Destiny Rescue USA
Comparative Financial Data
Fort Wayne, IN
Founded: 2008
Current Status: Member
Member Since: April 2, 2014
ECFA Accredited Member
Comparative Financial Data
  12/31/21 12/31/22 12/31/23
   Cash Donations $4,554,816 $5,015,895 $6,680,317
   Noncash Donations $0 $0 $0
   Other Revenue $8,693 $11,723 $-1,219
   Total Revenue $4,563,509 $5,027,618 $6,679,098
   Program $3,218,881 $4,477,760 $5,157,803
   Administrative $478,836 $446,743 $543,027
   Fundraising $325,728 $433,737 $593,155
   Other $0 $0 $0
   Total Expenses $4,023,445 $5,358,240 $6,293,985
Excess (or Deficit)
      for the Year
$540,064 $-330,622 $385,113
Other $0 $0 $0
Total Change
   in Net Assets
$540,064 $-330,622 $385,113
Total Assets $2,159,510 $1,770,790 $2,169,872
Total Liabilities $422,428 $364,330 $378,299
Net Assets $1,737,082 $1,406,460 $1,791,573

Per the organization's financial statements