Stop the Tax on Nonprofit Employee Parking — Sign on to Position Statement

We are circulating a position statement for nonprofit organizations (including churches) concerned about a provision in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that taxes parking benefits provided by many employers.  A new provision in the tax law requires tax-exempt nonprofit organizations to file federal income tax returns and pay unrelated business income tax (UBIT) on the cost of parking provided to employees, even if the organizations do not actually conduct any unrelated business activities.  The law states that the Treasury Department is to provide guidance on the complex issue of how cost is to be determined for this purpose.  In addition to filing federal income tax returns, many nonprofit employers affected by the new law will also be required to file state income tax returns and possibly pay a state income tax as a result of the new federal income tax.

By signing onto this position statement, you will be advocating for the repeal of this new burdensome provision in the law...either by legislation or effectively by action of the Treasury Department.  The position statement may be used to communicate these concerns to members of Congress and/or Treasury officials.

To add your organization’s name to the position statement, fill in the information below.

Your organization's name as you would like it to appear on the position statement: *
Organization City: *
Organization State: *
Your name (which will not be on the position statement): *
Current Signature Count:  2826