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404 results found.

10/40 Connections 9/1/2009
Dig bore wells that plunge 180 feet into the earth to attain clean drinking water for unaccessed villages of North India. Relationships are built with local leaders and they (the local panchyat) provide concrete and donated public land while we provide the bore well. Through this partnership, villagers own and care for the well, and the honor of local church planters increases. We have installed over 95 water wells and have blessed over 40,000 people with clean water. Each well costs $884.
10/40 Connections 7/11/2018
Among Urdu speakers, literacy merges with disciple-making instruction. With two motorcycles, four teachers, 11 villages, and nearly 200 students these classes reach into remote villages and lift up whole families and communities. Last year 65 people accepted Christ and in the process they also learned to read. Some read the Christmas story for the first time, another correctly read a contract and saved his family from being cheated, and older man gave a huge smile, & a young mom signed her name.
10/40 Connections 4/29/2009
Lunch Change offers a direct & powerful point of access for you to impact the slums of India. Slum revitalization in India addresses the issue of poverty with a holistic approach through starting schools. Children receive education, daily food, medical check-ups, love from their teachers, and Christian songs and stories. Of the 23 schools we have started, 20 are now sustained by local tithing (through 75 new house churches). Each school of 30 children costs $4,000 per year to run.
10/40 Connections 9/1/2009
At the border between Nepal and India, many young girls & women are trafficked into India. 10/40 has established a 25-bed safe home for victims of trafficking. Rescue at the borders leads to learning vocational skills & finding reputable jobs after leaving the home. When women return to their villages they often plant churches. The strategy enables us to extend both the justice & hope of Christ.
10/40 Connections 3/22/2018
"Deep hope" - that is the meaning of Ummeed, our church planting and leadership development process. The majority of these first generation Christians show hot hearts for Jesus, and God has moved powerfully through these humble sisters. Over the past 11 years we have equipped more than 1,400 women as church planters, and they labor among 53 people groups (at least!). Equipping 40 women for a whole year involves two, week-long intensive sessions and costs $2.700.
20schemes 1/11/2022
We are involved in church planting and revitalization, Ragged school of Theology, 20Schemes music, 20Schemes Women, 20Schemes retrain.
70x7 Life Recovery 6/6/2019
70x7 exists to catalyze the church, commerce, and communities to turn the cycle of incarceration and its consequences into a cycle of restoration and hope. We bring hope to men and women coming home from prison or jail by providing meaningful community, employment success, and a deepening relationship with God.
A Child's Hope International 2/20/2023
We are focused on strengthening families locally and globally. Globally in remote areas through interventions that include nutritional support, educational support, medical care, clean water, micro-grants. Our focus is on making the community stronger and to move toward sustainability. Locally we also support adoptive, foster and kinship families in need of extra supports through our Family Support Grants.
AbbaCare 12/3/2019
AbbaCare has been serving women and families facing unplanned pregnancies in the Winchester, VA area since 1988. We were so excited to open a second location in Martinsburg, WV in February 2020! Martinsburg is a very under-served area in desperate need of the message of HOPE and LIFE that only Jesus can bring. Your donation will help us maintain our new location as well as continue to serve in Winchester.
Advancing Native Missions 6/30/2021
More than 3 billion people around the world have not even heard the gospel message. They don't live near a church, there is no pastor in their community, and they may not even know a single Christian. Compassionate Christians like you are changing that by giving to ANM. Every day, the gospel is reaching someone for the very first time, giving them hope and transforming their life. You can share that hope with someone today.
Advancing the Gospel in Angola 1/13/2012
The Medical Center in Angola has 130 employees, consults with 60 patients daily, offers a functioning emergency room 24/7, including an operating room, wards, labs, x-ray services, ophthalmology services, and a pharmacy. There is a growing need for specialized physicians, critical care equipment, training, and related services for their staff. Click the link below and designate your gift to "the hospital."
Africa Inland Mission International 3/18/2020
We are a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa’s peoples. Through God’s grace, calling, and power, AIM is overcoming obstacles to make inroads and make disciples among Africa’s remaining unreached, wherever they may live – from the center of the continent to the cities of Europe. And through leadership training and mobilization of African missionaries, we are strengthening and partnering with African churches as we together engage the unreached.
Africa New Life Ministries International 12/15/2010
This year, your year-end gift will position Africa New Life to enter 2020 equipped to meet the most important needs across all the communities we serve in Rwanda. Additionally, your gift will help us construct a permanent sponsorship office and nurse’s station in Karangazi, our newest community, so sponsored students there can receive the fullest academic, spiritual, and medical support from our community staff.
Alfalit International 12/7/2017
Founded by 3 missionaries, Alfalit provides life-changing literacy training throughout the world and in the US. Our mission is to create hope and opportunity through literacy and education in order to improve individual lives, raise self-esteem and to share the love of Jesus Christ so that people will come to know and believe in Him and follow His teachings and be enabled to apply Christian principles in lives, homes, and communities.
Alliance for Children Everywhere 10/9/2014
When we find a family that can be helped toward self-sustainability with the gift of a few dollars we will help them purchase what they need to start that business. These gifts are under $200 and we do not ask that they be repaid but rather that the person help somone else when they are able.
Amazon Outreach 4/1/2009
There are 33,000 unreached villages on the Amazon River and our goal is to adopt one tributary at a time providing a church and school within reach of every believer in every area. After evangelizing new believers, this ministry builds a place to worship and study God’s word. For the past 10 years Amazon Outreach’s short term teams have been serving the villagers by helping plant and build new churches while at the same time ministering to the spiritual and physical needs of the villagers.
Amazon Outreach 4/1/2009
Imagine a villager on a remote tributary of the Amazon River without glasses to see. It’s been years since they threaded a needle, hooked a fish, or read their Bible. Amazon Outreach’s short term teams minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the villagers. Thousands of glasses are given for clear vision while at the same time a new vision for Christ is presented. Amazon Outreach has the opportunity to reach thousands of lives in the 33,000 unreached villages on the river.
American Friends of International China Concern 2/10/2015
Our Community Outreach Project is taking huge steps to prevent abandonment in China. The project offers urgent support to parents of children with high needs by giving them the essential tools and skills they will need to provide care. We offer support groups, physical therapy, respite services, advocacy for education and vocational training opportunities.
AMG International 8/21/2013
AMG National Workers are the hands and feet of AMG in the countries where we work; men and women reaching out to their own people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. AMG Missionaries serve in numerous countries around the world in various capacities. Some are church planters, others help lead our ministries alongside our national leadership while others provide support roles that are vital to the effective proclamation of the Gospel in their cultural context.
AMG International 7/25/2024
AMG International works through national leaders, called clearly by Christ, to reach their people. Over the last 83 years, AMG has developed an extensive network of schools, medical facilities, local churches, and relationships leveraged for the gospel.
Medical Care 8/21/2013
AMG International 8/21/2013
Showing the love of Christ through medical care quickly breaks down walls and opens hearts. AMG operates medical facilities ranging in scope from basic-care clinics in places like Haiti and Uganda, to leprosy clinics and an ophthalmological surgery center in India, to the state-of-the art, full-service St. Luke's hospital in Greece.
Anglican House Media Ministry 9/24/2021
Anglican House Media Ministry, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation and Ministry Partner of the Anglican Church in North America. The work of publishing is managed by volunteer executive officers overseeing various freelance professionals in the important aspects of publishing— editing, book layout and design, typesetting, artwork, cover design, e commerce, website management, accounting, and the resultant creation of the electronic files used to print books.
Armenian Relief and Development Association 3/6/2019
ARDA’s mission is to provide spiritual, physical, and educational assistance, as well as promote self-sustaining opportunities to the Armenian people in the name of Jesus Christ. We are responsive to the physical and spiritual needs of the poor, ministering to the needs of the most vulnerable and socially deprived children, elderly, and families. Now is a great time for you to partner with this life changing ministry to help the neediest of all Armenians.
ASON International 6/8/2023
In our blossoming mission field in Asia, churches are growing but face persecution. They urgently need land, church buildings, and pastors' apartments. Secure land with high walls shields them from prying eyes. Support their safety and spiritual growth. Your contribution fortifies faith against adversity.
Assist Church Expansion 9/21/2021
Assist Church Expansion exists to catalyze new churches, sites, mergers and adoptions, as well as the revitalization, refresh and restart of existing churches, that will expand a movement of Legacy Churches. A Legacy Church is a healthy, sustainable church that is self-supporting, self-governed, and effectively reaches its community. These churches are committed to supporting further expansion and resourcing more than themselves through funding, leadership development, networking and partnership
Assist Church Expansion 4/4/2024
Preserve the Gospel Footprint in communities by helping revitalize declining churches! In our partnerships with 50+ churches for revitalization and restart, we have developed proficiency in assisting churches in revitalization. We discovered it takes about $25,000 to walk with a church through our 5 Big Rocks partnership to re-launch the church with a good plan to reach the lost and make disciples in their community again. Help us resource these churches for a NEW DAY of ministry in their comm
Association of Related Churches 9/24/2021
We are an association of relational churches working with church planters and church leaders to provide support, guidance and resources to launch and grow life-giving churches.
Friends of Uganda! 4/21/2015
Attack Poverty 4/21/2015
Friends of Uganda is a community development initiative of Attack Poverty. We empower Ugandans to attack poverty in their lives and community through the collaboration of great people and organizations who care. We strive to provide safe water access, plant churches, develop leaders, and educate. Join us in this effort.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 1/5/2009
BMDMI founded and operates two Bible Institutes - one in Honduras and one in Nicaragua. These institutes provide theological and church training to pastors and church leaders free of charge. Full-time and part-time programs of study provide flexibility for students and are aimed at strengthening the leadership of BMDMI churches in these two countries.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 7/27/2015
In Guaimaca, Honduras, BMDMI leads multiple ministry projects under the flagship ministry of the Centro Medico de Especialidades. In this medical clinic, patients receive year-round clinical care, as well as occasional surgical treatments led by North American physicals and medical professionals. Additionally, BMDMI coordinates ministry in the areas of vocational training, clean water, food distribution, and evangelism!
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 1/5/2009
Since 1974, BMDMI has established more than 150 churches in remote villages in Honduras and Nicaragua. Many of these congregations cannot fully afford to build a place of worship and/or Sunday school rooms in which to meet. Construction efforts are led by a full-time BMDMI missionary and are completed by BMDMI short-term team volunteers.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 7/27/2015
The Good Shepherd Christian Academy (GSCA) is dedicated to providing a high quality, bilingual education to students. The GSCA houses 13 classrooms and serves more than 130 students, including those who are residents of BMDMI's Good Shepherd Children's Home.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 7/27/2015
The Mount of Olives Christian School serves more than 350 students enrolled from preschool through high school in San Gregario, Nicaragua. Students are offered the chance to move ahead with a quality, Christ-centered education as well as the tools needed to grow into productive citizens.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 3/25/2020
In 2012, BMDMI extended its mission into Nepal and is currently working to establish medical, dental, and educational programs to reach the hurting in one of the world’s most desolate countries.
Project Life® 7/27/2015
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 7/27/2015
Project Life® is a follow-up ministry of BMDMI’s Short-Term Medical Mission Trips. As Team Members encounter patients who require more intense and specialized medical treatment, the patients are referred to the Project Life® program, which works to make the procedures possible through providing the means for necessary treatment. Project Life® cases have included treatments such as open-heart surgery, cleft palate surgery, and burn.
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International 1/5/2009
Short-term Mission Teams with BMDMI work to provide medical care, dental care, veterinarian care, construction efforts, and direct evangelism to people living in remote villages throughout Honduras, Nicaragua, and Nepal. Each year, short-term team volunteers treat more than 100,000 patients, fill more than 500,000 prescriptions, and distribute more than 30,000 Bibles while sharing the Gospel with everyone they meet.
Barry Wood Evangelistic Association 6/17/2014
Funds are needed to help provide buildings for new congregations to meet for worship. Up to $10,000 is needed for each new construction.
Barry Wood Evangelistic Association 6/17/2014
Portable Solar video equipment makes it possible to go into remote areas and show Jesus films and provide HIV education.
Beautiful Feet Ministries 8/4/2016
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Rom 10:15). Beautiful Feet began in 1981 when two seminary students shared coffee, donuts, and the Gospel with homeless men in Fort Worth, Texas. Decades later, Beautiful Feet has its own facility where the ministry conducts worship services, Bible studies, discipleship and counseling, as well as providing a soup kitchen and various other resources to those in need. Please consider donating to this multi-faceted ministry.
Beautiful Feet Ministries 1/11/2021
Beautiful Feet Ministries Of Tanzania Exists To Bring Hope And Healing To The Lost And Hurting People Of Tanzania By Restoring Hope To Children & Families, Providing Healthcare, And Investing In Christian Leaders.
BethanyKids 9/3/2014
BethanyKids heals African children and transforms lives through pediatric surgery in Kenya, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Sierra Leone. Children can, through surgery, gain independence and a chance to succeed in life. BethanyKids has provided surgery for more than 16,000 children since we began work in 2004. Many of these children can now attend school and will have jobs someday, rather than requiring someone else to care for them for the rest of their lives.
BethanyKids 8/16/2017
BethanyKids trains Christian African general surgeons as pediatric surgeons through a 3-year training program accredited by the College of Surgeons of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA). The training takes place in Kijabe, Kenya.
Bethesda Mission 4/28/2009
The Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is the annual fundraising walk that benefits local health and human service agencies in Pennsylvania. The primary goal of the walk is to help participating organizations raise money for their individual missions. All funds raised by Bethesda supporters go directly to Bethesda Mission and will benefit our Medical/Dental Clinics. Join the walk in Harrisburg. Make a difference one step at a time!
Bible League International 2/6/2014
For those who cannot read, the Bible is a closed book. Bible-based literacy programs present the life-transforming Word of God to the less-educated, poor, and marginalized, helping them meet Jesus as they work toward a better future through learning to read.
Bible League International 2/6/2014
As the Scriptures take root in the lives of believers, BIble League helps congregations learn how to establish new churches. Christian leaders called by God and sent out from the local church are equipped through hands-on training that teaches participants the five steps of church planting: evangelism, discipleship, membership, leadership, and worship.
Bibles for the World 12/1/2008
At Bibles For The World, it is our passion to ensure that everyone has the chance to read God's precious Word. Consider an existence without knowing the true and living God. What would life be like without God’s Word guiding, enlightening encouraging and comforting you? Please consider becoming a part of this ministry of bringing God's Word to the nations.
Bibles for the World 8/29/2017
Bibles For The World supports the Trinity College & Seminary, in Manipur, NE India, an internationally-accredited seminary with about 130 students up to the M.Div. level. Students from India, Burma, Nepal, and Bhutan may be sponsored at the Diploma, B.Th., and M.Div. levels. The seminary also has an ongoing expansion program to reach a capacity of 300 students (Gideon's Army), preparing the future generation of pastors, evangelists. church-planters and missionaries.
Biblical Ministries Worldwide 4/29/2024
We exist to serve local churches and their missionaries as they plant HEALTHY CHURCHES EVERYWHERE through evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development.
Blessings International 2/16/2010
The Emergency Disaster Relief Fund was set up by Blessings International to provide free medicines and medical supplies to teams traveling to disaster areas. The medicines and supplies bring hope and healing to those victims of disasters.
Blessings International 7/11/2024
Blessings International is supporting Hurricane Beryl victims in Jamaica by equipping healthcare providers to heal communities globally with high-quality medicines, vitamins, and medical supplies. They offer medication repackaging in multiple languages and provide free shipping on qualifying orders.
