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230 results found.

Abide in the Word 12/11/2023
Abide in the Word, formerly Downtown Bible Class, has been broadcasting in the Portland area since the spring of 1993. You can listen to the Abide in the Word radio broadcast every weekday on KPDQ AM & FM, or tune in any time of the day at this website or through the Abide app. Pastor Scott Gilchrist is the Bible teacher for this non-denominational Christian ministry whose purpose is to bring clear, Christ-centered Bible teaching to the state of Oregon and beyond through its radio programs and d
Advancing Native Missions 6/30/2021
More than 3 billion people around the world have not even heard the gospel message. They don't live near a church, there is no pastor in their community, and they may not even know a single Christian. Compassionate Christians like you are changing that by giving to ANM. Every day, the gospel is reaching someone for the very first time, giving them hope and transforming their life. You can share that hope with someone today.
Adventures in Missions 6/10/2010
Help families strengthen their bond and develop a "Great Commission-oriented" family mindset by serving together on the mission field for a week.
Aglow International 7/31/2014
The Global Leader Development section of the Aglow website contains current and strategic materials for developing todays champions, warriors and global leaders. You will find transcripts for messages, links to order DVDs, and teaching materials that will boost your upgrades! In addition there is a section of free materials that contain over 120 Bible studies in many different languages plus much more. Aglow excels in leader development and makes many leader resources available free.
Al Hayat Ministries 4/7/2014
Every donation given to missions, every prayer and service given for God's kingdom, is of great importance! The sharing of God's word always produces fruit. We stand by God's promise: "Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
American Scientific Affiliation 11/12/2012
The American Scientific Affiliation's (ASA) unique mission is to integrate, communicate, and facilitate properly researched science and theology in service to the Church and the scientific community. Additionally, the ASA is committed to advising churches and our society on how best to employ science and technology while preserving the integrity of God's creation.
Media Evangelism 8/21/2013
AMG International 8/21/2013
At AMG, "media" can take a wide variety of forms. In several countries (often those closed to overt missionary activity), we work through newspaper/web evangelism: placing Gospel ads in newspapers, magazines, and on websites, and discipling seekers through Bible correspondence courses. There and elsewhere, we also reach out through book/periodical publishing, Gospel tracts, and radio.
Anglican House Media Ministry 9/24/2021
Anglican House Media Ministry, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation and Ministry Partner of the Anglican Church in North America. The work of publishing is managed by volunteer executive officers overseeing various freelance professionals in the important aspects of publishing— editing, book layout and design, typesetting, artwork, cover design, e commerce, website management, accounting, and the resultant creation of the electronic files used to print books.
Creation Museum! 11/24/2009
Answers in Genesis 11/24/2009
The state-of-the-art 70,000 square foot museum brings the pages of the Bible to life, casting its characters and animals in dynamic form and placing them in familiar settings. Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden. Children play and dinosaurs roam near Eden’s Rivers. Majestic murals, great masterpieces brimming with pulsating colors and details, provide a backdrop for many of the settings. Your donation will help us continue with the upkeep and expenses for the museum.
Answers in Genesis 11/24/2009
Answers in Genesis is a non-profit ministry sustained by God's grace through the faithful prayers and generous gifts of our supporters. Please prayerfully consider partnering with this Bible-proclaiming ministry!
Apologetics Inc. 9/11/2024
We envision a generation transformed by Christianity. Our mission is to demonstrate Christianity’s truth and satisfaction and equip believers to share this message creatively and clearly. Through engaging content, impactful outreach events, and discipleship initiatives, we aim to reveal the story of Jesus Christ as the ultimate reality and build vibrant, authentic gospel communities.
Aramaic Bible Translation 4/27/2011
Help Aramaic Bible Translation bring scripture to the Aramaic people. Translators are working to translate God's Word into all modern Aramaic dialects including Assyrian, Chaldean, Suryoyo (Turyoyo), Ma’luli (Suryon) and a related dialect, Mardini.
Arise Ministries 5/13/2013
Arise Ministries helps single-parent homes rebuild lifestyle foundations. We encourage and equip through our online education center with podcasts, videos, and articles that are accessed by single moms around the world. Recently launching online Bible studies and connect groups, Arise Ministries comes alongside single moms in their journey. Your gift would allow us to continue effective outreach programs that change lives and homes. You don't give to Arise but through Arise.
Asia Harvest 5/2/2017
There is a growing emergency among the house churches in China! Although a limited number of Bibles are now permitted to be printed inside China, they are not enough to meet the need. Because of the tremendous growth rate of the church in China (some say 10-15,000 new believers each day, or approximately 3 to 5 million per year), there is a serious lack of Bibles. Your donation to Asia Harvest helps bring God’s Word to new believers in China.
Audio Bibles 12/3/2010
Audio Scripture Ministries 12/3/2010
"How will they hear?" 1.2 billion across the globe do not read, and millions have no access to the Bible. We know " comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ" (Rom 10:17, ESV). Praise God that for about $40, you can give an entire family the gift of hearing the Bible in their heart language, on a solar-powered audio Bible!
Avon Park Camp Association 7/1/2013
The primary event that takes place at the Avon Park Interdenominational Conference Center is the Holiness Camp Meeting. The camp starts the Thursday before the first Sunday in February and runs for ten days. Help support these life changing events by giving to Avon Park Camp Association!
BEE World 5/10/2011
Along with the staggering need for Bible training, the cost of merely printing a biblical education curriculum in a new language is expensive. Establishment and maintenance of in-country warehouses and delivery networks to distribute the materials add additional cost and expose many to danger, not to mention the ever-present risk of wholesale confiscation. Please help support this mission to safely print and distribute biblical materials to the world!
Bethlehem College & Seminary 5/1/2017
Every resident student receives a Serious Joy Scholarship. God works in the hearts of individual men and women to provide two-thirds of Bethlehem College & Seminary students’ full tuition cost such that they can: receive a high-value education at an unusually affordable cost, launch immediately into ministry without student loan debt and be affordable as staff to churches and ministries that need them.
Bible Access 2/6/2014
Bible League International 2/6/2014
In most places where Bible League International serves, people have very limited access to the Scriptures because of persecution, poverty, or limited ability to read. In addition to providing other versions, Bible League translates, publishes, and provides Scriptures in everyday language, making the truth of God available to all. Many Bible League Scripture materials are available in more than 30 languages, with additional translations underway.
Bible Learning 2/6/2014
Bible League International 2/6/2014
BIble League provides materials and training to churches so they can help believers study the Scripture and share the Gospel with the unreached. Through evangelism and discipleship programs like Project Philip, churches learn to plant the Word of God so it can take root and change lives, families, and communities.
Bible Study Fellowship 1/14/2016
The BSF Board of Directors established the BSF Global Impact Fund to provide for the long-term funding and support of Bible Study Fellowship, its strategic initiatives, major infrastructure, equipment, technology and ministry development.
Word in the City 1/23/2018
Bible Study Fellowship 1/23/2018
Word in the City was established initially in the United Kingdom to encourage the next generation to encounter God through in-depth Bible study. It provides Bible training designed to help individuals read the Bible, know God, serve the Church, and benefit their city. Word in the City helps establish a healthy, sustainable lifestyle of engaging directly with the text of God's Word.
Bible Teaching Resources 7/9/2009
We believe God calls us to equip people and serve Him effectively in local churches, Christian organizations and para-church ministries, as well as in the marketplace. Believing “Christ is all and in all,” we strive to help people live with integrity and purpose in every arena of their lives.
Bible2School 9/3/2020
Bible2School is committed to its vision for every child to have an opportunity to attend a Bible class during their school day, because we beleive every child needs to hear Biblical Truth
Bibles for America 8/4/2023
We love God, we love the Bible, and we love what God loves—people. That’s why we’re happy to share the New Testament Recovery Version study Bible and Christian books with people across America, free of charge.
Bibles for China 6/20/2012
At a cost of $5.00 each, Bibles for China is currently purchasing and distributing, free of charge to rural Chinese believers, complete Bibles which are legally printed in China. The need is huge—hundreds of thousands of Bibles have been requested. To continue meeting this unprecedented opportunity, we need your help now. By making a donation to Bibles for China today, you can place God’s Word into the hands of a precious rural Chinese Christian.
Bibles for the World 12/1/2008
At Bibles For The World, it is our passion to ensure that everyone has the chance to read God's precious Word. Consider an existence without knowing the true and living God. What would life be like without God’s Word guiding, enlightening encouraging and comforting you? Please consider becoming a part of this ministry of bringing God's Word to the nations.
