Coronavirus: Stay Prepared and Stay Informed


As Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreads across the globe, so does the misinformation on the internet. So, who can you trust? It is especially important that church (nonprofit) leaders are using credible information sources, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Here are five additional credible resources:

Best Practices Amidst Coronavirus Concerns by Wagenmaker & Oberly, Attorneys at Law

“The COVID-19 situation is presently quite fluid, and legal guidance in answering these types of questions will be subject to specific facts, circumstances and applicable law. Nonprofit directors and officers owe the nonprofits they serve a fiduciary duty of due diligence.”

Sherman & Howard L.L.C.’s What Employers Should Know

“…employers are faced with the prospect of managing their business during a potential pandemic of unknown proportions…For employers in the United States, the challenge will be to balance recommendations from public health authorities, compliance with applicable employment laws, and business needs.”

Free Manual & Planning Template, plus a Free Webinar Series by Wheaton College’s Humanitarian Disaster Institute (HDI)

“We want to help your church prepare for COVID-19 by showing you how to build on the knowledge, talents, gifts, and resources that already exist within your congregation and community…continue to add new ideas and adjust regularly as you learn more and respond to changing circumstances. As you implement your plan, be sure to consider how your church might help care for vulnerable and underserved individuals and communities.”

David Fletcher with XPastor’s Special Course - Coronavirus and Church

“Open your doors this Sunday to a church that is deeply concerned about coronavirus. The time to get prepared is now! Fletch has 35 years of ministry and will bring his expertise to help you address this emerging crisis. Take action, inform your congregation of your safety measures and pray about outreach to your community.”

A Concise Coronavirus Guide for Churches by Christianity Today

“In these anxious days, the church can shine as a light of hope, care, faith, patience, and prudence, demonstrating for the world how our faith provides true assurance against worry and fear.”

The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability is an accrediting nonprofit organization with more than 2,400 members. ECFA enhances trust in Christ-centered churches and ministries by establishing and applying Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship to accredited organizations. For more information, or to learn more about membership, visit or email


This text is provided with the understanding that ECFA is not rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice or service. Professional advice on specific issues should be sought from an accountant, lawyer, or other professional.