Bright Hope International 8/17/2021
When you purchase and redeem a Bright Hope Coin, you become part of an important mission that creates sustainable solutions for the extreme poor. The Bright Hope Coin is like a gift card. Redeem the coin on over 40 different programs featured in Bright Hope’s online catalog. You can use your Bright Hope Coin to support the projects that mean the most to you. Hope for Today programs supply urgent needs like food and water. Hope for Tomorrow programs support education, job training, an
Bright Hope International 8/17/2021
Rice is the most consumed food of the Haitian diet. However, Haiti’s rice production is insufficient to meet the need, making them highly dependent on imported rice. The best way to increase rice yield requires a consistent water supply. And an irrigation system would provide the water needed by the rice farmers in Ferrier to sustain the fields. Your gift provides a Haitian farmer with a microenterprise opportunity that would allow him to purchase a complete solar-powered irrigation system
Bright Hope International 8/17/2021
You can launch a person, family, or community from a position of poverty to one of self-sustainability by giving them access to safe water. Often a community will have an old pump that no longer produces water. This is tragic because for around $100 a broken pump can be repaired—bringing clean and safe water to those nearby. Access to safe water saves lives by reducing water-related diseases, freeing children to go to school, and providing a hygienic way to dispose of waste and a means
Pray. Give. Go. 8/22/2022
Bush Mission International 8/22/2022
We’re here to provide a path for individuals and churches to engage the great commission among the most unreached. We’re a non-profit organization fueled by the work of volunteers, and empowered by the promises of the Gospel. And we are always looking for partners – individuals, small groups, and churches – who also feel passionate about reaching the unreached.
By The Hand Club For Kids 5/11/2009
Individuals are needed who are willing to contribute financially to help make a difference for generations to come. When you partner with By The Hand, you are helping kids realize their full potential--academically, physically and spiritually. Don't underestimate the impact that your gift can have in the life of a child nor the influence that a transformed life can have throughout a community in need. Your support can make a difference for generations to come.
Calvary Family of Churches 7/10/2020
The Calvary Family of Churches is an organization that actively supports the infrastructure, planting, and replanting of our member churches. The Calvary Family of Churches is made up of an interdependent family of self-sustaining, self-governing, self-replicating churches that share: a common family name (Calvary Church), a common family doctrine, common core commitments, common family traits, and common family affiliations.
Capitol Commission 8/1/2017
Support the National Staff that provides administrative support to the state ministries by receipting all donations to Capitol Commission, providing leadership, fund raising expertise, website presence, health coverage, retirement match funding, payroll administration, and social media support and encouragement.
Childcare Worldwide 3/16/2022
Your gift to our Starfish Medical Fund provides critical medical care for children whose families can’t afford it. From casts for broken legs, to life-saving surgeries, to crucial antibiotics, the Starfish Fund restores health to children in desperate need. $100 provides life-saving medical care.
Children of Mexico 1/29/2010
Niños de México operates a medical clinic with a professional doctor on call at all times. The doctor attends the staff and the 60 children in Niños’ care. Niños also operates a mobile medical clinic that takes teams each month to a remote mountain village (Chilapa) several hours away. While some of the team cares for the medical needs of the villagers, other staff members and Niños’ older children teach from the Bible to all who will listen.
Children of Promise 3/20/2009
Each child receives basic health care benefits as part of their sponsorship through Children of Promise. However, sometimes a child has a special medical need that cannot be met by the monthly sponsorship amount such as surgery, radiation or chemotherapy, or special optical issues. This fund allows us to offer this medical assistance when otherwise it would not be possible. It also covers such things as assistance to sponsored children in the event of natural disasters or unusual emergencies.
Children's Shelter of Cebu 12/2/2008
From vitamins to math books to baby bottles, there are various special projects you can select to provide for our children who are in a loving home in Cebu City, Philippines. These kids were once abandoned, neglected and abused. Today they are being loved, taught and counseled in a place full of God's love!
Choices Pregnancy Services 10/1/2013
Help us help those who need it most. By becoming a monthly donor you will receive ministry updates and information as well as invitations to special events that promote life. Your financial support makes a difference!
Christ for the Island World 6/20/2023
We provide clean water to remote villages as a means of opening hearts to the Gospel.
Christ for the Island World 11/13/2012
Working through Indonesian nationals, our mission is to reach Indonesians with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We minister through our Indonesian Field Director, providing financial support for evangelists and church planters in underevangelized areas of East Indonesia. Through our Living Water Program, we construct numerous life-saving clean water facilities in remote villages. To make a donation, please contact Christ for the Island World 1400 Battleground Ave., Ste 116-H, Greensboro, NC 27408.
Christ Reaching Asia Mission Worldwide (CRAM) 6/13/2011
To take the love of Jesus Christ to the people of Asia by meeting their physical needs, we gain the opportunity to meet their spiritual need. Until all have heard… Pray. Your faithful and earnest prayers provide the foundational spiritual resource needed in places where the enemy has a stronghold. Give. Your financial investment provides... The startup costs for planting churches, feeding programs, child sponsorships and so much more. Launches the spread of the Gospel to a forgotten people
Christian Employers Alliance 10/9/2023
At Christian Employers Alliance (CEA), we are driven by the purpose of courageously defending the freedoms of Christian business owners. The shape of our logo, a shield, demonstrates our unyielding commitment to protecting our members and Christian values in business.
Christian Health Service Corps 12/11/2013
The Christian Health Service Corps missionary providers serve the poor of the world, often in places where there is no access to healthcare services. Nine million children around the world die each year because they lack access to healthcare and disease prevention services. Your partnership makes the lifesaving services they provide possible. Please pray about partnering with us.
Christian Holyland Foundation 6/6/2022
Working through Arabic-speaking congregations and pastors, CHLF focuses on evangelism, church planting, discipleship, reconciliation, relief, and development ministries in Israel and Palestine while promoting education and advocacy programs in the United States about the issues concerning the Holy Land.
Christian Medical & Dental Associations 5/19/2009
CMM’s mission is to inspire, educate, and equip medical missionaries. A bimonthly e-newsletter, international rotation scholarships, and pre-field orientation sessions train medical missionaries to advance the cause of missions and international health care in their work for Christ. Medical missionaries in the field are encouraged and challenged through the monthly epistle. Effectiveness is increased through consulting services and management training.
Christian Medical & Dental Associations 5/19/2009
Medical and dental teams are treating thousands of the poor and needy internationally with life-saving procedures along with the provision of much needed medications and/or orthopedic equipment and supplies. Through the care provided in these clinics, patients become open to prayer and the sharing of the Gospel. The average cost per patient for medication is only $2.
Christian Medical & Dental Associations 5/19/2009
Over fifty medical/dental and surgical teams are sent out annually on 1-2 week trips into developing countries around the world to share their faith and expertise among the poor and needy. These missions are planned with national partners to open doors of opportunity for the national partners to share the Gospel message, disciple new believers, plant churches, grow national churches, and demonstrate the love and the compassion of Christ in a material way.
Christian Medical & Dental Associations 5/19/2009
CMDA’s Washington office is a liaison with Congress, the administration, and policy organizations, presenting life-honoring perspectives through the national media, and publishing resources on vital issues.
Christian Medical & Dental Associations 5/19/2009
Grassroots campaigns are organized to promote and support life-honoring legislation and referendums at the state level on physician-assisted suicide, embryonic stem cell research, and other ethical issues.
Christian Training and Missionary Fellowship 11/19/2024
The Christian Training and Missionary Fellowship (CTMF) has been in Asia for over fifty years, sharing the gospel, planting churches, building up the saints, and developing leaders. The field base for the work is at the Hilltop Christian Ministries in the Philippines. CTMF works with Filipino leadership to run the Center for Biblical Studies and its extensions.
Christian World Outreach 5/31/2013
CWO has 7 churches in the northwestern part of Haiti and one in Port-au-Prince. Leadership training assists those working in the churches as pastors, lay leaders, and ministry leaders make a difference in the communities where they live. In a country where people do not have the answers, they often look to their pastors and church for solutions. The training sessions teach pastors how to deal with the practical and spiritual questions people are facing on a daily basis.
Church Ministries International 12/17/2012
Church Ministries International is driven by the vision to see the effective results of the Encounter with God Movement duplicated around the world. We are convinced that Encounter with God is a solid strategy for fulfilling the Great Commission given the new paradigms of modern missions. Your financial contributions help CMI develop dynamic, evangelistic and multiplying networks of churches in the great cities of Latin America.
Commission to Every Nation 10/14/2008
Commission to Every Nation is an interdenominational mission organization which helps ordinary people partner with God to accomplish the extraordinary! We have over 700 missionaries in more than 60 countries serving in a variety of ministries.
Communitas International 6/14/2011
Christian Associates has been working in Europe since the early 80’s. We plant churches in major European centres. With currently around 30 projects across the European map, our desire is to create contemporary communities of faith that seek to bless and impact their context and demonstrate that following Jesus is a viable and positive answer to European secularism today. Support the work of CAI by giving today!
Compassion Evangelical Hospital 2/8/2012
Please consider partnering with Compassion Evangelical Hospital by giving to finance the construction of the buildings and to support operational costs for the next few years. We expect that the revenues generated from inexpensive clinic visits, inpatient care, and surgeries will eventually offset staff salaries and other operational costs. The hospital and clinic are expected to become financially independent once fully constructed and fully functional.
Compassion International 3/1/2010
Support Compassion's core programs by addressing obstacles like natural disasters and health epidemics. Make a tax-deductible donation today.
Connect International 8/7/2018
Our mission is to serve the Lord by organizing summer camps for the rest and rehabilitation of widows and orphans whose husbands and fathers have been killed during the war in eastern Ukraine since 2014. These women and children often live in deep depression, disappointed with the state’s attitude toward them as well as the indifference and callousness of society. Many are in financial need. But their main need is Jesus Christ.
Conservative Congregational Christian Conference 7/5/2011
The Conservative Congregational Christian Conference has joined other Christians in our nation in making extraordinary followers of Jesus through a church planting movement that raises up new churches. We believe that by the year 2020 over one-half of the member churches in the Conference will be healthy reproducing churches started by the CCCC. A majority of these new churches will be planted in major metropolitan areas and will reach people from every generation and ethnic group.
Cornerstone Assistance Network 7/5/2011
Cornerstone Assistance Network was established to meet the needs and restore the hope of individuals and families suffering under the burden of poverty. Cornerstone serves thousands each year with emergency food, clothing and furniture; free medical, educational and employment services. Cornerstone’s vision is to complete renovations and continue expanding and creating needed services. Please help us to complete Phase II of this project. An additional $2,766,000 will complete the renovation.
Cross International 11/14/2008
There is a transformation taking place in impoverished areas of the Philippines! Cross asks for donations to help CCT assist 1,000 poor, but ambitious, families to build profitable, faith-based businesses with micro-loans, low interest rates and weekly fellowship groups where about 30 “partners” meet to study the Bible and encourage each other in business goals and financial discipline.
Cross International 11/14/2008
Cholera swept through an impoverished area of Zambia killing children, families, and devastating villages. A “post-mortem” of the outbreak revealed the unsafe water and unsanitary conditions that allowed the disease to run rampant. This project will educate villagers about sanitation and hygiene, and provide them with wells, latrines, rubbish pits and hygienic dish racks. Your gift can help tens of thousands of villages prevent tragic illness and untimely death for generations to come.
Cross International 11/13/2008
Christian Foundation for Democracy (CFD) is a clearinghouse that accepts donated goods from organizations such as Cross, and distributes them to those in need. Food, clothing, medicines, medical supplies and equipment are supplied to needy hospitals, orphanages, prisons, feeding programs and families throughout the Dominican Republic . Cross receives donated goods from generous corporations, and relies on contributions to cover the cost to ship those goods to CFD.
Cross International 11/14/2008
An important role in a successful surgery is food; especially for growing children. Without the strength from nutritious meals children’s bodies are more at risk to problems during surgery and recovery is difficult. Cross supports a feeding program at a Christian hospital in the Dominican Republic that provides life-changing surgeries to poor children suffering from birth defects and spine and bone disorders. Three meals are given each day to the children, their parents, and the hospital staff.
Cross International 11/13/2008
A shattered healthcare system complicated by poverty prevents many Afghans from seeking critical obstetric or surgical care. In 2005 a top-notch, Christian-based general and surgical care hospital opened in Kabul. High risk pregnancies, infections, and burn victims are commonly seen; as are the correctable birth defects and injuries. Most patients have no money to pay for the surgery they desperately need. Your gift will give them the surgery that could save their lives or make them whole again.
Cross International 11/13/2008
Instead of scavenging the garbage dump or wandering the dangerous streets, Guatemala City’s poorest children can find a safe haven at Potter’s House after-school program. With your help, fifty students will receive tutoring, clothes, school supplies, food, medical checkups, Bible-based teaching, and hope for the future. Potter’s House relies on funds from Cross to keep the program going, so that children can gain the tools they need to overcome poverty.
Cross International 11/13/2008
HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death among adults in Guyana and one of the top killers of children under 5. AIDS orphans and children living with the disease have nowhere to turn for help. Ruimveldt Children’s Home & Care Center offers a safe haven to these children, providing them with the love and care they need. The 16 children living at RCHCC receive three nutritious meals a day, specialized medical care, and education. They are also shown the love of Christ through daily Bible study.
Cross International 11/14/2008
In the poorest countries, chronic malnutrition causes birth defects and makes children vulnerable to spine and bone disorders. Tragically, many of these conditions go untreated because local hospitals are understaffed and the families cannot afford surgery. Christian orthopedic hospitals, supported by Cross, provide top-notch surgery, rehabilitative care, and pastoral counseling for disabled children around the world.
Cross International 11/13/2008
More than 90 orphans are lovingly cared for at the orphanage. They come to TIC thin, malnourished and with deeply wounded spirits, but the love of Christ transforms these orphans into healthy, happy children! TIC also has a primary school and a clinic. Providing meals to the orphans and lunch to 120 children (including 30 poor neighbor children) is very costly. Other basic operational expenses are also a burden. Cross seeks the help of U.S. Christians to support TIC's important work.
Cross International 11/13/2008
New Life Children's Home, a ministry of World Harvest Missions, began in 1977 as an outreach program for starving and sick children living in Haiti's mountain villages. It is now home to 80 orphaned, abandoned, and handicapped children from Port-au-Prince. In addition to a safe home, meals, and education, the children are showered with the love of Christ through the care of the dedicated staff. The home also nurses sick children back to health - especially those suffering from malnutrition.
Crossroads Care Center 3/3/2009
Crossroads Care Center helps women and men who are involved in an unplanned pregnancy to choose life for their unborn children. We help them make decisions based on factual, godly information that allows them to understand that their child is a gift from God, created in His image. Last year we had over 2200 appointments, doing pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STI/STD testing and treatment and peer counseling. We also teach sexual risk avoidance at the center and in 52 public and private schools.
CURE International 11/29/2010
Our goal is to bring hope and healing to children with treatable physical disabilities. In the developing world, many untreated conditions seriously limit a child's ability to play, go to school and become a productive member of the community. By correcting their disabilities, we are able to bring hope and joy back to their lives and enable them to led fully functioning lives.
DOOR International 1/8/2009
God is bringing His Word and reproducing Christian fellowship to the world's 35-40,000,000 Deaf. D.O.O.R. Int'l. engages Deaf Christians, trains them in sign language Bible translation, evangelism (testimony and Scripture) and church-planting (worship skills and Christian leadership concepts), and sends them out to share through story, drama, song and dialogue resulting in Deaf Christian fellowships. DOOR partners with the Wycliffe Global Alliance, IMB, Faith Comes By Hearing and others.
Church Planting! 5/9/2011
Doulos Partners 5/9/2011
We believe that the greatest way to advance the gospel is through church planting and we are committed to do that at both the international and domestic levels. The majority of our efforts are in the area of international planting. However, we are fully aware that there are more churches closing their doors in America than are being opened and that is cause for great concern. Help support Doulos Partners so we can continue to plant churches around the world!
Dream Centers 11/13/2019
Join Dream Centers in writing hope-filled endings to the stories of women and children. Poverty is a deeply rooted issue and impacts families generation after generation. Dream Centers uses your donations to support women and children through Mary’s Home and Women’s Clinic as they break the cycle of poverty and begin to rebuild their dreams.
Join a Movement! 7/19/2011
Dynamic Church Planting International 7/19/2011
At DCPI we train church planters in countries around the world. With a DNA of reproduction, on average our ministry launches a new church plant for every $85 invested. In fact, since 1994, we have trained more than 63,000 leaders who have planted more than 172,000 churches in 95 countries around the world. The average church has seen 46 people come to Christ—more than 8,000,000. An investment of $85 could be the greatest investment you or your church has ever made.
East-West Ministries International 5/11/2022
East-West works primarily in limited access countries and among unreached people groups throughout more than 60 countries worldwide so that disciples and churches will continuously multiply. VISION: The vision of East-West is to glorify God by multiplying followers of Jesus in the spiritually darkest areas of the world. MISSION: The mission of East-West is to mobilize the Body of Christ to evangelize the lost and equip local believers to multiply disciples and churches.
