The campus is a full service, facility which provides basic residential services, educational opportunities, and appropriate lifestyle experiences for boys from 9 through high school age. Your financial support will make an impact in these children's lives.
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
There are five Hope Pregnancy Centers that are a part of Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children. Two are located in Oklahoma City (one north and one south), one in Tulsa, one in Edmond and one in Ardmore. These facilities provide counseling for women who are or might be pregnant. Your financial support will help provide services to these ladies.
Okoa Refuge
Okoa Refuge is bringing hope and healing in order to strengthen and transform.
Olive Crest
APSS was designed to increase permanency for children in Los Angeles County by supporting nurturing, lifelong commitments between parents and children, ensuring permanency for children, expediting the adoption process, and reducing adoption disruption, thereby increasing the number of finalized adoptions. Please give today!
One by One Ministries
Many moms in the Hispanic community face language barriers in accessing resources to help them parent well. One by One has translated all of our mentoring materials into Spanish and trains Spanish-speaking moms to serve Hispanic moms who prefer to communicate in Spanish. Although One by One en Espanol is based out of Dallas, we can serve Spanish-speaking moms in any part of the U.S.
One by One provides trained mentors from the Christian community to walk alongside pregnant and new moms provid
One by One Ministries
One by One provides trained mentors from the Christian community to walk alongside pregnant and new moms providing friendship, support, and parent education to moms who may be alone, experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, or just unsure how to parent well. Each mentor serves her mom throughout her pregnancy and at least until her baby turns one with the option to continue until the baby turns two and/or with a discipleship program. Our mission is to mentor and educate pregnant and new moms, and ou
One by One Ministries
One by One provides trained mentors from the Christian community to walk alongside pregnant and new moms providing friendship, support, and parent education to moms who may be alone, experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, or just unsure how to parent well. Each mentor serves her mom throughout her pregnancy and at least until her baby turns one with the option to continue until the baby turns two and/or with a discipleship program. Our mission is to mentor and educate pregnant and new moms, and ou
One by One Ministries
One by One provides trained mentors from the Christian community to walk alongside pregnant and new moms providing friendship, support, and parent education to moms who may be alone, experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, or just unsure how to parent well. Each mentor serves her mom throughout her pregnancy and at least until her baby turns one with the option to continue until the baby turns two and/or with a discipleship program. Our mission is to mentor and educate pregnant and new moms, and ou
One Child El Salvador
One Child El Salvador, Inc. exists to improve the lives of children in the nation of El Salvador through the establishment of schools to bring high-quality education and a foundation of Christian morals and values to the children, and through programs to help strengthen the family unit and improve the communities in which they live.
One Mission Society USA
This ministry utilizes four programs to help meet its goals: a proactive ministry, street-outreach ministry, a drop-in center and a rehab and integration program. All four of these ministries work together to help children and young people get off and stay off the streets, and each child is also given a Gospel presentation, which is the only true hope they have.
One Vision International
Your donations go toward various needs in our organization. Unspecified donations will help offset the cost of the trips for individuals, provide fundraising materials, pay for administrative costs, and support local missionaries. Donations are also used to buy medical supplies, Vacation Bible School supplies, construction materials, food, clothes for orphans, and orphanage materials (beds, refrigerators, etc.). Please consider giving either one time or on a regular basis.
When disaster strikes, your donation to the CCF helps us respond quickly, providing shelter, food and supplies after a natural disaster devastates a community or conflict forces families to flee. It can even provide lifesaving surgery. Help us bring hope to children in the hardest of times.
Happy Horizons Children’s Ranch, a OneChild partner, is a refuge for girls in the Philippines who have survived sex trafficking or online sexual exploitation. At the ranch, children receive medical care, schooling, vocational skills, counseling and the encouragement they need to overcome their abuse. And as girls learn how valuable they are in God’s eyes, they find healing and restoration.
Children in poverty are often in urgent need of help, but it can take months to connect a child to a sponsor. Your donation to the Unsponsored Children’s Fund will allow children to start attending a Hope Center right away, where they’ll receive nutritious food, medical attention, educational opportunities and the care of Child Champions who will share God’s life-changing love.
OneHope is an international ministry that presents a biblical message of purpose and hope to children and youth around the world. In collaboration with churches and ministries – and working with local governments, schools and non-governmental organizations – OneHope has reached over one billion young people in over 125 countries with the Gospel message. Through research, the ministry has designed innovative models to help local churches and ministries engage young people with Scripture.
The Hosanna Plan’s “One Year for Jesus” program is distributing OneHope materials as local believers share the Gospel and plant new churches in unreached areas. Support for the program will provide OneHope resources including the Book of Hope in various editions and The GodMan film showings for children and youth in Russia. Every dollar given in support provides the Gospel for three young people.
OneHope’s ‘Form One’ program reaches Kenya’s young people in their first year of high school. With the Form One Book of Hope, a Christian teacher leads students through fundamentals of Christian faith. Support for Form One in Kenya will help provide a 32-page full-color Book of Hope designed to encourage young people to stay connected with God’s Word throughout their high school experience. A single dollar will reach three young people.
Open Air Campaigners, U.S.
We seek to share the gospel with folks who will not or cannot attend a local church. As Jesus did, we go to where the people are to bring them the Word of Life. We hold Bible clubs as well as open air meetings where our staff go to neighborhoods, projects, shopping districts, fairs, community events, boardwalk, college campuses, and other locations. Your financial support will help us bring God's Word by conducting effective open-air evangelism done decently and in order.
Open Arms Foundation
Please help us build a covered sports area (5,425 square feet) for our boys so that they can play basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, and micro-soccer rain or shine and in better conditions. This project costs about $85,000 US dollars. If 1,200 people each give $70 dollars, then we will have raised all of the necessary funds. Please support us as we provide care for these boys in Medellin, Colombia.
Open Arms International
Open Arms Village is currently in lockdown. Yet we still have over 150 children who need food and ongoing medications. Would you help us provide for their needs? Your gift will purchase essential items to keep them healthy, safe, and strong through the crisis.
Open Arms International
Open Arms International brings vulnerable children, families, and communities from desperation to H.O.P.E. through:
- Homes: To rescue and restore the most vulnerable children.
- Outreach: To help local communities address problems at their source.
- Purpose: To understand and pursue who God created them to be.
- Empowerment: To facilitate sustainable change and educate future generations.
Join us and give H.O.P.E. today!
Open Arms International
Open Arms Village (Eldoret, Kenya) is home to over 150 former orphaned, abandoned, or at-risk children who now know the love of a family and the hope of the gospel. Just $11 provides a day of holistic care for a child - including food, clothing, education, counseling, medical care, spiritual mentorship, and a caring family. How many days can you provide? Become a Champion of Hope today!
Open Door Adoption Agency
An Open Door has been serving women, children, and families all over the world since 1987. The mission of An Open Door Adoption Agency is to preserve and enhance human life through placement of domestic and international children into loving Christian adoptive families. Whether it be international adoptions, domestic adoptions, or planning for adoption, our heart is to serve orphans and to serve you in your adoption journey.
Open Door Mission
Open Door Mission is a Gospel Rescue Mission founded in 1954 committed to breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty. Each day, Open Door Mission's campus offers 816 safe, shelter beds to homeless men, women and children, serves over 2,000 nutritious meals and provides preventive measures to more than 275 people living in poverty.
Operation Care International
Operation Care International is working to provide for the physical and the spiritual needs of homeless men, women, and children of Dallas and beyond. Your financial support will help us continue facilitating services and sharing the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Operation Mobilization
All over the world, we meet children who lack food, medicine, and educational opportunities. Above all, they lack the hope of the good news of Jesus Christ. OM’s Children in Need Fund exists to care for these young lives, reaching out to thousands needy children in many countries with the love of Jesus. Your financial partnership with this project will be used to fund OM's ministries to children around the world.
Orange County Rescue Mission
Through God's amazing grace and your generosity, we are experiencing the miracle of loaves every day here at the Orange County Rescue Mission. For more than 50 years, the Orange County Rescue Mission has been changing lives through providing shelter, meals, training in Christ's name to the least, the last and the lost. Thank you to all of those who choose to support us in this necessary work.
Orphan Care Alliance (OCA)
When you donate to OCA you know your gift is supporting adoptive families, families in crisis and aging out foster youth. If you have questions about how OCA uses donations, give us a call at (502)498-4765 or shoot us an email at info@orphancarealliance.org. We would love to chat with you.
Orphan Care Alliance is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit and will mail yearly giving reports at the end of each calendar year.
$50 covers the background check every volunteer must have that is always paid
Orphan Voice Ministries
Orphan Voice supports 3500 children who live in orphanages or boarding schools. Ministries include the provision of food, clothes, caregiver salaries, facility repair, and clean water. Orphan Voice operates human trafficking prevention programs and a rescue/recovery facility for the trafficking. Child sponsorship opportunities are available.
