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Thomas Charities

Ministry Description
Thomas Charities is a nonprofit Christian organization dedicated to following Christ’s command to help the poor, orphans, and widows among us and to be ambassadors of Christ. We are dedicated to empowering and encouraging those without resources to community sustainability without dependency in northern Uganda. Our Vision is for Transformed Lives through the Work of the Holy Spirit, Established Christ-centered Communities, and Restored Relationships with God and Each Other. Our activities include the Biblical training of local pastors and lay leaders in support of indigenous churches, agricultural projects and farms for mostly widows and single mothers, operation of a medical center, education for orphans to include scholarships for Secondary Schools and Vocational Training, drilling and maintenance of community water wells, and other mercy and evangelism activities.
Ministry Details
Location: Landenberg, PA
Founded: 2012
Tel: (610) 234-0088
Top Leader: Mrs. Robin Thomas
Donor Contact: Mrs. Robin Thomas
Member Since: October 31, 2023
Financial Data
Total Expenses
for the year
Total Change
   in Net Assets
Revenues and Expenses are rarely equal.
Net Assets
Nonprofits need operating reserves.
Revenue and Expenses Trend
This chart compares a charity's primary revenue and its program expenses over the course of its three most recent fiscal years. Generally, as a charity’s funding increases, its spending on programs and services increases as well.
Data for year ended December 31, 2023. Per the organization's financial statements
Ministry Sectors & Types
Ministry Sectors
  • Bible
  • Ministry
  • Missions
  • Ministry Types
  • Missions: International (primary)
  • Community Development
  • Education: K-12
  • Evangelism
  • Literacy Program
  • Medical, Dental and Health Services
  • Women's Ministry
  • Other Names Under Which Funds May Be Raised