East-West Ministries International 1/29/2018
The JESUS Film projectors are an innovative way to bring the Good News to distant villages. With a solar-powered projection system, our national partners are able to carry the complete contents of the projection system, along with their other belongings for a week, in a simple backpack.
Empart USA 2/19/2014
If it's more important to you that your financial gift meets the greatest need than what specific category you give to- this may be the perfect opportunity for you. At any given time there are critical needs that come up unexpectedly, or ministry areas that currently have a greater need for funding than others. When that happens, a gift that is designated to “where most needed” is a true blessing to our ministry. Thank you for considering investing in this important way.
Encompass World Partners 9/2/2021
In taking the gospel to the least reached, our goal is to train disciples of Jesus who can then continue to share Him in their own countries. Our Ethne Initiative in Africa allows us to partner strategically in prayer and financial support with national church planters in the C.A.R., Cameroon, Chad, Nigeria, and Sudan.
Engedi Refuge Ministries 2/6/2018
What does Engedi Mean? An oasis, a sanctuary, safe haven or refuge. A place of safety and protection. We are a faith-based restoration program for adult women who are suffering from the effects of sexual exploitation. Our ministry is focused on safe housing, holistic restoration, and education. Your support is helping Heal the Past, Redeem the Present, and Change the Future for victims of sex trafficking.
Equipping Leaders International 2/7/2013
The crying need of the church worldwide is leadership development. It is estimated that 30,000 churches are started each year but 85% of those leaders have no formal Biblical training. We intentionally focus on training those nationals who have the capacity and calling to train others. By leveraging our influence in this way we are experiencing exponential results. We primarily train church leaders, educators, and entrepreneurs in developing countries. Partner with us.
Ethiopia ACT 4/15/2021
We are a gospel-centered, multi-cultural team actively loving the “least of these" of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We work to reconcile people to God through Jesus Christ, and to reconcile them to themselves, others and creation—all resulting in the planting, growing, and maturing of churches that in turn transform lives and communities through faithful witnesses to the Gospel.
European Christian Mission International 7/21/2011
The primary objective of ECM International is to plant churches in Europe. We are committed to planting and developing churches and imparting to them the vision to multiply in the local community, nationally and internationally. Further the work of this ministry by giving today!
Evangelism Resources 8/18/2015
Evangelism Resources has adopted 29 Unreached People Groups (UPGS) for concentrated evangelism, church planting, and discipleship. Graduates of ER's Schools of Evangelism are being equipped to minister among these groups to spread the gospel, and the ultimate goal is for indigenous members of these people groups to be equipped through Portable Bible Schools and School of Evangelism training to reach their own people! Gifts to UPG ministry provide funds for training programs.
Evangelism Resources 1/9/2009
Evangelism Resources currently has 34 Schools of Evangelism in operation in fifteen nations. These schools train young men and women in the most effective means of evangelism. Graduates are eqipped to reach whole regions and people groups, many of which are unreached. Each student that attends an SOE costs $400 for nine months of training. Schools train 30 at a time, so an SOE operating at full capacity costs $12,000 a year. If all 34 SOEs are at full capacity, it will cost $408,000 yearly.
Medical 11/10/2022
Every Child Ministries 11/10/2022
Medical needs abound in Africa, as they do around the world. From eye exams and eyeglasses to surgeries, medical equipment, and even nutritional supplements, ECM strives to provide these needs to show the love of Jesus in practical ways. This is often done through 1 to 3 day medical camps set up in a village or community, but sometimes ECM is made aware of a need that requires care as quickly as possible. When funds are already available, we can meet these needs more quickly and efficiently.
Every Child Ministries 9/20/2023
Students who complete our General Sponsorship Program, either academically or vocationally, have the opportunity to join our Next Step program under "Business Start Up" and need additional financial assistance. We assist with capital, training, guidance and regular follow up visits throughout the first year of their business. Applications are thoroughly detailed and carefully reviewed before acceptance.
Church Planting 7/28/2015
Every Nation Churches & Ministries 7/28/2015
Every Nation's current church-planting strategy focuses on assessment, training, and continual support. The core elements of our training are Assessment Center, Bootcamp, Coaching, Consulting, and Clusters — otherwise known as ABC3.
FAME - Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism 11/12/2008
FAME has initiated a scholarship program for nationals, called the Impact Partners Scholarship Program. There is not adequate access to quality healthcare in most developing countries and we can no longer depend on doctors and nurses from the west to help stand in the gap. There are qualified, dependable indigenous students who only lack the limited resource of funding in order to make a significant difference in their own culture and community. Please consider becoming an Impact Partner today.
FAME - Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism 11/12/2008
FAME has been blessed with a full warehouse of medical supplies. There are Christian hospitals and clinics around the world that have critical shortages for medicine and many other medical supplies. Your gift can help send these critical items to those who need them most.
FAME - Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism 11/12/2008
As God provides resources, FAME seeks to subsidize funding for healthcare projects. Working in partnership with international missions that serve communities with little or no medical care, FAME helps equip them with the necessary tools to provide quality healthcare. Your gift can help in providing the funds for clinics, hospitals, and mobile medical units that are life saving.
FARMS International 11/18/2008
FARMS use a unique micro-credit program to assist families and churches to break out of poverty using their own skills and talents. FARMS International is an opportunity for you to "do good" for your poor brothers and sisters in an exciting and practical way.
FCOP International 12/6/2016
FCOP International is a church planting movement that cares for widows, orphans, and separated children in need in the nation of Cambodia. Through church planting and services such as medical and dental care, wells and water filtration, micro-enterprise, prison ministry, food and clothing distribution, disaster relief and many more, FCOP is changing the nation of Cambodia, one life at a time.
Water for Life 12/5/2016
Feeding the Orphans 12/5/2016
We provide water wells and a church plant in remote villages across Ghana, Africa. By offering clean drinking water to villagers we are able to bring them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Fellowship of Evangelical Churches 7/10/2020
The Fellowship of Evangelical Churches exists to help the local church accomplish the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). Our Vision The Fellowship of Evangelical Churches will help the local church accomplish its mission by: Preserving adherence to our shared statement of faith. Providing and facilitating opportunities to birth new churches globally. Investing in and caring for present and future Church leaders.
Filter Of Hope 12/6/2017
Our goal is simple: to change the world through the distribution of these highly-effective and affordable water filters. We work to save lives, create healthy families, and offer the promise of a future. For just $40, you can provide clean water to a family in need and give them hope and life.
Fishhook International 9/28/2012
This program assists the children of AIDS patients in south India who are in dire need of financial support due to their parents' loss of health and in most cases employment. If parents are deceased or unable to care for their children, Fishhook identifies able family members to take them in. All funds are managed by the AIDS clinic social workers, who take each child for school enrollment and hand out supplies to the families during regular house visits. You can sponsor one of these children.
Fishhook International 9/28/2012
The Jaya Para Medical School trains destitute young people to be nurses dedicated to improving health in rural India. This school is improving life for two different groups of people. First, it trains young women and men who would otherwise be denied an education because of poverty, caste or societal barriers. Second, the school seeks to address health problems in villages that have no access to medical care by sending out well-trained professionals who have a passion to serve those in need.
Fishhook International 9/28/2012
One of Fishhook's responses to India’s poverty is our Sewing Training Program in south India. In this 6-month program women are taught to be seamstresses at no cost to them. At the end of the training each woman receives the gift of a new sewing machine. Every year about 80 women are trained in this program. With new skills and a sewing machine these women are equipped to earn a decent living for their families. Thus, these families have a pathway out of poverty. And many come to Christ also.
Fishhook International 11/19/2009
Fishhook's partners in India oversee more than 400 native evangelists who go into unreached villages to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. According to Operation World, India has more and larger people groups with no Christian church or Christian workers than any other country in the world. So these evangelists travel into villages where there are no believers talking to people, handing out tracts, sharing the Gospel in any way they can. The goal is to establish congregations of new believers.
Right Beside you! 2/19/2024
Florida Baptist Convention 2/19/2024
The Florida Baptist Convention is a network of churches that span the state, with a staff team whose sole purpose is to come right beside Florida Baptist churches and pastors. Our dedicated staff team serves in every region of the state and is committed to advancing the Gospel in our state, our nation, and our world. We are governed by a Board of Directors made up ordained and lay leaders whose main purpose is to implement decisions made by the votes of Florida Baptists at our annual State Conve
Footbridge 2/6/2023
Offering international Short Term Mission Trips with a variety of healthcare services through the local indigenous churches and mission partners. Staffing clinics hosted by indigenous churches, often offering people their first visit to see a dentist, eye doctor, or physician.
Four Corners Ministries 8/23/2021
Life Beads was created in 2013 to empower the women of the Kinene community of northern Uganda. Women were among the hardest hit by the decades-long guerilla war. The rebel militia led by Joseph Kony resorted to abducting children and indoctrinating them into their ranks. The Acholi women and girls were forced to serve the rebels in unimaginable ways. Now the fighting has ceased, but the scars of war remain. Many women were left homeless, hopeless, and without family support to provide for their
Friends in Action International 10/7/2010
We are working with missionaries by providing Medical First-Aid kits. These kits are five-gallon buckets that are filled to the brim with supplies for basic first-aid and even minor emergencies. Sutures, gauze and even antibiotic ointment are difficult to find in third-world countries. Each medical bucket costs about $75.00 each to purchase and ship. Our goal is to provide 100 buckets per year.
Frontier Labourers for Christ 7/12/2016
The Barefoot Doctors Program is an effective and tested means to provide health care for people in rural Burma (Myanmar). Our Barefoot Doctors trainees provide life-saving health care to regions of Burma where there is no other medical care. As leaders in their communities, these men and women from the country's most neglected regions: Kachin, Shan, Rakhine, and Chin states learn from medical professionals to diagnose and treat a variety of common tropical and majority world ailments.
The iPad Initative 7/25/2016
Future Leadership Foundation 7/25/2016
A Christian college is financially helping FLF by investing their pre-owned second generation iPads into two global seminaries, one in Belarus, one in Ukraine. The seminaries--faculty and students--are investing $84 per machine. FLF is stepping up to raise $42 each for a goal of the requested total of 330 iPads. Can you help us by 1 September with this great ministry tool placed into the hands of committed and courageous seminary students.
Genesis Community Health 9/13/2019
Our clinic is an integrated healthcare facility providing primary medical care, basic dental, mental health, specialty referral, and medication assistance to those who are uninsured and have a lower income. When you give to support the work of Genesis, you provide fuel for improving the health and well being of people and communities. You are coming alongside a “neighbor” and helping him or her build a ladder out of their situation.
Global Disciples 12/16/2008
Global Disciples' discipleship-mission trainings focus on partnering with the local, indigenous church to develop a program which produces disciples who are able to make new disciples and plant churches among least-reached peoples. A discipleship-mission program trains participants to be Christ-like in their character and live as ambassadors of Jesus who make disciples and reach the world with the Gospel.
Go To Nations 8/22/2011
Become a faithful partner of Go To Nations and continue the work of our missionaries who are taking the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a hurting, lost and dying world!
Go To Nations 3/26/2013
Each year, Go To Nations conducts numerous medical clinic outreaches around the world. The doctors, nurses, dentists and other medical professionals who participate in these short-term trips give generously of their time and talents--literally becoming the healing hands of Jesus Christ to the sick and the poor. Donate now to support this vital ministry.
God's Littlest Angels 8/15/2018
The GLA NICU is what stands between life and death for many of these babies. Partnering with us means offering Haitian families the chance to see their tiny baby live and thrive even when born too little and too early. Your donation helps to provide IV therapy, oxygen, special medication, and other life-saving therapy. Once the babies are well, most return to their birth families. Sponsors receive monthly updates that include a current photo and a little story about the NICU.
Good Samaritan Health Center of Cobb 1/24/2011
We would like to thank all of our donors in advance. Because of your support, Good Samaritan is able to be a place that points people to the one thing that will really get us through the hard times in life, the love and strength of Jesus. We urge you to pray about either giving for the first time or increasing your giving in such a critical time for our community.
Gospel Revival Ministries 9/19/2011
Our strategy is to reach, save, and disciple an entire unreached village, enabling them to become self-supporting in 2 to 4 years. $200-$500 per month will fully fund "Reach A Village" for one unreached village. Please give today and become part of this wonderful opportunity to get involved in the Great Commission!
Greater Europe Mission 3/1/2010
GEM wants to mobilize and activate disciples of Jesus who want to leverage their time and talents to make disciples among the peoples of Europe. The work of discipling all peoples of Europe by GEM missionaries is only possible through partnership with people like you. By giving to a person or project, you're serving alongside them in God's work of reaching Europe to change the world!
Greenwood Pathway House 11/6/2018
Pathway works with each client as an individual, based on his or her own “story”, and we tailor a case plan according to what works best for that client. By forming strong, trusting relationships with those in our care, we can usually isolate what has caused the brokenness; then God does the mending using our hands—and yours. We are so grateful for Pathway’s phenomenal growth since 2014, and we’re excited about how God will expand the reach & effectiveness of this ministry in the coming years.
Haiti Hope Alliance 1/6/2020
Our mission is committed to the spreading of the Gospel and meeting the needs of the Haitian people through economic development and empowerment.
Hands of The Carpenter 3/10/2016
Hands of The Carpenter (Hands) is a faith-based nonprofit community that uniquely serves low/fixed income single mothers and widows by addressing the often overlooked issue of transportation. Hands provides automobile donation/placement, repair, maintenance, and related education to keep women on the road towards economic self-sufficiency. Hands welcomes volunteers with some car repair experience to help with minor repairs and maintenance on clients’ vehicles and to prepare donated cars for use.
Harvest Aviation 8/4/2023
Harvest Aviation conducts both pilot training and mechanic training at its facilities under Federal Aviation Administration guidelines. We also accept shipments of materials for our missionary families. We also show young people what it is like to serve in missionary aviation as a mechanic or pilot.
Harvest Field Corners 12/31/2014
In today's challenging economic times, every ministry dollar needs to work hard and travel far. By combining qualified loans with biblical principles of stewardship and tithing, your ministry investment will benefit and bless the Pakistani Christian entrepreneurs and their families. It also educates their children, strengthens their churches and Christian communities, while promoting a Gospel outreach within their sphere of influence.
Harvesters International Ministries 9/20/2010
Pokot Outreach Ministry operates medical clinics at most of the mission stations. In Kapenguria, POM has operated its own clinic since 1997 and on an average day treats about 100 patients. POM has also experimented with mobile medical units that go into the most remote areas of the bush. As Harvesters International Missions (HIM) continues to build mission stations with clinics, the need for these mobile units is decreasing. Will you help support native medical staff?
Harvesters International Ministries 2/4/2009
The Pokot live in a remote area of Kenya where little or no medical facilities are available. Pokot Outreach Ministries has established clinics to help meet the needs of the people, but medicine is difficult to find and costly - many of the hospitals do not even have medicines. When the people come for treatment it is imperative that the necessary medicines are available to be able to treat their illnesses and save lives.
Harvesters Reaching the Nations 8/27/2021
Built on Harvesters’ foundational mission to provide discipleship, education and health care to orphans as well as vulnerable women and children, our mission at HHH is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through a ministry of health care to women and children.
Heal Africa USA 7/14/2016
The HEAL Africa teaching hospital in Goma is one of only three referral hospitals in the DR Congo. The 197 bed hospital provides surgery, orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, internal medicine as well as providing a range of Family Medicine care and consultations. It is the hospital of choice for good care in the region. Area residents come to the hospital for quality eye care and dentistry. Consider donating to the “Adopt-A-Bed” project or other aspects of the ministry.
Healing Waters International 10/16/2009
Join us in providing safe, clean water to rural and remote communities in the developing world. Without it, families face serious health risks and limited opportunities. Healing Waters delivers sustainable solutions that empower communities to own and operate their own water systems, creating lasting change.
Health Outreach to the Middle East (H.O.M.E.) 12/7/2018
H.O.M.E. exists to bring physical, psychological, and spiritual healing to poor and suffering people in the Middle East in the name of Christ. For a multitude of reasons, from civil wars, political and economic difficulties, to resource scarcity, many impoverished people live in this part of the world and are deprived of appropriate healthcare. The mission of H.O.M.E. is to provide adequate and high quality healthcare services to even the poorest of the poor.