Orphanos Foundation
We provide “fee free” donor management services for non-U.S. based Christian ministries and missionaries that care for orphans and vulnerable children. Because we offer our services without a fee, our ministry partners save anywhere from 10-20% of their yearly budget in administrative costs.
Out of the Ashes
Out of the Ashes works with kids labeled as “dump kids” from Korah, Ethiopia. Due to extreme poverty, many families are unable to provide for their children. Lacking options, parents send their children (as young as 6 years old) to scavenge in the trash dump. OA works to quite literally pull kids out of the ashes of the trash dump by providing schooling, food, medical and hygiene care, clothing, and counseling. These critical services are only possible through the generosity of donors like you.
Outreach Aid to the Americas
Empower Vulnerable Communities; Educate and Develop Youth & the Disabled; Civil Society Strengthening; and Self Employment Development. OAA has 24 years of experience and good results in the areas of civil society building, supporting human rights, leadership development, organizational capacity building, food security, and youth programs. We are motivated by our faith.
Pacific Island Ministries
The discipling and training mission aids rural and urban communities by sponsoring Christian elementary schools, Sunday schools, Bible schools, leadership training, community development, the installation of rain catchment water systems, health services, and the supply of Christian literature.
Palmer Home for Children
Palmer Home cares for wounded and broken children by providing physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual care. Your support will help each child achieve his or her full potential and to prepare for a productive future.
Partner 135
Partner 135 is committed to equipping and assisting today’s church to reach today’s world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We do this primarily by leveraging Kingdom Partnerships between US disciples and groups of indigenous disciples to fulfill the Great Commission within specific cultures and geographical regions (Acts 1:8) through the local Church and Church networks.
Patch Our Planet
We believe the church is the best remedy to the orphan crisis. Our solution is simple. Equip church leaders to confidently lead their people to care for orphans long term. We do this by using best practices and step by step solutions in order to create a custom road map for each church under their own vision. Custom orphan care strategies for one church often leads to church networks of care in a community. We are working towards the day when every church in every community is caring for every
Paul Anderson Youth Home
Since 1961, the PAYH has worked with young men who need a second chance. Through our commitment to these young men's spiritual, emotional, mental, social, and physical needs, we have been able to minister not only into their lives but their families as well. With over 285 years of staff experience, we actively seek to take what we learn on a daily basis and disseminate that knowledge to parents about the challenges facing the family today by providing practical tools and resources.
Pax Dei For Nuba
Pax Dei for Nuba exists to support the restoration of a thriving society in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan following decades of ethnically motivated persecution and genocide.
Peter & John Radio Fellowship
River Valley Ranch in Carroll County, Maryland now serves over 20,000 youth and adults annually as a summer youth camp, retreat facility, outdoor education center. RVR is a destination for exciting seasonal events in a distinctly Christian and wholesome family atmosphere. When you give, you become a vital part of RVR. Help us keep registration fees as low as possible to make programs available to as many as possible.
Pine Cove Christian Camps
Pine Cove Christian Camps hosts several weekend conferences for you to choose. Our conference facilities are beautiful, our meals delicious, our activities fun, and our staff friendly…but that is only a small part of who we are. Our desire behind every conference is that people’s lives will be transformed through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Pine Cove Christian Camps
We strongly believe that every family and child should be able to come to camp. Why? Because we have seen firsthand thousands of lives changed as they experience God at Pine Cove! While we do our best to make camp affordable, not every family and child is able to come on their own. Project 319 benefits families who have lost jobs, been broken by divorce, serve in our military, and a host of other families who for whatever reason need financial assistance.
Pine Cove Christian Camps
As kids, youth, adults and families come to Pine Cove, they are able to get away from the urgency, the busyness, and the distractions of the world. They are able to focus on those things that are truly most valuable.
Pioneer Bible Translators
International Service Center - Field missionaries become accustomed to living without many things they are used to, and find it hard to buy many items they need. Care packages help to provide them with encouragement, favorite treats and needed supplies. Your contribution would bless a missionary family more than you will ever know! Per family/per month: $25.00 - Per family/per year: $300.
Pioneer Bible Translators
Pioneer Bible Translators is ministering to newborn orphans in a West African country by providing them with food and health care. You can be involved in this life-saving effort with your spare change, supplying milk and cereal for an infant. Orphan care per day/per infant: $2.50 - Per month/per infant: $75.00 - Per year/per infant: $900.00.
Portland Christian Schools
Needs for charitable gifts include support of the general fund, financial aid for needy families, endowments, capital needs, equipment, athletics, libraries, and continuing education for faculty.
Potter's House Association International
Thousands of children lack a personal relationship with Jesus. They need to know that in Him there is love and hope that will replace pain, desperation and misery. Your gift will allow one child to receive the good news of salvation.
Potter's House Association International
Without proper nutrition the children cannot concentrate on their studies or maintain good health. The lunch they receive at Potter's House is the only real meal most of our children eat all day. If their parents are able to provide anything, usually it is either food scavenged from the dump or plain tortillas with salt. Your gift will feed hungry children for a month.
Potter's House Association International
Help us change bad self-images and lack of confidence by reinforcing teaching and improving study skills so children can stay in school and have a chance to dream and hope for a better future.
Predisan has one of the few drug rehabilitation facilities in Central America (CEREPA). Join us in helping men and women overcome addiction and again become productive and valued members of their communities. Your gift will help provide men and women with financial need the essential therapies to overcome addiction.
Pregnancy Assistance Center North (PACN)
PACN’s services are life-affirming and free. Your donation will help with the following programs and services: Pregnancy Tests, Ultrasounds, Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing, Material Assistance (baby food, formula, baby/maternity clothes, diapers), Life Skill Classes (Relationship, Prenatal/Childbirth), Vouch for Success (an ed. program where clients earn vouchers to exchange for baby items, and PACE (Post Abortion Counsel). Your donation is greatly appreciated.
Pregnancy Choices
Pregnancy Choices is an important free resource for our community. Our clients are treated with the utmost respect and care. I would like to thank you for partnering with us by making what we do possible. Your financial investment into the lives of those we serve produces huge dividends!
Pregnancy Resources
The mission of Pregnancy Resources is to provide life-affirming, Biblically based resources to encourage informed decisions. We offer women acceptance, compassion, accurate information and assistance. By focusing on helping each woman right where she is, we enable her to reject the ideology that frames the abortion issue in terms of mother versus child. When we place our focus on loving the woman and her partner, God can touch them with hope and empower them to choose life.
Presence is an organization that reaches out to families and youth, helping them to live in accordance with God’s values in their daily lives. We work to protect faith in families and seek to strengthen family relationships to equip them to serve others in their community. We want to encourage others to live God-centered lives. We also seek to inform Christians about how current cultural issues affect our faith and to equip them to respond in truth and love.
Prestonwood Christian Academy
At Prestonwood Christian Academy, faith is not separated from learning, but rather integrated intentionally, resulting in a distinctive environment and community. We cultivate intelligent Christ followers who can articulate their worldview in a marketplace full of opposing ideas and ideology! At PCA we develop a child according to his or her specific abilities given to them by God, so they feel empowered to live a life characterized by love, trust and obedience to Him.
Prisoners for Christ Outreach Ministries
Our Juvenile Ministry Teams share God’s love and biblical truths to youth who are incarcerated. PFC is dedicated to providing spiritual guidance in the form of Bible study, worship services, small groups, special concerts, mentoring and personal discipleship. Please give today!
Believing that Psalm 68:6 is for every child – we strive to fulfill the promise that “God sets the lonely in families.” Our mission is to mobilize and serve churches and families to meet the needs of orphans and foster children, locally and abroad. Your gift will help fund work in orphan advocacy, foster care solutions, and adoption matching grants which directly assist churches and families engaged in God’s work.
Rafiki Foundation
Student sponsorship helps provide a needy child from the surrounding community with a Christian classical education at a Rafiki School. For a minimum of $25 per month, you can significantly impact the future of an African child who would otherwise receive little or no education.
Rafiki Foundation
Rafiki Villages are designed to care for children from infancy to age eighteen. Raising children in a family atmosphere in Christian cottages and teaching teenagers vocational skills requires many ordinary necessities, as well as a few loving extras. Our most important job is to teach the children about Jesus Christ and living for Him. However, we also desire to give these children a quality education, skill training, and an appreciation of music, art, and athletics.
Rafiki Foundation
Rafiki Foundation cares for orphaned children in ten countries in sub-Sahara Africa. Your support provides a home, loving family environment, medical needs, and an education for the children in our care. These children are given hope, love, and a new life in a Christian environment.