Bibles in Schools 7/23/2024
Bibles In Schools is a Non-Profit organization which exists to facilitate the placement of engaging Bibles in public school libraries across the United States of America!
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 6/14/2011
The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove—located near Asheville, N.C.—offers year-round programs and workshops where the only textbook is the Bible. Well-known Christian pastors and Bible teachers train believers to grow in their faith. Special programs for church leaders, military and law enforcement couples, women, and seniors are also offered as well as evening concert events.
Blue Letter Bible 3/6/2019
Please consider joining in BLB’s mission to exalt the name of God and His Word above all things (Psalm 138:2). As we reach out to millions of people worldwide with our free Bible study resources, you can help us water the seeds that God plants in the hearts of Blue Letter Bible users everywhere.
Breakaway Student Ministries 10/9/2008
Breakaway is a non-denominational, weekly Bible study on the campus of Texas A&M University. We exist to introduce college students to Jesus Christ and call them to walk with Him for a lifetime. We accomplish this through worship, Bible teaching and resources. While not affiliated with any one church, we work hard to connect students to local, Bible-believing churches. By God's power and for His glory, we live to proclaim the gospel of Christ to college students.
Byelorussian Mission 12/18/2019
God instructs us to take His Gospel to the world, but He is careful to remind us that we are to share the good news with everyone, to not forget His Chosen People along the way. There are more than 2.5 million Russian Speaking Jewish people in the land of Israel. Many of the Russian speaking congregations in Israel have been asking us for Bibles, but it is difficult to carry enough of them with us when we travel over there because they are so heavy! Please help us to print locally in Ashkelon, I
Capitol Commission 7/30/2018
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in Oklahoma who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 6/12/2018
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in South Dakota who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in California who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in Arkansas who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in Colorado who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in Georgia who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a State Minister in Illinois.He leads Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 6/30/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Indiana who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Kansas who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Kentucky who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 6/30/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Louisiana who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Maryland who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Michigan who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Missouri who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of NC who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Ohio who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Pennsylvania who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of SC who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Tennesse who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Texas who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Virginia who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 5/29/2013
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of West Virginia who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome.' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
Capitol Commission 7/3/2015
Capitol Commission has a full-time minister in the state of Wyoming who must raise his own support in order be at the legislative sessions to lead Bible studies, election-eve prayer walks, pray for legislators and staffs 'under the capitol dome' AND to minister to legislators, who mostly are away from home, and under pressure from their constituents, political party, and lobbyists without the support of their home church. In many states our men lead the National Day of Prayer Function.
CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) 8/2/2018
CBE collaborates with ministry leaders in sub-Saharan Africa to address an imbalance of resources and power between women and men, and girls and boys. Women's equality is not attainable without addressing underlying cultural and faith-based beliefs that devalue and disempower women and girls, making them vulnerable to marginalization and abuse. By providing culturally appropriate biblical resources, CBE is instrumental in partnering for change globally.
CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) 8/2/2018
An expert team of women and men Bible scholars from diverse backgrounds are working on a project to correct flawed translations of biblical passages that are used to demean and subjugate females to male authority and abuse. They will produce exegetically-sound, gender-accurate, and accessible English translations from the original biblical texts. CBE will publish the revised texts beside evidence for the revisions in a commentary that accompanies each revision.
CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) 1/27/2023
CBE develops online courses with topics such as “Answers to Common Questions about Women and the Church,” and “Women in pastoral ministry.” The content is rich and extremely valuable for educating and advocating that God created women and men as equal partners for the flourishing of families and communities. Content is aimed to open the eyes of those who have been misled and confused by misinterpreted Bible passages and ideas that devalue women. See courses at
CBE International (Christians for Biblical Equality) 8/2/2018
CBE advances the gospel by equipping Christians to use their God-given talents in leadership and service. CBE’s work addresses theological and historical errors, and flawed translations of Scripture that devalue girls and women and limit their voice, agency, and God-given gifts that communities need to flourish. CBE educates and advocates with online multimedia resources (in many languages), yearly international conferences, local chapters, publications, blog, podcast, radio, and social media.
Bibles 3/16/2022
Childcare Worldwide 3/16/2022
Bibles are a “luxury” for poor families simply trying to survive. Often multiple families must share a single Bible. But for just $16 you can give a child their very own Bible to help them grow and learn about Jesus.
Childcare Worldwide 3/16/2022
Send a child to a Life Center to introduce them to the best gift of all: Jesus! At our Life Centers, children meet weekly for a day of fun, but more importantly, for a day of discipleship. Through Bible study, songs and games, our curriculum helps them connect Biblical principles to their day-to-day life, and helps them walk closer with Jesus every day. A gift of any amount will help a child's faith grow. You can support a child in this program for just $5 a month, or $60 for an entire yea
Children Of Abraham 8/9/2019
Since 1977, the Children Of Abraham ministry has been communicating the saving message of Christ to a largely un-evangelized Arabic community in and beyond North America. The truth of God’s glorious self-revelation, in Christ and His Word has been hidden from millions of Muslims. We are committed to placing the Word of God into the hands of many Muslims.
China Partner 11/10/2008
China Partner provides mini-libraries to students, faculty, pastors and lay pastors in mainland China. CP has distributed over 50,000 Bible study and reference books since 1991. These study books are cherished treasure since they provide much needed training and help equip Christian leaders to share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to more Chinese. Help us to continue this needed distribution in China!
China Partner 3/23/2010
The great news is that the church is exploding in China today. At the same time, China only has one ordained pastor for every 10,000 Christians. There is a huge need for additional training of pastors and lay pastors. China Partner exists to help meet this need by providing regular short-term Pastoral Training Seminars across China. Your donation will equip trainers to train trainers (2 Tim. 2:2).
Chinese Christian Mission 11/13/2012
From its humble beginnings in 1961 as a small literature distribution ministry, Chinese Christian Mission has developed into a multi-faceted mission organization. CCM's strategy is reaching the Chinese to reach the world, by sending missionaries to the Chinese to bring them the gospel in their language, and equipping believers to reach the local ethnic groups.
Christ for All Nations 4/20/2011
Consider partnering with Christ for all Nations and become a monthly ministry partner by praying for this ministry and standing financially with this ministry with a monthly partnership support gift. Every dollar makes a difference.
Christ For The Nations 7/21/2011
The Museum Of Earth History in Dallas, Texas, provides an enjoyable and educational experience, exploring the biblical perspective of Creation and Earth history. Through the use of displays, artifacts, and historical data, the Museum shows Creation as it is recorded in the Bible. It also helps to expose and confront many of the errors taught in our modern education system. Young minds are at stake, and this is one, powerful tool in presenting the message in a way they will never forget.
Christian Aid Ministries Foundation 5/7/2020
Did you know you can donate assets such as grain or cattle to support kingdom work? Are you selling your farm or business and need help with capital gains tax issues? Would you like help from a Biblical perspective on establishing a will or trust? Christian Aid Ministries Foundation's mission is to educate, motivate, and assist supporters in biblical stewardship planning. Our Biblical Stewardship Services department may be able to help you with the following services: ? Estate design assis
Christian Bowhunters of America 11/13/2008
The Mission of Christian Bowhunters of America is to be a Ministry to the Bowhunting and Archery World, seeking to serve and exalt Jesus Christ by leading lost people to him and encouraging Christian growth. Christian Bowhunters presently has 48 chapters across the country. We need you to partner with us. Please visit our web site for details regarding memberships, chapters and giving opportunities.
Christian Military Fellowship 5/24/2012
One of the unfortunate facts of war is that the effects of mortal combat do not stop when the warrior leaves the battlefield. We may never fully realize how war forever changes the heart! Nor will we know the pains inflicted deep by the many terrors endured. Help us lessen the pain and encourage healing. A Gift of $30 will provide a copy of the "Combat Trauma Healing Manual" to a returning Warrior.
Christian Military Fellowship 5/24/2012
Help make a Bible available to the troops whenever they want one. Whether here at home or on the far side of the planet in harm's way, CMF endeavors to place Bibles and New Testaments in the hands of everyone who asks. A $10 donation will provide a Bible with a camouflage cover.
Christian Military Fellowship 5/24/2012
Marriage has always been one of the chief casualties of military service. Anxiety mounts both for the loved one, who is far off, and for those who have remained behind. Then when the warrior returns home from the battle, it is soon discovered that they are not the same person that left in answer to the call of country. Help us lessen the pain and encourage healing. A Gift of $30 will provide a copy of "When War Comes Home" to the wife of a Warrior.