Heart for Lebanon 6/17/2011
The New Horizons Community Center is an initiative in the South of Lebanon to reach out to Muslim Bedouin and Gypsy communities that have been shunned by society. The center opened with a school for children who have never attended school in their lives. Now dental and medical care are provided to these communities and sewing classes have begun for the women to earn a sustainable income rather than sending their children to the streets to beg. Change a whole community for Christ!
Heartlight Ministries Foundation 1/7/2020
We provide a safe haven for struggling teens at our residential counseling center. Our atmosphere of relationships creates an arena of change for teens and parents lost in a broken world. We then offer help and direction for parents of all teens through our materials, parenting resources, seminars, and conferences all dedicated to offering effective and practical ways for parents to counter the influence today’s culture is having on their child.
Heavenly Treasures 6/6/2017
The mission of Heavenly Treasures is to assist people in developing countries to break the cycle of poverty through their handiwork and creativity. We focus on projects that allow the development of a micro enterprise, leading them down the path to self-sufficiency. Your donations support our operations, mission team and merchandising efforts so we can continue to work together to change lives around the world! Whether large or small, every donation represents a changed life!
Helps Ministries 10/1/2013
Helps Ministries provides facility planning & architectural design services to like-minded Christian missions and ministries in the U.S. and overseas. We are committed to helping evangelical ministries spread the Good News of Jesus by providing professional design services not only at lower costs, but with a clear understanding of the challenges that such organizations encounter when creating or expanding existing ministries. Help us continue providing this important service by donating today.
His Feet International 12/16/2022
There are about 7,000 unreached people groups around the world that have never been reached by the Gospel. Many of these have no Bible in their language and no churches. Most have never even heard the name of Jesus! Help us go into the 10/40 window to equip and mobilize indigenous workers to reach the unreached! Giving to this cause serves as an opportunity for the gospel to be shared, disciples to be raised through pastoral training, and churches to be planted! Will you help us reach the unreac
His Feet International 12/16/2022
Leprosy is a cruel disease that affects the nervous system and causes nerve damage. The dead nerves no longer feel wound and injuries, so the area becomes damaged and infected. This disease has taken the hands, feet, and even eyelids of its victims. The most devastating part however is the rejection they face. We have the unique opportunity to teach them about Jesus as well as provide medical care, supplies, water, and shower and development projects to reduce wound infection rate! Will you supp
His Feet International 12/16/2022
Provide crucial medical care to leprosy victims living inside leprosy quarantine villages. These leprosy victims live in villages on remote mountains. Our team travels monthly to several leprosy colonies to clean and treat rotting flesh. Leprosy victims require constant care as they cannot feel pain due to nerve damage. Typically hospitals wont treat them to due the stigma around leprosy and the victims are physically incapable of ever leaving the colony.
His Feet International 12/16/2022
Help people hear the name of Jesus for the first time: In nations hostile to the Gospel, underground indigenous missionaries are reaching unreached people groups. They do this with little support from churches and they serve knowing they are risking arrest, fines, and even imprisonment. For $300 we can pay the rent for one of these missionary families for one month. They are grateful for any help they can receive. When you give to this need, you are directly supporting the ministries of indigeno
His Heart Foundation 3/6/2019
His Heart Foundation is confident that as we draw closer to God we will draw closer to one another. That is why we are passionate about our work in mental health, mentoring, and restoration. We are committed to breaking the stigma of mental illness by serving local churches and individuals - so that they will know that there is hope and healing for their minds, bodies, souls, and relationships.
Holt International Children's Services 1/30/2013
Honor someone special with a gift of hope to children and families in need. Visit our website to view items in Holt’s Gifts of Hope catalog.
Hope and Help International 8/31/2020
Giving a livelihood gift is one way to share the love of Christ by meeting physical needs. Especially during times like these, when some people are not allowed to work, these gifts become even more important. Gifts like livestock can often be used to help pastors and others in villages, sometimes giving them a way to support their families and could even enable them to start a small business. You can choose to give chickens, a cow, a goat, pigs, sewing machine, or water buffalo.
Hope Haven 10/14/2008
Partner with us as we serve people with disabilities. Almost 300 adults celebrate living independently thanks to Hope Haven's housing options developed in response to requests from individuals with disabilities and their families. More than a thousand people continue to be served in life-changing ways through Hope Haven services across the region. Thousands more have been impacted by Hope Haven International Ministries through the delivery of wheelchairs to those in developing countries.
Hope Pregnancy Centers 12/8/2011
Hope Pregnancy Centers, Inc., dba Hope Women's Centers exists to encourage and equip women to make informed choices regarding unplanned pregnancies. All of our services are free and confidential. To donate, call (954) 724-0005.
Hope Rises International 12/16/2013
Your gift will relieve suffering and transform lives through caring for and curing people with leprosy and Buruli ulcer. Needed funds go to the prevention of disabilities, education, job assistance, and comfort in Jesus' love. Jesus said, "Freely you have received. Freely give." Please give now to help those in need.
Hope Walks 2/6/2020
Clubfoot is characterized by one or both feet twisted inward and downward at birth, making walking difficult or impossible. With early treatment, using simple casts followed by braces, their feet can be corrected before they take their first steps freeing these children to walk, run, get an education and achieve their God-given abilities. As in John 9, clubfoot care is an opportunity to introduce families to Christ and bring glory to God. Join us in offering hope and freedom from disability.
Hope Within Ministries 11/19/2024
Our Mission is to share God’s love with people in need through the provision of health care services, dental care, sound counsel and related education.
You Can Help! 12/31/2014
HopeKids 12/31/2014
One of the most challenging elements of any organization can be funding. Our programs are growing and we need to keep our resources on pace with that growth. We want to be able to respond and include every child who comes to our program for help. We do all we can to be good stewards of the funds with which we are blessed. Your gift will help provide incredible dream-come-true moments for some very sick kids. Will you consider partnering with us in this work?
Support Illyricum! 11/6/2015
Illyricum Movement 11/6/2015
Church planting in Albania is vital. Your donation will help us find an existing healthy church that wants to adopt a new church plant, to train and mentor potential leaders, and send Albanian missionaries to plant and establish other churches. Please help us!
Impact Latin America 8/18/2021
Impact Latin America engages partners to multiply disciples and leaders, and to plant new churches in homes and communities throughout Latin America. As a pro-church, non-profit organization, IMPACT develops and delivers educational and financial resources so that women and men who are influencing others for Christ are trained and mentored as they serve. Based on 2 Timothy 2:2, we promote integrity and accountability.
Impact Middle East 11/7/2016
IME sees firsthand how God is at work in the Middle East. Through house churches and ministries to refugees, Impact Middle East empowers Arab Christ-followers to share the grace and truth of Jesus among the least reached. Your partnership in giving assists IME in multiplying house churches, serving the flood of refugees, and in the training and equipping of emerging leaders in the Middle East and Northern Africa.
In His Image International 2/17/2025
In His Image International (IHII) envisions transforming nations through family medicine education and healthcare. For over 30 years, IHII physicians have brought hope through medical care. Since its founding in 2005, IHII has conducted over 85 overseas trips, providing family medicine education, clinics, and crisis relief. More than 6,000 professionals have been trained, and over 16,000 individuals served.
In His Image International 10/25/2016
In His Image International uses medicine to bring hope to those in desperate need. Dozens of overseas trips have been conducted involving family medicine education, medical clinics and disaster relief trips. Over 5,000 local nationals and medical professionals have been trained and educated by In His Image medical teams and well over 16,000 individuals have received life-changing medical care. Your donation helps the ongoing work of transforming nations through medical education and healthcare.
Care for the Sick 11/24/2009
India Gospel League - North America 11/24/2009
In many poverty-stricken and remote villages across South Asia, medical care is unavailable. Often men, women and children have to walk many kilometers to receive even basic treatments, and beyond this, lower-caste villagers would not likely be able to pay for needed services. In light of this, IGL provides free or affordable medical care through village clinics, tele-medicine centers or at Sharon Hospital located on our main mission base.
India Gospel League - North America 7/17/2015
After planting a church in a village, we work specifically with the local pastor regarding the physical and economic needs faced by the people in his region. Many villagers are extremely poor and most have little or no opportunity for advancement. As a result, villages remain in a cycle of poverty. With the compassion of Christ, we help church leaders reach out with care; from clean water wells to nutritious food to literacy and skills training, and more.
India Gospel Outreach 5/11/2009
IGO sponsors full-time Indian evangelists who plant dynamic churches among India's unreached peoples. Our evangelists plant churches in new areas with no previous church. There is no congregation to support them. When you support an evangelist, you receive a brief bio about the evangelist and his ministry, along with prayer suggestions.
Give a Goat! 2/17/2010
India Partners 2/17/2010
Save a rural family from hunger by blessing them with a goat! Hearty and easy to raise, goats are a great way to help a family increase their income. Goats are start-up capital for a small entrepreneur. Selling just one goat is very profitable and can provide a family with food and other necessities. Your gift also includes feed for one full year. $130 per goat
India Partners 2/17/2010
The mortality rate for children in India is staggering: 63 out of every 1000 children will die by age 5. One way to lower this number is through village health clinics that serve people in remote tribal areas of India. Services provided are like many they would receive in a hospital if they had access to one. $100 covers the non-medicine expenses for one clinic; $640 covers the medicines for one clinic
India Partners 11/12/2008
8 out of the 9 malaria-transmitting mosquitoes are prevalent where India Partners works in India. You can help provide insecticide-treated mosquito nets, which are a cost-effective method of preventing malaria. $10 provides one malaria-preventing mosquito net
Prison Ministry 2/17/2010
India Partners 2/17/2010
Prisons in India are over-crowded. A cell designed for only 50 inmates often holds nearly 180. In this dark and cramped environment, you can help bring literacy, Bible classes, vocational training and the hope of Christ to those awaiting trial or even death. $125 to reach 5 prisoners for one year
India Partners 11/12/2008
618 million women over the age of 15 in India are illiterate, which greatly restricts their opportunities to earn an income. With your help, India Partners runs five tailoring schools where young women can take free sewing classes and acquire practical job skills. Upon graduation, each woman receives a treadle sewing machine to help start her own home tailoring business. Over 500 women have graduated since the schools began in 1993. $105 provides a sewing machine for one graduate
Village Literacy 2/17/2010
India Partners 2/17/2010
37% of people over the age of 15 in India cannot read or write - a total of 440 million. Many poor villagers are illiterate and restricted only to labor jobs. You can help poor villagers become literate, broadening their job opportunities for the future. $25 to teach 1 person to read & write or, $100 to teach 4 people to read & write
Water Buffaloes 2/17/2010
India Partners 2/17/2010
An Indian buffalo produces about 50% more milk than a cow. The milk is also richer, making it an excellent source of nutrition. A family can sell the extra milk and earn a sustainable income. $695 per buffalo
Indopartners Agency 11/7/2016
In 2003, three men with deep roots in Indonesia launched Indopartners. The goal was to add value to what Indonesian teams were already doing by helping financially, sending US teams to bolster their efforts, and training Indonesian ministry leaders. Indopartners continues to serve the Indonesian church through mentoring, training, and sharing resources. We also link U.S. churches and agencies in ministry partnerships. We are expanding our electronic outreach ministries as well.
International Cooperating Ministries 12/9/2019
ICM works with in-country Church-growth partners to advance the Kingdom of God by applying strategies built upon two core competencies: 1. The distribution of powerful Bible-teaching materials in multiple languages to make disciples for His Church; and 2. The financial and procedural support to construct church buildings for congregations seeking to impact their communities for Christ. These two points of focus, working together to carry the Word throughout nations, have matured into a proven st
Legacy Churches 8/27/2024
International Disaster Emergency Service (IDES) 8/27/2024
Planting New Churches! Throughout the years that IDES has been a mission, thousands of people have been helped and given hope. We have seen on several occasions that churches have started as a result of that help. In 2023, IDES cast a vision to celebrate our 50 years of service by starting a campaign to plant 50 new churches. Now called the Legacy Church Campaign we desire to come alongside our current mission partners to intentionally plant new churches as a way of sharing Hope.
International Partnerships 1/25/2010
International Partnerships' missionaries have camping outreach programs each summer. These are especially effective in reaching the lost adult men of Ukraine for Christ. Camping equipment is needed to implement these programs; items include tents, sleeping bags, backpacks and cooking gear.
International Partnerships 1/25/2010
International Partnerships trains up lay leaders to help with the ministry. These servants learn what it means to be an active disciple of Christ. They help to teach Bible classes, develop and participate in outreach opportunities (e.g. camps), and be actively involved in church leadership. The program costs $11,000 (USD), lasts four days, trains up 100 leaders, averaging $110 per person.
Missionary Support 1/25/2010
International Partnerships 1/25/2010
Ukrainians have difficulty raising funds in their own country for support, as most in their country are atheistic or Orthodox. For approximately $500 USD per month, you can provide enough support for one Ukrainian missionary to work daily to help lead people to Christ.
International Partnerships 1/25/2010
International Partnerships gathers its staff from all of the oblasts where IP ministers live throughout Ukraine twice per year for this vital staff training conference. The staff receives training and guidance on Biblical principles used in reaching the lost for Christ; they are encouraged and grow in their faith. They depart equipped to work in the rocky-soil environment of Ukraine. The cost for 35 staff, six days of training, is $5,100 (USD).
International Project 2/12/2016
Everything that we do flows out of our vision of planting reproducible churches among the 52 unreached people groups in New York City and the 6,500 unreached people groups in the world. Our 10-month EQUIP missionary training teaches the principles that will lead to reproducible church planting and gives future missionaries plenty of experience putting these principles into practice while doing ministry in New York City.
Interserve USA 11/19/2008
Interserve sends and supports cross-cultural workers in a variety of professions – including medicine, education, business, community development and engineering – so they can serve as salt and light in communities in Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. Because they serve among some of the world’s neediest peoples, many of these servants seek financial support from individuals and Christian fellowships.
Work in Bangladesh 9/10/2010
Interserve USA 9/10/2010
In Bangladesh, Interserve works with hospitals, clinics, community health programs and local schools. Interserve also partners with other organizations to advance effective work.
Work in East Asia 9/10/2010
Interserve USA 9/10/2010
In East Asia, Interserve provides medical and dental services, assists with community development projects, and educates expatriate children and youth at local schools and universities. Interserve also partners with other organizations to advance effective work.
Into-Africa 11/23/2011
Into-Africa is building churches in Sierra Leone, West Africa. By funding these projects you are helping to strengthen communities, change lives and impact nations. With your support, Into-Africa can continue its mission to build projects helping the African people.
Iris Global 9/11/2017
Iris Global exists to participate in bringing the Kingdom of God to earth in all its aspects, but most especially through our particular calling to serve the very poor: the destitute, the lost, the broken and the forgotten. It is our conviction that the Spirit of God has asked us to make this love concrete in the world, incarnate in our thoughts, our bodies, our lives and our every action.
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 5/20/2020
Transportation can be a challenge in the majority world. ITEC desires to come alongside mission-minded individuals interested in serving in remote areas through aviation, ground transportation, and waterways. By partnering, consulting, and even training, we aim to support those God is calling into this field.
ITEC - Training 5/3/2010
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 5/3/2010
‘Training’ instead of ‘doing’ on short-term trips is a critical part of our model. ITEC work with trusted partners and mature believers, teaching them new skills that meet needs in their communities as a door opener to share the Gospel. We train indigenous believers with dental, medical, eyesight, film, mechanical, and farming skills so they can meet needs in their community, opening doors to the Gospel.
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 7/12/2017
Stories of people suffering without Christ and in tremendous tooth pain are hard to hear. Our dental training focuses primarily on equipping mature believers in extracting teeth in a short six day training. Equipping the locals allows both the physical and spiritual ministry to continue after our team returns.
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 5/3/2010
ITEC's Eyesight training is easy to learn and equips indigenous Christ-followers with the skills they need to identify and treat common eyesight problems. Glasses are packaged into ministry-ready kits that are equipped with 200 pairs of glasses. This opens doors for the indigenous church to meet eyesight needs locally and share the Gospel.
