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Advocates for Community Transformation

Ministry Description
Anchored by a vision to see neighborhood safety become a normal reality for everyone and an understanding of God’s call to love our neighbor and live out biblical justice, Act (Advocates for Community Transformation) officially opened its doors in 2009.

Act’s unique legal advocacy approach is a private solution to a public problem. Our model takes existing laws — traditionally only utilized by municipalities — and puts the power of those laws into the hands of those closest to the problem, the residents. Our collaborative, community-driven approach complements the work of the police and the city and results in tangible change that is long-lasting.

We start each case by connecting residents with one another and with neighborhood leaders who want to make their neighborhoods safer. Previously isolated neighbors — who may not know who they live next to because they fear them being connected to the illegal activity — meet and start to develop a sense of community and trust. This is social cohesion, a key piece of creating a peaceful community.

We then expand the circle of people connected to the issue to gain a fuller understanding and holistic view of the activity. We review police records, meet with police officers and collaborate with other city departments like code, fire, and the City Attorney’s Office. We also work with churches and other nonprofits that may be located close to the property.

The next step is engaging outside lawyers — top lawyers from top firms — to help resolve the issue on behalf of our clients. Together we use the civil justice system to hold the owners of the problem property accountable for the activity taking place, eradicating the crime and violence and holding the homeowner to a higher standard, all of which is guided by the clients’ wishes.

The social cohesion that is established at the start of this process continues to grow as we connect more people, resulting in residents establishing collective efficacy, a willingness to intervene and establish informal social control.

This is the part of Act’s model that makes it different from municipal or police approaches to the problem. This is how you make that change stick. This is how you see a community flourish.

It happens from within. Without community buy-in, the change is transactional, not transformational. Those closest to the problem are closest to the solution.

Resolution of the problem can come in many forms — from an agreement between residents to a court order to address the criminal activity. The agreement can be as simple as putting up lights or a fence, or it can be as complex as a court order requiring the demolition of the property because there is no other way to stop the problem unless the structure is removed. Regardless of the form the solution takes, the criminal activity ceases and safety becomes sustainable because of the bravery of the residents, their trust in one another, and their collective action.
Ministry Details
Location: Dallas, TX
Founded: 2009
Tel: (214) 951-9151
Top Leader: Mr. J. Reid Porter
Donor Contact: Mrs. Kimber Hartmann
Member Since: December 20, 2013
Financial Data
Total Expenses
for the year
Total Change
   in Net Assets
Revenues and Expenses are rarely equal.
Net Assets
Nonprofits need operating reserves.
Revenue and Expenses Trend
This chart compares a charity's primary revenue and its program expenses over the course of its three most recent fiscal years. Generally, as a charity’s funding increases, its spending on programs and services increases as well.
Data for year ended December 31, 2023. Per the organization's financial statements
Ministry Sectors & Types
Ministry Sectors
Ministry Types
  • Legal Services (primary)
  • Community Development
  • Other Names Under Which Funds May Be Raised