Christianity Today International 6/21/2011
At CT, our ministry commitment and cause is Beautiful Orthodoxy—modeling biblical conviction and love—and it remains as solid and unflinching today as it did when our late founder Billy Graham founded the ministry in 1956. Today the global media ministry reaches over five million Christian leaders a month through various digital and print resources, and your support will advance this Christian thought journalism for the next generation of leaders.
CJF Ministries 9/6/2011
Our workers are organizing evangelistic meetings where the Gospel is presented, with an understanding of the Jewishness of Messiah, as well as publishing and distributing Russian-language Gospel tracts, Bibles, New Testaments, and Bible study booklets. We are also helping provide other necessities such as food, clothing, shelter and medical care. Support the outreach of this ministry by giving today!
Coaches Honor 11/27/2023
Challenging, encouraging, and discipling coaches and leaders to follow Christ at home, school, and at work. It is our mission. The heartbeat of COACHES HONOR is to share the Good News of the Gospel with anyone and everyone. We are excited about our continual growth outside of schools and campuses.
Coaches Outreach 3/9/2015
Passing on a healthy faith means passing it on in the context of a healthy marriage. Your support of this ministry helps make it possible for coaches and their spouses to get refreshed and renewed so that they can minister to others. Please support this valuable ministry.
Community Bible Study 7/9/2009
Community Bible Study is an interdenominational ministry that began in 1975 with a single Bible study class in the Washington, D.C., area. Today it is a rapidly growing global ministry for all ages with hundreds of thousands engaging with God and His Word in more than 120 countries and 84 languages. Our mission is to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in our communities through caring, in-depth Bible studies available to all.
Compassion Radio 4/13/2020
We are partnering with Bibles For The World to place Bibles into the hands of Chinese believers. This ministry is one of the premier Bible placement and literacy outreaches on the planet. They have vigorous and consistent evangelistic outreach in over 100 countries. They print and distribute more Bibles and gospel than any other missions agency. They evangelize and train hundreds of pastors and evangelists each year in their own seminaries and training conferences.
Cord Ministries International 11/14/2019
CORD is a uniquely formed to support ministry partners in unique circumstances. We seek out relationships with independent strategic partners that are bringing the gospel to the un-reached around the world. In order to meet the demands of these unique circumstances we allow our beliefs to inspire a process of exploration, refining, and sharing tools and solutions for the challenges of ministry.
Courage For Life 6/12/2024
Courage For Life creates resources to foster emotional health and spiritual growth for incarcerated individuals, those struggling with trauma, abuse, and addiction, and anyone who desires to grow in their relationship with God.
Creation Studies Institute 9/9/2010
Producing easy to understand programs connecting God as our exciting Creator to capture the attention of those who need to hear that Jesus is also their Savior. Presenting creation as the foundation to the Gospel of Jesus. For information about our ministry visit
Crescent Project 4/2/2009
Specialized Training & Equipping: training ministry leaders and former Muslims to become effective leaders for Christ. Direct Muslim Outreach: producing and translating biblical materials for a Muslim audience; hosting globally-accessible media online and via satellite to reach Muslims with the Gospel. Give a Gospel: providing Christians across the world with literature and media to engage over 100,000 Muslims with the Gospel.
Crisis Aid International 2/13/2013
An outreach located in South Saint Louis that demonstrates love and care through acts of kindness. The center provides food, clothing, and hygiene items in abundance. Special programs include “Back to School” supplies, turkeys with all the trimmings for Thanksgiving and Christmas, Children's Christmas party, Bible Study. Children and adult programs are designed to practically apply the Word of God to the individual in an effort to provide “hope, healing and restoration” for their future.
Deaf Bible Society 12/7/2018
Around the globe, 98% of Deaf people have never been introduced to the Gospel. Deaf Christians are working hard to advance sign language Bible translation and developing access to it in their communities. They are also serving to establish and grow local Deaf churches and ministries. Deaf Bible Society's mission--to provide God's Word in all sign languages-- is a big mission. We need Deaf Advocates like YOU to join us in this movement! Find out more at
Derek Prince Ministries 1/5/2009
Your gifts of support for Derek Prince Ministries make it possible to keep the unique teaching of Derek Prince coming to you, your neighbors and countless others around the world. If you can be a part of all of the equipping restoration, deliverance, and healing by sharing a gift, we would be so very grateful.
DOOR International 1/8/2009
God is bringing His Word and reproducing Christian fellowship to the world's 35-40,000,000 Deaf. D.O.O.R. Int'l. engages Deaf Christians, trains them in sign language Bible translation, evangelism (testimony and Scripture) and church-planting (worship skills and Christian leadership concepts), and sends them out to share through story, drama, song and dialogue resulting in Deaf Christian fellowships. DOOR partners with the Wycliffe Global Alliance, IMB, Faith Comes By Hearing and others.
e3 Partners Ministry 7/31/2015
I Am Second will premier a 2,000 square foot state-of-the-art digital display in one of the city's busiest locations where commuters and travelers from around the world will be introduced to the message of I Am Second. In a most unexpected place, in unexpected ways! I Am Second's award winning media and Museum Of The Bible world class content will be presented 24/7/365 to upwards of 3,000,000 people each year, for decades to come. 2,000,000 more people will view the I Am Second impact exhibit
Love Packages! 3/29/2011
Eagles Nest Ministries 3/29/2011
Love Packages currently sends 20-foot ocean going containers to port cities around the world. These locations act as distribution points and have the capability to distribute literature to thousands of churches overseas. Everywhere we have gone in America, we have found people with literature who don't know what to do with it. If you are one of these people, Love Packages is here to help you put that literature in the hands of people who are hungry for the Word of God.
Eastern European Mission 11/4/2022
We share God’s Word with the people of Eastern Europe and beyond and seek to educate and inspire God’s servants in this work.
Equipping Leaders for A Lifetime of Service International 12/10/2019
We seek to establish healthy ministry partnerships between churches in the West and the Majority World. The leadership of ELLS International is intentionally diverse in this regard with members from both the U.S. and the growing global church. In every place we are invited to come, ELLS International partners with a team of regional leaders to help put on our training conferences. This not only enables important mutual learning to take place during the conferences but also fosters a strong sense
Ethnos360 2/6/2018
In 2,500 of the world’s 6,500 people groups, there is no church, nor is there any work being done to establish a church. These are the people among whom Ethnos360 helps train, coordinate, and send missionaries. We work in the cultures and languages of the people, present foundational Bible teaching, and establish mature churches. Help us equip believers across the globe for God's Great Commission team!
Evangelism Resources 8/18/2015
The Women's Impact Network (WIN), empowers women to reach their full potential as disciples of Jesus Christ, mentoring other women in small groups. Launched in India in 2013, WIN continues to expand its influence, with thousands of women in Asia and the US meeting for discipleship. This movement has also been started in the US, and is impacting women in local churches to consider their call to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples. WIN is poised to launch soon in Africa.
EvanTell 9/11/2012
EvanTell exists to encourage and equip individuals and churches to reach the world with the clear and simple good news of Jesus Christ.
Every Generation Ministries 3/22/2012
Every Generation Ministries (EGM) hopes to cast a wider net of impact to help churches. The Internet Curriculum Initiative will take existing ministry programs and Bible teaching materials and make them available to churches and children's workers via multi-language websites. The overall goal of the Internet Curriculum Initiative project is to increase EGM's impact by a factor of ten in three years, serving over 100,000 children's workers and 34,000 local churches.
Four Corners Ministries 8/23/2021
Life Beads was created in 2013 to empower the women of the Kinene community of northern Uganda. Women were among the hardest hit by the decades-long guerilla war. The rebel militia led by Joseph Kony resorted to abducting children and indoctrinating them into their ranks. The Acholi women and girls were forced to serve the rebels in unimaginable ways. Now the fighting has ceased, but the scars of war remain. Many women were left homeless, hopeless, and without family support to provide for their
Four Corners Ministries 8/23/2021
Our missionaries began to meet women who had been displaced by the war or abandoned by their families. Some of these women were homeless and forced to live in the open bush with their children. The book of James tells us that care for widows and orphans is the type of religion that God finds faultless. God provided for us to purchase 12.8 acres of land near the Abaana’s Hope property to build a Women’s Refuge Center for these women and their children. Seven traditional homes have been built, alo
Gate of Hope Ministries International 6/15/2021
Gate of Hope Ministries International exists to create an environment where East African individuals, families and communities are equipped and empowered to live out a more spiritually fulfilled, socially connected, and economically stable life in order to holistically transform their communities and nations.
