Alliance Defending Freedom
Comparative Financial Data
Scottsdale, AZ
Founded: 1993
Current Status: Member
Member Since: August 23, 1995
ECFA Accredited Member
Comparative Financial Data
  06/30/21 06/30/22 06/30/23
   Cash Donations $76,574,636 $98,129,172 $96,609,772
   Noncash Donations $2,157,574 $1,554,875 $1,251,507
   Other Revenue $6,362,635 $2,062,180 $9,982,746
   Total Revenue $85,094,845 $101,746,227 $107,844,025
   Program $53,632,569 $67,269,566 $79,544,194
   Administrative $6,628,928 $7,842,247 $9,286,695
   Fundraising $8,939,822 $9,227,041 $11,090,701
   Other $0 $0 $0
   Total Expenses $69,201,319 $84,338,854 $99,921,590
Excess (or Deficit)
      for the Year
$15,893,526 $17,407,373 $7,922,435
Other $0 $0 $0
Total Change
   in Net Assets
$15,893,526 $17,407,373 $7,922,435
Total Assets $83,496,747 $89,908,134 $103,441,155
Total Liabilities $21,268,883 $10,272,897 $15,883,483
Net Assets $62,227,864 $79,635,237 $87,557,672

Per the organization's financial statements