ITEC (Indigenous People’s Technology and Education Center Inc.) 5/3/2010
I-MED is a highly-focused medical training program designed to make it possible for indigenous non-health care workers to learn to offer safe and effective health care services to those who otherwise would not have access to medical care. When medical services are not available, anyone who can bring life-saving skills to a community has an instant platform for sharing their motivation for providing that health care. Equipping the local church to provide these services to the community makes Chri
JAARS 1/25/2016
For more than 65 years, JAARS has helped make Bible translation possible. We support over 70 partner organizations around the world with transportation, technology, media and training. From aviation and intercultural training to research and development, advocacy and a range of other support services it is the very core of our work to make Bible translation possible. Your gift to Core Mission Fund supports our entire ministry.
JAARS 2/1/2021
Steep, endless mountain ranges. Dense rainforest. Ocean waves as far as you can see. What do these areas have in common? Besides great beauty and evidence of God’s creative hand, they are where the remote, often forgotten people of the world live. And they’re all geographical barriers to Bible translators who desire to reach those people with God’s Word. JAARS has 70+ years of experience solving these transportation problems so that people living and working off the grid can focus on the work Go
JAARS 1/4/2013
Your gift can move Bible translation and Scripture distribution forward through the projects our partners need most. We often find great ways to help our partners around the world and can respond to their most pressing and strategic needs.These are usually projects that are crucial for Bible translation ands have a timing issue that requires immediate funding. We will post updates and photos to so you can see exactly how your gift helped Bible translation.
Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary 7/14/2016
The mission statement of Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary is: “Equipping spiritual leaders for planting and strengthening churches in the Arab World.” JETS has a vision to provide both formal accredited bachelor, master and doctoral programs, as well as non-formal training programs, through a variety of delivery methods with field training. Your gift helps raise up leaders to plant and develop Christian churches in the Arab world.
Josiah Venture 7/23/2013
Purchase river rafting equipment for evangelistic camps to reach more young people in Ukraine.
Medical Missions 5/26/2011
Joyce Meyer Ministries 5/26/2011
In some cases, there is not health care available and in others it is just too expensive. Through medical missions we seek to reach those who are in need with medical care and the love of Christ. Each year, we reach thousands with free medical care through our hospitals in Ethiopia and Cambodia. We also provide care through our medical clinics in El Salvador and India, as well as Dental Clinics in Kosovo and Israel. We conduct 10-12 short term medical/dental outreaches every year.
Katy Christian Ministries 9/11/2017
We have Social Service Departments that offer emergency financial assistance, a Food Pantry, a Crisis Center that houses the Domestic Abuse Center and the Sexual Assault Center, Resale Store, and Donation Center. We rely on area churches, local businesses, corporations, and individuals for support. There are many opportunities to get involved and to help us fulfill our mission: “Transforming lives through God’s grace and the generosity of the community."
KC Underground 1/21/2022
A network of reproducing disciples and micro churches that seeks to saturate Kansas City with the beauty, justice, and good news of Jesus.
Kingdom Causes Bellflower 1/7/2020
KCB has developed partnerships with individual donors and volunteers, churches, non-profit organizations, and government officials in order to create long-term solutions for community development, including housing, job creation, and neighborhood development. While programs and services have evolved over the years, KCB has maintained a focus on being a catalyst for change within the community by building coalitions that are focused on the personal and economic development of area residents.
Kinship United 12/9/2009
Warm Blankets Orphan Care is a non-profit Christian mission, dedicated to the rescue of orphans and widows through third world church planting and orphanage outreach. Orphans are raised in Christian Church Homes where they are loved and nurtured. Church Homes provide for the physical needs of the children, but more importantly, their educational, emotional and spiritual needs. James 1:27
Kupenda for the Children 9/13/2019
Our world is home to more than half a billion children with disabilities. The great majority of these children live in developing nations and do not have access to education or medical care and are excluded from community life. Since 1999, Kupenda has been working with local leaders to help these children access the care and loving inclusion they deserve.
LeaderSource SGA 5/7/2020
The mission of LeaderSource SGA (our official organization name is Strategic Global Assistance) is to catalyze and strengthen indigenous movements of healthy leader development and care, and thereby accelerate church planting and disciple-making, especially in areas of the world where Christianity is growing rapidly. In short, we equip churches to build healthy leaders.
LifeHouse of Houston 10/7/2019
LifeHouse is a Christ-centered ministry ensuring life for unborn children by providing opportunities for housing, help, and hope for young women during their pregnancies and beyond. Regardless of how God brings them to LifeHouse, each woman is greeted by Christian house parents who care for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being until she delivers her baby or secures alternate living arrangements.
Churches 7/19/2017
Lifeline Christian Mission 7/19/2017
Multiply the local church! Regional Bible institutes develop new leaders through 2 or 4-year programs. Students attend classes and receive hands-on experience by working with local pastors. Vibrant churches are planted to expand God’s Kingdom around the world! These churches reflect their local community to be more effective in outreach and sharing God’s Word. Discipleship training is imperative to multiply churches! Church staff and leaders learn how to disciple others in their communi
Lifeline Christian Mission 1/20/2021
We want to create possibilities, inspire passion, and equip local churches to impact their community for the Kingdom of Christ! -Befriend a community -Start a container outfitting -Go on a mission trip
Lifeline Christian Mission 1/20/2021
Better health enables families to live life to the fullest! When a local church assesses their community's condition, the church can be a catalyst for care, prevention, and education, all while sharing God's love. During disasters and in times of food insecurity, coming alongside a local church empowers them to provide needed resources and to walk with struggling families during their crisis. We walk alongside churches and communities who struggle with health care. Our goal is to support
Lives Changed 12/3/2010
Lighthouse for Christ Mission 12/3/2010
Each year 30,000+ patients seeking visual help come to Lighthouse Eye Centre in Mombasa, Kenya. Your gift of $100 will provide world-class eye care and restore sight to 2 blind adults. $200 will give sight to a blind baby or child, many who will see their parents faces for the first time! Each year tens of thousands respond the the simple Gospel message using the critically acclaimed Jesus Film. Medical services open the door and hearts of Kenyans to hear about Jesus.
Lighthouse Outreach Center 2/6/2018
The Lighthouse Outreach Center is a Christian organization that provides food, shelter and clothing for homeless people that exhibit feelings of hopelessness. We provide this with a family atmosphere of love and peace; teaching them of our Lord Jesus Christ and providing the resources it takes to guide and direct them to be self-sufficient citizens in our community. We are the only 24-hour homeless shelter within a 50-mile radius. No donation is too small, it all adds up.
Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center 8/26/2011
Because Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center believes every life matters, we provide free, confidential support to make the choice of life possible for women, men and teens facing unplanned pregnancies and related concerns. Our services include ultrasound confirmation of pregnancy, parenting preparation with material aid, STD testing, relationship education, and post-abortion support. Donate today to provide young adults with compassionate life support! Call (973) 238-9047 to partner.
Living Hope Global Ministries 8/25/2011
MCM, International is working to provide educational and medical programs to Chinese nationals. Your financial support will help us to provide training and support for teachers, translators, and medical staff. To donate, call (215) 542-0777.
Living Room Ministries International 7/7/2011
Kimbilio Hospice (Refuge in Swahili) is a 24 bed, inpatient ministry to all ages with terminal illness. Our services include pain management, medical care, spiritual, and bereavement support. Living Room provides counseling for families during the patient’s illness and death. Weprovide care for outpatients, at risk children, mortuary, and physical therapy care. Construction has begun on Phase 1 of our 2nd site in Eldoret which will include a 38 bed hospice, physical therapy, and a chapel.
Made to Flourish 12/15/2020
Made to Flourish empowers pastors and their churches to integrate faith, work, and economic wisdom for the flourishing of their communities. We gather pastors in 23 city networks across America and serve congregations through resources like books, conferences, and the Common Good Magazine. Your support helps pastors unleash the potential of their congregants to be integrated disciples in their Monday to Friday work, and helps churches love their communities through economic opportunity.
MAP International 4/25/2011
MAP International is a global Christian health organization that partners with people living in conditions of poverty to save lives and develop healthier families and communities. Recognized for our 99% efficiency rating, we respond to the needs of those we serve by providing medicines, preventing disease, and promoting health to create real hope and lasting change. Visit to learn more, or go to to learn how you can get involved.
Mapping Center for Evangelism 6/7/2022
God planted your church to help your neighbors be vibrant, reproducing disciples of Jesus. We can help. Know your neighbors and mobilize your mission team like never before.
MasterKey Ministries of Grayson County 8/7/2019
We focus on strengthening families by helping them overcome physical, educational, and spiritual obstacles to success. We focus on the low-income and limited-English populations in our community, offering programs to help meet immediate needs, empowerment programs that lead to a better future, and the eternal hope only found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Media Dream 10/18/2014
How can we reach Millions for Christ? Alkarma TV (the Vine) is 24/7 Arabic Christian Satellite TV that broadcasts the powerful Direct uncompromised salvation message of the Gospel with Christ's love to Arabic speaking and Islamic people in all the nations of the world, so that their eyes might be opened to accept the salvation of our Lord Jesus and to win millions for Christ. Alkarma TV programming focused on evangelism, discipleship, prayer, and praise. We broadcast the gospel on 10 Satellites
Adopt a Box! 11/6/2015
Medical Ministries International 11/6/2015
When you Adopt A Box for $40, your donation will sponsor the shipment of one box of life-saving supplies to those in need. Your box, along with about 500 others, will be sent in a 40-foot cargo container to physicians who are serving in some of the poorest places in the world. Once your box has shipped out of the country, you’ll receive a report with details about where your box has shipped to and who it will benefit.
Medical Missions Outreach 1/11/2021
Medical Missions Outreach works tirelessly in underdeveloped countries around the globe to offer quality, ethical medical care to those who need it most. We assemble and mobilize teams of medical professionals backed by non-medical volunteers to share the love of Christ using the tool of medicine.
Mercy Community Healthcare 3/4/2009
Chronically ill children often have 3,5,8,10 or more specialist providing care along with the primary care pediatrician. Mercy Children's Clinic Chronic Care Medical Home is the first in the United States to provide comprehensive, holistic management of this care including autism diagnostics. Like a "general contractor" for a building, Mercy's pediatric MD's will manage all the "sub contractors" - actually sub-specialist in this case to see that all aspects of the care are coordinated.
Mercy Ships 10/7/2008
Through your support of Mercy Ships, you can help bring hope and healing to the forgotten poor around the world! Your donation impacts the lives of people in developing nations as we follow the example of Jesus in serving people with little or no access to health care, and little or no hope.
Mercy Ships 1/13/2010
By sponsoring one of our crew members today, you will become a valued partner – a crewmate! As a crewmate, you are helping us make a lasting impact on the people of West Africa. Your gift to support a crew member allows us to maximize the direct support Mercy Ships receives to bring hope and healing to the world’s forgotten poor. Your commitment helps us transform lives through surgical intervention, dental or visual care, community development or agriculture.
Mercy Ships 11/20/2008
By volunteering short-term or long-term you can support Mercy Ships as we follow the example of Jesus to bring hope and healing to the world's forgotten poor. We have opportunities available on board the world largest non-governmental hospital ship, the m/v Africa Mercy as well as our national offices around the world.
Mercy's Gate 12/30/2008
For 25 years, Northern Churches Care (now Mercy's Gate) has consistently served those in need through our emergency crisis support programs. Mercy's Gate is a faith-based but not faith required non-profit human services agency. We are inviting you to partner with us to keep children and their families in their homes, ultimately preventing homelessness. Just $200 will prevent a family from being on the streets.
Surgery Fund! 8/19/2011
Mexican Medical Ministries 8/19/2011
Many times, as we are doing community outreaches, we come across people in desperate need of surgery. When we ask, "Why haven't you had this done?" they reply that they don't have enough money. We work with the patients to encourage them to pay what they can, then this fund is accessed to make up the difference.
MidAmerica District of The Christian and Missionary Alliance 6/11/2015
You can help build Christ’s Church around the world by donating online to the Great Commission Fund. This central funding vehicle allows our international workers to focus on ministry rather than raising financial support.
Church Planting! 8/18/2011
Middle East Reformed Fellowship 8/18/2011
In MERF's church planting ministry, we are assisting national churches already active in the countries of Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, the Arabian Gulf and Indonesia. Please contribute today as we minister to isolated underground churches in several Muslim countries that are closed to open gospel ministry.
Ministry Essentials International 12/15/2020
We are passionate about two things: Growing in intimacy with the Trinity and inviting others to the same. We long for an extravagant devotion that embraces intimacy with God as the foundation for all things vibrant, joyful, and enduring.
Missio International 1/18/2011
Raising funds, coordinating prayer, strategizing leadership, cultivating relationships! That is what Missio International does in Romania! Support us as spread the Gospel of Jesus in Eastern Europe.
Mission Aviation Fellowship 6/22/2009
Help MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) bring desperately needed aid and assistance to needy people in remote places. You can help open the doors to the Gospel in places you'll never go. Avgas keeps most of our airplanes flying. In some areas it's $19 a gallon! Please help MAF to cover these costs.
Mission Eurasia 12/9/2009
There are an estimated 300 unreached people groups in the countries of Eurasia where Mission Eurasia serves. Our Unreached People Group Initiative (UPGI) is designed to train indigenous leaders who then return to their ethnic groups and share the Gospel in culturally relevant ways through strategic ministry outreaches.
Mission India 12/8/2009
Children aren't just the leaders of tomorrow; they're the leaders of today. Our Year-Long Children’s Bible Clubs introduce children to Jesus through games, songs, and prayer, while also providing free tutoring and a safe place to just be a kid. When they share what they've learned at home, their parents are intrigued—and entire families come to know Christ. Your gift of $24 enrolls a child in a Year-Long Bible Club. You can sponsor an entire club of 40 children with your gift of $960.
Mission India 12/8/2009
India' Christians are motivated like never before to reach their nation for Christ. 500,000 villages and communities in India haven’t heard the Gospel. But when you introduce a community to Jesus, amazing things happen! The name of Jesus brings hope and change to places saturated in spiritual bondage. You can provide a full year of training for a Church Planter with a gift of $2,400, launching them on a lifetime of mission work.
Mission India 12/8/2009
With nearly 300 million illiterate adults, India is the most illiterate nation on earth. Adult Literacy Classes open doors into closed communities and have the power to change lives in radical ways. In addition to learning reading, writing, and math, holistic transformation unfolds as students learn how to increase income, take better care of their families, and are introduced to Jesus. Your gift of $40 will sponsor a student in an Adult Literacy Class for a full year.
Mission Safety International 6/22/2009
Support Mission Safety International as we provide aviation safety training so that more supplies are distributed to needy people, more medical services are given for hurting people, fewer missionaries make dangerous treks through the jungle, more time is spent spreading the Gospel, and there are fewer aircraft accidents!
Travel Fund 12/4/2009
Mission Safety International 12/4/2009
Help fund the travel costs of MSI staff and highly qualified volunteers as we travel to remote areas of the globe conducting safety seminars and consultations to promote safety and encourage God's servants working in missionary aviation.
Mission to the World (PCA) 1/13/2010
Through our various ministry opportunities you will find giving options for Church Planting, Mercy, Church based Relief, Theological Education and many others.
Missionary Church 9/15/2023
We are committed to the Great Commission: multiplying disciples who multiply disciples who multiply disciples. That is the command that Jesus gave us, and we will not be distracted by buildings, programs, or anything else.
Missions Door 9/15/2023
Missions Door was birthed for the purpose of preaching the Gospel and planting churches across the United States and the North American continent. Much has changed in our world since then, but the need for forgiveness and new life in Jesus Christ is greater than ever.
Morning Star Development 12/18/2020
A woman's influence is the glue that binds the family together. The Literacy and Basic Business Skills (LaBBs) is the training that equips her with skills that unleash her hidden potential to create and sustain a meaningful income to prosper her family emotionally and economically. When women engage in income generation with dignity and courage dreams are unlocked, children receive education and the life-giving transformation of communities flows. The empowerment of Afghan women means giving hop
Morning Star Development 12/21/2020
Afghanistan has the highest rate of infant mortality in the world. Morning Star is committed to saving mothers and babies and promoting life that brings health, joy, and a future for all. The Birth Life Saving Skills (BLiSS) program is saving babies daily in the battle to end preventable, maternal, newborn and child mortality in Afghanistan. Where BLiSS is implemented we experience an 80% improvement in mother and baby health.
mPower Approach 12/15/2010
mPower partners with local indigenous churches to equip their leaders with the training and the operational skills for them to provide dental and medical care for their communities. These new skills break down barriers to the Gospel and allow the local Christians to carry out their calling to proclaim the name of Christ in a self-sustaining manner. The impact left behind is life-changing for generations to come. Your donation would help make another training possible!