Rapha International
Rapha's mission is to end the trafficking and sexual exploitation of children- one child at a time- through aftercare for survivors, prevention for the vulnerable, and engagement for you. Rescue from brothels and abusers is only the beginning: survivors need long-term healing from profound trauma to walk into the horizons God wants for them. Partnering with Rapha International provides survivors in Cambodia, Thailand and Haiti with a safe place to live, sleep, heal and grow.
Reach Out Youth Solutions
Reach Out Youth Solutions can help you equip and multiply your youth leaders, parents, volunteers and students to reach the younger generation with a life-changing relationship to Jesus Christ.
Reaching Indians Ministries International (RIMI)
RIMI provides grants to help over 500 children through Mercy Home, Helping Hand, and Child Development Center programs. Grants also cover various compassion services such as clean water, benevolence, and out-patient care at the hospital on the Mission India Theological Seminary campus in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Reciprocal Ministries International
Hope for Kidz is a child sponsorship program founded by Reciprocal Ministries International (RMI) in 1999 to meet the educational and physical needs of Haitian children who are unable to attend school due to their severe poverty. For only $28 per month, you can sponsor a child today.
Reformed Youth Ministries
RYM provides conferences for youth that are Word driven, God centered, and Gospel focused. We have a growing burden that the youth culture of our cities and nation be transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have a growing burden that the disintegrating family be restored by the gospel of Jesus Christ. How can we serve Christ’s church in extending His kingdom in these ways? Our plan of action will focus on three primary areas: conferences, training and resources.
Rehema Ministries
Our goal, even with separate housing, is to have a Cafeteria where we come together as one HUGE family. This is a time to pray together, eat as a family and share the day with everyone. We want to know that each child is eating nutrious meals. The 110-foot veranda is just too small for 118 kids and workers. The commons area will serve as a location for the church, outreach programs to the community, and indoor play area during rainy season. Appx. cost $200,000
Rehema Ministries
We have been called to Kenya. We are looking for workers with a heart for God. Our ministry’s goal is to help fund and build children’s homes. In Step Children’s Home is the first of many In Step Homes to be built in Kenya. Our goal is to house 400 children on our 20-acre compound along with a medical center, cafeteria, church, pre-school, greenhouse, and TECH Training Center. Your donation will help us care for His precious children in Kenya!
Rehema Ministries
We are now ready to start the girls' dorm. We have completed the boys' dorm and you can see it on the website. The girls' dorm will be identical. Funding still needed is $100,000.
Rehema Ministries
We provide a loving Christian environment for abandoned and orphaned children. On January 6, 2014, 26 of our children moved from Pre-school to Kindergarten with the 50 first & second graders. We are accredited as a private school. It is a sad that children without parents are mistreated in the public schools. We receive no assistance from the Kenyan government as we are an American-owned facility and not an NGO. Cost for 2 additional rooms $25,000.
Reigning Grace Ranch
Reigning Grace Ranch is a ministry that exists to discover; the restoration of rescued horses, redemption of the family, and bringing hope into the community by creating a sustainable future in an authentic Christian ranch environment.
Remember Nhu
Remember Nhu currently has over 60 children's homes in 12 countries with more than 1,200 children in our care. It is our desire to open more children's homes around the world in order to keep as many children as possible out of the sex trade.
Remember the Children
Remember the Children exists to show faith, hope, and love to Romania and Tanzania's forgotten ones. Our mission is to provide holistic faith-based ministry, meeting the core needs of children, their families, and their communities. Our three ministry areas are orphan homes, village transformation, and churches. We desire to communicate the need for global evangelism, equip servant leaders, and inspire vision for impacting Romania & Tanzania.
94% of young Americans do not believe in the basic doctrines of Christianity, and 76% do not attend church. The majority of US students are trained to think from the standpoint of a godless worldview. Renewanation exists to PROMOTE and SUPPORT the cause of Biblical worldview education by supporting Christian schools, homeschools, and ministries reaching public school students, and EXPAND the cause by being a catalyst to start new Christian schools, homeschools & non-Christian school ministries.
Rice Bowls
Through Rice BowlsTM your gift makes a tangible difference. You are providing food for the body and the spirit of vulnerable children, equipping them to grow as Christian leaders, impacting their community.
Robin's Nest Children's Home
Our Vision is to provide a safe and secure Christian environment for the children God places in our care while providing basic needs, medical care, unconditional love, and education they need to grow.
Roever Evangelistic Association
Beginning in 1976 and through the present, DAVE ROEVER has conducted school assemblies throughout the United States. Because of his appropriate use of humor, dynamic and personal presentation style, honest examples from his past, and pertinent and realistic ideas, teenagers listen and learn. He offers relevant solutions and hope related to substance abuse, drinking and driving, teen pregnancy, suicide, unhealthy self-esteem, and broken relationships.
Romania Reborn
At Romania Reborn, we believe every child belongs in a family. We work to rescue Romania’s abandoned children, placing them in loving, forever families. We also work to provide private, long-term foster care for hard-to-adopt children. Beyond changing individual lives, our vision is to impact the entire “orphan care culture”of Romania. We’re working with other Christian children’s charities in-country to challenge and equip Romanian churches in the ministry of adoption.
Rooted Ministries
Rooted Ministries exist to equip and empower churches and parents to faithfully disciple students toward lifelong faith in Jesus Christ, and to transform youth ministry so that every student receives a grace-filled, gospel-centered and Bible-saturated discipleship in the church and the home.
Safe Families for Children
The Safe Families program provides the church with an opportunity to bring the compassion of Christ to help families in distress (James 1:27). Christian families have the opportunity to open up their homes to children from families in crisis until the parents are able to receive their children back. This program has expanded into 14 locations throughout the country, has received a great deal of positive attention from the national media, and won the 2010 Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation.
Salt Ventures NFP
Salt Ventures works through local churches to promote evangelism and disciple-making in the community, the workplace, and among the poor. Our ministry survives on your support. Thank you for your donation!
Samaritan's Purse
Through Children’s Heart Project, Samaritan’s Purse brings lifesaving heart surgery to children from countries that do not have the medical facilities or expertise to perform such complex procedures. Samaritan’s Purse transports the sick child along with a parent or guardian to North America—where they stay with a Christian host family—and then undergo an operation donated by a local hospital.
Samaritan's Purse
Our Operation Christmas Child project sends gift-filled shoeboxes to children in need around the world to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way. For many of these children, the shoebox is the first gift they have ever received. Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has collected and delivered more than 178 million shoebox gifts to children in more than 160 countries and territories.
San Diego Rescue Mission
The children's Center provides early childhood education and intervention services for children and families of the San Diego Rescue Mission and community partners. It is a licensed preschool with a 1:6 ratio that provides a safe and nurturing environment for children ages 2-5. Intentionally planned curriculum is offered to meet the individual needs of the children. This is important for children who are homeless in order to gain a sense of safety and stability.
SAT-7 North America
With so many youth in the Arabic-speaking world spending their time online, digital outreach is a key pillar for Christian media ministry SAT-7. Through "conversation-starter" campaigns shared on social media, our team connect with people who are seeking hope, struggling with a particular issue, or curious about the Christian faith. What follows are one-to-one conversations in which our counselors answer questions, pray with viewers, and share hope in Christ. By partnering in this project, you c
SAT-7 North America
By partnering in SAT-7 KIDS, a 24/7 satellite and digital Christian channel, you can reach millions of Arabic-speaking children with God's love. Through a wide range of programs including live daily shows, gameshows, worship music videos, and animations, SAT-7 KIDS introduces children to Jesus and helps them grow in their faith. Children can interact with the programs by calling in to live programs or interacting with trained viewer counselors through secure, age-appropriate digital platforms. T
Save Our Youth
Save Our Youth is a youth development organization providing at-risk youth with educational, emotional, and spiritual skills for success through long-term mentoring relationships. We collaborate with individuals and groups in the community to increase awareness of kids' resilience and to support their success. Save Our Youth mentors bring experience, compassion, and time to provide kids a caring advocate by their side.
Save The Storks
We want women to know that they are not alone; we’re here for them. When we empower women with compassion, education and holistic care, we not only empower them to choose a better life for themselves and their children, we create a culture that respects and values every life.
Saving Moses
For only $38 a month, you will be a true hero in a baby's life. A monthly donation of just $38 will a baby in Afghanistan, Cambodia, or Angola a chance to experience their future.
Scripture Union, USA
The Children’s Outreach Reserve is a small revolving reserve fund which is used to insure the long-term ministry of Scripture Union field-based children’s programs SuperKids® and PrimeTime®.
Scripture Union, USA
PrimeTime® Initiative reaches at-risk children with the Gospel and God’s Word in urban areas around the country. This program works in partnership with the Salvation Army.
