GCPN Global Connection Partnership Network dba Restore Hope
Comparative Financial Data
Arlington, TX
Founded: 2006
Current Status: Member
Member Since: August 22, 2012
ECFA Accredited Member
Comparative Financial Data
  12/31/21 12/31/22 12/31/23
   Cash Donations $2,211,482 $2,594,696 $2,044,843
   Noncash Donations $34,163 $56,399 $32,666
   Other Revenue $132,565 $34,109 $88,363
   Total Revenue $2,378,210 $2,685,204 $2,165,872
   Program $1,502,399 $1,629,050 $1,501,926
   Administrative $363,235 $346,334 $377,278
   Fundraising $47,704 $65,939 $82,426
   Other $0 $0 $0
   Total Expenses $1,913,338 $2,041,323 $1,961,630
Excess (or Deficit)
      for the Year
$464,872 $643,881 $204,242
Other $0 $0 $0
Total Change
   in Net Assets
$464,872 $643,881 $204,242
Total Assets $2,514,483 $3,114,834 $3,295,963
Total Liabilities $133,017 $89,487 $66,374
Net Assets $2,381,466 $3,025,347 $3,229,589

Per the organization's financial statements