Adopt A Language 7/24/2018
Global Recordings Network 7/24/2018
Groups and individuals alike can sponsor the recording and initial distribution of an unrecorded language in one of the regions of the world in which GRN operates. For a very reasonable amount, several hours of Bible story and gospel message recordings can be produced and handed out to some of the neediest unreached people groups of our planet. You can sponsor individual minutes or take on an entire project for an investment of $9,000.
Americas Project 12/16/2008
Global Recordings Network 12/16/2008
Americas Project is a GRN outreach that God is raising up to deliver the good news to the small tribes of South America from the Amazon to the Andes. While Christianity is thriving over much of the continent, there are still many tribes who have been bypassed. The Americas Project is focused on providing the gospel for every tribe in whatever language they speak. We know that the Good Shepherd longs for fellowship with every tribe. All need to hear who Jesus is. None is to be excluded.
Project Africa 12/16/2008
Global Recordings Network 12/16/2008
The Vision of GRN is that people might hear and understand God's word in their heart language - especially those who are oral communicators and those who do not have Scriptures in a form they can access. We do this by producing culturally appropriate audio and audio-visual materials. Our centers in Africa long for each language group to have audio recordings of Bible stories and evangelistic messages in their own languages.
God's Bible School & College 7/14/2010
God's Bible School and College is located in Cincinnati, Ohio and is accredited by both ABHE and HLC. The mission of the institution is to provide higher education centered in the Bible and shaped by Wesleyan conviction, preparing faithful servants to proclaim Jesus Christ and spread scriptural holiness throughout the world.
Bible Schools! 8/24/2011
Gospel Missions of India 8/24/2011
There are several good assembly Bible Schools in India that are engaged in training and equipping missionary workers in Doctrines and Evangelism. Consider sponsoring a Bible School student, or contributing to cover the expenses of operating any of the schools.
Got Questions Ministries 12/6/2017
Got Questions Ministries seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing answers to spiritually related questions through an internet presence. We are a ministry of dedicated and trained servants who have a desire to assist others in their understanding of God, Scripture, salvation, and other spiritual topics. Please prayerfully consider making a donation.
Grace Evangelistic Ministries 1/14/2010
Grace Evangelistic Ministries is dedicated to evangelism and sound Bible teaching. Our main focus is evangelism and all our activities support this goal. We are a non-denominational, Christian, missionary oriented ministry, incorporated in the State of Tennessee as a nonprofit organization. Our mission, in obedience to the command of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is to: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19).
Grace to You 4/23/2009
In 2013, Grace to You began translating more than 500 of John MacArthur’s most crucial messages into four additional languages: Arabic, French, Chinese, and Portuguese. Once the translation is completed, both the audio files and transcripts of the sermons will be made available across various digital platforms, free of charge.
Grace to You 4/23/2009
“Gracia a Vosotros” es la versión en Español del programa de radio “Grace to You,” en donde se expone la enseñanza del Pastor John MacArthur, a una audiencia tan grande como sea posible, “a fin de perfeccionar a los santos para la obra del ministerio” (Efesios 4:12).
Grace to You 4/23/2009
Grace to You teaches biblical truth with clarity, using mass media to expand the sphere of John MacArthur’s Bible-teaching ministry. Grace to You supports the local church by helping God’s people grow in biblical knowledge and spiritual maturity.
Discipleship 10/20/2015
Handi*Vangelism Ministries International 10/20/2015
Through one-on-one visitation, email devotionals and group Bible study/Bible club programs, the Discipleship team teaches Truth from God's Word on a variety of levels appropriate to individuals with physical or intellectual disabilities. Twilight Senior Ministries especially focuses on meeting the needs of Seniors living alone or in nursing homes.
Operation Joshua 12/15/2009
Hellenic Ministries 12/15/2009
Operation Joshua is made possible by the many helpers and volunteers from all over the world who rally for the cause of God’s Kingdom in Greece. The challenge ahead of us is great, but so is the faith and strength of those who enlist in God’s powerful army! Please consider supporting this work by donating towards the cost of the Bibles and distribution.
His Feet International 12/16/2022
For $40 you can help feed a leprosy victim for one month! We work in over several different leprosy quarantine villages in the worlds most populated country. Each leprosy camp contains 10-20 victims. Every $800 raised will feed all people in at least 1 leprosy village. We provide rice, cooking oil, blankets, clothes, toiletries, haircuts, Bibles, and other Christian resources. Within these colonies, churches have been planted and we are reaching people with the gospel.
His Feet International 12/16/2022
Giving to this cause helps us to train national missionaries and house church leaders to reach unreached people groups! Through your financial support and prayer, we are able to host discipleship and leadership trainings for new believers to be equipped as church leaders! This, along with resources such as Bibles and discipleship training materials disciples are able to make disciples!
His Feet International 12/16/2022
His Feet International has been part of the distribution of tens of thousands of Bibles, evangelism, and Christian training materials. Some even in ethnic tribal languages! There is a great need for Bibles and materials to be distributed. Join us financially and through prayer to provide the Word in rural areas and cities that are difficult to get Bibles in! We also provide MP3 tracks with the Bible, Christian life teaching, and worship music!
His Feet International 10/15/2021
We work with Unreached People Groups that are located in a geographical region referred to as the 10/40 Window, a rectangular area between the north latitude lines of 10- and 40-degrees, which encompasses North Africa, the Middle East and all of South Asia.
His Feet International 12/16/2022
Provide a Bible for tribal People living in war zones or gospel-restricted nations. His Feet International regularly supplies Bibles for those in need. In war zones, Bibles can be destroyed when people flee. In persecuted nations, Bibles are contraband and can be impossible to buy. They can also get confiscated by hostile governments. Our teams and partners have unique relationships to get Bibles to those in need. The average cost for a Bible in a tribal language is $15.00. It is our goal to sup
Hope and Help International 6/20/2019
The men who are pastoring churches in South Asia are serving in the hard places. They are willing and eager, but need help with their ministry and leadership skills as well as solid teaching in Bible doctrines to make sure they can stand firm when all of culture comes against them. These skills will enable them to lead their churches to grow and multiply.
Inspiracom 10/22/2010
Strategically located along the U.S. and Mexico border, Radio Manantial (World Radio Network, Inc.) broadcasts the Good News of the Gospel into a country torn by violence and corruption. Your financial partnership will help fill the gap of those unable to give in these difficult times.
Inspiracom 10/26/2010
WRN's Spanish Bible correspondence school, Christian Academy of the Air, has a tremendous outreach to nearly 1,000 prisoners in Mexico and the United States. Most of these unique students have barely enough money to afford the postage to mail their lessons back and forth. Your donation of $300 will help provide a scholarship for 1 of these prisoners.
Pray for America 10/5/2011
Intercessors for America 10/5/2011
For 50 years, IFA has been praying for our government and its leaders. Our mission has not changed, but the hour grows ever more urgent to stand up for religious freedom, to speak truth into the culture, to call for godly government, to offer hope to our fellow citizens, and to glorify God.
InterFACE Ministries 9/30/2011
InterFACE Ministries (iFace) provide practical help and friendship to international students and scholars studying at US universities. As iPhones and Facebook connect people, so iFace staff connect international students and scholars with local church volunteers. Together they show God's love with airport pickups, furniture giveaways, English conversation groups, dinners, spouse and family programs, sightseeing, conferences, and Bible studies.
Hand of Hope Fund! 9/30/2011
International Christian Concern 9/30/2011
Our Hand of Hope fund is the vehicle we use to deliver that broad assistance to the church in specific countries. Your gift to a country via the Hand of Hope designation can help provide: Monthly financial assistance for in-country evangelists and pastors in persecuted countries; Training of pastors and Church leaders in persecuted countries; Providing teaching materials to persecuted churches, and many other ways.
Iwa 7/8/2011
Iwa is using new Gospel presentations to effectively reach out to Japanese Americans and Asian Americans. These presentations are written for specific ethnicities. Your support will help these new resources to be used effectively to disciple those who do not yet know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
JAARS 1/25/2016
For more than 65 years, JAARS has helped make Bible translation possible. We support over 70 partner organizations around the world with transportation, technology, media and training. From aviation and intercultural training to research and development, advocacy and a range of other support services it is the very core of our work to make Bible translation possible. Your gift to Core Mission Fund supports our entire ministry.