Scripture Union, USA
SuperKids Outreach Missions is all about taking the love of Jesus to children, wherever they are. Churches use the SuperKids program and curriculum to reach out to children in their surrounding communities. The SuperKids curriculum gives simple, easy to follow lessons. Your financial support will help us share the good news to unreached children wherever they are.
Seattle Christian School
Our purpose is to proclaim Jesus Christ in all aspects of our programs, emphasize academic excellence and biblical Christian values, and partner with parents and the church to prepare godly young men and women to impact their world for Christ. Help ensure that the ministry of evangelism and discipleship continues at Seattle Christian for the next 70 years by giving to Seattle Christian School.
Grow your family from afar! Sponsor a child and your life as well as theirs will never be the same! Your gift of $37 a month (or $444 a year) ensures a child in India/Uganda of tuition for their education, food, school uniforms, textbooks and basic medical care. Your child will also become a part of your family treating you as another “mom” or “dad!” Give a child hope and knowledge that God cares about their every need!
So much takes place at a ServeNow Lighthouse center each week! Children are provided a loving environment complete with education and a warm meal. Adults can learn skills such as literacy classes, computer courses, cell-phone repair and various skills for women at risk. Vacation Bible School programs are held for hundreds of children each year. Your gift provides hope for those in some of the most hopeless conditions whether they be children with HIV, orphans or extremely poor family situations.
For children in Uganda education is their only ticket out of poverty. A gift towards a new classroom is much more than just a building…it is their future! Would you be able and willing to contribute towards 10%, 25%, 50% or an entire new classroom? These are the children and future leaders of tomorrow!
ServeNow hosts several summer camps each year in Ukraine for children who otherwise would never experience this life changing opportunity. Many of these kids have seen war, or have never been outside their orphanage/village and know tremendous sorrow, fear and loneliness. Your gift makes their dream become a reality!
Each Christmas (January 7th in Ukraine) ServeNow through a partner organization in Scotland, distributes around 7,000 Christmas gifts! Orphans, refugees, the elderly, the disabled, and lonely people are the main recipients of the gifts. For some, it is their first and only Christmas gift! For many, it is the first time hearing of a God who loves them and gave the greatest gift of all: the gift of His Son!
It doesn’t take much to physically save a life during the winter months! Every $15 provides a blanket, hat, socks, gloves, and jacket to a child or elderly person; the ones most vulnerable to the bitter cold. These are people who have no heat in their home and not enough warm coverings to keep warm. How many would you like to wrap in warm clothes this winter and touch with God’s love?
ServLife International
Help us construct a Children's Home to house 100 children and a school to educate 1,000 children in Bihar, India.
Shared Hope International
Shared Hope International exists to intervene for the purpose of rescue and restoration of women and children in crisis. We are leaders in a worldwide effort to prevent and eradicate sex trafficking and slavery through education and building restoration services.
Shepherd's Fold Ranch
We hear many testimonies of how God encounters kids and their lives are changed. It’s our ambition for every kid to be able to come to camp and learn about God’s love, regardless of their financial situation. We can only do this with your help. The Don Staires Scholarship Fund provides assistance to camper families in difficult financial situations. This is an opportunity for you to invest in the transformation of a young child desiring a deeper relationship with God.
Shepherd's Gate
Shepherd's Gate is providing shelter and resources for women and children, and helping them lead self-sufficient, productive lives. By donating, you will be helping to ensure the future of Shepherd’s Gate and our mission to support women. Help us break the destructive cycle of abuse, addiction, and homelessness.
Shiloh Christian Schools
Shiloh Christian Schools is working to develop Godly leaders who engage their culture and change it. Your financial support will help us nurture the growth of students, not only in academic, social, and physical parameters, but in the spiritual realm as well. To donate, call (479) 756-1140.
Snowbird Outfitters
Give to Snowbird Outfitters as we disciple students through summer camps and non-summer retreats. The students are transformed by the saving work of the Gospel of Jesus and mentored to be future leaders in the ministry.
Source MN
The Fallout Urban Art Center is an outreach of Source. We are ideally positioned to reach area artists, internationals, urban activists, and the poor and homelesss. It's a huge facility with a community kitchen, art gallery, music-venue space, interactive art lounge, back garage skate ramp, and outreach office. We are impacting the world by interacting with subcultures and youth cultures.
South Bay Teen Challenge
The mission of Teen Challenge NorWestCal Nevada is to provide successful recovery for men, women, teens, children, and families with destructive, abusive, and addictive lifestyles through mentoring, education, training, and spiritual direction.
South Mountain Baptist Camp
The mission of South Mountain Baptist Camp is to assist the Church to reach people for Christ and to develop young disciples that will be effective in impacting our culture and carrying the gospel throughout the world. While the original dream for South Mountain Baptist Camp was for a summer camp for boys and girls, God's vision was much larger, and now South Mountain is a year-round facility that ministers to nearly four thousand children, youth, and adults each year.
Southern Hills Youth for Christ
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Sozo Children
Sozo Children’s sponsorship program exists to connect individuals with vulnerable children to experience the love of Christ and fulfill their potential. Sponsorships provide for basic needs of medical care and education as well as personal development, essential life skills and spiritual growth. The desired outcome is for all Sozo Children to become thriving leaders for Christ in Uganda.
Sports Outreach Institute
Support Sports Outreach as we identify and train committed Christian leadership in the effective use and understanding of sports ministry to spread the Gospel and alleviate human suffering in Uganda, Kenya, El Salvador, Mexico and the USA.
Sports Quest
Sports Quest is committed to reaching kids for Christ of all ages, experiences and backgrounds. We believe that social status and demographics should not be barriers against using the game of soccer as an evangelistic and discipleship tool. It is our aim to develop next generation leaders in the inner city and overseas as much as it is in middle class, suburban communities. To that end, we have developed “Outreach” programs for underserved, disadvantaged and at risk children.
Spread Truth Ministries
The Story Maker is a children’s film that tells the whole gospel story. When we know God’s story, it changes everything: who we are, what we want, and how we live. The film will be distributed globally, penetrating places where the gospel may not be readily available. Children and parents will have the opportunity, maybe for the first time, to hear in their own language about the good news of Jesus. Would you prayerfully consider helping us launch the Story Maker?
St. Luke's Healthcare Foundation
Last year we served over 23,000 patients and over 2500,000 visitor/patients since 2005. Regionally there is a population over 2,500,000. Community Health Evangelism is also a growing opportunity.
We have plans for a $900,000 Outpatient Building.
Stadia: New Church Strategies
Stadia's Mission is to plant churches that intentionally care for Children - and we wont stop until every child has a church.
Star of Hope Mission
This Fund was established to focus on immediate basic needs care, as well as the long-term requirements of the youngest and most vulnerable clients residing in our family centers. Essential services include food, clothing, shelter, counseling, health care, and educational support. The Fund supports immunizations, child care, after-school and enrichment programs, homework help, and mentoring. The supportive programs improve health and well-being as well as self-esteem and confidence.
Steiger International, Ltd.
Steiger International is working to train, equip, and send out evangelistic teams into clubs, festival, and urban areas around the world. We are helping new believers become followers of Jesus and fulfill God's calling for their lives through the ministries of local bases and through discipleship schools. Support Steiger International as we impact the fields of art and media with the message of the Cross.
Stephen's Children Foundation
Our team works in the slum and squatting areas of Egypt, seeking to build strong trusting relationships with the poorest, most vulnerable children and their families. We nurture, train, and equip underprivileged children and young people morally, educationally, and spiritually. As a Christian ministry, our ultimate purpose is to glorify Jesus and to help equip His church to do the same. We have partnered with friends around the world, and we invite you to consider how you can partner with us.
Stillwater Christian School
We see the God-given potential in each child who joins our school community. Partnering with parents and caregivers, we equip our students with tools for learning through a Christ-centered education. We aim to help them discover the gifts God has established in them, and effectively lead and serve where God calls them to be.
Straight Ahead Ministries
Straight Ahead Ministries provides Bible studies through staff and affiliates in more than 350 juvenile facilities in 17 states and four countries, as well as a myriad of aftercare programs. The re-arrest rate of youth involved in community-based re-entry programs is 15% compared with 70% for those not involved. Straight Ahead also provides training and materials for other organizations and churches working with high-risk youth.
Straight Ahead Ministries
Assist Straight Ahead Ministries as we train and equip Christians to lead Bible studies in juvenile facilities as well as provide aftercare through our strength-based resources, curriculums, training modules and direct ministry models.
Street Grace
We are a faith-driven organization collaborating with faith, business and community leaders providing a comprehensive path to end the sexual exploitation of minors. CSEC involves the recruitment, harboring, transportation, and/or the obtaining of a child under the age of 18 for the purpose of a commercial sex act.