More Together! 7/23/2024
Multiplication Network 7/23/2024
Multiplication Network equips local leaders who already understand their culture, language, and social networks, enabling them to share the Gospel more effectively. We often "train the trainers" for entire denominations and associations so these workers can, in turn, train the church planters. This approach allows us to reach many more people with our training and to multiply strategically.
Mustard Seed International 12/6/2019
Our vision is to see the cities of Japan saturated with and impacted by gospel-centered churches that further the global cause of Jesus Christ.
Mustard Seed Network 12/9/2019
We want to see the cities of Japan saturated with and impacted by gospel-centered churches that further the global cause of Jesus Christ. We Recruit and train church planters, catalyze church plants, support church planters and church plants.
National Embryo Donation Center 11/4/2016
The life-affirming National Embryo Donation Center saves the tiniest lives and helps couples (mostly those who are infertile) have the children they've always dreamed of. When you support us, you're giving the gifts of life and hope! Embryo adoption is the only way for a mother to become pregnant with her adopted child, and we are devoted to the belief that life begins at conception.
NationsUniversity 8/7/2019
We are "a school without walls" that provides an affordable, high-quality Christian education for everyone. Our mission is to build authentic faith and train Christian leaders around the world.
New Beginnings Center of Hope 4/15/2021
An Empowered decision is an Informed decision.
New England Urban Church Planting 2/17/2025
New England Urban (NEU) Church Planting equips church planters to build sustainable, diverse, and gospel-centered churches in New England’s urban neighborhoods—communities marked by poverty, injustice, and deep relationships. Driven by compassion and biblical conviction, we partner with Acts 29 and others to support planters with training, coaching, and resources, helping them plant lasting churches in hard places.
Partner with NHMI! 6/11/2015
New Harvest Missions International 6/11/2015
NHMI relies on God’s people to help us meet all our needs. God has faithfully provided for us over the past 15 years through the generous gifts of individuals, churches, ministries, and foundations. We have seen tremendous growth and impact with ripple effects of our ministry in Muslim West Africa. We continue to rely on your gifts to meet our ministry needs. Through supporters like you, we can reach more and extend God’s kingdom in West Africa.
New Life Advance International 3/18/2009
Support (NLAI) as we evangelize the least reached peoples of the earth. We value innovation and we seek to develop gifted, creative leaders, both American and foreign national, who will pioneer new approaches to church planting, business as mission and children's ministry.
NEXT Worldwide 4/20/2009
NEXT is committed to serving pastors and churches worldwide to help them realize their vision of reaching their communities and countries by planting new churches where a witness for Christ formerly did not exist; churches that are committed to "being a church-planting church that plants church-planting churches."
North America Indigenous Ministries 11/18/2008
NAIM is a multicultural team that exists to glorify God through building the Church by making disciples among North American Indigenous peoples, to reach the world for Christ. NAIM is committed to a covenant relationship with the First Nations Church, resulting in vibrant ministry to its community and beyond.
North American Mission Board 8/25/2016
The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering® changes lives forever by empowering North American missionaries to bring the gospel to the lost. With over 269 million lost people, North America and its major cities are some of the most spiritually dark places in the world. Join us on the mission to equip every missionary and reach every lost person in the United States and Canada.
Northeast of the Well 5/8/2018
The name NorthEast of the Well comes from scripture, in John chapter 4, where a woman has a life-changing encounter with Christ. We go to places of desperate need, with a focus on those in recovery and restoration. NorthEast of the Well is all about finding people in their brokenness. We serve a diverse body of women, men and children committed to rebuilding their lives as followers of Christ.
OC International 12/21/2011
The Movement for African National Initiatives" (MANI)... The purpose of MANI is to bring key pastors and church leaders together from all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa with the goal of seeing whole nation movements of evangelism, church-planting, prayer and holistic transformation either launched or facilitated in each of these nations.
OneChild 11/13/2008
When disaster strikes, your donation to the CCF helps us respond quickly, providing shelter, food and supplies after a natural disaster devastates a community or conflict forces families to flee. It can even provide lifesaving surgery. Help us bring hope to children in the hardest of times.
OneChild 11/13/2008
Children in poverty are often in urgent need of help, but it can take months to connect a child to a sponsor. Your donation to the Unsponsored Children’s Fund will allow children to start attending a Hope Center right away, where they’ll receive nutritious food, medical attention, educational opportunities and the care of Child Champions who will share God’s life-changing love.
OnRamp 1/21/2022
We work with advocates from local charitable, government, and religious organizations to identify people in need who are already taking significant steps towards self-sufficiency, but who need a vehicle to continue that journey. OnRamp finds reliable vehicles through purchase or donation and gifts these vehicles to our clients so they can get back on the road without having to turn to predatory lenders.
Operation Mobilization 6/17/2009
OM is truly an international mission, with work in over 110 nations. OM’s strategy has always been to train and equip national Christians for leadership. Today, OM is led and staffed by capable and godly national believers in many of these countries. Currently over 100 nationalities are counted among our staff members. Though there are many benefits of national missionaries, one of the challenges they face is raising their personal financial support.
Operation Mobilization 6/17/2009
Relief and development projects are an integrated part of OM ministries that come face to face with overwhelming suffering and need on a daily basis. OM teams are seeking to minister to the spiritual and physical needs of these hurting people in the spirit and love of Jesus. Your financial partnership with this project will be used to fund OM relief and development ministries.
Medical Missions 4/27/2011
Operation Renewed Hope 4/27/2011
Operation Renewed Hope provides the opportunity for medical professionals, skilled or unskilled laborers, and teens to serve God through week-long medical missions throughout the world. We have several week-long worldwide missions planned in areas throughout the world. The Operation Renewed Hope calendar is filling up and we desperately need volunteers and donations.
Orchard Hill Church 8/17/2021
Our mission - It is to give hope, to give care, to show love, and impact lives. It is to help the whole person - mind, body, and soul - and, most importantly, to help people find and follow Jesus Christ. Today, we do this primarily through our partnership with Hope Baptist Church in Cap Haitien, helping to plant churches in Northern Haiti, changing individuals, families, and communities.
Our Daily Bread Ministries 2/13/2025
Our Daily Bread Ministries (ODBM) Literacy Program utilizes modified Our Daily Bread devotions, Bible stories, and more biblical resources to teach students English in just one year. Our goal is to have the ODBM Literacy Program in every African country in just three years, but we need your help! For just $15, you can provide one child with the materials necessary to learn English in just one year.
Out of the Ashes 9/8/2016
Out of the Ashes works with kids labeled as “dump kids” from Korah, Ethiopia. Due to extreme poverty, many families are unable to provide for their children. Lacking options, parents send their children (as young as 6 years old) to scavenge in the trash dump. OA works to quite literally pull kids out of the ashes of the trash dump by providing schooling, food, medical and hygiene care, clothing, and counseling. These critical services are only possible through the generosity of donors like you.
In-Kind Donations 6/29/2018
Outreach Aid to the Americas 6/29/2018
Disaster Relief, Assisting Vulnerable Communities, Droughts, Medical Facilities, At-Risk Children. Our In-Kind Donations Program is helping communities throughout the region.
Outreach Aid to the Americas 12/9/2009
ECHOcuba’s network of over 800 churches and ministries in Cuba are independent from the government controlled Cuban Council of Churches. However, Cuba continues to be won for Christ, with over 3,000 house churches and seminaries dedicated to spreading the Good News. The politically independent churches conduct a range of social projects, from elderly and child care, educational and pastoral support, to micro-enterprise, business, and community leadership development.
Pacific Mission Aviation 6/22/2009
Aircraft based on the islands of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia and Manila, and the Philippines span the gap between the island states and the outer-islands, providing faster and efficient access to food supplies, medical care and educational needs.
PAK7 US 6/4/2020
Our Mission is to serve Pakistani Christians in their witness to Jesus Christ and the gospel through exceptional television programming.
Palm Missionary Ministries 7/29/2011
Some of the poorest people on the planet are found in Latin America. Palm Missionary Ministries, Inc. is helping ministries that work with the illiterate population in Ecuador. Your financial support will help us evangelize while we educate the people in Ecuador.
Paradise Bound Ministries 11/21/2011
We proclaim the Gospel of Christ: beginning with medical clinics, then constructing homes, providing clean water, growing into village Discipleship groups; and ultimately becoming churches under our care and support. Training locals to be pastors-providing theological education in a 2.5 year seminary program. As of 2018 we have 32 churches under our care and 151 pastors have graduated the seminary. Your gifts will enable our ministry to continue to grow and advance HIS kingdom!
Parakaleo Ministry 4/20/2023
We know what it’s like to struggle in your role because you feel unprepared to face the challenges in ministry. Sadly, many women in ministry do not have access to training and support. Parakaleo training and support provide a grid for living and viewing life through the lens of the gospel with practical, tangible tools. Born out of research and the belief that women’s contributions to church planting are vital to the advancement of the gospel, Parakaleo has been equipping women in church planti
Partners in Compassionate Care 11/15/2010
PCC started in 2004 as a small group of volunteers who were invited by the local church in South Sudan to "Come and See". After doing so, and witnessing the hardships and devastation of our sisters and brothers in Christ, we felt that we had to do something. It was a life changing event for each one of us. Last year, MCH provided care for nearly 10,000 patients. "The role of the sower is to sow as much seed as possible and trust God to make it grow." I Corinthians 3:6-7.
Partners International 4/26/2012
Since 1943, Partners International has been working alongside national believers to bring Christ’s love to the least Christian regions of the world. We believe in holistic witness, which means caring for a person’s physical and spiritual needs. Our Harvest of Hope Gift Catalog is a sampling of our partners’ projects around the world. From goats to help families start small businesses to bicycles for church planters, you can give life-changing gifts and build God's Kingdom at the same time.
Partners International 12/1/2008
Today, the majority of frontline Christian ministry in the hard places of the world is being done by local, indigenous believers. They know the language and culture. They are seen as insiders, not as outsiders bringing foreign ideas. They live simply—on the same level as the locals. They have a passion and God-given vision to reach their people for Christ. But they can’t do it alone. Combine your passion, talents, and resources in service to your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Partners International 4/26/2012
Our partners have planted hundreds of churches in some of the world's hardest places for ministry. Join with God in building His Church by supporting a local church planter who is serving as Jesus' hands and feet overseas. Your support will be a great encouragement, allowing a church planter to focus full-time on ministry work. $150 supports a church planter for one month.
Partners With Haiti 1/14/2010
Serving hand-in-hand with the Evangelical Church in Haiti since 1971. Primary ministries include, BETHANY PROJECT--Child sponsorship, feeding program, medical assistance; AFCA VILLAGE--Multi-faceted ministry community in the heart of Port au Prince providing educational, medical, spiritual services; SISTER CHURCH PROGRAM--U.S. and Canadian churches partnering with local Haiti congregations for mutual strengthening. PWH donors impact the lives of thousands of Haitians every year for Jesus Christ.
People International USA 9/11/2012
People International is an interdenominational Christian organization that desires to see churches established that proclaim the Good News among the Muslim people of Central Asia. We seek to develop new teams in both new and existing locations to reach more Muslim people with the Gospel. Your donations will help us to continue to reach the Muslims in Central Asia.
Persecution Project Foundation 6/15/2016
In East Africa, 80% of women lack access to sanitary pads and 43% are under 15 years old. One in 10 adolescent girls misses school during menses. PPF distributes Dignity Kits (2 pair of underwear, 2 waterproof shields, 6 reusable pads, a bucket and soap) to Nuba women of child-bearing age. Instruction on use & care of the product accompanies each distribution. Join PPF's Dignity Drive to clothe more Nuba women in Dignity! Please designate your gift for Relief & Shelter.
Persecution Project Foundation 11/12/2008
PPF ministers to the persecuted church in Sudan by supporting pastors, delivering life-saving emergency relief, repairing wells, supplying medicines to clinics & hospitals, & through many other projects and activities. Through our Advocacy efforts, PPF informs its supporters how they can be involved in helping the persecuted in one of the most under-developed, war-torn areas of the world.
Persecution Project Foundation 3/26/2019
PPF has been the largest supplier of medicines & medical supplies to the persecuted residents of the Nuba mountains for the past number of years, often times surpassing 30 metric tons annually. PPF has also delivered skin-graft meshers, anesthetic machines, an X-ray machine, & an ambulance (mobile medical clinic) to various hospitals in the region. We have also helped construct a maternity ward, general ward and guest ward at a Nuba hospital. Please designate gifts for "Medical Services".
Peru Mission USA 6/17/2013
When completed, the Arévalo Missional Hospital will be the third facility in the Bethesda Healthcare System, Peru Mission’s medical ministry network, to minister to impoverished communities in northern Peru. You can donate directly to the building fund by sponsoring a room or purchasing a paver, commit to a recurring gift toward the operation of the hospital, or give toward the purchase of necessary equipment and supplies.
Peru Mission USA 6/4/2013
With a gift of $30/month or more, you are helping to provide for the ongoing needs of Peru Mission’s five interconnected core urban ministries: church planting, seminary, medical ministry, economic development, and university ministry. Your gift is immediately invested in our Compassion Fund – enabling us to continue to grow long­-term relationships within Peru, provide for critical needs of the mission quickly, and share the grace of Christ with Peruvian families through our core ministries.
Petros Network 12/11/2023
Petros Network partners with world-changers to alleviate spiritual and physical poverty in the hardest-to-reach and often persecuted places of the world.
Pioneers 6/18/2015
Pioneers mobilizes teams to glorify God among unreached people by planting churches in partnership with the local church.
Potter's House Association International 12/23/2009
Our Treasures...they are contemptuously called "Scavengers", because their work consists of scavenging through the filthy rubbish, collecting bits of plastic, cardboard, glass and metal - anything that could have value. Even though they live, work and often find their food in the garbage, they are not trash. They are human beings with value and dignity. To God and to us, they are Treasures. They are determined, hard-working people. Join us to offer life beyond the Guatemala City garbage dump.
Potter's House Association International 4/29/2011
For the scavenger families, medical care and medications are luxuries they cannot afford. The families that come to our twice-weekly clinic at Potter’s House find excellent, loving and affordable medical care. Your gift will help us fund one clinic session for 15 patients with the staff and medicines needed.
PRC Medical of Douglas County 11/13/2008
We provide the following services to 400-450 clients each month wrapped in the love of Jesus: pregnancy testing, peer counseling, pre-natal/parenting lessons, ultrasounds, STD testing. Our monthly costs for each service range from $38 to $160 .Gifts in any amount are greatly appreciated as we receive no government funds, but operate solely from donations and grants from like-minded organizations.
Predisan 5/3/2012
Predisan is committed to proclaiming Jesus and changing lives. With the heart and compassion of Christ, we provide the only healthcare available to 120,000 people in a 2,500 square mile are with essential services such as immunizations, women, infant, and child health promotion. We confront the causes of disease, improve sanitation, and provide clean water. We promote and supply healthy nutrition, facilitate educational opportunities and develop programs that propel economic development.
Predisan 4/7/2011
The Good Samaritan Medical Center is the leading facility for community- based specialty healthcare and training center for healthcare workers in Honduras. The Good Samaritan Medical Center provides specialty healthcare to the municipality's more than 90,000 residents. In a region marked by oppressive poverty and limited opportunities, Predisan’s mission is to provide access to physical and spiritual healing for the glory of God.
Proclaim Aviation Ministries 6/18/2009
Aviation is our way of affecting people who have not heard the Gospel of Christ. Come along with us and share an equal partnership. We will battle side by side, upholding each other and partnering to glorify God and His heart so that none should perish. We provide the opportunity and support necessary for missionary pilots and mechanics to be on the mission field.
Project MedSend 3/24/2020
MedSend healthcare professionals serve long-term in healthcare missions around the world. Today they are choosing to stay and bring hope for those battling COVID-19. And the urgency is greater than ever. They are committed to remain in the countries where they are serving, in order to be a light to their communities. The are on the front lines, fighting diseases like COVID-19, and bringing the hope of Jesus Christ, funding is needed even more in this critical time.