JAARS 2/1/2021
Steep, endless mountain ranges. Dense rainforest. Ocean waves as far as you can see. What do these areas have in common? Besides great beauty and evidence of God’s creative hand, they are where the remote, often forgotten people of the world live. And they’re all geographical barriers to Bible translators who desire to reach those people with God’s Word. JAARS has 70+ years of experience solving these transportation problems so that people living and working off the grid can focus on the work Go
JAARS 1/4/2013
Your gift can move Bible translation and Scripture distribution forward through the projects our partners need most. We often find great ways to help our partners around the world and can respond to their most pressing and strategic needs.These are usually projects that are crucial for Bible translation ands have a timing issue that requires immediate funding. We will post updates and photos to so you can see exactly how your gift helped Bible translation.
Joy El Ministries 9/23/2011
The Released Time Bible Program ministers to public school students, offering biblical instruction for one hour a week during the school day. During the program, we have singing, a Bible lesson, and a small group time where we recite selected scripture passages. Donate today to help support this important ministry!
Jubal Band Ministries 8/18/2021
Our vision is expanding God’s kingdom in Iran and all Farsi speakers in the Middle East by transforming their lives. Our heart is helping Iranian and Farsi speakers to grow in the knowledge of the Bible and Christian lifestyle and disciple and equip them to serve one another faithfully face to face and through media and taking believers from the milk of the word to the meet, and from religion to reality.
Kairos University 6/22/2017
At Sioux Falls Seminary, we offer a Bible-focused curriculum, emphasis on spiritual formation, a deep sense of community and commitment to serving together, and hands-on ministry experiences for all students. Your gift will be multiplied many times over, and there is no telling how many lives will be impacted by your generosity.
Kentucky Mountain Bible College 12/20/2022
Kentucky Mountain Bible College is a Bible-centered, undergraduate, higher education institution whose mission is to equip men and women to serve with: a passion to know God, a passion to prepare for His ministry, a passion to live and teach the message of biblical holiness, and a passion to evangelize and disciple the world for Christ.
Key Life Network 9/23/2011
Key Life is committed to the teaching of Biblical life principles--the whole counsel of God--to those who want to live an authentic, relevant and balanced Christian life. Featuring the Bible teaching of Steve Brown--through radio broadcasts, seminars, CDs and publications--Key Life and Key Life of Canada seek to encourage Christians in their walk with Christ.
KIDs Beach Club 2/9/2017
Beach Clubs are high energy, fun filled "kid centered" clubs that meet after school in public elementary schools. Beach Clubs incorporate the truth of scripture every time they meet. This allows the character words taught in school to be reinforced through the teaching of scripture. Beach Clubs are "connectors" that link a partnering church with an approved elementary school. KiDs Beach Club is the over-arching organizational umbrella allowing churches to have equal access to elementary schools.
Langham Partnership USA 6/28/2011
Help bring the Scriptures to a new generation of Ethiopians. We want to give them a background that is biblically sound and culturally relevant. We need $1,075 for this project.
Leadership Catalyst dba Trueface 9/16/2011
At Leadership Catalyst, we are teaching readers, leaders, and organizations the benefits of living authentic and humble lives. We teach this message through mentoring, speaking, and through print and online resources. Your donation will help us provide training on how to apply this message to the way they do their work, manage their teams and advance the cause of Christ to an ever increasing and diverse audience.
Leadership Ministries Worldwide 7/30/2009
Leadership Ministries Worldwide has developed a Facilitator in Training (FiT) program to provide the necessary training and Outline Bible Resource materials which have been translated into the native language of national church leaders around the world. The FiT program will enable pastors and church leaders to clearly communicate the Word of God and reach their own countries with the Gospel. The FiT program is a catalytic reproducible model for evangelism and discipleship.
Love Worth Finding Ministries 8/25/2011
Love Worth Finding is bringing people to Christ and helping them to mature in the faith. This happens primarily through efforts in publishing and radio broadcasting. Your support will help us bring biblical truth to people all over the United States and the world.
MAOZ Israel Ministries 3/24/2020
Our studio in Jerusalem continues to record new and fresh music from the Land. We continue to provide professional-level training and publishing opportunities to believing Israeli musicians, singers, songwriters and engineers in our world-class studio. Fellowship of Artists, a collaboration where dozens of Israeli worship leaders and artists are gathering together from all over Israel for times of mentoring and refreshing, is continuing to grow and flourish.
Hebrew Publishing 12/29/2008
MAOZ Israel Ministries 12/29/2008
If an Israeli does not read another language, this limits his or her opportunity to partake of the wisdom God has given to His worldwide Body. In an effort to change that, we have translated and published a catalog of over 120 books, which have been distributed in 25 congregations and Bible bookstores throughout Israel. We continue to publish 5 - 10 books a year into Hebrew. We are now completing a Hebrew translation of The Chronological Bible--a bible Hebrew speakers will be able to read and
Media Associates International 2/7/2014
We will equip leaders of two important Christian publishing houses in French-speaking Africa during training visits to CPE publishing house in Cote d'Ivoire and Press Bibliques Africaines (PBA) in Benin. Our goal is to help these publishers become financially self-sustaining and to publish more local authors who will build up the church and impact society in the 21 French-speaking countries of Africa.
Messenger International 6/10/2011
We are raising money to provide 2,000 "Driven by Eternity" books in Tajikistan. These books will equip leaders in a country rebuilding from civil war with the eternity message. The total cost for these books is $4,500. Please donate today!
Messianic Vision 11/15/2010
Now is the time for Jewish revival in America! That's why Sid Roth's Messianic Vision has launched its most important Jewish evangelistic project in history, Project 77. We have acquired the names and addresses of 2 million Jewish people in North America and we need your help to distribute Sid Roth's evangelistic book to these 2 million homes.
Miami International Seminary 5/25/2012
MINTSOnline - English is a Christian virtual learning environment and part of MINTS International Seminary's global solution to affordable and accessible theological education. Anyone, anywhere, at any time can take MINTS seminary courses (in English language) from a secure dynamic website. Designed with challenging activities, online forums, data bases, and wikis, MINTSOnline - English is a rich collaborative community of God centered, Biblical online learning.
Ministry Essentials International 9/28/2021
Workers can be so focused on working for God that they lose sight of their lives in God, becoming disconnected from Him and the people they serve. Ministry Essentials was started in 1996 to provide ESSENTIAL SUPPORT to the whole global worker ‘til Christi is formed in them.
Mission Eurasia 12/9/2009
There are an estimated 300 unreached people groups in the countries of Eurasia where Mission Eurasia serves. Our Unreached People Group Initiative (UPGI) is designed to train indigenous leaders who then return to their ethnic groups and share the Gospel in culturally relevant ways through strategic ministry outreaches.
Mission Eurasia 6/19/2013
Mission Eurasia is committed to providing copies of God's Word to the lost and hurting throughout Eurasia. By partnering with Bible translators and publishers, we are developing specially designed Bibles and other Scripture pieces for specific audiences, such as children, youth, and Muslims, in the various native languages of Eurasia. We also support and encourage young national authors in Eurasia to publish Christian literature through our Young Evangelical Authors Series.
Moms in Prayer International 1/30/2015
Moms in Prayer International is currently in over 160 countries. With 67 translations of the Moms in Prayer booklet, there is a huge need to translate the booklet into more languages. Every year between 5-10 translations or updates are completed. Each new translation costs about $1500 to translate and produce.
Museum of the Bible 3/4/2015
We invite you to become a partner of Museum of the Bible! You’ll show the world just how relevant and exciting the Bible really is, and you’ll do it in a truly spectacular format—unlike anything ever seen before. This is your opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an undertaking that has unparalleled potential to impact multitudes of people worldwide for generations to come. Your partnership will help to launch the single most extraordinary and powerfully effective expression of the Bible.
Narrow Gate EFL 1/21/2022
We disciple with the message of freedom: freedom to live the abundant life; freedom to be all we are designed to be! Therefore, we invest our time, talents, and treasures in others, year after year, to consistently mentor, train, and coach disciples, and disciple-makers.
New Life Ranch 3/30/2023
The ministry has set a long term vision to impact 500,000 lives by 2033. This will require expansion of existing and a newly acquired facility in Central Arkansas. The first phase of the campaign is a 4 year capital campaign that adds 304 beds to two of the three sites. It allows the ministry to make space for churches and organizations that are requesting use of our facilities. The need is 18.5 Million for the complete campaign. There is already a $1M pledge in place. The benefit is the exp
New Life Solutions 8/8/2012
Passages of Hope groups provide a confidential and safe place where women who have experienced the pain of an abortion can be honest about their experiences and the emotional turmoil it has caused in their lives. In this non-judgmental, compassionate, loving environment, the healing process begins. Men's groups are also provided.