Street Hope TN
We are a nonprofit organization on a mission to eliminate the sexual exploitation and trafficking of children in Tennessee and provide safe environments to foster hope and healing through Jesus Christ.
Suncoast YFC
YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to prayer and the Word of God, passion for sharing the love of Christ and commitment to social involvement.
Sweet Sleep
Can you provide for a pillow? What about a single bed? Maybe you could provide beds for a room full of children. Better still, can you provide beds for an entire orphanage? Consider how you can help bring sweet sleep to orphaned and abandoned children around the world: $3,000 fills one room in a Third-World orphanage; $250 provides one Sweet Sleep bed; $100 provides one new bed frame; $80 provides one mattress and cover; $50 provides one set of sheets and blanket; $20 provides one pillow!
T Bar M Camps & Retreats
T Bar M is Camps & Retreats is a non-denominational Christian camp, and retreat center with locations in New Braunfels, Texas and on Lake Travis near Austin. Over 20,000 people experience T Bar M every year with their group, company, school or though our kids summer camp. We have over 40 years of experience in the kids summer camp and retreat ministry. Our focus is on Loving God and Loving Others by serving everyone who walks through our gates. The mission of T Bar M is to present Christ, teach
T Bar M Camps & Retreats
T Bar M is Camps & Retreats is a non-denominational Christian camp, and retreat center with locations in New Braunfels, Texas and on Lake Travis near Austin. Over 20,000 people experience T Bar M every year with their group, company, school or though our kids summer camp. We have over 40 years of experience in the kids summer camp and retreat ministry. Our focus is on Loving God and Loving Others by serving everyone who walks through our gates. The mission of T Bar M is to present Christ, teach
Teen Challenge North Carolina Adolescent Program
Our goal is to help students make positive decisions, not based on mandatory compliance, but rather being the result of a genuine change of heart. Community service, special projects, outings and mission trips also help our students change their focus from self to serving others.
Teen Challenge of Southern California
At Teen Challenge of Southern California, we are providing thousands of children, youth and adults an effective, faith-based solution to drug and alcohol addiction at no cost to them. Your financial support will help those caught in the nightmare of substance abuse. Please give today!
Teen Challenge, Inc.
Support Teen Challenge as we provide separate 12-18 month residential programs for men and women 18 years old and up.
TeenPact Leadership Schools
TeenPact is designed to help students understand the political process, value their liberty, and engage the culture. Through our hands-on and practical teaching, TeenPact Students learn how to embrace their call as the next generation of leaders, find encouragement among like-minded peers, and develop the skills to engage the culture.
The ABBA Fund
Adoption assistance for Christian families -- that's our heartbeat. Helping transform orphans into sons & daughters in loving, nurturing Christ-centered families. ABBA Fund's two core programs: 1)Family Adoption Funds provide adoptive families with online profiles & donation forms to spark generosity to reduce the financial burden of adoption, and 2) Interest-Free Adoption Loans help families navigate the cash-crunch needed to complete their adoptions and get their children home.
Every day, more than a dozen new children come into foster care in Arkansas due to abuse or neglect. The greatest need of every child is a safe, loving family where they can heal and grow. The CALL mobilizes Christians from multiple denominations and churches in local communities to meet the needs of children in foster care in Arkansas. Your gift helps children as well as the families who care for them.
The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
CBN's international regional centers minister to a variety of children's needs. These include educational support such as tutoring and mentoring, sponsoring school tuition, and donating school supplies as well as providing medical care and nutritious meals for those in need.
The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
CBN's Orphan's Promise provides food, clean water, housing, health care, education, job training and placement, and small business development assistance to orphans and vulnerable children around the world.
The Christian Relief Fund
CRF knows that the eternal hope for humanity is Jesus Christ. We have given thousands of Bibles to people in Africa and Eastern Europe who previously did not have one of their own. Give today and help us share the gospel of Christ with those in need!
The Christian Relief Fund
By sponsoring a child through Christian Relief Fund, you can provide desperate children with food, clothing, medical care, schooling and Bible teaching for only $35 a month. When you sponsor a child, you will receive a packet including your child's photo and story. With Christian Relief Fund, you truly sponsor a child who would be helpless without your support. Partner with us to save one more child.
The Christian Relief Fund
Water weighs 8 pounds per gallon, so a child providing for a family of 4 in Sub-Saharan Africa must carry 128 pounds of water daily. The demands of retrieving water leaves little time for children to go to school. And the great disaster is that most of the water they carry is already polluted. The Horn of Africa is facing the worst drought in 60 years. In some areas, it hasn't rained in 4 years. 12 million people lack adequate food and water. Help us bring clean water to those in need!
The Christian Relief Fund
Memorial Gifts can be made in lieu of flowers or sympathy cards to commemorate someone's passing. The deceased's name is printed in our monthly newsletter and a card is sent to the family. "Thank you" cards are also sent for the convenience of the bereaved. A brochure containing scripture and messages of comfort is sent a few weeks later.
The Christian Relief Fund
Planned giving can consist of will bequeaths, gift annuities & other options. Many are interested in gift annuities because they are one of the best ways to receive a guaranteed income & reduce estate taxes.These annuities also limit risk as they are not subject to market fluctuation.Planned giving will allow you to leave a spiritual and financial legacy of caring for orphans and children enslaved to poverty.For more information please call 1-800-858-4038 or email lpurdy@christianrelieffund.org.
The Christian Relief Fund
CRF supports schools in many countries around the world. These schools educate children who have no other opportunity to go to school. Our support covers cost of children's tuition, construction of school buildings and teacher salaries. Give today and and help share the love of Christ with children in need.
6 week summer camp offers academic enrichment in the areas of reading, math and science. Campers are encouraged to learn teamwork and good sportsmanship while taking part in six different sport activities that teach basic skills and competition. Creativity is encouraged through arts, drama and dance. Camp EPIC also offers weekly trips and other fun activities for campers to enjoy.
The Evangelical Free Church of America
Held every other year, the EFCA's Challenge youth conference challenges students to live on mission with Jesus everyday, everywhere and with everyone. Please check our website for further information.
The Firs Bible & Missionary Conference
Since its inception, the ministries of The Firs have been supported and grown by the generous gifts of friends whose lives have been touched at one or more of our facilities and programs. Help support The Firs by giving to one of our programs today.
The Fostering Collective
Creating healthy, thriving, Christ-centered foster families is all about getting what you need without the confusion and without wasting your time. Whether you desire to adopt, foster, or support, The Fostering Collective has the resources, guidance, and answers you need to change the lives of children from hard places.
The Global Orphan Project
This is our ‘Greatest Needs’ category, and the rocket fuel of the ministry. Donations here fill critical life gaps for the children, and, most importantly, drive economic and agricultural development. 100% of our GO Fund is used for the 'now needs' of the children that must be met as they arise, agricultural development, and economic development. One time gifts and monthly gifts in of any amount will help us grow our reach and impact.
The Good Samaritan Society of America
We pray that God will lead you to support one or two children with $50.00 each to participate in this one week long Bible Camp. Your sponsorship will be used for kids that their parents could not pay for the feeding cost of the program. Many families in this rural community earn less than $281.25 ( N45,000.00) per year ( $1=N160). We also encourage volunteers for short term Mission Trip for this program. Your involvements in the spiritual lives of these children is Christ's again.
The Harvest Center of Charlotte
The Harvest Center of Charlotte's mission is to create a community where individuals affected by homelessness, poverty, or unemployment are empowered through our transitional programs and transformed by the love of Jesus Christ.
The Hope Haven Charitable Trust
Hope Haven Rwanda is transforming Rwandan families through a holistic approach to education and discipleship, actively demonstrating the love, hope, and truth of Jesus Christ. We believe that our investment in each individual child and family flows into the neighborhood and eventually transforms the nation.
The King's Academy
The King’s Academy partners with families to provide children an exemplary Kingdom education by investing in the whole child: spiritually, academically, and emotionally.
We believe in transformation. Transforming the lives of children by transforming the traditional approach to education.
The King's Christian Academy
Each fall KCA hosts its annual Phone-A-Thon. A postcard mailing is sent to our family, friends and donors announcing the week of Phone-A-Thon and alerting everyone to expect a call from our students and/or Board members. This is an opportunity to support KCA and our students by investing in our school. We thank each parent, grandparent, friend, family member and business associate that supports the ministry and mission of KCA.
The LAMB Institute
Located in Honduras, the GLL Children's Home is committed to giving children a future with hope and purpose. Now home to around 60 children, we are bustling with activity as children ranging from newborns to 17 years of age eat, sleep, learn, sing, play and come to understand how precious they are to their Heavenly Father.