Reach Beyond 12/28/2011
Reach Beyond empowers believers around the world to reach their own communities with the Gospel through radio ministries and healthcare outreaches. People are hearing the Good News in their heart language for the first time. Lives are being transformed as clean-water wells and rural medical caravans touch bodies and hearts. You can join with Christians around the globe to be the voice and hands of Jesus to a world in need and make it possible for them to hear about Jesus.
Reach Beyond 12/28/2011
You can join local African believers to bring God’s Love to Africa through healthcare outreaches to unreached people groups like the Sahel refugees in Burkina Faso and those recovering from decades of war in Sierra Leone. Reach Beyond helps Christians throughout the continent develop rural medical caravans, train village healthcare educators and complete clean-water well installations that transforms communities and open doors for believers to share the Gospel.
Reach One - Touch One Ministries 3/10/2020
A donation to one of our Critical Impact Funds will help us to meet the most significant needs of our seniors under our care. These funds are used to supplement the support that our Seniors receive through our Senior Friendship Program. Any Amount will help.
Redeemer City to City 11/6/2018
City to City prayerfully recruits, trains, coaches and resources leaders who start new churches and church networks in global cities. Your gift helps develop leaders through training, resources, and grants for new church plant projects that bring life to the city. You make this happen by giving, praying, and sharing about the fastest growing missions frontier: global cities.
Roever Evangelistic Association 12/8/2008
In 1968, DAVE ROEVER found himself in Vietnam serving with the United States Navy. On July 26, 1969 he was severely wounded. A white phosphorus grenade exploded six inches from his face, leaving his body severely damaged. In 1993, Dave Roever returned to Vietnam on a mission. Dave reaches out to Vietnam with a hand of compassion, a heart of love, and the knowledge that Jesus Christ remains the answer for all mankind.
Romanian American Mission 11/28/2012
The medical missions teams take medicines into Romania. RAM sends a medical team to each mission site to work along with the evangelistic team members. Medicines are collected in the United States, carefully sorted and packed, and transported to Romania by the mission team members. Touched by the love of the medical teams, the Romanian people open their hearts to the Gospel message as the evangelistic team members witness to them. Your donations will help with purchasing the medical supplies!
Rural Home Missionary Association (RHMA) 11/26/2008
Rural Home Missionary Association (RHMA) has been used of God to establish more than 200 churches through the years. The RHMA church planter prepares the spiritual soil, plants the seed, oversees the first signs of growth, and then turns the church over to a permanent pastor. Your gift will help plant and strengthen churches in small towns and rural places
SafeHouse Outreach 9/26/2019
Breaking the cycle of poverty by giving a hand-up and not just a hand-out, SafeHouse Outreach aims to transition people from homelessness to a point of stability and independent living. SHO provides practical, emotional, and physical assistance and support for the in-need and at-risk, and helps integrate them back into society through time-tested programs.
Samaritan Aviation 2/19/2014
Your donations play a crucial role in our ability to succeed as an organization and follow the words of Jesus in Mark 16:15. Samaritan Aviation is providing access to critical medical care and health services that might not otherwise be available. It takes all of us doing our part to make an impact in the United States and the remote areas of Papua New Guinea.
Samaritan's Purse 2/18/2009
Through Children’s Heart Project, Samaritan’s Purse brings lifesaving heart surgery to children from countries that do not have the medical facilities or expertise to perform such complex procedures. Samaritan’s Purse transports the sick child along with a parent or guardian to North America—where they stay with a Christian host family—and then undergo an operation donated by a local hospital.
COVID-19 Response 3/24/2020
Samaritan's Purse 3/24/2020
The Samaritan's Purse Emergency Field Hospital opened on March 20 in Cremona, Italy, to care for people sickened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our 14-tent, 68-bed respiratory care unit is set up in the Cremona Hospital parking lot in response to the hospital’s overflow of coronavirus patients. Our DC-8 aircraft transported the mobile medical facility and a large disaster response team, along with urgently needed medical supplies and equipment, to the pandemic's epicenter in northern Italy.
Samaritan's Purse 2/18/2009
As the medical arm of Samaritan's Purse, World Medical Mission places volunteer Christian physicians, dentists, and other medical personnel in mission hospitals and clinics around the world. We also staff a biomedical department and warehouse that provides critically needed medical equipment and supplies to medical mission facilities.
San Diego Rescue Mission 7/1/2011
San Diego Rescue Mission Recuperative Care Unit (RCU) program addresses the critical needs of housing supportive services for homeless individuals requiring medical attention.The RCU offers up to 29 patients a safe and supportive environment, meals, oversight of medical treatment, and access to follow-up care. In addition to providing for basic needs, we stress the role of holistic care in recovery by offering assistance with establishing primary care and psychiatric care when needed.
Scriptures In Use 5/8/2012
Scriptures In Use (SIU) exists to provide church planters in-country training opportunities to reach the unreached in oral cultures! We guide and mentor each church planter to develop a grass roots church planting ministry through Bible storytelling, dialog and other traditional oral communication methods to develop Disciple Making Movements among the least reached peoples of the world. If you wish to contribute to the work of SIU please contact us at 520-648-6400.
Servant Partners 6/30/2011
Servant Partners, through the power of the Holy Spirit, seeks the transformation of communities with the urban poor through church planting, community organizing, and leadership development. Our sites have projects in evangelism and discipleship, civic engagement, education, economic empowerment and business initiatives, arts, child and youth development, strengthening marriage and family wholeness, community health, and advocacy for policy change.
Servants Center 11/6/2018
Servants Center works to enhance the reputation of our Lord Jesus Christ through the provision of high quality, relationship based street outreach and ongoing support services to mentally ill poor and homeless people in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In addition to direct service to the homeless, we also provide educational events related to our work throughout Michigan each year.
Servants of the Word 12/6/2017
The Open Door is a Christian ministry dedicated to reaching out and serving needs of the poor and homeless of our community. We offer daily hot, nutritious meals served in a friendly, welcoming environment. We offer this care to all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, creed, or religion. Programs provide guests with encouragement for daily living, including medical screenings, haircuts, an informal mentoring program, and support.
Medical Clinics 9/13/2017
ServeNow 9/13/2017
In the remotest villages and poorest areas of India there are multitudes of people who are rarely, if ever, able to go to a doctor for their health problems. How amazing is it that for every $350, a medical camp can be held where a couple hundred people will be treated and cared for?!
S.O.A.R. with us! 7/31/2017
Service Oriented Aviation Readiness (S.O.A.R.) 7/31/2017
S.O.A.R. was started by following a desire to seek God's direction to combine a public-facing business as the FBO at the Bolivar Airport with the ministry-side of mission aviation training to serve the public in a way that can provide the needed experience for our students, yet help offset the high cost of training. Through its curriculum, programs, and supervised-experience training, students are prepared and qualified for the progression of testing and certifications.
ServingHIM - Healthcare International Ministries 2/13/2018
Our mission teams minister to both physical and spiritual needs of people living in impoverished areas in Romania, Guatemala, and Moldova. Your gift helps provide quality care to those in need both through our Dental and Medical Clinics, and Community Health Fairs, as well as helping our Evangelism and Community Outreach teams minister to each person that comes through our clinics, distribute Goats/Pigs/Chickens, and Food Baskets/Bibles to families living in very poor villages. Please Give Now!
ServLife International 2/25/2010
Help us to train over 100 leaders and plant over 20 churches this year in India and Nepal.
Set Free Alliance 9/11/2012
Meeting people's most basic need: The need for clean, disease-free, flowing water, while taking the Gospel of Jesus and church planting in West Africa and India.
Shining Hope International 6/5/2018
We are compelled by the love of Christ to make Him known to all the people of the world, including Muslims. We offer a variety of materials and DVDs centered on the truth of God’s Word, communicated with a spirit of love and truth. Your support will enable you to be part of what God is doing among Muslims.
Siloam Health 4/21/2010
The mission of Siloam Family Health Center is "to share the love of Christ by serving those in need through health care." The clinic aligns volunteers, donors, and Christian staff to give the uninsured and underserved access to high-quality, comprehensive health care. Siloam’s model treats body, mind and spirit by striving to meet patients’ emotional and spiritual needs as well as their physical ones. Patients pay on a sliding fee scale. However, no one is turned away if unable to pay.
Slavic Gospel Association 4/21/2010
Slavic Gospel Association (SGA) is a non-denominational, evangelical, Christian mission organization that assists local churches in the former Soviet Union as they reach their countrymen with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. SGA focuses on four primary areas of ministry - church planting, Bible training of nationals, orphans, children's and youth ministries, Bibles and theological literature. Our partners also help make a limited amount of humanitarian aid possible as needed.
South America Mission 6/24/2011
The local church has long been the primary focus of South America Mission. We help to found new churches, offer biblical education, pastoral training, and relational mentoring to church leaders. Please support us as we work along side church associations to reach out to the people of South America.
South Pacific District of The C&MA 4/6/2016
The South Pacific District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance is a family of churches throughout Arizona, New Mexico and Southern California. Their mission is to invest in healthy and effective leaders in order to reduce lostness in their communities and make disciples resulting in strong, multiplying churches. Your gift can be designated to a specific ministry as you feel led by the Lord.
Southern Baptist Foundation 11/13/2008
The Southern Baptist Foundation helps support the North American Mission Board with their disaster relief efforts, evangelism, and church planting efforts in the United States and Canada. Your financial support will help us continue our evangelizing efforts around North America.
Benevolence Fund 3/18/2009
St. Luke's Healthcare Foundation 3/18/2009
A thin, pregnant woman with HIV recently traveled 75 KM to Soddo Christian Hospital seeking help with the delivery of her twins. She arrived with no money. We were able to help her and the babies because of the Benevolence Fund that is supported by generous donors. Almost one third of our patients receive discounted treatment via this fund. 96% of your gift will be used for patients at Soddo Christian Hospital in Ethiopia.
Hospital expansion 5/15/2012
St. Luke's Healthcare Foundation 5/15/2012
We desperately need to upgrade our operating rooms. We have wonderful plans for an eight suite center.
Outpatient Clinic 5/15/2012
St. Luke's Healthcare Foundation 5/15/2012
Last year we served over 23,000 patients and over 2500,000 visitor/patients since 2005. Regionally there is a population over 2,500,000. Community Health Evangelism is also a growing opportunity. We have plans for a $900,000 Outpatient Building.
St. Matthew's House 5/7/2019
Our homeless shelter and feeding ministry have opened their doors to countless lives without taking a day off in more than a quarter century. Through our numerous programs, our ministry is able to initiate a second chance at life for many facing their toughest times. With established faith-based principles and dedication we’ve been able to see hundreds of individuals and families regain their independence.
Stadia: New Church Strategies 6/5/2020
Stadia's Mission is to plant churches that intentionally care for Children - and we wont stop until every child has a church.
Sweet Sleep 10/5/2009
Can you provide for a pillow? What about a single bed? Maybe you could provide beds for a room full of children. Better still, can you provide beds for an entire orphanage? Consider how you can help bring sweet sleep to orphaned and abandoned children around the world: $3,000 fills one room in a Third-World orphanage; $250 provides one Sweet Sleep bed; $100 provides one new bed frame; $80 provides one mattress and cover; $50 provides one set of sheets and blanket; $20 provides one pillow!
Talking Bibles 4/20/2023
Our mission stems from a strong conviction that everyone in the world needs access to the Bible. The purpose of Talking Bibles is to give non-readers and the blind access to the Bible in their native language. Our mission is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by producing audio recordings of translated Scriptures in hundreds of languages and making these recordings accessible in the form of Talking Bibles for millions of people around the world who cannot read.
Talking Bibles 5/12/2020
Our mission stems from a strong conviction that everyone in the world needs access to the Bible. The purpose of Talking Bibles is to give non-readers and the blind access to the Bible in their native language. Our mission is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by producing audio recordings of translated Scriptures in hundreds of languages and making these recordings accessible in the form of Talking Bibles for millions of people around the world who cannot read.
Talking Bibles 4/20/2023
Millions of non-reading Christians in India live without personal access to the Bible, while others live in complete darkness and have never heard the Gospel. The Solution: Talking Bibles! If they cannot read, they can listen to God's Word on an audio "Talking" Bible. They can study, learn and grow in their faith! The Goal: Reaching a Nation! Talking Bibles International is on a mission to place a Talking Bible in every village in India by 2033. God is showing up mighty for people all ove
Support a Project 12/17/2020
TeachBeyond 12/17/2020
Our TeachBeyond schools and educational programs around the world are able to more effectively impact their learners and communities through those giving generously to fund scholarships, capital campaigns, and other ongoing or special needs.
Teaching Truth International 10/9/2023
Teaching Truth International partners with local pastors and regional associations to provide rigorous Biblical training to strengthen local churches. Teaching Truth International offers a variety of different courses and in a variety of different contexts from the following fields: Bible, Theology, Church History and Apologetics.
The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) 1/8/2009
CBN's international regional centers minister to a variety of children's needs. These include educational support such as tutoring and mentoring, sponsoring school tuition, and donating school supplies as well as providing medical care and nutritious meals for those in need.
Medical Services 1/7/2009
The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) 1/7/2009
CBN's international regional centers conduct medical camps and clinics to provide free medical, dental, optical, and surgical services for the poor and needy who otherwise would receive no care at all. CBN utilizes its in-country staff who best know their country's needs and coordinate available resources to care for the poor. In addition to conducting medical camps in urban and rural communities, we provide life-changing surgeries such as cleft lip and palate, goiter, and cataract.
Micro-Enterprise 1/7/2009
The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) 1/7/2009
CBN promotes life skills training in conjunction with teaching trade skills and, in some cases, providing micro-enterprise grants or loans. These enable those in need to learn job skills they need to earn a living and have the money to buy simple tools and supplies to open their own small business. The goal is to move families, villages, and small communities to self-sufficiency.
Disaster Relief 4/7/2009
The Christian Relief Fund 4/7/2009
Both in the United States and abroad, the Christian Relief Fund helps thousands of victims of famines and disasters such as floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, wars, etc. by providing funds for food, blankets, shelter, medical help, and the means to rebuild homes and lives. Included in disaster relief are shipments of sea containers of medical supplies for hospitals and orphanages in impoverished countries, such as Romania.
The Congregational Methodist Church 5/30/2024
The mission of the CMC is to share the message of a heartwarming religion and organize people for discipleship. The Congregational Methodist Church's mission is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Our community, our nation, and even our world are our responsibility. John Wesley stated, "I consider all the world as my parish." Therefore, the Church is to be Jesus's physical manifestation to its community and world. This is accomplished by the indwelling Spirit empowering the
The Cornerstone Foundation 7/6/2018
To provide electricity for hospital Loma de Luz, which will lower our electric cost.
The GO Fund! 1/15/2010
The Global Orphan Project 1/15/2010
This is our ‘Greatest Needs’ category, and the rocket fuel of the ministry. Donations here fill critical life gaps for the children, and, most importantly, drive economic and agricultural development. 100% of our GO Fund is used for the 'now needs' of the children that must be met as they arise, agricultural development, and economic development. One time gifts and monthly gifts in of any amount will help us grow our reach and impact.
The Kellermann Foundation 7/10/2017
Our mission is to provide resources for health, education, spiritual outreach, and economic empowerment for the benefit of the Batwa pygmies and adjacent communities. With your support, we aspire to help through healthcare, community development, and nursing education programs. With your partnership, we envision that the Batwa and surrounding communities will—by the grace of God—achieve life in all its fullness.
The Medical Strategic Network 4/1/2010
The Medical Strategic Network is dedicated to equipping, networking and mobilizing health care professionals and students to better serve the Lord in their respective realms of influence. Our Medical Evangelism Training & Strategies (METS) Conferences provide practical, hands-on training to more effectively treat patients - both physically and spiritually thus treating the whole person.
The Men of Nehemiah 5/8/2018
The Men of Nehemiah is designed to rebuild the lives of families that have been torn apart by the vicious onslaught of poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, and violence. Our primary ministry is a comprehensive discipleship and addiction recovery program for men, particularly men who are homeless and/or formerly incarcerated. The Men of Nehemiah envisions a world where all mankind will recognize and experience the Love and Presence of God in their lives and thereby praise Him for who He is.
