As churches and ministries close the books on 2024 and turn to the year ahead, many may be taking a fresh look at their financial stewardship and donor outreach efforts. ECFA’s recent “State of Giving” report happily uncovered optimism among ministry leaders heading into 2025. However, organizations also know that significant financial headwinds must be addressed.
ECFA rolled out several fundraising pieces in 2024 for those evaluating their gift solicitation strategies. Among these is a new “4 Essentials for Integrity in Fundraising Appeals” eBook, which offers practical considerations for all who wish to engage their financial supporters with current, complete, accurate, and honoring communications. Other resources in our Knowledge Center include tools targeted to help with questions about gift deductibility, banquets and auctions, board fundraising responsibilities, and more.
Church and ministry leaders are also likely interested in sector-wide developments that may affect their fundraising in the year ahead. Of note, in a recent article titled “5 Trends That Will Shape Fundraising in 2025,” Chronicle of Philanthropy Senior Editor Rasheeda Childress offered thoughts about several such opportunities and challenges to monitor. Specifically, she zeroed in on continuing concerns with strained finances and dwindling donors, the increasing footprint of donor-advised funds, and significant questions whose time have come in public policy deliberations and artificial intelligence deployment. These trends and more are worthy of further investigation.
Again, ECFA has a host of offerings for you to explore. For example, beyond the valuable insights of the State of Giving report, ECFA also released three survey reports last autumn, gleaning facts and wisdom on ways to maximize online discipleship and generosity.
Moreover, as an active public policy advocate for members on charitable giving, tax exemption, and other nonprofit matters, ECFA has and will continue to be a voice on key issues such as a nonitemizer charitable deduction, wisdom in 990 foreign grant reporting, and a Social Security re-entry window for ministers heading into this year’s tax law “Super Bowl” in Congress. On that note, we hope you will join us for our upcoming Federal Tax Update webinar on January 28.
As we advance into 2025, if you have questions on fundraising, board governance, leader care, financial management, or other nonprofit matters, please know that ECFA prioritizes ongoing support for its members. Our team of experienced, professional staff with accounting, finance, and law credentials want to be by your side as you pursue Christ-honoring practices of integrity and accountability.
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