The Mailbox Club
Most of the 1.9 billion children in the world are without Jesus. The Mailbox Club is on a mission to change that. Our passion and our focus are the children of the world. Our mission is to win children and young people of the world to Christ, helping to nurture them into spiritual maturity through bible study courses and into local churches. Your generous gift will be put to use immediately to transform young lives – and eternities – in communities around the world.
The Mentoring Alliance
Boys & Girls Clubs of East Texas is the after-school program of The Mentoring Alliance. The BGCET meets daily in 14 different locations all throughout the community. Great, godly staff mentors work with kids to help them develop emotionally, academically and spiritually. Giving opportunities through the Mentoring Alliance also include supporting their Gospel Village mentorship programs and Rose City summer camp programs.
The Power Company Kids Club
Our mission has always been to guide inner-city youth toward healthy, successful, sustainable independence. We help at-risk kids discover and develop their own strengths and talents because we focus on “building champions,” thousands of marginalized families are seeing their kids graduate from high school, attend college, and become godly leaders. It takes years of weekly training and in-home visits, but it’s worth it to impact countless generations to come.
The Reel Hope Project
We serve as a bridge between Church and State, partnering broadly on both sides to see an end to youth waiting for families. We believe in approaching this need from both ends of the spectrum – preventing kids from entering the system and finding families for kids awaiting adoption.
The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army has been serving in Haiti since 1950 and operates schools, clinics, a hospital, feeding programs, children's homes and church-related activities through some 60 community centers across the country.
The Sheepfold
We equip mothers who suffer from homelessness or abuse for success and independent living with hope for the future, in Jesus name. A key outcome of this goal is that they can live independently on their own and not return to the destructive lifestyle, addictions, or abuser from their past. We offer relief for the immediate pain and suffering by providing for all their daily needs – free of charge.
The Urban Alternative
The concept of National Church Adopt-A-School Initiative is comprehensive….to implement a national faith-based strategy to address the spiritual and social needs of urban youth and families through a church and public school partnership. The NCAASI builds the capacity of churches and faith-based organizations to provide “a hand-up, not a hand-out” by seeking holistic, long-term solutions of meeting needs in a way that changes how people think, which ultimately determines how they live.
Three Roots International
Three Roots works in targeted communities, providing holistic solutions to deliver the most impact. Through our “family development model”, we strengthen the entire family, through support for children, parents, and caregivers. Our Community Development Committees empower local leaders with participation and oversight in each community's progress towards development.
Thrive Metro East
ThriVe is a non-profit organization that empowers people to make life-affirming and healthy decisions about sex, pregnancy and relationships.
Tiger Pause Youth Ministry
Tiger Pause is a Christ-centered, community based organization that serves Beaver County's young people and their families through after-school, summer camp, sports, mentoring, and work programs. Our desire is to provide individuals from all walks of life with opportunities to participate in quality programs that help them reach their God given potential. We preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are blessed as God uses us to redeem lives, build leaders, and transform communities.
Tilikum Center for Retreats and Outdoor Ministries
By offering overnight summer camps, weekend retreat groups, family camps and outdoor schools, Lakeside Village will create the opportunity for 2,000 more campers to experience Tilikum each year, expanding the mission and ministry of Tilikum, and dramatically increasing Tilikum’s outreach opportunities. Constructing eight new cabins and a multi-use pavilion will meet the current need for more sleeping, eating and meeting space, and ensure Tilikum is prepared to best serve the next generation.
Tilikum Center for Retreats and Outdoor Ministries
Your donation will help kids who can’t afford camp! $300 pays for one camper. 100% of your donation will go directly to our scholarship fund. Thank you for helping under-resourced kids, youth and adults get to camp!
Together for Good
Together for Good creates pathways for the local church to come alongside vulnerable children and families in Christ-centered ministry. When vulnerable parents face crisis, children are at risk of abuse and neglect. We need a trained network of volunteers and host families to come together and provide friendship, care and a safe place for children so that parents are able to regroup and gain stability. We also need a network of donors to support the mission.
Tomorrow Clubs International
The Tomorrow Clubs partner with the local church to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ and long term discipleship to children in underserved communities through weekly Bible clubs.
Trail Life USA
Trail Life USA is a Christian adventure, character, and leadership movement for young men. The K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level and as a role model and leader for his peers. Our vision is to be the premier national character development organization for young men which produces Godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens.
Trash Mountain Project
Through these Christ-centered environments, we bring hope by bridging forgotten people to resources for their restoration. Each day thousands of people make their livelihoods picking through trash in unsafe, unsanitary and dangerous conditions. The worst part is, thousands of children work in these conditions. We exist to develop Christ-centered environments for children and families living in trash dump communities worldwide.
Trinity Western University Foundation US
An education at Trinity Western University changes students’ lives and empowers them to bring joy and hope to the lives of others. For many students, a scholarship or bursary is the difference between experiencing transformational education at TWU and not having the means to attend. You can make this difference in a student’s life by supporting the Trinity Western Fund.
Trust for Africa
Our mission is to empower and equip families and communities to minister to the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of Lesotho’s orphans and vulnerable children.
One child who is orphaned, abused or abandoned, is one child too many. While this is true all over the world, our story is specific to Lesotho.
Lesotho is often called “The Forgotten Kingdom”. In this mountainous country, orphans and vulnerable children make up 50% of the child population.* Much of this is due to HIV and AIDS,
Tumaini International
Their vision was to create a sustainable child sponsorship program, one that creates an avenue where both the sponsor and the recipient meet and correspond while learning from each other developing mutual relationships. More than a decade later, this goal is lived out through Vision Trips, and regular correspondence as the work of Tumaini International now empowers 7 of 47 counties of Kenya.
Tupelo Christian Preparatory School
TCPS is a unique educational institution committed to quality Christian education. Our doors opened August 25, 1988 with classes from Preschool through fifth grade being offered in our inaugural year. Starting in 2002 the school began adding a grade a year. Please give today to help us lead students, in partnership with Christian families, to know Christ and make Him known through rigorous academics, challenging athletics, and stimulating arts.
Twelve21 Global
Twelve21 Global believes every child deserves a better future. Working through the local church and our schools, we find child sponsorship an effective means to alleviate the chronic cycle of poverty and provide children HOPE for a better future through a Christ centered education.
Union Gospel Mission Twin Cities
Provide help and hope to those in need. Give today. Union Gospel Mission is a Christian ministry dedicated to serving the homeless, poor, and addicted in our community. By meeting physical, spiritual, emotional, and educational needs, our Mission is changing lives!
Union Rescue Mission
Union Rescue Mission purpose is to reach the least, the last, and the lost with the physical and spiritual bread of life through its ministries of men’s shelter, women’s and children’s shelter, family shelter, soup kitchen, Penny Pincher thrift store, and The Living Room day room.
University Bible Fellowship
University Bible Fellowship is an evangelistic campus organization. They are focusing on raising disciples of Jesus who can live sacrificial lives for the Gospel and contribute to society and their nation by preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to college students and young people. Support U.B.F. as they serve world Evangelism by raising lay missionaries and sending them throughout the world. To donate, contact: UBF Chicago Center, 6558 N. Artesian Ave, Chicago, IL 60645
CARE for AIDS operates centers in multiple communities throughout Kenya. Each center is located within a local Kenyan church and has two counselors who guide a class of 80 clients at a time through a nine-month program. Throughout the program these clients experience transformation in five key areas; physical, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual. Please help fund this much needed program!
Upward Unlimited
Upward Sports is the only youth sports experience that offers “The 360 Progression”, a uniquely designed total sports experience that adapts and expands as players develop and grow in their personal athletic journey, creating individuals with strong character, confidence, and spirit. It is our desire to provide a place to play for every skill level player.
Urban Youth Impact
Urban Youth Impact exists to love, equip and empower inner-city youth and their parents to fulfill their God-given purpose.
Founded in 1997, UYI serves the inner city of West Palm Beach. 32% of youth living in the community are not expected to graduate from high school and two-thirds live below the poverty level. UYI seeks to reverse troubling trends and fulfill its mission by offering programs designed to develop critical life-skills that result in better life choices.
Urban Youth Impact
Urban Youth Impact's ReFrame Program gives students the opportunity to acquire real work experience in professional settings through paid internships. Since the start of this program in 2000, over 200 six-week internships opportunities have been provided. In 2012, UYI launched its year-round Work Program for in-school and out-of-school youth ages 15 to 24.
Urban Youth Impact
The primary goal of The Leadership Academy (TLA) is to prepare the students it serves to succeed in life by providing academic assistance, character development and spiritual enrichment through the students’ formative years.
TLA serves up to 170 students in grades K-9 daily during the school year through tutoring, computer-based literacy learning, faith-based instruction, life-skills and character building lessons, mentoring relationships, performing arts, field trips, and recreation.