The Neighborhood Christian Clinic 3/5/2009
The Neighborhood Christian Clinic provides medical and dental services to the uninsured, underserved community while sharing the gospel and love of Christ in the context of a patient/provider setting. The Clinic prays with virtually every patient. Because 50+% of the patient visits are facilitated by a volunteer medical provider, we are able to disciple and mentor the volunteers so they can include Christ in their private practices. Currently, 125 patients are turned away each month.
The NETS Center for Church Planting and Revitalization 5/16/2012
The NETS Residency Program is a unique life-on-life mentorship. Residents spend two years as apprentices in a thriving Gospel-driven church. Couples are enfolded into the church body where they not only gain practical ministry experience, but experience up close the transforming power of the Gospel. Your support will help us equip servant leaders to plant churches in New England and abroad.
Third Lens 11/19/2024
Third Lens Ministries is changing how construction projects are built in the non-profit world. The Third Lens platform connects our network of architects, engineers, real estate and construction professionals with strategic partners and organizations in need of facilities.
Tim Tebow Foundation 8/20/2018
The Christian faith is about loving Jesus and loving people, and that is what we are trying to do with this foundation and all of our outreaches. Our goal is to let people know that God loves them and that they are worthy. Donate today to help us bring Faith, Hope and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need. 100% of your gift will go directly toward outreach initiatives!
To Every Tribe 1/21/2022
To Every Tribe exists to extend the worship of Christ among all peoples by mobilizing the church, training disciple-makers, and sending missionary teams to plant churches among the unreached.
Town and Country 6/9/2011
The Town and Country Manor is a retirement center dedicated to providing carefree living for those with changing needs. We are providing independent living, assisted living, and skilled nursing care. Our warm and friendly staff is striving to care for the whole person in mind, body, and spirit. Your support helps us provide for the needs of our residents. Call (714) 547-7581 to donate.
Tupelo Christian Preparatory School 11/18/2008
TCPS is a unique educational institution committed to quality Christian education. Our doors opened August 25, 1988 with classes from Preschool through fifth grade being offered in our inaugural year. Starting in 2002 the school began adding a grade a year. Please give today to help us lead students, in partnership with Christian families, to know Christ and make Him known through rigorous academics, challenging athletics, and stimulating arts.
Uncharted Ministries 8/7/2019
Help us continue to take the Gospel to the least reached among Jews and Muslims, and those off the beaten path who have no access to the Gospel. We are telling the real stories behind the headlines of our God’s amazing transforming work around the world.
Union Gospel Mission of Yakima Washington 2/5/2019
Our vision is that every homeless person in Yakima County has the opportunity for permanent life change in Jesus Christ. We provide emergency and long-term services to our guests to help them escape the struggle of life on the streets. Our mission is to produce fruit that lasts - measurable change. We will measure our work in order to support continuous improvement, as well as to ensure the highest stewardship of resources entrusted to us by God.
Vineyard USA 4/15/2021
Committed to worship with passion, serve with devotion, and equip people of every age, ethnicity, language, and background to do the works that Jesus did, the Vineyard is a church planting movement that is growing daily.
Voice of China and Asia Missionary Society 6/28/2016
Voice of China and Asia is empowering rural Chinese Preachers and Evangelists to expand their influence beyond their present limitations. Circuit-walking Chinese Preacher's ministries are hindered by unreliable transportation, walking distance, terrain, and inclement weather. By providing reliable motorcycle transportation we have expanded development of isolated preaching points into full-fledged operating churches, evangelized new counties, and reached distant mountain villages for Christ.
Volunteers in Medical Missions 5/13/2011
VIMM (Volunteers In Medical Missions) is a team of Christian doctors, nurses, and many other volunteers that are working to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of children and adults in developing countries throughout the world. Your donation will help with upcoming missions in Peru, Honduras, Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Sri Lanka. We also have Village Health Workers in villages near Olanchito, Honduras. Funds are needed to dispense medicine, vitamins, and eyeglasses.
Way Cool Health 3/9/2023
Way Cool Angels 3/9/2023
A warm friendly smile will positively affect the people around us. Way Cool Health is an outreach program that serves those who are sad, lonely, desperate, hurting and in need of help. These past years were difficult for everyone as the world was adversely affected by Covid-19. Through our targeted rescue missions, community chiropractic and eye glass outreaches, children’s fun dental parties and more, we bring love, healing, joy and a lot of smiles back to the people!
Wellspring Life Ministry 7/10/2017
The Pregnancy Clinic Ministry is a refuge where the truth is spoken in love, the Gospel is shared, and where a drink from a “cup of cold water” is offered. Within our doors, clients receive help and healing, and see life as God sees it: precious and full of hope. It is your gift that strengthens us and makes the Pregnancy Clinic ministry much more effective. Thank you for partnering with us!
Wesley Biblical Seminary 5/7/2020
Wesley Biblical Seminary exists to educate and train men and women who, in fulfillment of the Church’s mission, will live and proclaim Trinitarian faith, promote the Spirit-filled life, and in full commitment to the absolute authority of the Bible, actively make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Westminster Theological Seminary 7/2/2012
The general fund is our largest need of funding and is probably the least understood. It is, in a sense, a 'catch-all' category and includes everything from salaries for our faculty and staff to heating, cooling, and lighting our classrooms. We try to run a lean operation so that your gifts are used as wisely as possible to help us operate the seminary.
White Fields 12/31/2014
We are committed to starting strong self-sustaining churches. The national pastor and his family live among their own people at the standard of living of their community. Through the growing network of churches being established in an impoverished area, we introduce Micro-Enterprises that allow the new believers in the church to grow economically and solve their poverty. We lead Bible Schools to train future pastors, build water projects, and medical clinics alongside the churches.
Poverty Solutions 7/12/2018
White Fields 7/12/2018
Assisting the poor to grow their own micro-enterprise is a great way to solve poverty. Rather than just waiting for a handout, the impoverished people can manage their own income generating project to earn a living. Families can begin to feed themselves. Parents can enroll children in school.
White Fields 7/12/2018
While our ministry establishes a new church in an impoverished village, we support drilling a well or building a rainwater storage harvesting tank. Through this ministry, the local church can provide water to all the neighbors in the surrounding community.
Wichita Falls Faith Mission 2/6/2018
Our mission is to provide Christ-centered programs and services that lead the homeless toward self-sufficiency. We serve the homeless through a variety of programs at two shelters, Faith Mission and Faith Refuge. Your gift provides the basic essentials for survival. Every donation helps support Christ-centered programs and services for the homeless.
Donate to WMT! 12/31/2014
Willamette Medical Teams 12/31/2014
WMT has the opportunity to send medical teams to many different countries including: Afghanistan, Chile, Liberia, Ecuador, Iraq, and China. We need your support to continue this ministry. We welcome your involvement!
Disability 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. enriches the lives of those struggling with disability by providing medical care, shelter, and job skills training. This not only allows them to work with dignity, but also enables them to become important economic contributors with their societies.
Education 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. understands education to be one of the greatest ways we can help at-risk men, women, and children live lives of freedom. Through our various educational endeavors, we help raise individuals from lives of poverty and risk to those of dignity, influence, and opportunity.
Micro-loans 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. understands the importance of empowering at-risk or victimized women to work with dignity. Our Micro-loan program enables individuals to leave a life of sexual exploitation or avoid it all together as they start up their own businesses and work with new-found dignity.
Scholarships 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. provides a number of different scholarships that help empower men, women, and children to rise above their crippling circumstances. Whether their needs are medical, educational, occupational, or simply consist of unmet daily needs, WAR, Int’l, Inc. helps provide them with the funding they need to move forward in life with dignity.
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. provides both curative support for victims of exploitation as well as preventative support that enables at-risk women and children to avoid falling prey to exploitation. This is done through the provision of medical care, counseling, housing, job training, micro-loans, scholarships, educational training and much more! Our goal is to empower these individuals in their recovery and journey of restoration.
Widows 10/11/2011
Women at Risk International 10/11/2011
Women At Risk, International, Inc. understands that being widowed in patriarchal cultures leaves women unsupported, left to fend for themselves and in a place of critical risk. By providing scholarships, job training, and employment for these women, they are empowered to live lives of dignity!
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries 7/8/2011
In Myanmar World Compassion Terry Law Ministries has indigenous pastors who are reaching the Burmese people with the Gospel, evangelizing in villages and planting churches throughout the country. We assist these pastors to become self-sufficient so they can build more churches as well as living and educational facilities for the many homeless children abandoned in the streets and subject to child trafficking.
World Gospel Mission 11/30/2008
For much of the 20th century, religion was highly restricted and monitored by the government of communist Hungary. Now Christians are free to worship in the open. Hungarians are experiencing a great thirst for translated Christian books. End the drought. Each $600 you raise covers a translation cost, and each additional $6 pays for the printing of one copy of a book. Project #31454 $600 (to translate a book) $6 (to print a book)
General Program 2/16/2010
World Harvest 2/16/2010
Your gift enables communities we serve to be able to access clean water, healthcare, nutrition, as well as empower youths and leaders in the communities with skills and knowledge to reach their full potential.
World Harvest 11/12/2008
World Harvest believes that every child deserves to have a HOPE and a FUTURE. The Sponsor - A - Child (SAC) program was created to help support underprivileged children of developing countries. For just $30 a month, World Harvest will meet a child’s educational, medical, and nutritional needs. Your donation and support of $30 a month will include: personal letters to and from your child, pictures of your child, your child’s academic report cards and a personal relationship with your child.
World Help 5/20/2012
Equip a church planter to establish thriving faith communities in some of the most unreached countries on earth. Your gift will help provide a pastor with training, Bibles, study materials, and essentials like food for his family and transportation costs so he can continue to reach more people with the Gospel.
Agriculture 12/13/2016
World Hope International 12/13/2016
By introducing the world’s most impoverished communities to supply chain best practices, sustainable farming, and livestock development techniques, farmers are able to better their production and preserve their land for future use. World Hope International’s agricultural programs help farmers grow more food for themselves or the market, combat hunger and provide long lasting food security.
World Ministries 6/1/2009
World Ministries equips national Indian pastors and leaders for outreach, disciple making, and church multiplication.
World Ministries 7/11/2013
World Ministries equips national Nepali pastors and leaders for outreach, disciple-making and church multiplication.
World Ministries 7/11/2013
World Ministries equips national West African pastors and leaders for outreach, disciple-making and church multiplication.
World Mission Prayer League 5/6/2011
World Mission Prayer League not only organizes prayer meetings all over the country; we serve the sick with healing, and the spiritually lost with the good news of God's grace through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. We are sending missionaries into dozens of countries around the world to do medical work, undertake development ministries, and serve churches. Your donation will help us acheive this and make a lasting difference all over the world.
World Reach 9/3/2021
World Reach's mission is to reach the world with the Gospel of Christ through partnering with local, indigenous churches. We carry out our mission through evangelism, discipleship training, church planting, leadership development, and physical relief efforts. Invest in the lives of missionaries bringing the Gospel to the nations. Provide training to local pastors who are striving to reach their communities with the Gospel. Contribute to children in need so they can have a bright future. There
World Reach 6/6/2014
World Reach provides basic health care and services at a greatly subsidized cost in the rural community of Muthetheni, Kenya, where people have difficulty affording medical care. Medical concerns of the community include: fungal infections, malnutrition, malaria, typhoid, sanitation, water contamination, AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Infections, prenatal and post-natal care. The clinic operates as "the hands and feet of Jesus", meeting both physical and spiritual needs.
World Reach 6/6/2014
La Roca Prenatal Center opened its doors in November 2007. Trained volunteer staff members counsel, disciple and encourage pregnant teenage girls and women in choosing life for their unborn children. The rate of abortion in Peru is extremely high, and World Reach uses La Roca Prenatal Center as a vessel to the choice of life and to spreading God’s love and hope to young women throughout the process of pregnancy. Medical and dental services are offered as well as a baby shower for each woman.
World Reach 6/6/2014
Our Mobile Bible Institutes train national pastors, aspiring pastors and other church leaders in the Word of God, that they in turn may further the kingdom of God among their own people. We work in close cooperation with the local indigenous church using Biblical curriculum to train and equip the pastoral students, most of whom are bivocational.
World Relief 6/28/2011
Utilizing the power of Agri-business, Microfinance and Savings Groups, World Relief equips small business owners with the skills, capital and resources necessary to develop successful, self-sustaining businesses. We believe when given the tools to protect and leverage their financial assets, these entrepreneurs will be able to participate in the transformation of their local communities.
World Relief 6/28/2011
We stand for the displaced by specializing in Immigrant Services and Refugee Resettlement in the United States. Every year, World Relief and its partner churches resettle approximately 10% of all refugees entering the United States, providing language skills, job training and spiritual services. Through Peace and Reconciliation workshops, we teach local churches in conflict areas around the world to embrace Christ's call to forgive and reconcile so safe communities can begin to flourish.
Stand for Women 6/28/2011
World Relief 6/28/2011
Through our Gender–Based Violence, Anti–Trafficking and HIV/AIDS programs, women are mobilized by their churches and trained to sensitize their communities. By organizing workshops, conducting seminars, running youth events and counseling victims, these women promote healing, health and peace in their families and communities. We stand for women because empowered women transform the world.
World Team USA 2/3/2012
Muslims who come to faith are finding their place in the Great Commission. African missionaries receive training and seed money to launch micro-businesses to support their families and establish a presence where they serve. Annually, each family needs approximately $1,200 for training, $1,500 toward daily living, and $2,000 for micro-business set-up and relocation expenses.
World Team USA 11/17/2008
“More workers!” That’s the cry heard from missionaries and national believers around the world. More men and women of God are needed to expand the boundaries of the Church, share the Gospel, and make disciples. A gift to Mission: Mobilization will provide World Team with the necessary resources to explore new fields and mobilize more workers for cross-cultural ministry among unreached peoples throughout the world.
Technology 2/3/2012
World Team USA 2/3/2012
In the past 30 years, accessibility and affordability of technology has been changing at a blinding pace. At World Team, it is our desire to be flexible and innovative in our approach as we seek to fulfill our purpose of establishing reproducing churches among the unreached peoples of the world. Upgraded technology will allow us to bring a new level of efficiency and productivity so we can focus on the work of evangelism and discipleship.
World Team USA 2/3/2012
The Gospel is spreading among the Vietnamese in Cambodia but there aren’t enough workers to disciple the new believers. Vietnamese workers from Vietnam are needed to assist with establishing reproducing churches among the Vietnamese in Cambodia.
Worldlink International Ministries 3/8/2011
Worldlink exists to unleash and support trained local evangelists and church planters in the world’s most challenging areas to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Native missionaries are often more effective than their western counterparts because they have no language, culture, travel or lifestyle barriers to overcome. They can reach countries that cannot be reached by western missionaries. Please give today!
WorldVenture 4/23/2009
This project will fund the expansion of WorldVenture into new ministries of partnership with the rapidly growing church in China. Funds are needed for video production, promotional materials, web expansion, travel, conferences and partnership agreements.
WorldVenture 4/23/2009
In the past year, micro-financing projects have popped up across the Philippines. A rubber tree plantation is providing work and income for dozens of mountain farmers in Mindanao; a fishing boat was built and now 10 families in the village of San Vincenti, Samar, in central Philippines, are running their own fishing business and a small church planter is teaching groups of farmers agribusiness, animal husbandry, agriculture and horticulture.
Worldwide Lab Improvement 5/5/2011
Worldwide Lab Improvement, Inc. (WWLAB) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. We are serving the laboratories in Christian mission hospitals and clinics in developing countries by providing affordable and durable equipment, supplies, training, and consulting. See our website for a list of equipment needed, or call (269)323-8407 to donate. Your donation will make a lasting difference!
Worldwide Proclamation 7/13/2010
Each of our branches has a ministry vehicle which is vital for their frontline ministry of evangelism. Our national evangelists use these vehicles to carry film equipment, sound systems, generators, literature, etc. for their evangelistic meetings in the open air and in public schools. Presently there is an urgent need for another ministry vehicle in Kenya and the Congo.
YUGO Ministries 5/4/2011
In Mexico, our resident missionaries are working to evangelize Mexican people, plant churches and train Mexican pastors. Our outreach ministry programs are structured and designed to reach the full spectrum of ages in the Mexican community.
ZimZam Global 9/8/2020
ZimZam Global is igniting church planting movements committed to making the hope of the gospel and long-term discipleship available to every child, everywhere. And, through their influence and enthusiasm for Christ, to impact — and transform — entire communities!