Oak Hills Fellowship 5/31/2012
The purpose of Center for Indian Ministries is to strengthen the Native Church. Mokahum Ministry Center equips Native believers in a culturally relevant setting through biblical education, ministry training, and character formation.
One Hundred Years 9/15/2023
The mission of One Hundred Years is to help every generation reach the next generation with the greatness of God by serving the church through equipping leaders, fostering inter-generational relationships, and providing effective resources.
OneHope 7/5/2012
OneHope’s Decide/Inside program provides a comprehensive, multi-media approach to help churches, ministries, and organizations connect, engage, mentor, provide community, and minister to juvenile offenders throughout North America so that they come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. With every dollar you give today, you can provide the Decide/Inside edition of the Book of Hope for three juvenile offenders.
OneHope 3/26/2009
OneHope is an international ministry that presents a biblical message of purpose and hope to children and youth around the world. In collaboration with churches and ministries – and working with local governments, schools and non-governmental organizations – OneHope has reached over one billion young people in over 125 countries with the Gospel message. Through research, the ministry has designed innovative models to help local churches and ministries engage young people with Scripture.
OneHope 7/5/2012
The Hosanna Plan’s “One Year for Jesus” program is distributing OneHope materials as local believers share the Gospel and plant new churches in unreached areas. Support for the program will provide OneHope resources including the Book of Hope in various editions and The GodMan film showings for children and youth in Russia. Every dollar given in support provides the Gospel for three young people.
OneHope 7/5/2012
OneHope’s ‘Form One’ program reaches Kenya’s young people in their first year of high school. With the Form One Book of Hope, a Christian teacher leads students through fundamentals of Christian faith. Support for Form One in Kenya will help provide a 32-page full-color Book of Hope designed to encourage young people to stay connected with God’s Word throughout their high school experience. A single dollar will reach three young people.
Open Doors International 12/6/2019
We send Bibles and provide training to believers who are in the most dangerous areas in the world. With Open Doors, you can reach out to those in prison, help defend those without an advocate, and protect defenseless Christian families.
Open Doors U.S. 1/8/2025
Open Doors works in more than 70 countries, supplying Bibles, training church leaders, providing practical support and emergency relief, and supporting Christians who suffer persecution and discrimination for their faith. Our national bases in 25 countries work to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilizing prayer, support, and action among Christians.
Operation Mobilization 6/17/2009
In 1970, OM launched an innovative, international ship ministry. Since then, the ships, Logos, Logos II, Doulos and now Logos Hope, have welcomed over 39 million people in more than 497 cities in 155 nations. Since 1970: 50 million scripture portions have been distributed; 4.8 million people have attended conferences and other events on board; hundreds of tons of books donated; tens of thousands have come to faith in Christ.
OurCalling 11/15/2011
There are less than 2000 shelter beds in Dallas. There are many more thousands of homeless individuals who won’t get into a shelter. With your faithful giving, prayer, and volunteer service, we can continue to reach the streets with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! To facilitate our calling, we need your time, talent, and treasure. Your donation will enable the distribution of blankets to the cold, food to the hungry, and the love of God to the hurting.
Pastors to Prisoners 7/27/2010
Provide monthly support to an individual Yard Pastor who assists the prison's chaplain by conducting Sunday worship services, prayer meetings, Bible studies as well as ministering to the prisoner individually.
Patterns of Evidence Foundation 5/16/2023
It is our mission to learn more about biblical history through investigative filmmaking. Patterns of Evidence films have helped many build confidence in the Bible and will continue to educate and preserve the work of God so it can be shared with the next generation and beyond.
Piedmont Women's Center 10/13/2008
Support Piedmont Women's Center as we care for women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. We offer a variety of free services and programs to meet our client needs including pregnancy tests, limited OB ultrasound and post abortion Bible study!
Verse by Verse 8/7/2014
Pioneer Bible Translators 8/7/2014
God’s Word is priceless. Yet today, 1,576 languages have no Scripture—not a paragraph, not a sentence, not even a word. One verse of Scripture is just $38. How many verses of Scripture could you provide?
Potter's House Association International 6/26/2012
Thousands of children lack a personal relationship with Jesus. They need to know that in Him there is love and hope that will replace pain, desperation and misery. Your gift will allow one child to receive the good news of salvation.
Presence Point 5/23/2022
Believing that biblically-based leadership goes beyond service to include sacrifice, Presence Point equips leaders to intentionally live into their calling as shepherds in the lives of those they lead, in every walk of life. Join us as we partner with multipliers to do the same within their sphere of influence all over the world. Shepherding well changes everything!
Partner with Us! 2/29/2012
Q Place 2/29/2012
Most Christians don't know how to stir up meaningful conversations about God with people who believe differently. Q Place empowers Christians to incorporate simple practices into the pattern of their lives, so that they can engage people around them in discussions that are respectful, significant, and filled with discovery. Your financial gift will enable people to discover for themselves what is true about God and the Bible, and to come into a living relationship with Jesus.
Refugee Hope Partners 4/20/2023
We believe that every human being is created in God’s image. All people are created with inherent dignity, and have been blessed with unique gifts, talents, and resources for the service of God and others. In light of that fact, we commit to respecting the dignity and competence of everyone, and to supporting families as they continue to grow and flourish in a new environment. Our programs, activities, and relationships consciously avoid imposing our cultural standards on their lives, fosteri
Rescue Mission of Utica 12/6/2017
The Rescue Mission serves individuals overcoming homelessness, abuse, addictions, and disabilities. Our programs provide safe lodging, food, clothing, case management, counseling, advocacy, education, referrals, spiritual and other supportive services. We endeavor to be a conduit for God’s love, grace, and mercy from which individuals can be healed, forgiven, and empowered.
Romans Project 12/11/2023
Our mission is to equip pastors to abide in and feed their congregations from God's word. We do this by challenging pastors to read the book of Romans twenty times and write it out once; upon completion, they are awarded the graduation gift of a device filled with exegetical preaching.
SAT-7 North America 12/2/2024
Iranian and Afghan Christians are some of the world’s most persecuted believers. But God is growing the Persian Church – more than one million Iranians are now thought to follow Jesus. Through the Discipleship Across Borders project from media ministry SAT-7, you can reach them with satellite and digital video content, one-to-one support, and group discipleship that encourages them in their faith and shares the Gospel with non-Christians watching. SAT-7's Persian team held 50,000 one-to-one conv
Scripture Union, USA 2/25/2015
The Bible Guide reserve is a small revolving reserve fund to insure the long-term ministry of Encounter With God and Discovery, which are Scripture Union’s two best-in-class Bible Reading Guides.
Scripture Union, USA 2/25/2015
The Children’s Outreach Reserve is a small revolving reserve fund which is used to insure the long-term ministry of Scripture Union field-based children’s programs SuperKids® and PrimeTime®.
Scripture Union, USA 2/25/2015
The Digital/Social Media Project is reinventing Bible engagement for a digital environment in order to engage a new generation with God’s Word, with a special emphasis on social media.
Scripture Union, USA 2/25/2015
PrimeTime® Initiative reaches at-risk children with the Gospel and God’s Word in urban areas around the country. This program works in partnership with the Salvation Army.
Scripture Union, USA 2/25/2015
The Scripture Union Fund is a Board-managed endowment for receiving estate gifts such as wills, stock, charitable gift annuities, property, business interests, complex gifts, etc.
Scripture Union, USA 7/1/2011
SuperKids Outreach Missions is all about taking the love of Jesus to children, wherever they are. Churches use the SuperKids program and curriculum to reach out to children in their surrounding communities. The SuperKids curriculum gives simple, easy to follow lessons. Your financial support will help us share the good news to unreached children wherever they are.
Search Ministries 6/30/2011
The Open Forum is a gathering of friends for the purpose of interacting on significant life and God issues. Normally, it takes place in a home or convenient daytime location for business and professional people and lasts for four weeks. The guests enjoy eating, meeting each other, laughing and sharing their thoughts. Your donation will help Search Ministries reach men and women searching for meaningful answers to life's tough questions. To donate, call (817) 968-3440.
seeJesus 6/30/2011
We are creating quality interactive Bible studies. Currently we offer the Person of Jesus Study and A Praying Life. Each study has a companion book and seminar. Your financial support will help us continue to train people and lead group studies and seminars to show people Jesus.
Shine in the World Ministries 6/7/2022
Our ultimate desire is to see the nations reached by any means possible! Whether it is through humanitarian projects, media, or ministering at conferences- we are passionate about bringing God’s love in any and every way we can.
Stonecroft Ministries 10/13/2008
Support Stonecroft Ministries as we equip and encourage women to impact their communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Help us provide global leadership in reaching women.