Village of Hope Uganda
Village of Hope Uganda provides safe homes, education, trauma counseling, and spiritual guidance for former child soldiers and children orphaned through the effects of war and poverty.
VisionTrust International
You have unique skills and abilities that God can use to advocate for orphans... right where you live. There are over 200 verses in the Bible imploring Christians to speak up for the oppressed and to act on behalf of the poor. Join the Orphan Advocate Team and be a voice for some of the world's neediest children.
VisionTrust International
Help create needed and purposed change in the developing world while building relationships that benefit the lives of the children. VisionTrust serves by being God's love in action. Most teams cost $990 plus airfare per person. Please visit www.visiontrust.org for more information.
VisionTrust International
Impact the life of a child for just $40 a month. A VisionTrust sponsorship connects one specific child with one specific donor. Each child receives discipleship, education, food and medical attention from the time they enter the program thru high school graduation. Start making a difference today. You can select a child at www.visiontrust.org from one of the seventeen countries we serve.
Voice of China and Asia Missionary Society
There is no legal Bible distribution system among the forgotten millions of Christians in rural China. In the hands of a rural Chinese believer, a Bible will touch up to four people, who in turn, will lead two more to Christ. For each gift of $5, your donation purchases, transports, and provides on-site verification of a Bible. We invite qualifying sponsors to travel with us on short-term mission distribution trips to witness the miracle of the arrival of God's Word in rural China.
Warm Beach Christian Camps and Conference Center
Camp is a place where a kid can leave behind the cares, distractions, and problems of everyday life and embrace a new beginning. The Kids 2 Camp scholarship fund strengthens youth ministry and helps more than 1600 needy children a year come to Camp who would otherwise be left out. Generous donors make Camp experience possible – and life changes here. Giving kids the time of their lives can change their futures.
Way Cool Angels
Music has the unique ability to go beyond what we hear and even what our mind can comprehend. In these days, not a day goes by when the cry of conflict and war in the world are not heard. Music has a way of softening even the hardest of hearts to bring peace, love, and joy to those who hear it. Music is medicinal to people who are hurting from the pain of life. We evangelize to the world through music. We also celebrate various cultural and inspirational speaking events. Whether inspirational
Way Cool Angels
Way Cool Learning was birthed out of an unfortunate local education system that does not properly prepare children for a promising career and rewarding future.
Every child deserves to have a bright future and hope for their lives. Built upon a foundation of life and learning, Way Cool Learning homeschool program brings enjoyment to learning together with functional family training while receiving the skills necessary to ensure a successful future.
English/Spanish, reading, translation,
WAY Media, Inc.
WAY-FM is impacting communities in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and in many other states in the country. We are using media in a culturally relevant way to influence this generation to love and follow Jesus. Your donation will help us continue to reach out to the community.
Waymark's mission is to give hope to youth in foster care by forming personal connections and an understanding that God has a plan and a purpose for their lives through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Wears Valley Ranch
The Residential program provides year-round homes for up to thirty-two children. Each home is staffed with a happily married couple who serve as houseparents, along with one or two college-age mentors who help manage the home during the houseparents time off. The homes are specifically designed to be unique and not institutional with a family life atmosphere.
Wellspring Living
describes your business, its value, what it does and who it serves.
Since 2001, Wellspring Living has provided domestic sex trafficking victims and those at risk (ages 12+) with comprehensive, trauma-informed, victim-centered recovery services through residential programs, community-based programs, and graduate services. Each program utilizes a multi-disciplinary service model to provide transformative care through five service pillars: therapy, education, life skills, career readiness, and cas
West Dallas Community School
West Dallas Community School is helping to change a neighborhood of extreme poverty that for decades had been a forgotten part of the city. Join our cause by making a donation, volunteering your time, or joining our wonderful staff.
West Michigan Youth for Christ
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
West Sound Youth For Christ
West Sound Youth For Christ seeks to make a positive difference in the lives of kids and families of all backgrounds and beliefs through holistic and relational outreach. Each month, throughout our area, West Sound YFC engages with kids in schools, juvenile institutions, coffee shops, and local hangouts.
What Matters Ministries and Missions
Our vision is to impact and change the global crisis of forgotten, abused, and discarded children and widows in developing countries by providing self-esteem and value through education, housing, food, and health care.
White Fields
Providing education is an important way to help the children in destitute and impoverished communities to grow out of their poverty. Providing Bible Training to young leaders will allow more churches to become established in the next generation. Both of these goals are being accomplished in our Bible School Ministry.
White Fields
Assisting the poor to grow their own micro-enterprise is a great way to solve poverty. Rather than just waiting for a handout, the impoverished people can manage their own income generating project to earn a living. Families can begin to feed themselves. Parents can enroll children in school.
Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp
Its our mission to provide all who visit our campgrounds to experience the love of God! We offer opportunities for RV's, house rentals and Camping for people of all ages!
Wings of Refuge
We are a Christ-centered organization providing opportunities to survivors of sex trafficking. Our vision is that every survivor will know she is valued, has hope, and is loved by Jesus.
Winter Haven Christian School
The mission of Winter Haven Christian School is to assist parents in developing their children to be strong in mind, spirit, and body, using Christ as their example and teaching the principles found in God's Holy Word, the Bible.
With God All Things Are Possible
Many of our nation's youth have come from broken homes and abusive situations, creating hardness within and driving them to destructive behavior. By giving today you can help With God All Things Are Possible ministries as we reach our nation's incarcerated youth with the life changing hope of Jesus Christ!
With God All Things Are Possible
We wish to help rescue at-risk people with the Gospel of God and resources to recover.
Woman to Woman Pregnancy Resource Center
Risk prevention education for teen-agers and their parents based upon science, built on character, and bridged through education.
Donate to support speakers and presenters regarding respectful responsible living. Funds are needed for training new facilitators to take the curriculum into the community.
Women at Risk International
Women At Risk, International, Inc. works in a number of different countries to help address the AIDS epidemic by providing AIDS prevention programs and training, health care and support groups for AIDS victims, and shelter for HIV positive orphans.
Women at Risk International
Consider giving to WAR International as we establish circles of protection around women at risk, wrap arms of love around women and children, and reinforce the message that they were created for purpose and dignity.
Women at Risk International
Women At Risk, International, Inc. works with over 15 orphanages in 10 countries, touching the lives of hundreds of kids around the world. By providing them with shelter, the necessities of daily life, clothing, food, education, safety, and most of all, love, these children are rescued from the dangers they would otherwise most certainly face if left uncared for.
Women at Risk International
Women At Risk, International, Inc. helps rebuild the lives of men, women, and children whose lives have been devastated by the effects of war, helping them to begin life once again and do so with dignity.
Word of Life Fellowship
Word of Life is focused on reaching young people around the world with the Gospel of Christ and teaching them how to walk with the Lord. The ministry’s commitment to the evangelism and discipleship of youth continues on stronger than ever. They believe they have a responsibility that is best summarized by this statement from Jack Wyrtzen . . .
“I believe it is the responsibility of every generation to reach their generation with the Gospel of Christ.”
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries
Providing for the care and welfare of children in Burma including a home for 24 girls and 24 boys, nutritional meals, education, clothing, medical care, activities, Christian teaching, social skills, all in a solid, Christian, family environment. We are raising these children as we would our very own, bringing hope, health, love, education and Jesus Christ to each one, in a home built for them near our church facility in Burma.
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries
Since 2006 we have distributed over 45,000 pairs of children's and youth athletic style shoes along with a Bible and The Story of Jesus booklets in Iraq. These evangelism tools have helped open the door for us to reach young and old alike. Our goal is reaching as many children and youth as possible so that we can change hearts to change homes to change regions and ultimately nations.
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries
Living Sound is a fresh new outreach of World Compassion that draws upon the legacy of our original organization - Living Sound International. Our desire is to ignite a young generation to take the world by storm with the Gospel of Jesus Christ - using music, entertainment, and youth activities as a relevant and dynamic platform globally.
World Gospel Mission
Help provide supplies for the Home of Hope Ministry Center, which keeps youth actively engaged in activities with Christian mentors. Project #2148 $75 each month
World Gospel Mission
Have you ever seen a soccer game save a soul? The people at the Taylor Community Center have. Set in the heart of a high-risk community, the center provides kids and their families a safe place to play and learn, and most importantly, to hear about the saving love of Jesus.
Project #21561
Foosball Table: $360
Ping-Pong Table: $360
Sports Ball: $18
Hanging Basketball Basket: $3,000
Soccer Goal: $300
World Gospel Mission
Taylor Christian School brings the gift of education to children in a poor Hispanic neighborhood on the Texas/Mexico border. Your scholarship gift will enable one child to receive a quality Christian education for a whole year.
