Recent ECFA surveys show 94 percent of our members reporting leader integrity failures
as having a negative impact on community and giver trust. Indeed, we know that the
fall of a leader is one of the most significant financial and reputational risks for a church
or ministry. Burnout, dropout, and tragic breaches of trust cause many harms that are
difficult to quantify, but among tangible consequences are often major unbudgeted
expenses, reduced giving, program cuts, and sometimes even the complete termination
of a ministry's operations.
Church and ministry leaders experience unique challenges in their roles in carrying out
their organizations’ Kingdom mission. Those pressures can lead to exhaustion or
a feeling of isolation. In a weakened or injured state, a leader may be more susceptible
to abusing authority, creating unreasonable expectations of self or others, sidestepping
appropriate accountability, or engaging in other unbiblical conduct.
God-honoring boards can come alongside and lift the arms (Ex. 17:8-16) of their senior
leader to be a catalyst for the daily and long-term flourishing of the entire organization.