Stoneybrooke Christian Schools 6/5/2018
Stoneybrooke Christian Schools exists to provide a distinctive, biblically-based education in a nurturing environment through which students are instilled with godly character, inspired to excel, and prepared for a life of enduring commitment to Christ. It is our vision that our graduates have a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, are intellectually prepared for higher learning, and demonstrate godly character and thinking in their daily lives.
Synergie Francophone 11/4/2008
This French Sunday School material is designed and written for French-speaking African countries and tested in a variety of African churches. Each book is A4 in size, and has 26 lessons, covering a 6-month time period. Each lesson contains an objective, introduction, Bible story, memory verse, application, expression, and short worship time with suggested songs. Consider making a contribution today for publishing Sunday School Curriculum for Africa!
Talking Bibles 4/20/2023
Our mission stems from a strong conviction that everyone in the world needs access to the Bible. The purpose of Talking Bibles is to give non-readers and the blind access to the Bible in their native language. Our mission is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by producing audio recordings of translated Scriptures in hundreds of languages and making these recordings accessible in the form of Talking Bibles for millions of people around the world who cannot read.
Audio Bibles 2/9/2024
Talking Bibles 2/9/2024
Free Online Audio Bible - Talking Bibles offers a free audio Bible listening section online. Anyone can listen to the Bible in over 50 different languages. Please donate to support adding more languages to the site as there are 100's available; we need help making that happen. With the listening site, people around the globe can listen to the Bible in their language for free, including you! Hear God's Word in Hebrew, Mien, Anuak, Greek, and many more!
Talking Bibles 5/12/2020
Our mission stems from a strong conviction that everyone in the world needs access to the Bible. The purpose of Talking Bibles is to give non-readers and the blind access to the Bible in their native language. Our mission is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by producing audio recordings of translated Scriptures in hundreds of languages and making these recordings accessible in the form of Talking Bibles for millions of people around the world who cannot read.
Talking Bibles 4/20/2023
Millions of non-reading Christians in India live without personal access to the Bible, while others live in complete darkness and have never heard the Gospel. The Solution: Talking Bibles! If they cannot read, they can listen to God's Word on an audio "Talking" Bible. They can study, learn and grow in their faith! The Goal: Reaching a Nation! Talking Bibles International is on a mission to place a Talking Bible in every village in India by 2033. God is showing up mighty for people all ove
Talking Bibles 4/20/2023
Refugees are fleeing because of violence, discrimination, and persecution. And they left their entire lives and homeland behind. Now, within the boundaries of this refugee camp, they wait. Placing Talking Bibles into the refugee camps is vital for the survival of so many. Our goal is to invite every household in the refugee camps to hear God’s Word in their language through a Talking Bible. What is needed is YOU! With your support, one $50 Talking Bible will encourage and guide around
The Chara Project 4/29/2024
The Chara Project helps build your confidence in studying the Bible on your own and with your neighbor, regardless of faith background. We offer resources and teaching that help you learn how to explore and study the Bible on your own and with your neighbor, regardless of faith background.
The Christian Relief Fund 4/3/2009
CRF knows that the eternal hope for humanity is Jesus Christ. We have given thousands of Bibles to people in Africa and Eastern Europe who previously did not have one of their own. Give today and help us share the gospel of Christ with those in need!
The Congregational Methodist Church 5/30/2024
The mission of the CMC is to share the message of a heartwarming religion and organize people for discipleship. The Congregational Methodist Church's mission is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Our community, our nation, and even our world are our responsibility. John Wesley stated, "I consider all the world as my parish." Therefore, the Church is to be Jesus's physical manifestation to its community and world. This is accomplished by the indwelling Spirit empowering the
The Evangelical Free Church of America 6/20/2018
EFCA GATEWAY is a unique, language-specific theological course of study for pastors and leaders, including ethnic, urban and other non-traditional students. GATEWAY is designed for leaders who need theological and pastoral training, but lack the time and resources to access traditional seminary education.
The Foundation for American Christian Education 7/23/2024
The Foundation for American Christian Education publishes and teaches America’s Christian history and method of education by Biblical principles to restore Christian self-government and character to the individual, to families, to the church and to the nations.
The Gideons International 2/28/2013
People need the hope that only God’s Word can provide. God guarantees that His Word will touch lives. By providing Bibles through The Gideons, lives will be changed. There are more than nine million people in prisons around the world. A gift of God's Word may be the only way many of these prisoners will learn that God loves them and that they can be forgiven. Your donations will help give the hope of God’s Word!
The Gospel Coalition 5/28/2024
The Gospel Coalition supports the local church in making disciples of all nations by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel Coalition is a fellowship of evangelical churches in the Reformed tradition deeply committed to renewing our faith in the gospel of Christ and to reforming our ministry practices to conform fully to the Scriptures.
The Grace Message 8/22/2024
The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley is a non-profit media ministry founded in 2015. We exist to proclaim the finished work of Jesus Christ with boldness and clarity.
The Jackson Institute 2/6/2018
We are committed to the vigorous pursuit of truth and offer many venues and resources for those who are seeking satisfying answers to life’s most challenging questions. Through engaging discussions, mentoring relationships, strategic training, lectures, and recommended readings, we seek to foster life transformation in Christ as a passionate response to the Great Commandment, the Great Commission, and the Cultural Mandate. Partner with us to engage all we are for the glory of God!
The Urban Alternative 7/26/2016
The Tony Evans Training Center (TETC) will facilitate educational programming that embodies the ministry philosophy of Dr. Tony Evans as expressed through the kingdom agenda's five core subjects: Theology, Individual, Family, Church and Society. Completing these courses will equip and prepare students to serve through the church or non-profit setting in a spirit of excellence and accuracy. A course resource index and course development plan has been completed. Courses are being developed.
Bibles 7/17/2014
The Voice of the Martyrs 7/17/2014
Christians residing in restricted nations are often denied access to Bibles. They are considered illegal or can be extremely difficult to obtain. VOM prints Bibles in the languages of the countries where we work and smuggles them to believers who would otherwise never have an opportunity to read God's Word. VOM also provides New Testaments, children's Bibles, study Bibles and digital Bibles. Audio Bibles are distributed to those who cannot read.
The Word for the World 2/7/2013
The Word for the World affords those who are called to Bible translation the opportunity to obtain practice-oriented training. The program provides training for all the different participants involved in the translation process. It is designed in such a way that it allows for early involvement in the Bible translation process. Your financial support will further the work of God's Kingdom! Give today!
To Every Tribe 1/21/2022
To Every Tribe exists to extend the worship of Christ among all peoples by mobilizing the church, training disciple-makers, and sending missionary teams to plant churches among the unreached.
Trail Life USA 3/5/2018
Trail Life USA is a Christian adventure, character, and leadership movement for young men. The K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level and as a role model and leader for his peers. Our vision is to be the premier national character development organization for young men which produces Godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens.
Tyndale Bible Translators 1/11/2021
TBT is a small, non-denominational, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit missions organization. We exist to help Translate the Bible in any language possible.
UFM Worldwide USA 10/5/2017
Our Lord’s command to “Go and make disciples of all nations” is as urgent today as it was when he first gave it to the apostles. There are more unevangelised people in the world in the 21st century than there were in the 1st century. Countries in which Gospel churches were established in past centuries are now more or less devoid of Christian witness. We are committed to bringing the Gospel to unevangelised people wherever they are to be found.
Unabridged Truth 3/11/2021
We engage in strategic initiatives with Bible societies, translators, churches, Bible schools, seminaries, and other ministries designed to get the Bible to those who don’t yet have it. And for those who do, we provide engaging materials and interactive Bible experiences in which the Scriptures are memorably illuminated. At Unabridged we are driven by the desire to ignite a lifelong passion for the Bible among all people.
Uncharted International 12/9/2024
We accelerate discipleship movements in hard places by connecting and empowering God’s people. We do this in response to the 3 billion people who live without access to the Gospel.
unfoldingWord 7/20/2011
Open Bible Stories is our first step in making unrestricted Biblical content available for free to the church. Comprising 50 carefully chosen stories from Creation to Revelation, it is an excellent mini-Bible for churches where Biblical content is scarce. Can be translated in six weeks or less. Open licensed so any Christian may translate it into his own mother tongue without jumping through permission hoops or waiting for another organization to do it for him.
Zoe Waters 1/16/2017
Unknown Nations 1/16/2017
Zoe Waters shares both physical water and the living water of Jesus Christ with those with limited or no access to clean water and the gospel. We provide strategically located clean water solutions to meet the basic physical need for clean water. This creates a trust that opens the door to share the gospel message in the native language through various technological methods.