Project # 23562
$240/month (10 months)
World Gospel Outreach
Help World Gospel Outreach as we continue to support and serve the poor of Honduras and Belize. By God's grace and power, you can be part of bringing physical and spiritual hope and care to children, families and even entire communities. We will use your gift to help where it is needed most to bring about the greatest impact.
World Harvest
World Harvest believes that every child deserves to have a HOPE and a FUTURE. The Sponsor - A - Child (SAC) program was created to help support underprivileged children of developing countries. For just $30 a month, World Harvest will meet a child’s educational, medical, and nutritional needs. Your donation and support of $30 a month will include: personal letters to and from your child, pictures of your child, your child’s academic report cards and a personal relationship with your child.
World Help
Child sponsorship is one of the most effective ways to create lasting change for a boy or girl in need. When you sponsor a child, you spark a powerful, personal relationship. Your monthly support provides essentials like healthy meals, clean water, medical care, and educational opportunities. Your child also gets to experience the love of God, and your prayers and letters are an encouragement to realize his or her potential.
World Hope International
World Hope International’s Education program gives children hope for a future, as they realize that someone cares about their needs. By providing tuition, uniforms, books and school supplies, WHI provides the essentials for children to receive an education. In addition, parents are taught how to provide for their families through vocational and community training, helping them to be better farmers or business owners, improved community members, and enhanced parents.
World Hope International
The majority of vulnerable communities WHI serves face dire situations in the areas of health and nutrition. To help provide a solution, WHI offers a wide range of health and nutrition programs. This includes programs that focus on children living with disabilities, maternal and infant health, breastfeeding, mothers support groups and more. (To learn more, read the 2015 Health and Nutrition Annual Report at https://worldhope.org/file/annual-reports/whi_healthnutritionreport_2015.pdf)
World Ministries
This project assists in providing teachers, materials, and meals for children orphaned by Ebola.
World Orphans
As we face the daunting challenges that have come with the spread of COVID-19, World Orphans is uniquely positioned to care for the most vulnerable families through the local church with necessary medical care, food, and education expenses.
World Reach
The World Reach Orphanage houses children who are orphaned, rejected, neglected or ignored by society. Many end up on the street if no one intervenes. Kenyan “House Mothers” raise the children in a loving Christian environment where they are provided shelter, food, schooling (which is not free in Kenya), medical attention, and Christian discipleship. A gift of $1,200 annually or $100 monthly will help support and educate one child.
World Reach cares for 22 orphans
World Relief
Children are frequently the most vulnerable, overlooked people group on the planet. To join them in their time of need we implement Child Development programs, where children of all backgrounds are placed in clubs with trained Christian mentors to learn valuable lessons about life, identity, health, hygiene and safety.
World Team USA
RFIS, the school most World Team Cameroon MK’s attend for Sr. High, recently relocated and expanded to better serve missionary families in Cameroon. Because of the relocation, World Team, along with partner missions, has begun construction for a new home for our MK’s. The critical need to complete construction on the new hostel for World Team MK’s is $48,000.
This project provides funds to the New Hope Center for Grieving Children and Teens, a safe place where children orphaned by civil war find hope. Staff help the orphans work through their trauma and grief and provide activities that focus the children on healing. Funds will be used to provide scholarships for the children to attend school, pay for much needed medical care, food and clothing. Donations will also pay for ministry expenses, furniture, and upcoming construction projects.
Hope Alive! is a relief and development project focused on orphans and fragile families. Begun in 2002, the project works in the slums of Kampala, in the poor, rural area around the town of Masaka in southwestern Uganda, with refugees living near the border of Sudan, and in Ugandan IDP (internally displaced persons) camps near Gulu, in northern Uganda.
Donations to this project will support the growing Restoration Ministries, and future expansion of outreach in neighboring slums.
Young Life
As a mission, we’re uniting around these four mission strategies to get us to the next kid in the coming five years (2017-2022).
Deeper in Christ—Seeking the Lord first and helping kids grow in their faith.
Together—Building and equipping teams that reflect the worldwide body of Christ.
Innovation—Creating new ways today to reach kids tomorrow.
Growth—Impacting all kids within sight and just out of reach.
Youth Commission International
All Youth Commission clubs are student-led and adult supported. Students organize, plan, lead and execute club meetings & activities. Parents, administrators, teachers, local pastors & adult mentors support students & help provide an organizational framework for each school club. Youth Commission clubs have a strategic focus of taking Christ’s love to the community through outreach and service projects.
Youth for Christ Central Valley
Youth for Christ Central Valley has been faithfully serving 11-19-year-olds since the mid-1940s. We authentically pursue local teens with a holistic care approach through ongoing relationships and creative experiences. We give young people opportunities to experience abundant life now and forever - through the love, grace, and hope of Jesus Christ.
Youth for Christ International Ministries
Worldchangers are a growing community of followers of Jesus. Through our collective investment of just $25 per month, we can minister in new nations and equip and deploy dynamic young leaders to reach millions more young people for Christ.
Youth for Christ of Kern County
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Youth For Christ of Northern Indiana
Youth for Christ reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other likeminded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Youth For Christ of Northwest Ohio
YFC is a movement that reaches young people everywhere with the hope of Christ. We work with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Youth for Christ of Polk County
?YFC reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other like-minded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.
Youth For Christ Southwest Michigan
The YFC Campus Life ministry combines healthy relationships with creative programing to help young people make good choices, establish a solid foundation for life, and positively impact their peers. Like every ministry of YFC, Campus Life seeks to engage these young people wherever they are found as life-long followers of Jesus Christ.
Youth for Christ/Tacoma Area
Reaching young people everywhere.
Hope is why we exist. Because Jesus Christ brings hope.
Pierce County is filled with thousands of hurting kids and families who are voiceless, overlooked, and in need of hope for a brighter future. Our mission is to bring God’s story into the lives of these young people and serve them in tangible ways.
Youth for Christ/USA
Contribute to Youth For Christ/USA so we can see every young person in every people group in every nation have the opportunity to make an informed decision to be a follower of Jesus Christ and become a part of a local church!
Youth Haven
Help Youth Haven in a Bible Distribution program! Distribution of Trailbooks (New Testaments) is one of the most important aspects of the children's program at Youth Haven, as it helps us achieve our primary goal of reaching disadvantaged youth for Christ. Since many of the boys and girls who come to visit Youth Haven do not have Bibles of their own, the Trailbook is an important method for teaching them while they are here, as well as after they leave.
Youth With A Mission San Diego/Baja
Youth With A Mission is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Also known as YWAM (pronounced “WHY-wham”), we unite in a common purpose to know God and to make Him known.
Back when we began in 1960, our main focus was to get youth involved in missions. Today, we still focus on youth, and we also involve people aged 9 to 90.
Youth-Reach Houston
Facilitated by experienced and respected counselors, Youth-Reach Houston is a long-term program intended to heal past wounds and restore families. Youth-Reach Houston operates a series of Christian foster group homes in northeast Houston designed to remold the values and turn around the lives of at-risk youth, ages 12 to 21. Youth-Reach Houston is licensed in the State of Texas to operate Foster Group Homes for juveniles and was granted permission to house adults as well.
Your donation goes toward investing in our mission to bring youth into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Your general fund donation may be used for things such as: fixing a leaky roof in a cabin, air conditioning for classrooms at Imagine: Argentine, storing costs for Something to Eat meals, or buying sports equipment for our summer camps. General fund donations are crucial to our existence.
Something to Eat is a crisis response meal packaging program that binds together the privileged and the poor. This powerful spiritual formation tool has already helped thousands of students package more than half a million nutritious meals to be sent to hungry children. Just 20 cents allows a student the funds to package one meal.
YWAM Colorado Springs
We are a YWAM community located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We work around the world in the nations of the 10/40 Window. Our ministry focuses on the 2.1 billion people who have no access to the gospel.
ZOE International
Contribute to the ongoing building needs of ZOE Children's Homes. New facilities allow our Child Rescue Department to work closely with our government and law enforcement partners. Additionally, they will enable ZOE to provide the special attention needed when caring for children who have been deeply wounded.
ZOE International
ZOE cares for orphans and rescues children from human trafficking. Many of the children we rescue have never been to school or are very behind in their studies due to the trauma they have experienced from being trafficked. They require special attention and often times special schooling. Investing in the education of these children will not only benefit the child, it will also benefit society by raising up well adjusted citizens who contribute to the world around them.
Zoe Ministries
Zoe Children’s Tribe, alongside Kenyan Government Officers, locate and identify children who are deemed to be abandoned, abused, neglected or ultimately orphaned. The mental, physical and emotional stability of each child upon discovery is of our highest concern during the initial rescuing process.Zoe Children’s Tribe exists to rescue, love, and train orphaned and vulnerable children in Kenya through placing them into loving homes. Our desire is to bring them life, through Jesus Christ.