
This product is only available to ECFA Accredited Churches.  

Same Sex Marriage, Sexual Conduct and Gender Identity—Legal Implications for Churches Webinar


The Same Sex Marriage, Sexual Conduct and Gender Identity—Legal Implications for Churches Webinar with Richard Hammar, author of Pastor, Church & Law, the annual Church & Clergy Tax Guide, and the biannual Compensation Handbook for Church Staff and legal counsel to the Assemblies of God, talks about the legal implications of same sex marriage.

Learning Objectives

By listening to this Webinar-On-Demand, you will learn about:

  • The Supreme Court’s Same-Sex Marriage Rulings
  • The DOMA Decision
  • Examples of the 1,136 Provisions
  • The “Prop 8” Ruling
  • Current Status of Same-Sex Marriage
  • 238-Year History
  • Examples of Court Rulings and Statutes
  • Use of Churches for Same-Sex Marriages
  • Gay Adoption
  • Employment Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation
  • Ministerial Exception
  • “Religious’ Marriages
  • Legal and Tax Consequences

Continuing Education Credit

We are unable to offer continuing education credits for Webinars-On-Demand.


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