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ReFrame Ministries

Ministry Description
ReFrame Ministries is the worldwide media ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.

Our vision is that the lives and worldviews of all people around the globe will be transformed by God's gospel message.

Relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we create contextual media resources in ten major world languages (those with over 100 million speaking the language) that proclaim the gospel, disciple believers, and strengthen the church throughout the world.

In North America, ReFrame Ministries uses various forms of media such as radio, the internet, daily emails, smartphone applications, smart speaker technology, social media, and printed discipleship and devotional materials through the United States and Canada. It offers a suite of programs tailored for specific audiences:

Church Juice - A program providing resources for church leaders to intentionally engage their congregations and communities in meaningful ways. It includes free resources to help refine church websites, social media, branding, and marketing.

Family Fire - An online community exploring what it means to be Holy Spirit-led in families, dating, marriages, parenting, in-law relationships, and other topics. A team of therapists, pastors, and writers stoke the Spirit’s flame through live retreat events and encouragement on the web, social media, and email.

Groundwork - A half-hour radio program and podcast to build a biblical foundation for life. The Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) hosts invite listeners into conversation that digs deeply into the substance of God’s Word.

Kid’s Corner - A website that helps kids find their place in God’s story. Kid’s Corner includes web-based resources to help parents guide their children as they grow in lifelong relationships with Jesus such as a weekly kids’ devotion and parent blog, audio adventures, audio bible stories, Kids in Action videos, and DIY activities.

? Think Christian - An online magazine and podcast where Christians bridge the perceived gap between faith and culture. Thoughtful discussions explore God’s sovereignty over culture and what it means to live and think as a Christian.

Today - A daily devotional that helps people refresh, refocus, and renew their faith. Today contributors provide reflection and insight, from years of ministry experience, into biblical themes developed over an entire month, such as a 30-day Bible study. Today is distributed in print, on the web, as a mobile app, as a two-minute audio version, and via daily emails. The devotional is also distributed as a podcast and available on smart speakers such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

Prayer Ministry – A program coordinating a team of over 8,700 prayer volunteers who pray for the hundreds of individuals who request prayer through one of the above six programs each week. As well, Prayer Learners, numbering close to 10,000 are provided with resources to help them grow in knowledge and gain confidence for their prayer lives.

Internationally, using relevant media to reach specific people groups, the Agency carries out programming internationally in ten of the major world languages (those with over 100 million speaking the language) consisting of Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Individuals around the world have access to God’s Word in their own language every day. Responses have been received from nearly every country.
Ministry Details
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Founded: 1939
Tel: (616) 224-0755
Top Leader: Rev. Dr. Kurt Selles
Donor Contact: Ms. Louise Wing
Member Since: October 10, 1989
Financial Data
Total Expenses
for the year
Total Change
   in Net Assets
Revenues and Expenses are rarely equal.
Net Assets
Nonprofits need operating reserves.
Revenue and Expenses Trend
This chart compares a charity's primary revenue and its program expenses over the course of its three most recent fiscal years. Generally, as a charity’s funding increases, its spending on programs and services increases as well.
Data for year ended June 30, 2024. Per the organization's financial statements
Ministry Sectors & Types
Ministry Sectors
  • Media
  • Ministry
  • Missions
  • Ministry Types
  • Media: Television (primary)
  • Discipleship
  • Evangelism
  • Media: Internet
  • Media: Radio
  • Other Names Under Which Funds May Be Raised