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The Foundation for American Christian Education

Ministry Description
The Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE) sees education at the heart of every major issue our nation is facing. Education forms the worldview of students who become the future leaders of our nation. Christian educators who embrace the biblical worldview are the key to reconstructing the nation's foundations for tomorrow.

FACE seeks to develop 50 Principle Approach teaching centers across the country to nurture obedience to Christ and love for American liberty in future generations. Teaching centers, emerging in Christian schools and churches, are vital agents for planting the principles of Christianity and Godly government, the kind that protects life and liberty in submission to God’s laws.

FACE trains Christian teachers and leaders in the Principle Approach®, the philosophy and methodology of reasoning from biblical principles. This historic model of education, used during America’s founding years, formed the biblical worldview of the thinkers and writers who shaped our US Constitution and the Christian form of government that protects liberty. The FACE Leading Schools and Teacher Training programs work in tandem to equip educators, pastors, parents, and school leaders to counter the dominant ideologies of secularism, socialism, and Marxism.

Recent worldview analysis from The Nehemiah Institute provides clear evidence of the dominance of anti-Christian ideologies controlling educational methods and curricula in both public and Christian schools, causing wide-spread damage to the Christian worldview in American life. The Institute’s PEERS test measures an individual’s acceptance of biblical principles in five key areas: politics, economics, education, religion, and social issues. Thirty years of test results show that today’s Christian youth hold a syncretistic worldview, in which beliefs are generally dominated by secular humanism and socialism. According to the Nehemiah Institute, Christian school teachers’ test results indicate a syncretistic worldview that combines some biblical truths, but is dominated by secular humanist and socialist beliefs. Principle Approach teachers and schools are the exception, producing students who score in the biblical theism worldview category.

Our leadership and teacher training programs work in tandem to equip educators, pastors, and parents to stand against the false ideologies that dominate K-12 schools today. Teaching students to think and reason from biblical principles forms the Christian worldview that preserves and protects liberty, especially religious liberty. FACE programs are reseeding the next generation of Biblical leadership to restore the foundations of American liberty.
Ministry Details
Location: Chesapeake, VA
Founded: 1965
Tel: (757) 488-6601
Top Leader: Dr. Carole Adams
Donor Contact: Mrs. Kathy Rader
Member Since: June 30, 2024
Financial Data
Total Expenses
for the year
Total Change
   in Net Assets
Revenues and Expenses are rarely equal.
Net Assets
Nonprofits need operating reserves.
Revenue and Expenses Trend
This chart compares a charity's primary revenue and its program expenses over the course of its three most recent fiscal years. Generally, as a charity’s funding increases, its spending on programs and services increases as well.
Data for year ended December 31, 2023. Per the organization's financial statements
Ministry Sectors & Types
Ministry Sectors
  • Bible
  • Media
  • Ministry
  • Missions
  • Ministry Types
  • Foundation (primary)
  • Bible Training
  • Education: Home School
  • Education: K-12
  • Education: Special
  • Education: College and University
  • Education: Youth
  • Evangelism
  • Leadership Training
  • Publishing and Distribution
  • Ministry Training and Consulting
  • Support Services
  • Other Names Under Which Funds May Be Raised