Vietnam Ministries 5/13/2011
Vietnam Ministries is working to provide the Vietnamese people with access to the Bible, study guides and education that help them mature and bring others to Christ. We are publishing, (in print, video, audio and CD-ROM disks), Bibles, books, and other materials to meet the needs of Vietnamese Christians in 70 countries. Your financial support helps many Vietnamese people have access to the Bible.
Vision Beyond Borders 11/17/2008
Vision Beyond Borders is a testament to God’s faithfulness and provision, His perfect love reaching down to those in need. In the midst of the oppression, violence and persecution of this dark world, we deliver the light and truth of the Word of God. Our travels lead us into Muslim, Communist and other nations closed to the Gospel. We seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the oppressed, in obedience to the Great Commission.
Voice of China and Asia Missionary Society 12/3/2012
There is no legal Bible distribution system among the forgotten millions of Christians in rural China. In the hands of a rural Chinese believer, a Bible will touch up to four people, who in turn, will lead two more to Christ. For each gift of $5, your donation purchases, transports, and provides on-site verification of a Bible. We invite qualifying sponsors to travel with us on short-term mission distribution trips to witness the miracle of the arrival of God's Word in rural China.
Voice of China and Asia Missionary Society 6/28/2016
Over 90% of China's rural preachers work in a lay capacity having no form of training or study materials. The Voice of China and Asia purchases legally printed 2,000 page Study Bibles and trains rural preachers to use cross-references, Bible notes, timelines, maps, and concordance. Pastors are then taught to assemble sermons in a four-step process using their newly gained skills. At a cost of $25 each, Chinese Pastor's Study Bibles contain material equivalent to one year of Bible school.
Walk Thru the Bible Ministries 5/13/2011
Your contribution will help create, produce, translate, and distribute biblical resources so that anyone who hungers to understand God's Word can share the joy experienced by this young man from Africa: "I have always been overwhelmed at even attempting such a feat as reading the whole Bible. Yesterday I finished reading the book of Genesis. I was so happy because that was the first time I had read an entire book of the Bible and truly understood it."
Walking The Text 2/17/2025
Walking the Text (WTT) leads people into a transformational relationship with Jesus by helping them understand the Bible in its original context. Through powerful media resources, study trips, and the The Sacred Thread series, WTT brings Scripture to life—exploring its historical, cultural, and geographical background. By engaging the Text in context, people experience life-changing encounters with Jesus and live out His teachings more intentionally.
Wonerful World 3/9/2023
Way Cool Angels 3/9/2023
It’s amazing to travel throughout this wonderful world and discover new places and meet people from all different backgrounds. Wonderful World includes other WayCool Programs within each place helping to develop meaningful international relationships, experience diverse cultures and specific historical training. We offer the opportunity to be part of a worldwide community. Tucked inside many countries are interesting and charming places that many of us typically do not have the opportunity to e
Westminster Seminary California 7/13/2010
Westminster Seminary California (WSC) is a Christian institution seeking to glorify God through graduate theological study. Its primary responsibility is to educate future pastors for Christian churches, especially for Presbyterian and Reformed denominations. It also provides theological education for others who will serve in the Christian community and the larger society.
Bible School 7/12/2018
White Fields 7/12/2018
Providing education is an important way to help the children in destitute and impoverished communities to grow out of their poverty. Providing Bible Training to young leaders will allow more churches to become established in the next generation. Both of these goals are being accomplished in our Bible School Ministry.
Whole Word Institute 11/7/2017
Join with us to accelerate the training of translators in biblical languages to see the full Word of God accessible to every person. Our goal is full Bible translations in every language by 2033 so that every person can engage with the whole Word of God in a language and format they understand.
Wild Ops 9/15/2023
Veteran Nonprofit Organization dedicated to helping fellow combat veterans find support, hope & healing in the battle of transitioning back into civilian life, through faith based programs. Donate today and help honor our military veterans.
Wisconsin Family Council 1/18/2024
Wisconsin Family Council preserves God’s plan for marriage, family, life, and religious freedom in Wisconsin. We educate Christians and leaders, supported by citizens and churches. Since 1988, as a Family Policy Council, we analyze policy, promote citizenship, and influence public opinion independently, affiliated with Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, and Alliance Defending Freedom.
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries 7/8/2011
In 2010 World Compassion Terry Law Ministries began distributing Farsi Bibles and "The Story of Jesus" booklets in Iran. For $7.20 we can print and distribute a Farsi Bible to believers in Iran who have not had access to much needed Bible resources. "The Story of Jesus" 16-page, full color 'printed preacher' salvation message costs only 18 cents each to print and distribute to those in need in Iran. We have placed over 60,000 Farsi Bibles into Iran as of January 2016.
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries 4/1/2010
Since 2006 we have distributed over 45,000 pairs of children's and youth athletic style shoes along with a Bible and The Story of Jesus booklets in Iraq. These evangelism tools have helped open the door for us to reach young and old alike. Our goal is reaching as many children and youth as possible so that we can change hearts to change homes to change regions and ultimately nations.
World Compassion Terry Law Ministries 9/4/2013
For nearly 25 years World Compassion has printed and distributed The Story of Jesus booklets in more than 70 languages or dialects. This 16 page colorfully illustrated booklet presents the Gospel in a very simple yet compelling way. Over 27 million copies have been printed and distributed. At an average cost of just 18 cents each, The Story of Jesus booklet is one of the most powerful and cost effective evangelism tools available. We use these booklets in the Middle East and Asia.
World Gospel Mission 11/30/2008
It is a challenge to be a woman of Christian faith—no matter which country you call home. Biblically-based conferences equip virtuous women to raise their children, relate to their husbands, and become holy women of God. Provide this opportunity for Ugandan women with $36 to fund one woman’s conference costs or $900 to underwrite an entire conference. Project #21345 $36 per attendee $900 per conference
World Gospel Mission 11/30/2008
It's hard to learn without a guide. Many Kenyans are thirsty to know more about God but they lack the necessary textbook - a Bible. A donation of $10 will give someone in Kenya a much needed Bible. Project # 21170 $10
World Gospel Mission 11/30/2008
For much of the 20th century, religion was highly restricted and monitored by the government of communist Hungary. Now Christians are free to worship in the open. Hungarians are experiencing a great thirst for translated Christian books. End the drought. Each $600 you raise covers a translation cost, and each additional $6 pays for the printing of one copy of a book. Project #31454 $600 (to translate a book) $6 (to print a book)
World Help 5/19/2012
The Bible is a precious gift. It reveals God’s plan for salvation to rescue and renew a lost world filled with darkness. But many people live in Bible deserts, places where Bibles are scarce or illegal. Often, these people have never seen a Bible, much less owned one themselves. Your $30 gift will provide three people with their very first Bible. And since these Bibles are often shared among family and friends, each one you give is likely to reach around five people — multiplying your impact!
World Help 7/7/2023
North Korea has been ranked the most dangerous place in the world for Christians. And now believers aren’t just facing persecution … they’re also starving. A historic food shortage is taking place in North Korea. People are dying. Families are desperate for food. But North Korean Christians are asking for something else, too. They want Bibles. Your $20 gift provides one week of food and a Bible for a persecuted North Korean Christian.
Stand for Children 6/28/2011
World Relief 6/28/2011
Children are frequently the most vulnerable, overlooked people group on the planet. To join them in their time of need we implement Child Development programs, where children of all backgrounds are placed in clubs with trained Christian mentors to learn valuable lessons about life, identity, health, hygiene and safety.
World Team USA 2/23/2010
What would you pay to have one verse of Scripture in your own language? $10? That’s roughly the cost to prepare one verse for publication. The Gospel of Luke and the book of Genesis are complete and printed. Acts needs a few checks before typesetting. Translation of Matthew and Mark are underway. Encourage 10 friends to each support one verse, or set a group goal to raise $850 and support the work of nine translators for an entire month!
XL Ministries 9/12/2024
XL Ministries exists to provide leadership training materials, structure, and support to the local church as it endeavours to train elders, pastors, and missionaries.
Youth Haven 5/5/2011
Help Youth Haven in a Bible Distribution program! Distribution of Trailbooks (New Testaments) is one of the most important aspects of the children's program at Youth Haven, as it helps us achieve our primary goal of reaching disadvantaged youth for Christ. Since many of the boys and girls who come to visit Youth Haven do not have Bibles of their own, the Trailbook is an important method for teaching them while they are here, as well as after they leave.